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Accounting 会计

Accounting technician

Accounting , other

Acting and directing 导演

Actuarial science 保险

Acupuncture and oriental medicine

Adapted physical education/therapeutic recreation Administration of special education 行政,管理Administrative and secretarial services, other Administrative assistant/secretarial science, general

Adult and continuing education administration Adult and continuing teacher education Advertising 广告

Aeronautical and aerospace engineering technology/technician

Aerospace science 航空

Aerospace, aeronautical and astronautical engineering

African languages 非洲

African studies

Afro-American(Black) studies

Agricultural and food products processing 农业operations and management

Agricultural animal breeding and genetics Agricultural animal health

Agricultural animal husbandry and production management

Agricultural business and management , general

Agricultural business and management , other Agricultural business and production, other Agricultural business/agribusiness operations Agricultural economics

Agricultural engineering

Agricultural extension

Agricultural mechanization, general Agricultural plant pathology

Agricultural production workers and managers, general

Agricultural production workers and managers, other

Agricultural supplies retailing and wholesaling Agricultural teacher education (vocational) Agriculture/ agricultural sciences, general Agriculture/ agricultural sciences, other Agronomy and crop science

Air Force R.O.T.C/ air science

Air traffic controller

Air transportation workers, other

Aircraft mechanic/ technician, airframe 飞机Aircraft mechanic/ technician, powerplant Aircraft pilot (private)

Aircraft pilot and navigator (professional) Alcohol/ drag abuse counseling

American ( United States ) history 美国史American Indian/ Native American studies American literature ( United States ) 美国文学American studies/civilization

Anatomy 骨骼

Anesthesiology 麻醉

Animal sciences, general

Animal sciences, other

Anthropology 人类学

Apparel and accessories marketing operations, 服装general

Applied and resource economics

Applied art 应用艺术

Applied mathematics, general

Applied mathematics, other

Aquaculture operations and production management 水产业Arabic language and literature 阿拉伯语言文学Archaeology 考古学

Architectural drafting 建筑

Architectural engineering

Architectural engineering technology/ technician Architectural environment design

Architectural urban design and planning


Architecture and related programs, other

Area studies 地区研究

Area studies , other

Area , ethnic and cultural studies, other 地区民族文化研究Army R.O.T.C/ military science 军事

Art history , criticism and conservation 艺术史批评

Art teacher education

Art therapy

Art, general

Artificial intelligence and robotics

Arts management
