

FXX-32EQ3(HEY)储水式 电热水器技术服务手册说明书

FXX-32EQ3(HEY)储水式 电热水器技术服务手册说明书

目录1整机概述 (3)1.1电热水器定义 (3)1.2电热水器分类 (3)1.3产品特色 (3)1.4规格与技术参数 (2)2部件名称 (3)3拆装程序 (8)4操作方法、电控功能 (13)4.1按键及功能概要表 (13)4.2电热水器基本组成 (13)4.3电热水器显示内容及主要功能模式 (13)4.3.1LED显示内容及系统配置功能主要包括 (13)4.3.2机身面板显示内容 (14)4.4基本参数及要求 (14)4.5、按键及显示屏具体功能要求 (15)4.6功能的详细说明 (16)4.7空壳机内容显示 (21)4.8内胆容量设置功能 (21)4.9、报警功能与故障自检(空壳机无此功能) (21)4.10、其他技术要求 (22)5故障代码表 (23)6零部件清单 (23)详细介绍1、全新异型造型;2、机身分为前后壳,均为HIPS塑料;白色●向外拉取出电源板安装盖电源板显示板遥控器图1:显示面板图遥控器对应按键位置:图1:遥控器面贴图4.4基本参数及要求1.额定工作电压:AC220V/50Hz2.整机额定功率3200W“开/关”键度,加热时“太阳花”图标循环点亮,保五、故障代码八、零部件清单(附有明细)F60-32EQ3(HEY)明细:结构级别编号名称代号(图号)数量112951000000841排水阀DT_245-01A1 116151000002322内销说明书F6030-LS3Y-131 112451000000501保温棉F60-32EQY-061 112151000000610标记套D30-20R-201 112151000000622标记套D30-20R-211 112151000000646水管DT-681 112151000002901定位座F60-30EQ1Y_02-032 112151000002902定位座F60-30EQ1Y_02-0111 112151000002903定位座F60-30EQ1Y_02-022 116351000000237说明书包装袋DT-441 117451000003441电源线DT.79F1 110502006000052标签纸DT-960.00106 116351000000701胆口泡F60-30EQ1Y-191 116351000001881上包装垫F6030-ES2Y-021 1113015120000911型六角螺母GBT61705 111301801000004T型螺栓MJ05-001125 116351000000704堵泡F60-30EQ1Y-221 112951000000421出水管组件F60-30EQ1Y_38121051030Y01242F60-32EQ3(HEY) 电热21051030Y01243F80-32EQ3(HEY) 电热21051030003387F60-32EQ3(HEY)电热水21051030003386F80-32EQ3(HEY) 电热。





第二章:技术规格2.1 芯片尺寸:PB331芯片的精确尺寸为Xmm x Ymm,适用于各种设备。

2.2 工作电压:芯片正常工作电压为V1.2 - V1.8,超过或低于此范围可能导致芯片性能下降。

2.3 功耗:PB331芯片具有低功耗特性,在正常工作条件下,平均功耗为W,可显著延长设备电池寿命。

2.4 通信接口:芯片支持XX协议和YY协议的通信接口,确保数据传输的可靠性和稳定性。

2.5 内存容量:芯片内置XXGB的存储空间,可满足用户对大容量数据存储的需求。

第三章:功能特性3.1 高性能处理能力:PB331芯片采用先进的处理器架构,具有卓越的数据处理能力,可以快速、高效地完成各种复杂计算任务。

3.2 强大的图形处理能力:芯片内置先进的图形处理单元,支持多种图形算法和效果,能够呈现出更加逼真、细腻的图像效果。

3.3 多功能IO接口:PB331芯片具备丰富的IO接口,可与外部设备进行灵活连接,并支持多种外设的控制和数据交互。

3.4 高速数据传输:芯片支持高速数据传输,具备快速的数据读写能力,提升了设备的响应速度和用户体验。

3.5 低功耗设计:PB331芯片在设计上充分考虑了能源消耗,采用一系列节能机制,有效降低了功耗,延长了电池使用时间。

第四章:软件支持4.1 开发工具:针对PB331芯片,提供了一套全面、易用的开发工具,包括编译器、调试器和仿真器等,帮助开发者更好地开发和调试应用程序。

4.2 操作系统支持:PB331芯片兼容多种操作系统,包括Windows、Linux和Android等,为用户提供了更多的操作系统选择。

4.3 驱动程序:为了方便用户与PB331芯片进行交互,我们提供了相应的驱动程序,可实现与各种外设的无缝连接和数据传输。



使用说明书特性I2C接口超低功耗Array内置图 1 VC31B功能框图1修订历史表 1 修订历史2表 2 VC31B引脚说明3 推荐应用电路a、bc、d LDOe、VC31B模拟电源典型供电电压为3.3V,要求LDO 输出电源纹波峰峰值应小于40mV; 另外要求LDO 的负载瞬态响应:电流从1mA 瞬变为100mA 时,LDO 的输出稳定时间应小于50μs,稳定压降应小于10mV。

注:给心率模组供电的LDO 输出不能有大于 3.6V 的持续电压以及脉冲电压。

单位图5 推荐回流焊温度曲线7图10 硅胶框隔光辅料尺寸图布局说明及注意事项:1、此布局针对运动版方案,因此对漏光处理较为严格: a 、 要求VC31B 与镜片的距离不超过0.1mm (最好为零配);b 、图6、8中VC31B 周围的黑色虚线框为我司开模设计的硅胶框隔光辅料,隔光辅料尺寸如上图10所示,硅胶框应轻度挤压,以保证隔光的效果; 2、图7、9丝印外部为不界定边框,要求内部开窗与上图一致;3、除VC31B 与LED 的布局固定外,其余阻容元器件在布局时需注意不能放置在隔光辅料区域内,以免影响硅胶安装效果(VC31B 周围0.6mm 以内不放置任何元器件);;4、丝印镜片要求如下:a 、 推荐镜片窗口透光率:90%以上;b 、推荐镜片窗口透射波长:400至 1000nm ;c 、 镜片厚度不超过0.5mm ,推荐质硬、不易形变的玻璃或者亚克力;5、以上图示外如需任何结构变动,需与维客沟通,经由维客评估之后方可保证性能;6、 手环设计要求:a 、 心率、血氧凸台建议 1.0mm ;b 、 如对手环运动心率准确性要求较高,那么手环整体重量要求不超过 36g (不含表带);6、结构设计要点VC31B说明书8LED性能参数及辅料说明VC31B心率芯片对Green、IR的光效及压降要求如下表所示,可根据下表LED参数成都维客昕微电子有限公司[11]。

HX1838 红外(中文资料)

HX1838 红外(中文资料)

电源电压V CC (v) 6.0 工作温度T OPR (℃) -25 —+85 功耗P D(mw) 35 储存温度T STG (℃) -40 —+125
光电参数:(T=25℃V CC=5V f0=38KHZ)
参数符号测试条件Min Type Max 单位工作电压Vcc 2.7 5.5 V 接收距离L L5IR5 I F =300mA
10 17 M 载波频率f038k HZ 接收角度θ1/2 距离衰减1/2 +/-45 Deg BMP 宽度f BW-3Db Bandwidth 2 3.3 5 kHz 静态电流I CC无信号输入时---- 0.8 1.5 mA 低电平输出V OL Vin=0V Vcc=5V 0.2 0.4 V 高电平输出V OH Vcc=5V 4.5 Vcc V
输出脉冲宽度T PWL Vin=500μVp-p ※500 600 700 μS T PWH Vin=50mVp-p ※500 600 700 μS




HX71XX 系列Ver 2.00系列LDO 线性稳压器■ 产品简介系列是采用CMOS 工艺制造,低功耗的高压稳压器,最高输入电压可达18V ,输出电压范围为2V~5V 。


■ 产品特点■ 产品用途■ 封装形式和管脚功能定义■ 型号选择名称型号 最高输入电压(V)输出电压(V)容差 封装形式18 3.0 +3% TO92SOT89-3 SOT23-318 3.3 +3%18 3.6 +3% 18 4.4 +3% 185.0+3%● 低功耗:≤3μA● 低跌落电压:典型值0.1V ● 低温漂:典型值50 ppm/℃ ● 高的输入电压:最高可达18V● 高精度的输出电压:容差为±3%● 封装形式:TO-92、SOT89-3,SOT23-3● 电池等电源的供电设备● 各种通信设备 ● 音频/视频设备 ● 安防监控设备管脚序号 管脚定义 功能说明TO-92 SOT89-3 SOT23-3 1 1 1 GND 芯片接地端 2 2 3 VIN 启动输入端3 3 2 VOUT 芯片输出端HX71XX HX71XX HX71XX HX7130HX7133HX7136HX7144HX7150HX71XX系列Ver 2.00 ■ 原理框图■极限参数项目符号参数极限值单位电压VIN 最大输入电压20 V功耗PD 功耗200 mW温度Tw 工作温度-25~70 ℃Tc 存储温度-50~125 ℃Th 焊接温度260 ℃,10s■电学特性◆( TOPT=25℃)符号参数测试条件最小值典型值最大值单位V OUT输出电压V IN=5V,I OUT=1mA 2.91 3 3.09 VI OUT输出电流V IN=5V 60 100 -mA△V OUT负载调节V IN=5V,1mA≤I OUT≤50mA-60 150 mV V DIF跌落电压I OUT=1mA-100 -mVI SS静态电流V IN=5V,空载- 2 3 µA ΔV OUT /(ΔV IN * V OUT) Line Regulation 4V≤V IN≤18V,I OUT=1mA-0.2 -%/V V IN输入电压---18 VΔV OUT /ΔTa 温度系数V IN=5V,I OUT=10mA,0℃≤Ta≤70℃-+0.45 -mV/℃V refV inGN DV out HX7130◆( TOPT=25℃)符号参数测试条件最小值典型值最大值单位V OUT输出电压V IN=5V,I OUT=1mA 3.201 3.3 3.399 VI OUT输出电流V IN=5.5V 60 100 -mA△V OUT负载调节V IN=5.5V,1mA≤I OUT≤50mA-60 150 mV V DIF跌落电压I OUT=1mA-100 -mVI SS静态电流V IN=5.5V,空载- 2 3 µA ΔV OUT /(ΔV IN * V OUT) Line Regulation 4.5V≤V IN≤18V,I OUT=1mA-0.2 -%/V V IN输入电压---18 VΔV OUT /ΔTa 温度系数V IN=5.5V,I OUT=10mA,0℃≤Ta≤70℃-+0.5-mV/℃◆TOPT=25℃)符号参数测试条件最小值典型值最大值单位V OUT输出电压V IN=5V,I OUT=1mA 3.492 3.6 3.708 VI OUT输出电流V IN=5.6V 60 100 -mA△V OUT负载调节V IN=5.6V,1mA≤I OUT≤30mA-60 150 mV V DIF跌落电压I OUT=1mA-100 -mVI SS静态电流V IN=5.6V,空载- 2 3 µA ΔV OUT /(ΔV IN * V OUT) Line Regulation 4.6V≤V IN≤18V,I OUT=1mA-0.2 -%/V V IN输入电压---18 VΔV OUT /ΔTa 温度系数V IN=5.6V,I OUT=10mA,0℃≤Ta≤70℃-+0.6 -mV/℃◆( TOPT=25℃)符号参数测试条件最小值典型值最大值单位V OUT输出电压V IN=6V,I OUT=1mA 4.268 4.4 4.532 VI OUT输出电流V IN=6.4V 60 100 -mA△V OUT负载调节V IN=6.4V,1mA≤I OUT≤30mA-60 150 mV V DIF跌落电压I OUT=1mA-100 -mVI SS静态电流V IN=6.4V,空载- 2 3 µA ΔV OUT /(ΔV IN * V OUT) Line Regulation 5.4V≤V IN≤18V,I OUT=1mA-0.2 -%/V V IN输入电压---18 VΔV OUT /ΔTa 温度系数V IN=6.4V,I OUT=10mA,0℃≤Ta≤70℃-+0.7 -mV/℃HX7133 HX7136 HX7144◆( T OPT=25℃)符号 参数 测试条件 最小值 典型值 最大值 单位V OUT 输出电压 V IN =7V ,I OUT =1mA4.85 55.15 V I OUT输出电流 V IN =7V60 100 - mA △V OUT负载调节 V IN =7V ,1mA ≤I OUT ≤30mA- 60 150 mV V DIF 跌落电压 I OUT =1mA - 100 -mV I SS静态电流V IN =7V ,空载 - 2 3 µA ΔV OUT /(ΔV IN * V OUT )Line Regulation6V ≤V IN ≤18V ,I OUT =1mA- 0.2 - %/V V IN 输入电压 -- -18 V ΔV OUT /ΔTa温度系数V IN =7V ,I OUT =10mA ,0℃≤Ta ≤70℃-+0.75-mV/℃■ 应用电路1、基本电路2、高输出电流稳压电路1 32 V IN V ou t G N D C210uFC110uFV inV outHX7150HX71XX3、短路保护电路4、提高输出电压电路(1)V OUT=Vxx(1+R2/R1)+Iss*R2 5、提高输出电压电路(2)V OUT=Vxx+VD1Ver 2.00 6、电流调节电路IOUT = VXX/RX + ISS7、双端输出电路注示:“××”代表输出电压Ver 2.00 ■封装信息。


1: 蓝牙耳机通话中音质 清晰(0~8m) 杂音(≥8m) 声音断续(≥11m)
2: 蓝牙耳机听MP3音质 清晰(0~5m)杂音(≥5m) 声音断续(≥10m)
3: 蓝牙耳机通话中音质 清晰(0~4M) 方向性(0~360度)
4: 蓝牙耳机听MP3 音质 清晰(0~5M) 方向性(0~360度)
1: 蓝牙耳机通话中音质 清晰(0~8m) 杂音(≥8m) 声音断续(≥11m)
2: 蓝牙耳机听MP3音质 清晰(0~5m)杂音(≥5m) 声音断续(≥10m)
3: 蓝牙耳机通话中音质 清晰(0~4M) 方向性(0~360度)
4: 蓝牙耳机听MP3 音质 清晰(0~5M) 方向性(0~360度)
打开蓝牙待机电流 (蓝牙+整机)



1.pb331 芯片概述
2.pb331 芯片的功能特点
3.pb331 芯片的技术参数
4.pb331 芯片的应用领域
5.pb331 芯片的使用方法与注意事项
一、pb331 芯片概述
pb331 芯片是一款性能卓越的集成电路芯片,广泛应用于各种电子设备中。


二、pb331 芯片的功能特点
1.高速运算能力:pb331 芯片具有高效的运算能力,可以快速地处理各种数据。

2.低功耗:pb331 芯片的功耗非常低,即使长时间运行也不会产生过多的热量。

3.强大的兼容性:pb331 芯片具有良好的兼容性,可以与各种设备和系统无缝连接。

三、pb331 芯片的技术参数
1.工作电压:pb331 芯片的工作电压范围为 1.8V-3.6V。

2.工作温度:pb331 芯片的工作温度范围为 -40℃-85℃。

3.存储温度:pb331 芯片的存储温度范围为 -40℃-125℃。

四、pb331 芯片的应用领域
pb331 芯片广泛应用于消费电子、通讯设备、工业控制等领域。

五、pb331 芯片的使用方法与注意事项
1.在使用 pb331 芯片之前,需要仔细阅读芯片手册,了解其功能和使用方法。

2.在焊接 pb331 芯片时,需要使用正确的焊接工具和焊接材料,以保证焊接质量。

3.在使用 pb331 芯片时,需要注意避免芯片受到静电干扰,以免损坏芯片。



HX3313Heart rate sensorNanjing TianYiHeXin Electronics Co.,Ltd.HX3313 Programmer’s GuideHX3313是一个光学数字式心率传感器,通过I2C 接口读取原始数据,在MCU 的程序中计算出心率的值。


心率移植步骤1. 根据平台先填写hrs3313.c 中的i2c 读写函数, i2c 地址为0x44(7bit, 不包括读写位)⑴ bool Hrs3313_write_reg(uint8_t addr, uint8_t data) I2C 写函数, 写成功返回 0⑵ uint8_t Hrs3313_read_reg(uint8_t addr) I2C 读函数, 返回读到的数据 2. 初始化 ⑴ I2C 初始化 ⑵ 芯片上电请延时5ms⑶ Hrs3313_chip_init (); // initial hrm chip ⑷ Hrs3313_alg_config();⑸ Hrs3313_alg_open(); // hrs alg initial⑹ 采用定时器方式, 在hrs3313.h 打开宏TIMER_READ_MODE , 每隔40ms 调用Hrs3313_Int_handle (), 必须保证40ms 的定时器准确, 或者采用中断方式, 配置低电平或下降沿中断,低电平宽度为10us , 中断函数调用Hrs3313_Int_handle () ⑺ 启动定时器或开启中断,3. 中断函数void Hrs3313_Int_handle () 解析 ⑴ Hrs3313_alg_send_data (…) // 调用算法库 ⑵ alg_results.alg_status // 得到心率测试的状态 MSG_NO_TOUCH // 脱手状态MSG_PPG_LEN_TOO_SHORT // 开始测试, 还没出值之前的状态 大概10s 输出心率值alg_results.hr_result4.停止心率测试⑴先停止定时器或关闭中断⑵调用Hrs3313_chip_disable( ); // 此时功耗在1ua 以下说明:如果需要测试动态心率请合入gsensor三轴数据, gsensor数据格式统一为原始数据16位(如为12位请左移4位),格式为补码,请检查:静止状态下±2G对应最大量程为:±16384,±4G对应最大量程为:±8192,±8G对应最大量程为:±4096如果是±8G 请保持不变,如果是±4G请除以2,如果是±2G请除以4PS: 只需检查静止时传入算法函数Hrs3313_alg_send_data最大轴是否对应为±4096 左右即可血压移植步骤一.小血压版本1.移植步骤跟心率移植步骤相同2.打开BP_CUSTDOWN_ALG_LIB宏大概20s输出血压值bp_alg_results.sbp, bp_alg_results.dbp常见问题解析一.如何确定i2c 是否调通请在Hrs3313_chip_init()函数中判断chip_id 是否正确, 以及是函数是否返回true二.心率出值不准确请在Hrs3313_Int_handle()中打开以下log , 不要改变打印格式和参杂其它log, 测试25s 以上时间//DEBUG_PRINTF(0," %d %d %d %d %d %d \r\n" ,hrm_raw_data, als_raw_data, infrared_data,gsen_buf.AXIS_X,gsen_buf.AXIS_Y, gsen_buf.AXIS_Z);程序示例Main.c……#include "hrs3313_reg_init.h"#include "hrs3313_reg_default.h"#include "hrs3313.h"#include "hrs3313_config_para.h"int main(void){ // Initialize.twi_master_init(); // initial i2clis3dh_opr_init(); // initial gsensoropr_oled_init(); // initial oledtimers_init();// Start heart rate measurementif (Hrs3313_chip_init()){Hrs3313_alg_config();Hrs3313_alg_open();Hrs3313_gpioint_init();}} //main版本历史。

HK3560 精密电池内阻测试仪 使用说明书

HK3560 精密电池内阻测试仪 使用说明书




















Operation Manual简体中文版Simplified ChineseDec, 2009第一版Rev1.0.0 和普泰克电子科技有限公司©2009 Hope Technologies.,Ltd有限担保和责任范围和普泰克电子科技有限公司保证您购买的每一台HK3560精密电池内阻测试仪在质量和计量上都是完全合格的。





HX711中文资料一、HX711简介1. 高分辨率:24位ADC,能够精确地测量微小的重量变化。

2. 低功耗:在正常工作模式下,功耗仅为1.5毫安。

3. 简单的接口:采用SPI数字接口,方便与各种微控制器(如51、AVR、PIC等)相连。

4. 内置稳压电路:支持2.7V至5.5V的宽电压范围,适应不同场景需求。

5. 抗干扰能力强:具有优异的电磁兼容性和温度稳定性。

二、HX711核心参数1. 输入通道:两个差分模拟输入通道,可接桥式传感器或直接接入传感器。

2. 采样率:10SPS至80SPS可调,可根据实际需求选择合适的采样率。

3. 精度:最高±0.0015%FS(满量程)4. 量程:±20mV至±80mV,可根据传感器类型和量程进行配置。

5. 工作温度:40℃至+85℃三、HX711引脚说明1. VCC:电源输入,2.7V至5.5V。

2. GND:地线。

3. A:模拟输入端,接传感器正端。

4. B:模拟输入端,接传感器负端。

5. C:传感器激励端,输出高电平时,为传感器提供激励电流。

6. D:传感器激励端,输出低电平时,为传感器提供激励电流。

7. E:数字输出端,用于接收外部时钟信号。

8. PD_SCK:串行时钟输入,用于控制AD转换和数据输出。

9. DOUT:串行数据输出,输出AD转换结果。

10. GN:增益选择端,接VCC时为128倍增益,接GND时为64倍增益。

四、HX711应用电路1. 电源电路:为HX711提供稳定的电源输入,确保其正常工作。

2. 传感器接口:将传感器与HX711的A、B、C、D引脚相连,实现信号输入。

3. 微控制器接口:通过SPI接口将HX711与微控制器相连,实现数据传输和控制。

4. 去耦电路:在电源输入端加入滤波电容,提高电路的抗干扰能力。

五、HX711编程基础1. 初始化设置将PD_SCK引脚设置为高电平,确保HX711处于待机状态。

Omega HHP9303 压力记录仪手册说明书

Omega HHP9303 压力记录仪手册说明书

HHPS100-5 Sensor de presión conectable, 0 a 5 bares (0 a 72,5 psi)
HHPS100-10 Sensor de presión conectable, 0 a 10 bares (0 a 145 psi)
HHPS100-20 Sensor de presión conectable, 0 a 20 bares (0 a 290 psi)
Ejemplos de pedidos: HHP9303, registrador de datos de presión manual, HHPS100-2, sensor de presión de 0 a 2 bares (0 a 29 psi).
HHP9303, registrador de datos de presión manual, HHPS100-200, sensor de presión de 0 a 200 bares (0 a 2,900 psi) y SC-SD, estuche blor de presión/registrador de datos manual con tarjeta SD de 2 GB
HHPS100-2 Sensor de presión conectable, 0 a 2 bares (0 a 29 psi)
U Sensores de presión intercambiables disponibles en 8 rangos
U Sin necesidad de recalibración cuando se cambian los rangos de presión
U No se requiere un software especial, descarga directa en Excel



user's Guidecharacteristicultra low power consumptionI 2CinterfaceEPDN GLEDILED VCP VCH RSTNpicture1 VC31BFunctional block diagramTranslated from Chinese (Simplified) to English - 1revise historysurface1revise historysurface2 VC31BPin Description3Recommended Application Circuit4 LDOsperformance requirementsVC31BThe typical supply voltage of the analog power supply is3.3V,RequireLDOsThe peak-to-peak output power ripple should be less than40mV; Additional requirementsLDOsload transient response: current from1mATransient to100mAhour,LDOsThe output settling time should be less than50μs, the steady pressure drop should be less than10mV.Note: The power supply for the heart rate moduleLDOsThe output cannot have a value greater than3.6VContinuous voltage and pulse voltage.unitpicture5Recommended reflow soldering temperature profile1every otherLayout instructions and notes1, This layout is for the sports version solution, so the light leakage treatment is stricter:a,RequireVC31BThe distance from the lens is not more than0.1mm(preferably zero);b,picture6,8middleVC31BThe black dotted frame around it is the light-proof auxiliary material of the silicone frame designed by our company.Material size as above10As shown, the silicone frame should be slightly squeezed to ensure the effect of light isolation; 2,picture7,9Theoutside of the silk screen is an undefined border, and the internal window is required to be consistent with the above picture;3,removeVC31BandledIn addition to the fixed layout, the rest of the RC components should not be placed in the light isolation auxiliarymaterial area, so as not to affect the silicone installation effect (VC31Baround0.6mmNo components are placed inside);; 4, Screen printing lens requirements are as follows:a, Recommended lens window light transmittance: more than 90%;b, Recommended lens window transmission wavelength: 400 to 1000nm;c, The thickness of the lens does not exceed 0.5mm, and it is recommended to use hard, non-deformable glass or acrylic;5、If any structural changes are required outside the above diagram, you need to communicate with the wiki, and the performance can only be guaranteed after the wiki evaluation; 6, bracelet design requirements:a, heart rate, blood oxygen boss recommendations1.0mm;b, If the accuracy of the bracelet's exercise heart rate is high, the overall weight of the bracelet should not exceed36g(excluding tablebring);VC31Bmanual 6, Structural design pointsVC31Bmanual8 ledsPerformance parameters and excipients descriptionVC31BHeart rate chip pairGreen,IRThe luminous efficacy and pressure drop requirements are shown in the table below, which can be based on the table belowledChengdu Wikixin Microelectronics Co., Ltd.[11]。

低电压复位检测器 HX809XX系列 Ver 1.0说明书

低电压复位检测器 HX809XX系列 Ver 1.0说明书

HX809L系列 低电压复位检测器■ 产品简介系列是一款采用数字系统电路设计技术实现的三端口低电压复位检测监控器,可以对主机处理器提供一个复位监控信号。


■ 产品特点■产品用途■ 封装形式和管脚定义功能■ 型号选择名称型号最高输入电压(V) 复位电压(V) 容差封装形式5.5 4.63 +2%SOT23SOT89-35.5 4.38 +2%5.5 4.00 +2%5.5 3.08 +2%5.5 2.93 +2%5.5 2.63 +2%HX809XXHX809XXHX809XXHX809MHX809JHX809THX809SHX809R■ 应用电路 ■ 上电复位时间■极限参数项目符号说明极限值单位电压V CC输入电压 6 V VRESET 复位输出电压 -0.3~ V CC+0.3V电流Icc VCC输入电流20 mA IRESET 复位输出电流20 mA功耗PDSOT23 230 mW SOT89-3 450 mW温度Tw 工作温度范围-40—85℃Tc 存储温度范围-50—125Th 焊接温度260 ℃,10s■电学特性Ta=25℃符号参数测试条件最小典型最大单位VCC 工作电压 0℃≤Ta≤70℃ 0.9 - 6.0 V ICC 静态电流 VCC=5.5V,No Load - 2 4 uA Vth 检测电压 - 0.98Vth Vth 1.02Vth V Trd 下降沿时间 VCC=Vth–100mV - 150 - ns Trp 上复位时间 VCC=0to5V,No Load 100 350 600 msVOL 复位输出低电压R/S/T:VCC=VTHmin,ISINK=1.2mA - - 0.3V L/M/J:VCC=VTHmin,ISINK=3.2mA - - 0.4VOH 复位输出高电压R/S/T:VCC>VTHmax,ISOURCE=500uA 0.8V CC- -V L/M/J:VCC>VTHmax,ISOURCE=800uA V CC-1.5 - -ΔVth/ΔTa 温度系数 -30℃≤Ta≤70℃ - ±50 - ppm/℃HX809XX■封装信息。

HX3033 5V升21V升压芯片

HX3033 5V升21V升压芯片

w w w .h x s e m i .c o mF e a t u r e s2.2V Start-up Input Voltage Output Voltage as High as 28V 21V at 700mA from 5V Input Up to 88% EfficiencyProviding Flexibility for Using Internal andExternal Power Switches Small SOT23-6L PackageA p p l i c a t i o n sPDA DSC LCD Panel RF-Tags MP3Portable Instrument Wireless EquipmentD e s c r i p t i o nThe C is a compact, high efficiency, and low voltage step-up DC/DC converter with an Adaptive Current Mode PWM control loop, includes an error amplifier, ramp generator, comparator, switch pass element and driver in which providing a stable and high efficient operation over a wide range of load currents. It operates in stable waveforms without external compensation.HX3033 can operate from an input voltage as low as 2.2V. HX3033 can generate 21V up to 700mA from a 5V supply.The HX3033 is available in a low profile SOT-23-6L package.13509685286尚亿微电子李华T y p ic alA p p l i ca t i o n C i r c u i t* V OUT = 1.212V • [1 + (R1/R2)]P i n A s s i g n m e n t a n d F u n c t i o nAnalog Ground.2 SW Switch Pin. Connect inductor between SW and V Keep these PCB trace lengths as short and wide aspossible to reduce EMI and voltage overshoot. drive is derived from the greater of V Logic Controlled Shutdown Input. EN=High: Normal free running operation. EN=Low:Shutdown, quiescent current<1µA. 5 FBFeedback Input to the g Error Amplifier. Connectresistor divider tap to this pin. 6 PGNDPower Ground.A b s o l u t e M a x i m u m R a t i n g s (N o t e 1)Supply Voltage……………………………………………………………………….... −0.3V to 6.5V SW Pin Switch Voltage…………………………………………………………………−0.3V to 6.5V Other I/O Pin Voltages……………………………………………………….. −0.3V to (VDD + 0.3V) SW Pin Switch Current ………………………………………………………………...……………..1A Package Thermal Resistance (SOT-23-6)………………………………………………280 °C/W Operating Junction Temperature…………………………………………………….…………..125°C Storage Temperature Range ……………………………………………………….−65°C ~ +150°CN o t e 1: Absolute Maximum ratings are threshold limit values that must not be exceeded even for an instant under any conditions. Moreover, such values for any two items must not be reached simultaneously. Operation above these absolute maximum ratings may cause degradation or permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only and do not necessarily imply functional operation below these limits.E l e c t r i c a l C h a r a c t e r i s t i c s℃V IN=5V, V OUT set to 21V, unless otherwise specified.Operating Conditions: T A=25,Parameter Test Conditions MIN TYP MAX UNITS Start-UP Voltage I OUT = 1mA 2.2 V Operating VDD Range VDD Pin Voltage 2.5 5 V Supply Current (Quiescent) V FB = 1.2V 1300 μA Supply Current (Shutdown) EN = 0V 160 μA Feedback Reference Voltage 1.187 1.212 1.236 V Switching Frequency I OUT = 500mA 780 KHz Maximum Duty 100 % SW ON Resistance 0.3 ΩEN High Threshold V EN Rising 0.8 V EN Low Threshold 0.6 V EN Input Bias Current V EN = 0V, 5V 55 μANote: The EN pin shall be tied to VDD pin and inhibit to act the ON/OFF state whenever the VDD pin voltage may reach to 5.5V or above.T y p i c a l P e r f o r m a n c e C h a r a c t e r i s t i c sOperating Conditions: T A =25℃, unless otherwise specified.0.8Load Current(A)Load Current(A)Load Current(A)0.6Load Current(A)Output Voltage vs Load Current(Vout=10V)V OUT RippleV IN =5V, I LOAD =0.5A, V OUT =21VSW 10V/divM 1usB l o c k D i a g r a mA p p l i c a t i o n I n f o r m a t i o nInductor SelectionFor most applications, the value of the inductor will fall in the range of 1μH to 4.7μH. Its value is chosen based on the desired ripple current. Large value inductors lower ripple current and small value inductors result in higher ripple currents. Higher V IN or V OUT also increases the ripple current as shown in equation .A reasonable starting point for setting ripple current is △I L = 0.72A (40% of 1.8A).The DC current rating of the inductor should be at least equal to the maximum load current plus half the ripple current to prevent core saturation. Thus, a 2.16A rated inductor should be enough for most applications (1.8A + 0.36A). For better efficiency, choose a low DC-resistance inductor.Different core materials and shapes will change the size/current and price/current relationship of an inductor. Toroid or shielded pot cores in ferrite or perm alloy materials are small and don’t radiate much energy, but generally cost more than powdered iron core inductors with similar electrical characteristics. The choice of which style inductor to use often depends more on the price vs. size requirements and any radiated field/EMI requirements than on what VOUT5 requires to operate.Output and Input Capacitor SelectionIn continuous mode, the source current of the top MOSFET is a square wave of duty cycle V OUT/V IN. To prevent large voltage transients, a low ESR input capacitor sized for the maximum RMS current must be used. The maximum RMS capacitor current is given by:This formula has a maximum at V IN = 2V OUT, where I RMS = I OUT/2. This simple worst-case condition is commonly used for design because even significant deviations do not offer much relief. Note that the capacitor manufacturer’s ripple current ratings are often based on 2000 hours of life. This makes it advisable to further derate the capacitor, or choose a capacitor rated at a higher temperature than required. Always consult the manufacturer if there is any question.The selection of C OUT is driven by the required effective series resistance (ESR).Typically, once the ESR requirement for C OUT has been met, the RMS current rating generally far exceeds the I RIPPLE(P-P) requirement. The output ripple ΔV OUT is determined by:Where f = operating frequency, C OUT = output capacitance and ΔI L = ripple current in the inductor. For a fixed output voltage, the output ripple is highest at maximum input voltage since ΔI L increases with input voltage.Aluminum electrolytic and dry tantalum capacitors are both available in surface mount configurations. In the case of tantalum, it is critical that the capacitors are surge tested for use in switching power supplies. An excellent choice is the AVX TPS series of surface mount tantalum. These are specially constructed and tested for low ESR.Efficiency ConsiderationsThe efficiency of a switching regulator is equal to the output power divided by the input power times 100%. It is often useful to analyze individual losses to determine what is limiting the efficiency and which change would produce the most improvement. Efficiency can be expressed as: Efficiency = 100% - (L1+ L2+ L3+ ...) where L1, L2, etc. are the individual losses as a percentage of input power. Although all dissipative elements in the circuit produce losses, two main sources usually account for most of the losses: VIN quiescent current and I2R losses. The VIN quiescent current loss dominates the efficiency loss at very low load currents whereas the I2R loss dominates the efficiency loss at medium to high load currents. In a typical efficiency plot, the efficiency curve at very low load currents can be misleading since the actual power lost is of no consequence.1. The VIN quiescent current is due to two components: the DC bias current as given in the electrical characteristics and the internal main switch and synchronous switch gate charge currents. The gate charge current results from switching the gate capacitance of the internal power MOSFET switches. Each time the gate is switched from high to low to high again, a packet of charge △Q moves from VIN to ground. The resulting△Q/△t is the current out of VIN that is typically larger than the DC bias current. In continuous mode, I GATECHG = f (Q T+Q B) where Q T and Q B are the gate charges of the internal top and bottom switches. Both the DC bias and gate charge losses are proportional to VIN and thus their effects will be more pronounced at higher supply voltages.2. I2R losses are calculated from the resistances of the internal switches, R SW and external inductorR L. In continuous mode the average output current flowing through inductor L is “chopped” between the main switch and the synchronous switch. Thus, the series resistance looking into the SW pin is a function of both top and bottom MOSFET R DS(ON) and the duty cycle (DC) as follows: R SW =R DS(ON)TOP x DC + R DS(ON)BOT x (1-DC) The R DS(ON) for both the top and bottom MOSFETs can be obtained from the Typical Performance Characteristics curves. Thus, to obtain I2R losses, simply addR SW to R L and multiply the result by the square of the average output current. Other losses including CIN and COUT ESR dissipative losses and inductor core losses generally account for less than 2%of the total loss.Board Layout SuggestionsWhen laying out the printed circuit board, the following checklist should be used to ensure proper operation of the HX3033. Check the following in your layout:1. The power traces, consisting of the GND trace, the SW trace and the VIN trace should be keptshort, direct and wide.2. Put the input capacitor as close as possible to the device pins (VIN and GND).3. SW node is with high frequency voltage swing and should be kept small area. Keep analogcomponents away from SW node to prevent stray capacitive noise pick-up.4. Connect all analog grounds to a command node and then connect the command node to the powerground behind the output capacitors.P a c k a g i n g I n f o r m a t i o nSOT-23-6L Package Outline DimensionSymbolDimensions In Millimeters Dimensions In Inches MinMaxMinMaxA 1.050 1.250 0.041 0.049 A1 0.000 0.100 0.000 0.004 A2 1.0501.150 0.041 0.045b 0.300 0.500 0.012 0.020c 0.100 0.200 0.004 0.008 D 2.820 3.020 0.111 0.119 E 1.500 1.700 0.059 0.067 E1 2.6502.950 0.104 0.116e 0.950(BSC)0.037(BSC)e1 1.800 2.000 0.071 0.079 L 0.300 0.600 0.012 0.024 θ 0°8° 0° 8°。

深圳市兴威帆电子技术 SD2203AP(Ver1.3) 高精度实时时钟 说明书

深圳市兴威帆电子技术 SD2203AP(Ver1.3) 高精度实时时钟 说明书


该芯片可保证时钟精度为±5ppm(在25℃±1℃下),即年误差小于2.5 分钟;该芯片内置时钟精度调整功能,可以在很宽的范围内校正时钟的偏差(分辨力1ppm),通过外置的数字温度传感器可设定适应温度变化的调整值,实现在宽温范围内高精度的计时功能。










内置稳压电路,内部计时电压可低至0.5V(参考值) 。

内置晶振,出厂前已对时钟进行校准,时钟精度为±5ppm(在25℃±1℃下),即年误差小于2.5 分钟。

封装形式:8脚的DIP封装, SD2203API为工业级型号。

管脚设置图1 SD2203AP管脚图表1 SD2203AP管脚功能表原理框图图2 SD2203AP功能框图实时时钟电路1.串行接口SD2203AP通过基于I2C总线的串行接口方式接收各种命令并读写数据。



HX6211 3.3V 中文规格书500mA LDO稳压器SOT23-5

HX6211  3.3V 中文规格书500mA LDO稳压器SOT23-5
-0.118 0.022 10°
Version 1.0
500mA LDO 稳压器
HX6211 系列是以 CMOS 工艺制造的高精度,高纹波抑制比,低噪音,超快响应低压差线性稳压器。HX6211 系列稳压器内置固定的参考电压源,误差修正电路,限流电路,相位补偿电路以及低内阻的MOSFET,达到高 纹波抑制,低输出噪音,超快响应低压差的性能。
注: 1. VOUT (T) :规定的输出电压 2. VOUT (E) :有效输出电压 ( 即当IOUT 保持一定数值,VIN = (VOUT (T)+1.0V)时的输出电压。 3. Vdif :VIN1 –VOUT (E)’
VIN1 :逐渐减小输入电压,当输出电压降为 VOUT (E) 的98%时的输入电压。 VOUT (E)’= VOUT (E)*98%
Version 1.0
500mA LDO 稳压器
Version 1.0
500mA LDO 稳压器
Version 1.0
Version 1.0
500mA LDO 稳压器
最小值 典型值 最大值 单位


推荐工作条件................................................................................................................................. 6 模拟特性......................................................................................................................................... 7 内置参考电压................................................................................................................................. 7 数字特性......................................................................................................................................... 8 极限额定值..................................................................................................................................... 8 UART 通讯接口....................................................................................................................................... 9 寄存器说明........................................................................................................................................... 10 寄存器列表................................................................................................................................... 10 状态寄存器(State REG) ............................................................................................................ 11 检测寄存器(Check REG) ............................................................................................................ 11 电压参数寄存器(Voltage Parameter REG) ............................................................................ 11 电压寄存器(Voltage REG) ........................................................................................................ 11 电流参数寄存器(Current Parameter REG) ............................................................................ 11 电流寄存器(Current REG) ........................................................................................................ 12 功率参数寄存器(Power Parameter REG) ................................................................................ 12 功率寄存器(Power REG) ............................................................................................................ 12 数据更新寄存器(Data Updata REG) ........................................................................................ 12 PF 寄存器(PF REG) ..................................................................................................................... 13 校验和寄存器(CheckSum REG) .................................................................................................. 13 工作原理及典型应用........................................................................................................................... 13 典型应用电路............................................................................................................................... 13 电压有效值计算........................................................................................................................... 14 电流有效值的计算....................................................................................................................... 14 有功功率的计算........................................................................................................................... 14 视在功率的计算........................................................................................................................... 14 功率因数的计算........................................................................................................................... 15 电量计算 ...................................................................................................................................... 15 HLW8032 封装 ...................................................................................................................................... 16



标准文案大全DigitalInterfaceAnalog Supply RegulatorInputMUXInternalOscillatorBandgap ReferenceHX711电子秤专用模拟/数字(A/D)转换器芯片简介HX711 采用了海芯科技集成电路专利技术,是一款专为高精度电子秤而设计的 24 位 A/D 转换器芯片。



该芯片与后端MCU 芯片的接口和编程非常简单,所有控制信号由管脚驱动,无需对芯片部的寄存器编程。

输入选择开关可任意选取通道A 或通道B,与其部的低噪声可编程放大器相连。

通道 A 的可编程增益为 128 或 64,对应的满额度差分输入信号幅值分别为±20mV 或±40mV。

通道 B 则为固定的 32 增益,用于系统参数检测。

芯片提供的稳压电源可以直接向外部传感器和芯片的A/D 转换器提供电源,系统板上无需另外的模拟电源。



特点•两路可选择差分输入•片低噪声可编程放大器,可选增益为32,64 和128•片稳压电路可直接向外部传感器和芯片A/D 转换器提供电源•片时钟振荡器无需任何外接器件,必要时也可使用外接晶振或时钟•上电自动复位电路•简单的数字控制和串口通讯:所有控制由管脚输入,芯片寄存器无需编程•可选择10Hz 或80Hz 的输出数据速率•同步抑制50Hz 和60Hz 的电源干扰•耗电量(含稳压电源电路):典型工作电流:< 1.6mA, 断电电流:< 1 A•工作电压围:2.6 ~ 5.5V•工作温度围:-40 ~ +85℃•16 管脚的S OP-16 封装V AVDD10uF R2 R1S8550V SUP 2.7~5.5V传感器AVDDINA+INA-INB+INB-VFBPGAGain = 32, 64, 128BASE VSUP DVDD24-bitADCDOUTPD_SCKRATETo/FromMCU0.1uF VBGHX711 AGND XI XO图一HX711 部方框图Information contained in this document is for design reference only and not a guarantee. Avia Semiconductor reserves the right to modify it without notice. TEL: (592) 252-9530 (P. R. China) AVIA SEMICONDUCTOR EMAIL: marketaviaic..aviaic.大全管脚说明稳压电路电源 VSUP DVDD 数字电源稳压电路控制输出BASE RATE 输出数据速率控制输入 模拟电源 AVDDXI 外部时钟或晶振输入 稳压电路控制输入VFB XO 晶振输入 模拟地 AGND DOUT 串口数据输出参考电源输出 VBG PD_SCK 断电和串口时钟输入通道A 负输入端 INNA INPB 通道B 正输入端 通道A 正输入端INPAINNB通道B 负输入端SOP-16L 封装表一 管脚描述主要电气参数AA(1)有效位数E NBs(Effective Number of Bits) = ln(FSR/RMS Noise)/ln(2)。

Omega HHM33数字多功能多范围测量仪说明书

Omega HHM33数字多功能多范围测量仪说明书

3200 Counts with Annunciators Auto Power-Off FunctionAuto or Manual Range SelectionBar Graph Display: 12 time/sec sampling DC Volts(Auto): 0 to 320 mV/3.2 V/32 V/320 V/600 V ±1.2%AC Volts(Auto): 0 to 3.2 V/32 V/320 V/600 V/ 50-200 Hz ±2.0%DC Current: 0 to 320 µA/3200 µA/32 mA/320 mA/10 A ±2.0%AC Current: 0 to 320 µA/3200 µA/32 mA/320 mA/10 A ±2.5%Resistance:0 to 320 1/3.2 K 1/320 K 1/3.2 M 1/30 M 1 ±1.5%Resolution:100 µV, 0.1 µA, 0.1 1Diode TestContinuity Test, Data Hold, 10A Fused,Safety Input Sockets, Safety Test Leads, Overload Protection on All RangesHHM33£1950£33Test leads included with all models shown!All models shown smaller than actual size.OMEGAMETER TMMix and Match SeriesDigital Multimeters with Non-Contact Voltage Audible Buzzer FeatureHHM35S p e c i a l N o n -C o n t a c tV o l t a g e F e a t u r e :M e t e r B u z z es w h e nP l a c e d N e a r L i v eE l e c t r i c a l Ci r c u i t s .C H E A P ER B YT H E D O Z E N !P ur c h as e a n yC o m b i n at i o n o f12 U n i t s a n dS a v e 20%34131⁄2digit, 1999 Counts Digital Display DC Volts:0 to 2 V/20 V/600 V ±1.2%AC Volts:0 to 200 V/600 V/50 to 500 Hz ±2.5%DC Current: 0 to 200 µA/2 mA/20 mA/200 mA/10 A ±2.5%Resistance:0 to 200 1/2 K 1/20 K 1/200 K 1/20 M 1 ±2.0%Resolution:1 mV, 100 mV, 0.1 µA, 0.1 1Battery Test: 1.5 V/9 V ±3.5%Diode Test 10A FusedSafety Input Sockets Safety Test LeadsOverload Protection on All RangesComes with test leads and operator’s manual.Ordering Example: HHM35, multifunction DMM and HHM-TL , spare set of test leads,£33 + 3.40 = £36.40.31⁄2digit, 1999 Counts Digital DisplayDC Volts:0 to 200 mV/2 V/20 V/600 V±1.2%AC Volts: 0 to 200 mV/2 V/200 V/600 V/50 to 500 Hz ±2.0%DC Current:0 to 200 µA/20 mA/200 mA/10 A ±1.5%AC Current:0 to 200 µA/20 mA/200 mA/10 A/50 to 500 Hz ±2.0% Resistance:0-2001/2 K 1/200 K 1/20 M 1±1.5%Resolution:100 µV, 0.1 µA, 0.11Diode TestContinuity TestNon-Contact Voltage Indicator Low-tension lines from 70 to 440Vac 50 to 60 HzData Hold, MAX Hold,10A Fused,Safety Input Sockets, Safety Test Leads Overload Protection on All Ranges£26HHM34CANADA www.omega.ca Laval(Quebec)1-800-TC-OMEGA UNITED KINGDOM Manchester,England0800-488-488GERMANY www.omega.deDeckenpfronn,Germany************FRANCE www.omega.fr 088-466-342BENELUX www.omega.nl 0800-099-33-44UNITED STATES 1-800-TC-OMEGA Stamford,CT.CZECH REPUBLIC www.omegaeng.cz Karviná,Czech Republic596-311-899TemperatureCalibrators, Connectors, General Test and Measurement Instruments, Handheld Instruments for Temperature Measurement, Ice Point References, Indicating Labels,Crayons, Cements and Lacquers, Infrared Temperature Measurement Instruments, Recorders, Relative Humidity Measurement Instruments, PT100 Probes, PT100 Elements,Temperature & Process Meters, Timers and Counters,Temperature and Process Controllers and Power Switching Devices, Thermistor Elements, Probes and Assemblies,Thermocouples, Thermowells and Head and WellAssemblies, Transmitters, Thermocouple Wire, RTD ProbesPressure,Strain and ForceDisplacement Transducers, Dynamic Measurement Force Sensors, Instrumentation for Pressure and StrainMeasurements, Load Cells, Pressure Gauges, PressureReference Section, Pressure Switches, Pressure Transducers,Proximity Transducers, Regulators, Pressure Transmitters,Strain Gauges, Torque Transducers, ValvespH and ConductivityConductivity Instrumentation,Dissolved OxygenInstrumentation,Environmental Instrumentation,pH Electrodes and Instruments,Water and Soil Analysis InstrumentationHeatersBand Heaters,Cartridge Heaters,Circulation Heaters,Comfort Heaters,Controllers,Meters and SwitchingDevices,Flexible Heaters,General Test and Measurement Instruments,Heater Hook-up Wire,Heating Cable Systems,Immersion Heaters,Process Air and Duct,Heaters,Radiant Heaters,Strip Heaters,Tubular HeatersFlow and LevelAir Velocity Indicators,Doppler Flowmeters,LevelMeasurement,Magnetic Flowmeters,Mass Flowmeters,Pitot Tubes,Pumps,Rotameters,Turbine and Paddle Wheel Flowmeters,Ultrasonic Flowmeters,Valves,Variable Area Flowmeters,Vortex Shedding FlowmetersData AcquisitionAuto-Dialers and Alarm Monitoring Systems,Communication Products and Converters,Data Acquisition and Analysis Software,Data LoggersPlug-in Cards,Signal Conditioners,USB,RS232,RS485and Parallel Port Data Acquisition Systems,Wireless Transmitters and Receivers。

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HX3313 测试报告
1 功耗测试:
测试场景 脱落检测
测试结果(uA) 200
VDD=LEDA=3.3V,FS=1Hz,测试:FPC 小板 VDD 串接电流表 VDD=LEDA=3.3V,FS=25Hz,测试:FPC 小板 VDD 串接电流表 实现方式:软件寄存器配置
200 150 100
50 0 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41
HX3313 polar 友商
2 动态心率算法库占用空间:
3 静态心律对比测试:
总结:HX3313 与 polar 心率带相比,静态心律测试偏差+-1%以内; 测试人 A(静态心律偏低人群样本):
64 62 60 58 56 54 52 50
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
HX3313 POLAR心率带 友商
55-110 Nhomakorabea6160
测试人 B(静态心律偏高人群样本): 106 104 102 100 98 96 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
HX3313 POLAR心率带 友商
测试序号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
HX3313 101 104 102 104 101 103 100 100 101 105
POLAR 心率带 101 103 101 104 102 103 101 99 100 105
友商 100 104 101 103 103 102 101 101 100 104
绝对误差(以 polar 为准) 0 +1 +1 0 -1 0 -1 +1 +1 0
4 动态心律对比测试:
测试场景:走路、跑步、骑单车 测试人员 A:
测试序号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
HX3313 57 60 58 58 60 60 58 57
POLAR 心率带 57 59 57 58 59 59 58 58
友商 57 57 56 59 57 56 58 55
绝对误差(以 polar 为准) 0 +1 -1 0 +1 +1 0 +1