



第⼀个乃⼤名⿍⿍的和⽥⽒矣,洋⽂名⽈:hetian jade
其次为辽宁鞍⼭岫岩⽟,读作:xiuyan jade
接着是河南南阳独⼭⽟,叫:dushan jade

⽽后半截就有意思了,jade其实原本是翡翠(英⽂名称jadeite,源于西班⽛语plcdode jade简称,意为佩戴在腰部的宝⽯)的意思,现在可以⽤来泛指⽟⽯,所以在其之前加上前缀,就可以表⽰各种⽟⽯的名称了,以此类推,黄龙⽟就可以读作:huanglong jade;河磨⽟就读作hemo jade。




目录 content s
Hetian jade Dushan jade
Lantian jade
Xiu jade Feicui
4 5
The standard of justifying the jade:
1.the proportion of jade. The greater the proportion, the more the jade precious.
2.the hardness of jade. The bigger the hardness ,the better the jade.
3.the color and lustre of jade. The red for fei, green for cui. If it is fulled with fei and cui, it can be called gems. Certainly exquisite is one aspect .
目录 content
2 Feicui
Feicui hardness is 7, and proportion of 3.33. Mineral refractive index: Ng= 1.667 ,Np= 1.654, Heavy discount rate is 0.012. The common color of feicui jade are white ,ash, brown, green, pink green, yellow green and red. The majority is not transparent , individual translucent, luster. Divided by the color and texture,It includes turquoise-blue, colorful green, HuangYang green, YangQiao green, glass green, YingGe green, shallow green and so on.



和田玉作文800字英文回答,Hetian jade, also known as Hotan jade, is a type of nephrite jade that is found in the region of Hetian in Xinjiang, China. It is highly valued for its beautiful white and creamy colors, as well as its toughness and durability. Hetian jade has been a prized material for carving and jewelry making for centuries, and it holds a special place in Chinese culture and history.One of the most famous uses of Hetian jade is in the creation of intricate and exquisite jade carvings. Artisans in Hetian have been carving jade for over 2,000 years, and their skill and craftsmanship are renowned. Jade carvings can depict a wide range of subjects, from mythical creatures to intricate patterns and designs. The smooth and lustrous surface of Hetian jade makes it a perfect medium for these detailed carvings.In addition to carving, Hetian jade is also used in jewelry making. Necklaces, bracelets, and pendants madefrom Hetian jade are highly sought after for their beauty and symbolism. In Chinese culture, jade is believed to bring good luck and protection, making it a popular choice for jewelry. The creamy white color of Hetian jade is particularly prized, and it is often used in combination with gold or other precious metals to create stunning pieces of jewelry.中文回答,和田玉,又称和田玉,是中国新疆和田地区发现的一种软玉。























英语作文介绍中国手工艺品玉雕China is renowned for its rich cultural heritage and the exceptional craftsmanship of its artisans. Among the many traditional Chinese handicrafts, jade carving stands out as a true masterpiece of artistic expression. Jade, a semi-precious stone with a long and revered history in Chinese culture, has been transformed by skilled artisans into intricate and breathtaking works of art.The art of jade carving in China can be traced back to the Neolithic period, where the earliest known jade artifacts have been discovered. Over the centuries, this craft has evolved and refined, with each dynasty and region developing its own distinctive styles and techniques. From the delicate and intricate carvings of the Han Dynasty to the bold and symbolic designs of the Qing Dynasty, jade carving has been a constant thread in the tapestry of Chinese culture.One of the most captivating aspects of Chinese jade carving is the diverse range of motifs and designs that adorn these precious stones. Jade carvings often depict scenes from nature, such as graceful animals, lush floral arrangements, and serene landscapes. Thesemotifs are not merely decorative but hold deep symbolic meaning within the Chinese philosophical and spiritual traditions.For example, the dragon, a mythical creature revered in Chinese culture, is a common subject of jade carvings. The dragon is often associated with power, strength, and good fortune, and its presence in jade carvings is believed to bring these auspicious qualities to the owner. Similarly, the lotus flower, a symbol of purity and enlightenment, is frequently depicted in jade carvings, reflecting the deep reverence for this sacred bloom.Beyond the symbolic significance, the technical mastery required to create these intricate jade carvings is truly remarkable. Jade, a notoriously hard and unyielding material, poses numerous challenges to the carver. The artisan must possess a deep understanding of the stone's properties, as well as the patience and dexterity to meticulously shape and refine the piece.The process of jade carving is often a labor-intensive and time-consuming endeavor. It typically begins with the selection of the raw jade material, which is carefully inspected for its color, texture, and flaws. The carver then uses a variety of specialized tools, such as small chisels, files, and polishing stones, to slowly and painstakingly shape the jade into the desired form.The level of detail and precision achieved in the finest jade carvings is truly breathtaking. Intricate patterns, delicate filigree, and even three-dimensional scenes can be carved into the unyielding stone, showcasing the extraordinary skill and artistry of the carver.One of the most renowned centers of jade carving in China is the city of Jingdezhen, located in the Jiangxi province. This historic city has long been associated with the production of some of the finest and most sought-after jade carvings in the world. Jingdezhen's jade carvers have honed their craft over generations, passing down their techniques and knowledge to new apprentices.In addition to the technical mastery required, jade carving also demands a deep understanding of the cultural and symbolic significance of the art form. Jade carvings are not merely decorative objects but rather vessels of meaning, imbued with the rich traditions and beliefs of Chinese civilization.The appreciation for jade carving extends beyond China's borders, with collectors and art enthusiasts around the world marveling at the beauty and craftsmanship of these remarkable works. Jade carvings have become highly sought-after collectibles, with the most exceptional pieces fetching astronomical prices at auction houses.However, the true value of jade carving lies not in its monetary worthbut in its ability to connect us with the enduring legacy of Chinese culture. These intricate and symbolic works of art serve as a window into the rich tapestry of Chinese history, philosophy, and artistic expression, inviting us to explore and appreciate the depth and complexity of this remarkable tradition.As the art of jade carving continues to evolve and adapt to the modern world, it remains a testament to the enduring creativity and skill of Chinese artisans. Whether admiring the delicate filigree of a jade pendant or the grand, sculptural pieces that adorn the halls of museums, the beauty and significance of Chinese jade carving are sure to captivate and inspire all who encounter it.。

新疆 和田玉

新疆 和田玉

进入青铜器时代,玉变成 贵重之物,亦同时为玉石工艺 品时代。如祭天用的玉壁、祭 地用的玉琮、传达王令的玉圭、 封官拜爵的玉佩等。在河南安 阳市郊小屯村发掘的第二十四 代商王武丁的三个法定妻子之 一的“归好墓”总有几百件蚰 玉、白玉、碧玉、青玉的猪、 牛、样兽形器和蝉。这些工艺 品,立体镂空,平面浮雕,线 条虽较简单,但造型粗旷形象。 玉妻的锯、切、琢、磨、钻等 工艺已有相当水平。另外在这 个时期已有识玉之人才,如春 秋战国时期的卞和。

(三)秦汉至唐 在这1200多年之间,玉雕 工艺相对发展缓慢。汉代以后玉石 用做礼器日渐减少,多偏重装饰品。 在王宫贵族最时兴用的是裹尸用的 玉衣。河北满城出土的中山靖王 (西汉)刘胜和王后窦涫墓中两件 玉衣,每套玉衣由2000多片长 方形和极少的三角形玉片组成,每 个小片四端有小孔,孔孔之间分别 用重700克和1100克的金线 连接,构成一个与人体形态相似的, 并裹于其外的玉衣。玉片有软玉、 蚰玉、绿松石、孔雀石、玛瑙等。 此外,在江苏徐洲东汉墓中,曾出 土一套“银缕玉衣”,扬州出土一 件铜缕玉衣。由此可见此时遍布中 国南北的玉匣葬是多么的流行。 唐朝佛教兴盛,庙宇中白玉佛 像甚多,宝石、玉石、多用做装点 佛像的饰物。唐朝开始的对外交流、 跨国经商,引进了棉带内的翡翠, 为中国玉雕增加了最优质的玉石品 种。
新疆 和田玉
和田玉 是一种软玉,俗称真玉。狭义上的的 玉,一 般指新疆和田玉。英文名称Nephrite。 化学成分是含水的钙镁硅酸盐,化学式为Ca: Mgs(OH)z(Si4011)2。硬度为6~6.5,密度为 2.96—3.17。和田玉和陕西蓝田玉、河南南阳 玉、甘肃酒泉玉、辽宁岫岩玉并称为中国五大 名玉。
(六)近代 近代玉雕历史之大成,1 898年由北京玉器厂制作的 翡翠 巨型玉雕“岱岳奇观”, 是近代玉雕的杰作。翡翠原料 重368公斤,高翠、晶莹、 质地细腻光洁。作者利用材料 的原形和阴阳两面色泽分明的 特点,取材于五岳之首泰山。 构图设计以保有大面积高翠, 充分展示材质美为前题,以简 练概括的手法,表现泰山雄伟 壮观和春意盎然、日出东方的 景色。正面山岳挺拔、眼光普 照、树木青翠。以中天门为背 景,着意刻画十八盘、天街和 五岳顶。点缀以任务、仙鹤、 羚羊、和麋鹿。寓意春色、攀 登和吉祥。背面利用原料的油 青色,塑造山岳树木火暗的黄 昏景象。作者构图得当,用料 精细,是迄今为止历史上没有 哪件玉器可以和它蓖美。














在抛光⾯上(⽟器)可见明显的花斑样的结构(纤维交织结构) ,⼀般呈毡状、簇状、捆状交织结构。

⽩⽟(White jade)是软⽟品种中的⼀种,其外表主要为⽩⾊,有⽺脂⽩、梨花⽩、雪花⽩、象⽛⽩、鱼肚⽩和鱼⾻⽩等颜⾊,含透闪⽯94%以上,阳起⽯2%左右,绿帘⽯2%,呈交织毡状结构。




⼤理岩为 3.5,⼩于⼩⼑硬度;⽯英质⽟,⽤⽯英刻划不动。


软⽟ (2.9~3.1g/cm3)、蛇纹⽯质⽟(2.44~2.58g/cm3)、⼤理⽯(2.65~2.75g/cm3)和⽯英质⽟(2.7g/cm3)在⼆碘甲烷和三溴甲烷中,除软⽟在后者中浮或沉外,其他均为浮。




























• 一是透闪石含量极高,一般在95%以上,其 中白玉为99%,青白玉为98%,青玉97%(95% 一99%)。
• 二是杂质矿物极少。 • 三是矿物粒度极细,为显微晶质和隐晶质。
• 一是由于其粒度极细,所以质地非常细腻,是古 人所谓的“缜密而栗”,为其他玉石所不及。
• 二是温润滋泽,即具有油脂(脂肪)光泽,给人以 滋润柔和之感,是古人所谓的“温润而泽”,羊 脂玉就是以玉滋润如羊脂一样而驰名天下。
• 岫玉:属蛇纹石玉, 腊状光泽-玻璃光泽, 常见无规律的白色云 朵,一般情况下透明 度比和田玉高,硬度 低于和田玉,密度小 (在三溴甲烷溶液中 漂浮)手掂比和田玉 显轻。
• 白色石英岩:在抛光面上 观察它是玻璃光泽,性脆, 粒状变晶结构,密度小 (在三溴甲烷溶液中漂 浮),手掂比和田玉显轻, 一般情况下,透明度比和 田玉高。
• 独山玉:属“多色玉料”,粒 状结构,白色多呈玻璃光泽, 温润程度不如和田玉。
• 大理石:粒状结构,硬度低 (用小钢刀刻划留痕,和田玉 则钢刀刻不动),密度小(在 三溴甲烷溶液中漂浮),手惦 比和田玉显轻,用5%稀盐酸点 滴玉石表面即可起泡,而和田 玉点滴后无反映。
• 有适中的透明度,即是“水头好”,呈微透明, 琢成的玉件显得水灵,有生气。
• 杂质极少,有的达到无瑕的程度,而且里外一致。
• 硬度大,则玉器抛光性好,亮度好,且能 长期保存。
• 韧度对玉器极为重要,韧度大,则不易破 碎,而且耐磨,对于玉器的艺术造型和精 雕细刻有极大好处。
• 碧玉:深绿色(菠菜绿 色),质地较粗。碧 玉除新疆所产外,我 国玉器工艺界把和国 外所产的软玉也统称 为碧玉。



和田玉简介和田玉英文名为And Tian,和田玉是中华民族的瑰宝,已被提名为中国的“国石”。




















Situated in the southern part of Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, bordering the Taklamakan Desert to the west and Kunlun Mountains to the south, Hetian (Hotan) is an alluring city that epitomizes the harmonious fusion of rich cultural heritage, profound history, and mesmerizing natural landscapes. This essay delves into its unique characteristics from multiple perspectives, illustrating its high quality and exceptional standards as a travel destination.Firstly, Hetian is renowned for its historical significance dating back thousands of years. It was once a pivotal stop on the ancient Silk Road, a melting pot where diverse cultures such as Chinese, Indian, Persian, and Greek intermingled, leaving an indelible mark on its architecture, arts, and customs. The city's crown jewel is the Hetian Ancient City, where remnants of old city walls, alleys, and buildings narrate tales of past glory. Furthermore, Hetian Museum houses a vast collection of artifacts that include Buddhist scriptures, silk textiles, and the world-famous Hetian jade, which not only reflects the region's craftsmanship but also testifies to its role in international trade and cultural exchange.Hetian's cultural richness is deeply rooted in its ethnic diversity. Primarily inhabited by the Uyghur ethnic group, Hetian is a vibrant tapestry of music, dance, and culinary delights. The Uyghur Muqam, a traditional form of folk music listed as a UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage, resonates with the spirit of this land. Meanwhile, Hetian’s bustling bazaars, like the renowned Hetian Jade Market, offer a glimpse into local life and commerce, where one can find exquisite handicrafts, including the famous Hetian jade carvings, carpets, and traditional clothing.The city's natural beauty is another facet of its allure. With the majestic Kunlun Mountains serving as a backdrop, Hetian offers breathtaking vistas and unique geological formations. The Yutian Populus Euphratica Forest, a rare oasis in the desert, stands testament to nature's resilience and beauty. Moreover, Hetian boasts several hot springs, which are both therapeutic and scenic, providing visitors with a rejuvenating experience amidst serene surroundings.Hetian's agricultural prowess is also noteworthy. Thanks to the fertile soil nourished by the convergence of the Kunlun and Karakoram mountain ranges, Hetian is celebrated for its production of high-quality fruits, especially melons, known for their sweetness and succulence. The city has developed sustainable agriculture practices that adhere to high standards, contributing to the economic growth while preserving ecological balance.In terms of modern development, Hetian adheres to high standards in infrastructure planning and construction. Efforts have been made to preserve the historic charm while integrating contemporary facilities to cater to tourists' needs. The city's commitment to sustainability and green tourism is evident through initiatives aimed at environmental conservation and responsible tourism practices.In conclusion, Hetian is a city of unparalleled depth and diversity. Its historical significance, rich cultural fabric, stunning natural landscapes, and commitment to sustainable development all contribute to its status as a premium tourist destination. Whether you're a history enthusiast, culture buff, nature lover, or simply seeking a unique travel experience, Hetian promises a journey filled with discovery and wonder, reflecting its high quality and impeccable standards.Despite being condensed, this description barely scratches the surface of Hetian's multifaceted splendor. To truly appreciate its essence, one must embark on a journey to explore this remarkable city firsthand.。



介绍和田英语作文English:Hetian, also known as Hotan, is a prefecture-level city in the southwestern part of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, China. It is famous for its rich cultural heritage, natural scenery, and intriguing history. Located in the Tarim Basin, Hetian is surrounded by the Kunlun and Hindu Kush mountain ranges, making it a picturesque destination. The city is renowned for its traditional craftsmanship, particularly in jade carving and silk production. Hetian's jade industry is world-famous, and its exquisite jade products are highly sought after. The city is also known for its high-quality rugs and carpets, which are meticulously handcrafted using traditional techniques. In addition to its cultural treasures, Hetian also boasts stunning natural landscapes, including the Taklamakan and Karakoram deserts, as well as the Karakash and Yurungkash Rivers. These natural wonders offer opportunities for outdoor activities such as desert exploration, hiking, and river rafting. Hetian is not only rich in natural resources but also has a unique historical significance. It was an important stop on the ancient Silk Road, serving as a hub for trade and cultural exchangebetween the East and West. The city's ruins and historical sites, such as the Niya Ruins and the ancient city of Niya, provide a glimpse into its long and fascinating history. With its combination of cultural heritage, natural beauty, and historical significance, Hetian offers visitors a truly immersive and enriching experience.中文翻译:和田,又称为喀什,位于中国新疆维吾尔自治区西南部的一个地级市。



介绍新疆和田英文作文英文:Xinjiang Hetian is a beautiful and unique place in China. It is located in the southern part of Xinjiang andis known for its jade and silk production. I have been to Hetian twice and each time I was amazed by its natural beauty and cultural richness.The first time I went to Hetian was in the summer. The weather was hot and dry, but the scenery was stunning. I visited the Hetian Museum and learned about the history and culture of Hetian. I also went to the Hetian Jade Market, where I saw many beautiful jade products. I even bought a jade bracelet as a souvenir.The second time I went to Hetian was in the winter. The weather was cold and snowy, but the scenery was still beautiful. I visited the Hetian Silk Road Museum and learned about the ancient Silk Road. I also went to theHetian Hot Springs, where I relaxed and enjoyed the hot water.Hetian is not only known for its jade and silk production, but also for its delicious food. The most famous dish in Hetian is the Hetian Lamb Kebab. It is a traditional dish made with tender lamb meat and spices. It is so delicious that I ate it every day when I was in Hetian.Overall, Hetian is a wonderful place to visit. It has a rich history, unique culture, and beautiful scenery. I highly recommend it to anyone who wants to experience the beauty of Xinjiang.中文:新疆和田是中国一个美丽而独特的地方。



介绍和田的英语作文Nestled in the heart of the Tarim Basin, Hetian City is a hidden gem of China, renowned for its rich cultural heritage and natural resources. This enchanting city, located in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, is home to a diverse array of landscapes, from the vast deserts to the lush oasis. Hetian's allure lies not only in its stunning scenery but also in its rich cultural tapestry, making it a captivating destination for travelers seeking a unique experience.One of Hetian's most prized possessions is its jade, a precious stone that has been mined in the region for centuries. The city is renowned for its jade mines, which produce one of the finest qualities of jade in the world. This prized commodity has a profound impact on the local economy, attracting both domestic and international buyers to the city. The jade industry has also fostered a unique craftsmanship tradition, with skilled artisans creating exquisite jade carvings that are admired worldwide.Hetian's cultural heritage is reflected in its architecture, which blends traditional Uyghur styles withChinese influences. The city's old town, known as the "Old City of Jade," preserves many historical buildings and mosques that date back to the 13th century. Wandering through these narrow lanes, one can appreciate theintricate carvings on the façades and the intricate designs of the traditional Uyghur houses.In addition to its cultural and natural attractions, Hetian is also renowned for its delicious cuisine. Thelocal dishes, influenced by both Uyghur and Chinese cuisines, offer a tantalizing array of flavors. From spicy lamb dishes to sweet pastries, the cuisine of Hetian is a treat for the senses.The city's festivals and events further enrich the cultural experience. The annual "Jade Festival" attracts thousands of visitors, who come to appreciate the beauty of jade and participate in various cultural activities. This festival is a vibrant display of Hetian's unique culture and traditions.Hetian's natural beauty is equally impressive. Surrounded by the snow-capped peaks of the Kunlun Mountains and the vast deserts of the Taklamakan, the city offers arange of outdoor activities for the adventure-seeker. Hiking, camel riding, and sandboarding are just a few of the exciting activities that one can enjoy in this otherworldly landscape.In conclusion, Hetian City is a must-visit destination for those seeking a unique and enriching travel experience. Its rich cultural heritage, natural beauty, and delicious cuisine offer a captivating blend of traditional and modern elements. With its vibrant festivals, exciting outdoor activities, and precious jade mines, Hetian is truly a jewel in China's cultural crown.**和田的魅力:中国宝石之城的旅程**位于中国塔里木盆地心脏地带的和田市,是一个隐藏的宝石,以其丰富的文化遗产和自然资源而闻名。



介绍和田英语作文English: Hotan, also known as Andijan, is a city in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region of China. It is located in the southwestern part of the region and is famous for its rich history, culture, and natural beauty. Hotan is often referred to as the "Jade Capital" due to its long history of jade production and trade. The city is also known for its traditional crafts such as carpet weaving, silk production, and pottery making. The diverse ethnic groups living in Hotan, including Uyghurs, Tajiks, and Han Chinese, contribute to the city's vibrant and multicultural atmosphere. Hotan is also a popular tourist destination, attracting visitors with its ancient ruins, bazaars, and unique customs and traditions.中文翻译: 和田,也被称为安集延,在中国新疆维吾尔自治区的一座城市。





和田玉作文800字英文回答:Hetian jade, also known as "Hotan jade" or "white jade," is a type of nephrite jade that is mainly found in the Hetian area of Xinjiang, China. It is highly valued for its unique colors, textures, and durability. The name "Hetian" refers to the region where it is mined, while "jade" is a term used to describe a variety of mineralsthat are prized for their beauty and cultural significance.One of the reasons why Hetian jade is so highly regarded is its exquisite craftsmanship. Artisans have been carving and sculpting jade in China for thousands of years, and the techniques used to work with Hetian jade are no exception. The intricate designs and attention to detail in Hetian jade carvings are truly remarkable. For example, a common motif in Hetian jade carvings is the "ruyi," whichis a symbol of good luck and prosperity. The smoothness and luster of Hetian jade make it perfect for creatingintricate patterns and delicate sculptures.Another reason why Hetian jade is so sought after isits cultural and historical significance. In Chinese culture, jade has long been associated with wealth, power, and spirituality. It is believed to possess protective qualities and bring good fortune to its owner. Historically, jade has been used to create ceremonial objects, such as burial suits for emperors and empresses. Today, Hetian jade is still highly prized as a symbol of prestige and luxury.In addition to its cultural significance, Hetian jadeis also valued for its physical properties. It is known for its toughness and durability, making it resistant to scratching and breaking. This makes Hetian jade an ideal material for creating jewelry and other decorative itemsthat can be passed down through generations. Its natural colors range from white to pale green, and some pieces even exhibit a translucent quality. The unique colors andtextures of Hetian jade make each piece one-of-a-kind and highly desirable.中文回答:和田玉,也被称为“和田玉”或“白玉”,是一种主要产于中国新疆和田地区的软玉。




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介绍和田英文作文Hotan, also known as Hetian, is a prefecture-level city in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region of China. It is famous for its production of high-quality jade and carpets. The city has a long history and rich cultural heritage,with a diverse population of Uyghurs, Han Chinese, andother ethnic groups. The local cuisine is also a highlight, featuring delicious lamb kebabs and hand-pulled noodles.The landscape of Hotan is characterized by vast deserts, snow-capped mountains, and fertile oases. The city is located along the southern branch of the ancient Silk Road, making it an important cultural and commercial center in history. The region is also home to many historical and archaeological sites, including the ruins of the ancientcity of Niya and the Keriya River Petroglyphs.The people of Hotan are known for their craftsmanship, particularly in the production of jade and carpets. Thecity's jade industry dates back thousands of years andcontinues to thrive today, with artisans creating intricate carvings and jewelry from the precious stone. Hotan's carpets are also highly regarded for their quality and craftsmanship, with traditional designs and patterns that reflect the region's cultural heritage.In addition to its cultural and historical attractions, Hotan is also a hub for outdoor activities such as trekking, camping, and birdwatching. The surrounding natural landscapes offer stunning vistas and opportunities for adventure, making it a popular destination for nature enthusiasts and outdoor adventurers.Overall, Hotan is a city with a rich cultural heritage, stunning natural beauty, and a vibrant community ofartisans and craftsmen. Whether you're interested in exploring historical sites, sampling local cuisine, or immersing yourself in the natural wonders of the region, Hotan has something to offer for every traveler.。

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和田玉英文介绍NephriteJade is a name which is given to two different metamorphic stones, Nephrite and Jadeite. Each of thesestones are composed of different silicate minerals. Nephrite jade is the original stone of heaven which has been revered by the Chinese for thousands of years.Nephrite is a variety of a calcium and magnesium-rich amphibole mineral actinolite (which also makes up a certain form of asbestos). The chemical formula of nephrite jade is Ca(Mg,Fe)SiO(OH). Its crystal 258222habitat is massive and it is of the monoclinic crystal system.Nephrite jade takes on a high polish which is vitreous to greasy.Its fracture is splintery to granular. Nephrite has a refractive indexis 1.606 to 1.632.The Hardness and Toughness Of NephriteNephrite is more common than its harder counterpart, jadeite. Though it is softer (measuring a 6 to 6.5 on the Mohs scale, compared to the 6.5-7 of jadeite) it is actually a much tougher stone. Hardness is an attribute measured by how easily it can be scratched. A diamond measures the hardest on this scale at a 10, it can scratch anything while it cant be scratched by anything other than another diamond. Both nephrite and jadeite are harder than steel, if you can scratch a stone with a knifeit is not jade. Toughness measures the brittleness or the ability of a material (or in this case a mineral) to break. According to the Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources of British Columbia the fracture strength of nephrite is about 200 MN/m2 whereas that of jadeite is about 100 MN/m2 which is an impressive quality of nephrite.It is commonly known as the toughest natural mineral on earth.Types of Nephrite and Their ColorsThe color of nephrite can vary depending on its source and quality. Commonly it is envisioned as an imperial green stone yet can hold almost any shade of green, blue, red, orange, black, white, violet, orange, brown and yellow.Various colors of nephrite jade are unique to their individual sources such as the rust colored vulcan BigSur jade which can be various colors of brown, red, yellow and orange.Certain shades of green are also unique depending on the areas ofthe world it is found, one example of which is the gem quality polar jade of British Columbia (you can read an amazing article about Polar Jade over at Timeless Jade).As nephrite is found all over the world and in greater amounts than jadeite, it is less valuable and less expensive except for the finest of specimens. Some high quality nephrite jade does appear in some locations such as in Big Sur, California and in parts of British Columbia. Somespecimens of nephrite jade from these areas are among the finest quality specimens in the world.One unique specimen of nephrite jade comes out of Big Sur and is known as botryoidal jade. This type of jade is commonly known as bubble jade and is formed in nodes within serpentine.History Of NephriteThroughout history nephrite jade has been utilized in a wide variety of ways. Some of these include as funeral ornaments, weapons, jewelry and as a ward against kidney ailments. It has been utilized for thousands of years by various cultures.One ancient legend from China states that in the beginning of time man was put on earth and was plagued by all of the wild animals of the world. The gods sympathized with man and cast jade axes from the heavens onto the earth for them to find. This stone was henceforth called the stone of heaven. Another legend surrounding nephrite comes from China. According to the tale a man named Bian He found a stone which he believed to be of high quality nephrite jade. He approached King Li of Chu with his find, who was unbelieving that the stone was actually jade and had one of Bian He’s legs cut off for playing him false. Once King Li passed Bian once again approached the ruler of Chu, King Wu, with his find. King Wu also believed that Bian He was playing him false and had his other leg cut off. Bian He was not deterred. King Wu soon passed on and the new ruler King Wen was approached by Bian He, who god only knows his reluctance to show off his find. King Wen, actually believing thatthe stone was true jade, immediately sent off the find to his royal sculptors. To the sculptors amazement the stone was of the highest quality white nephrite which rivaled the value of all other pieces of jade and was the envy of many. The piece was soon called the He Shi Bi or The Jade Disk of He.There are many legends revolving around this historical piece of jade. More can be found on our Chinese jade page. To paraphrase the rest of the legend the piece soon became the Imperial Seal of China and unfortunately due to a long history of wars and battles surrounding this singular piece of jade it has been lost to history.Another specimen of nephrite jade rivals all others, this is knownas the Nephripod which was discovered by Donn Wobber off the coast of Big Sur. His memoir Jade Beneath the Sea: A Diving Adventure tells of his discovery and excavation of a 9,000 pound bolder of nephrite in the 1970′s, which is now located in the Oakland Museum.Value of Nephrite JadeThe value of nephrite can be relatively modest depending on its quality. Some attributes that can affect its price are its color, translucency, natural patterns, the location from where it originates and sometimes by the artist which carves it. High quality nephrite can be relatively expensive though should only be purchased through trusted dealers.Though nephrite is a fairly common stone there are many fakes that are made out of various materials, as well as artificial colorings madeby dyes and chemical treatments. Other stones are commonly mistaken for jade such as serpentine and soapstone. Care should be taken when purchasing jade to ensure that it is the actual stone.。
