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I. 1-5 cacbd 6-10 cbdab 11-15 cbbcc
II. 16-20 cbcbc 21-25 bcbbd 26-30 ccccd 31-35 ccbdd 36-40 abbbd 41-45 cbccc III. 46-50 acccc 51-55 cabbc
IV. 56- 60 dacba 61-65 cdbac 66-70 badcb 71-75acbdd
76. 他的研究显示女人比男人更善于说谎。
77. 他说有几种典型的动作形式,例如用手指掩住嘴的一部分,摸上嘴唇或者一个手指支在
78. 身体通过这种方式尽量让血液中的盐量保持在一个必要的水平上。这样调节的结果就是
79. 在短期的地区性暴风雨预报中,大气的普通计算机模型价值很有限,因为可以得到的天
80. 气象学家和计算机科学家现在一起工作来设计一些计算机程序和视频设备,它们能够把
81 . While this law is not without humor by today 's standards , it clearly shows an awareness of
the problem in times gone by .
82 . As long as we use our brains , we can certainly come up with new ideas .
83 . This room is just as large as that one .
84 . This is the place where the First World War started.
85 . I wish I had paid more attention to pronunciation in the past.
I. 1-5 bcdba 6-10 ddacd 11-15 cbdbd
II. 16-20 bdacb 21-25 baacd 26-30 baadb 31-35adacb 36-40 dadad 41-45 bdbcb III. 46-50 babbc 51-55 bccbd
IV. 56-60 bacbb 61-65 ccccd 66-70 cddac 71-75 bdacb
76. 尽管我和大多数同龄的孩子一样常常见到街道上遭到轰炸的房屋以及大量的军用卡车
77. 遗传不是影响我们肤色的唯一因素。
78. 然而,富人有钱到阳光充足的国家去旅游。
79. 很多人开始相信A 血型人患心脏病或者死于心脏病的几率更高。
80. 愤世嫉俗者的大部分性格特征就是,对那些自己不知道的他人的行为动机持怀疑态度。
81. We will send you the technical materials as soon as possible.
82. The motives for suicide can be categorized into areas such as failure, wrath (暴怒), the need
for attention, stress, and so on.
83. What he said reminded me of my childhood.
84. Hardly had I closed the door when I heard a knock on the door.
85. I cannot attend the conference, neither can Annie.
I. 1-5 bdbca 6-10 cdcbb 11-15 badcc
II. 16-20 bbbac 21-25 acdca 26-30 cbdbc 31-35 dcdcc 36-40 cccac 41-45 dcabc III. 46-50 cbdac 51-55 acaab
IV. 56-60 cabdb 61-65 addba 66-70 bcdbb 71-75 ddbda
76. 降雪对于一些国家来讲每年都会作为重要的事件来庆祝,而对于其他一些国家则会被认
77. 像英国这样的国家不买扫雪机的原因在于这些东西每年只用几天,将购买扫雪机的资金
78. 对于员工来说,它意味着不用天天去办公室,浪费更少时间在交通上,还可以解决上班
79. 在家上班的员工很快认识到他们几乎不可能同时专注于工作和照看孩子。
80. 很自然会想到,随着太阳的老化及氢燃料的日益耗用(目前它上面的氢燃料正在以每秒
5 亿吨的惊人速度燃烧着),太阳将会不断地变冷、变红。
81. This poem is too difficult for the child to understand.
82. If it hadn’t been for your help, I couldn’t have made such great progress in English.
83. To make the problem even more involved, people will often camouflage (掩盖) their true
feelings, thus causing their friends to disregard problems that should be viewed as serious.
84. As far as housing is concerned, he prefers the countryside to the city.
85. Don’t forget to make a reading list for the students.
I. 1-5cdbca 6-10 accba 11-15 addbd
II. 16-20 addad 21-25 abcab 26-30 cacdd 31-35 bccdb 36-40 dddbc 41-45 ccdca III. 46 -50 bbadc 51-55 adcbb
76. 我们力求使所有学生的能力发挥得最充分,而不仅仅是他们的学术能力。
77. 瑞士的一项新研究发现了在冰川期冰原是从哪里融化的。
78. 科学家很久以来都认为,在长达30 000 年的冰川期,大多数冰层都是从北半球融化的。
79. 这样,以合理价位买到高质量产品对于每个收入阶层来说都正在不断被实现。
80. 与此同时,面巾纸的质量也稳定上升,因为更多的生产商投人到生产面巾纸的行业中,
81. I was about to leave when the telephone rang .
82. If you can get this book , please mail it to me.
83. He hurried away , without leaving his address.
84. Prince Henry ‘s goal was to design and equip vessels that would be capable of making long
ocean voyages without having to hug the shore frequently.
85. As long as we work on hard , we can finish / complete our task ahead of schedule .