
1你能报给我这些商品的价格吗?Would you please quote me the price of these goods2 所报价格需包括到温哥华的保险和运费。
Price quoted should include insurance and freight to Vancouver3 希望您报成本加运费、保险费到温哥华的最低价格。
I’d like to you quote the lowest price of CIF to Vancouver4 请告知我们贵方能供货的价格。
Please inform us of the prices at which you can supply5 若贵方价格合理,我们可能向你们大量订货。
If your prices are reasonable, we may place a large order with you6 若我方向你们长期订货,请告知能给予多少折扣,不甚感激。
If I give you a long-term regular order, please let us know what discount you can grant,I really appreciate.7 请就下列每项货物向我方报成本加运费、保险费到西雅图的最低价格,其中包括我们百分之五的佣金。
Please quote us the lowest price of CIF to Seattle, for each of the following goods ,including our five percent commission.1.我们的包装完全适合于海运。
Our packing is completely suitable for transport by sea2.我们将完全按照你的指示包装货物。
We will packing the goods completely according to your instructions3.为了避免损坏,货物将采用木箱包装,但是这种包装的费用比较高。
商务英语重点 (翻译版)1

Guidelines for the Final Examination of Business English指导方针的最终考试商务英语2011 Fall Semester2011秋季学期(所有翻译均是按原文使用百度翻译的,基本都能知道大概意思)1. Scope1。
范围The content for the final examination will cover units 1-13 of the textbook, splitting i nto seven parts: True/False questions, blanks’ filling, multiple choices, Chinese/English translations, reading comprehension, and short-essay writing. Students are required to go over the texts/questions of listening task, speaking task (the first dialogue only), and reading task of each unit, as well as the notes or minutes taken from the class. For the writing tasks, students need know to write business letters and memos in formal format and etiquette as well as resume or curriculum vitae (CV). With provided information, students should be ready to write a short business letter or memo, or organize the information for a business presentation.内容为最后的考试将盖单位1 - 13的教材,分为七个部分:真/假问题,空白的填补,多种选择,中文/英文翻译,阅读理解,写作和short-essay。

1 你什么时候要货呢?When do you want the goods?2 货送到哪里去?Where shall we deliver the goods?3 有没有送货地点的名片?Do you have card of delivery address.4 你拿多点数量可以便宜点。
We can lower the price, if you take more.5 这个很便宜了,我都算批发价价格给你了。
This is cheap, it is whole sale price.6 先生(女士),等一下,我看最低能多少钱给你。
Wait a minute, Sir/ Madam,7 这种款式没货了,这种质量和那种是一样的,价格也一样。
This style is out of stock. This one and that one are the same quality, same price.8 还需要点别的什么东西吗?Do you want any others?9 要好点的还是便宜的?Want goods products or cheap one?10 你要多少米的?How long do you want?11 算了,给你了。
OK, hope you can come again next time.12 等一下,他去仓库拿货给你看。
Wait a minute. He is going to the warehouse to take the goods.13 保修一年one year warranty14 一年内是质量问题可以拿回来换。
If there is quality problem, take it back, we replace it.15 我怎么联系你呢?How can I contact with you?16 这个数量太少了。
能不能订多点呢? Your order is too small, can you order more?17 我有便宜点的。

The road to Hell is paved with good intention好心办坏事The spirit is willing, but the fresh is weak. 心有余而力不足A young idler, an old beggar. 少壮不努力老大徒伤悲.爱莫能助be disobliging活该to have it/that coming to sb.遇到克星meet one’s wasterCats hide their claws. 知人而不知心Grasp all. Lose all. 贪多必失Two’s company,but three’s a crowed. 两人成伴,三人不欢背黑锅The whipping boy./ to carry the can逼得走投无路to bring/ drive sb. to bay.进退维谷to be caught between the Devil and deep blue sea. 出格step out of lineNo way is impossible to courage. 勇者无惧The more wit, the less courage. 初生牛犊不怕虎Nothing ventured nothing gained. 不入虎穴焉得虎子认为…不在话下think nothing of doing sth.采取主动take the initiative in doing sth.激流勇进advance through the rapids.Don’t hate the hand that fee ds you. 不要忘恩负义Better be envied than pitied. 宁被人妒,不被人怜To turn over a new leaf. 改过自新吃不着葡萄说葡萄酸sour grapes恨铁不成钢regret that one’s offspring does not live up to one’s expectations wish iron could turn into steel at once.红颜易逝beauty fades likes a flowerCare killed the cat. 忧愁伤身To leave(sb) for behind/ in the dust 望尘莫及Feast or famine 大起大落To scratch one’s head/ rack one’s brain 冥思苦想The fool wonders, the wise man asks. 愚人困惑,智者勤问The squeaking wheel gets the oil. 无声无息,亦无所得He who hesitates is lost. 犹豫不决错失良机一头雾水To be in a complete fog/ to be puzzled and confused.仁者见仁,智者见智To be all things to all men/people.茅塞顿开click(to suddenly became clear or understand)Faith moves mountain. 精诚所至,金石为开A friend is best found in adversity. 患难见真情Those are in the same boat should row together. 同舟共济望子成龙To be ambitious for one’s children.半信半疑Take sth. with a pinch/grain of salt.信誓旦旦V ow solemnly.Absence makes the heart grow fonder. 离别情更切The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. 欲取君心,先悦君胃Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. 情人眼里出西施萝卜白菜各有所爱One’s gravy is another man’s poison.薄情郎Casanova含情脉脉amorous打情骂俏frolicflirt/ with脚踏两只船have/ keep a foot in both camps快刀斩乱麻cut the Gordian knotSweet nothing 情话青梅竹马Child head sweet heart谈情说爱一厢情愿wish thinkingDon’t judge a book by its cover. 不要以貌取人You have to take the good with the bad. 福祸相依Wealth is nothing without health 健康胜于财富A contented mind is a perpetual feast. 知足常乐To come up roses/ To be roses all day. 称心如意(I wish) all/ everything would be pain-sailing. 万事如意To be basking in the love of one’s family. 享受天伦之乐A light heart lives long. 不恼不愁,活到白头Laugh and grow fat. 心宽体胖;笑口常开。
商务英语翻译 Unit 4

对于英语中以实喻虚的形象表现手法,翻译时应想方设法维系原 文的具体性及形象性,一个常用的手段即是从“实”到“实”,将英 语的以实喻虚译成汉语的以实喻虚。 The magic spades of archaeology have given us the whole lost world of Egypt. - 考古学家变魔术似地把古埃及的整个世界都给我们发掘出来了。 - 考古学家用神奇的铁铲把古埃及的整个世界都给我们发掘出来了。
Sam knows he can depend on his family, rain or shine. - 山姆知道不论境遇如何,他都可把家庭作为靠山。
There is a mixture of the tiger and the ape in the character of the colonialists.
The newspaper claims to be the mirror of public opinions. -该报宣称忠实反映了公众的意见。
What is learned in the cradle is carried to the grave. - 少时所学,到老不忘。 How do we account for this split between the critics and the readers, the head and the heart? - 评论家和读者之间,也就是理智和感情之间的这种分歧如何解释呢?
2.用范畴词使抽象概念具体化。 What they wanted most was an end of uncertainties. - 那时他们最渴望的就是结束这摇摆不定的局面。 We want to learn to laugh in the face of the inevitable, to smile at the looming of the death. - 我们需要学会对不可避免的事情报以大笑,甚至以微笑面对死亡的 威胁。

翻译1.你父亲做什么工作(谋生)?What does your father do for a living?2.我是搞软件开发的。
I'm on the software development side.3.我以前没有这儿见过你。
I haven't seen you around before.4.约翰在一家计算机公司干了许多年了。
John has been with a computer company for years.5.我妻子在家工作。
My wife works from / at home.6、因为要开个会,周五下午我恐怕不能来。
I’m afraid I can’t come on Friday afternoon, because I will be having a meeting then.7、我们打算在这个地区建一座新工厂。
W e are going to set up a new plant in this area.8、你们公司的总部设在哪儿?Where is your company based?9、I’m sort of surprised.north mid-west of the States 美国中西部的北部10、你也从纽约来?真是太巧了。
You are also from New York? That’s really a coincidence.11、我们定个日子一起吃饭吧。
Let’s fix up a date to have dinner together.12、我们将尽力满足客户的需求。
We’ll try to meet the customers’ demands13、两个陌生人正在尽量寻找双方都感兴趣的话题。
Two strangers are trying to find topics of common interest.14、这是我第二次来美国。

07A1. Taking Delivery2.Factor endowments3.Learning effects4.clusters of related industries5. Location-specific advantage6.attentiveness7.industrial dispute8. equity(in accounting)9. down payment10. bonus point 11.Work permit 12. floor plan13. freehold 14.leasehold 15.stakeholder16. a filing cabinet 17.expenses claims sheet 18. no-frills airlines19. staff turnover 20.workshop1) 提货2) 要素禀赋3) 学习效应4) 相关产业集群5) 区位优势6) 周到7) 劳资纠纷8) 净资产9). 首付10) 积分11) 工作许可证12) 楼层平面图13) 永业产权14)_租赁权15). 利益悠关方16) 文件柜17) 费用报销单18) 经济型航空公司19) 员工流动20) 研讨会_07B1. Value for money2.Factor endowments3.Learning effects4.outstanding balance5. Location-specific advantage6. mortgage7.industrial dispute 8.motoring magazine 9. down payment10.press coverage 11.Work permit 12. full amenities13. leasehold 14.breakeven 15.stakeholder16.disposal 17.expenses claims sheet 18. take precautions19. staff turnover 20. civil liability1)物有所值2) 要素禀赋3) 学习效应4) 余额5) 区位优势6) 住房按揭7) 劳资纠纷8) 汽车杂志9). 首付10) 报道篇幅11) 工作许可证12) 全套设施13) 租赁权14) _盈亏平衡15). 利益悠关方16) 处置财产17) 费用报销单18) 采取防范措施19) 员工流动20) _ 民事责任08A1. Profit and loss statement2.Factor endowments3. Zero inventory4.EPS(earnings per share)5. Location-specific advantage6. Taking Delivery7.Industrial dispute8. Equity(in accounting)9. Lecture theatre10.lump sum 11.Work permit 12. Overheads13. Freehold 14.General merchandise 15.Stakeholder16. FOB(Free On Board) plimentary tickets 18. No-frills airlines 19. Staff turnover 20. Know-how1) 损益表2) 要素禀赋3)零库存4)每股收益5) 区位优势6) 提货7) 劳资纠纷8) 净资产9). 阶梯教室10) 一次性付款11) 工作许可证12) 公司日常开支13) 永业产权14)_杂货15). 利益悠关方16) 离岸价17) 免费赠送票18) 经济型航空公司19) 员工流动20)专有技术/略号08B1.A backlog of orders2. Net worth3. Financing cost4.Core competence5.Corporate event6. Bulk discount7.risk-free investment 8.Brand stretching 9. Disposal10.Bargaining power 11.Legal action 12. Annual Leave13. Leasehold 14.Roadshow 15. Operating margins16. CIF 17. Dividend per share 18. Concession19. Settle the balance 20. Tribunal rules1) 定单积压2) 净资产3) 融资成本4) 核心竞争力5) 企业社交活动6) 批量折扣7) 无风险投资8) 品牌延伸9). 出售10) 议价能力11) 法律诉讼12) 年假13) 租赁14)_路演15). 经营利润16) 到岸价17) 每股分红18) 减让19) 结清余款20) 法庭裁决。

商务英语翻译实例3001. Bill of Lading 提单A title to goods isn't like a bill of lading.货物所有权不同于提货单.2. A bill of lading may be either freight prepaid or freight payable at destination.提单所规定的运费,可以预先支付,或在目的地支付.3. The bill of lading should be marked as “ freight prepaid ".提单上应该注明“运费预付”字样.4. The ship - owner has issued a clean on board bill of lading.船东已签发了清洁装运提单.5. Is it enough that we can have an on board bill of lading to claim a settlement? 我们有已装船提单就可索赔了吗?6. Oh, by the way, remember that we want extra copiesof the Bill of Lading.噢, 还有, 记住,我们要一份提货单.7. We'll send you two sets of the Shipped, Clean Bill of Lading.我们将寄送两套已装运清洁提单付款.8. The third party ocean Bill of Lading is not acceptable.第三方的海运提单是不被接受的.. cover note 担保书;承保单9. Cover Note (Insurance Certificate) follows as soon as we receive it from the underwriter. 一接到保险人的保险凭证,我们就立即寄给你方10. 风险指数--- economic indicator 经济停滞---economic stagnation风险资本---venture capital合并和兼并---mergers and acquisitions产品系列---product line11.我方确认往来电报,参见所附文本。

商务英语口语900句Part11、We'd like to express our desireto establishbusinessrelationshipwith you on thebasisof quality,mutual benefit and exchange ofneeded goods、我们希望在保证质量、互惠互利以及交易彼此需要得货物得基础上与您们建立业务关系。
2、Inorder to extendourexport business toyour country we wishto enter into direct business relations with you、为了扩大我们在贵国得出口业务,我们希望与您们建立直接贸易关系。
3、Our hope isto establishmutuallybeneficial trading relationsbetween us、希望在我们之间能够建立互惠互利得贸易关系。
4、We lookforwardto further extensions of pleasantbusiness relations、我们期待进一步保持愉快得业务关系。
5、It’sour hope tocontinue with considerable businessdealingwith you、我们得希望就是与您们保持可观得生意往来。
6、Welookforward toreceivingyourquotation verysoon、我们期待尽快收到您们得报价单。
7、I hopeyou see from the reduction that we arereally doing our utmost、我希望您能够瞧到我们事实上已经作出了最大程度得让价.8、We hopetodiscuss businesswith you at your earliestconvenience、我们希望在您方便得时候与您洽谈业务.9、We wish to express ourdesire to trade withyou in leather shoes、我们非常希望与您进行皮鞋得买卖生意。

Unit11. After months of researching Northwestern on the Web and grilling friends, teachers and advisers who had gone there, Maxine pinned her hopes on getting accepted.经过数月在网上搜索并研究NW大学和仔细询问到访过NW大学的朋友、老师和顾问,Maxine 最终希望自己能被NW大学录取。
2. For students like Maxine who are applying to college for next fall, that dream is turning out to be frustratingly unobtainable. It turns out the odds of getting into a selective college have never been worse.对于像Maxine一样正在申请秋季入学的学生来说,他们会沮丧地发现这一梦想难以实现。
3. But admissions directors are already worrying about the shrinking pool of future applicants, especially the sliver of those who can afford to foot the $40,000 annual tab.---但是招生主管们已经开始担忧申请者数量缩减的问题,尤其是为数不多的每年有能力支付4万美元的那部分申请者。
4. Those who left private schools in the 1980s and 1990s can expect to earn 35% more in life than the average product of a state school, they found, around half of which can be attributed to education, not background.20世纪80年代和90年代中期的私立学校毕业生能够期望一生的收入比国立中学的普通毕业生多35%,他们发现这其中大约一半可以归因于他们所受的教育,而非背景。

1.There is no alternative but to blend together different kinds of information.First, take whatever evidence econometrics can yield about the way the forces driving FDI——size of host-country market, expected growth, input costs, geography and natural resources, and the policy framework——have worked in the past.别无他法,我们只能将各种不同种类的信息联系起来进行分析。
首先,采取任何经济计量学中产生的可以驱动FDI的要素,包括东道国市场规模、预期增长、投入成本、地理优势和自然资源、政策构架已经在过去起作用了2. Look at Beyond Petroleum. It says it is an energy problem solver. Yet not much green has come out of its entrails. Each country has abiding cultural icons, its sacred cows that make global corporate communications quite challenge. What is culturally and politically correct in one country may not be so in another.看BP公司。

翻译1.你父亲做什么工作(谋生)?What does your father do for a living?2.我是搞软件开发的。
I'm on the software development side.3.我以前没有这儿见过你。
I haven't seen you around before.4.约翰在一家计算机公司干了许多年了。
John has been with a computer company for years.5.我妻子在家工作。
My wife works from / at home.6、因为要开个会,周五下午我恐怕不能来。
I’m afraid I can’t come on Friday afternoon, because I will be having a meeting then.7、我们打算在这个地区建一座新工厂。
W e are going to set up a new plant in this area.8、你们公司的总部设在哪儿?Where is your company based?9、I’m sort of surprised.north mid-west of the States 美国中西部的北部10、你也从纽约来?真是太巧了。
You are also from New York? That’s really a coincidence.11、我们定个日子一起吃饭吧。
Let’s fix up a date to have dinner together.12、我们将尽力满足客户的需求。
We’ll try to meet the customers’ demands13、两个陌生人正在尽量寻找双方都感兴趣的话题。
Two strangers are trying to find topics of common interest.14、这是我第二次来美国。

Unit1 Made in Europe 欧洲制造Almost every fashion label outside the top super-luxury brands is either already manufacturing in Asia or 5 thinking of it. Coach, the US leather goods maker, is a classic example. Over the past five years, it has lifted all its gross margins by manufacturing solely in low-cost markets. In March 2002 it closed its factory in Lares, Puerto Rico, its last company-owned plant, and outsources all its products. 除了顶级奢侈品牌外几乎所有的时尚品牌都已经在亚洲生产,或者正在考虑这么做。
在2002 年的3 月,它关闭了在波多黎各拉雷斯的最后一间公司所属工厂,将所有产品全部外包。
Burberry has many Asian licensing arrangements. In 2000 it decided to renew Sanyo's Japanese licence for ten years. This means that almost half of Burberry's sales at retail value will continue to be produced under license in Asia. At the same time however, Japanese consumers prefer the group's European-made products. 巴宝莉(Burberry)在亚洲持有许多许可授权安排。

Your benefit premium is the additional amount over and above base pay which is provided to help fund your benefits.2. 市场疲软,股票价格看跌,这种股市称为熊市。
When a market is depressed, and security prices are falling, the market is then described as a bear market.3. 不愿忍受高风险的投资者可以通过购买盈利公司的股票来避免该不稳定因素Private investors unwilling to tolerate high levels of risk can reduce this uncertainty by buying shares in blue chip companies.4.对各家制造商最近所进行的调查显示,近十年是人们对未来的信心增强幅度最大的时候,他们对出口尤其抱乐观态度。
The latest survey of manufacturers shows that the past ten years is the time in which people have had the biggest increase in optimism. They are particularly optimistic about export5.当前我国经济发展一个显著特点,是既要保持经济的快速增长,又成功的抑制了通货膨胀。
A salient feature in China’s econ omic development at present is that we have been able to achieve rapid economic growth and successfully keep inflation under control at the same time.6.西部开发对扩大内需,推动国民经济持续增长,对于促进各地需经济协调发展,最终实现共同富裕,对于加强人民团结,维护社会稳定和巩固边防,都具有十分重要的意义。

We're sorry to inform you that your price has been found uncompetitive, but we’re still interested in doing business if you can bring down your price to a level acceptable.2.中国经济过去属规划经济,在五年计划和十年计划下运作。
The PRC economy was in the past a planned economy which is subject to five and ten years plans. In recent years, economic reforms were introduced to aim at transforming the PRC economy from a planned economy into a market economy with socialist characteristics.3.本银行(通知银行)受通汇银行(开证银行)的委托,对本信用证加以保兑,并在此保证,凡提交贵公司(受益人)依信用证条款签发的汇票,届时由本银行兑付。
At the request of the correspondent (the Issuing Bank), we (the Advising Bank)have been requested to add our confirmation to this credit and we hereby affirm that all drafts drawn by you (Beneficiary) in accordance with the terms of the credit will be duly honored by us。
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二、考核知识点与考核目标(一)翻译中的词类转换;翻译的形式(重点)理解:词类转换:1.英语名词转化为汉语动词1)动物名词的转化2)人体名词的转换3)自然现象名词的转化4)地点名词的转化2.英语名词转为为汉语形容词、副词应用:翻译的形式(1)直译literal translation(2)意译free translation(3)活译dynamic equivalence translation(二)国际商务合同的术语及其解读(次重点)识记:下列专业术语的定义inquiry询盘,offer发盘(offeror发盘人,offeree受盘人),firm offer实盘,indefinite offer虚盘,counter offer还盘,accept承诺,contract合同/契约,termination of a contract 合同的终止,suspension of a contract合同的中止理解:专业术语的特征和效力(三)翻译工作者应具备的能力;翻译的过程(一般)识记:翻译工作者应具备的能力:外语水平能力,母语水平能力,知识水平能力,应用水平能力理解:翻译的过程:1)理解:对语言符号的解码过程2)表达:译者把自己理解的内容用译入语准确而又自然地传递给译入语读者的阶段第二单元一、学习目的与要求通过本单元的学习,使学生了解商贸活动中用英语表达的损失索赔及其翻译;翻译技巧中的省略翻译法和增减词翻译法。
二、考核知识点与考核目标(一)增减法在翻译中的灵活使用(重点)理解:增词法和减词法的方法(1)增加谓语、宾语、名词复数概念、时态、句意、副词、修饰性词、明确化词语、省略的部分(2)省略人称代词、物主代词、关系代词、形式主语、形式宾语、关系代词、并列连词、动词、系动词、物主代词及介词应用:增词法和减词法(二)省略翻译法(次重点)理解:省略法应用:人称代词的省略;英语冠词的省略(三)专业知识(一般)识记:本单元专业术语理解:商务英语中的索赔条款(Claim Clause)第三单元一、学习目的与要求通过本单元的学习,使学生认知和应用翻译中的被动语态及其翻译方法,合并翻译法;了解世界贸易组织(WTO)的相关知识、专业术语及其翻译。
二、考核知识点与考核目标(一)商务合同中的长句翻译(1)(重点)理解:多结构的长句翻译;逆序翻译法(二)合同条款的翻译与解读(次重点)识记:Whereas Clauses鉴于条款,Assignment Clauses转让条款,Warranty Clauses担保条款,Default Clauses违约条款,Escape Clauses免责条款,Arbitration Clauses仲裁条款(三)民事工程建设的条款性合同翻译(一般)识记:工程建筑的专业术语应用:条款合同类的翻译第五单元一、学习目的与要求通过本单元的学习,使学生掌握商务合同中多重从句的翻译方法,正反翻译法;了解国际商务合同中的翻译与解读,及合同中的各项专业术语的意义及其翻译。
二、考核知识点与考核目标(一)商务合同中长句的翻译(2)(重点)应用:1.复合从句的翻译法;顺译法2.正反翻译法:正说反译;反说正译(二)Categories of International Business Contracts国际商务合同种类的翻译与解读(次重点)识记:下列专业术语的中英文对应名称Contract for International Sale of Goods国际货物销售合同Contract for International Technology Transfer国际技术转让合同Contract for Sino-foreign Joint Venture中外合资经营企业合同Contract for Sino-foreign Contractual Joint ventures中外合作经营企业合同Contract forInternational Engineering Projects国际工程承包合同Contract for Compensation Trades补偿贸易合同Contract for Sino-foreign Cooperative Development of Natural Resources中外合作开采自然资源合同Contract for Foreign Labor Services涉外劳务合同Contract for International Leasing Affairs国际租赁合同Contract for Sino-foreign Credits and Loans涉外信贷合同Contract for International Build-Operate-Transfer国际BOT项目投资合同Contract for Introduction of Complete Plant and Technology成套设备技术引进合同理解:主要国际商务合同种类的特点(三)识记:科技专业的合同术语(一般)第六单元一、学习目的与要求通过本单元的学习,使学生掌握非谓语动词的翻译方法;了解BOT投资项目的有关条约。
二、考核知识点与考核目标(一)非谓语动词的翻译(重点)理解:非谓语动词翻译的具体步骤:1)分清语法现象2)弄清具体词义3)组合句意或段意4)重新组合翻译应用:不定式、动名词、现在分词,及过去分词的翻译方法(二)应用:多重句子成分的翻译(复习)(次重点)(三)由投资、运营、转让三阶段构成的工业项目(BOT Investment)(一般)识记:BOT (build, operate, transfer) Investment的定义理解:BOT Investment的特征第七单元一、学习目的与要求通过本单元的学习,使学生掌握定语从句的翻译方法;了解股市类的专业术语的意义及其翻译。
二、考核知识点与考核目标(一)定语从句的翻译(1) (重点)理解:定语从句的意义及划分应用:限定性从句和非限定性从句的翻译(二)Stock股市(次重点)识记:股市行情的主要专业术语:stock issuance发行股票,principal本金,face value面值,indemnity补偿,bonus红利,market tone市场行情,bull market牛市(股票看涨),bear market熊市(股票看跌),Dow Jones industrial average道琼斯工业指数,stock value股票值,barometer晴雨表,stock value股票值,brokery industrial worker股票经纪人,Common Stock普通股,Preference Stock优先股,distribution(股息的)分配(三)专业知识和练习(一般)识记:关于股市的相关性知识第八单元一、学习目的与要求通过本单元的学习,使学生巩固定语从句的翻译方法,认知债券的意义及其专业术语的翻译。
二、考核知识点与考核目标(一)定语从句的翻译(2)(重点)理解:1.理解关系代词所指代的内容,并且将其还原,即用所修饰的先行词替代关系代词2.介词的含义以及介词与先行词一起构成的含义应用:带介词的定语从句的翻译(二)Bond债券(次重点)识记:主要专业术语:security证券,public issue公募,private placement私募,underwrite认购,credit interest rate贷款利率,trust indenture act信托契约法,default违约,provision条款,real estate 地产,mortgage bond抵押债券,debenture(无担保)债券,(海关)退税凭单理解:理解债券市场的有关规定,认知各种类型的债券及其专业术语翻译(三)补充专业知识和练习(一般)识记:理解证券类的相关术语及其意义和翻译第九单元一、学习目的与要求通过本单元的学习,使学生掌握翻译中词类转换的方法;了解商业贸易中信用卡的相关条约,专业术语及其翻译。
二、考核知识点与考核目标(一)词类转换(重点)应用:多种词性之间的转化(二)Credit Card信用卡(次重点)识记:主要专业术语和翻译:Acquire取得,on credit赊,a line of credit信用额度,validity有效性,account number 账号,ceiling limit限额,reimbursement偿付,grace宽限,sales slip签购单据理解:信用卡的用法(三)识记:相关商业服务类的知识及其专业术语(一般)第十单元一、学习目的与要求通过本单元的学习,使学生掌握复合词的翻译方法;了解商业银行的有关术语及其翻译。