





感谢您的支持与配合!一、基本信息1. 您的性别:A. 男B. 女C. 其他2. 您所在的年级:A. 大一B. 大二C. 大三D. 大四E. 研究生3. 您所在的学院:_______________二、熬夜情况4. 您每天晚上一般几点睡觉?A. 22:00之前B. 22:00-23:00C. 23:00-24:00D. 24:00之后5. 您每天的睡眠时间一般有多久?A. 6小时以下B. 6-8小时C. 8-10小时D. 10小时以上6. 您认为您的睡眠质量如何?A. 非常好B. 较好C. 一般D. 较差E. 非常差7. 您认为晚上几点才算是熬夜?A. 23:00B. 24:00C. 凌晨1:00D. 凌晨2:00E. 更晚三、熬夜原因8. 您通常什么时候熬夜?A. 学习压力B. 社交活动C. 娱乐休闲D. 个人兴趣爱好E. 其他(请注明):__________________9. 您熬夜的原因有哪些?(可多选)A. 学业压力B. 完成作业C. 参加社团活动D. 看剧、玩游戏E. 与朋友聚会F. 处理个人事务G. 其他(请注明):__________________四、熬夜影响10. 熬夜过后您的状态如何?A. 感觉良好,精力充沛B. 精神状态一般,略显疲惫C. 精神状态较差,感到困倦D. 身体不适,出现头痛、乏力等症状11. 如果熬夜之后对你产生了影响,第二天你会采取什么措施?A. 多休息,补充睡眠B. 服用提神药物C. 增加运动量D. 调整饮食E. 其他(请注明):__________________五、对熬夜的看法12. 您所了解到的熬夜有哪些危害吗?(可多选)A. 影响记忆力B. 降低免疫力C. 导致内分泌失调D. 加重心理压力E. 增加患心血管疾病的风险F. 其他(请注明):__________________13. 以下选项哪个最能反映您对熬夜的看法?A. 熬夜是必要的,可以提高学习效率B. 熬夜可以放松心情,但需适度C. 熬夜对身体健康有害,应尽量避免D. 熬夜是一种普遍现象,无需过度关注14. 您对熬夜持什么态度?A. 支持B. 反对C. 中立六、改善措施15. 您通常在睡前会做些什么?A. 学习B. 看剧、玩游戏C. 聊天、社交D. 听音乐、阅读E. 其他(请注明):__________________16.。



关于大学生熬夜的英语报告IntroductionIn today's fast-paced society, it is not uncommon for college students to burn the midnight oil. The pressures of academic success, social commitments, and personal obligations often lead students to sacrifice sleep in order to keep up. However, the consequences of pulling all-nighters and living on minimal sleep can be detrimental to both physical and mental well-being. This report aims to explore the effects of late nights on college students and provide recommendations for a healthier lifestyle.Body1. Academic EffectsOne of the primary reasons students stay up late is to complete assignments or study for exams. While it may seem like a productive strategy, prolonged sleep deprivation can actually hinder academic performance. Lack of sleep impairs concentration, memory, and cognitive abilities, leading to decreased productivity and retention of information. Students who consistently burn themidnight oil may find themselves struggling to understand complex concepts and achieving lower grades than theirwell-rested peers.2. Health ProblemsSleep deprivation not only affects academic performance but also has a significant impact on physical health. College students who frequently stay up late are at a higher risk of developing a variety of health problems. Chronic sleep deprivation weakens the immune system, making individuals more susceptible to illnesses such as colds and the flu. Additionally, it can lead to weight gain, hormonal imbalances, and an elevated risk of heart disease. Lack of sleep can also contribute to mental health issues such as anxiety and depression, exacerbating the already high levels of stress experienced by college students.3. Impaired Decision-making and JudgmentSleep-deprived individuals often exhibit impaireddecision-making and judgment skills. College students who sacrifice sleep to socialize or engage in late-night activities mayfind themselves making irrational choices that they would not have made in a well-rested state. Impaired judgment can lead to poor academic choices, risky behavior, and strained relationships. Moreover, lack of sleep increases the likelihood of accidents, both on and off-campus, as tired individuals have slower reaction times and reduced alertness.4. Tips for Healthy Sleep HabitsTo mitigate the negative effects of late nights, it is essential for college students to prioritize healthy sleep habits. Here are some tips to improve sleep quality:- Establish a consistent sleep schedule by going to bed and waking up at the same time every day, including weekends.- Create a sleep-friendly environment by ensuring the bedroom is dark, quiet, and at a comfortable temperature.- Avoid consuming caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol close to bedtime, as they can disrupt sleep patterns.- Incorporate relaxation techniques such as reading, listening to calming music, or taking a warm bath before bedtime.- Limit screen time, especially before going to bed, as the blue light emitted by electronic devices can interfere with melatonin production.By adopting these strategies, college students can promote better sleep hygiene and improve their overall well-being. ConclusionIn conclusion, the ramifications of late nights on college students are far-reaching. Sleep deprivation not only hampers academic performance but also poses serious threats to physical and mental health. It impairs decision-making and judgment, increasing the likelihood of making irrational choices and engaging in risky behavior. However, with the implementation of healthy sleep habits, college students can significantly reduce the negative impact of late nights on their lives. It is crucial for students to prioritize their well-being and recognize that a good night's sleep is essential for success.。





1. 您的性别:

2. 您所在年级:
3. 您是否熬夜?
4. 您晚上一般几点睡?
5. 您大约几点起?
6. 你认为几点睡算熬夜?
7. 您通常什么时候熬夜?
8. 熬夜的原因?
9. 熬夜的影响?
10. 与高中相比您现在的熬夜情况怎么样?
11. 有没有想过不再熬夜?

12. 有什么方法可以减少熬夜?
13. 如果熬夜对您的生活造成影响你会怎么做? 减少熬夜次数
14. 您对大学生熬夜的建议或意见。







9.您是否认为熬夜对身体有极大危害? 完全认同




调查对象:大学生群体调查时间: 2022年4月一、背景信息1.请问您的性别是?•[ ] 男•[ ] 女2.请问您的年龄是?•[ ] 18岁以下•[ ] 18-20岁•[ ] 21-23岁•[ ] 24岁及以上3.您的大学阶段是?•[ ] 本科一年级•[ ] 本科二年级•[ ] 本科三年级•[ ] 本科四年级•[ ] 研究生及以上4.您目前就读的学校是?•[文本框]二、熬夜情况调查5.您平均每周熬夜的次数是多少?•[ ] 1次以下•[ ] 1-2次•[ ] 3-4次•[ ] 5次及以上6.您通常在什么时间段熬夜?•[ ] 22:00-24:00•[ ] 24:00-02:00•[ ] 02:00-04:00•[ ] 04:00及以上7.您熬夜的原因是什么?(可多选)•[ ] 学业压力大•[ ] 逃避现实问题•[ ] 娱乐活动(游戏、影视等)•[ ] 社交活动(聚会、夜店等)•[ ] 其他(请注明)8.您在熬夜过程中通常做什么?(可多选)•[ ] 学习•[ ] 网络娱乐(游戏、影视等)•[ ] 与朋友聊天•[ ] 进行社交媒体活动•[ ] 其他(请注明)三、对熬夜影响的认知9.对于熬夜对身体健康的影响,您有清楚的认知吗?•[ ] 是•[ ] 否10.您认为熬夜会对身体健康造成哪些不良影响?(可多选)•[ ] 精神疲劳•[ ] 免疫力下降•[ ] 头痛、头晕•[ ]偏头痛•[ ] 心理健康问题(焦虑、抑郁等)•[ ] 食欲不振•[ ] 其他(请注明)11.您对如何改善熬夜对身体健康的影响有何了解或建议?(请阐述)四、个人健康管理情况12.您每天的平均睡眠时间是多少?•[ ] 6小时以下•[ ] 6-8小时•[ ] 8-10小时•[ ] 10小时以上13.您是否有进行一定的体育锻炼?•[ ] 是•[ ] 否14.您平时的饮食习惯如何?•[ ] 健康均衡•[ ] 偏食或挑食•[ ] 垃圾食品较多15.您有参加其他健康管理活动吗?(如冥想、瑜伽等)•[ ] 是•[ ] 否五、其他问题与建议16.您在校期间遇到的其他身心健康问题有哪些?(请注明)17.您对大学生熬夜问题有何建议或想要了解的内容?(请阐述)非常感谢您参与本次调查!您的回答将为我们提供宝贵的数据和参考意见。



Para 1
Recently we have carried out a survey in our school--- “Do you often stay up late at night?” The main findings are as follows: Half of the students surveyed keep late hours, with 45.4% sometimes burning the midnight oil, while only 4.65% of the students never stay up.
When did Liza go to bed? Why did she stay up? What will happen if she go on like this? What is Liza going to do after the conference?
Ella: You look awful. Have you stayed up late again? Liza: I went to bed at four. I have too much to do with a conference coming up. E: You must stop working around the clock! You are ruining your own health. to be going to L: What else can I do? I'm running out of time. happen very soon I have a bad headache, and coffee is 即将发生(或出现、 losing its effect on me. 到来) E: Get some rest. I think it will improve your concentration. I don't think you could go on like this. Remember the famous saying "early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise."





您的宝贵意见对我们非常重要,感谢您的支持与配合!一、基本信息1. 您的性别:()男()女2. 您所在的年级:()大一()大二()大三()大四3. 您所在的学院:____________________________二、熬夜情况4. 您平均每周熬夜的次数是多少?()0次()1-2次()3-4次()5次及以上5. 您熬夜的主要原因有哪些?(可多选)()学习压力()兼职、实习()社交活动()兴趣爱好()其他(请注明):____________________________ 6. 您通常熬夜的时间是?()晚上10点至11点()11点至12点()12点至凌晨1点()凌晨1点至凌晨2点()凌晨2点至凌晨3点()凌晨3点及以上7. 您熬夜后的状态如何?()精神饱满,效率高()精神不振,但能完成任务()精神不振,效率低下()无法完成任务,需要休息三、熬夜对身心健康的影响8. 您认为熬夜对您的身体健康有哪些影响?(可多选)()免疫力下降()视力下降()记忆力减退()消化系统问题()其他(请注明):____________________________ 9. 您认为熬夜对您的心理健康有哪些影响?(可多选)()情绪低落()焦虑()抑郁()其他(请注明):____________________________四、改善熬夜现象的建议10. 您认为学校在改善大学生熬夜现象方面可以采取哪些措施?(可多选)()加强心理健康教育()开设时间管理课程()调整作息时间表()提供更多娱乐活动()加强校园文化建设()其他(请注明):____________________________11. 您认为自己在改善熬夜现象方面可以做出哪些努力?(可多选)()调整作息时间()合理安排学习、工作、休息()提高自律能力()寻求心理支持()其他(请注明):____________________________感谢您抽出宝贵时间完成本次问卷调查!您的意见和建议对我们非常重要,我们将认真分析,为改善大学生熬夜现象提供有益参考。



大学生熬夜成为现状英语作文**The Prevailing Trend of Staying Up Late: The Current Situation and Challenges Facing College Students**In the fast-paced world of today, the现象of college students staying up late has become increasingly common. This trend is not without its reasons, ranging from academic pressures, social engagements, to personal hobbies and routines. However, this prevalent practice poses significant health and academic challenges that must be addressed.Firstly, the academic demands of college life oftenlead students to stay up late, cramming for exams or completing assignments. The competitive nature of higher education encourages students to sacrifice sleep in pursuit of excellence. However, this tradeoff often comes at a cost. Lack of adequate sleep can lead to decreased concentration, memory problems, and a general feeling of fatigue, whichcan significantly impact academic performance.Moreover, staying up late can have serious implications for physical and mental health. Sleep deprivation canweaken the immune system, leading to frequent illnesses. It can also lead to mood swings, anxiety, and depression, as the body and mind are unable to recharge and rejuvenate. Long-term effects of chronic sleep deprivation can even include weight gain, heart disease, and diabetes.In addition to these health concerns, staying up late can also interfere with social and interpersonal relationships. Missing out on sleep can lead to a decrease in social engagement, as students find it difficult to maintain energy and enthusiasm for extracurricular activities. This can have a negative impact on their social skills and network, which are crucial for personal and professional development.To address these challenges, it is essential for college students to prioritize sleep and establish healthy sleep habits. This includes setting a regular sleep schedule, limiting exposure to screens before bedtime, and engaging in relaxing activities such as reading or meditation. Additionally, students should aim to balance their academic, social, and personal lives to avoid excessive stress and burnout.Furthermore, universities and colleges should also play a role in promoting healthy sleep habits among students. This could include providing education on the importance of sleep, offering counseling services for students facing stress and anxiety, and creating a campus environment that fosters a healthy work-life balance.In conclusion, while staying up late may seem like a necessary evil in the fast-paced world of college life, it is crucial for students to recognize its negative impacts on their health, academic performance, and social well-being. By prioritizing sleep and establishing healthy sleep habits, students can ensure that they are able to thrive both academically and personally during their college journey.**熬夜成风:大学生的现状与挑战**在当今快节奏的社会中,大学生熬夜已成为一种普遍现象。



18.What are the reasons that make you can’t sleep well?
a. b. c. d. e. f. Noise, light Pressure Not tired Bad mood Unfinished work Think too much
19.Do you think computer in the dorm have influence on your sleep? If it does ,what’s the influence?
7.Do you usually dream at night?
A. Always B. Usually C. Generally D. Sometimes E. Seld have a nightmare?
A. Always B .Usually C. Generally D .Sometimes E. Seldom 0 0 7 25 10

No influence
a. b. c.
d. e.
Roommates always chat online so that disturb ours sleep Computer become the biggest reason for stay up late The sound of knock mouse and keyboard and the light from the computer makes us can’t sleep well Roommates play games all night Too noisy
A .Good B .Just so so C .Rather bad D .Terrible 9 29 5 1





调查对象大学生群体调查内容1. 基本信息请填写以下基本信息:•性别:•年龄:•专业:•学年:2. 熬夜频率请回答以下问题:1.你熬夜的频率是多少?–几乎每晚都熬夜–每周多次熬夜–偶尔熬夜–很少熬夜2.你通常在什么时间开始熬夜?–夜晚10点后–凌晨12点后–凌晨2点后–其他,请注明:3.你熬夜的主要原因是什么?(可以选择多个选项)–学习任务过多–睡眠质量不佳–兴趣爱好或社交活动–网络娱乐(游戏、视频等)–忙于打工或兼职–其他,请注明:4.你是否觉得熬夜对你的学习效果有帮助?–是–否3. 熬夜对身体健康的影响请回答以下问题:1.你经常熬夜后是否出现过以下身体不适症状?(可以选择多个选项)–头痛–失眠–精神不集中–注意力不易集中–食欲不振–其他,请注明:2.你是否注意到熬夜对你的身体健康造成了影响?–是–否3.你是否尝试过改善熬夜对身体的影响?–是–否4.如果有改善措施,你尝试了哪些方法?(可以选择多个选项)–规律作息–饮食调整–锻炼身体–改善睡眠环境–减少熬夜次数–其他,请注明:4. 其他问题1.你是否认为大学生熬夜现象普遍存在?–是–否2.如果是,请简述你认为大学生熬夜现象普遍存在的原因。




思修报告大学生熬夜情况调查总结 PPT

思修报告大学生熬夜情况调查总结 PPT


的 解


WE ARE 我们正年轻


小 贴 士
1.睡前做适当运动,如散步、柔软体操。 2.睡前用36度左右的温水洗脸或洗澡。 3.保持室内空气清新、温润。 4.睡前切记进食和大量饮用饮料。但在睡前饮半杯问你奶有助睡眠且养颜。

□免大 疫一力下□降大二□□ 头大晕三,注□意大力四不集中,办事效率低 □情绪波动大,人际关
3系. 紧你张的专□业无?影响
□49□..有文 加你熬科强一夜效类营般后答养几你点会卷□□睡采加:理?取强科什1身类么5体保9锻健炼□措□工施洗科降脸类低,不冲适澡?□满(艺□意不术午定类程睡项或度选周)末:补4觉.2□8尽量避免
失眠 看小说(+2) 学软件 逛贴吧 刷微博/人人 学校固定11点熄 灯 实习期间任务繁重 做事磨蹭


同学均或多或少地 了解熬夜对于健康 的影响,只是迫于 压力有时不得不选 择熬夜。
无措施(+2) 听音乐 弹吉他放松心情


小 贴 士
1.晚饭不能吃太饱,多吃清淡的食物,如蔬菜等。 2.熬夜时要吃热的东西,当然热牛奶是很不错的,但不要吃难以消化的食物。 3.一定要注意保暖,多做深呼吸。 4.要多喝白开水,吃水果当宵夜。





非常感谢您的合作!1.你的性别是?A.男B.女2. 您所在的年级是?A. 大一B.大二C.大三3. 您有熬夜的习惯吗?A.经常熬夜B.偶尔熬夜C.从不熬夜4.您所在的宿舍熬夜的人多吗?A. 没人熬夜B.偶尔有人熬夜C.所有人都熬夜5. 您一般在什么时候熬夜?A.工作日B.周末C.从不熬夜6.如果熬夜,您通常做什么?A.玩电脑B.赶作业C.聊电话D.其他7.如果熬夜,一般会熬到几点?A.12点到1点B.1点到3点C.3点到5点D.通宵8. 熬夜后的一天工作或学习,您觉得精神吗?A.经常打瞌睡,很困B.偶尔打瞌睡C. 很精神,猛如虎9.您知道熬夜对健康不好吗?A.知道B.不知道C.无所谓10、熬夜花费时间和精力,您觉得?A.后悔耽误了太多精力B.偶尔会懊悔C.觉得与周围的人相比还算正常D.很有效率,对自己很有帮助E.没想过,就那个样子11、您自己熬夜,您觉得吵到别人吗?A.觉得B.不觉得12、宿舍有人投诉您熬夜吵到他们睡觉,您会?A.继续搞自己的B.到别的宿舍C.停止熬夜去睡觉13、宿舍有人熬夜,您觉得?A.吵死了,无法入睡B. 不是很吵,还能接受C.自己也熬夜,各搞各的14、宿舍会因为熬夜发生争执吗?A. 经常B. 偶尔C. 曾经有过D.从不15、如果学校规定晚上11点前睡觉,并通过断网断电来执行,您觉得?A.不能接受B. 工作日可以,周末不行C. 很好,更有精神学习D. 无所谓16、总体来说,您认为熬夜?A.利大于弊B. 弊大于利再次感谢您在百忙中接受我们的问卷调查,谢谢您的合作!祝您工作顺利,家庭幸福!。



熬夜调查问卷报告范文英语Introduction:The purpose of this survey was to investigate the prevalence of all-nighters among college students, the reasons for staying up late, and the impact of sleep deprivation on academic performance and overall well-being.Methodology:A total of 200 college students participated in the survey, which was conducted online. The respondents were asked about their sleep habits, the frequency of staying up late, the reasons for pulling all-nighters, and the effects of sleep deprivation on their daily lives.Results:- 70% of respondents reported staying up all night at least once a month.- The most common reasons for pulling all-nighters were studying for exams (45%), socializing with friends (25%), and playing video games (15%).- 80% of students admitted to feeling tired or fatigued the next day after staying up all night.- 60% of respondents reported a decrease in concentration and productivity due to lack of sleep.- 40% of students experienced mood swings and irritability after pulling an all-nighter.- 30% of respondents stated that their academic performance suffered as a result of staying up late.Discussion:The findings of this survey highlight the high prevalence of all-nighters among college students and the negative consequences of sleep deprivation on academic performance and overall well-being. It is important for students to prioritize their sleep and establish healthy sleep habits to avoid the detrimental effects of staying up late.Conclusion:In conclusion, the results of this survey indicate that staying up all night is a common occurrence among college students, but it can have serious consequences on their health and academic performance. It is essential for students to prioritize their sleep and find a balance between their academic responsibilities and their well-being.In addition to the negative impact on academic performance and overall well-being, prolonged sleep deprivation resulting from all-nighters can also have serious long-term health consequences. Chronic sleep deprivation has been linked to increased risk of obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and mental health disorders such as depression and anxiety. It can also weaken the immune system, making individuals more susceptible to illnesses and infections.Moreover, pulling all-nighters can create a vicious cycle of poor sleep habits, leading to a dependency on caffeine and other stimulants to stay awake and alert during the day. This can further disrupt the natural sleep-wake cycle and make it even harder to get quality rest at night.To address the issue of all-nighters among college students, universities and educational institutions can implement strategiesto promote healthy sleep habits and stress management techniques. This includes educating students about the importance of prioritizing sleep, providing resources for time management and study skills, and creating a campus culture that values well-being and self-care.Students can also take proactive steps to avoid the need for all-nighters by planning ahead, breaking up study sessions into manageable chunks, and setting realistic goals for studying and completing assignments. Establishing a consistent bedtime routine, creating a sleep-friendly environment, and practicing relaxation techniques can also help improve sleep quality and reduce the likelihood of pulling all-nighters.Ultimately, by recognizing the detrimental effects of all-nighters and making sleep a priority, college students can improve their academic performance, mental health, and overall quality of life. Finding a balance between academic responsibilities and self-care is essential for success in college and beyond.。



QuestionnaireHello!First of all, thank you for answering this questionnaire in the busy, delay your time please understand.We are xxx University students, the objective of this investigation is to understand the current situation in today's society Chinese "national essence", you answer no matter right or wrong, as long as it can really reflect your mind can achieve the purpose of our investigation, all data are used only for statistical analysis, please feel free to fill in..1. You about Beijing Opera cognition degree:A. familiar withB. knowC. Strange2. Do you think Beijing Opera behind the times?A. yesB.no3. If there is an opportunity you want to go to see a Beijing Opera:A. want toB. don’t want to4. You can say "four stars" Beijing opera:A. canB. can't5. If you see Beijing Opera on TV, you will:A. watch the understanding ofB. stay for a while to understandC. immediate replacement6. You watch Beijing Opera impression:A. satisfiedB. not satisfiedC. no impression7. How many Beijing Opera have you ever seen:A. more than tenB. fiveC. never seen8. What do you think now many young people don't like Beijing Opera:A. have many kinds of entertainmentsB. not interested inC. lack of modern marketing means, make young people understand the less9. What do you think what the charm of Beijing Opera:A. the actor's deep strengthB. rich artistic formC. the development of long history and rich culture ofD. no attraction10. Beijing Opera in now society don't continue to develop, to improve:A. singing rhythm slowB. no knowledge don't understandC. the work background is unknown, increase understanding the difficulty ofD. the topic is too old, and real tight link cutE. otherFor your help, our sincere thank you! In order to guarantee the complete and detailed information, please you take a minute and look at yourself in the questionnaire, to see if there is fill, fill leakage fault, thank you!ConclusionDuring the survey, we found some problems, as modern college students, we know about Beijing Opera is becoming less and less, this is the reality of a heartbreaking. The reason why we do this survey is not only knew the result, but come up with ideas to solve this problem! So I think during the university to open the Beijing Opera art knowledge and appreciation of this course is necessary. If you do this, can increase the intensity of Beijing Opera publicity, make university students have the opportunity to know more about the "quintessence" of Beijing Opera, slowly to like Beijing Opera, interested in Beijing Opera, so Beijing Opera can get better development and inheritance, at the same time, also can make students better understand the Chinese traditional culture Today's Beijing Opera to cultivate audience, make young people to see to understand, old people used to look. Now Peking Opera to develop audience, make young people to see to understand, old people used to see, to cultivate a generation of young actors, injected fresh blood to Beijing Opera, Beijing Opera will day by day grow, flowers everywhere.This is what we make questionnaire summary.。



Introduction:Dear Participant,Thank you for taking the time to complete this sleep quality survey. This questionnaire aims to understand your sleep patterns, habits, and overall sleep quality. Your responses will help us analyze common sleep issues and provide valuable insights for improving sleep health. All responses will be kept confidential and used for research purposes only. Please answer the following questions to the best of your ability.Section 1: Demographics1. Age:- 18-24- 25-34- 35-44- 45-54- 55-64- 65+2. Gender:- Male- Female- Non-binary- Prefer not to say3. Ethnicity:- Caucasian- Hispanic- Asian- African American- Native American- Other (please specify)- Prefer not to say4. Marital Status:- Single- Married- Divorced- Widowed- Other (please specify)- Prefer not to say5. Education Level:- Less than high school- High school graduate- Some college- Bachelor’s degree- Graduate degreeSection 2: Sleep Patterns6. Average Hours Slept Per Night: - Less than 5 hours- 5-6 hours- 7-8 hours- 9-10 hours- 11-12 hours- More than 12 hours7. Bedtime Routine:- Regular bedtime and wake-up time- Irregular bedtime and wake-up time- No set bedtime or wake-up time8. Average Time to Fall Asleep:- Less than 15 minutes- 15-30 minutes- 31-60 minutes- More than 60 minutes9. Frequency of Nighttime Wakefulness:- Rarely- Occasionally- Frequently- Always10. Average Number of Times Woken Up During the Night: - 0 times- 1 time- 2 times- 3 times- 4+ timesSection 3: Sleep Environment11. Bedroom Temperature:- Too hot- Just right- Too cold12. Light in Bedroom:- Very bright- Somewhat bright- Just right- Somewhat dark- Very dark13. Noise in Bedroom:- Very loud- Somewhat loud- Just right- Somewhat quiet- Very quiet14. Use of Electronic Devices Before Bed: - Always- Sometimes- Rarely- NeverSection 4: Sleep Quality15. Overall Sleep Quality:- Very Poor- Poor- Fair- Good- Very Good16. Common Sleep Issues:- Difficulty falling asleep- Waking up during the night- Waking up too early- Daytime sleepiness- Other (please specify)17. Impact of Sleep Issues on Daily Life: - No impact- Slight impact- Moderate impact- Severe impactSection 5: Sleep Habits and Attitudes 18. Regular Exercise:- Yes, daily- Yes, a few times a week- Yes, occasionally- No。



大学生熬夜现象调查问卷一.学生基本信息调查1.您的性别: [单选题] [必答题]○男○女2.请问您的年级是? [单选题] [必答题]○大一○大二○大三○大四○大五及以上3.请问您的专业是? [单选题] [必答题]○工科类○理科类○文科类○艺术类○体育类○医学类○经管类二.作息情况调查4.请问您一般工作日的就寝时间在? [单选题] [必答题]○ 11点之前○ 11点到12点○ 12点到凌晨1点○凌晨1点以后5.您一般周末的就寝时间? [单选题] [必答题]○ 11点之前○ 11点到12点○ 12点到凌晨1点○凌晨1点以后6.请问您一天的睡眠时间大约是几个小时?(不包括午睡时间) [单选题] [必答题] ○ 4小时以下○ 4到6小时○ 6到8小时○ 8小时以上三.熬夜情况调查7.您所理解的熬夜,通常是____点以后入睡? [填空题] [必答题]_________________________________8.如果12点之后睡觉算熬夜,请问您经常熬夜吗? [单选题] [必答题]○经常○偶尔○从不9.请问您是否会采取措施(如喝咖啡等)增加熬夜时间? [单选题] [必答题] ○是○否10.您认为熬夜会影响舍友的正常休息吗? [单选题] [必答题]○通常会○基本不会○不了解11.你是否赞成熬夜 [单选题] [必答题]○赞成○不赞成○中立12.您是否赞成大学生因为年轻可以多熬夜的这种观点? [单选题] [必答题] ○是○否13.您通常熬夜的客观原因 [多选题] [必答题]□学习任务繁重□打游戏□聊天,刷空间或朋友圈□看视频听音乐□受舍友影响,无法按时休息□其他 ________________□社团活动14.你经常熬夜的主观原因 [多选题] [必答题]□缺乏自制力,想早睡不能早睡□认为熬夜无关轻重,影响不大□晚上学习或工作效率高□习惯性晚睡□失眠□其他 _________________15.你了解熬夜的危害吗 [单选题] [必答题]○比较了解○了解一点○不了解16.您认为熬夜会对第二天生活造成哪些影响? [多选题] [必答题]□起不了床,以至于迟到或旷课□上课无精打采,缺乏效率□没有时间吃早餐,经常饿肚子□没有影响□其他 _________________17.如果熬夜对您的生活产生了影响,您会采取哪些措施? [多选题] [必答题] □明日晚起或补觉□减少熬夜次数□加强锻炼□咖啡或功能饮料维持精神□置之不理□其他 _________________18.您了解哪些由熬夜导致的下列危害? [多选题] [必答题]□面容憔悴□视力下降□记忆力下降□性情暴躁□长期不吃早餐引起的胃病□危害不大或不明显□不熬夜□其他 _________________19.如果您不支持熬夜,您认为哪些措施对减少熬夜有帮助? [多选题] [必答题] □自我规划□舍友监督□宣传熬夜的消极影响,提倡按时休息□宿舍按时断电断网□其他 _________________20.如果可能,您支持宿舍断电断网吗? [单选题] [必答题] ○支持○不支持。



Introduction:Dear Respondent,We are conducting a survey to understand the daily routines of individuals in our community. Your participation is crucial in helping us gather valuable insights into how people manage their time, organize their days, and balance various aspects of their lives. This questionnaire should take approximately 10-15 minutes to complete. All responses will be kept confidential and used solely for research purposes. Thank you for your time and cooperation.Section 1: Personal Information1. Age:- Under 18- 18-24- 25-34- 35-44- 45-54- 55-64- 65 and above2. Gender:- Male- Female- Non-binary- Prefer not to say3. Occupation:- Student- Full-time employee- Part-time employee- Self-employed- Homemaker- Retired- Other (please specify)4. Education Level:- High school diploma/GED- Some college, no degree- Bachelor’s degree- Master’s degree- Doctoral degree- Other (please specify)Section 2: Wake-Up and Sleep Patterns5. What time do you typically wake up in the morning? - Before 6:00 AM- 6:00 AM - 7:00 AM- 7:00 AM - 8:00 AM- 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM- 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM- 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM- After 11:00 AM6. What time do you typically go to bed at night?- Before 10:00 PM- 10:00 PM - 11:00 PM- 11:00 PM - 12:00 AM- 12:00 AM - 1:00 AM- 1:00 AM - 2:00 AM- 2:00 AM - 3:00 AM- After 3:00 AM7. How many hours of sleep do you typically get per night? - 5-6 hours- 7 hours- 8 hours- 9 hours- 10 hours- 11 hours- 12 hours or moreSection 3: Morning Routine8. What is the first thing you do when you wake up?- Brush my teeth- Make the bed- Check my phone- Drink water- Exercise- Other (please specify)9. How long does your morning routine typically take?- Less than 15 minutes- 15-30 minutes- 30-45 minutes- 45-1 hour- More than 1 hour10. Do you have a morning ritual or habit that you stick to every day? - Yes- NoSection 4: Work or Study Schedule11. What time do you start your work or study day?- Before 8:00 AM- 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM- 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM- 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM- 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM- 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM- After 1:00 PM12. What time do you finish your work or study day?-。



大学生熬夜已成为普遍现象英语作文English:A major reason for the prevalent phenomenon of college students staying up late is the heavy academic workload and the pressure to excel in their studies. Many students are faced with a large number of assignments, projects, exams, and extracurricular activities, leaving them with no choice but to sacrifice sleep in order to keep up. Moreover, the prevalence of modern technologies such as smartphones and computers has made it easier for students to stay up late, leading to disrupted sleep patterns. Additionally, social activities and peer influence also play a role in encouraging late-night habits among college students. The competitive nature of the job market also adds to the pressure on students to prioritize their academic performance over their health, leading them to neglect their sleep. Overall, these factors combine to create a culture of staying up late among college students.Translated content:大学生熬夜已成为普遍现象的一个主要原因是沉重的学业负担和对学业出色的压力。




1. 您的性别为

2. 您目前在读是大几
3. 您晚上的正常作息时间为
4. 一般导致您熬夜的因素是
5. 一般您熬夜的时间多长(11点半后算熬夜的情况下)
6. 学校目前调整熄灯时间对您熬不熬夜是否有影响

7. 熬夜后第二天您的精神状况是怎样的
出现其他身体不适的情况或是皮肤变差等肌肤状况8. 熬夜后您的心情如何
9. 您对大学生熬夜的态度
10. 对于大学生熬夜您有什么看法或是建议

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Questionnaire about th e Phenomenon of Undergraduates’
Staying up Late
1.Your gender:
A. Male
B. Female
2. Your grade:
A. Freshman
B. Sophomore
C. Junior
D. Senior
3. What time do you usually go to sleep?
A. Before 11:00 p.m.
B. Between11:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m.
C. Between 1:00 a.m. to 3:00 a. m.
D. After 3:00 a.m.
4. How many hours do you sleep per day? (noontime snooze not included)
A. About five to six hours
B. About six to seven hours
C. About seven to eight hours
D. Above eight hours
5. In your opinion, what time is too late for sleep?
A.12:00 p.m.
B.1:00 a.m.
C. 2:00 a.m.
D. After 2:00 a.m.
6.The reasons that you stay up late are_______(multiple choice)
A. Uncompleted work or homework
B. Physical pain
C. Life pressure
D. Playing games, surfing on the internet or chatting with others
E. Coming back late at midnight
F. Roommates’ influence
G. Others
7. If you think your roommates affect your sleep, what measures would you take to settle the problem?(optional)
A. It does not matter to me
B. I’ll try to live with it
C. I’ll try to communicate with them
D. I’ll move out of the dormitory
E. Others (please specify)
8. What happens after you take some measures? (optional)
A.It’s much better
B.It’s better but it doesn’t last long
C.The situation does not change at all
9. Have you ever found that someone else couldn’t sleep because you stayed up late?
A.Very often
B.Once in a while
10. Have you ever tried to change the habit of staying up late?
A. Tried and didn’t succeed
B. Tried and succeeded
C. Wanted to, but didn’t try
D. Don’t want to
11. What’s your opinion about staying up late?
A. It’s a bad habit and harmful for health
B. Staying up late occasionally is ok
C. It depends
D. It’s not a bad habit and not harmful for health
12. What negative impacts do you know about staying up late? (Multiple choices)
A. Reduced efficiency of study
B. Deterioration of memory
C. Health damaged
D. Bad relations with roommates
E. Others
13. Concerning the issue of staying up late, what do you think that our university’s authority should do?
A. Disconnect electricity and the Internet at night
B. Strengthen the attendance system in morning classes
C. Improve dormitory’s access control system in the late night
D. Others
14. What’s your attitude towards university students’ staying up late and what would you suggest to prevent this from happening?
_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________。
