中英文对照论文-2005美赛B题The Booth Tolls for Thee_收费站模型

In fact, the models mostly agree that given L lanes, a number of booths around B = ⌊1.65L + 0.9⌋, where ⌊x⌋ is the greatest integer less than x, will minimize the total human cost associated with the plaza.
The Booth Tolls for Thee
Adam Chandler Matthew Mian Pradeep Baliga 翻译: 周吕文0
COMAP Mathematical Contest in Modeling February 7, 2005 Duke University

美赛数学建模A题翻译版论文The document was finally revised on 2021数学建模竞赛(MCM / ICM)汇总表基于细胞的高速公路交通模型自动机和蒙特卡罗方法总结基于元胞自动机和蒙特卡罗方法,我们建立一个模型来讨论“靠右行”规则的影响。
我们进一步讨论我们的模型规则适应靠右的情况和,不受限制的情况, 和交通情况由智能控制系统的情况。
1 Introduction今天,大约65%的世界人口生活在右手交通的国家和35%在左手交通的国家交通流量。
欧盟,2013] 右手交通的国家,比如美国和中国,法规要求驾驶在靠路的右边行走。

We develop a model to schedule trips down the Big Long River. The goalComputing Along the Big Long RiverChip JacksonLucas BourneTravis PetersWesternWashington UniversityBellingham,WAAdvisor: Edoh Y. AmiranAbstractis to optimally plan boat trips of varying duration and propulsion so as tomaximize the number of trips over the six-month season.We model the process by which groups travel from campsite to campsite.Subject to the given constraints, our algorithm outputs the optimal dailyschedule for each group on the river. By studying the algorithm’s long-termbehavior, we can compute a maximum number of trips, which we define asthe river’s carrying capacity.We apply our algorithm to a case study of the Grand Canyon, which hasmany attributes in common with the Big Long River.Finally, we examine the carrying capacity’s sensitivity to changes in thedistribution of propulsion methods, distribution of trip duration, and thenumber of campsites on the river.IntroductionWe address scheduling recreational trips down the Big Long River so asto maximize the number of trips. From First Launch to Final Exit (225 mi),participants take either an oar-powered rubber raft or a motorized boat.Trips last between 6 and 18 nights, with participants camping at designatedcampsites along the river. To ensure an authentic wilderness experience,at most one group at a time may occupy a campsite. This constraint limitsthe number of possible trips during the park’s six-month season.We model the situation and then compare our results to rivers withsimilar attributes, thus verifying that our approach yields desirable results.Our model is easily adaptable to find optimal trip schedules for riversof varying length, numbers of campsites, trip durations, and boat speeds.No two groups can occupy the same campsite at the same time.Campsites are distributed uniformly along the river.Trips are scheduled during a six-month period of the year.Group trips range from 6 to 18 nights.Motorized boats travel 8 mph on average.Oar-powered rubber rafts travel 4 mph on average.There are only two types of boats: oar-powered rubber rafts and motorizedTrips begin at First Launch and end at Final Exit, 225 miles downstream.*simulates river-trip scheduling as a function of a distribution of trip*can be applied to real-world rivers with similar attributes (i.e., the Grand*is flexible enough to simulate a wide range of feasible inputs; andWhat is the carrying capacity of the riverÿhe maximum number ofHow many new groups can start a river trip on any given day?How should trips of varying length and propulsion be scheduled toDefining the Problemmaximize the number of trips possible over a six-month season?groups that can be sent down the river during its six-month season?Model OverviewWe design a model thatCanyon);lengths (either 6, 12, or 18 days), a varying distribution of propulsionspeeds, and a varying number of campsites.The model predicts the number of trips over a six-month season. It alsoanswers questions about the carrying capacity of the river, advantageousdistributions of propulsion speeds and trip lengths, how many groups canstart a river trip each day, and how to schedule trips.ConstraintsThe problem specifies the following constraints:boats.AssumptionsWe can prescribe the ratio of oar-powered river rafts to motorized boats that go onto the river each day.There can be problems if too many oar-powered boats are launched with short trip lengths.The duration of a trip is either 12 days or 18 days for oar-powered rafts, and either 6 days or 12 days for motorized boats.This simplification still allows our model to produce meaningful results while letting us compare the effect of varying trip lengths.There can only be one group per campsite per night.This agrees with the desires of the river manager.Each day, a group can only move downstream or remain in its current campsiteÿt cannot move back upstream.This restricts the flow of groups to a single direction, greatly simplifying how we can move groups from campsite to campsite.Groups can travel only between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m., a maximum of 9hours of travel per day (one hour is subtracted for breaks/lunch/etc.).This implies that per day, oar-powered rafts can travel at most 36 miles, and motorized boats at most 72 miles. This assumption allows us to determine which groups can reasonably reach a given campsite.Groups never travel farther than the distance that they can feasibly travelin a single day: 36 miles per day for oar-powered rafts and 72 miles per day for motorized boats.We ignore variables that could influence maximum daily travel distance, such as weather and river conditions.There is no way of accurately including these in the model.Campsites are distributed uniformly so that the distance between campsites is the length of the river divided by the number of campsites.We can thus represent the river as an array of equally-spaced campsites.A group must reach the end of the river on the final day of its trip:A group will not leave the river early even if able to.A group will not have a finish date past the desired trip length.This assumption fits what we believe is an important standard for theriver manager and for the quality of the trips.MethodsWe define some terms and phrases:Open campsite: Acampsite is open if there is no groupcurrently occupying it: Campsite cn is open if no group gi is assigned to cn.Moving to an open campsite: For a group gi, its campsite cn, moving to some other open campsite cm ÿ= cn is equivalent to assigning gi to the new campsite. Since a group can move only downstream, or remain at their current campsite, we must have m ÿ n.Waitlist: The waitlist for a given day is composed of the groups that are not yet on the river but will start their trip on the day when their ranking onthe waitlist and their ability to reach a campsite c includes them in theset Gc of groups that can reach campsite c, and the groups are deemed “the highest priority.” Waitlisted groups are initialized with a current campsite value of c0 (the zeroth campsite), and are assumed to have priority P = 1 until they are moved from the waitlist onto the river.Off the River: We consider the first space off of the river to be the “final campsite” cfinal, and it is always an open campsite (so that any number of groups can be assigned to it. This is consistent with the understanding that any number of groups can move off of the river in a single day.The Farthest Empty CampsiteOurscheduling algorithm uses an array as the data structure to represent the river, with each element of the array being a campsite. The algorithm begins each day by finding the open campsite c that is farthest down the river, then generates a set Gc of all groups that could potentially reach c that night. Thus,Gc = {gi | li +mi . c},where li is the groupÿs current location and mi is the maximum distance that the group can travel in one day.. The requirement that mi + li . c specifies that group gi must be able to reach campsite c in one day.. Gc can consist of groups on the river and groups on the waitlist.. If Gc = ., then we move to the next farthest empty campsite.located upstream, closer to the start of the river. The algorithm always runs from the end of the river up towards the start of the river.. IfGc ÿ= ., then the algorithm attempts tomovethe groupwith the highest priority to campsite c.The scheduling algorithm continues in this fashion until the farthestempty campsite is the zeroth campsite c0. At this point, every group that was able to move on the river that day has been moved to a campsite, and we start the algorithm again to simulate the next day.PriorityOnce a set Gc has been formed for a specific campsite c, the algorithm must decide which group to move to that campsite. The priority Pi is a measure of how far ahead or behind schedule group gi is:. Pi > 1: group gi is behind schedule;. Pi < 1: group gi is ahead of schedule;. Pi = 1: group gi is precisely on schedule.We attempt to move the group with the highest priority into c.Some examples of situations that arise, and how priority is used to resolve them, are outlined in Figures 1 and 2.Priorities and Other ConsiderationsOur algorithm always tries to move the group that is the most behind schedule, to try to ensure that each group is camped on the river for aFigure 1. The scheduling algorithm has found that the farthest open campsite is Campsite 6 and Groups A, B, and C can feasibly reach it. Group B has the highest priority, so we move Group B to Campsite 6.Figure 2. As the scheduling algorithm progresses past Campsite 6, it finds that the next farthest open campsite is Campsite 5. The algorithm has calculated that Groups A and C can feasibly reach it; since PA > PC, Group A is moved to Campsite 5.number of nights equal to its predetermined trip length. However, in someinstances it may not be ideal to move the group with highest priority tothe farthest feasible open campsite. Such is the case if the group with thehighest priority is ahead of schedule (P <1).We provide the following rules for handling group priorities:?If gi is behind schedule, i.e. Pi > 1, then move gi to c, its farthest reachableopen campsite.?If gi is ahead of schedule, i.e. Pi < 1, then calculate diai, the number ofnights that the group has already been on the river times the averagedistance per day that the group should travel to be on schedule. If theresult is greater than or equal (in miles) to the location of campsite c, thenmove gi to c. Doing so amounts to moving gi only in such a way that itis no longer ahead of schedule.?Regardless of Pi, if the chosen c = cfinal, then do not move gi unless ti =di. This feature ensures that giÿ trip will not end before its designatedend date.Theonecasewhere a groupÿ priority is disregardedisshownin Figure 3.Scheduling SimulationWe now demonstrate how our model could be used to schedule rivertrips.In the following example, we assume 50 campsites along the 225-mileriver, and we introduce 4 groups to the river each day. We project the tripFigure 3. The farthest open campsite is the campsite off the river. The algorithm finds that GroupD could move there, but GroupD has tD > dD.that is, GroupD is supposed to be on the river for12 nights but so far has spent only 11.so Group D remains on the river, at some campsite between 171 and 224 inclusive.schedules of the four specific groups that we introduce to the river on day25. We choose a midseason day to demonstrate our modelÿs stability overtime. The characteristics of the four groups are:. g1: motorized, t1 = 6;. g2: oar-powered, t2 = 18;. g3: motorized, t3 = 12;. g4: oar-powered, t4 = 12.Figure 5 shows each groupÿs campsite number and priority value foreach night spent on the river. For instance, the column labeled g2 givescampsite numbers for each of the nights of g2ÿs trip. We find that each giis off the river after spending exactly ti nights camping, and that P ÿ 1as di ÿ ti, showing that as time passes our algorithm attempts to get (andkeep) groups on schedule. Figures 6 and 7 display our results graphically.These findings are consistent with the intention of our method; we see inthis small-scale simulation that our algorithm produces desirable results.Case StudyThe Grand CanyonThe Grand Canyon is an ideal case study for our model, since it sharesmany characteristics with the Big Long River. The Canyonÿs primary riverrafting stretch is 226 miles, it has 235 campsites, and it is open approximatelysix months of the year. It allows tourists to travel by motorized boat or byoar-powered river raft for a maximum of 12 or 18 days, respectively [Jalbertet al. 2006].Using the parameters of the Grand Canyon, we test our model by runninga number of simulations. We alter the number of groups placed on thewater each day, attempting to find the carrying capacity for the river.theFigure 7. Priority values of groups over the course of each trip. Values converge to P = 1 due to the algorithm’s attempt to keep groups on schedule.maximumnumber of possible trips over a six-month season. The main constraintis that each trip must last the group’s planned trip duration. Duringits summer season, the Grand Canyon typically places six new groups onthe water each day [Jalbert et al. 2006], so we use this value for our first simulation.In each simulation, we use an equal number of motorized boatsand oar-powered rafts, along with an equal distribution of trip lengths.Our model predicts the number of groups that make it off the river(completed trips), how many trips arrive past their desired end date (latetrips), and the number of groups that did not make it off the waitlist (totalleft on waitlist). These values change as we vary the number of new groupsplaced on the water each day (groups/day).Table 1 indicates that a maximum of 18 groups can be sent down theriver each day. Over the course of the six-month season, this amounts to nearly 3,000 trips. Increasing groups/day above 18 is likely to cause latetrips (some groups are still on the river when our simulation ends) and long waitlists. In Simulation 1, we send 1,080 groups down river (6 groups/day?80 days) but only 996 groups make it off; the other groups began near the end of the six-month period and did not reach the end of their trip beforethe end of the season. These groups have negligible impact on our results and we ignore them.Sensitivity Analysis of Carrying CapacityManagers of the Big Long River are faced with a similar task to that of the managers of the Grand Canyon. Therefore, by finding an optimal solutionfor the Grand Canyon, we may also have found an optimal solution forthe Big Long River. However, this optimal solution is based on two key assumptions:?Each day, we put approximately the same number of groups onto theriver; and?the river has about one campsite per mile.We can make these assumptions for the Grand Canyon because they are true for the Grand Canyon, but we do not know if they are true for the Big Long River.To deal with these unknowns,wecreate Table 3. Its values are generatedby fixing the number Y of campsites on the river and the ratio R of oarpowered rafts to motorized boats launched each day, and then increasingthe number of trips added to the river each day until the river reaches peak carrying capacity.The peak carrying capacities in Table 3 can be visualized as points ina three-dimensional space, and we can find a best-fit surface that passes (nearly) through the data points. This best-fit surface allows us to estimatethe peak carrying capacity M of the river for interpolated values. Essentially, it givesM as a function of Y and R and shows how sensitiveM is tochanges in Y and/or R. Figure 7 is a contour diagram of this surface.The ridge along the vertical line R = 1 : 1 predicts that for any givenvalue of Y between 100 and 300, the river will have an optimal value ofM when R = 1 : 1. Unfortunately, the formula for this best-fit surface is rather complex, and it doesn’t do an accurate job of extrapolating beyond the data of Table 3; so it is not a particularly useful tool for the peak carrying capacity for other values ofR. The best method to predict the peak carrying capacity is just to use our scheduling algorithm.Sensitivity Analysis of Carrying Capacity re R and DWe have treatedM as a function ofR and Y , but it is still unknown to us how M is affected by the mix of trip durations of groups on the river (D).For example, if we scheduled trips of either 6 or 12 days, how would this affect M? The river managers want to know what mix of trips of varying duration and speed will utilize the river in the best way possible.We use our scheduling algorithm to attempt to answer this question.We fix the number of campsites at 200 and determine the peak carrying capacity for values of R andD. The results of this simulation are displayed in Table 4.Table 4 is intended to address the question of what mix of trip durations and speeds will yield a maximum carrying capacity. For example: If the river managers are currently scheduling trips of length?6, 12, or 18: Capacity could be increased either by increasing R to be closer to 1:1 or by decreasing D to be closer to ? or 12.?12 or 18: Decrease D to be closer to ? or 12.?6 or 12: Increase R to be closer to 4:1.ConclusionThe river managers have asked how many more trips can be added tothe Big Long Riverÿ season. Without knowing the specifics ofhowthe river is currently being managed, we cannot give an exact answer. However, by applying our modelto a study of the GrandCanyon,wefound results which could be extrapolated to the context of the Big Long River. Specifically, the managers of the Big Long River could add approximately (3,000 - X) groups to the rafting season, where X is the current number of trips and 3,000 is the capacity predicted by our scheduling algorithm. Additionally, we modeled how certain variables are related to each other; M, D, R, and Y . River managers could refer to our figures and tables to see how they could change their current values of D, R, and Y to achieve a greater carrying capacity for the Big Long River.We also addressed scheduling campsite placement for groups moving down the Big Long River through an algorithm which uses priority values to move groups downstream in an orderly manner.Limitations and Error AnalysisCarrying Capacity OverestimationOur model has several limitations. It assumes that the capacity of theriver is constrained only by the number of campsites, the trip durations,and the transportation methods. We maximize the river’s carrying capacity, even if this means that nearly every campsite is occupied each night.This may not be ideal, potentially leading to congestion or environmental degradation of the river. Because of this, our model may overestimate the maximum number of trips possible over long periods of time. Environmental ConcernsOur case study of the Grand Canyon is evidence that our model omits variables. We are confident that the Grand Canyon could provide enough campsites for 3,000 trips over a six-month period, as predicted by our algorithm. However, since the actual figure is around 1,000 trips [Jalbert et al.2006], the error is likely due to factors outside of campsite capacity, perhaps environmental concerns.Neglect of River SpeedAnother variable that our model ignores is the speed of the river. Riverspeed increases with the depth and slope of the river channel, makingour assumption of constant maximum daily travel distance impossible [Wikipedia 2012]. When a river experiences high flow, river speeds can double, and entire campsites can end up under water [National Park Service 2008]. Again, the results of our model don’t reflect these issues. ReferencesC.U. Boulder Dept. of Applied Mathematics. n.d. Fitting a surface to scatteredx-y-z data points. /computing/Mathematica/Fit/ .Jalbert, Linda, Lenore Grover-Bullington, and Lori Crystal, et al. 2006. Colorado River management plan. 2006./grca/parkmgmt/upload/CRMPIF_s.pdf .National Park Service. 2008. Grand Canyon National Park. High flowriver permit information. /grca/naturescience/high_flow2008-permit.htm .Sullivan, Steve. 2011. Grand Canyon River Statistics Calendar Year 2010./grca/planyourvisit/upload/Calendar_Year_2010_River_Statistics.pdf .Wikipedia. 2012. River. /wiki/River .Memo to Managers of the Big Long RiverIn response to your questions regarding trip scheduling and river capacity,we are writing to inform you of our findings.Our primary accomplishment is the development of a scheduling algorithm.If implemented at Big Long River, it could advise park rangerson how to optimally schedule trips of varying length and propulsion. Theoptimal schedule will maximize the number of trips possible over the sixmonth season.Our algorithm is flexible, taking a variety of different inputs. Theseinclude the number and availability of campsites, and parameters associatedwith each tour group. Given the necessary inputs, we can output adaily schedule. In essence, our algorithm does this by using the state of theriver from the previous day. Schedules consist of campsite assignments foreach group on the river, as well those waiting to begin their trip. Given knowledge of future waitlists, our algorithm can output schedules monthsin advance, allowing managementto schedule the precise campsite locationof any group on any future date.Sparing you the mathematical details, allow us to say simply that ouralgorithm uses a priority system. It prioritizes groups who are behindschedule by allowing them to move to further campsites, and holds backgroups who are ahead of schedule. In this way, it ensures that all trips willbe completed in precisely the length of time the passenger had planned for.But scheduling is only part of what our algorithm can do. It can alsocompute a maximum number of possible trips over the six-month season.We call this the carrying capacity of the river. If we find we are below ourcarrying capacity, our algorithm can tell us how many more groups wecould be adding to the water each day. Conversely, if we are experiencingriver congestion, we can determine how many fewer groups we should beadding each day to get things running smoothly again.An interesting finding of our algorithm is how the ratio of oar-poweredriver rafts to motorized boats affects the number of trips we can send downstream. When dealing with an even distribution of trip durations (from 6 to18 days), we recommend a 1:1 ratio to maximize the river’s carrying capacity.If the distribution is skewed towards shorter trip durations, then ourmodel predicts that increasing towards a 4:1 ratio will cause the carryingcapacity to increase. If the distribution is skewed the opposite way, towards longer trip durations, then the carrying capacity of the river will always beless than in the previous two cases—so this is not recommended.Our algorithm has been thoroughly tested, and we believe that it isa powerful tool for determining the river’s carrying capacity, optimizing daily schedules, and ensuring that people will be able to complete their trip as planned while enjoying a true wilderness experience.Sincerely yours,Team 13955。

我们的车辆模型支持两种不同的速度范围, 假设所有车辆的初始速度设置为20 m / s。
2.3 Vehicle-Following Model美国联邦公路管理局的部门定义司机的反应时间PIEV时间。

Team # 14604
Abstracts ........................................................................................................................................... 1 Contents ............................................................................................................................................ 3 1. Introduction ................................................................................................................................... 3 1.1 Restatement of the Problem ................................................................................................ 3 1.2 Survey of the Previous Research......................................................................................... 3 2. Assumptions .................................................................................................................................. 4 3. Parameters ..................................................................................................................................... 4 4. Model A ----------Package model .................................................................................................. 6 4.1 Motivation ........................................................................................................................... 6 4.2 Development ....................................................................................................................... 6 4.2.1 Module 1: Introduce of model A .............................................................................. 6 4.2.2 Module 2: Solution of model A .............................................................................. 10 4.3 Conclusion ........................................................................................................................ 11 5. Model B----------Optional model ................................................................................................ 12 5.1 Motivation ......................................................................................................................... 12 5.2 Development ..................................................................................................................... 12 5.2.1 Module B: Choose oar- powered rubber rafts or motorized boats either ............... 12 5.2.2 Module 2: Choose mix of oar- powered rubber rafts and motorized boats ............ 14 5.3 Initial arrangement ............................................................................................................ 17 5.4. Deepened model B ........................................................................................................... 18 5.4.1 Choose the campsites allodium .............................................................................. 18 5.4.2 Choose the oar- powered rubber rafts or motorized boats allodium ...................... 19 5.5 An example of reasonable arrangement ............................................................................ 19 5.6 The strengths and weakness .............................................................................................. 20 6. Extensions ................................................................................................................................... 21 7. Memo .......................................................................................................................................... 25 8. References ................................................................................................................................... 26 9. Appendices .................................................................................................................................. 27 9.1 Appendix I .................................................................................................. 27 9.2 Appendix II ....................................................................................................................... 29


h h Vwater leaeing = wbreach (
leaving ttime
其中:V 是体积, w 是宽度, h 是高度, s 是速度, t 是时间。
我们假设该湖是一个大的直边贮槽,所以当水的高度确定时,其面积不改变。 这意味着,湖的高度等于体积除以面积
在南卡罗莱那州的中央,一个湖被一个 75 年的土坝抑制。如果大坝被地震破坏 将会发生什么事?这个担心是基于1886年发生在查尔斯顿的一场地震,科学家们 相信它里氏7.3级[联邦能源管理委员会2002]。断层线的位置几乎直接在穆雷湖 底(SCIway 2000;1997,1998年南CarolinaGeological调查)和在这个地区小地震 的频率迫使当局考虑这样一个灾难的后果。
1 2
n j +1
2u j
n j
这里的上层指数表示时间和较低的空间, λ 是时间与空间步长的大小的比值。
(我们的模型转换以距离和时间做模型的单位,因此每个步长为 1)。第二个条 件的作用是受潮尖峰,因为它看起来不同并补偿于在每个点的任一边上的点。
我们发现该模型对粗糙度参数 n 高度敏感(注意,这是只在通道中的有效粗 糙度)。当 n 很大(即使在大河流的标准值 0.03)。对水流 和洪水堆积的倾向有 较高的抗拒,这将导致过量的陡水深资料,而且往往使模型崩溃。幸运的是,我
我们的任务是预测沿着Saluda河从湖穆雷大坝到哥伦比亚的水位变化,如果 发生了1886年相同规模的地震破坏了大坝。特别是支流罗尔斯溪会回流多远和哥 伦比亚南卡罗来纳州的州议会大厦附近的水位会多高。

美赛B题O奖论文中英对照版Coca-cola standardization office【ZZ5AB-ZZSYT-ZZ2C-ZZ682T-ZZT18】2017MCM/ICMSummary Sheet(Your team's summary should be included as the first page of your electronic submission.)Type a summary of your results on this page. Do not include the name of your school, advisor, or teammembers on this page.A New Type of Toll Plaza Based on Bionics-HoneycombSummaryIn this paper, we analyze the performance of commonly used toll plaza basedon our proposed mathematical model. A new improved toll plaza is proposed toreduce the cost, decrease the probability of collision at the merging point andincrease the throughput.The distribution of our proposed tollbooths resembles the honeycomb. At thecenter of each regular hexagonal honeycomb, there are two tollbooths, whichserve two separated vehicle streams. The vehicles in these two separated streamsare merged in advance before they continue their journey on the highway. Due tothe specific pattern of the new toll plaza, the total area can be reducedsignificantly. Meanwhile, the average wasted time caused by queuing can bediminished, which means that the throughput will be raised. Additionally, bysplitting the merging procedure into two stages, the possibility of accidentscan also be decreased.The main contributions of this paper are as follows:(1) The new designed cellular architecture can greatly reduce theconstruction area compared with traditional linear distributed toll gates.(2) We analyze the throughput of toll plazas by means of the queuingtheory. To verify our theory, we simulate the behavior of the large number ofvehicles passing the toll plaza with the help of PTV- VISSIM. Simulation resultsshow that the ideal cellular distributed toll booths have better resultscompared with traditional toll stations, especially when the traffic flow isheavy, the average travel time reduced by about 55% and the average delay timeof each lane is reduced by about 70%.(3) W e analyze the influence of the proportions of different types oftollbooths to our design. According to relevant documents, the impact of exact-change tollbooths is similar to manual tollbooths, so we only consider two kindsof tollbooths: human-staffed tollbooths and E-ZPass tollbooths. PTV-VISSIMsimulation results show that full ETC tollbooth is 8 times faster than full MTCtollbooth.(4) We simulate the performance of the cellular toll plaza under differenttraffic throughput. Simulation results show that the average transit timeremains at about 11 seconds under different throughputs from 0 to 2000 (Unit:veh / h ). We can infer that this model is not sensitive to traffic flowvariations and has strong robustness which is suitable for practicalFor office use only F1 F2 F3 F4Team Control Number 56731 Problem Chosen B For office use onlyT1 T2 T3 T4construction.(5)To further reduce the possibility of accident, we improve the cellulartollbooth concept model: make the transition zone more smooth and arrangedifferent kinds of tollbooths more equitable.(6)For self-driving vehicles, in the center of the toll plaza, we reservespecial E-ZPass tollbooths, which match the characteristics of autonomousvehicles: safer and faster.Electronic toll collection and autonomous vehicles are the trends of modern transportation, our new designed model can improve the performance of toll plazain the aspects of cost, throughput and accident prevention.一种基于仿生蜂窝的新型收费广场概要在本文中,我们基于我们提出的数学模型分析了常用收费广场的表现。

Team #10076
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1 Introduction 2 Restatement of Problem 3 Basic Assumptions 4 Analysis of the Problem 4.1 Definitions of Zero-Potential Surface and “vertical 4.2 Turn Of Snowboarding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.3 Snowboarding on the Deck . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.4 Snowboarding on the Quarter Arc . . . . . . . . . 5 “Vertical air” Model 6 Results and Sensitivity Analysis 6.1 Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.2 Sensitivity Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Model Applications And Analysis 7.1 Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.2 Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Maximum Twist Model 8.1 Analysis of Problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.2 Modeling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.3 Results and Sensitivity Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Tradeoffs to Develop a ”Practical” Course 9.1 Halfpipe Framework . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.2 Snow in the Halfpipe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 3 4 6 6 7 10 10 14 16 16 16 17 17 17 18 18 18 19 20 20 20

两种方案都是利用统计方法来缩小预测未来犯罪的地点区域背景:1981年peter sutcliffe的逮捕是法医生物学家stuart kind 通过利用数理原理成功预测出约克郡开膛手的住处的一个标志目前,信息密集型模型是通过热图技术建立确定特殊犯罪类型的热点或者是找出犯罪活动与某一地区之间的联系比率。

For office use only T1________________ T2________________ T3________________ T4________________ Team Control Number71812Problem ChosenEFor office use onlyF1________________F2________________F3________________F4________________ 2017MCM/ICM总结随着世界迅速城市化,城市人口大量增长,城市出现了交通拥堵、就业困难、住房紧张等一系列的“城市病”。

In this paper, we undertake the search and find problem. In two parts of searching, we use different way to design the model, but we use the same algorithm to calculate the main solution. In Part 1, we assume that the possibilities of finding the ring in different paths are different. We give weight to each path according to the possibility of finding the ring in the path. Then we simplify the question as pass as more weight as possible in limited distance. To simplify the calculating, we use Greedy algorithm and approximate optimal solution, and we define the values of the paths(according to the weights of paths) in Greedy algorithm. We calculate the possibility according to the weight of the route and to total weights of paths in the map. In Part 2, firstly, we limit the moving area of the jogger according to the information in the map. Then we use Dijkstra arithmatic to analysis the specific area of the jogger may be in. At last, we use greedy algorithm and approximate optimal solution to get the solution.
数学建模 美赛特等奖论文(中文版)分析溃坝:针对南卡罗来纳州大坝坍塌建立模型

分析溃坝:针对南卡罗来纳州大坝坍塌建立模型 摘要萨鲁达大坝建立在卡罗莱纳州的墨累湖与萨鲁达河之间,如果发生地震大坝就会坍塌。
本文通过建立模型来分析以下四种大坝决口时水的流量以及洪水泛滥时水的流量:● 大坝的绝大部分被瞬间侵蚀看成是大坝瞬间彻底坍塌;● 大坝的绝大部分被缓慢侵蚀看成是大坝延期彻底坍塌;● 管涌就是先形成一个小孔,最终形成一个裂口;● 溢出就是大坝被侵蚀后,形成一个梯形的裂口。
对于萨鲁达溃坝,洪水总面积为25.106km ;它还没有到达国会大厦。
罗威克里克的洪水向上游延伸了km 4.4,覆盖面积达24.26.1km -变量及假设表1说明了用来描述和模拟模型的变量,表2列出了模拟程序中的参数。
表 1模型中的变量.变量 定义溃坝时的水流量速率1TF Q 瞬间彻底坍塌2TF Q 延期彻底坍塌PIPE Q 管涌OT Q 溢出peak Q 最大流速溃坝时水流出到停止所用时间1TF t 瞬间彻底坍塌2TF t 延期彻底坍塌PIPE t 管涌OT t 溢出V ∆ 溃坝后从墨累湖里流出的水的总体积Lm Vol 墨累湖的原来体积LM Area 墨累湖的原来面积breach d 从裂口到坝顶距离breach t 从裂口开始到溃坝形成的时间 近似圆锥的墨累湖的侧面一般假设● 正常水位是在溃坝前的湖水位置。
● 河道中的水流不随季节变化而变动。
● 墨累湖里的水的容积可以看作为一个正圆锥(图1 )。
表2 模拟程序中的参数 参数 所取值 意义BREACH_TYPE 变量 瞬间彻底坍塌,延期彻底坍,管涌,溢出模型中的一种 T ∆ 0.10 时间不长的长度(s)MIN_DEPTH 0001.0 网格空时的水的深度(m) FINAT T 100000 大坝彻底决口所用时间 b T 3600 溃坝达最大值的时间(s) peak Q 25000 溃坝的最大流速(m 3/s) breach d 30 蓄水池的最初深度(m) LM Volume 910714.2⨯ 墨累湖的总体积(m 3) LM Area 610202⨯ 墨累湖的总面积(m 2)k 504.0 扩散因素 (控制两网格间交换的水的数量) MAX_LOSS_FRAC 25.0 单位网格中水的最大流失量图 1. 水库近似一个正圆锥.大坝假设● 萨鲁达大坝在以下四种方式之一坍塌:-瞬间彻底坍塌,-延期彻底坍塌,-管涌,-溢出。

SummaryChina is the biggest developing country. Whether water is sufficient or not will have a direct impact on the economic development of our country. China's water resources are unevenly distributed. Water resource will critically restrict the sustainable development of China if it can not be properly solved.First, we consider a greater number of Chinese cities so that China is divided into 6 areas. The first model is to predict through division and classification. We predict the total amount of available water resources and actual water usage for each area. And we conclude that risk of water shortage will exist in North China, Northwest China, East China, Northeast China, whereas Southwest China, South China region will be abundant in water resources in 2025.Secondly, we take four measures to solve water scarcity: cross-regional water transfer, desalination, storage, and recycling. The second model mainly uses the multi-objective planning strategy. For inter-regional water strategy, we have made reference to the the strategy of South-to-North Water Transfer[5]and other related strategies, and estimate that the lowest cost of laying the pipeline is about 33.14 billion yuan. The program can transport about 69.723 billion cubic meters water to the North China from the Southwest China region per year. South China to East China water transfer is about 31 billion cubic meters. In addition, we can also build desalination mechanism program in East China and Northeast China, and the program cost about 700 million and can provide 10 billion cubic meters a year.Finally, we enumerate the east China as an example to show model to improve. Other area also can use the same method for water resources management, and deployment. So all regions in the whole China can realize the water resources allocation.In a word, the strong theoretical basis and suitable assumption make our model estimable for further study of China's water resources. Combining this model with more information from the China Statistical Yearbook will maximize the accuracy of our model.。

1 .介绍1.1分析这个问题这个问题可以分为4个要求,我们必须满足,列出如下:(1)建立一个数学模型来演示Keep-Right-Except-To-Pass规则在轻、重交通的本质;(2)(2)显示其他合理的换道规则或条件的影响,通过使用修改后的模型建立前要求;left-side-driving国(3)确定是否可以使用相同的规则(s)和简单的镜像对称的修改,或必须添加一些要求保证安全或交通流(4)构建一个智能交通系统,不依赖于人类的合规,然后比较与早期的影响分析。
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For office use onlyT1________________ T2________________ T3________________ T4________________Team Control Number 26282Problem ChosenAFor office use onlyF1________________F2________________F3________________F4________________2014 Mathematical Contest in Modeling (MCM) Summary Sheet (Attach a copy of this page to your solution paper.)1.Introduction近年来,世界上的交通拥堵问题越来越严重,严重的交通拥堵问题引发了人们的对现行交通规则的思考。
现在我们提出了4个问题:1、什么是低负荷和高负荷,如何界定他们?2、这条规则在提升车流量的方面是否有效?3、这条规则在安全问题上所起的作用?4、这条规则对速度的限制?1.1 Survey of Previous Research1.2 Restatement of the problem本题需要我们建立一个数学模型对这个规则进行评价。
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目录问题回顾 (3)问题分析: (4)模型假设: (6)符号定义 (7)4.1---------- (8)4.2 有热水输入的温度变化模型 (17)4.2.1模型假设与定义 (17)4.2.2 模型的建立The establishment of the model (18)4.2.3 模型求解 (19)4.3 有人存在的温度变化模型Temperature model of human presence (21)4.3.1 模型影响因素的讨论Discussion influencing factors of the model (21)4.3.2模型的建立 (25)4.3.3 Solving model (29)5.1 优化目标的确定 (29)5.2 约束条件的确定 (31)5.3模型的求解 (32)5.4 泡泡剂的影响 (35)5.5 灵敏度的分析 (35)8 non-technical explanation of the bathtub (37)Summary人们经常在充满热水的浴缸里得到清洁和放松。
最后讨论了加入泡泡剂后对模型的影响,求得矩形浴缸尺寸为长*宽*高=1.5m*0.6m*0.5m时,最优的热水温度、热水输入速率为T1= 63.4℃,f=0.33L/s。
Thisis acontinuous problem about energy changes. Households in the ord inary bathtub cannotbe like the SPA's high-endbathtub that control water temperature,there is no hot water injectionsystem, ba th toolong will cause the water cools.Thereforeonly open the faucettoletwater flow inasteady stream, butwhen thetub reaches its capacity,excesswater escapes t hrough an overflow drain, in accordance with such an approach makes thewater inthebathtubtomaintain a relatively consta nttemperature.我们知道水的温度是随着时间的变化而变化的,但是当加入热水后,浴缸中的水温将会发生变化,他不可以看作是一个恒温物体,因此我们需要建立一个浴缸中的水温关于位置和时间的变化而变化的模型,确定一个最佳的策略,决定水龙头入水量的大小和入水量的时间等因素,使得整个浴缸从头到尾的水都能够保持温度,还要不能浪费太多的水。
Weknowthat the water temperaturevariesover time,butwhen added to hot water, bath water temperature willchange,it cannot be seenas aconstant object, so we shoulddevelopa model of the temperature of thebath tub water inspaceand time to determine the best strategy the p erson in thebathtub can adopt to keep the temperature eventhroughout the bathtub and as closeaspossibleto the initial temperaturewithout wasting too muchwater.为了详细考虑现实生活中可能发生的情况,我们还要考虑人对温度变化过程的影响。
For a detailed consideration of real-life situations thatmayoccur, we have to consider the human impact on the process temperaturechanges. In addi tion to factors relatedtothe above,the size and shape of the tub,human size andshape,as well ashumanaction in t he tub.For example, consider theperson's movement sot hat the water evaporationrateaccelerated in the first addition of water is added to helpclean the bubble agentandother factors on the modelIn addition to the required one-page summaryforyourMCMsubmission,your report must include aone-page non-technical explanation for users of the bathtubthat describesyourstrategy while explainingwhyit is so difficulttoget an evenly maintained temperature throughout thebath water.问题分析:这个问题是一个连续型优化问题,我们应该从最基础的问题分析起,逐步完善和优化,得到最优解。
Thisproblem is a continuous optimization problem,we startfrom themost basic problemanalysis, and gradually improve andoptimize toget the optimal solution.Tostart,wecollected somedata, including general roomtemperature 25℃,the mostsuitabletemperature bath for 39 ℃, andthe bathtub is FRPmaterial.首先我们考虑的是影响浴缸中水温度变化的因素。
First, we considered the factors affecting the waterinthe bathtub temperature. There aretwoforms of bathtub water heat loss,heat conduction alongthe wallsand bottom of bathtub and water evaporationalong surface of thewater. Fortheheat loss of heat conduction alongthewalls andbottomof bathtub, itis mainly due to the heat bath on thecirculated air, sowe candetermine this part of the heat. For the heatloss of waterevaporation along surfaceof the water,we notonly considered the heat losscausedby thermal convection,butalso theheatlosscaused by water phase change, which is fromaliquid toagaseousstate,so we consider theenthalpychange. Toobtain the relationshipbetweentemperatureand time,we sum the energy loss ofthe two together to ge tthetotal energy loss, combined with the massof waterandthe specific heatcapacity, the energy lossisconverted into a changein temperature,and draw temperature variation with timefigure.Atthesame time,we have toconsider the air temperature changes overtime,ratherthan constant at 25℃, and the environmental effects ofelevatedtemperature andhu midity onthe watertemperature, retardation factorwas added to the model,因洗澡时可以一边洗一边加入热水,此时我们要考虑在有热源引入的情况下水温的变化。