英语专业英译汉 第十章.习语的翻译
![英语专业英译汉 第十章.习语的翻译](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/81265d1a4431b90d6c85c74d.png)
At breakfast, eat like a king. 早饭吃饱。 At lunch, eat like a prince. 中饭吃好。 At supper, eat like a pauper. 晚饭吃少。 Rolling stone gathers no moss. 滚石不生苔(搬家不聚财)。 under the counter (table) 鬼鬼祟祟
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14.I heard my master mounting the stairs —— the cold sweat ran from my forehead: I was horrified.
(Emily Brontë Wuthering Heights) :
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1. 3 释义法 (Explanation Translation) 释义法是以忠实通顺地表达原习语的思想、内容、 意义为目的,采用解释说明手法,表达原习语在上下 文中的涵义。一般对原文中的习语,不逐字逐句地去 翻译,而是按语义、修辞或句法的需要,增加一些解 释说明的词,补充完善原习语的意思。释义法翻译一 般用在双语文化或语言的差异很大,译入语难以直接 表达的场合。
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6) wash one’s hands of a thing 【译】洗手不干……;与……断绝关系 7) have a ball at one’s foot 【译】有成功的机会 8)to live a cat-and-dog life 【译】过着不和谐的生活(过着猫狗般的生活) 9)to keep one’s head above water 【译】奋力图存;勉强凑合过日 10)When in Rome, do as the Romans do. 【译】到什么山,唱什么歌。(入乡随俗)
--- 均方末端距mean-aquare end-to-end distance 均方末端距- 非交联的uncross-linked 非交联的- 三维有序的three-dimensionally ordered 三维有序的- 三乙基硼氟酸羊triethyloxonium-borofluoride 三乙基硼氟酸羊 - 射线光X-ray x 射线 x 光- 缨状微束理论fringed-micelle theory 缨状微束理论- 折叠链片晶理论folded-chain lamella theory 折叠链片晶理论 - 逐步聚合step-growth polymerization 逐步聚合(表面)发粘的, 粘连性tacky (表面)发粘的 , 粘连性(空间)排布,排列arrangement (空间)排布,排列(链)引发initiation (链)引发(链)终止terminate (链)终止(链)转移,(热)传递transfer (链)转移,(热)传递(生)面团,揉好的面dough (生)面团,揉好的面 (作用于分子间的intermolecular (作用于分子间的氨基,氨基的amino 氨基,氨基的氨基甲酸酯urethane 氨基甲酸酯把…相互连接起来连接interlink 把…相互连接起来连接半晶semicrystalline 半晶半径radius 半径饱和saturation 饱和苯基锂phenyllithium 苯基锂苯基钠phenyl sodium 苯基钠变化,改变variation 变化,改变变形deformation 形变变形性,变形能力deformability 变形性,变形能力表面活性剂surfactant 表面活性剂表征成为…的特征characterize 表征成为…的特征玻璃(态)的glassy 玻璃态的玻璃化温度glass transition temperature 玻璃化温度玻璃态glassy 玻璃(态)的玻璃态的glassy state 玻璃态不饱和的unsaturated 不饱和的不规则性,不均匀的irregularity 不规则性,不均匀的不均匀的,非均匀的heterogeneous 不均匀的,非均匀的不了或缺的indispensable 不了或缺的不完全的imperfect 不完全的参数parameter 参数侧基pendant group 侧基缠结,纠缠entanglement 缠结,纠缠产率yield 产率超声波ultrasonic 超声波超速离心(分离)ultracentrifugation 超速离心(分离)撤出evacuate 撤出沉淀,澄清settle 沉淀,澄清沉降(法)sedimentation 沉降(法)衬里,贴面line 衬里,贴面成分ingredient 成分成型shaping 成型尺寸dimension 尺寸尺寸稳定性dimensional stability 尺寸稳定性稠度,粘稠度consistency 稠度,粘稠度纯度purity 纯度醇(碱金属)烯催化剂Alfin catalyst 醇(碱金属)烯催化剂催化剂,触媒catalyst 催化剂,触媒脆的,易碎的brittle 脆的,易碎的错位,位错dislocation 错位,位错大分子,高分子macromelecule 大分子,高分子单官能度的monofunctional 单官能度的单键single bond 单键单体monomer 单体单轴的uniaxial 单轴的弹性模量elastic modulus 弹性模量弹性体elastomer 弹性体弹性指数slastic parameter 弹性指数当量的,化学计算量的stoichiometric 当量的,化学计算量的导电材料conductive material 导电材料等规立构的isotactic 等规立构的丁二烯butadiene 丁二烯丁基锂butyllithium 丁基锂定向,取向orient 定向,取向定向orientation 定向动力学kinetics 动力学动力学链长kinetic chain length 动力学链长断裂rupture 断裂堆积物,沉积deposit 堆积物,沉积堆砌packing 堆砌多分散的polydisperse 多分散的多分散性polydispersity 多分散性多官能度的polyfunctional 多官能度的多孔性,孔隙率porosity 多孔性,孔隙率二(元)胺diamine 二(元)胺二(元)醇diol 二(元)醇二(元)酸diacid 二(元)酸二次成型secondary shaping operation 二次成型二聚物(体)dimer 二聚物(体)二烯烃diolefin 二烯烃二元的dibasic 二元的反应物,试剂reactent 反应物,试剂反应性,活性reactivity 反应性,活性反应性的,活性的reactive 反应性的,活性的芳香(族)的aromatic 芳香(族)的非弹性的nonelastic 非弹性的分级fractionation 分级分解,分散,分离disintegrate 分解,分散,分离分解decomposition 分解分类(法)categorization 分类(法)分散剂dispersant 分散剂分子量molecular weight distribution 分子量分布分子量分布molecular weight 分子量粉状的powdery 粉状的副作用side reaction 副作用改性modify 改性隔离基团spacer group 隔离基团各项同性的isotropic 各项同性的功能聚合物functional polymer 功能聚合物功能聚合物functionalized polymer 功能聚合物共聚(合)copolymerization 共聚(合)共聚物copolymer 共聚物构象conformation 构象固有的intrinsic 固有的官能团functional group 官能团光敏剂photosensitizer 光敏剂光气,碳酰氯phosgene 光气,碳酰氯光散射light scattering 光散射合成synthesis 合成合成synthesize 合成合成的synthetic 合成的核磁共振nuclear magnetic resonance 核磁共振核径迹探测器nuclear track detector 核径迹探测器红外光谱法infrared spectroscopy 红外光谱法花纹,图样式样pattern 花纹,图样式样缓释剂corrosion inhibitor 缓释剂机理mechanism 机理基体,结晶crystal 基体,结晶基体,母体,基质,矩阵matrix 基体,母体,基质,矩阵挤出extrusion 注射成型挤压squeeze 挤压加成聚合物,加聚物addition polymer 加成聚合物,加聚物加工,成型processing 加工,成型加重,恶化aggravate 加重,恶化夹杂(带)的occluded 夹杂(带)的假定的,理想的,有前提的hypothetical 假定的,理想的,有前提的间歇式的intermittent 间歇式的碱金属alkali metal 碱金属键断裂能bond dissociation energy 键断裂能降解depropagation 降解交联crosslinking 交联胶体colloid 胶体搅拌agitation 搅拌结构,组织texture 结构,组织结晶的crystalline 晶体,晶态,结晶的,晶态的结晶性,结晶度crystallinity 结晶性,结晶度解除,松开release 解除,松开解聚depolymerization 解聚介质中等的,中间的medium 介质中等的,中间的界限,范围boundary 界限,范围晶体,晶态,结晶的,晶态的crystalline 结晶的竞聚率reactivity ratio 竞聚率聚苯烯polypropylene 聚苯烯聚苯乙烯polystyrene 聚苯乙烯聚丁烯polybutene 聚丁烯聚合(物)的polymeric 聚合(物)的聚合度degree of polymerization 聚合度聚合物【体】,高聚物polymer 聚合物【体】,高聚物聚氯乙烯polyvinylchloride 聚氯乙烯聚酰胺polyamide 聚酰胺聚乙烯polyethylene 聚乙烯聚乙烯醇polyvinyl alcohol 聚乙烯醇聚酯化(作用)polyesterification 聚酯化(作用)开链unzippering 开链开始,着手commence 开始,着手抗静电剂antistatic agent 抗静电剂抗氧剂antioxidant 抗氧剂抗张强度tensile strength 抗张强度控制释放controlled release 控制释放口模成型dieforming 口模成型扩散diffuse 扩散拉直,拉长stretch 拉直,拉长冷冻水chilled water 冷冻水离解dissociate 离解离心centrifuge 离心离子ion exchange resin 离子交换树脂离子的ionic polymerization 离子型聚合离子交换树脂ion 离子离子型聚合ionic 离子的理想的,概念的ideal 理想的,概念的力学性能,机械性能mechanical property 力学性能,机械性能立构规整性【度】srereoregularity 立构规整性【度】连锁反应chain reaction 连锁反应链段segment 链段链段segment 链段链间的interchain 链间的链终止chain termination 链终止流动性mobility 流动性流体静力学hydrostatic 流体静力学硫化vulcanization 硫化络合物complex 络合物氯(气)chlorine 氯(气)氯乙烯vinyl 乙烯基(的)密度density 密度密封seal 密封模塑成型moulding 模塑成型模型model 模型逆流countercurrent 逆流黏弹态viscoelastic 黏弹性的黏弹性的viscoelastic state 黏弹态黏度viscosity average molecular weight 黏均分子量黏均分子量viscosity 黏度黏流态viscofluid state 黏流态凝胶 gel 凝胶农药,化肥 agrochemical 排列成行 align 配方 formulation 喷洒sprinkle 喷洒片晶 platelet 片晶平衡 equilibrium 潜在的 latent 平衡潜在的嵌入,埋入,包埋氢键排列成行配方农药,化肥嵌入,埋入,包埋 imbed 强度 strength 强度氢(气)hydrogen bonding 氢键 hydrogen 缺陷 defect 缺陷氢(气)取代,代替substitution 取代,代替热成型 thermoforming 热固性的 thermoset 热解 pyrolysis 热成型热固性的热解热塑性的热传递 heat transfer 热传递热力学地thermondynamically 热力学地热塑性的 thermoplastic 溶剂 solvent 溶解 dissolution 溶解度 solubility 溶胀 swell 熔化的 molten 柔量 compliance 溶胀熔化的柔量溶剂溶解溶解度溶胀的 swollen 溶胀的柔软的 flexible 柔软的三苯甲基钾 triphenylenthyl potassium 三苯甲基钾三聚物(体)trimer 三聚物(体)三氯化铁三元的,叔(特)的三氯化铁 titanium trichloride 三元的,叔(特)的 tertiary 筛子,筛分scalp 熵 entropy 熵伸长率,延伸率 elongation 渗透性 permeability 渗透性生物(学)的 biological 生物医学的 biomedical 食盐 common salt 食盐生长链,活性链growing chain 生物(学)的生物医学的生长链,活性链伸长率,延伸率筛子,筛分使…变形,扭曲 distort 使脱氢 dehydrogenate 收缩 retract 收缩使…变形,扭曲使脱氢数均分子量使…溶解 dissolve 使…溶解数均分子量 number average molecular weight 双键 double bond 双键四氯化钛 titanium tetrachloride 四氯化钛四氢呋喃 tetrahydrofuran 塑料 plastics 塑料碎屑,碎片 fragment 羧基 carboxyl 羧基羧基酸 hydocy acid 羧基酸缩(合)聚(合)polycondensation 缩合聚合物,缩聚物condensation polymer 太阳能 solar energy 太阳能炭 char 炭特性 peculiarity 烃基hydroxyl 统计的 statistical 涂覆 coating 涂覆脱单塔 stripping tower 脱水 dewater 脱水外形,轮廓 contour 外形,轮廓烷基铝 aluminum alkyl 微晶 crystallite 稳定剂stabilizer 稳定性 stability 稳定性污物 contaminant 污物无定型的,非晶体的amorphous 无规降解 random decomposition 无规立构的 atactic 无规立构的无规线团random coil 无规线团无机聚合物 inorganic polymer 烯丙基 allyl 烯丙基烯烃的olefinic 烯烃的细分区分 subdivide 纤维 fiber 线团 coil 线团纤维细分区分微晶稳定剂烷基铝脱单塔特性烃基同时,同步统计的碎屑,碎片四氢呋喃缩(合)聚(合)缩合聚合物,缩聚物同时,同步 simultaneously 无定型的,非晶体的无规降解无机聚合物酰胺化(作用)amidation 酰胺化(作用)线团状的 coiling 线团状的相互作用相互作用 interaction 橡胶 rubber 橡胶想象,推测 imagine 想象,推测橡胶态的 rubbery 橡胶态的消除,打开,除去eliminate 形变 deformation 变形形态(学)morphology 形态(学)型柸 parison 型柸性能,行为 behavior 性能,行为性能,特征 performance 性能,特征絮凝剂flocculating agent 压延 calendering 衍射 diffraction 氧鎓羊 oxonium 药品,药物 drug 液晶 liquid crystal 液晶依数性 colligative 乙烯基醚 vinyl chloride 异丁烯 isobutylene 异氰酸酯 isocyanate 阴(负)离子的 anionic 引发剂 initiator 引发剂引力,吸引attraction 硬度 hardness 油轮,槽车 tanker 淤浆 slurry 淤浆硬度油轮,槽车引力,吸引异丁烯异氰酸酯阴(负)离子的依数性乙烯基醚氯乙烯异丙醇金属,异丙氧化金属乙烯基(的)vinyl ether 压延成型压延衍射氧鎓羊药品,药物,药物的,医药的药品,药物絮凝剂旋转,回旋 gyration 旋转,回旋压延成型calendering 消除,打开,除去小球,液滴,颗粒 globule 小球,液滴,颗粒阳(正)离子的 cationic 阳(正)离子的药品,药物,药物的,医药的pharmaceutical 异丙醇金属,异丙氧化金属 isopropylate 有规立构的,立构规整性的stereoregular 有规立构的,立构规整性的运动,流动 mobilize 运动,流动杂质impurity 杂质载体 carrier 载体增进,改善 improve 增进,改善粘稠的 viscous 粘稠的照射,辐射 irradiation 真是的 real 真是的照射,辐射争论,争议 controversy 争论,争议正[阳]离子 cation 正[阳]离子正的,阳(性)的 positive 正的,阳(性)的脂肪(族)的 aliphatic 脂肪(族)的酯化(作用)esterification 酯化(作用)中性的 neutral 中性的重复单元重均分子量主链,骨干助催化剂挤出转化率转化自由基聚合种类,类型 category 种类,类型重复单元 repeating unit 主链,骨干 backbone 助催化剂 cocatalyst 注射成型 extrusion 转化 conversion 转化率conversion 转矩 torsion 转矩自由基阻燃剂最佳的,最佳值[点,状态] 最小化最小值,最小的模型活化(作用)重均分子量 weight average molecular weight 自由基radical polymerization 自由基聚合 radical 阻燃剂 flame retardant 最小化 minimise ( 模型 mo(ulding 最佳的,最佳值[点,状态]optimum 最小值,最小的 minimum 活化(作用)activation 手风琴手风琴。
1. Despite the fact that the situation in the Middle East appears grim, I am still convinced that peace is within reach.
2. The adoption of a new technology can bring about revolutionary changes in the way we do things.
3. In a world of ever-increasing interdependence, countries should work together to tackle global problems that no one country can solve alone.
4. Far from providing a cure-all, the new measure is likely to have limited effect in solving the issue.
Part II。
1 The transistor is what started the evolution of the modern computer industry in motion.晶体管开启了现代电脑工业的革命2 The storage cell only requires one capacitor and one transistor, whereas a flip-flop connected in an array requires 6 transistors.存储单元仅需要一个电容和晶体管,并而不像触发器整列那样需要6个晶体管3 There has been a never ending series of new op amps released each year since then, and their performance and reliability has improved to the point where present day op amps can be used for analog applications by anybody.从此以后每年都有新系列的运放发布,他们的性能和可靠性得到了提升,如今任何人都能用运放来设计模拟电路。
4 This is capable of very high speed conversion and thus can accommodate high sampling rates, but in its basic form is very power hungry.它具有高速转换能力,从而能适应高速采样速率,但它的基本形式非常耗电。
5 During the “on” period , energy is being stored within the core material of the inductor in the form of flux.在”on”阶段,能量以涌浪形式存储在电感的核芯材料里面6 The design goal of frequency synthesizers is to replace multiple oscillators in a system, and hence reduce board space and cost.频率合成器的设计目标是取代系统中多个振荡器,从而减小板卡面积和成本。
汉译英Population 总体,样本总体sample 样本,标本parameter 限制因素median 中位数odd 奇数,单数even 偶数range 极差variance 方差standard deviation 标准差Covariance 协方差empty event 空事件product event 积事件conditional probability 条件概率Random variable 随机变量binominal distribution 二项式分布uniform distribution 均匀分布Poisson distribution 泊松分布residual 残差central limit theorem 中心极限定律英译汉descriptive statistics 描述统计学mathematical statistics 数理统计学inductive statistics 归纳统计学Inferential statistics 推断统计学dimension 维,维数continuous variable 连续变量ordinal variable 有序变量nominal variable 名义变量dichotomous 两分的;二歧的discrete variable 离散变量categorical variable 分类变量location 定位,位置,场所dispersion 分散mean 均值unimodal单峰的multimodal 多峰的chaotic 无秩序的grouped data 分组数据frequency distribution频数分布cumulative frequency 累加频数tallying 计算Uniformly distribution 均匀分布histogram 直方图frequency polygon 频率多边图rectangle 矩形Percentile 百分位数quartile 四分位数interquartile range 四分位数间距simple event 简单事件Compound event 复合事件mutually exclusive 互斥的,互补相交的complementary event 对立事件Independent 独立的joint probability function 联合概率函数jacobian雅克比行列式Law of large numbers大数定律point estimate 点估计estimate 估计值statistic 统计量optimality 最优性Unbiased estimate 无偏估计量efficient estimate 有偏估计量unbiasedness无偏性efficience有效性Consistent estimate 一致估计量asymptotic properties 渐近性质Confidence interval 置信区间interval estimation 区间估计null hypothesis 原假设alternative hypothesis 备择假设significance level 显著性水平power function 幂函数testing procedures 检验方法test statistic 检验统计量rejection region 拒绝区域acceptance region 接受区域critical region 临界区域first-derivatives 一阶导数second-derivatives 二阶导数Likelihood ratio 似然比dependent variable因变量unexplanatory variable未解释变量independent variable自变量Error term 误差项regression coefficients 回归系数Sum of squared residuals 残差平方和Marginal probability function 边际概率函数joint probability density function 联合概率密度函数Marginal probability density function边际概率密度函数stochastically independent 随机独立的Mutually independently distribution 相互独立的分布independently and identically distribution 独立同分布的likelihood function 似然函数maximum likelihood estimator 最大似然估计量maximum likelihood estimate 最大似然估计值log-likelihood function 对数似然函数ordinary least squares estimation/estimate/estimator 普通最小二乘估计/估计值/估计量linear unbiased estimator 线性无偏估计第三章、概念与符号[An index]把指数定义成是对一组相关变量之中变化进行测算的一个实数。
专业英语八级翻译-英译汉(五)(总分:100.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、{{B}}TRANSLATION{{/B}}(总题数:0,分数:0.00)二、{{B}}ENGLISH TO CHINESE{{/B}}(总题数:5,分数:100.00)1.Michel-Guillaume de Crevecoeur (1735-1813) was born in France and came to the American colonies as a military in the French army. He became a naturalized American and settled down to farming. Between 1765 and 1780 he wrote on American life. He returned to France in 1780, came back to America in 1783, and became French consul in New York. In 1790 he went back to France where he lived the rest of his life.{{U}}I wish I could be acquainted with the feelings and thought which must agitate the heart and present themselves to the mind of an enlightened Englishman, when he first lands on this continent. He must greatly rejoice, that he lived at a time to see this fair country discovered and settled; he must necessarily feel a share of national pride, when he views the chain of settlements which embellishes these extended shore. When he says to himself, this is the work of my countrymen who when convulsed by factions, afflicted by a variety of miseries and wants, restless and impatient, took refuge here. They brought along with them their national genius, to which they principally owe what liberty they enjoy, and what substance they possess. Here he sees the industry of his native country, displayed in a new manner, and traces in their works the embryos of all the arts, sciences, and ingenuity which flourish in Europe{{/U}}. Here he beholds fair cities, substantial villages, extensive fields, an immense country filled with decent houses, good roads, orchards, meadows, and bridges, where a hundred years ago all was wild, woody, and uncultivated!(分数:20.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(米·居·奎维古尔(1734~1831)生于法国,随法军进入北美殖民地,取得美国国籍后定居务农,1765~1780年间执笔评论美国人的生活。
Chinese-English Translation CourseUnit OneError Analysis:Part One On the test paperI. Choose the one which is proper and idiomatic .1. Our home, once full of laughters, now deafens us with its silence.译文A: 我们的家,曾经充满了欢声笑语,现在却充满了令人震耳欲聋的沉寂。
译文B: 我们的家,曾经充满了欢声笑语,现在却十分安静。
2. There are few of us but admire his courage.译文A: 我们人人都佩服他的勇气。
译文B: 我们中很少有人佩服他的勇气。
3. All cities did not look like as they do today.译文A: 在过去,城市面貌并不都像今天这样千篇一律。
译文B: 过去,城市面貌与现在完全不同。
4. To starve oneself emotionally is a mistake.译文A: 不满足自己感情上的需要是一种错误。
译文B: 使自己的感情挨饥受饿是一种错误。
5.The boss‘s girl Friday called me.译文A: 老板的女儿星期五打电话给我了。
译文B: 老板的女秘书打电话给我了6. Marriage bed is full of roses and thorns.译文A: 婚姻总是有苦有甜。
译文B: 婚姻的花坛里既长鲜花也生荆棘。
7. I never go past that kindergarten but think of my happy childhood there.译文A: 每当我走过那所幼儿园,我就回想起在那里度过的幸福童年。
译文B: 尽管我从未经过那所幼儿园,但是我回想起在那里度过的幸福童年8. And soon over the whole surface of the marsh, a great cloud of birds hung screaming and circling in the air.译文A: 很快就有一块乌云似的一大群野鸟在沼泽上空惊叫着,盘旋着。
第一章:应力与应变1.That branch of scientific analysis which motions, times and forces is called mechanics and is made up of two parts, statics and dynamics.研究位移、时间和力运动乘力是科学分析法的一个分歧,被称作力学,力学由两大部分组成,静力学和动力学。
2.For example, if the force operating on a sleeve bearing becomes too high, it will squeeze out the oil film and cause metal-to-metal contact, overheating and rapid failure of the bearing.例如:如果止推轴承上的作用力过大的话,会挤出油膜,引起金属和金属之间的相互接触,轴承将过热而迅速失效。
3.Our intuitive concept of force includes such ideas as place of application, direction, and magnitude, and these are called the characteristics of a force.力的直观概念包括力的作用点、大小、方向,这些被称为力的三要素。
4.All bodies are either elastic or plastic and will be deformed if acted upon by forces. When the deformation of such bodies is small, they are frequently assumed to be rigid, i.e., incapable of deformation, in order to simplify the analysis.所有的物体既可以是弹性的也可以是塑性的,如果受到力的作用就产生变形。
碳:carbon 氢:hydrogen氧:oxygen氮: azote铜: cuprum铁:iron铝:aluminum银:silver阴离子:anionic阳离子:cationic氢离子:hydrogen ion 硫酸:sulphate氯化氢:hydrogen chloride硝酸:Nitric acid氢氧化钠:Sodium hydroxide硫酸铜:Copper sulfate碳酸钾:Potassium carbonate过氧化氢:Hydrogen peroxide氰化钾:Potassium cyanide 碳酸氢铵:Ammonium bicarbonate硫化钠:Sodium sulfide氯化铵:ammonium chloride二氧化碳:Carbon dioxide三氧化二铁:Ferric oxide次氯酸钠:Sodium hypochlorite碱式碳酸铜:The alkali type copper carbonate甲烷:methane环己烷:cyclohexane异丙基:isopropyl丁烯:butene2-庚烯-5-炔:2 - heptene - 5 - acetylene对二甲苯:paraxylene甲醇:methanol 巯基乙醇:mercaptoethanol乙酸:Acetic acid乙酸乙酯:Ethyl acetate乙醚:ether 乙腈:acetonitrile正丁胺:N-butyl amine丙酮:acetone二氯甲烷:Methylene chlorideN,N-二甲基亚砜:N, N dimethyl sulfoxideN,N-二甲基甲酰胺:N, N - dimethyl formamide试管:In vitro漏斗:funnel烧杯:A beaker烧瓶:A flask原子结构:Atomic structure共价键:Covalent bond同位素:isotope质量数:Mass number化学方程式:The chemical equation合成:synthetic半衰期:The half-life通风厨:Ventilated kitchen反应物:The reactants百分收率:The percentage yield无机化学:Inorganic chemistry结构式:structured分子轨道:Analysis of track分析化学:In analytical chemistry滴定法:titration溶解性:solubility有机化学:Organic chemistry催化剂:catalyst卤素:halogen物理化学:Physical and chemical3.576(科学计数):3.576 count (science)晶体:crystal聚合物:polymer。
随意肌 voluntary muscle;
胚胎学 embryology;
心理学 psychology;
细胞学 cytology;
原生质 protoplasm;
细胞膜 cell membrane;
细胞核 nucleus;
脱氧核糖核酸 deoxyribonucleic acid;
GI gastrointestinal 胃肠道
GH growth hormone 生长激素
PTH parathormone 甲状旁腺激素
CT ealcitonin 降钙素
SARS Severe Acute Respiratory Syndromes
Ig immunoglobulin
ERT estrogen replacement therapy 雌激素替代疗法
肌肉收缩 muscle contraction;
肌肉附着点 attachment of the muscle;
肌肉放松 relaxation of muscle;
动脉出血arterial hemorrhage;
止端 insertion;起端 origion;供血 blood supply;
肌电图 electromyogram;
多发性硬化 multiple sclerosis;
心电图 electrocardiograph;
疾病的后遗症 sequelea of disease;
光纤技术 fiber optic technology;
造血系统 hematopoietic system;
组织学 histology;
英语专业 汉英翻译 高雷
![英语专业 汉英翻译 高雷](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/60d65166561252d380eb6e49.png)
汉英翻译讲授人:高雷第一讲英语,你美在哪里?• 1 音美• 1.1 音韵《汉英双语现代汉语词典》对―音韵‖有如下解释:•(1)和谐的声音、诗文的节韵律(harmonious sound; syllabic rhyme and rhythm)•(2)汉字字音的声、韵、调(sound, rhyme and tone of a Chinese character)• 1. His words are always more candied than candid.• 2. Reckless drivers cannot be wreckless drivers.• 1.他的甜言蜜语多于诚恳。
• 2.司机粗心必出事故1.2 头韵•头韵是一种辅音相同现象,即两个以上的词的词首辅音相同。
• 1. Let sleeping dogs lie.• 2. Money makes the mare go.• 3. Accident: car, caress, careless and carless.• 1.让狗静卧。
(别惹是生非)• 2.有钱能使鬼推磨。
• 3.飞来横祸:驾车上路、卿卿我我、马马乎乎、汽车没了。
• 4. Penny wise and pound foolish.• 5. S cientists S ee Planet outside S olar S ystem• 6.三十岁之后,看见破旧肮脏的的士都心烦。
• 4.小事聪明,大事糊涂。
• 5.天文学家观察到天外有天。
plex machines are made up of moving parts such as inclined planes,levers,gears,cams,cranks, Springs,belts,and wheels.复杂的机器是由运动部件组成,如倾斜面,杠杆,齿轮,凸轮,曲柄,弹簧,皮带和轮子。
2.An inclined plane decreases the force required to raise an object a given height by increasing the distance over which a force must be applied.倾斜面通过增加在其上的力必须施加的距离,来减少提高物体的给定高度时所需的力。
3.Both the inclined plane and levers could lower the force required for a task at the price of having to apply that force over a longer distance.倾斜面和杠杠都可以应用更长距离上的力来降低完成一个任务所需的力。
4.Pulleys can be used to simply change the direction of an applied force or to provide a force/distance tradeoff in addition to a directional change.滑轮可被用于简单地改变作用力的方向,或除了改变方向外还提供一个力和距离的权衡。
5.There are a number of different standard gear types. Examples include spur gears, change gears, cluster gears, helical gears, herringbone gears, straight bevel or spiral bevel gears, worm gears, and so on and so forth.有许多不同的标准齿轮的类型。
In October 1997, when China’s President JiangZemin visited the U.S., he and President Clinton reached agreement in the setting up of a constructive, strategic Partnership for the 21st Century. President Clinton has announced this year that he will move up his visit to China to the end of June in order to give fresh stimulus to the development and improvement of Sino-U.S. relations.2.谢谢!秘书长先生,主席先生及各位尊敬的代表,先生们、女士们:我们以和平为己任,会聚在这个大厅,我们所在的这座城市已留下了暴力的创伤,我们所在的这个国家正在危急中觉醒,我们所在的这个世界正团结一心,准备与恐怖势力进行长期的斗争。
Thank you. Mr. Secretary General, Mr. President, distinguished delegates and ladies and gentlemen. We meet in a hall devoted to peace, in a city scarred by violence, in a nation awakened to danger, in a world uniting for a long struggle. Every civilized nation here today is resolved to keep the most basic commitment of civilization: we will defend ourselves and our future against terror and lawless violence.3、国际关系发展事态的不可预见性常常弄得专家们措手不及,如:1989年柏林墙事件。
第一单元(HB纯手工出版)(1-1)Many of the products and services in modern society are based upon the work of electrical engineers and computer scientists. The tremendous reduction over the last decade in the cost of digital electronic devices has led to an explosive growth in the use of computers and computation. At the same time, our increased understanding of computer science has made possible the development of new software systems of increased power, sophistication, and flexibility.现代社会的许多产品和服务都是以电气工程师和计算机科学家的工作为基础的。
(1-2) In November 1971,Intel introduced the world's first commercial microprocessor, the4004,invented by three Intel engineers. Primitive by today' s standards, it contained a mere 2, 300 transistors and performed about 60, 000 calculations in a second. Today, the microprocessor is the most complex mass- produced product ever, with millions of transistors performing hundreds of millions of calculations each second.1971年11月,英特尔公司推出了世界上第一台商用微处理器,代号4004,由三位因特尔工程师发明。
China's export food is mainly labor-intensive food, such as animal products, fruits and vegetables, and so on.2食品消费水平的提高,将使中国有限的土地和水资源更加紧张。
The food consumption level rise, will cause China limited land and water resources more nervous.3中国的南部与北部、东部与西部、城市与农村之间在经济发展水平和生活水平上存在着明显差异。
China's southern and northern parts, east and the west, between the urban and rural economic development level and in life level there exists a significant difference.4食品能满足人体对能量和营养的基本需求Food can satisfy the human body for energy and basic needs of nutrition5街头快餐可以为人们提供廉价的营养食品,同时,也可能带来食品安全性危险。
Street fast food can provide people with cheap nutrition food, and at the same time, can also bring food safety risk.6.联合国粮农组织建议对街头食品营养状况和安全性进行研究。
The United Nations food and agriculture organization suggest to street food nutrition and safety for research. 7蛋白质是错综复杂、多钟多样的大分子物质,是食品中必需氨基酸和非必需氨基酸的来源。
专业英语八级翻译分类真题汉译英(二)(总分:100.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、{{B}}TRANSLATION{{/B}}(总题数:0,分数:0.00)二、{{B}}CHINESE TO ENGLISH{{/B}}(总题数:5,分数:100.00)1.朋友关系的存续是以相互尊重为前提的,容不得半点儿强求、干涉和控制。
(分数:20.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:([直译] The continuation of friendship is on the premise that one respects the other. It does not allow any bit of forcing, interference or control. {{U}}If one shares interest, taste, and value of the other, they will come together and relate to one another; otherwise, they stay away from one another and discontinue their relations. No matter how familiar friends may be and how close their relations are, they shall not be too casual to show disrespect and impoliteness. Otherwise, their harmony will break, their balance will be lost, and the friendly relationship between them will come to an end{{/U}}. {{U}}Every one wants a personal space, a forbidden space one may call one's own. If friends are too casual to one another, they may unconsciously invade the other's personal space, so that conflicts may arise, and separation may result. Treating friends with disrespect may seemingly be a small matter, but in fact, it has already sown a destructive seed. We keep a friendly relation best if we relate to one another with due respect and politeness, each not interfering the other's business. Always respect your friends, and your friendship will last{{/U}}. [意译] Mutual respect is the basis of friendship. Any bit of forcing, interference or control will only help to break up this relationship. {{U}}People who share the same interest and taste, who have the same value, come together to form good relationships, whereas people who do not stay away from each other and end their relationships. Familiar though friends may be to one another, and close as their relations, if one is too casual, the other may feel that he is not treated with due respect and politeness. As a result, the harmony may break, the balance may be lost, and their friendly relationship may be finished{{/U}}. {{U}}We all want to have a personal space, a space of our own. If we the friends are too casual to each other, we may unconsciously invade this forbidden space, causing conflicts and making us split up. Casual behavior among friends may seem a small matter. In fact, it is a destructive seed. Don't interfere with your friends' business, and always respect your friends. It is mutual respect and politeness that best keeps a friendly relation and makes it last{{/U}}.)解析:[解析] 首先,这是一篇典型的中国文人写的散文,酷似中国画和书法,洋洋洒洒,读起来使人难免有些飘飘然的朦胧感觉。
Unit 0neIn the United States most people are simultaneously consumers and producers; they are also voters who help influence the decisions of the government. The mixture among consumers, producers, and government changes constantly, making a dynamic rather than a static economy. In the last decade consumers have made their concern known and government has responded by creating agencies to protect consumer interests and promote the general public welfare. In another development, the population and the labor force have moved dramatic from farms to cities, from fields to the factories, and above all to service industries, thus providing more personal and public services. In today’s economy these providers of services far outnumber producers of agricultural and manufactured goods.Unit TwoPsychotherapists warn that people are now spending up to one quarter of their waking lives either talking or texting on the telephone or e-mailing, at the expense of face-to-face conversation. Amongst the most extreme cases were a teenage boy who spent 6,000 pounds compulsively texting people he didn’t even know and a married couple who could only communicate by text message, even when they were sitting side by side. “The concern is that too much ‘techno talk’ makes us uncomfortablewith more intimate face-to-face conversations and means we stop communicating effectively with each other,” psychologist David Lewis said.Unit ThreeThere is no question that today e are under constant pressure to work longer hours, to produce more, to possess more, and to become a success. Workaholism, a modern addiction, has thus arisen. The cause of workaholism is the perception that by working longer hours and completing more projects, we will enhance our self-worth. Many women today feel the same stress to produce and get ahead and, at the same time, to nurture their offspring and shoulder a variety of domestic responsibilities. Research shows that workaholism tends to distance us from our immediate families. It forces us to labor longer and longer hours, leaving a minute fraction of time to be physically and emotionally available to our loved ones. Intimacy among family members is doomed to die in the process.Unit FourYour partners should be a person who likes you and is interested in you, and therefore pays close attention to you. Attention is a matter of listening, asking and confirming understanding. Through your partners attention you are confirmed in your personality and you acquire the self-esteem that equips you to deal with the rest of the world. Your interaction with your partner should give you new insights that strengthenyour self-knowledge, and provide confirmation that you are a worthwhile person.The dialogue between partners builds people. It is an active process, and without it your relationship would just tread water, or sink, and your personality would be dull. The potential for mutual discovery and self-development is a rich sea running through every long-term relationship. It holds both sustenance and excitement, the ingredients for committed and erotic love.Unit FiveMore than most people, scientists pursue their calling for its own sake. The public acknowledge for a lifetime dedicated to research may be a footnote in a scientific journal. But for those who change the face of science through their work, they are the Noble laureates. The Noble prizes are not only prestigious but carry an award that may go as high as $124,000. So meticulous is the selection process that scientists have seldom disagreed over the choice of the more than 200 who have been picked since 1901. Noble once pointed out “Don’t take the nationality of those candidates into consideration.” The winners “should be those who have brought the human being the greatest benefit.”Unit SixWhat do you do when someone says something unfair or unkind? Do you suffer in silence, not knowing what to say? Do you speak up, not to wish you hadn’t? It’s natural to take offense if someone is rude. But blurring out how you feel sets an adversarial words.In almost every controversy each side has legitimate points, so agreeing to disagree is one of graceful exits from a no-win discussion. If it’s obvious that you won’t change the other person’s mind and he or she won’t change yours, stop. Before you do irreparable harm, remember the Russian proverb: “A spoken word flies; you won’t catch it.”No matter what the situation is, arguments are a waste or, at best, a misuse of time. By avoiding fruitless arguments, everybody wins.Unit SevenChildren who cannot solve problems without violence are likely to drop out of school, do drugs, become isolated and are likely to have problematic interpersonal skills as an adult. Further there is a correlation between family violence and the incidence of adolescent dating violence that will possibly lead to domestic violence in adulthood. Hence the patterns of violence continue from one generation to the next. Children who are exposed to adults who cope with problems by becoming violent destroy themselves and those they love.Unit EightEvery year 80,000 Chinese die from antibiotics abuse, making China one of the worst offenders in the world. Statistics show that among the country’s15 best-selling medicines, 10 are antibiotics. More than 50 per cent of the medical expenses for Chinese in-patients goes to cover different kinds of antibiotic, while the figure I Western countries is just 15 to 30 per cent.The side effects of antibiotics use can damage organs, cause disorders in the body’s normal bacteria and increase the resistance of disease causing germs. Many Chinese believe the myth that antibiotics can diminish inflammation, so they use them to treat toothache to fever. A story from the Xinhua News Agency said that more than 80 per cent of Chinese families have antibiotics stored on shelves at home in case of different kinds of infections.Children have become the biggest victims of antibiotics abuse where the drug kills normal bacterial leading to damage of children’s still growing organs. Statistics in Guangzhou showed that some 17 per cent of local residents now suffer from antibiotics-resistant disease while the figure was 50 per cent for children, according to data from the local children’s hospital. The marked increase of asthma in children recently has a lot to do with antibiotic abuse..Unit NineIn a hundred years’ time, great progress will have been made in medicine, too. In a hundred years’ time, a cure for the common cold will have been found. Perhaps a cure will have been discovered for the most terrible f all diseases---cancer and AIDS.Now let’s think about the environment. Pollution is a problem we must solve. In a hundred years’ time we will have controlled all kinds of pollution, water pollution, air pollution, white pollution, what not?In a hundred years’ time, we will have used up most of the earth’s land to build our cities, so we will build floating cities. The Japanese already have plans for cities of this kind. And we will build cities under the sea.Many people didn’t think about the future. When you mention it they say, “I don’t care. I’ll be dead.”B ut it is our duty to care because the world in a hundred years will be the world of our children’s children and their children after them.Unit TenAlthough the United Stateshas been shaped by successive waves of immigrants, Americans have often viewed immigrants as a problem. Established Americans often look down on new immigrants. The cultural habits of immigrants are frequently targets of criticism, especially when the new arrivals come from a different country than those in the established community. Despite such tensions, economic needs havealways forced Americans to seek immigrants as laborers and settlers, and economic opportunities have beckoned foreigners. The vast majority of immigrants to the United States have become in search of jobs and the chance to create a better life for themselves and their families. In all of American history, less than 10 per cent of immigrants have come for political or religious reasons. Regardless of the reasons they come to the United States, new immigrants typically work in menial, labor-intensive, low-paying, and dangerous jobs---occupations that most other Americans shun.Unit ElevenMany critics question the appropriateness of targeting children in Internet advertising and press to require that children be treated as a “special case”by advertisers. Because the children lack the analytical abilities and judgment of adults, they may be unable to evaluate the accuracy of the information they view, or understand that the information they provide to advertisers is really just the data collected by an advertiser. Children generally lack the ability to give consent to the release of personal information to an advertiser, an even greater problem for children when they are offered incentives for providing personal information, or when personal information is required before they are allowed to register for various services. Children may not realize that in many cases these characters provide hotlinks directly to advertising sitesUnit TwelveTelevision news reports and programs bring about both positive and negative influence. From the news reports, people get to know the great events that have happened, and are happening or will happen in the world, such as wars in the Middle East and famines in Africa. As a result they broaden their mind. By watching television programs people also get to know other peoples and their cultures. However, television news reports and programs may mislead people. Violence and drug problems are harmful to young people. Political scandals, illegal campaign contributions and illegal financial manipulation greatly damage the nation’s image. Things go worse especially when international audiences lack context and frame of reference.。
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steel plate: 钢板 accelerated cooling: 加速冷却
hot leveling: 热平整,热矫正 slitting line: 带材纵剪椎线 shot blast: 喷砂清理 quenching: 淬火,
急冷 tempering: 回火 normalizing: 正火 cold leveling: 冷平整,冷矫正 线材 continuous reheating furnace: 连续式加热炉 roughing stands: 粗轧机座 finishing stands :精轧机座 steimor line :切割成盘条的一道工序 garret line: 盘条取放线 wire rod: 盘条 冷轧钢
: slab :扁钢锭 pickling: 酸洗 cold rolling mill: 冷轧机 electrolytic cleaner: 电解清洗液 preheating: 预热 soaking cooling: 均匀退热 rapid cooling: 快速冷却 over aging: 过时效 ,老
化过度 final cooling: 最后冷却 continuous annealing line :连续退火线 recoiling :重绕 temper rolling: 硬化冷轧 , 表面光轧 , 平整 batch annealing line: 成批退火线 cold rolled coil: 冷轧薄板 side trimming: 切侧边 shearing line: 剪切线 cold rolled sheet: 冷轧薄板 电镀锌 pay off reel :松卷机 shearer :剪切机 , 剪断机 entry
looper: 进口活套挑 tension leveller :张力平整机 coating section: 涂镀断面 tow-lay coating cell :双面涂镀电解槽 chromate: 铬酸盐
生产工程: iron making: 炼铁 steel making: 炼钢 continuouse caster: 连续浇铸 hot rolled sheet: 热轧薄板
steel plate: 钢板 wire rod: 盘条 cold rolled: 冷轧的 , 冷态滚压的 cold rolled steel sheet: 冷轧薄钢板 cold rolled
coil: 冷轧薄卷 hot-dip galvanized steel strip: 热浸镀锌钢卷 electrical steel sheet: 电工钢(片) electrical galvanized: 电镀锌的 black plate: 黑钢板 tin plate: 马口铁 , 锡钢片 , 镀锡钢片 [钢板 ] 热轧卷板: scrap: 废金属 , 金属废料 , 废铁 , 废钢 HBI :热铁块 Hot metal: 铁水 electric arc furnace: 电弧炼钢炉 AOD(argon oxygen decarburization) :氩氧脱碳, 炼 钢法的一种
VOD ( vacuum oxygen decarburization ):真空氧脱 碳炼钢法 (注:钢水真空脱气 (VD) 及真空氧脱碳 (VOD) 是两个主要二次炼钢法 reduction unit :轧制装置 ,轧机 induction
heater :电感 (应 )加热器 acceleration furnace: 加速炉
coil box :带卷开卷箱 finishing mill :精轧机 hot rolled
coil :热轧带卷 reheating furnace :再加热炉 roughing stands: 粗轧机座 continuous finishing stand: 连续精轧机座 uncoiler: 开卷机 hot rolled slitted coils: 热轧纵剪卷 black coils: 黑卷 pickled sheets in cut lengh: 酸洗开平板 厚板 reheating furnace :再加热炉 roughing mill:
粗轧机 finishing mill :精轧机
phosphate: 磷酸盐anti-fingerprinting: 防指纹exit looper: 出口活套挑inspection table: 检查工作台架oiling: 涂油tension reel: 张力卷取机
electro-galvanized coil: 电镀锌卷热镀锌(熔融镀锌)welding: 焊接scale breaker: 除鳞机, 铁皮清除机heat treating furnace: 热处理炉minimize spangle: 微化晶粒coating bath: 镀槽air cooling: 空气冷却water cooling: 水冷却rough rolling: 粗轧leveling: 矫正, 平整Chemical conversion treatment: 化学转换法,化学转换处理
Hot-dip galvanized steel strip: 热浸镀锌钢带(卷)
Electrolytic cleaning :电解处理Electrolytic cleaner :电解清洗液Preheating :预热
reheating furnace :重热熔炉crack :裂化temper rolling :斜坡轧制,硬化冷轧, 表面光轧, 平整Coil preparation line :成卷预热线Over aging :过时效, 老化过度final cooling :最后冷却tandam cold rolling :拉锯冷轧Trimmer :切边机Skinpass :表
皮光轧delivery looper :传送活套挑BP coil :镀锡原板马口铁(镀锡钢板)black plate: 黑板oil removing: 除油nickel coating: 镍覆盖镀层chromium coating: 镀铬层电工钢insulation coating: 绝缘层PNS-core:
Pn-core: PG-core PH-core。