
the advertising messages with canny scheduling and placement, so that the messages are seen by, and will have an effect on, the people the advertisers face a basic choice: they can have their message seen or heard by many people fewer times, or by fewer people many times. This and other strategic decisions are made in light of tests of the effectiveness of advertising campaigns.
producing the ad message itself, including copy and
artwork, and by the 1920s agencies had come into
being that could plan and execute complete advertising
促销:promotional technique
说服力:persuasive power
推销能力:selling power
被宣传的商品:targeted goods
Advertising genius David Ogilvy, in his book Ogilvy on Advertising, says that on average, five times as

Unit 1 Sony’s Hard Time
《商务英语翻译》 (英译汉)
Things have not been going well for Sony lately. Last month senior executives at the Japanese electronics giant issued an unprecedented apology after discovering that 9.6m laptop batteries, supplied to other computermakers, were faulty and would have to be recalled at a cost of $436m. Sony’s Blue-ray high-definition technology, launched this summer, has suffered from delays and component shortages, and is embroiled in a standards war with the rival HD-DVD format. American regulators began investigating the company last month as part of an inquiry into allegations of price-fixing in the memory-chip market. And having long been the world’s most valuable electronics firm by stock market value, Sony’s market capitalizations has fallen to less than half that of Samsung, its Korean rival.

商务口译和同声传译是翻译在商业活动中的重要组成部分,需要在短时间内 完成高质量和高精确度的口译工作。
商务翻译是一个有前途且多元化的职业,在跨境商业交流中扮演着重要角色。有许多就业机会,包括翻译机构、 跨国公司和自由职业者。
商务翻译的难度一般比普通英 语更高,因为它包含了很多专 业和复杂的术语及文化因素。
1 意译难度
2 多语种需求
3 专业技能需求
在翻译时考虑文化差异,进行 适当的文化转换。
保持翻译简洁明了,避免使用 过度复杂的词汇和结构。
考虑文化因素是商务翻译的关键之一,包括礼节、信仰、道德和习惯等。这些因素能够影响到一个文档的意义, 而这则意味着必须找到一种适当的方式来传达这个意义。
在全球化时代中,国际商务沟通和翻译变得越来越重要。全球化加速了商业 活动和跨文化交流的频率,使简单而高质量的商务翻译变得至关重要。
在全球各国承认可持续性发展的趋势下,全球跨国组织的商务翻译和跨文化合作也面临更多 挑战。

最新版电子商务英语课程翻译unit1Unit1 getting to know e-business Text BClassification of e-business电子商务的分类A common classification of e-business is by the nature of the transactions or the1relationship among participants . The following types of e-business are commonly distinguished .电子商务常见的分类是根据交易的性质或参与者之间的关系。
Business -to-business (b2b) . All of the participants in b2b are eitherbusinesses or other organizations . For example, several of Dell’s and Marks Spencer’s applications involve b2b with their suppliers . Today, over 85 percent of EC volume is b2b .企业对企业的电子商务。
Business-to-Consumer(B2C). Business-to-consumer(B2C)includes retail transactions of products or services from business to individual shoppers. The typical shopper at dell online or at is a consumer or customer. This type is also called e-tailing.企业对消费者(B2C)。

• We sell cheap quality goods.
• W我e方h已a按ve很m低的ad价e格y向ou贵a方n报o盘ff。er at a very competitive price.
基于安全性考虑,我们将为您开立一个新的交易账户,您的资金 将转入新账户,转账成功后将以电子邮件方式向您发送新账户明 细。
1. Every life has its roses and thorns. 每个人的生活都有苦有甜。
2. sleep deficit
词义的引申指的是在一个词所具有的原始意义的基础上, 根据上下文和逻辑关系进一步加以引申,选择适当确切的译 语词汇来表达,避免生搬硬套地逐字死译,这样才能使译语 更加通顺流畅。正如前文所述,英语词义对上下文的依赖性 强,可变性大,因此词义引申在英译汉中尤为重要。
3. The articles of our immediate interest are your “CHUNHUI” brand agricultural washing machines.
5. Due diligence should be done before finalizing any large investment or acquisition.
网络公司兼并造就了如此之多的年轻百万富翁,我们因此 面临一个新话题:风险资本。 (一般公司网址都有“dot and com”,所以此处具体引申为 “网络公司” 。) 2. All the wit and learning in the economic circle will be present at the seminar.
商务英语 课文翻译

高级商务英语阅读课文译文第1 课主课文译文新长征“中国制造”这个标记很久以前就不新鲜了,它贴在鞋子上、玩具上、服装上,以及为跨国公司制造的其他商品上,世界各地到处可见。
一些人认为,在创业精神饱满的本地管理层的协助下,或者在一些想在其产品系列里添加新产品的外国公司的协助下,中国商品在极具竞争力的价格的基础上,若把卖点放在产品质量和异国情调上,那末10 年之内,中国品牌将一个一个地走向全球。
总部在香港的广告公司中国精信(Grey China)的执行董事陈一木丹(Viveca Chan)说:“如果世界上只有一个国家具备创立全球品牌的潜力,那么这个国家就是中国。
中国总部设在上海的泰勒·娜尔森·索福瑞(Taylor Nelson Sofres)市场调研公司的中国区总经理Kevin Tan 说:“与中国相联系的神秘色彩还有许多。
整个20 世纪90 年代,“中国品牌”这个概念一直在发育着,而目前在国内受到的重视更大了。
商务笔译2月19日---汉译英 Unit 1

【Version for Reference】
BOT (Build, Operate, Transfer), as a way of investment, is still a new concept in China. It is also not long for BOT to gain importance in foreign countries. That is because this project which embraces the three stages of BOT (build, operate, transfer) is completed by a package arrangement so it has its own characteristic. BOT is mainly applicable to infrastructure projects such as highway, underground railway, bridge, dock and power plant in a developing country or zone which is especially short of capital but is eager to embark on reform and opening to the outside world. It involves at the same time government, group in charge of preparation for project construction, construction contractor, banking and financing institutions, operation management company and other, thus forming nearly integral coordinated operation. Besides, in the whole BOT project, about ten contracts, big and small, need to be concluded with various parties.

(询盘) (发盘) (版税) (海损、海损费用)
Case Study
Floating policy is actually a convenient method of insuring goods where a number of similar export transactions are intended.
2.2.2 被动句式
1.Shipment should be made before October; otherwise we are not able to catch the season. 译文: 你们必须十月底之前交货,否则我们就赶不上季节了。 译文:十月底前必须交货,否则我方就赶不上销售旺季了。—礼貌,到位 2.Booking of Shipping space shall be attended to by the Buyer’s Shipping Agency, China National Foreign Trade Transportation Corporation, Beijing, China. 译文: 中国北京对外贸易运输公司将作为买方的运 输代理人洽定舱位。
人们在国际商务活动交往中经常使用的 英语。 要具备商务英语的专业知识 professional knowledge,跨文化交际能力,Interculture competence
§1 Definition of Business English
Business English is a part of ESPs—English for Specific Purposes. Business English involves many areas which are connected with business activities, such as banking, insurance, international finance, international trade, global economy, international logistics, etc.
商务英语 汉译英范文

商务英语汉译英(一)根据英语的表达习惯确定词义1、向.......提出索赔lodge a claim against2、既得利益vested interests3、公司上下将齐心协力,努力使公司发展成具有国际竞争力的高科技企业集团。
The management together with the rank and file of our company is determined to make consorted efforts to foster the business to grow into a high-tech focused conglomerate with a competitive edge on the international market.4、本公司本着平等互利、互通有无的原则,积极开展与世界各地老客户的业务往来,并竭诚为各位朋友提供优质服务。
We hold to the tenet of equality ,mutual benefit and mutual complement in developing business connections with old and new customers in the world and shall make every effort to give the best services to our customers.5、本公司还承办商品及原材料的来样、来样加工,补偿贸易,合作生产,合资经营等业务。
The business scope of our corporation also covers/includes customer-oriented processing with supplied materials and samples, compensation trade, co-operation in manufacturing and the partnering of joint ventures with external businesses.6、同时,我国政府已同瑞典、罗马尼亚、德国、丹麦、荷兰签订了相互促进和保护投资协定,同加拿大、美国、法国、比利时-卢森堡经济联盟、芬兰、挪威、泰国、意大利、奥地利签订了投资保护协定,还同日本、美国、法国、德国、英国、比利时等国签订了双重征税协定。

第1 课主课文译文新长征“中国制造”这个标记很久以前就不新鲜了,它贴在鞋子上、玩具上、服装上,以及为跨国公司制造的其他商品上,世界各地到处可见。
一些人认为,在创业精神饱满的本地管理层的协助下,或者在一些想在其产品系列里添加新产品的外国公司的协助下,中国商品在极具竞争力的价格的基础上,若把卖点放在产品质量和异国情调上,那末10 年之内,中国品牌将一个一个地走向全球。
总部在香港的广告公司中国精信(Grey China)的执行董事陈一木丹(Viveca Chan)说:“如果世界上只有一个国家具备创立全球品牌的潜力,那么这个国家就是中国。
中国总部设在上海的泰勒·娜尔森·索福瑞(Taylor Nelson Sofres)市场调研公司的中国区总经理Kevin Tan 说:“与中国相联系的神秘色彩还有许多。
整个20 世纪90 年代,“中国品牌”这个概念一直在发育着,而目前在国内受到的重视更大了。

词汇words and phrases句法syntax ['sintæks]sentence structure文体style英音:[stail]词义的选择(Choice of Meanings)词义的引申(extension)[iks'tenʃən]词义的转换(conversion):[kən'və:ʃən]视角转换法(Shift of Perspectives)[pə'spektiv]增减法(Amplification & Pruning )['pru:niŋ]重复法(Repetition)[,repi'tiʃən]否定句式(negation)[ni'geiʃən]比较句式(comparative)[kəm'pærətiv]被动句式(passive):['pæsiv]定语从句(attributive clause):[ə'tribjutiv]商号与名片Trade Names Business Card商务广告商标与品牌商标(trademark)和品牌(Brand) [brænd]商务信函1. 词义的选择(Choice of Meanings)countdown英音:['kauntdaun]n倒计时fallout英音:['fɔ:laut]n辐射性落尘,economy英音:[i'kɔnəmi]n节约,节省, 经济;经济情况;经济结构, (客机的)经济舱(=economy class), orientation英音:[,ɔ:rien'teiʃən]n定位,定向, 东方meat英音:[mi:t]n【古】食物,餐食liquor英音:['likə]n液体烈性酒figure英音:['figə]income英音:['in,kʌm]pound英音:[paund]n英镑[C]一,词义的选择(Choice of Meanings)(一)根据汉语的表达习惯确定词义1. a low figure 小数目2.workers on low incomes低收入工人3. The simplest way to succeed in business is to buy low and sell high.生意成功最简单的途径就是贱买贵卖。

英语有一词多义的特点,同一个词可以同时与若干个词 进行搭配,相互修饰、制约,语言仍自然流畅。
汉语在词的搭配方面相对严谨,同一个词通常不能同时 与多个词搭配。
根据汉语词的搭配习惯和英语词汇的一词多义的特点, 我们应采用增补同义词的技巧,这样才能使译文既准确达意, 又照顾到汉语的语言习惯。
例3.The shipper shall be liable for all damage caused by such goods to the ship and/or cargo on board.
译文:如果上述货物对船舶和(或)船上其他货 物造成任何损害,托运人应付全责。
在上例中,be liable for 属于程式化的套语, 也是商务英语遣词造句的典型模式,要做好商 务英语翻译,熟练掌握这些程式化的套语是不 可或缺的。
我们非常感谢你们在我贸易代表团访问贵国期 间给予的盛情款待,感谢你们在业务洽谈中给 予的密切配合。
• 减词法(Pruning) • 减词法是指将原文中需要、而译文中又不需要的词语省去。减省的词语应是 那些在译文中保留下来反而使行文累赘啰嗦、且不合汉语语言表达习惯的词 语。 • 减词一般用于以下两种情况:一是从语法角度进行减省;二是从修饰角度进 行减省。
5辆丰田牌汽车,20台日立牌电视机和30台施乐牌 复印机早已备妥待运,但因你方信用证延迟到达, 货物不能按期装运。
原文中Toyota,Hitachi,Xerox都为世界知名品牌, 在翻译时要按汉语的习惯用法把他们的产品名称补充完 整,才能使译文具体明了。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
• 翻译过程是一个语言转化的过程,涉及跨语言, 翻译过程是一个语言转化的过程,涉及跨语言, 跨文化的内容。 跨文化的内容。 • 外语水平能力 • 母语水平能力 • 知识水平能力 商务英语专业行话 术语 • 应用水平能力 • 只有通过练习实践,才能真正提高译者的翻译水 只有通过练习实践, 平
• There are exercises for each chapter, and reference versions are provided at the end of the textbook. But you are going to give comments on them, and sometimes you may even make improvements. • There will also be some additional in-class and after-class tasks.
“fee-paying public toilet” 北京的一家收费厕所,门口的标示牌 为“到北京的厕所领钱去”
• Example 1: a church key = • a key to any door of a church?
• It initially referred to a simple handoperated device for prying the cap (called a "crown cork") off a glass bottle; The shape and design of some of these openers did resemble a large simple key. Certain tin cans, notably sardine cans and meat containers, also used an attached "key" to open them. The first of these was patented in Canada in 1900.
• • • • 1. participation 10% 2. quiz 10% 3. assignments 30% 4. Final exam 50%
Make good and full use of tools
Paper dictionaries: Oxford advanced learners’ dictionary Longman Dictionary Collins COBUILD Webster’s new Collegiate dictionary
Course plan
• 1. Textbook • Zhang Xinhong & Li Ming. English-Chinese Translation for International Business. Beijing: Higher Education Press. 2005 • 2. References • (1) Li Ming. Chinese-English Translation for International Business. Beijing: Higher Education Press. 2009 • (2) Lian Shuneng. Contrastive Studies of English and Chinese. Beijing: Higher Education Press. 2006
decision-making, problem Bi-lingual bi-cultural –solving communication action words, language
How to build your skill for business translation?
Translation for International Business
Red lion head Bean curd made by a pock-marked woman; Husband and wife’s lung slice; Rolling donkey
Braised Pork Balls in Soy Sauce Mapo Tofu Beef and Ox Tripe in Chili Sauce Lǘdagunr (Glutinous Rice Rolls with Sweet Bean Flour)
Example 2: “What can I do for you?”
• We hear it frequently in our daily life. But when said by a sales person and a close friend, the translation differs a lot. • So translation concerns not only words, but also the background information.
• There is sparse, and often contradictory, documentation as to the origin of the term "Church Key", though most agree the phrase is a sarcastic euphemism, as the opener was obviously designed to access beer, and not churches.
English College Sunday, September 12, 2010
Electronic dictionaries:卡西欧电子词典,名人 dictionaries: 电子词典等 dictionaries: Online dictionaries: 有道桌面词典/ / 金山词霸/ / 维基百科 灵格斯 CNKI翻译助手 CNKI College ySeptember 12, 2010 Sunday,
定 语 从 句
商务英语翻译 之
商 务 合 同 翻 译 商 务 广 告 商 号 与 名 片
商 务 信 函
考核评价题型(暂定) 考核评价题型(暂定)
一:选择题(20分,共10小题)给出英文的句子,从四个中文 选择题(20分 10小题)给出英文的句子, 小题 选项中选择最佳的答案 二:商务词汇英译中(20分,共20小题)考一些有关商务的词 商务词汇英译中(20分 20小题) 小题 汇 三:改错题(20分,共10小题)给出一个英文句子,然后给一 改错题(20分 10小题)给出一个英文句子, 小题 个错误的中文翻译, 个错误的中文翻译,要求改正错误 四:商务信件翻译(20分)给出一封完整的商务信件,要求翻 商务信件翻译(20分 给出一封完整的商务信件, 译 五:商务合同翻译(20分)抽出商务合同中的其中一段,要求 商务合同翻译(20分 抽出商务合同中的其中一段, 翻译
English-Chinese Translation for International Business A Survey
Song Tiemin
Fundamentals of international business knowledge viional business skill perspective
translation/interpretation certificates
上海市中级口译证书 上海市高级口译证书 全国翻译专业资格证书二级口笔译,三级口笔 译 /
English College Sunday, September 12, 2010
翻译学习网站: 中国翻译协会 http://www.tac 中国翻译网 中国在线翻译网 在线翻译学院
And the LORD said, "Behold, they are one people, and they have all one language; and this is only the beginning of what they will do; and nothing that they propose to do will now be impossible for them. Come, let us go down, and there confuse their language, that they may not understand one another's speech." So the LORD scattered them abroad from there over the face of all the earth, and they left off building the city.
English College Sunday, September 12, 2010
商务英语翻译 之
数 字 翻 译 法 法 复 减 重 增 视 角 转 化 法
词 类 转 换 法 词 义 的 引 申 词 义 的 选 择
商务英语翻译 之
被 动 句 式 比 较 句 式 否 定 句 式
Origin of Translation
the Tower of Babel
the Tower of Babel from the Bible Now the whole earth had one language and few words. And as men migrated to the east, they found a plain in the land of Shinar and settled there. And they said to one another, "Come, let us make bricks, and burn them thoroughly." And they had brick for stone, and bitumen for mortar. Then they said, "Come, let us build ourselves a city, and a tower with its top in the heavens, and let us make a name for ourselves, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth." And the LORD came down to see the city and the tower, which the sons of men had built.