
将锁舌挡板拆下,双锁紧螺母拆卸后,把锁旋转放入 D52mm 的门孔中,套上防水像皮止圈,拧上 M50 双锁紧螺母。
将锁舌固定板套上锁具,拧上 M18 双锁紧螺母,固定后用钥匙调整档板的拉置即可使用。
本锁具内置磁性,具有很高的防盗性能,一般常规的方式无法将其打开,具有一定的防盗性能。 完成安装后,用专用磁性钥匙,检查开闭程度与锁紧度,如果较松,可适当调整楔形块的倾斜角度.
2、磁性锁及钥匙的磁体部分不得接触高温,油污,避免剧烈震动,以防失去磁性,导致功能丧失 3、锁体内部含有精密部件,请不要随意打开.确实需要更换零部件的,请及时与厂家联系. 4、为了保持锁具良好的性能,请勿置放于粉尘较多的环境下,不要将锁眼
堵塞,不得随意往锁体内添加黄油,润滑油,以防灰尘粘附. 5、锁具本体均为 SUS304 高强度不锈钢材质,工作环境在-15℃~+45℃之间,如果超过此环境,有
1:新产品:本产品是拥有知识产权的专利产品(专利证号 200920197683.9),是受法律保护的,在通信铁塔领域具有一定影响力的知名 品牌产品,可排除一切知识产权纠纷,客户可放心使用。
2:新材料:本产品主体材料为 304 高强度不锈钢,具有很强的抗冲 击与抗扭性,磁性材料采用钕铁硼强力磁铁,等级 N52,锁紧螺母与挡板固 定螺母均为高强度不锈钢细牙,防盗性能极高。
2:将锁舌挡板拆下,双锁紧螺母拆卸后,把锁旋转放下D50的门孔中, 套上防水像皮止圈,拧上M50双锁紧螺母。
3:将锁舌固定板套上锁具,拧上M18双锁紧螺母,固定后用钥匙调整档 板的拉置即可使用。
4:本锁具内置磁性,具有很高的防盗性能,一般常规的方式无法将其 打开,具有一定的防盗性能。
磁力锁 、电插锁 、电动开门机说明书

产品优势:◆ 250KG±10%静态直线拉力◆ 可自行设定12VDC±10% 或24VDC±10%◆ 内置反向电流保护装置(MOV)◆ 防残磁设计,防磨损材料制造◆ 铝外壳采用高强度合金材料◆ 双重锁体绝缘处理◆ 完全电磁吸力工作,不存在机械故障技术参数:锁体尺寸:长250x宽47x厚26(mm) 吸板尺寸:长180x宽38x厚11(mm) 工作电压:DC12V±10%/DC24V±10% 工作电流:480mA±5%/240mA±5%信号输出:锁状态信号输出延时开门:无安全类型:断电开门适用门型:木门\玻璃门\金属门\防火门等质量认证:CE/FCC/CMA/ROHS 选配支架:DA-280L/280U/280ZL产品尺寸:产品规格书(DAIC-MJ-LXS)产品名称:灵性锁(电机锁)产品图片:产品概述:电机锁(或称灵性锁)的设计有效结合了传统电控锁及磁力锁的优点,克服了电控锁噪音过大、磁力锁耗电等方面的不足而开发的新产品,电机锁与电控锁和磁力锁相比较,它的性能更加的完善、优点更加明显,可与楼宇对讲、门禁等智能化系统配套使用。
标准电磁锁-10010 20 40 60型号安装说明书

REV 1.0Fitting Instructions for Standard Electro Magnetic Lock - Model 10010/20/40/60The fixing option you use will depend on the height and depth of the Door frame header.1. Fig. 1 shows an outward opening door with a deep frame header. The Standard Flat Mounting plate which comes with the magnet can be used if measurement 'A' is at least 60mm (2.36") and 'B' is at least 80mm (3.15").2. Fig. 2 shows an outward opening door with a shallow frame header. The optional Transom 'L' bracket (AC-EMBR006) must be used if measurement 'A' is less than 45mm (1.75") and 'B' is at least 80mm (3.15").3. Fig. 3 shows an inward opening door for which the 'Z&L' bracket set must be used. The optional 'Z&L' bracket set (AC-EMBR026F) must be used if measurement 'A' is up to 20mm (0.78") and 'B' is at least 60mm (2.36"), 'C' must be at least 60mm (2.36").If any of the above measurement requirements do not match you may need to use a different magnetic lock . Important points to consider during installation:1. Check that the door is properly aligned with the door frame when in the closed position. If the gap around the door and frame is not equal the magnet should not be fitted until the door is correctly aligned.2. Always handle the equipment with care as damage to the mating surfaces of the magnet or armature plate may reduce locking efficiency.3. Ensure the correct screws and fittings from the fixing pack are used as incorrect screws or fittings will affect the operation of the magnetic lock and armature plate.4. It is essential that the magnetic lock and armature plate are correctly aligned and installed correctly.5. When using the template the door must be in the closed and latched position.6. Thread lock must be applied to all threads on the magnetic lock and fixing brackets and the armature Standard magnetic lock is suitable for Timber or Aluminium Entry and Exit doors to provide controlled access via an Access Control System. It should not be used as the only lock securing the door, a mortice deadlock or similar should also be fitted.It can also be used on an Internal door when a stronger holding force may be needed.It is essential that the Header Frame and Top Rail of the door are strong enough to accommodate the magnet and Armature Plate, if in doubt consult door and frame supplier for advice.NOTE: THIS LOCK IS SUITABLE FOR SOLID DOORS 35-53mm THICK OR HOLLOW DOORS 35-46mm THICK.A B C D E F G H I J LM N OFIXING PACK CONTENTS QTY M8 Counter sunk Allen bolt 50mm (2") long1Dome nut 41 x 12mm (1.6x0.5") ChromeAluminium spacer 43 x 16mm (1.7x0.63") (For hollow doors)No 10. 32mm (No 10x1.25") Csk wood screwNo 8. 15mm (No 8x0.6") Csk wood screw (for slotted holes)Steel washer 22mm (0.87") diameter (for Armature plate)Rubber washer 15mm (0.6") diameter (for Armature plate)*Guide pin 16 x 5mm (0.63x0.2") (split dowel)M5 x 8mm (0.31") Csk Machine screw M4 x 25mm (0.5") Csk screw (thread relieved)Allen key wrench 5 x 80mm (0.2x3.15")M8 Nylock nut (for use with 'Z' bracket)M6 Allen bolt 36mm (1.42") long Incl head**Metal spacer 21 x 9mm (0.83x0.35")**1111822222222A B C D E FG H IJLM N O * + 1 Spare(see Fig.1).2. With the door closed and latched fix the template to the door and frame. Place the edge of the template 60mm (2.4") from the side frame (see Fig.4).3. Mark the centre of each hole shown on the template and drill holes to size and depth stated on Template.4. From the outside of the door enlarge the 9mm hole to 12mm to a depth of 36mm (On Hollow doors enlarge the hole to 16mm through the outer door skin only to accomodate the a hollow door push the the Aluminium spacer (C) into the 16mm hole then cut down flush with door face. Push Dome nut (B) into Spacer (C).6. Gently tap the 2 guide pins (H) into the holes on the back of the Armature plate. Push the M8 50mm Allen bolt (A) through the countersunk hole in the Armature plate. Slide a Steel washer (F) over the M8 Allen bolt at the back of the Armature plate followed by a Rubber washer (G) and a Steel washer (F). (see Fig.5).7. Fix the Armature plate to the door using the Allen key (L) and tighten until the Armature plate sits 3-5mm away from 8. Using the Allen key wrench (L) remove the two M6 Allen bolts (N) and metal spacer (O) through the holes at the base of the magnetic lock. Slide the Mounting plate forward and lift up to remove it from the lock (see Fig.6).10mm cable hole is visible through the oval hole of the plate.Fix using two No 8 15mm Csk screws (E) through the slotted holes into pilot holes drilled previously (see Fig.7).Oplate towards the Armature plate until the edges are 2-3mm apart and parallel along the length of the armature plate (see Fig.8).O14. Hold the Magnet with the front facing the armature plate and the mushroom head screws at the top. Lift the magnet up onto the Mounting plate with the mushroom head screws located into the 13mm slotted holes and push forward towards the Armature plate. (see Fig.10).15. Fix the magnet to the mounting plate using two M6 Allen bolts (N) and Metal Spacer (O) fixed through the holes in the bottom of the magnet and tighten with the Allen key wrench (L).frame (see Fig.11) and connect to Magnet PCB as per wiring instructions on pages 7&8.17. Apply voltage to the Magnet. Close the door andcheck Armature plate is correctly aligned with the magnet. Apply firm pressure against the door to check magnet is holding properly. Remove voltage and open the door.apply Thread lock. Re-fit as per steps 6&7.19. Remove one at a time the M6 Allen bolt (N) from the bottom of the magnet and apply Thread lock. Re-fit as per step 15.20. Using the two M4 25mm Csk screw (J) fix the PCB cover plate in position on the magnet and into the counter sunk hole at the opposite end (see Fig.12). These screws will prevent the M6 Allen bolt from unscrewing (see Fig.12A).11. Mark the centres of the 6 countersunk holes through the Mounting plate.12. Drill six 3.2mm dia. holes to a depth of 25mm for the No 10. 32mm Csk screws.13. Fix the Mounting plate with the 6 No. 10 32mm Csk screws (D). (see Fig.9).ALLEN BOLTS FROM UNSCREWINGFIG 17Head Frame. (see Fig.2).2. With the door closed and latched, tape the template to the door and frame. Place the edge of the template 60mm from the side frame. (see Fig.13).3. Mark vertical lines for the 'L' bracket at the edge of the template, mark centre of each hole shown on the template. Drill all holes to the size and depth shown on template.4. From the outside of the door enlarge the 9mm hole to 12mm to a depth of 36mm (on a hollow metal door drill a 16mm hole through the outer door skin only to accommodate a hollow door push the the Aluminium spacer (C) into the 16mm hole then cut down flush with door face. Push Dome nut (B) into Spacer (C).6. Gently tap the 2 guide pins (H) into the holes on the back of the Armature plate. Push the M8 50mm Allen bolt (A)through the counter sunk hole in the Armature plate followed by one Rubber washer (G) sandwiched between 2 Steel washers (F) behind the Armature plate. (see Fig.14).7. Fix the Armature plate to the door using the Allen key (L) and tighten until the Armature plate sits 3-5mm away from the 8. Using the Allen key wrench (L) remove the two M6 Allen bolt (N) and Metal spacer (O) through the bottom of the magnetic lock. Slide the Mounting plate forward and lift up to remove it from the magnet. (see Fig.15).9. Remove the two Mushroom head screws from the top of the magnet and replace with the two M5 8mm machine screw (I).10. Use the Transom 'L' bracket (AC-EMBR006) as atemplate. Place the short side between the vertical lines on the frame (make sure it is flat against the frame) the bottom of the bracket should be 5mm below the underside of the frame header (fig 16).12. With the door closed and latched place the face of the magnet so that it touches the Armature plate and check that the hole in the top of the magnet lines up with one of the tapped holes on the bracket. If the holes do not line uploosen the M8 Allen bolt (A) making sure the gap behind the14. Pass lock cable through the cable entry hole (see Fig.19) and connect to Magnet PCB as per the wiring instructions on pages 7&8.15. Apply voltage to the Magnet. Close the door and check Armature plate is correctly aligned with the magnet. Apply firm pressure against the door to check magnet is holding properly. Remove voltage and open the door.16. Remove M8 Allen bolt (A) from Armature plate and apply Thread lock. Re-fit as per step 6&7.17. Remove one at a time the M6 Allen bolt (N) from the bottom of the magnet and apply Thread lock. Re-fit as per step 13.18. Using the two M4 25mm Csk screw (J) fix the PCB Cover plate in postion on the magnet and into the counter sunk hole at the opposite end (see Fig.20). These screws will prevent the M6 Allen bolt from unscrewing (see Fig.20A).13. Fix the magnet to the bracket using two M6 Allen bolts (N) and Metal spacer (O) fixed through the holes in thebottom of the magnet and tighten with the Allen key wrench (L). (see Fig.18).OALLEN BOLTS FROM UNSCREWINGFixing detail - Standard Double Magnetic Lock - Models 10040 and 10060REV 1.0Installation to Deep Header frame using Flat Mounting PlateInstallation to Shallow Header frame using 2 Transom 'L' BracketsThe Standard Double magnetic locks are used for a pair of double doors. They are fixed in exactly the same way as the Single version using 2 fixing packs.1. With both doors closed and latched fix the template across the centre of both doors and continue as steps 3&4 on page 2 (see Fig. 21).2. Fit the 2 Armature plates to each door as per steps 5-7 (Fig.5) on page 2.3. Remove the four M6 allen bolts (N) and Metal spacers (O) as per step 8 page 2 (see Fig.22).4. Fix the Mounting plate using 4 No.8 15mm Csk screws (E) as per step 9 page 2. Ensure Mounting plate is adjusted correctly as per step 10 (Fig.8) page 2.5. Fix the mounting plate using 12 No. 10 32mm Csk screws (D) as per steps 11-13 (Fig.9) page 3.6. Fix the Magnet to the mounting plate using four M6 Allen bolts (N) & Metal Spacers (O) as per steps 14&15 page 3.7. Fit 2 seperate cables for each magnet PCB as per steps 16&17 (Fig.11) page 3.8. Apply Thread lock to Allen Bolts as per steps 18&19 page 3.9. Fit four M4 25mm Csk screws (J) as per step 20 (Fig.12) page 3.1. With both doors closed and latched fix the template across the centre of both doors and continue as steps 3&4 on page 4 (see Fig. 23).2. Fit the 2 Armature plates to each door as per steps 5-7 (Fig.5) on page 4.3. Remove the four M6 allen bolts (N) and Metal spacers (O) as per step 8&9 page 4 (see Fig.22).4. Place the two 'L' brackets together and continue as per steps 10&11 page 4 (see Fig.24).5. Close both doors and line up Magnet with brackets as per step 12 (Fig.17) page 4.6. Fix the Magnet to the 2 'L' brackets using four M6 Allen bolts (N) & Metal Spacers (O) as per step 13 (Fig.18) page 5.7. Fit 2 seperate cables for each magnet PCB as per steps 14&15 (Fig.19) page 5.8. Apply Thread lock to Allen Bolts as per steps 16&17 page 5.9. Fit four M4 25mm Csk screws (J) as per step 18 (Fig.20) page 5.The standard magnet is designed to be operated by 12 or 24 volt DC systems. The Printed Circuit Board (PCB) in the magnet is factory set for 12V operation but can easily be changed for 24V operation (see wiring detail). The PCB also has built - in protection against Back EMF surges which means a seperate Diode or MOV is not needed. Because the magnet is Fail Unlock (Fail Safe) it needs a constant DC supply to hold the Armature plate in position, it is therefore recommended that a Rechargable Battery is fitted in the Power supply.Important Points to consider before Installation:-1. The Magnet must be connected to a Regulated DC Power supply (Ideally with BatteryBackup facility).2. Input voltage at the magnet PCB must be 12 or 24V `10%3. The PCB already has built-in protection against Back EMF surges.4. The Maximum current draw for 12V is 500mA and for 24V 250mA (Double version willdraw twice as much).5. DO NOT reverse polarity as this will result in damage to the PCB and Coil.6. There are two versions of the PCB - Unmonitored (Models 10010 and 10060) andMonitored (Models 10020 and 10040).7. Ensure all cabling and wiring connections conform to current Electrical Legislation.1. Check magnet PCB is set for correct voltage (Factory setting is 12V).2. Connect Negative Output (-) from Power Supply to terminal 2 (-) on Magnet PCB.3. Connect Positive Output (+) from Power Supply to Common of Relay or Exit switch.4. Connect Normally Closed (N/C) on Relay or Exit switch to terminal 1 (+) on Magnet PCB.5. With the door open switch Power supply On and check that the Magnet will hold a Screwdriver.6. Operate the Access Control Relay or Exit switch whilst holding the screwdriver to check magnet is working.7. If the Screwdriver is released close the door and check the Holding force by pulling / pushing the door.8. Re-fit the PCB cover plate with M4 25mm Csk Screw (J).RELAY OR EXIT SWITCH1. Check Magnet PCB is set for correct voltage (Factory setting is 12V).2. Connect Negative Output (-) from Power Supply to terminal 2 (-) on Magnet PCB.3. Connect Positive Output (+) from Power Supply to Common of Relay or Exit switch.4. Connect Normally Closed (N/C) on Relay or Exit switch to terminal 1 (+) on Magnet PCB.5. Connect Positive Output (+) from Power Supply to terminal 4 (Common) on Magnet PCB.6. Connect Negative Output (-) from Power Supply to Negative (-) terminal on each Lamp.7. Connect terminal 3 (NO) to Positive (+) terminal of Lamp (DOOR LOCKED).8. Connect terminal 5 (NC) to Positive (+) terminal of Lamp (DOOR OPEN).9. With the door open switch Power supply On and check that the Magnet will hold a screwdriver.10. Operate the Access Control Relay or Exit switch whilst holding the screwdriver to check magnet is working.11. If the Screwdriver is released close the door and check the Holding force by pulling / pushing the door.12. Check that the 2 Lamps are working correctly when the Magnet locks and unlocks.13. Re-fit the PCB cover plate with M4 25mm Csk Screw (J).。
LK-M012L MAGLOCK 1200 LBS 磁力锁说明书

LK-M012LMAGLOCK 1200 LBS with Lock Status and IndicatorJune 2012Installation Manual11. IntroductionThe LKM12L is a surface mounted magnetic lock series with 1200 lbs holding force. LKM12L has dual voltage (12 or 24 VDC) and lowcurrent consumption with anodized aluminum housing. LKM12L has a built-in voltage spike suppressor and no residual magnetism. Monitored status output and timer versions are available. Different types of bracket and housing are available to fit various mounting conditions.LKM12L is compatible with EN55011:1998: Class B, EN60601-1-2:2002, EN61000-4-2:1995, EN61000-4-3:2002 & UL-S5351.Figure 1: LKM012L2. Technical Specifications2.1Electrical Characteristics2.2 Physical Characteristics3. MountingBefore attempting to install magnetic lock: ▪ Handle the equipment with care. Damaging the mating surfaces of the magnet or armature plate may reduce locking efficiency. ▪The magnet mounts rigidly to the door frame. The armature plate mounts to the door with hardware. Kit provided that allows it to pivot about its center to compensate for door wear and misalignment.▪ Template use must take place with the door in its normally closed position.▪Before installing, please add the thread locker to all screws. Firmly tighten the screws to avoid fastening loosen.Typical mountings are shown in Figure 2.Figure 2: Surface MountingWhen fixing the armature plate: ▪ Do not fix the plate too tightly▪Make the rubber washer more flexible to make the armature plate automatically adjust its proper position with the magnetFigure 3 shows how to mount an armature plate/surface.Figure 3: Armature Plate/Surface Mounting4. W iring4.1I nputFor a 12 VDC input, a maximum of 0.5 A power is needed. For a 24 VDC input, a maximum of 0.25 A power is needed. The unit should only be powered by a UL listed power supply. If the power switch is not wired between the DC source voltage and magnet, it will take a longer time to de-energize the magnet simulating residual magnetism (see Figure 8).Figure 4: WiringTo wire input:1.Connect the ground (-) lead from the power source to Terminal 2. 2.Connect the positive (+) lead from the power source to Terminal 1.3.Set the jumper for either 12 or 24 VDC operation.4.2C ontactsThe relay dry contacts are rated 1 amp at 24 VDC for safe operation – do not exceed this ratingIf you require a normally open switch, connect the wires from the system to terminal 4 and terminal 3.If you require a normally closed switch, connect the wires from the system to terminal 4 and terminal 5.Figure 7 shows various PCB schematics with the jumper settings.Figure 5: PCB SchematicLimited WarrantyROSSLA RE ENTERPRISES LIMITED (ROSSLARE) ONE-YEAR LIMITED WA RRA NTY is applicable worldwide. This warranty supersedes any other warranty. ROSSLARE'S ONE-YEAR LIMITED WARRANTY is subject to the following conditions:W ARRANTYWarranty of ROSSLARE'S products extends to the original purchaser (Customer) of the ROSSLARE product and is not transferable.P RODUCTS C OVERED B Y T HIS W ARRANTY AND D URATIONROSSLA RE ENTERPRISES LTD. AND/OR SUBSIDIA RIES (ROSSLA RE) warrants that the LK-M12L Maglock to be free from defects in materials and assembly in the course of normal use and service. The warranty period commences with the date of shipment to the original purchaser and extends for a period of 1 year (12 months).W ARRANTY R EMEDY C OVERAGEIn the event of a breach of warranty, ROSSLARE will credit Customer with the price of the Product paid by Customer, provided that the warranty claim is delivered to ROSSLARE by the Customer during the warranty period in accordance with the terms of this warranty. Unless otherwise requested by a ROSSLARE representative, return of the failed product(s) is not immediately required.If ROSSLA RE has not contacted the Customer within a sixty (60) day holding period following the delivery of the warranty claim, Customer will not be required to return the failed product(s). A ll returned Product(s), as may be requested at ROSSLA RE’S sole discretion, shall become the property of ROSSLARE.To exercise the warranty, the user must contact ROSSLARE Enterprises Ltd. to obtain an RMA number after which, the product must be returned to the Manufacturer freight prepaid and insured.In the event ROSSLARE chooses to perform a product evaluation within the sixty (60) day holding period and no defect is found, a minimum US$ 50.00 or equivalent charge will be applied to each Product for labor required in the evaluation.ROSSLARE will repair or replace, at its discretion, any product that under normal conditions of use and service proves to be defective in material or workmanship. No charge will be applied for labor or parts with respect to defects covered by this warranty, provided that the work is done by ROSSLARE or a ROSSLARE authorized service center. E XCLUSIONS AND L IMITATIONSROSSLA RE shall not be responsible or liable for any damage or loss resulting from the operation or performance of any Product or any systems in which a Product is incorporated. This warranty shall not extend to any ancillary equipment not furnished by ROSSLARE, which is attached to or used in conjunction with a Product, nor to any Product that is used with any ancillary equipment, which is not furnished by ROSSLARE.This warranty does not cover expenses incurred in the transportation, freight cost to the repair center, removal or reinstallation of the product, whether or not proven defective.Specifically excluded from this warranty are any failures resulting from Customer's improper testing, operation, installation, or damage resulting from use of the Product in other than its normal and customary manner, or any maintenance, modification, alteration, or adjustment or any type of abuse, neglect, accident, misuse, improper operation, normal wear, defects or damage due to lightning or other electrical discharge. This warranty does not cover repair or replacement where normal use has exhausted the life of a part or instrument, or any modification or abuse of, or tampering with, the Product if Product disassembled or repaired in such a manner as to adversely affect performance or prevent adequate inspection and testing to verify any warranty claim.ROSSLARE does not warrant the installation, maintenance, or service of the Product. Service life of the product is dependent upon the care it receives and the conditions under which it has to operate.In no event shall ROSSLARE be liable for incidental or consequential damages.L IMITED W ARRANTY T ERMSTHIS WARRANTY SETS FORTH THE FULL EXTENT OF ROSSLARE’S WARRANTY.THE TERMS OF THIS WARRANTY MAY NOT BE VARIED BY ANY PERSON, WHETHER OR NOT PURPORTING TO REPRESENT OR ACT ON BEHALF OF ROSSLARE.THIS LIMITED WA RRA NTY IS PROVIDED IN LIEU OF A LL OTHER WA RRA NTIES.A LL OTHER WA RRA NTIES EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED,INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, IMPLIED WA RRA NTIES OF MERCHA NTA BILITY A ND FITNESS FOR A PA RTICULAR PURPOSE, ARE SPECIFICALLY EXCLUDED.IN NO EVENT SHA LL ROSSLARE BE LIA BLE FOR DA MA GES IN EXCESS OF THE PURCH A SE PRICE OF THE PRODUCT,OR FOR A NY OTHER INCIDENT A L, CONSEQUENTIAL OR SPECIAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOSS OF USE,LOSS OF TIME,COMMERCIA L LOSS,INCONVENIENCE,A ND LOSS OF PROFITS, ARISING OUT OF THE INSTALLATION, USE, OR INABILITY TO USE SUCH PRODUCT, TO THE FULLEST EXTENT THAT A NY SUCH LOSS OR DA MA GE MA Y BE DISCLA IMED BY LAW.THIS WARRANTY SHALL BECOME NULL AND VOID IN THE EVENT OF A VIOLATION OF THE PROVISIONS OF THIS LIMITED WARRANTY.Contact InformationAsia Pacific, Middle East, Africa Rosslare Enterprises Ltd.Kowloon Bay, Hong KongTel: +852 2795-5630Fax: +852 2795-1508********************************* United States and Canada Rosslare Security Products, Inc. Southlake, TX, USA 76092Toll Free: +1-866-632-1101Local: +1-817-305-0006Fax: +1-817-305-0069*******************************EuropeRosslare Israel Ltd.Rosh HaAyin, Israel 48091Tel: +972 3 938-6838Fax: +972 3 938-6830*******************************Latin AmericaRosslare Latin AmericaBuenos Aires, Argentina 1642*******************************ChinaRosslare Electronics (Shenzhen) Ltd.Shenzhen, ChinaTel: +86 755 8610 6842Fax: +86 755 8610 6101******************************* 76-96448+2。

而且电磁锁与吸附铁板的作用力必须是面对面而且是直线加压(collinear load test),如此电磁锁的吸力(Holding Force)才是最大。
AZM 161SK_12 12RKED_024 电磁锁说明书

13.06.2016 02:53:34hDatasheet AZM 161SK12/12RKED024Solenoid interlock / AZM 161(Minor differences between the printed image and the original product may exist!)• Thermoplastic enclosure• Doubleinsulated• Interlock with protection against incorrect locking.• 130 mm x 90 mm x 30 mm • 6 Contacts • Long life• Large wiring compartment • Manual release, coverside • cable entries 4 M 16 x 1.5Ordering detailsProduct type description AZM 161SK12/12RKED024Article number 101187804EAN code 4030661350875eCl@ss 27272603ApprovalApprovalBG USA/CAN CCCClassificationStandards EN ISO 138491B 10d Opener (NC) 2.000.000Mission time 20 Y earsnoticeGlobal PropertiesProduct name AZM 161StandardsEN 6094751, BGGSET19Compliance with the Directives (Y/N) Y es Number of actuating directions3 pieceActive principle electromechanicalDuty cycle Magnet 100 %Materials Material of the housings Plastic, glassfibre reinforced thermoplastic, selfextinguishing Material of the contacts SilverHousing coating NoneWeight428 gMechanical dataActuating play in direction of actuation 5.5 mmDesign of electrical connection Screw connectionCable section Min. Cable section1 x 0,25 mm² Max. Cable section1 x 1.5 mm²Mechanical life> 1.000.000 operationsnotice All indications about the cable section are including theconductor ferrules.Emergency unlocking device (Y/N)NoManual release (Y/N)Y esEmergency release (Y/N)NoLatching force30 NPositive break force20 Npositive break travel10 mmClamping force F2000 NMax. Actuating speed2 m/sActuating frequency max. 1000 / hAmbient conditionsAmbient temperature Min. environmental temperature−25 °C Max. environmental temperature+60 °CProtection class IP67 to IEC/EN 60529Electrical dataDesign of control element Normally open contact (NO), Opener (NC) Switching principle Creep circuit elementNumber of auxiliary contacts2 pieceNumber of safety contacts4 piecePower to unlock Y esPower to lock NoRated control voltage U s24 VAC/DCPower consumption max. 10 WRated impulse withstand voltage U imp4 kVRated insulation voltage U i250 VThermal test current I the6 AUtilisation category AC15: 230 V / 4 A,DC13: 24 V / 2,5 ARequired rated shortcircuit current1000 AMax. fuse rating6 A gG Dfuse To DIN EN 602691ATEXExplosion protection categories for gases NoneExplosion protected category for dusts NoneMiscellaneous dataApplicationssliding safety guard,removable guard,hinged safety guardDimensionsDimensions of the sensor Width of sensor130 mm Height of sensor90 mm Length of sensor30 mmnoticeManual release• For maintenance, installation, etc.• For manual release using M5 triangular key, available as accessory• Topside (ordering suffix ED) or rearside (ordering suffix EU) mounting possible• A combination of manual release and emergency exit in different mounting directions in only possible for the following variants: ED/TU and TD/EUDiagramNote Diagrampositive break NC contactactiveno activeNormallyopen contactNormallyclosed contactSwitch travel diagramNotes Switch travel diagramContact closedContact openSetting rangeBreak pointPositive opening sequence/ angleVS adjustable range of NO contactVÖ adjustable range of NC contactN after travelOrdering suffixThe applicable ordering suffix is added at the end of the part number of the safety switch.Order example: AZM 161SK12/12RKED024G...GProtected against incorrect polarity and voltage spikes.limited terminating space 0,75 mm²Diagram14 guard open13 +24 VDC63 0 VDC64 unlockedOrdering codeAZM 161 (1)(2)(3)K(4)(5)(6)(7)(1)SK Screw connectionCC Cage clampsST male connector M12, 8 and 4poles(Only for U s: 24 VAC/DC)(2)12/122 Normally open contact (NO) / 4Opener (NC)12/112 Normally open contact (NO) / 3Opener (NC) (Plugin connection)11/122 Normally open contact (NO) / 3Opener (NC) (Plugin connection)(3)without Latching force 5 NR Latching force 30 N(4)without Power to unlockA Power to lock(5)without Manual release lateralED Manual release coversideEU Manual release rearT Emergency exit lateralTD Emergency exit coversideTU Emergency exit rearN Emergency release(6)024U s: 24 VAC/DC110/230U s: 110/230 VAC(7)G with LED (Only for U s: 24 VAC/DC)DocumentsOperating instructions and Declaration of conformity (sv) 423 kB, 15.08.2012 Code: mrl_azm161_svOperating instructions and Declaration of conformity (es) 566 kB, 09.03.2016 Code: mrl_azm161_esOperating instructions and Declaration of conformity (de) 439 kB, 29.01.2016 Code: mrl_azm161_deOperating instructions and Declaration of conformity (pt) 402 kB, 10.07.2014 Code: mrl_azm161_ptOperating instructions and Declaration of conformity (en) 443 kB, 29.01.2016 Code: mrl_azm161_enOperating instructions and Declaration of conformity (pl) 424 kB, 24.03.2014 Code: mrl_azm161_plOperating instructions and Declaration of conformity (fr) 401 kB, 14.04.2014 Code: mrl_azm161_frOperating instructions and Declaration of conformity (cs) 425 kB, 15.08.2012 Code: mrl_azm161_csOperating instructions and Declaration of conformity (jp) 481 kB, 11.03.2014 Code: mrl_azm161_jpOperating instructions and Declaration of conformity (it) 392 kB, 11.03.2014 Code: mrl_azm161_itOperating instructions and Declaration of conformity (nl) 425 kB, 15.08.2012 Code: mrl_azm161_nlBGtest certificate (de) 140 kB, 20.05.2015Code: z_m16p01BGtest certificate (en) 134 kB, 20.05.2015Code: z_m16p02CCC certification (en) 596 kB, 23.06.2014Code: q_371p02CCC certification (cn) 607 kB, 23.06.2014Code: q_371p03EAC certification (ru) 809 kB, 05.10.2015Code: q_6040p17_runotice (de, en) 88 kB, 27.09.2007Code: s_161p01ImagesDimensional drawing (basic component)Operating principleSystem componentsActuator101145117 AZM 161B1101144416 AZM 161B1E101171859 AZM 161B1ES101175431 AZM 161B1F101171125 AZM 161B1S101173089 AZM 161B12053 WITH BALL LATCH101164100 AZM 161B11747 WITH MAGNETIC LATCH101178199 AZM 161B12024101176642 AZM 161B12177 WITH CENTERING GUIDE101174113 AZM 161B62177 WITH CENTERING GUIDE • For very smal actuating radii101170375 AZM 161B6S101144420 AZM 161B6• For very smal actuating radiiDoorhandle systemAZM 161STS30• Latching handle• Suitable for all types of guardAccessories101100887 TRIANGULAR KEY TKM5• For manual release using M5 triangular key, available asaccessory• For maintenance, installation, etc.101149213 Mounting set MS AZM 161 R/P101150376 Mounting set MS AZM 161 PK.A. Schmersal GmbH & Co. KG, Möddinghofe 30, D42279 WuppertalThe data and values have been checked throroughly. Technical modifications and errors excepted.Generiert am 13.06.2016 02:53:36h Kasbase 3.2.2.F.64I。


1Stainless SteelPlasticDie-cast MetalMagnetic latching combines with RFID technology to deliver high holding force and tamper resistance•RFID provide s a high degree of t a mper re s i s t a nce.•Cle a n/Sa nitize in Pl a ce – s t a inle ss s teel ver s ion s a re r a ted IP69K •LED s s upport e as y f a ult di a gno s i s •In s t a ll up to 20 s witche s in s erie s•Re s idu a l m a gneti s m a ct s as light door l a tch a fter unlocking •Two a ctu a tor type s with type 4 coding•B as ic – a ll a ctu a tor s in the s y s tem a re identic a lly coded.•Unique – every a ctu a tor i s individu a lly coded. 32,000,000 code s •Both offer toler a nce for mi sa lignment•Two s witch s ize s provide multiple holding force option s •Medium Duty-S t a inle ss S teel: F1m a x (typic a l) 600N, F zh 450N -Pl as tic a nd Diec as t: F1m a x (typic a l) 900N, F zh 675N •He a vy Duty-S t a inle ss S teel: F1m a x (typic a l) 950N, F zh 700N-Pl as tic a nd Diec as t: F1m a x (typic a l) 1500N, F zh 1150N •Three c as e m a teri a l sPl as tic, diec as t met a l, 316 s t a inle ss s teel•For u s e on m a chine s with no rundown time if power i s lo s tDiagnostic Indicator FunctionYellow LED indicates OPENS hown in Gu a rd Open Po s itionGreen LED indicates CLOSEDS hown in Gu a rd Clo s ed Po sition Switch StatusGuard Green LED Yellow LEDSafety OutputLockedClo s ed S te a dy Off Clo s ed S olenoid Power OFF (unlocked)Clo s ed Fl as hing Off Open Gu a rd Open Open Off S te a dy Open Door Forced OpenOpenOffFl as hingOpenD40ML Series2Ordering InformationSwitchesSpare ActuatorsNote:S p a re a ctu a tor s a re not a v a il a ble for uniquely coded s witche s.AccessoriesNote:1.The quick di s connect c a ble h as a n identic a l c a ble pining as the Cable Wiring on p a ge 42.Y92E-M12PUR S H8S M-L di s connect c a ble s a re a l s o comp a tible with D40ML.Case Material Holding Force F1max (typical)Actuator Type Cable Configuration Model Number316 S t a inle ssS teel (IP69K)600NUnique5m C a ble D40ML-SS2-U-5M10m C a ble D40ML-SS2-U-10MPigt a il w/ M12 Connector D40ML-SS2-U-M12B as ic5m C a ble D40ML-SS2-B-5M10m C a ble D40ML-SS2-B-10MPigt a il w/ M12 Connector D40ML-SS2-B-M12 950NUnique5m C a ble D40ML-SS1-U-5M10m C a ble D40ML-SS1-U-10MPigt a il w/ M12 Connector D40ML-SS1-U-M12B as ic5m C a ble D40ML-SS1-B-5M10m C a ble D40ML-SS1-B-10MPigt a il w/ M12 Connector D40ML-SS1-B-M12Pl as tic (IP67)900NUnique5m C a ble D40ML-P2-U-5M10m C a ble D40ML-P2-U-10MPigt a il w/ M12 Connector D40ML-P2-U-M12B as ic5m C a ble D40ML-P2-B-5M10m C a ble D40ML-P2-B-10MPigt a il w/ M12 Connector D40ML-P2-B-M12 1500NUnique5m C a ble D40ML-P1-U-5M10m C a ble D40ML-P1-U-10MPigt a il w/ M12 Connector D40ML-P1-U-M12B as ic5m C a ble D40ML-P1-B-5M10m C a ble D40ML-P1-B-10MPigt a il w/ M12 Connector D40ML-P1-B-M12Diec as t Met a l(IP67)900NUnique5m C a ble D40ML-M2-U-5M10m C a ble D40ML-M2-U-M12Pigt a il w/ M12 Connector D40ML-M2-U-M12B as ic5m C a ble D40ML-M2-B-5M10m C a ble D40ML-M2-B-10MPigt a il w/ M12 Connector D40ML-M2-B-M12 1500NUnique5m C a ble D40ML-M1-U-5M10m C a ble D40ML-M1-U-10MPigt a il w/ M12 Connector D40ML-M1-U-M12B as ic5m C a ble D40ML-M1-B-5M10m C a ble D40ML-M1-B-10MPigt a il w/ M12 Connector D40ML-M1-B-M12Product Description Model Number S t a inle ss S teel; IP69K; 950N; B as ic Code; Actu a tor D40ML-SS1-B-ACTS t a inle ss S teel; IP69K 600N; B as ic Code; Actu a tor D40ML-SS2-B-ACT Diec as t Met a l; IP67; 1500N; B as ic Code; Actu a tor D40ML-M1-B-ACTDiec as t Met a l; IP67; 900N; B as ic Code; Actu a tor D40ML-M2-B-ACTPl as tic; IP67; 1500N; B as ic Code; Actu a tor D40ML-P1-B-ACTPl as tic; IP67; 900N; B as ic Code; Actu a tor D40ML-P2-B-ACTProduct Description Model Number Quick Di s connect C a ble, 8-pin M12 to Flying Le a d s, PVC J a cket, 5 Meter Length D40ML-CBL-M12-5M Quick Di s connect C a ble, 8-pin M12 to Flying Le a d s, PVC J a cket, 10 Meter Length D40ML-CBL-M12-10MD40ML Series3SpecificationsNote:When the product u s e devi a te s from the s e ass umption s (different lo a d, oper a ting frequency, etc.) the v a lue s mu s t be a dju s ted a ccordingly.Codes and StandardsIEC 60947-5-3:2013, EN 60947-5-1:2004 + AC:2005 + A1:2009, EN 60947-1:2007 + A1:2011, EN I S O 13849-1:2008 + AC:2009, EN 62061:2005 + AC:2010 + A1:2013, I S O 14119:2013, UL508Safety Classificationand Reliability Data Minimum Switched Current 10VDC 1mA Dielectric Withstand 250VAC Insulation Resistance 100M ΩShock Resistance 11m s 30GVibration Resistance 10 to 55Hz, 1mm a mplitude Switching Distance S a o 1mm Clo s e; S a r 10mm OpenMisalignment Between s witch a nd a ctu a tor, 2mm in a ny direction Switching Frequency 1.0Hz m a ximum Response Time (On –> Off)10m s m a x.Operating Time (Off –> On)150m sApproach Speed200mm/m to 1000mm/sBody MaterialD40ML-P_: Pl as ticD40ML-M_: Diec as t Met a lD40ML-SS _: 316 S t a inle ss S teel Actu a tor S e a l: S iliconeEnc a p s ul a tion: High Temper a ture Epoxy Operating Temperature Range–25 to 40°CAmbient Operating Humidityup to 90% a t 25 ~ 40°CEnclosure Protection IP67 (Pl as tic or Diec as t Met a l)IP69K (S t a inle ss s teel ver s ion s with flying le a d s )Cable Type PVC 8 core, 6mm outer di a meter Mounting Bolts 2 × M5 Tightening torque 1.0Nm Mounting Position AnyPower Supply 24VDC ±10% (s elv / pelv)Power ConsumptionUnlocked: 50mA m a x.Locked:- Medium Duty 325mA m a x. - He a vy Duty 500mA m a x.Holding ForceMedium Duty- S t a inle ss S teel: F1m a x (typic a l) 600N, F zh *1 450N - Pl as tic a nd Diec as t: F1m a x (typic a l) 900N, F zh 675N He a vy Duty- S t a inle ss S teel: F1m a x (typic a l) 950N, F zh 700N- Pl as tic a nd Diec as t: F1m a x (typic a l) 1500N, F zh 1150N *1A new te s t h as been introduced with the coefficient 1.3. A device with a s pecified m a ximum holding force (F zh ) of 500N need s to hold up a force te s t (F1m a x ) a t 650N.According to the s t a nd a rd the locking force F zh s hould be s t a ted for every gu a rd locking s witch.Max. Switched Current (Outputs)200mA (min. intern a l re s i s t a nce 8.5 Ohm s )Auxiliary Signal+24 VDC (Door Open)Characteristic Data according to EN ISO13849-1PLe: If both ch a nnel s a re u s ed in combin a tion with a S IL3/PLe control device C a tegory: C a t. 4MTTFd: 1100aDi a gno s tic Cover a ge DC: 99% (high)Number of oper a ting d a y s per ye a r: d op = 365d Number of oper a ting hour s per d a y: h op = 24h B10d: Not mech a nic a l p a rt s implemented Characteristic Data according to IEC62061 (used as a sub system)Sa fety Integrity Level: S IL3PFH (1/h): 4.77E-10 Corre s pond s to 4.8% of S IL3PFD: 4.18E-05 Corre s pond s to 4.2% of S IL3Proof Te s t Interv a l T 1: 20aInformation with regard to UL508U s e LVLC or Cl ass 2 s upply. Type 1 enclo s ure.Risk Time in accordance with EN 60947-5-3150m s (s witching off del a y a t remov a l of a ctu a tor)D40ML Series4Cable WiringTypical Operating Distance (Front Approach)Note:DO NOT u s e s witch a nd a ctu a tor as a gu a rd door stop.Solenoid Supply 24 VDCAuxSafety Output 2Safety Output 1External Supply 24 VDCNon-Contact RFID Locking Switch Wiring DiagramQuick Connect(CC)M12 8-way maleplugConductorColorsFunction Power Rating8Or a ngeApply Lock(24VDC ±10%)50mA M a x5BrownAuxili a ry S ign a l(Door Open/Clo s ed)+24VDC(200mA)4Yellow Sa fety Output 2200mA M a x6Green Sa fety Output 21White Sa fety Output 1200mA M a x7Bl a ck Sa fety Output 13Blue0VDC500mA M a x2Red+24VDC ±10%Misalignment mmDistance mmD40ML Series5Dimensions(Unit: mm)D40ML Medium Duty SwitchD40ML Heavy Duty SwitchInstallation:•In s t a ll a tion of a ll D40ML s erie s sa fety s witche s mu s t be in a ccord a nce with a ri s k ass e ss ment for the individu a l a pplic a tion.•The u s e of a sa fety rel a y i s required for monitoring RFID coded s witche s . The s e rel a y s monitor two redund a nt circuit s as per I S O13849-1 for up to PLe/C a tegory 4 protection.•D40ML s erie s s witche s a re de s igned to oper a te with mo s t du a l ch a nnel sa fety rel a y s to sa ti s fy EN60947-5-3.•M5 mounting bolt s mu s t be u s ed to mount the s witche s . Tightening torque for mounting bolt s to en s ure reli a ble fixing i s 1.0 Nm. Alw a y s mount on non-ferrou s m a teri a l s .•Do not mount a dj a cent s witche s or a ctu a tor s clo s er th a n 30mm.•To a chieve nomin a l holding force en s ure f a ce-to-f a ce a lignment of m a gnetic p a rt s .•After in s t a ll a tion a lw a y s check e a ch s witch function by opening a nd clo s ing e a ch gu a rd individu a lly in turn a nd en s uring th a t the Green LED on the s witch a nd the LED s on the sa fety rel a y a re illumin a ted when the s witch i s clo s ed a nd a re extingui s hed when the s witch i s open. Check th a t the m a chine s top s a nd c a nnot be re-s t a rted when e a ch s witch i s open.Maintenance/Safety Checks: Monthly: Check a lignment of a ctu a tor a nd look for s ign s of mech a nic a l d a m a ge to the s witch c as ing or c a ble s .The sa fety function s a nd mech a nic s mu s t be te s ted regul a rly. For a pplic a tion s where infrequent gu a rd a cce ss i s fore s ee a ble, the s y s tem mu s t h a ve a m a nu a l function te s t to detect a po ss ible a ccumul a tion of f a ult s . At le as t once per month for PLe C a t3/4 or once per ye a r for PLd C a t3 (I S O13849-1). Where po ss ible it i s recommended th a t the control s y s tem of the m a chine dem a nd s a nd monitor s the s e te s t s , a nd s top s or prevent s the m a chine from s t a rting if the te s t i s not done. (I S O14119). Check th a t the m a chine s top s a nd c a nnot be re-s t a rted when e a ch s witch i s open.NOTE: The sa fety output s will only clo s e when the a ctu a tor i s in pl a ce a nd the lock m a gnet i s energized. Forcing open of the lock will c a u s e the sa fety output s to open.IMPORTANT: The gu a rd holding h as no interlock function. The Ri s k A ss e ss ment for the p a rticul a r a pplic a tion s hould include the ri s k of s p a re a ctu a tor s . S p a re a ctu a tor s s hould not be re a dily a v a il a ble a nd mu s t be s ecurely controlled. Record a ny RFID code s as required by f a ctory rule s or with reference to a ny ri s k ass e ss ment for the p a rticul a r a pplic a tion a nd u s er loc a tion.Fixing Holes for M5 ScrewsACTUATORSWITCHFixing Holes for M5 Screws64648896Ø 5058.5060.50411R 32437523225445232626.50SWITCH Fixing Holes for M5 ScrewsFixing Holes for M5 ScrewsACTUATOR11579.5010575.50Ø 6544116666Ø 76Ø 805252443228.504338631D40ML Series6Wiring OptionsD40ML to G9SE-201(up to Safety PLe acc. EN ISO13849-1)D40ML to G9SE-201 - Series Connections (up to SafetyPLd acc. EN ISO 13849-1, maximum 20 switches)M: 3-phase motorTerms and Conditions AgreementRead and understand this catalog.Please read and understand this catalog before purchasing the products. Please consult your OMRON representative if you have any questions or comments.Warranties.(a) Exclusive Warranty. Omron’s exclusive warranty is that the Products will be free from defects in materials and workmanshipfor a period of twelve months from the date of sale by Omron (or such other period expressed in writingby Omron). Omron disclaims all other warranties, express or implied.(b) Limitations. OMRON MAKES NO WARRANTY OR REPRESENT ATION, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, ABOUTNON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANT ABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OF THEPRODUCTS. BUYER ACKNOWLEDGES THA T IT ALONE HAS DETERMINED THA T THE PRODUCTS WILLSUIT ABL Y MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF THEIR INTENDED USE.Omron further disclaims all warranties and responsibility of any type for claims or expenses based on infringement by the Products or otherwise of any intellectual property right. (c) Buyer Remedy. Omron’s sole obligation hereunder shall be, at Omron’s election, to (i) replace (in the form originally shipped with Buyer responsible for labor charges for removal or replacement thereof) thenon-complying Product, (ii) repair the non-complying Product, or (iii) repay or credit Buyer an amount equal to the purchase price of the non-complying Product; provided that in no event shall Omron be responsible for warranty, repair, indemnity or any other claims or expenses regarding the Products unless Omron’s analysis confirms that the Products were properly handled, stored, installed and maintained and not subject to contamination, abuse, misuse or inappropriate modification. Return of any Products by Buyer must be approved in writing by Omron before shipment. Omron Companies shall not be liable for the suitability or unsuitability or the results from the use of Products in combination with any electrical or electronic components, circuits, system assemblies or any other materials or substances or environments. Any advice, recommendations or information given orally or in writing, are not to be construed as an amendment or addition to the above warranty.See /global/ or contact your Omron representative for published information.Limitation on Liability; Etc.OMRON COMP ANIES SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENT AL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, LOSS OF PROFITS OR PRODUCTION OR COMMERCIAL LOSS IN ANY WAY CONNECTED WITH THE PRODUCTS, WHETHER SUCH CLAIM IS BASED IN CONTRACT, WARRANTY, NEGLIGENCE OR STRICT LIABILITY.Further, in no event shall liability of Omron Companies exceed the individual price of the Product on which liability is asserted.Suitability of Use.Omron Companies shall not be responsible for conformity with any standards, codes or regulations which apply to the combination of the Product in the Buyer’s application or use of the Product. At Buyer’s request, Omron will provide applicable third party certification documents identifying ratings and limitations of use which apply to the Product. This information by itself is not sufficient for a complete determination of the suitability of the Product in combination with the end product, machine, system, or other application or use. Buyer shall be solely responsible for determining appropriateness of the particular Product with respect to Buyer’s application, product or system. Buyer shall take application responsibility in all cases.NEVER USE THE PRODUCT FOR AN APPLICA TION INVOLVING SERIOUS RISK TO LIFE OR PROPERTY OR IN LARGE QUANTITIES WITHOUT ENSURING THA T THE SYSTEM AS A WHOLE HAS BEEN DESIGNED TO ADDRESS THE RISKS, AND THA T THE OMRON PRODUCT(S) IS PROPERL Y RA TED AND INST ALLED FOR THE INTENDED USE WITHIN THE OVERALL EQUIPMENT OR SYSTEM.Programmable Products.Omron Companies shall not be responsible for the user’s programming of a programmable Product, or any consequence thereof.Performance Data.Data presented in Omron Company websites, catalogs and other materials is provided as a guide for the user in determining suitability and does not constitute a warranty. It may represent the result of Omron’s test conditions, and the user must correlate it to actual application requirements. Actual performance is subject to the Omron’s Warranty and Limitations of Liability.Change in Specifications.Product specifications and accessories may be changed at any time based on improvements and other reasons. It is our practice to change part numbers when published ratings or features are changed, or when significant construction changes are made. However, some specifications of the Product may be changed without any notice. When in doubt, special part numbers may be assigned to fix or establish key specifications for your application. Please consult with your Omron’s representative at any time to confirm actual specifications of purchased Product.Errors and Omissions.Information presented by Omron Companies has been checked and is believed to be accurate; however, no responsibility is assumed for clerical, typographical or proofreading errors or omissions.Authorized Di s tributor:In the interest of prod u ct improvement,specifications are s ub ject to change witho u t notice.Cat. No. F22E-EN-01C0421(0613)© OMRON Corporation 2013-2016 All Rights Reserved.OMRON Corporation Indu s trial Automation CompanyOMRON ELECTRONIC S LLC2895 Greenspoint Parkway, S u ite 200 Hoffman Estates, IL 60169 U.S.AT el: (1) 847-843-7900/Fax: (1) 847-843-7787Regional Headquarters OMRON EUROPE B.V.Wegalaan 67-69, 2132 JD Hoofddorp The NetherlandsTel: (31) 2356-81-300/Fax: (31) 2356-81-388 Contact: www.indu s trial.omron.euOMRON A S IA PACIFIC PTE. LTD.No. 438A Alexandra Road # 05-05/08 (Lo bb y 2), Alexandra T echnopark, Singapore 119967T el: (65) 6835-3011/Fax: (65) 6835-2711OMRON (CHINA) CO., LTD.Room 2211, Bank of China T ower, 200 Yin Cheng Zhong Road,P u Dong New Area, Shanghai, 200120, China T el: (86) 21-5037-2222/Fax: (86) 21-5037-2200。
磁力锁 、电插锁 、电动开门机说明书

产品优势:◆ 250KG±10%静态直线拉力◆ 可自行设定12VDC±10% 或24VDC±10%◆ 内置反向电流保护装置(MOV)◆ 防残磁设计,防磨损材料制造◆ 铝外壳采用高强度合金材料◆ 双重锁体绝缘处理◆ 完全电磁吸力工作,不存在机械故障技术参数:锁体尺寸:长250x宽47x厚26(mm) 吸板尺寸:长180x宽38x厚11(mm) 工作电压:DC12V±10%/DC24V±10% 工作电流:480mA±5%/240mA±5%信号输出:锁状态信号输出延时开门:无安全类型:断电开门适用门型:木门\玻璃门\金属门\防火门等质量认证:CE/FCC/CMA/ROHS 选配支架:DA-280L/280U/280ZL产品尺寸:产品规格书(DAIC-MJ-LXS)产品名称:灵性锁(电机锁)产品图片:产品概述:电机锁(或称灵性锁)的设计有效结合了传统电控锁及磁力锁的优点,克服了电控锁噪音过大、磁力锁耗电等方面的不足而开发的新产品,电机锁与电控锁和磁力锁相比较,它的性能更加的完善、优点更加明显,可与楼宇对讲、门禁等智能化系统配套使用。
Forcelock 3000系列电磁锁说明书

TMSM•High Security• 12/24 VDC/VAC• One Piece Housing• FasTrak Mounting• Lifetime Warranty3000S e r i e s1500L b s.H o l d i n g F o r c eE l e c t r o m a g n e t i c L o c k sDescriptionThe 3000 Series is a full size 1500 lbs. holdingforce electromagnet. It is designed for lifesafety and high security on rated or nonrateddoors and frames. Specify for commercial,industrial, or institutional openings wheremaximum security and durability is required.All 3000 Series locks are designed for ease ofinstallation with DynaLock’s exclusive FasTrakmounting system, field selectable voltage, andconvenient wiring compartments. Optionalintegrated door and lock status sensors allowremote monitoring without the need to installseparate “door contacts”.The 3000 Series is offered in single, double, andsplit armature models for both outswinging andinswinging doors. The coil and housingassembly mounts rigidly to the door frame whilethe armature mounts to the door in a mannerthat allows it to pivot slightly to compensate fordoor irregularities. When the door is closed andthe lock is energized the armature ismagnetically bonded to the lock face, thussecuring the door without utilizing any movingparts.Standard Features• One Piece Housing made from high strengthaluminum. A seamless housing means maximumresistance to weather and tampering.• FasTrak Mounting: Speed up installation by mountingthe FasTrak channel to the frame first. Lock can then beattached and removed with ease.• Universal Design: Lock handing can easily be reversedin the field, allowing placement of the coil adjacent to thevertical jamb where it will exert the most efficient force.• Low power consumption conserves energy, reducesoperation cost, and extends battery backup time.• A totally plated coil and armature provides protectionagainst corrosion.• A narrow backset of 1-1/2” may mean the eliminationof other mounting brackets or filler plates.• No residual magnetism - the door releases withoutdelay when lock is de-energized.• Built-in spike suppression protects other solid statecomponents within the system from damage when the lockis de-energized.•Lifetime Warranty - American Made in the USA byDynaLock, with over 20 years experience in themanufacture of electromagnetic locks.NYC Mea #23-92-ECSFM23000 Single Outswinging DoorSingle coil. Mounts to the underside of the frame header .1500 Lbs. Holding Force.3001 Double Outswinging DoorSingle coil with double (split) armature. Mounts to the underside of the frame header . Recommended for traffic control only. 750 Lbs. holding force per leaf.3002Double Outswinging DoorDouble coil. Mounts to the underside of the frame header .1500 Lbs. holding force per leaf.3002-TJ32 Double Inswinging DoorDouble coil. Mounts to the face of the frame header .1500 Lbs. holding force per leaf.3000-TJ30 Single Inswinging DoorSingle coil. Mounts to the face of the frame header .1500 Lbs. holding force.3001-TJ31 Double Inswinging DoorSingle coil with double (split) armature. Mounts to the face of the frame header . Recommended for traffic control only.750 Lbs. holding force per leaf.TM SM3Options23/4”SEXNUT LOCK11/2”23/16”MountingINSWINGING DOOR SIDE VIEW OUTSWINGING DOOR SIDE VIEWARMATURELOCK11/2”SEX NUT27/16”ADJUSTABLE23/4”ARMATUREMOUNTINGBRACKET WiringConnectionsShown with all options.CLHDSMDSM2HSMHSM2VOPVOP2LCLCBLEDLED2LPLP2OFAS FCUSTOM LENGTH HOUSING - See back page.DOOR STATUS SWITCH - Signals door closed or ajar. SPDT contacts.DOOR STATUS SWITCH - For the 3002 models.HIGH SECURITY MONITOR - Includes the following:HIGH SECURITY MONITOR - For the 3002 models.VALUE OPTION PACKAGE - Includes the following:VALUE OPTION PACKAGE - For the 3002 models.A 3000 Series coil assembly supplied in a 2000 Series multi-piece housing.BASIC LOCK LESS CIRCUIT BOARD - Coil and housing with flying leads.BI-COLOR LED - For local signaling of lock status. (Requires HSM or VOP option)BI-COLOR LED’S(2) - For the 3002 models. (Requires HSM2 or VOP2 option)*****************************(SingleLock)******************************(DoubleLock)OFFSET ARMATURE - For aluminum storefront doors. Mounting hole is higher to avoid top rail drilling problems.SPECIAL FINISH - Standard finish is US28 Satin Aluminum. Special anodized finishes, see price book. Notes: DSM, HSM, VOP and LED options not available on 3001 split armature models or with LCB option.5”DOOR STATUS SWITCH - Signals door closed or ajar. SPDT contacts.DYNASTAT FORCE SENSOR - Indicates efficient magnetic bond. SPDT contacts.DOOR STATUS SWITCH - Signals door closed or ajar. SPDT contacts.DYNASTAT FORCE SENSOR - Indicates efficient magnetic bond. SPDT contacts.ANTI-TAMPER SWITCH - Signals removal of the housing cover. SPDT contacts.RELOCK TIME DELAY - Adjustable 1-80 seconds.ARMATURESpecifications3000S e r i e s E l e c t r o m a g n e t i c L o c kHolding Force:Lock Size:3002, 3002TJ32 All othersArmature Size:3001, 3001TJ31 All othersLock Weight:1500 Lbs. Each Coil11/2”D x 23/4”H x 22”L11/2”D x 23/4”H x 11”L1/2”D x 23/8”H x 35/8”L1/2”D x 23/8”H x 73/8”L3000, 3001 10Lbs. / 3002 19Lbs. 3000TJ30, 3001TJ31 12Lbs. 3002TJ32 23Lbs.MECHANICALInput Voltage: Current Draw:Contact Ratings: Coil Resistance:12 or 24 VDC/VAC (Field Selectable)0.42A @ 12V Each Coil0.21A @ 24V Each CoilDSM - 0.25A @ 24VDC/VACDYN - 1A @ 24VDC/VACATS - 0.5A @ 24VDC/VAC53.2 Ohms (+/- 10%) Wht/Wht, Blk/BlkFeaturingDyna LifeLifetime WarrantyAccessories• 4000 Series Installation AccessoriesFiller Plates: Extend the door stopAngle Brackets: Extend the header• 5000 Series Power SuppliesSolid state power supplies provide propervoltage, time delay and battery backup ifrequired.• 6000 Series Exit ControlsPush-buttons in a variety of switchingconfigurations and exit sensor bars.• 7000 Series Keyswitches and KeypadsKeyswitches accept most mortise cylinders for controlled access.Rugged digital entry keypads.• 8000 Series ConsolesDesktop, slope front and rack mount fabricated to customer specifications.Custom Length HousingsOptional custom length housings are ordered in addition to the lock itself. They are used to provide an unbroken sight line across the header or vertical jamb, for a less conspicuous installation.3500 Single door. One horizontal lock LHR 30” to 48”.3600 Single door. One horizontal lock RHR 30” to 48”.3700 Single door. Two vertical locks up to 96”.3800 Double door. Two horizontal locks up to 96”.ELECTRICALFinish:US28 Satin Aluminum with clear anodizeOther Finishes AvailableELECTRICAL3500360038003700。

电 源:四节5号“AA”碱性电池 功 耗:<10uA
工作温度:-10℃-+70℃ 工作湿度:10%-90%RH

*24200669*24200669 Electromagnetic Lock M390RFKInstallation Instructions2Inspection and MaintenanceThis product must be inspected and maintained on a quarterly basis. Contacting surfaces of the electromagnetic lock and armature plate must be kept free of contaminating materials. Surfaces must be cleaned periodically with a non-abrasive cleaner.All mounting fasteners must be inspected on a quarterly basis.When properly installed, the ends of the armature plate allow a slight movement but the plate will feel secure when grasped at the bolt. There should be no movement to the mounting bracket or housing of the electromagnetic lock.For added safety, thread locking compound has been provided for the armature plate bolt and the four captive electromagnetic lock mounting screws.Warnings and CautionsWARNINGWarnings indicate potentially hazardous conditions, which if not avoided or corrected, may cause death or serious injury.CAUTIONCautions indicate potentially hazardous conditions, which if not avoided or corrected, may cause minor or moderate injury. Cautions may also warn against unsafe practices.L Notes indicate a condition that may causeequipment or property damage only.Pre-Installation ConsiderationsCAUTION• Use ONLY the hardware provided for mounting this product.• Non-standard Door thickness may require different barrel nut hardware - see specific instructions for required hardware.• Follow the installation procedure as described in this manual.• Check door thickness. If the door is not 1 3/4" thick, a different barrel nut will be required. Contact Product Support at 1-877-671-7011.• Check door header. A minimum 2 3/4" thick, flat surface is needed to securely mount all screws for the magnet. If you do not have the required surface, you will need filler plates and/or angle brackets to properly mount the magnet. Contact Product Support at 1-877-671-7011.Door: 1 3/4" ThickHeader: At least 23/4" thick, flatLock Installation1Prepare door and frame (for new installs).1a Place included template against closed door and headerwith allowance for Allen key clearance from the edge (1 1/4”).1b Drill the middle hole in the door and two (2) holes in the header as indicated. Center-mark the two holes to mount armature holder.L Different hole sizes required for different materials, as referenced on the template.Figure 1: Armature MountingMetal door reinforcement tube Armature housing Tooth lock washer ScrewRubber coated head ArmatureSteel washersBarrelNut2Mount armature plate.2a Position screw with rubber head through the armature plate.L Apply thread-locking compound to exposedthreads.2b Secure armature plate to door and armature holder bythreading into barrel nut. See Figure 1: ArmatureMounting .L Armature plate must be allowed to pivot on thecenter mounting bolt to allow proper alignment with the magnet surface. If the plate is not alignedwith the magnet surface, the lock may lose holding force or not lock at all.L The head of the armature mounting bolt ships witha rubber washer affixed to it. This washer should project beyond the surface of the armature plate to allow the washer to expand when power isremoved and break the air vacuum between the plate and magnet surface. If this washer isremoved or trimmed, the lock will appear to have some holding force even when power is removed33Mount lock.3a Remove blocking screws from front of lock.3b Remove lock from mounting bracket by loosening captive screws and sliding off keyholes.New lock installation:3c Attach bracket to header with the two (2) panheadmachine screws or the self-drilling screws provided through the slots.L Do not over-tighten these screws as the bracketmay need adjustment.L Mounting Bracket should be installed such that the Panhead screwheads fit within the recessed areaof the slot.3d Slide lock onto mounting bracket keyholes. Engage onecaptive screw at each end through bottom to fix lockposition on bracket.3e Adjust alignment to ensure full contact of magnet witharmature plate.3f Carefully remove lock without shifting mounting bracket andtighten panhead screws as needed to secure in place.3g Secure mounting bracket in position with either nine (9)TEK™ screws or four (4) at counter-sunk machine screws.3h Drill ¾” (19 mm) wire access hole using mounting bracket asa guide.3iTip the lock to expose the four (4) captive mounting screws. L Apply thread-locking compound to exposedthreads. 3jSlide the lock onto mounting bracket keyholes.3k Tighten the four (4) captive mounting screws.3l Insert anti-tamper plugs.Retrofit installation:3c Attach bracket to header with 9 TEK™ screws or four (4) atcounter-sunk machine screws utilizing holes from previous installation.L Additional TEK™ screws may be used for addedstrength.3d Tip the lock to expose the four (4) captive mounting screws.L Apply thread-locking compound to exposedthreads.3e Slide the lock onto mounting bracket keyholes.3f Tighten the four (4) captive mounting screws.3g Insert anti-tamper plugs.Captivemounting screw Blocking screwBlocking and wiring cavity screwInsert anti-tamper plugsFigure 2: Lock MountingKeyholesWire access holesSlots 4 Route the power supply.Connect wire through the door frame and into the wire access hole in the top of the magnet housing. See WiringRequirements on page 1 for current draw specifications and wiring gauge chart.CAUTIONThis electromagnetic locking device is cULus listed andmust be used with UL approved power supply.5Connect wire to terminal blocks.5a Route wire into lock cavity. Connect wire to terminal blocks.See Figure 3: Lock Wiring .5b Wire Door Status Monitor (DSM) and/or Magnetic BondSensor (MBS) if used. See Figure 3: Lock Wiring .Figure 3: Lock WiringDELAY J2RW1MAGLED 1NO NC C–+Normally open Normally closed Common Common ground 12/24 VDC inputMBS sensor SPDToutput contacts rated for max 1.25 amp at 24 VDC Lock powered from a listed filtered and regulated DC power supplyDSM reed switch contacts rated at 0.20 amp and 12 VDC and 0.12 amp at 24 VDCRed: normally closed Green: normally open Black: commonRTD adjustment Turn clockwise to increase delay.© Allegion 2021Printed in U.S.A.24200669 Rev. 09/21-dCustomer Service1-877-671-7011/us6 Ensure instant release.All switching devices must be wired between the DC power source and the positive terminal of the lock as shown in Figure 4: Power Connections . Switching the negative power supply line will not allow the lock to release immediately.L This lock contains TVS for surge suppression anddoes not require any additional suppression. L Note: Some warming of the device under routineoperation is normal.Figure 4: Power Connections+-CorrectswitchFiltered DC supply+-IncorrectFiltered DC supplyswitchTroubleshootingProblemSolutionCannot remove the lock mounting bracket from top of magnet for installation.Remove blocking screw. Insert supplied Allen wrench into mounting bolt holes in the bottom of the lock housing and turn. See Figure 2: Lock Mounting on page 3.Lock is installed but has no holding force at all.Check connections at power supply, connected releasing devices, lock terminals, and lock circuit board to magnet core.Lock has enough holding force to lightly hold a screwdriver or set of pliers but door will not lock.Check to see that armature plate is correctly aligned with the electromagnetic lock. If there is improper alignment, make a 1/4” turn of the armature plate mounting bolt and check for alignment. Make sure to follow the armature plate mounting instructions on the template and page 1 of these installation instructions.Lock is operating and locking but the armature plate is “humming” against the surface of the lock.This generally indicates that the lock is either operating on AC voltage or there is some AC voltage present in the DC supply. A properly filtered and regulated DC power supply is required to achieve optimal operation from the lock.Lock is not releasing immediately upon removal of power.Ensure that switching devices are interrupting the DC power and not the AC power supply voltage. Ensure rubber washer on armature plate mounting bolt has not been removed or damaged. Check that switching device interrupts the positive wire and not the negative wire. See Figure 4: Power Connections on page 4. Remove any Diodes or other suppression devices that may be installed.。
AZM 415-33ZPDK 230VAC 电磁锁说明书

DATASHEETDataOrdering dataProduct type description AZM 415-33ZPDK 230VAC Article number (order number)101117713EAN (European Article Number)4030661047133eCl@ss number, version 12.027-27-26-03eCl@ss number, version 11.027-27-26-03eCl@ss number, version 9.027-27-26-03ETIM number, version 7.0EC002593ETIM number, version 6.0EC002593General dataStandards BG-GS-ET-19EN IEC 60947-5-1Working principle electromechanical Enclosure material Aluminium Enclosure coating material paintedGross weight1,515 gGeneral data - FeaturesPower to unlock YesNumber of actuating directions1Number of auxiliary contacts3Number of safety contacts3Number of guard doors2Safety classificationStandards EN ISO 13849-1 Mission time20 Year(s)Safety classification - Safety outputsNormally-closed contact (NC)2,000,000 Operations B10DMechanical dataMechanical life, minimum1,000,000 Operations in accordance with EN ISO 141192,500 NHolding force FZhNote (Clamping force)each guardLatching force, minimum150 NLatching force, maximum400 NPositive break travel 4.5 mmPositive break force, minimum15 NActuating speed, maximum0.2 m/sMechanical data - Connection techniqueTermination Screw terminals M20 x 1.5Cable section, minimum 2 x 0.75 mm²Cable section, maximum 2 x 2.5 mm²Note (Cable section)All indications including the conductor ferrules.Mechanical data - DimensionsLength of sensor46.5 mmWidth of sensor141 mmHeight of sensor125 mmAmbient conditionsDegree of protection IP67Ambient temperature-25 ... +50 °CAmbient conditions - Insulation values250 VACRated insulation voltage Ui4 kVRated impulse withstand voltage UimpElectrical dataThermal test current 6 ARated control voltage230 VACUtilisation category AC-15230 VACUtilisation category AC-15 4 AUtilisation category DC-1324 VDCUtilisation category DC-13 1 AElectrical power consumption, maximum10 WSwitching element NO contact, NC contact Switching principle Slow actionMaterial of the contacts, electrical SilverOther dataNote (applications)sliding safety guardhinged safety guardOrdering codeProduct type description:AZM 415-(1)(2)PK(3)-(4)(5)(6)-(7)(1)11/11 2 NC contacts/2 NO contacts 11/02 3 NC contacts / 1 NO contacts 11/20 1 NC contacts / 3 NO contacts 02/11 3 NC contacts / 1 NO contacts 02/20 2 NC contacts / 2 NO contacts 02/02 4 NC contact(2)X Protection class IP54Z Protection class IP67(3)without Power to unlockA Power to lock(4)STR Connector M23 rightST Connector M23 bottom(5)without Without manual releaseE Manual release using triangular keyF with triangular key (secured with locking screw)FE using triangular keyRS Manual release using keyT Emergency exit using latched pushbutton (power tounlock only)TE Emergency exit using latched pushbutton and manualrelease, mounting outside (power to unlock only)TEI Emergency exit using latched pushbutton and manualrelease, mounting inside (power to unlock only)NS Emergency release using lock button(6)24VAC/DC Us: 24 VAC/DC110VAC Us: 110 VAC230VAC Us: 230 VAC(7)1637Gold-plated contacts(1)A Power to lock(2)ST Connector M23 rightwithout Power to unlockSTR Connector M23 bottom(3)without Without manual releaseE Manual release using triangular key (only for power tounlock principle)(4)1637Gold-plated contactsPicturesProduct picture (catalogue individual photo)ID: kazm4f23| 411.1 kB | .jpg | 352.778 x 239.183 mm - 1000 x 678 px - 72 dpi| 29.0 kB | .png | 74.083 x 50.094 mm - 210 x 142 px - 72 dpiDimensional drawing basic componentID: 1azm4g03| 39.0 kB | .cdr || 11.7 kB | .png | 74.083 x 51.506 mm - 210 x 146 px - 72 dpi| 155.8 kB | .jpg | 352.778 x 245.181 mm - 1000 x 695 px - 72 dpiDiagramID: kazm4k05| 70.2 kB | .ai | 297 x 210.002 mm - 841 x 595 px - 72 dpi| 123.9 kB | .jpg | 352.778 x 354.542 mm - 1000 x 1005 px - 72 dpi| 4.9 kB | .png | 74.083 x 74.436 mm - 210 x 211 px - 72 dpiSchmersal, Inc., 15 Skyline Drive, Hawthorne, NY 10532The details and data referred to have been carefully checked. Images may diverge from original. Further technical data can be found in the manual. Technical amendments and errors possible.Generated on: 7/24/2023, 12:01 AM。

三、技术参数:型号标准电压工作电流抗拉力上锁方式安装方式极性HT280Q DC12V 0.26A 260kg-280kg 通电上锁嵌入式无HT280G DC12V 0.3A 280kg 通电上锁外挂式无HT300M DC12V 0.3A*2 250kg*2 通电上锁外挂式有型号尺寸HT280Q 250mm¡50m m¡26m mHT280G 210mm¡49m m¡26m mHT300M 500mm¡48m m¡25m m四、接线说明:1、当电锁工作时,若锁体与吸板接触不好,须从新调整吸板与锁体的位置,使锁体与吸板保持全面接触;2、直流DC12V供电, 接线不分极性;3、不含电子电路板.五、注意事项:1、选择功率够大的电源,线材必须大于0.75MM (电源的输出电压严格控制在12V+_10%内)。
安装吸板注意事项:1. 配件包内的橡皮圈一定要安装在吸板与门之间,能吸收关门时所受冲击力和平衡两者之间的接触。
2. 固定吸板的镙丝不能过于上紧,要让橡皮圈保持适当的弹性,使吸板能随吸板自动调整到正确的位置才能发挥最大的吸力。

*30020*30020 Model 320M320 Series Electromagnetic LockInstallation InstructionsDoor and frame preparationUsing mounting block:Door face1 1/4"5/8"1 1/16"2places:Outside: Ø 1/2" Inside: Ø 9/32",countersink 82º to 15/32"Magnet and armatureL Different sizeholes are used for the inside and outside of door.Door edge Magnet and armature4 5/16" if DSM removed 1 9/16"1 1/32" added to top or bottom ofcutout for total length of 5 11/32" with DSMRemoved material OR Recessed areaMounting directly into sliding door:Door face11/16"Reinforcement byothers, inside door cavityMagnet and armatureDoor edgeMagnet and armature4 5/16" if DSM removed1 15/16"2 5/32"1 9/16"1 1/32" added to top or bottom of cutout for total length of 5 11/32" with DSM3 7/8"Ø 1/4" 2 placesDrill and tap 5/16-183/8" min. full threadRemoved material OR Recessed areaFrame: Standard metalMagnet and armature1 17/32"Max.7/8"8 5/16"3/8"3/8"7 1/16"Ø 3/16" countersink 82º to Ø 5/16"6 placesRemoved material OR Recessed area 1 1/4" Deep Min.Frame: Wood/non-hollowMagnet and armature1 17/32"5/8"7" 6 1/2"Recessed area 1 1/4" DeepFasteners not included. Useappropriate fasteners to ensure magnet is securely installed.Recessed 1/8" two places6" Max.Installation1 Install magnet into frame.1a Orient mounting blocks as shown for your installation. Themagnet should be flush with frame after installation.1b Install magnet into frame.1c Magnet should be completely flush with frame.2 Install armature into door.Using mounting block:2a Install armature mounting block if the door has not been otherwise reinforced.InsideOutside2b Install armature.Mounting directly into sliding door: 2a Install armature.OR3Complete wiring for lock.Use configuration appropriate for your installation.Fig. 1: 24V with MBS, ATD and/or DSMM C DMAGNETN.C.C N.O.+-WHT -N.O.BLK -C RED -N.C.RED BLK BLU WHT ORN ORNBLU BRN GRN RED BLKRED BLK BLU WHT WHT WHTTAG LTRC D MDESCRIPTION COIL WIRES DSM WIRES MBS WIRESTAG LEGENDMBS (OPTION)SPDT DRY CONTACTSEE DESCRIPTION FOR DETAILSSTATION CONTROL (NOT INCLUDED) NORMALLY CLOSED DRY CONTACTS24VDC POWER INPUTDSM (OPTION)SPDT DRY CONTACTS SEE DESCRIPTION FOR DETAILS CONTROL MODULEATD (OPTIONAL)Switch must be set to C1 (24V)(factory default)C1C2switch flushswitch recessedFig. 2: 12V with MBS, ATD and/or DSMM C DSTATION CONTROL (NOT INCLUDED)NORMALLY CLOSED DRY CONTACTS12V DC POWERINPUTN.C.C N.O.+-MBS (OPTION)SPDT DRY CONTACTSSEE DESCRIPTION FOR DETAILSDSM (OPTION)SPDT DRY CONTACTS SEE DESCRIPTION FOR DETAILSWHT -N.O.BLK -C RED -N.C.BLU BRN GRN RED BLKN/C N/CRED BLK BLU WHT ORN ORNRED BLK BLU WHT WHT WHTTAG LTRC D MDESCRIPTION COIL WIRES DSM WIRES MBS WIRESTAG LEGENDMAGNETCONTROL MODULEATD (OPTIONAL)Switch must be set to C2 (12V)C1C2switch flushswitch recessedFig. 3: 12V or 24V without MBS or ATDM C DMAGNETWHT -N.O.BLK -C RED -N.C.RED BLK BLU WHT WHT WHTTAG LTRC D MDESCRIPTION COIL WIRES DSM WIRES MBS WIRESTAG LEGENDDSM (OPTION)SPDT DRY CONTACTS SEE DESCRIPTION FOR DETAILS12V OR 24V DC POWER INPUT+-STATION CONTROL (NOT INCLUDED) NORMALLY CLOSED DRY CONTACTS© Allegion 2019Printed in China 30020 Rev. 08/19-j4Adjust lock as necessary.ATD (Adjustable Time Delay)ATD can be set to delay relock from 0 to 30 seconds. To increase time, turn adjustment potentiometer clockwise (CW). To decrease time, turn adjustment potentiometer counterclockwise (CCW). ATD will operate whenever input power is interrupted and then reapplied. For potentiometer location, see Fig. 1 and Fig. 2.DSM (Door Status Switch)The DSM provides a signal to indicate whether door is open or closed. The lock’s mounting instructions should be followed closely to ensure reliable performance. DSM provides a signal via a set of form “C” dry contacts rated 100mA, resistive at 24VDC. These contacts, which are labeled in an open door condition are accessed by three (3) wires:• White - N.O. (Normally Open)• Black - C (Common)• Red - N.C. (Normally Closed).When the door closes, black and white wire contacts close and black and red wire contacts open. See Fig. 4, Fig. 5 and Fig. 6.N.O. (WHITE)C (BLACK)N.C. (RED)Fig. 4: Contact configuration when door is open N.O. (WHITE)C (BLACK)N.C. (RED)Fig. 5: Contact configuration when door is closedGRN.O. (WHITE)C (BLACK)N.C. (RED)To low voltage power source compatible lamp voltage requirements.Fig. 6: Wiring example of contacts used to switch externalindicators (not included). Shown door closed. Green LED lit.MBS (Magnetic Bond Sensor)The MBS senses whether sufficient magnetic holding force exists for adequate locking. It responds to low line voltage, foreignmaterials in magnetic gap, and damaged or dirty magnet and/or armature surfaces. The MBS option provides a signal via a set of form “C” dry contacts rated 1A @ 30VDC resistive load maximum. Dry contacts, which are labeled in a deenergized/no bond condition are accessed by three (3) wires:• Green - N.O. (Normally Open)• Brown - C (Common)• Blue - N.C. (Normally Closed)Once the lock is energized with magnet and armature properly bonded, C and N.O. contacts close and C and N.C. contacts open. See Fig. 7, Fig. 8 and Fig. 9.N.O.(GREEN)C (BROWN)N.C.(BLUE)Fig. 7: Contact configuration when insufficient or no bond existsN.O.(GREEN)C (BROWN)N.C.(BLUE)Fig. 8: Contact configuration when sufficient bond existsN.O.(GREEN)C (BROWN)N.C.(BLUE)Wiring example of contacts used to switchRGTo low voltage power source compatible with lamp voltage requirements.Green -Lit when sufficient bond exists Red -Lit when insufficient bond existsFig. 9: Wiring example of contacts used to switchexternal indicators (not included). Shown door closed. Green LED lit.。


FeaturesStandard Features• Fire rated—3 hours• PoE friendly• Sustainability documentation • Efficient, low power usage• Automatic dual-voltage—no field adjustment required • Fully sealed forweather resistant operations • Size optimized for usewith door closers• Rust resistant—all ferrous metal surfaces plated for durability • Instant release circuit—no residual magnetism• Noise suppression withbuilt-in MOV• 10 ft [3.05m] of jacketed,stranded conductor cable• Ultra-secure collapsing blind nuts mount to door framefor strength and reliability• MagnaCare® lifetime replacement, no-fault, no questions asked warranty Optional Features• F Face drilled• G Gate conduit• B Patented BondSTATmagnetic bond sensor• D Integrated DoorPosition Switch (DPS)• SS Split Strike• SASM Shock AbsorbingStrike Mount for Gates• OS Offset Strike• EX UL Certifiedfor Hazardous LocationsNOTE: Only available with "G"configurations (e.g. M62G-EX)The ultimate inMagnalock versatilityfor indoor/outdoorhigher security.The M62 is a strong, easy-to-maintainsolution for interior, perimeter and exterioraccess control. With unsurpassed durability,the M62 will last long after most buildingswear out. Flexible mounting options supportapplications for hollow metal, concretefilled metal, wood, or glass with aluminumframes, and all glass doors. Options includesingle and double door configurations,or specialty applications such as gatesand fences, and hazardous locations.NOTE: M62FG-SASM in SpecialtyLock section. See page #62.®DimensionsSpecificationsCertifications• UL 10C Listed• CAN4-S104, CAN/ULC-S533 Listed • ANSI/UL 294 Listed • CSA-C22.2 No.205 Listed • ANSI/BHMA A156.23, Grade 2; E08501-1000 Compliant• CSFM—California State Fire Marshal Approved • CE:EN 50081-1(92), EN 61000-6-2(99) Approved • Environmental Product Declaration • Health Product Declaration•UL 294 Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C and D Listed (-EX configuration only)Electrical• 250 mA at 12 VDC • 150 mA at 24 VDCHolding Force• 1,200 lbs [544kg]Operating Temperature• -40˚ to 140˚F [-40˚ to 60˚C]• Indoor or Outdoor useShipping Weight• 11 lbs [5kg]**Only applicable to configurations including the Gate Conduit (G ). Please contact the factory with any questions.M62 Magnalock3"ASB Aluminum Spacer Bracket• Use when a blade stop requires the Magnalock to be lowered • Comes pre-drilled for the mounting bolts and wire • Provides a blind nut for surface installation of strike • Available in clear aluminum or black anodized•MagnaCare ® lifetime replacement, no-fault, no questions asked warrantyCWB Concrete Wood Bracket• Used on wood or concrete filled metal frames • Provides a concealed wire chamber• Available in clear aluminum or black anodized•MagnaCare ®lifetime replacement, no-fault, no questions asked warrantyASS Split Strike/Replacement Strike Plate• Allows a single M32, M62 or M82 Magnalock to secure adouble door at traffic control holding force level.• Includes Split Strike Plates only.• MagnaCare ® lifetime replacement, no-fault, no questions asked warranty.ZA Z Bracket Kits – Adjustable• Use on in-swing doors with Magnalock "F" options (8-1/2" [215.9mm] overall length).• Provides 1-1/4" [31.75mm] of lateral movement toaccommodate most openings and allows for precision adjustments (2-1/4" to 3-1/2" [57.15mm to 88.9mm] from door/header).• Includes an oversized dress cover.• MagnaCare ® lifetime replacement, no-fault, no questions asked warranty.M32/62/82 MagnalockAccessoriesAOS Offset Strike Plate• Alters the position of the mounting hole by 1/4" [6mm]. This is oftenrequired to clear the glass on aluminum frame store front doors.• Includes Offset Strike Plate only.• MagnaCare ®lifetime replacement, no-fault, no questions asked warranty.TDK-1 Accessory for Thick Doors• Provides replacement screws so armature plates for the M32, M62, M82, M38 and M68 can be used on doors thicker than 1-3/4" [44.45mm], and up to 3" [76.2mm].• MagnaCare® lifetime replacement, no-fault, no questions asked warranty.SB-1 Sex Bolt Replacement• Replaces armature plate sex bolt for M32, M38, M62, M68 and M82B Magnalocks.• Available in clear, polished brass or oil rubbed bronze finish.• MagnaCare® lifetime replacement, no-fault, no questions asked warranty.M32/62/82 MagnalockAccessoriesDDC Double Dress Covers•Use with M32/M62.•Available in clear anodized and black finish.•Will cover a pair of Magnalocks on a double door(if they are separated by no more than 2").•Not for use with the DM62 Magnalock.•MagnaCare ® lifetime replacement, no-fault, no questions asked warranty.MTK Metal Marking Template•Magnetic template streamlines installation for the M32 and M62 Magnalocks. •Includes basic instructions and hole placements.DC Dress Covers•Use with M32, M62, and M82.•Install using foam adhesive tape.•Available in clear, black, polished stainless and polished brass finish.•MagnaCare ®lifetime replacement, no-fault, no questions asked warranty.How to OrderSpecify quantity and the following information. Order related products separately.NOTE: Configurable parts HHSL-82 and HHSR-82 have beendiscontinued. Not every combination is possible. Please contact the factory if you need a combination of features not listed above.M32/62/82 Magnalock AccessoriesHHD / HHSL / HHSR / HVD Full Length Housings• Vertical or horizontal configurations • Fit one or two locks (not included)• (SLR) Single Left Hand Reverse • (SRR) Single Right Hand Reverse•MagnaCare ®lifetime replacement, no-fault, no questions asked warranty*Full length housings are individually manufactured to custom specifications up to the maximum length shown.CAHHD Horizontal Housing Dimensions。
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f.如果是双扇门,可以用两个Z &L支架