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Questionnaire about th e Phenomenon of Undergraduates’

Staying up Late

1.Your gender:

A. Male

B. Female

2. Your grade:

A. Freshman

B. Sophomore

C. Junior

D. Senior

3. What time do you usually go to sleep?

A. Before 11:00 p.m.

B. Between11:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m.

C. Between 1:00 a.m. to 3:00 a. m.

D. After 3:00 a.m.

4. How many hours do you sleep per day? (noontime snooze not included)

A. About five to six hours

B. About six to seven hours

C. About seven to eight hours

D. Above eight hours

5. In your opinion, what time is too late for sleep?

A.12:00 p.m.

B.1:00 a.m.

C. 2:00 a.m.

D. After 2:00 a.m.

6.The reasons that you stay up late are_______(multiple choice)

A. Uncompleted work or homework

B. Physical pain

C. Life pressure

D. Playing games, surfing on the internet or chatting with others

E. Coming back late at midnight

F. Roommates’ influence

G. Others

7. If you think your roommates affect your sleep, what measures would you take to settle the problem?(optional)

A. It does not matter to me

B. I’ll try to live with it

C. I’ll try to communicate with them

D. I’ll move out of the dormitory

E. Others (please specify)


8. What happens after you take some measures? (optional)

A.It’s much better

B.It’s better but it doesn’t last long

C.The situation does not change at all

9. Have you ever found that someone else couldn’t sleep because you stayed up late?

A.Very often

B.Once in a while


10. Have you ever tried to change the habit of staying up late?

A. Tried and didn’t succeed

B. Tried and succeeded

C. Wanted to, but didn’t try

D. Don’t want to

11. What’s your opinion about staying up late?

A. It’s a bad habit and harmful for health

B. Staying up late occasionally is ok

C. It depends

D. It’s not a bad habit and not harmful for health

12. What negative impacts do you know about staying up late? (Multiple choices)

A. Reduced efficiency of study

B. Deterioration of memory

C. Health damaged

D. Bad relations with roommates

E. Others

13. Concerning the issue of staying up late, what do you think that our university’s authority should do?

A. Disconnect electricity and the Internet at night

B. Strengthen the attendance system in morning classes

C. Improve dormitory’s access control system in the late night

D. Others

14. What’s your attitude towards university students’ staying up late and what would you suggest to prevent this from happening?

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