试论旅游宣传广告的翻译艺术——从“桂林山水甲天下”的英译谈起[摘要] 随着旅游业的国际化,各地旅游宣传广告的翻译工作越来越讲究艺术性。
[关键词] 旅游广告翻译艺术前言桂林不仅是世界著名的风景旅游城市,而且还是中国历史文化名城。
根据美国广告大师E S 鲁易斯(E S Lewis) 的AIDA原则,一个成功的广告应当具备以下四点:Attention(引人注意)、Interest(使人感兴趣)、Desire(引发欲望)、Action(促进行动)。
旅游外宣文本的汉英翻译探析)))以泉州地区旅游景点英译文本为例王才英(泉州师范学院外国语学院,福建泉州362000)摘 要:改革开放以来,越来越多的外国友人到中国旅游观光,旅游文本的准确、得体地翻译就显得越来越重要。
关键词:翻译目的; 旅游文本; 翻译方法中图分类号:H059 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1671-9743(2009)10-0108-03On the C -E Translation of Tourist Text )))Case Study of Quanzhou Tourist TextWANG Cai-ying(Foreign Lan guage De p a rtmen t ,Quanzhou Normal University ,Quan z hou,Fujian 362000)Abstract :More and more foreign friends go si ghtseeing in China since the reform and opening-up,so it is i mportant to translate the tourist text accurately and appropriately.According to translation goal,different text types and the theory of business English translation,this paper has explored three translation methods.Key words :translation goal; touris t text; translation methods收稿日期:2009-08-20作者简介:王才英(1973-),女,福建武平人,泉州师范学院外国语学院讲师,硕士,从事翻译及英语教学法方面的研究。
从《钱江涌潮》英译文谈旅游英语翻译技法《钱江涌潮》The Tidal Bore of the Qiantang River八月十八潮,On the eighteenth of the eighth lunar month,壮观天下无The tidal bore of the Qiantang River, Is a grand view second to none on earth.浙江钱塘江河口的涌潮,自古蔚为天下奇观。
The tidal bore located at the mouth of the Qiantang River in Zhejiang affords a magnificent view and constitutes a remarkable natural phenomenon. The bore is at its highest from the first day to the fifth, and from the fifth day to the twentieth every month according to the lunar calendar. At this time, the moon and the sun exert the greatest pull on the ocean at the mouth of the Qiantang River. The bore is at its most spectacular every September on the eighteenth day of the lunar calendar’s eighth month. The river’s special physical features account for this remarkable natural phenomenon. Its outlet to the ocean, Hangzhou Bay, is extremely wide, shaped like a large trumpet. When the sea tide rises, it brings with it a huge amount of water, pushing inland at a great speed. However, the river narrows abruptly at this point. This, together with the river’s sandy bed, prevents the water’s smooth progress. As waves follow one after the other, the tide surges and creates a gigantic wall of tidal water, the so-called “tidal bore”. The tidal bore operates in a cycle; there are only 120 days on which it is good to watch the bore. Moreover, there are two tides per day, the day tide and the night tide.每天有日、夜两潮,尤以秋潮为最佳。
38海外文摘0 引言中国是一个历史悠久的文明古国,随着中国对外开放的程度加深,越来越多的外国游客希望借助游历中国名山大川、名胜古迹以了解中国的历史文化。
1 文本类型分析翻译是一种交际行为,行为主体是人,行为载体是语言。
文本类型理论的代表人物是凯瑟琳娜·赖斯(KatharinaReiss),她借用了德国心理学家、功能语言学家卡尔·布勒(K.B ühler)的语言功能三分法,将布勒确认的语言三种功能——信息功能、表情功能和感染功能与其对应的语言维度、文本类型和各自使用的交际环境联系起来。
[2]德国功能派另一名代表人物克里斯蒂安·诺德(Christiane Nord)在布勒的语言功能工具模式和赖斯的文本类型模式的基础上,结合雅各布逊(R .Jacobson)的语言功能模式(1959;1960)和纽马克(P. Newmark)的语言功能与文本类型(1988),把翻译文本功能分为:指称功能、表情功能、感染功能和寒暄功能。
Lecture 14 Tourism Style Translation (2)
![Lecture 14 Tourism Style Translation (2)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/a7e2722abcd126fff7050b70.png)
• 原文:满树金花、芳香四溢的金桂;花白如雪、 香气扑鼻的银桂;红里透黄、花朵味浓的紫砂桂; 花色似银、季季有花的四季桂;竞相开放、争艳 媲美。进入桂林公园,阵阵桂香扑鼻。
• 译文:The park of Sweet Osmanthus is noted for its profusion of osmanthus trees. Flowers from these trees in different colors are in full bloom which pervade the whole garden with the fragrance of their blossoms. • 译文打破原文的句子排列,改写原文华丽词藻 和细节描写,整体概括,简洁明白。
• •
在翻译实践中,可采用不同的方法来翻译不同 的楹联俳语,如词汇的对应,句子结构的对应, 必要时可改写句子结构等。
• 山海关有一副楹联为: 海水朝朝朝朝朝朝朝落 浮云长长长长长长长消
• 采用字面对应(literal translation)可译为: • Sea waters tide, day to day tide, every day tide and every day ebb, • Floating clouds appear, often appear, often appear and often go.
• 5、保持语用层对应 子孙贤族将大 兄弟睦家之肥 • 英译1: • Virtuous, offspring will make the clan flourish; • Harmonious, brothers will make the family prosper. • (译文暗含原文结构)
the Chinese history who unified China in theyear B.C. 221”,就更容易被外国游客所理解。
如人们往往将虎跑泉的“跑”字念成“pao”,结果虎跑泉的英译成了“Tiger Running Spring”。
因此,虎跑泉可直译为“Tiger-clawed Spring”。
古语“华”和“花”相通,如果照字面翻译,那便是“Chicken cooked with golden flower and jade tree”。
青菜形似玉树,这道典型的菜肴不过是“火腿青菜鸡”罢了,向外宾介绍,可译为“Sliced chicken and ham with greens”。
(陕西师范大学 外国语学院,陕西 西安 710061)
摘 要:中国古诗含义复杂,地名表达多样化,因此,在对其进行英译时,译者要努力做到准确又不失
收稿日期:2019-07-03 作者简介:刘静玲(1997—),女,四川南充人,陕西师范大学外国语学院英语笔译专业 2018 级硕士研究生。研究方向:英语笔译。
bells which reach my boat, breaking the midnight still候,已经提到这个句子。其
使外国读者理解其含义时,译者可以对这类地名进行字 面意思的意译,让读者理解字面意思即可。使用这样的 翻译方法,除能对外国读者起到提示信息的作用,还能 保留一些文化意义,不但能加深读者对原文的理解,并 且更能使读者产生与作者相似的情感体验[2]。
在杜甫《秋兴(之一)》中,诗人写到:“玉露凋 伤枫树林,巫山巫峡气萧森”,许渊冲先生的译文是:
(三)音译与意译结合法 大部分地名都是由专有名词和普通名词两部分构成, 如“陕西省”中的“陕西”是专有名词,“省”是普通名词。 音译与意译结合指的是将地名中的专有部分进行音译, 而其中的普通名词采用意译[3]。比如:翻译“汉江”这 个名字时,如果全名意译为“Man River”,外国读者会 难以理解“man”与“river”为什么会放在一起。而如果 全名音译为“Han Jiang”,外国读者会完全理解不了这 指的是什么。这时候,音译与意译结合就可以最大限度 传达信息并且避免全部音译或全部意译而造成误会。 在张继《枫桥夜泊》中,诗人写到:“姑苏城外寒 山寺,夜半钟声到客船”,许渊冲先生将其翻译为: Beyond the Gusu Walls the Temple of Cold Hill, Rings
The Spectacle of the Qiantang River TidalBoreNestled within the eastern coast of China, the Qiantang River stands as a natural wonder, renowned for its powerful and majestic tidal bore. Each year, the river attracts thousands of visitors from around the globe, who come to witness the remarkable phenomenon of the tidal bore. The experience is not just a sight to behold, but a thrilling and awe-inspiring encounter with nature's raw power.The Qiantang River, known for its unique geographical characteristics, is situated where the river's narrowest point meets the East China Sea. This particular configuration, combined with the lunar and solar tidal forces, creates the perfect conditions for the formation of the tidal bore. As the tide surges in from the sea, it collides with the river's narrowing banks, causing a rapid rise in water level and a powerful surge of water that rushes upstream.The sight of the tidal bore is truly breathtaking. As the wave approaches, it appears as a wall of water, advancing rapidly towards the onlookers. The roar of thewater can be heard from miles away, a deafening sound that adds to the drama of the moment. As the wave hits the riverbanks, it rises up in a towering column of water, spraying mist and droplets into the air. The force of the impact is so strong that it can be felt even from a safe distance.Watching the tidal bore is not just about seeing the wave itself. It's about experiencing the energy and the power of nature. It's about feeling the vibration of the earth as the wave crashes against the shore and about smelling the fresh, sea-tinged air. It's about sharing this incredible moment with fellow observers, each of them overcome with a sense of awe and wonder.The Qiantang River tidal bore is not just a natural phenomenon; it's a cultural experience. For generations, the Chinese people have come to the river to witness this amazing sight and to celebrate it with festivals and traditions. The tidal bore has become a symbol of the region, representing its unique natural beauty and the resilience of its people.In conclusion, the Qiantang River tidal bore is a must-see natural wonder. It is a testament to the awesome power of nature and a reminder of our small place in the grand scheme of the universe. Witnessing the tidal bore is an experience that will stay with you forever, leaving you with a profound respect for the forces of nature and a renewed sense of wonder and amazement.**钱塘江观潮**位于中国东部的钱塘江,因其壮观的涌潮而闻名于世。
钱塘江大潮观后感**Reflections on the Spectacular Qiantang River Tide** The Qiantang River Tide, a natural wonder renowned throughout the world, left me deeply impressed and awestruck. Witnessing this phenomenon was a truly unforgettable experience, one that filled me with a sense of both wonder and humility.The day began with a sense of anticipation and excitement. As we approached the riverbank, theanticipation grew, and I could feel the energy in the air. The sky was a clear blue, and the sun cast its warm light across the river, setting the stage for the impending spectacle.As the predicted time for the tide's arrival drew nearer, the crowd grew increasingly excited. Suddenly, a roar could be heard in the distance, like the rumble of distant thunder. It grew louder and louder, until it filled the air, shaking the ground beneath our feet. Then, the moment arrived.The incoming tide was a sight to behold. It surged forward with an unstoppable force, a wall of water that seemed to stretch as far as the eye could see. The waterwas a deep, inky blue, and it moved with a power and precision that was both beautiful and terrifying. The roarof the water grew louder as it approached, and the air seemed to vibrate with its power.As the tide reached its peak, it seemed to tower over us, a massive wave that threatened to engulf everything in its path. Yet, as quickly as it had come, the tide began to withdraw, leaving the riverbank bathed in a sheen of dampness and the air filled with the salty scent of the sea. The entire experience was both thrilling and humbling.It was thrilling to witness the raw power of nature, to see how something so vast and uncontrollable could move with such precision and force. And it was humbling to realizehow small and insignificant we are in the grand scheme ofthe universe, how easily nature can overwhelm our existence. Watching the Qiantang River Tide was not just a visual experience; it was a profound reminder of the power and beauty of nature. It was a reminder that, while we maystrive to control and understand our world, there areforces that are beyond our comprehension and control.In conclusion, the Qiantang River Tide was a truly awe-inspiring experience. It left me with a renewed sense of respect and admiration for the natural world, and a deeper understanding of my place within it. I am grateful for the opportunity to have witnessed such a remarkable phenomenon, and I will carry the memory of that day with me always.**钱塘江大潮观后感**钱塘江大潮,这一世界闻名的自然奇观,给我留下了极为深刻的印象,令人叹为观止。
Translation of the Names of Scenic Spots
![Translation of the Names of Scenic Spots](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/b2407ec6195f312b3169a568.png)
小心碰头 Take care of your head 本来愿意是善意提醒游客不要碰头,而take care of 是“照 顾” “爱护” 处理的意思,根本没有表示出原公示语中提示和 警示的功能。
1、Tourism is considered to be one of the three sunrise industries in the 21st century.
Pentagon 五角大楼:渲染解释
the Statue of Liberty 自由女神像 Arch of Triumph 凯旋门:属性特色词前调(直译)
Chinese to English
鼓浪屿 岳阳楼 人民大会堂
the Gate of Devine Might; the Imperial Garden Potala Palace Gulangyu Islet Yueyang Tower Great Hall of People
黄鹤楼 Yellow Crane Tower
雨花台 Rain of Flowers Terrace
包公祠 lord Bao Memorial Temple
音译 + 直译(transliteration + Literal Translation)
杜甫草堂 Dufu Cottage
Shaolin Temple
Dujiang Dam
2、如果含表示专有名称是单个字,翻译时把其后的通用名称也音译出来,后面再加上这 个通名的英译。 嵩山 Songshan Mountain 梅岭 Meiling Mountain 漓江 Lijiang River
第二章 常用旅游文本翻译技巧3
![第二章 常用旅游文本翻译技巧3](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/53d35be8aeaad1f346933f03.png)
Case Study
白帝城是一座颇享声誉的“诗城”。我国历代许多著 名的诗人都曾来此观景咏诗。“诗仙”李白的《早发 白帝城》,已成为不朽的佳作。……“诗圣”杜甫在 此两年,写下了437首诗,占现存杜诗的三分之 一。……刘禹锡在夔州民歌的基础上,首创了充满生 活气息和三峡特色的《竹诗词》。1963年春天,毛泽 东乘“江峡”轮视察长江三峡时,船航行至白帝城下, 触景生情,兴致勃勃地咏诵: “朝辞白帝彩云间, 千里江陵一日还。 两岸猿声啼不住, 轻舟已过万重山 ”
Qingdao is a beautiful coastal city. It is cool in summer and warm in winter. The 40-km-long scenic line begins from Tuandao Island at the west end to Xiaqinggong of Mount Lao at the east end.
2005年,冰川快车迎来了自己75周年生日的庆典。 一切都始于20世纪20年代的黄金时代。当时,对 阿尔卑斯登山爱好者冒险行为的报道吸引了世界 各地的上流社会成员前来探索瑞士阿尔卑斯山的 荒凉之美,于是采尔马特和圣莫里茨等以前偏僻 的山村变成了著名的旅游胜地。政府发现了火车 探险旅游的潜力,最终,冰川快车于1930年6月 25日首次从圣莫里茨开往采尔马特。当时,整个 旅程耗时11小时,旅客乘坐的是优雅的特等客车 和经特别改装的客车。
秦始皇统一六国后,一方面拆毁诸国间的长城,另一 方面为防御北边匈奴,又再修筑了横亘万余里的长城, 成为我国最早的万里长城。此后的各朝各代都对长城 进行了修复和加固。 After unifying all other six states, Emperor Qinshihuang, the first emporer of the Qin Dynasty, while pulling down the walls between the former states, had new walls built in the north to defend the Hun. The walls stretched more than five thousand kilometres, forming the oldest Great Wall. From then on, it was restored and reinforced by successive dynasties.
Birds dwell in a tree by the pond.A monk knocks at the door under the moon.●皓月当空。
The moon shines brightly.●他命在旦夕。
Death stared him in the face.●她打了他一记耳光。
She strikes him across the face.●别的客人都走光了他还不走。
He sits out the other guests.●这件衣服你穿了很合适。
The dress becomes you very well.年轻人宜彬彬有礼。
Modesty becomes a young man.●这件衣服我穿了五年。
This coat has lasted me five years.●他说话把声音都说哑了。
He talked himself hoarse.●She saw him young, and proud, and strong, and now he was old, and worn, and horrible, anddead. (Bennett, Old Wives’ Tale) 她看到他的时候,他是年轻、骄傲、而又强壮的,现在他已年老,疲惫不堪,样子可怕,而已经死了。
Our business has suffered not a little through the war.The effect upon our business of the war has been striking.The war has affected our business to a remarkable.The war has done our business much harm.The war has rendered our business dull. (46)●They saw a burning house, standing a little distance from the road, with some stately fir-treesin the foreground. 他们见到离开大路不远的地方,有一幢房子起火了,在那房子前面长得有一排森森的樅树。
●旅游资料的翻译的两条原则,● 1.以中国文化为取向尽量保留中国文化信息,尽可能多的宣传中国文化● 2.以读者的接受能力为重点●翻译旅游资料时要从译语读者的角度出发,在不损害原意的基础上对信息进行调整,让译语读者轻松地了解所需的中国文化信息,增加旅游兴趣,从而达到旅游资料翻译的目的。
●“海湾旅游圣地”“Beach tourist spot”(ⅹ)“Beachside resort”.●“历史文化名城”“historical cultural city”(ⅹ)“city of historic and cultural interest”●从文化角度出发挖掘信息的真实意思如:“欲把西湖比西子,浓妆淡抹总相宜”●XI ZI “Chinese Cleopatra”●钱江潮QianT ang tidal wave (ⅹ)QianTang tidal bore●tidal bore: bore means a very largewave caused by a movementof the sea running upa narrow river. (海水进入狭窄河域引起的涌潮.) -----朗文字典释义●虎跑泉Tiger Running Spring 虎跑泉的“跑”应为兽用足扒土之意。
●Tiger-Clawed Spring/Tiger Spring。
●“know everything of something and something of everything(既是专才,又是通才)”。
Qiantang River is the biggest in Zhejiang Province, running from the west to Hangzhou Bay in the east. It serves as a river hinge, playing an important role in the water-transportation between the east and the west. It is encircled by a group of economically booming cities including Shanghai, China's leading industrial and commercial hub, and Ningbo, one of China's leading port cities. The extraordinary surging tide of the Qiantang River is a world-renowned natural wonder caused by the gravitational pull of the stars and planets. The centrifugal force produced by the rotation of the earth and by the peculiar bottleneck shape of Hangzhou Bay makes it easy for the tide to come in, but difficult for it to ebb.The soaring tide of the Qiantang River is such a marvelous spectacle that only the Amazon River's surging tide rivals it! Annually, millions of people from both home and abroad flock there to watch the magnificent tide on the eighteenth day of the eighth lunar month (also around the Mid-Autumn Day). When the surging tide comes, the water can rise up to a height of 30 feet and the noise it generates sounds like thunder, or thousands of horses running. Various activities will also be held to celebrate the annual Tide - Watching Festival, according to local custom. In terms of its history, the custom of watching the bore tide has happened for more than 2000 years. It first appeared during thefirst century. Then, it became popular in the Tang Dynasty (about 7th -13th century). Yangong town in Haijing 45 km (about 28 miles) from Hangzhou is the best place to watch the Qiantang Tide.The rushing tide can be dangerous if you are careless.So it's best to listen to the advice of the local policemen there whose job it is to ensure your safety and security.Crossing the river is the Qiantang River Bridge. It is China's first self-designed and self-built bridge, which took from April 1934 to Sept 1937 to complete. Qiantang River Bridge is comprised of its main body and the bridge approach, stretching a distance of 1453 meters (4767 feet). It is also the first modern double - layer bridge in China. The upper layer of the bridge is highway and the layer below is railway. Qiantang River Bridge is designed by the famous Chinese bridge engineer Mao Yisheng, who defied the words spoken by foreigners that it was impossible to construct a bridge in such a spot, and who made a great contribution to the Chinese bridge building industry. Looking out from the Six Harmonies Pagoda, one can get a panoramic view of the mighty Qiantang River, the majestic Qiantang River Bridge, and the surrounding landscape.【「旅游英语」大自然的奇迹钱塘潮】。
(8) 餐饮类
炸响铃 Fried bean-curd skin with meat
Jingle Bell (9) 建筑类
苏堤(现为晚上情人幽会之地) lovers& lane (10) 中国文化特指词
秦桧、王氏(秦妻)、万俟 、 张俊(岳飞墓前四跪像) the Ancient Gang of Four(即 古代四人帮 ,此译效果甚佳)
(5) 地理类 鱼米之乡-- Land of milk and honey ( 出自圣经,当然也能直译)
(6) 城市类 绍兴/苏州-- Oriental Venice
(7) 植物类 (其造型像)
球桧盆景 学名:Sabina chinensis (Linn.) Ant. cv. Globosa
A fro style (这种发型的旅游者听后很高兴)
所以,除事先告知汉语中“sunny day”暗指“love”,而“no sunny day (rainy day)”则 暗示 “no love”外,在读完英译文后,须再加一句“点睛之笔”———“No sunny day? But there is still love”,往往会获得“老外”的赞许声或掌声。
▶民间人物: 月下老人-- Chinese Cupid (The Old Man of the Moon)。
(2) 节气类 霜降-- Jack Frost (拟人化,使用时应注意上下文)
(3) 节日类 清明节– Chinese Easter (有十几种译名,此译名为旅游者所喜闻乐见) 三月三?
(4) 季节类 六月中之西湖-- West Lake in midsummer(不应译成 midJune )
The Beauty Xi Zi looks like the fair lady at her best. Whether she is richly adorned or plainly dressed.
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第八章旅游文本中典故、诗词、俗语、楹联等的翻译第一模块:热身练习翻译下列文本,看旅游文本中一些文化现象在翻译中该如何处理:1.whicheven part of Scotland takes you fancy,history is never far away.You feel it in the brooding presence of Glencoe,evocative of that treacherous night in 1692 when Campbell soldiers slaughtered MacDonads as they slept. You touch it when you hike tyrough the hills and stumble across the ruins of a deserted shieling. You see it in the weatherworm stones of turreted castales. You hear in in rousing Border ballads and haunting Hebridean melodies.1.苏格兰令人心仪的地方都连着一段历史。
2.Englishman Lesline Stephen wass one of the true pioneers of mountaineering. In 1871, when tourism in Switzerland was still in its infancy,he publishesd a book on climbing in the SwissAlps, aptly titled The Playground of Europe”.If Switzerland was a playground then-it certainly is now!But the country has changed,no longer offering stunning scenery,top-clsshotels,winter sports and convalescence to an exclusive few.Switzerland’s Jungfrau Region offers everything from perfect perfect peace to spectacular sport-at prices which compare favourably with other top tourist destinations.2.英国人莱斯利.斯蒂芬是真正的登山先驱之一。
景点介绍的翻译主要侧重对文化内涵的理解,还必须结合语言的表达,应在最大程度上确保译文与原 文的最大近似值。景点介绍的翻译是为了让国外游客了解中国文化,增强旅游点的吸引力。为此,景点介 绍的翻译需要遵循“以中国文化为取向,以译文读者接受为重点”的基本原则,根据奈达的功能对等翻译 理论,判断译文质量的最终标准基于以下三个方面:(1)能使读者(接受者)正确理解原文信息,即“忠实原 文”;(2)易于理解;(3)形式恰当,吸引读者(接受者)。奈达提出“用最近似的自然对等值”,即“动态对 等”以及后来的“功能对等”概念,是因为他认为翻译要为接受者服务(receptor orientation),并使译文接受 者最大限度地准确无误地理解原文信息。具体翻译时可以采取以下方法:
a.Then。the author lllakeB&lnore comprehensive analysis,and sunmAary of the cultural difference.In tight of Nida's functional equivalence theory,focused in the two primary concepts—functional equivalence and reader台response,this paper makes an attempt to provide some possible solutiO[18 for the translation of the West Lake introduction. Key words:cultural differences;functional equivalence;translation of the scenic spot introduction
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The Tidal Bore of the Qiantang River
八月十八潮,On the eighteenth of the eighth lunar month,
壮观天下无The tidal bore of the Qiantang River, Is a grand view second to none on earth.
The tidal bore located at the mouth of the Qiantang River in Zhejiang affords a magnificent view and constitutes a remarkable natural phenomenon. The bore is at its highest from the first day to the fifth, and from the fifth day to the twentieth every month according to the lunar calendar. At this time, the moon and the sun exert the greatest pull on the ocean at the mouth of the Qiantang River. The bore is at its most spectacular every September on the eighteenth day of the lunar calendar’s eighth month. The river’s special physical features account for this remarkable natural phenomenon. Its outlet to the ocean, Hangzhou Bay, is extremely wide, shaped like a large trumpet. When the sea tide rises, it brings with it a huge amount of water, pushing inland at a great speed. However, the river narrows abruptly at this point. This, together with the river’s sandy bed, prevents the water’s smooth progress. As waves follow one after the other, the tide surges and creates a gigantic wall of tidal water, the so-called “tidal bore”. The tidal bore operates in a cycle; there are only 120 days on which it is good to watch the bore. Moreover, there are two tides per day, the day tide and the night tide.
The tides are greatest in autumn, the most spectacular time to view it. On the September day when the greatest tidal bore first appears, it is shaped like a long, white streak, and one hears a sound like muffled thunder in the distance. A few minutes later, a long, white streak of water chases itself down the river. As the tidal waves travel upstream, the water piles up higher and higher, as though tens of thousands of untamed horses were galloping upstream. The deafening noise inspires awe and admiration. Tidal waves created by the bore are known to have reached 8.93 meters in height. The tidal bore of the Qiantang River is now considered to be one of “the Eight Wonders in the World.” Its unique shape and height have been compare d to those of the Amazon River.
素练横江滚滚来——“一线潮”“A long, white streak rolls in horizontally lie a silk scroll.”
Because of changes in the watercourse since the end of the Ming Dynasty, the tidal bore has gradually retreated lower down the Qiantang River. Nowadays the town of Yanguan in Haining City affords an excellent spot from which to view the bore. When the tidal waves reach the Haining Pagoda, they appear as a long, white streak. Thus it is called the “Thread Bore”.
漫漫平沙起白虹——“W形潮”“A wall of waves stands abrupt against the horizon.”
The tidal waves seem to pile on top of another, in a force similar to that created by thousands of wild horses. Here, one hears a muffled roar, as the tidal bore approaches nearer and nearer. It first appears in the shape of a “V”, then as an “S”, and finally, as a “W”; thus it is called “W-shaped Bore”.
卷起沙堆如雪堆——“返头潮”“Wonderful waves roll by, creating enormous clouds of foam.”
As the waves crash against the river’s bank, they create enormous clouds of silvery foam. Hence the name “Backflow Bore”.
钱江后浪推前浪——“重叠潮”In the Qiantang River the waves behind drive on those ahead.”
Having traveled a long distance, the tidal bore gradually decreases in power. The tidal bore finally reaches the Six Harmonies Pagoda in Hangzhou, located about 50 km. away from the mouth of the Qiantang River. Here one can see the waves behind driving on those ahead, overlapping each other, so it is called the “Overlapping Bore”. 郭建中[译] 浙江大学英语博士生导师。