symbols of America 美国象征
five symbols of America
· people affectionately(亲切地) local
called him ―Uncle Sam"
· During the war, he gained a position
inspecting meat for US Army forces.
· Barrels(滚筒) of meat supplied to the
Do you know the nickname of America?
3.Uncle Sam
· nickname was produced in 1812. The · American and British war · meat packing trader (肉类包装商), a
called Sam Wilson
• This kind of nickel was made to honor a pair of tragedies(悲剧) from the settlement of the American frontier(边远 地区)—— the destruction of the buffalo herds(牧群) and the American Indians.
Designed by famous artist of The America James Earle Fraser
• Buffalo Buffalo is a unique(独特的) part of the America, and is a species(物种) with 5000 years’ history.
Whenever we mention the United States, What would yay be a very hard question to answer , because the United States is made up of people from all around the world. You know, A thousand readers have 1000 Hamlet.(哈姆莱特) Here, I will just show you one kind of answers of the question.
barbie 的男友:ken 朋友: christie ,stancy,whitney, steven.... 宠物:马,猫,狗,小北 极熊.... 家族:skipper(1964) franci(1966-71)双胞弟妹: tutti&todd表妹: jazzi(1989)小妹妹: stacie(1992)小小妹妹: kelly(1995)
common coins:
Honor prominent figures (mostly famous former US presidents)
Buffalo Nickels:
Honored a pair of connected tragedies (buffalo herds and American Indians)
American Declaration of Independence
通体高度(脚跟至火炬) 46米 总成高度(含基座) 94 米 雕像身高(脚跟至头顶) 34米 手的长度 5.5米 雕像的厚度 8米 雕像头部可容纳的人 40 人数 雕像总重(80吨铜 + 120吨钢) 200吨 铜板的厚度 2.37毫米 从法国搬运到美国时所 用的集装箱数 210个 建造支出 343,000欧元 修理支出 70,000,000美 元
Norway Ukraine
United Kingdom Israel
A Brief Introduction
姓名:Barbie Millicient Robert 年龄:永远的16岁 原创作者:Ruth Handler 身高:168厘米 BWH胸围(bust)、腰围 (waist)、臀围(hips) :39-1833 inch 本人体重:47-54公斤(这么瘦还 能活着真不可思议) 性格:开朗,充满好奇心,富有想 象力,喜爱创作 衣服:10亿件 职业:明星,教师,工程 师,,,,,,(80多种,居然身 兼数职却从未劳累过)
Five famous symbols of American culture美国文化的五大象征
野牛镍币 Buffalo Nickel
Buffalo Nickel
• 1911年,由美国著名艺术家詹姆斯 弗雷泽(James Fraser)设 计,1913-1938年间成产的一种硬币。 美国传统硬币上刻 画的主要是历届总统。 但是野牛镍币,没有循规蹈矩,而 是将在美国西进运动中遭破坏几近灭绝的两种形象----美国 野牛以及土著印第安人的形象印为纪念。
Five famous symbols of American culture
Statue of Liberty
自由女神像,又称“自由照耀 世界,是法国赠送给美国独立 100周年礼物,位於美国纽约 市自由岛上。 .
• 女神右手高举长达12米的火炬, 左手捧着《独立宣言》,脚下是 打碎的手铐、脚镣和锁链。她象 征着自由、挣脱暴政的约束。
American Gothic
• 无论我们见过与否,毫无疑问地,它 是美国众多画作中唯一的一个成为文 化标签的。其主要原因是,画中农民 夫妻二人的表情深刻的体现了美国人 民的民族精神----勇于探索,坚强不 屈!
• Whether we see it or not, there is no doubt that it is the only one which has been cultural label in many American paintings.The major reason is that the peasant man and wife’expression strongly reflect the American national spirits ---dare to explore and stand buffer!
The Symbols of America美国的标志
The white house
• The White House, formerly known as the Executive Mansion, is the official residence and principal workplace of the President of the United States. Located at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW in Washington, D.C., it was built between 1792 and 1800 of white-painted Aquia sandstone in the late Georgian style and has been the executive residence of every U.S. President since John Adams. When Thomas Jefferson moved into the home in 1801, he, with architect Benjamin Henry Latrobe, expanded the building outward, creating two colonnades which were meant to conceal stables and storage
• The Celestial Chinese Dragon is comparable as the symbol of the Chinese race itself. Chinese around the world, proudly proclaim themselves "Lung Tik Chuan Ren" (Descendents of the Dragon). Dragons are referred to as the divine mythical creature that brings with it ultimate abundance, prosperity and good fortune.
美国文化五大象征最精彩的简介 可以讲课用的
Uncle Sam
第二次美英战争时期 他诚实能干 富于创业精神, 在当地很有威信 人们亲切地叫他 “山姆大叔”
尖塔高耸 尖形拱门 大窗户 绘有圣经故事 花窗玻璃 伍德 Praised American working people's industrious Also on the countryside to the quality of praise
The Buffalo Nickel
把 广 袤 大 地 照 亮
放 逐 者 之 母
您 凝 聚 流 光 的 名 字 ——
高 举 灯 盏 喷 薄 光 芒
红 霞 落 波 之 门 你 巍 然 屹 立
拥 有 征 服 疆 域 的 臂 膀
不 似 希 腊 伟 岸 铜 塑 雕 像
芭比娃娃: (Barbie Dolls)
1958年,芭比(Barbie)之母露丝• 汉德勒(Ruth Handler) ,身为美国美泰(Mattel)公司的创始人之一,正式开创了芭 比这个品牌,芭比的名字是以她的大女儿芭芭拉(Barbara) 的昵称命名。露丝的初衷,是要设计出一款娃娃,以一个成人 女性的形象,进入美国女孩的生活,成为女孩们的好朋友,知 己,甚至人生偶像。这样一个概念的娃娃,在当时的美国前所 未有。露丝大胆尝试,终于在两年的市场探索后大获全胜。订 单象雪片一样飞来,美泰公司甚至用上了10年的时间才使芭比 的生产量满足了市场的需求。
• 女神右手高举长达 12米的火炬,左手 捧着《独立宣言》 (The Declaration of Independence) 脚下是打碎的手铐、 脚镣和锁链。她象 征着自由、挣脱暴 政的约束。
Five Famous Symbols of American Culture 美国五大文化象征
2. (cause people or things to) come together e.g.: The captain called the men to assemble. 队长命令部队集合。
Antonym: (dis-) disassemble
dis① not; the opposite of dislike 不喜欢 (dis- + like) disorder 无秩序 (dis- + order) disappear 消失 (dis- + appear)
Barbie & Barbara
figure of speech: oxymoron(矛盾修饰法)
… may be the most famous unknown figure on the planet. (L 30) examples:
sorrow; silent scream; etc.
Statue of Liberty Barbie American Gothic
Writing technique: Time Sequence
Time markers: Events:
in the mid-1870s
French artist Frederic Auguste Bartholdi was working on an enormous project called Liberty Enlightening the World, a monument celebrating US independence and the FranceAmerica alliance.
Symbols of America
杰克逊· 波洛克(Jackson Pollock 1912—1956)作品选:
• 波洛克的作 品,反映了 美国民族不 墨守成规、 勇于进取、 不断开掘宏 观世界和内 在意识深处 的精神,也 表现了他们 在高度工业 化社会中的 忧虑、焦灼 和不安。
• 《1948年第5号》是杰克 逊· 波洛克“滴画”中的 精品,这幅画画在一个长 8英尺,宽4英尺的Байду номын сангаас维 板上,画板上滴满稠密的 棕黄色以及白色、栗色、 黑色颜料,形成了鸟巢状 的外观,看起来有些杂乱 无章。
作品名称 :《1948年第5号》
• 波洛克创造了举世闻名的“滴画”,他的滴画成了无 拘无束的美国性格的典型表现,成了抽象表现主义的 经典作品。一位见过波洛克的人回忆道:“进入波洛 克的画室就像进入了另外一个世界,这个艺术家把他 的思想和充沛的感情完全展露在他的画室之中。画室 的一边是大听大听的颜料罐子,墙上案上到处是颜色 的滴痕。另一边是他的尺度巨大的作品,波洛克经常 坐在前面沉思好几个钟头,他脸上的线条很硬,而且 经常眉头紧锁,显然,波洛克的每一幅作品都不是轻 易画出来的。当他作画的时候,他沉湎于吓人的行动 之中。”评论家称他的画为“行动绘画”,这样一来 画家在画布上呈现给我们的已经不是一张画,而是在 画布上的行动过程,画面成了画家行动的场所,画布 成了画家行动的记录。
• 波洛克生于怀俄明州,曾就学于洛杉矶的美术学校。 17岁时他来到纽约,在艺术学生联盟随托马斯· 哈 特· 本顿(Thomas Hart Benton)学画。他从象征艺术 上转移,并发展了一个在帆布上喷涂和滴颜料的绘画 技术。 三十年代,他受到墨西哥壁画艺术的影响,评 论家史密斯说:“迪古· 里维拉那种为‘属于大众’的 公共艺术献身的热情,可能有助于波洛克形成偏爱巨 幅的感情。”(爱德华· 卢西· 史密斯著,()陈麦 译:《1945年以后的现代视觉艺术》,上海人民美术 出版社,第26页。)他崇拜塞尚和毕加索,对康定斯 基那种富于表现性的抽象绘画和米罗那种充满神秘梦 幻的作品也情有独钟。 • 1938年到1942年间,他为联邦艺术工程工作;1950年 代到1960年代,他通过“文化自由议会”(Congress for Cultural Freedom)受到中央情报局的支持。 ()
美国文化的五个象征(5 symbols of American culture)
Thanks for listening
Microsoft Corporation
Microsoft Corporation is an American public multinational corporation headquartered in Redmond, Washington, USA that develops, manufactures, licenses, and supports a wide range of products and services predominantly related to computing through its various product divisions.
Superman is a fictional comic book superhero appearing in publications by DC Comics, widely considered to be an American cultural icon. Created by American writer Jerry Siegel and Canadian-born American artist Joe Shuster in 1932
Five symbols of American culture
Ford Motor Company
• Ford Motor Company is an American multinational automaker based in Dearborn, Michigan, a suburb of Detroit. The automaker was founded by Henry Ford and incorporated on June 16, 1903.
The symbol of America美国象征
Wall Street
Wall Street is the name of the borough of Manhattan in New York City South from Broadway Road extends to the east of a street, a total length of only a third of a mile, the width is only 11 meters, is a transliteration of the English "Wall Street". The streets are narrow and short, from Broadway to the East River only 7 street, but in the "American financial center" is well known in the world. American zaibatsu Morgan, Rockefeller oil magnate and DuPont financial group to open banking, insurance, shipping, railways and other company managers focus on this. The famous New York stock exchange is also here, so far, is still a few major exchanges of headquarters: Nasdaq, the U.S. stock exchange, New York futures exchange, etc.. "Wall Street" is a term that has been beyond the street itself, become region near the appellation also refers to has the influence on the financial market and financial institutions to the American economy.
Queen Barbie doll is almost all girls, and even the adult female dolls preference. Barbie was the inspiration for the creatio n of a United States handler toy compan y cofounders daughter and his wife Barbara, their adult with a German on the basis of sexy doll in 1959 launched a decent auth entic American Barbie doll. It is ironic that the couples daughter handler favorite Ba rbie, but they hate the son of ken have it.
Wbetween them?
"American Gothic" might not be w ell known, but the portrait of the O ld House Gothic windows, especia lly solemn expressions that do, an d that the long neck to the wife of the artist famous night in 1930. Th e paintings performance of the Un ited States farmers solemn pride.
Statue of liberty 自由女神像
Since the Statue of Liberty in New York in 1886 to stand firm in the Bay, it has been t he arrival of the new immigrants the promi se of the American Dream. The statue is a French artist from the Unit ed States to celebrate the independence o f the US law designed Union, said the arm s came from the beautiful statue of the arti sts wife, and the vicissitudes resolute face is drawn from the artists mother.
美国的象征 Symbols of America
Uncle Sam
• The exact origins of Uncle Sam as a symbol for the United States are unknown. But the most widely accepted theory is that Uncle Sam was named after Samuel Wilson, a businessman from Troy, N.Y. that supplied the U.S. Army with beef in barrels During the War of 1812. The barrels were labeled "U.S." When asked what the initials stood for, one of Wilson's workers said it stood for Uncle Sam Wilson. The suggestion that the meat shipments came from "Uncle Sam" led to the idea that Uncle Sam symbolized the Federal Government and association stuck.
Symbols of America
The Flag
• The U.S. flag has undergone many changes since the first official flag of 1777. On June 14, 1777, the Continental Congress passed the first Flag Act, which said that the flag would be made up of thirteen alternating red and white stripes and thirteen white stars on a blue field. Stars have been added to the flag as new states join the union. Currently, the flag contains 50 stars.
symbol of America
In the house where I grew up, it was our custom to leave the front door on the latch at night.I don’t know if that was a local term or if it is universal; “on the latch” meant the door was closed but not locked .None of us carried keys; the last one in the evening would close up, and that was it. [fanyi]那些日子已经过去了。
Those days are over. In rural as well as in cities, doors do not stay unlocked, even for part of an evening. [fanyi]郊区县的地区是,在很多方面,比井-巡逻市区街道更脆弱。
The Buffalo Nickel
The Buffalo Nickel
Today, American coins honor prominent figures of the US government — mostly famous former presidents. But the Buffalo nickel, produced from 1913 to 1938, honored a pair of connected tragedies from the settlement of the American frontier — the destruction of the buffalo herds and the American Indians. While white people had previously been used as models for most American coins, famed artist James Earle Fraser went against tradition by using three actual American Indians as models for his creation. For the buffalo on the other side, since buffalo no longer wandered about the great grasslands, Fraser was forced to sketch an aging buffalo from New York City's Central Park Zoo. Two years later, in 1915, this animal was sold for $100 and killed for meat, a hide, and a wall decoration made from its horns.
American culture美国文化 全
It was officially admitted by American congress as American national symbol ter Uncle Sam was used to be on half of America or American government, it was widely used in press.
战后,政治漫画里开始出现一个名叫“山 姆大叔”的人物。他的原型是一个早期漫 画人物,名叫乔纳森大哥,此人在美国独 立战争时期非常出名。很快,山姆大叔就 取代了乔纳森大哥,成了最受美国人欢迎 的象征。
The most enduring(a. 持 久的,耐久的) portrait (n. 画像) of Uncle Sam was created by artist James Montgomery Flagg in his famous army recruiting posters(征兵海报) of World Wars I and II.
The Statue of Liberty which is also called Liberty Enlightening the World is a gift given to the United States by France in honor of 100 anniversary(n. 纪念日) of American independence, standing on Liberty Island in New York .
Uncle Sam
The appearance of Uncle Sam
• Uncle Sam, a figure symbolizing the United States, is portrayed(v. 刻画,描绘) as a tall, white-haired man with a goatee(n. 山羊胡子). He is often dressed in red, white, and blue, and wears a top hat. • 山姆叔叔是象征着美国人物, 被描绘成一个高大的、白头 发与一个山羊胡子的男子。 他经常穿着红色、白色和蓝 色衣服,戴着一顶大礼帽。
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
• • • •
In 1876 In 1876
Batholdi married his love in spite of his mother’s disagreement.
Batholdi had assembled the statue’s right arms and torch
In 1886
It was dedicated on an island in Upper New YorkBay
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities .
"Keep ancient lands your storied pomp!" cries she with silent
"Give me your tired your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
Five famous symbols of American culture
Statue of LibertyGothic
Uncle Sam
Buffalo Nickel
30 Symbols of America_655403825
Empire State Building
102-story skyscraper in New York City Named after New York (the Empire State Built in 1931
Golden Gate Bridge
Spans the Golden Gate, the opening of the San Francisco Bay onto the Pacific Ocean.
Seat of government for U.S. Congress Located in Washington, D.C., on top of Capitol Hill at the eastern end of the National Mall.
White House
Home of the president of the United States George Washington was the only President that did not live here The Oval Office is a room where the President does work for the country
Bald eagle
The bald eagle was chosen June 20, 1782, as the emblem of the United States of American, because of its long life, great strength and majestic looks, and also because it was then believed to exist only on this continent.
Five famous symbols of American culture美国文化的五大象征
American Gothic
• 无论我们见过与否,毫无疑问地,它 是美国众多画作中唯一的一个成为文 化标签的。其主要原因是,画中农民 夫妻二人的表情深刻的体现了美国人 民的民族精神----勇于探索,坚强不 屈!
• Whether we see it or not, there is no doubt that it is the only one which has been cultural label in many American paintings.The major reason is that the peasant man and wife’expression strongly reflect the American national spirits ---dare to explore and stand buffer!
白色正方形代 表加拿大辽阔的国 土;两个红色竖长 方形分别代表太平 洋和大西洋;
中间的红枫叶代表 全体加拿大人民,11个 角代表加拿大的七个省 和四个自治洲。
盾面下部为一枝三 片枫叶;上部的四组图 案分别为:三头金色的 狮子,一头直立的红狮, 一把竖琴和三朵百合花, 分别象征加拿大在历史 上与英格兰、苏格兰、 爱尔兰和法国之间的联 系。
威斯敏斯特大教堂坐落在伦敦泰晤士河北岸,原是一座本笃 会隐修院,始建于公元960 年,1045年进行了扩建,1065年 建成,1220年至1517年进行了重建。斯敏斯特教堂在1540年 英国国教与罗马教廷决裂前,它一直是天主教本笃会即天主 教的隐修院修会之一的教堂,1540年之后,一直是伦敦的国 家级圣公会教堂。
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Useful Expressions
Are you sure…? I am sure./ Sure./ Definitely. Are you certain…? I am unsure whether…/ I’m not sure Is it certain that…? I can’t say for certain. /.It’s uncertain
Buffalo Nickel
Uncle Sam
American Gothic
American landmark &natural wonders
American natural wonders
American landmark &natural wonders
American landmark &natural wonders
Unit 4 Symbols of America
Jack Kerouac
On the Road is a novel by
American writer Jack Kerouac, based on the travels of Kerouac and his friends across America. It is considered a defining work of the postwar Beat and Countercultu re generations, with its protagonists living life against a backdrop of jazz, poetry and drug use.
Occupations Instruments
Dixieland, jazz, swing, tra ditional pop
Musician Trumpet, cornet, vocals
Years active Associated acts
c. 1914–1971 Joe "King" Oliver
Louis Armstrong
Louis Armstrong was an
American jazz trumpeter, singer, and an influential figure in jazz music.
Louis Armstrong
Background information Born August 4, 1901 New Orleans, Louisiana, U.S. July 6, 1971 (aged 69) Corona, Queens, Newhe City is
essentially an autobiographical novel. The Town and the City was written before Kerouac had developed his own style, and it is heavily influenced by Thomas Wolfe.
Is it possible that…? Maybe./ Possibly. Is it probable that…? It’s possible/ probable. Is it likely that …? Must have done Is there any possibility that…? Is there any probability that…? Is there any chance/ likelihood…?
Jackson Pollock
Jackson Pollock was an influential American painter and a major figure in the abstract expressionist movement. He was well known for his unique style of drip painting.