新概念 Lesson119-120 A true story第一课时

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v. 表达;发音 I voice my agreement to the plan. 我表示同意这个计划。
Practice 1
快速说出它们的汉语意思。 thief happen to sb/sth happen to do sth enter for enter intol lose one’s voice in a low voice at the top of one’s voice
New words
New words
Word list
1. happen /ˈhæpən/ 2. thief /θiːf/ 3. enter /ˈentə(r)/ 4. voice /vɔɪs/
New words
1. happen /ˈhæpən/ v. 发生
发生了什么? What happened? ① happen to sb./sth. 发生在……身上
② enter into 开始;参与
He was quite willing to e_n__t_e_r_i_n_t_oconversation with her. 他很乐意同她攀谈。
New words
4. voice /vɔɪs/ n. 嗓音
① lose one’s voice 嗓子哑了;失声 I _l_o_s_e__m__y_v_o__ic_eevery summer. 每年夏天我嗓子都会哑。 ② in a low voice 低声说话;压低嗓音 The little boy said he wanted to eat an ice-cream _in__a__l_o_w__v_o_i_c_e. 那个小男孩小声地说他想吃冰激凌。 ③ at the top of one’s voice 以最大的声音,高声地 She shouted his name _a_t_t_h_e__to__p__o_f_h_e__r _v_o_i.ce
New words
3. enter /ˈentə(r)/ v. 进入
警察进入了这座大楼。 The police entered the building.
① enter for 报名参加
Bill _e_n__t_e_r_s_f_o_r“the Nicest Garden Competition”every year. Bill每年都参加最美丽的花园比赛。
It _h_a_p__p_e_n__e_d__t_oa friend of mine two years ago. 两年前这件事情发生在我的一个朋友身上。
v. 碰巧;偶遇
② happen to do sth. 碰巧……
I _h_a_p__p_e__n_e_d__t_o__s_e_eher in the street this morning.
新概念 XGN English
Lesson 119-120 A true story
Warming up
Conclusion 1
Textຫໍສະໝຸດ Baidu
Conclusion 2
Warming up
Warming up
Oh my god. Are you OK?
YeaHh,i,I’Jomhnal.l Arigthht.ieWfhcelnimI sbheoduted, he irnantoawmay ahsoquusicekllyaasst hneigcahnt..
thieves dropped the torch and ran away as quickly as they could. ● George heard the noise and came downstairs quickly. ● He turned on the light, but he couldn’t see anyone. The thieves had already gone. ● But George’s parrot, Henry, was still there.“What’s up, George?”he called.“Nothing,
贼;小偷 发生在……身上 碰巧…… 报名参加 开始;参与 嗓子哑了;失声 低声说话;压低嗓音 以最大的声音;高声地
Conclusion 1
Listen and answer
1. Who climbed into George‘s kitchen ? 2. Why did they turn on a torch?
New words
2. thief /θiːf/ n. 贼;小偷
The police caught the thief in a restaurant. 警方在一个餐馆里抓到了这个小偷。 扩展: thief-thieves; wife-wives; wolf-wolves; knife-knives shelf-shelves; leaf-leaves; life-lives 速记口诀: 妻子(wife)持刀(knife)去宰狼(wolf ), 小偷(thief )吓得发了慌, 躲在架(shelf )后保己(self )命(life), 半片(half )树叶(leaf )遮目光。
Read and answer
Why did they drop the torch and run away as quickly as they could?
A true story
●Do you like stories? I want to tell you a true story. It happened to a friend of mine a year ago. ● While my friend, George, was reading in bed, two thieves climbed into his kitchen. ● After they had entered the house, they went into the dining room. ● It was very dark, so they turned on a torch. ● Suddenly, they heard a voice behind them.“What’s up? What’s up?”someone called. The