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Have a look 看一看

Have a walk 散步

= Take a walk

Have a break 休息一下

= Take a break

Have a try 试一试

Have a bath 洗澡

=Take a bath

Have a go at= give ...a shot




I think you can do it. Give it a shot. Have a go at it. I'm sure you can do it. Have a swim 游泳

Have a word with和…说句话

Take a rest 休息

Take a walk 散步

= Have a walk

Take a break 休息一会

= Have a break

Take a bath洗澡

= Have a bath

Make a choice 作出选择

Make a decision 做决定、下决心Make a plan 制定计划

Make a study 研究一下

All of a sudden 突然

Take an interest in 感兴趣

In a word 简而言之

Get in a word 插话

A great many=

A good many 许多

A number of许多、若干

Do a good deed做好事

Go for a walk 出去散步

As a matter of fact 事实上

Pay a visit to 参观

In a hurry 匆忙的

As a result of 由于、因为

Once upon a time 从前

Once in a while 偶尔、不时

After a while 不久、过一会Have a word with和…说句话

One at a time 一次一个

Be a waste of 浪费

At a loss 不知所措

In a sense在某种意义上

Lend a hand 帮助

As a rule照例

Dream a sweet dream做一个甜梦

Smile an attractive smile笑的迷人

Fight a hard fight进行艰苦的斗争

Die a glorious death光荣牺牲

Sleep a sound sleep 睡的很香

Live a happy life 过着幸福生活


On the other hand 另一方面

For the time being 暂时

At the beginning of 在…开始时

Make the bed 整理床铺

At the end of 在…结尾时

At the foot of 在…脚下

Keep the peace维护和平

At the moment 此时

At the back of 在…后面

Strike the eye 引人注目

At the same time 同时

By the way 顺便提及

Burn the night oil 开夜车

Put the blame on 归咎于

On the other side of 在…另一边

On the contrary 相反

On the spot 当场

On the air 在广播

On the increase 不断增加

On the farm 在农场

On the radio 通过无线电

Take the place of 代替、接替

By the end of 到…时为止

The other day 几天前

Break the ice 打破沉默

In the middle of 在…中间

In the open 在露天

In the dark 在暗中

In the form of 以…形式

Fall in the habit of 养成…的习惯

With the exception of 除…外

The day before yesterday 前天

In the whole 总之

Step by step 逐步地

Shoulder to shoulder 肩并肩

Week by week 一周一周

From time to time 有时

From morning till night 从早到晚

Nose to tail 紧跟后面

Day and night 日夜/整天

Little by little 渐渐

Side by side 并排、并肩

Heart and soul 全心全意

Arm in arm 臂挽臂

Hour after hour连续地

From door to door 挨家挨户地

From north to south 从北到南


At dawn//dC:n拂晓

Daybreak 黎明

Sunset 日落、晚年

Dusk 黄昏(Dark 黑暗)

In danger 垂危

In debt 欠债

On horseback 马背上

On foot 走路

Be in bed 卧床

Be at church 做礼拜

Be at class

Be at school

Be at hospital

Leave word 留言

Go to town 进城购物

Go to class

Go to college

Go to school

Go to university 上大学

In jail坐牢

Leave college 大学毕业

At table 就餐

By heart 熟记、默记

Beyond hope 毫无希望


In honour of 为纪念、为庆祝
