Buzzwords 流行新词 中国日报英文最潮最酷的流行新词
中国一些流行词语的英文表达(上) (供参考)
中国一些流行词语的英文表达(上) (供参考)| 首页 | 新闻 | 两性 | 保健 | 供求 | 心理 | 女性 | 招聘 | 健身 | 男性 | 家庭 | 母婴 | 医疗 | 药品 |导医 | 中医 | 食谱 | 癌症 | 娱乐 | 论坛 | 数据 | 房产 | 教育 | 明星 | 法律| 咨询 | 生物 | 医学 | 健康 |药学 | 产业 | 科普 | 考试 | 实验 | 图库 |您现在的位置:中华医疗保健网 >> 考试 >> 英语课堂 >> 翻译指南 >> 文章正文用户登录新用户注册[图文]中国一些流行词语的英文表达(上) (供参考)【字体:小大】中国一些流行词语的英文表达(上) (供参考)作者:佚名文章来源:不详点击数:11 更新时间:2006-10-2请欣赏:《中国一些流行词语的英文表达(上) (供参考)》1.素质教育:Quality Education2. EQ:分两种,一种为教育商数Educational quotient,另一种情感商数Emotional quotient3.保险业:the insurance industry4.保证重点指出:ensure funding for priority areas5.补发拖欠的养老金:clear up pension payments in arrears6.不良贷款:non-perFORMing loan7.层层转包和违法分包:mutlti-level contracting and illegal subcontracting8.城乡信用社:credit cooperative in both urban and rural areas9.城镇居民最低生活保障:a minimum standard of living for city residents10.城镇职工医疗保障制度:the system of medical insurance for urban workers11.出口信贷:export credit12.贷款质量:loan quality13.贷款质量五级分类办法:the five-category assets classificationfor bankloans14.防范和化解金融风险:take precautions against and reduce financial risks15.防洪工程:flood-prevention project16.非法外汇交易:illegal foreign exchange transaction17.非贸易收汇:foreign exchange earnings through nontrade channels18.非银行金融机构:non-bank financial institutions19.费改税:transFORM administrative feessintostaxes20.跟踪审计:foolow-up auditing21.工程监理制度:the monitoring system for projects22.国有资产安全:the safety of state-owned assets23.过度开垦:excess reclamation24.合同管理制度:the contract system for governing projects25.积极的财政政策:pro-active fiscal policy26.基本生活费:basic allowance27.解除劳动关系:sever labor relation28.金融监管责任制:the responsibility system for financial supervision29.经济安全:economic security30.靠扩大财政赤字搞建设:to increase the deficit to spend more on development31.扩大国内需求:the expansion of domestic demand32.拉动经济增长:fuel economic growth33.粮食仓库:grain depot34.粮食收购企业:grain collection and storage enterprise35.粮食收购资金实行封闭运行:closed operation of grain purchase funds36.粮食销售市场:grain sales market37.劣质工程:shoddy engineering38.乱收费、乱摊派、乱罚款:arbitrary charges, fund-raising, quotas and fines39.骗汇、逃汇、套汇:obtain foreign currency under false pretenses, notturn over foreign owed to the government and illegal arbitrage40.融资渠道:financing channels41.商业信贷原则:the principles for commercial credit42.社会保险机构:social security institution43.失业保险金:unemployment insurance benefits44.偷税、骗税、逃税、抗税:tax evasion, tax fraud and refusal to pay taxes45.外汇收支:foreign exchange revenue and spending46.安居工程:housing project for low-income urban residents47.信息化:inFORMation-based; inFORMationization48.智力密集型:concentration of brain power; knowledge-intensive49.外资企业:overseas-funded enterprises50.下岗职工:laid-off workers五十一号.分流:reposition of redundant personnel52.素质教育:education for all-round development53.豆腐渣工程:jerry-built projects54.社会治安情况:law-and-order situation55.民族国家:nation state56.“台独”:"independence of Taiwan"57.台湾当局:Taiwan authorities58.台湾同胞:Taiwan compatriots59.台湾是中国领土不可分割的一部分:Taiwan is an inalienable part of the Chineseterritory.60.西部大开发:Development of the West Regions61.可持续性发展:sustainable development62.风险投资:risk investment63.通货紧缩:deflation64.扩大内需:to expand domestic demand65.计算机辅助教学:computer-assisted instruction ( CAI )66.网络空间:cyberspace67.虚拟现实:virtual reality68.网民:netizen ( net citizen )69.电脑犯罪:computer crime70.电子商务:the e-business71.网上购物:shopping online72.应试教育:exam-oriented education73.学生减负:to reduce study load74.“厄尔尼诺”:(EL Nino)75.“拉尼娜”:(La Nina)76.“智商”:(IQ)77.“情商”:(EQ)78.“第三产业”:(third/tertiary industry,service sector,third sequenceof enterprises)79.“第四产业”:(quaternary/inFORMation industry)79.“军嫂”:(military spouse)80.“峰会”(香港译“极峰会议”)”:summit(conference)81.“克隆”:clone82.“冰毒”:ice83.“摇头丸”:dancing outreach84.“传销”:multi level marketing85.“(计算机)2000年问题”:Y2K problem(y for year, k for kilo or thousand)86.“白皮书”:white paper(不是white cover book)87.“傻瓜相机”:Instamatic(商标名,焦距、镜头均固定,被称为foolproof相机);88.“白条”:IOU note(IOU:债款、债务,由I owe you的读音缩略转义而来)89.“巡回招聘”:milk round(一种招聘毕业生的方式,大公司走访各大学及学院,向求职者介绍本公司情况并与报名者晤谈)。
最新十大流行英语新词 (top10 catchwords)
• But this mediocrity promises stability. Budget husbands are reliable, both financially and emotionally. They will loyally stay at home and take care of the house; they will not go out to bars or have extramarital affairs. (Source: )
• 自毕加索时期以来,自画像从未如此盛行。智能手机的高 质内置相机以及可以便捷使用的照片修正程序正在让“自 拍”成为社交媒体用户普遍使用的一种自我表达方式。
Examples for selfie
• 1.The word "selfie," Wood points out, was the oxford dictionaries ' neologism of the year.
• Not since the days of Picasso has self-portraiture been so prevalent. Smartphones' high-quality built-in cameras and easy access to picture-enhancing apps are making "selfies" a ubiquitous form of self-expression among social-media users.
• 3.One day last December, while on vacation, I whipped out my cel l phone in a moment of boredom, held it in front ofmy face, and to ok an unflattering selfie.
chinadaily 流行新词2012年11月-2013年5月
[ 2013-05-10来源:中国日报网字号[大] [中] [小] 14:12]我们原来说过―裸辞‖,指还没找好下家就辞职的现象。
Young people quitting their jobs very shortly after starting - within three months or even three days - for reasons beyond the comprehension of older workers, is a relatively new phenomenon in China, and has spawned a new term, "flash quit".年轻人在入职后很短的时间内,比如3个月甚至更短的3天,因为一些在老员工看来无法理解的原因而辞职,这是新近出现在中国的一个现象,由此产生了一个新兴词汇―闪辞‖。
The real reason behind this normally goes to: failure to adapt to the workplace atmosphere, not feeling happy in the job, or not achieving self-fulfillment.―闪辞‖背后的真正原因通常为:无法适应职场工作环境,工作得不开心,无法实现自我价值。
[ 2013-05-09来源:中国日报网字号[大] [中] [小] 10:52]很多公司的客服宣传用语都会用24/7这个数字组合来表示―全天候24小时‖的概念。
24/7/365, also alternatively written as hyphenated 24-7-365, has recently begun to appear to describe the concept of 'happening constantly', throughout the entire day, and on every day of the year. It is of course an abbreviation of the phrase 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, and can be used either as an adverb, e.g. the centre opens 24/7/365, or as an adjective, e.g. we offer 24/7/365 customer support.24/7/365,也可写作24-7-365,近几年常用来形容―持续无休‖的概念,即全天、一年中的每一天都不停歇。
【优质文档】不可不知的最流行网络英文潮语word版本 (1页)
【优质文档】不可不知的最流行网络英文潮语word版本本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==不可不知的最流行网络英文潮语英语世界有自己的一套网络语言吗?当然有!如今的潮人聊天都喜欢用简写,玩谐音,越是让外人看起来高深莫测,自己心里头越是得意非凡。
否则,跟外国朋友在MSN 聊天,十句看不懂五句,还有什么乐趣可言?言归正传,下面列举一些典型的网络英文潮语:btw ( by the way ):这个大多数人都会用,就是& ldquo ;顺便再说一句的意思。
g 2 g ( got to go ):要走了。
原句是 I & rsquo ; ve got to go 。
ttyl ( talk to you later ):下次再说。
brb ( be right back ):很快回来。
也就是 I & rsquo ; ll be right back 或 I & rsquo ; m gonna be rightback 的简写。
jk ( just kidding ):开玩笑,别当真。
omg ( oh my god ):我的天啊!有时为了表达更强烈的情感,有人会打:OMGGGGGGG !lol ( laugh out loud ):大声地笑。
Imao ( laughing my arse / ass off ):笑死我了。
rofl ( rolling on the floor laughing ):笑到摔到地上。
roflmao ( rolling on the floor laughing my assoff ):前两个的结合版,也就是超级搞笑的意思。
这些buzzwords(流行语)你都get了么2016年都过了大半了~这些buzzwords(流行语)你都get了么?不会用英语飚流行语的宝宝不是好宝宝哟~1都是套路!网络buzzword(热词)“套路”一般可译为:1games / tricks对某人“耍花招”,把某人给“玩儿了”比如:play games with somebodyplay tricks on somebody2trap/setuptrap和setup都作为名词,表示“陷阱”,即“套路”“。
比如:Don't buy his words. You will fall into his trap.别信他的话,都特么是套路。
流行例句:? 多一点真诚,少一点套路。
Show more sincerity, play less tricks/setups.? 套路玩得深,谁把谁当真。
You are so good at playing tricks; let's play together. ? 我走过最远的路,就是你的套路。
The longest road I've taken, is the tricky way you set me up.2撩妹?撩汉?不娶何撩!wuli宋仲基欧巴凭借剧中花式“撩妹”的技能,成为了不少人心目中的“老公”。
所以“撩妹”到底咋说,可以有以下几种“套路”:1flirt with与...调情,挑逗...不娶何撩!Stop flirting with me, if you have no intention to marry me. Flirt还可做名词,指“调情高手”,如:She is a real flirt.她是一个情场高手。
2hit on sb挑逗、调情、搭讪所以,撩妹是hit on a girl,撩汉子就是hit on a guy。
2pick upPick up有很多种含义,在男女搞对象的语境下,指成功勾搭上一个异性。
1.混译法中的“人民至上,生命至上”,彰显国人伟大的抗疫精神秦刚大使将前文句子翻译为“People first, life first”堪称混译法的典范。
1.转译法中的“逆行者”和直译法中的“躺平”则形成了鲜明的对比秦刚大使将“逆行者”翻译为“heroes in harm’s way”则是转译法的大成之笔,此翻译根植于刚刚发生的事实。
此外,文中第三段的transfer用作名词,指旅途中的“换 乘,中转”,也可以解释为“换乘票”。
tainted stars
监 狱 风 云
Watchdog bans broadcasts of works by tainted stars 广电总局下令封杀“劣迹艺人”
The country's top press and media watchdog has ordered TV stations and other outlets to stop broadcasting material featuring stars who use drugs or visit prostitutes.
目前,北京市采用的依然是单一的地铁票价,可无限次换 乘。一张单程票的售价仅为2元。
Owing to the swelling population and huge losses by the public transport system, the government has been considering a raise after gathering public opinions on fare pricing in July.
该禁令引发了争论。有人认为,艺人是公众人物(public figures), 应该更加注意自身言论(mind their behavior),不好的示范确实应 该封杀;也有人认为,影视作品并非仅依赖于某一位艺人,而是许多 艺人合作的结果(the fruit of many celebrities),把整个作品封杀是 不合理的。
Buzz Words
subway fares
Beijing will end an era of flat-rate subway fares as authorities discuss plans to implement a metered option for public transportation.
China Daily必备新词
小众歌手niche singer(In Beijing, the list of year end concerts is usually dominated by big-name pop stars. But this year, niche singers are edging their way from the fringe onto center stage and achieving impressive box-office results.在北京,举行年终演唱会的通常都是大牌歌星。
) (2009-11-30)富豪榜rich list(Hoogewerf, meanwhile, admitted that China's super rich may be even more plentiful than his list suggests. The rich list reflects the changes in China's economy and also people's attitude and knowledge about wealth.胡润同时承认,中国富豪的实际人数可能比富豪榜所列的还要多。
) (2009-11-27)隧桥tunnel-bridge(For many people, the opening of Shanghai Changjiang tunnel-bridge on October 31 is great news as it will enable travel in all weather.上海长江隧桥即将于10月31日启用对许多人来说是一个好消息,因为在任何天气状况下,隧桥都能够让人们正常通行。
最新十大流行英语新词 (top10 catchwords)
• The word "budget husband" originates from the word "budget housing", government subsidized public housing for low-income households. As the name implies, budget husbands' economic power trails that of "diamond husbands" -- intelligent, educated, rich, and well-mannered men from respectable families. Nonetheless, a budget husband is the new ideal among Chinese female white-collar workers.
• 去年12月度假的一天,我一时无聊,掏出了手机,举到面前,来了 一次素颜自拍。
• ers can even snap a selfie at the end ( complete with requisit e wolverine claws) and share their pic onfacebook and twitter.
2013年十大流行英语新词 (Top10 catchwords)
Top ten catchwords (neologisms) in 2013
The Freeter /飞特族
• The so-called " Freeter ", is combined with English word " free " and German word " labor " ( arbeiter ) . • Freeter represents a free working style. People maintain the livelihoods by work outside or do part-time jobs. • refers to the young who engaged in parttime(freelance) job for less than 5 years.
flash play / 闪玩族
• People who join the excursion, eating, singing Cara OK, outdoor sports and other activities through convenient web,and posting their willingness to find likeminded friends in a short time. • flash play" activity lasts less than a day • cost AA • Many netizens claim to be a " flash play ".
all-out donation / 裸捐
• Bill Gates and Chen Guangbiao • Bare ( all-out donation ), donated to a specific range of personal assets . The world's richest man Bill Gates announced his retirement, the $58,000,000,000 personal assets donated in his and his wife's name, making the “all-out donation " become the No.1.
以下是中国日报根据网友票选评出的2014年度十大英语新词,虽然是英语新词,但每一个都跟国内的热点有关,快来一起学一学!1. Ice Bucket Challenge 冰桶挑战2014年,"冰桶挑战"风靡社交网络,比尔·盖茨、马克·扎克伯格以及贾斯汀·汀布莱克等各界名人争相参与。
One of the biggest stunts online and in social media had very low-key beginnings on the prof essional golf circuit.网络和社交媒体上最火爆的活动之一,其实是在专业高尔夫球场上低调开始的。
The so-called ice-bucket challenge - dump ice water on yourself, post and tag yourself on soc ial media and challenge others to do the same - got its start among golfers as a way to suppor t pet charities. In just a few weeks, it has become a major fundraising coup for patients and o rganizations with ALS, a neurodegenerative disorder."冰桶挑战"活动要求参与人将一桶冰水浇在自己身上,然后将整个过程发布在社交网站上,并点名其他人来接受挑战,这个活动最初是高尔夫球员为支持宠物慈善发起的。
时髦词汇vogue words buzzwords Henpecked妻管严Moonlighting扒分Find a sugar daddy 傍大款Do marathon talks on the phone 煲电话粥Get sb. the runaround捣糨糊微博Microblog山寨copycat异地恋long-distance relationship剩女3S lady(single,seventies, stuck)/left girls 熟女cougar(源自电影Cougar Club)裸婚naked wedding炫富flaunt wealth团购group buying人肉搜索 flesh search潮人:trendsetter发烧友:fancier骨感美女:boney beauty卡奴:card slave下午茶high tea愤青young cynic性感妈妈yummy mummy亚健康sub-health灵魂伴侣soul mate小白脸toy boy精神出轨soul infidelity钻石王老五diamond bachelor 时尚达人fashion icon御宅otaku橙色预警 orange signal warning 预约券reservation ticket上相的,上镜头的photogenic 80后:80's generation百搭:all-match限时抢购:flash sale合租:flat-share荧光纹身:glow tattoo泡泡袜:loose socks裸妆:nude look黄牛票:scalped ticket扫货:shopping spree烟熏妆:smokey-eye make-up 水货:smuggled goods纳米技术:nanotechnology正妹hotty对某人念念不忘get the hots for 草莓族 Strawberry generation 草根总统grassroots president 笨手笨脚have two left feet拼车car-pooling解除好友关系unfriend v.暴走go ballistic海外代购overseas purchasing跳槽jump ship闪婚flash marriage闪电约会speeddating闪电恋爱whirlwind romance刻不容缓,紧要关头crunch time乐活族LOHAS(Lifestyle Of Health And Sustainability)一夜情one-night stand偶像派idol type脑残体leetspeak挑食者picky-eater伪球迷fake fans狂热的gaga eg: I was gaga over his deep blue eyes when I first set eyes on him 防暑降温补贴 high temperature subsidy奉子成婚shotgun marriage婚前性行为premarital sex开博to open a blog房奴车奴mortgage slave上课开小差zone out万事通know-it-all赌球soccer gambling桑拿天sauna weather假发票fake invoice二房东middleman landlord笑料laughing stock泰国香米Thai fragrant rice学历造假fabricate academic credentials暗淡前景bleak prospects毕业典礼commencement散伙饭farewell dinner毕业旅行after-graduation trip节能高效的fuel-efficient具有时效性的time-efficient很想赢 be hungry for success面子工程face job指甲油nail varnish学历门槛academic threshold王牌主播mainstay TV host招牌菜signature dishes城市热岛效应 urban heat island effect逃学play hooky, 装病不上班play hooky from work 一线城市first-tier cities高考the National College Entrance Examines录取分数线admission scores保障性住房indemnificatory housing一决高下Duke it out囤积居奇hoarding and profiteering灰色市场 Grey market反倾销 anti-dumping吃白食的人freeloader公关public relation不幸的日子,不吉利的日子black-letter day吉利的日子 saints' days廉租房 low rent housing限价房 capped-price housing经适房affordable housing替罪羔羊whipping boy对口支援partner assistance电脑游戏迷:gamer家庭主男:house-husband小白脸,吃软饭的:kept man二奶:kept woman麦霸:Mic king / Mic queen型男:metrosexual man(范指那些极度重视外貌而行为gay化的直男,型男属于其中的一种)新新人类:new-new generation另类:offbeat菜鸟:rookie“色”友(摄影爱好者):shutterbug驴友:tour pal娘娘腔:sissy负翁:spend-more-than-earn 全职妈妈:stay-at-home mom 裸奔:streaking。
1. Selfie - 自拍
2. Hashtag - 标签
3. Vape - 电子烟
4. Influencer - 影响者
5. Meme - 转基因
6. Brexit - 英国脱欧
7. Black Lives Matter - 黑人的命也重要
8. Social distancing - 社交距离
9. Zoom - 远程视频会议软件
10. Fake news - 假新闻
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咬文嚼字2023十大流行语英语Here are the top ten buzzwords of 2023 in a casual and conversational English style, each paragraph maintaining its independence and distinct language characteristics:"New Quality of Productivity" is buzzing this year, inspired by a remark from our esteemed leader during his visit to Heilongjiang. It highlights the need to foster emerging industries and accelerate the formation of innovative production forces."Reaching Out to Each Other" captures the essence of mutual effort and convergence towards a shared goal. Whether in love or friendship, it expresses the desire for a harmonious and interactive relationship.In the realm of AI, "Large-scale AI Models" have taken center stage. These models, with their immense parameters and computational power, are capable of handling vast amounts of data and performing complex tasks,revolutionizing various fields.The "Village Super League" has gained immense popularity, showcasing the charm and energy of rural football. It not only promotes physical fitness but also contributes to the economic prosperity of rural areas."Special Forces-style Tourism" highlights the trend of traveling efficiently.。
2012潮词汉译英1 漂亮妈咪yummy mommy 41经济适用男budget man2 洋葱男womanizer 42 打砸抢beating, smashing, looting3 赖班族office dwellers 43中国好声音the V oice of China4 向日葵族sunflower clan 445 鸡尾酒会效应curtail party effect6 电话失忆症phonesia7 丁狗族dinkwad8 后窗文化rear window culture9 跳城city hopping10 冻脸效应frozen face effect11浴缸效应bathtub effect12宝贝时差baby lag13胖妻心理fat wife strategy14抹布女duster woman15学位夫人Mrs. Degree16口红效应lipstick effect17粉色旅游,同性恋旅游pink tourism18非屏幕时间non-screen time19江南style Gangnam style20自己动手女do-it-herself, handy woman21相亲游dating tours22睡眠负债sleep debt23相亲谎言blind date lie24二手酒secondhand drinking25狂看片binge viewing26趴虫族lying worms27森女Mori girl28反季淘off-season shopping29零帕族pressure-free clan30假面时代PS generation31少女杀手manther32我很悲伤iSad33整形求职plastic surgery job-hunting34屌丝loser35宅男indoorsman36橡皮人plasticine men37蚁族ant tribe38火星文leetspeak39富二代rich second generation40捐精者sperm donor2012十八大热词1“生态文明”即“conservation culture”;“生态文明观”为“awareness of conservation”。
《实用翻译》buzz words_122个流行语翻译
spend the Spring Festival 过年year of the rat/ox/goat/rooster 鼠/牛/羊/鸡年your animal year 本命年amulet/lucky charm 护身符Zodiac 黄道十二宫Chinese Zodiac 中国生肖24 solar terms 二十四节气Lantern Festival 元宵节Forbidden City 紫禁城Palace Museum 故宫Tian An Men 天安门Two consecutive nights 连续两晚be light on a large scale 大规模地照明The Medieval time 中世纪The Renaissance time 文艺复兴faithfulness expressiveness elegance 信达雅claim 要求/认证/索赔extraordinary 超凡insight 洞察力proficient 熟练navigator 领航员table computers/tablets 平板电脑laptops 笔记本电脑folding phone 折叠手机display 屏幕bell boy/door man门童find yourself in serious trouble 吃不了兜着走secretary 秘书was present 出席accountant 会计Girl Guide 女童子军niche 壁龛/合适的职业/有利可图的市场/小众电影high-grossing 高收入/高票房的theater 电影放映厅fictional 虚构的internal 内部的conflict 冲突no mean feat 绝非易事trending hashtags 热搜榜consecutive 连续的equivalent 等价的turn a blind eye 视而不见relate to 关联,感同身受hold a grudge against心怀恨意offend 冒犯a man of integrity 品格正直的人solar/lunar calendar阳/阴历establishing a calendar 建立历法the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Mankind 人类非物质文化遗产go on a spring outing 踏青eat green dumplings 吃青团modesty谦虚development 发展stability 稳定ignorance 无知education 教育environmental protection 环境保护delicacies 山珍海味fineries 绫罗绸缎treasure 珍宝platform 平台addiction 上瘾prohibit 阻止out of credit 欠费live up to 不辜负last thing 最不愿做的事inpatience 急躁block bust 轰动protagonist/antagonist 正面/反面角色post-credit scene彩蛋trailer 预告finale 大结局prequel/sequel 前传/续集travel buff 驴友travel bug 旅行癖globe-trot 环球旅行backpacker 背包客campsite 野营hitch hike 搭便车awesome 厉害you are the man 你可真行every other day 每隔一天/经常inhabit 栖息social function 社交媒体clock in 打卡checkpoint 检查点(交通/游戏)post pictures 发图(在社交媒体)give them likes 点赞prime minister 首相step down 辞去sparking a contest 引发竞争serve as 担任Artificial Intelligence 人工智能bluetooth 蓝牙Quick responce code 二维码Augmented Reality 增强现实anti-virus software 防毒软件facial expressions 面部表情isotope 同位素diode 二极管density 密度“21个翻译”:fair rich and beautiful 白富美the other woman/man 小三Gayriage 同性婚姻naked marriage wedding 裸婚Moments of Wechat 朋友圈the Singles’ Day 光棍节cyberstar 网红big spender/shopholic 剁手党selfie 自拍phubbers(phone snubbing)低头族time-travel TV drama 穿越剧sissy men 娘炮car pooling 拼车swipe the phone 刷手机add oil 加油free shipping 包邮homebody 宅男the Force 洪荒之力fake/copycat 山寨audio books 有声读物E-books 电子书。
2016网络用语英文版汇总—孟飞Phoenix来源:微信号英语美文朗读2016 网络流行词汇“洪荒之力”“少点套路,多点真诚”“吓死宝宝了”“友谊的小船”...今天,一起来get√如何高逼格用英文来表达这些网络流行语(buzzwords)1.重要的事情说三遍Thrice to emphasize.丘吉尔的演讲《Never give up》简化版里曾经出现Young men,never give up.Never give up!Never give up!!最早运用“重要的事情说三遍”这一句型的是骆宾王△△在他那首:鹅,鹅,鹅,曲项向天歌,….这首诗已经首次出现“重要的事情说三遍”的用法了2.洪荒之力这一词最早出自电视剧《花千骨》让大家记住的另外原因是里约奥运会上游泳队员傅园慧比赛完被采访时说出的那句:我已经用了洪荒之力洪荒之力字面翻译为:Prehistorical Powers prehistorical [pri:his'tɔrikəl]a. 史无前例的I have tried my best. 我已经尽最大努力了。
I have given my full play. 我尽全力了。
I spared no effort.我不遗余力、竭尽全力。
许多网友们所说的“太后”其实就是韩剧《太阳的后裔》Descendants of the Sun[dɪ'sendənt] n. 后裔;子孙宋仲基凭借剧中花式“撩妹”的技能成为了万千少女心目中的“老公”那说到这个“撩妹”到底该如何表达?①flirt with 与...调情,挑逗...英语美文朗读中一期《可是你没有》里就有这句:Do you remember the time I flirted with all the guys to make you jealous?不娶何撩!你不跟我结婚,就不要撩我了Stop flirting with me,if you have no intention to marry me.② hit on sb 挑逗、调情、搭讪美剧老友记里就曾出现过所以,撩妹是hit on a girl,撩汉..也就是hit on a guy③ chat up搭讪Angelababy was trying to chat me up last night.Angelababy昨晚上来找我搭讪。
近几年出现的新词、热词收集整理1~100个1.AA制 Dutchtreatm ent; go Dutch2.A股市场 A sharemarket3.爱尔兰共和军 IrishRepubl ic Army (IRA)4.爱国民主人士 patrio tic democr aticperson ages5.爱国统一战线 patrio tic united front6.爱国卫生运动 patrio tic sanita tioncampai gn7.―爱国者‖导弹 Patrio t missil e8.爱丽舍宫 Elysée Palace9.爱鸟周 Bird-Loving Week10."爱屋及乌Love me, love my dog."11.爱心工程 Loving Care Projec t12.艾滋病(获得性免疫缺陷综合征) AIDS (Acquir ed Immune Defici encySyndro me)13.矮子里拔将军 choose a genera l from amongthe dwarfs--pick the best out of a medioc re bunch14.安家费 settli ng-in allowa nce15.按键式电话push-botton phone; Touch-Tone; keypho ne16."安静地铁low-noisesubway(The vibrat ion contro l techni que will be applie d to Subway Line 4, making for a low-noisecommut e in Beijin g. 减振技术将用于地铁4号线,打造北京安静地铁。
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Buzzwords 流行新词中国日报网英语点津为您汇集中英文最潮最酷的流行新词,解析它们背后的文化背景。
Wi-Fi蹭网族2012-11-22 16:22Wi-Fi squatter指长时间占用公共场所无线网络连接资源的人,或未经授权使用无线网络连接的人,即“Wi-Fi蹭网族”。
你是“受挤压的中产阶级”吗?2012-11-21 14:44The squeezed middle指收入一般的人群因为生活成本提高而收入未曾增加而变得手头紧,原先能买的东西现在都没钱买了,我们称之为“受挤压的中产阶级”。
各类节目中的“噱头”2012-11-20 13:30电视或广播节目中提前设计好的较具争议性或者很精彩的节目片断通常会成为人们的谈资,这些片断就叫watercooler moment(噱头)。
你“第二屏幕”了吗?2012-11-19 14:09第二屏幕,有时也被称为“伴侣设备”,指看电视时能同时与电视节目内容互动交流的电子设备,如平板电脑或智能手机等。
“diao丝”英语怎么说?2012-11-15 13:17Plebs多指处于社会底层的人,即我们所说的“diao丝”。
什么是“赌场赢利效应”2012-11-14 13:02“赌场赢利效应”指人们拿着易来之财或者意外之财时更愿意采取一些冒险的投资方式。
走光wardrobe malfunction2012-11-13 14:08Wardrobe malfunction常用作指代因穿衣不当(尤指演员)或演员更换演出服时导致身体部位外露的意外“走光”的委婉语表达。
“女同性恋”说法种种2012-11-12 14:07Gay 这个词可以泛指男同性恋和女同性恋,但是女同性恋自己还有一个专属的单词叫lesbian。
工作重压下的“过劳肥”2012-11-09 13:01“过劳肥”指很多办公室职员因为过度劳累、长时间坐着以及压力太大而变得超重,甚至肥胖。
什么是“情境式亲密”2012-11-07 13:07情境式亲密(situational intimacy)指因彼此临近或同处于一个环境而引发的亲密感,与爱或其它深层次联系无关。
一到冬季就“抑郁”?2012-11-05 15:39季节性情绪紊乱(seasonal affective disorder,SAD)指多发于冬季的一种抑郁症,也称“冬季抑郁症”。
脸盲症face blindness2012-11-02 14:27脸盲症(face blindness)指难以辨认或分别人的容貌的状况。
你有“肉牙”吗?2012-11-01 14:53Meat tooth指某人爱吃肉。
这个说法是对sweet tooth进一步演绎。
Sweet tooth在英语中流传使用已超过600年,是人尽皆知的一个短语,用以形容对甜食的喜爱。
喜欢“重启”的一代2012-10-31 14:00Reset generation(重启一代)指遇到复杂、难处理的情况时就选择离开那里,重新开始的年轻人。
爱时髦的clotheshorse2012-10-30 14:40Clotheshorse原本指用来晾晒衣服的晾衣架;现在多喻指爱时髦,喜欢买很多衣服的人,可译为“活衣架”。
我们所处的“急时代”2012-10-29 14:34急时代(the age of fast pace)是指生活、工作节奏过快的时代。
何为“精神贿赂”?2012-10-26 13:37Sweet-words bribery指不送钱和礼,而用阿谀奉承之词讨领导或有利用价值的人欢心,以达到自己的目的,即“精神贿赂”。
提振精神的group hug2012-10-25 13:52团体类体育项目比赛开始前,各队成员通常都会围成一圈,把手臂搭在身边队友的肩膀上,集体呼喊励志口号来振奋精神。
这样的集体行为英语里叫group hug。
“摘帽”表敬意2012-10-24 13:26Hat tip在网络语境中表示“致敬,感谢”,缩写为HT或h/t,感谢某人让作者注意到某些信息或者激发了作者创作某个作品的灵感。
剧场的“微博专座”2012-10-23 13:26Tweet seat指剧场中专为那些想在演出过程中通过推特等微博平台发表言论的观众指定的座位,即“微博专座”。
房市的“岳母综合征”2012-10-22 15:59“岳母综合征”指有人认为中国的岳母们是房地产价格不断攀升的背后动力,因为她们不允许自己的女儿嫁给没有房的男人。
影响选民的“推手民调”2012-10-17 13:52Push poll指以民调之名行影响民意之实的民意调查,目的不是收集人们的意见,而是影响人们的看法,即“推手民调”。
非屏幕时间non-screen time2012-10-11 13:25非屏幕时间(non-screen time)指家庭成员在每天的某些特定时段不使用手机等任何形式的屏幕设备。
什么是“宝贝时差”?2012-10-09 13:58长假后回到工作岗位可能经历的social jet lag(假后返工时差)过几天就能恢复,不过因为照顾宝宝而产生的baby lag估计要好些年才能缓过来吧。
“相亲游”开始流行2012-10-08 13:49Dating tours,以结识恋爱对象为目的的出游,即“相亲游”或“旅游相亲”,在中国众多未婚且过劳的白领当中日益受到欢迎。
“草根领袖”英语怎么说?2012-09-27 15:45经过前几年的普及,大家都知道草根的英文是grassroot。
假日在家“狂看片”2012-09-26 14:30十一假期,有人可能出去旅游,有人回家探亲,有人则可能宅在屋里“狂看片”。
Binge viewing 就是英语里“狂看片”的说法,英国是从binge drinking(狂饮)这个表达演化而来的。
在家“狂看片”的人就是binge viewer。
有人“跳城”吗?2012-09-25 14:17跳城(city hopping)指中国的一些年轻人因为激烈的职场竞争和不断攀升的生活成本而被迫放弃上海、北京等大城市的工作,试图在二三线城市安顿下来。
“自拍”英语表达2012-09-24 15:11在图片搜索框中输入“自拍”二字,你可能会看到千奇百怪的网友自拍照片。
大热的“江南style”2012-09-21 14:56Gangnam Style(江南风格,更广为人知的说法为“江南style”)是一个韩语新词,多用来形容首尔江南区走在时尚前沿、过着奢华生活的“弄潮儿”们。
Gangnam Style相当于英语口语中的swag(拽)或yolo(you only live once,意为“人生只有一次”)。
何为“群体极化”2012-09-20 15:53在社会心理学中,群体极化(group polarization)指群体所作的决定一般都比其成员最初的意向更加极端。
红带文件2012-09-18 14:39只要有官僚机构的地方,肯定就有走不完的办事程序。
这样的官僚行政程序在英语里叫red tape。
多层三明治一代2012-09-17 14:08我们管“上有老,下有小”的中年一代叫做“三明治一代(sandwich generation)”,生动地描述了他们被夹在中间的困境。
自己动手女2012-09-13 15:46水管坏了,自己修;灯泡坏了,自己换,想给沙发换个地方,也是自己动手。
何为“粉色旅游”2012-09-12 14:10如今的旅游行业划分越来越细了,除了热门的学生游、“夕阳红”游、蜜月游,据说现在还推出了“同志游”。
这里的“同志”包括男女同性恋、双性恋以及变性人群(gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender),而这样的旅游市场则叫做pink tourism(粉色旅游),这个市场产生的利润较pink dollar。
异地恋2012-09-10 13:50Long-distance relationship(LDR)指双方相隔距离遥远,但却保有亲密关系的状况,也就是我们所说的“异地恋”或“远程恋爱”。
传统媒体2012-09-06 14:06Legacy media指收音机、电视,及尤以报纸为代表的“老式”媒体,即“传统媒体”。
时尚“果冻鞋”2012-09-05 13:24果冻鞋(jelly shoes或jellies)是由聚氯乙烯塑料制成的鞋,颜色多样,材料中还带有闪闪的亮片。
MOOC代表什么?2012-09-04 13:53近两年,世界名校网络公开课受到热捧,各大字幕组争相出字幕,门户网站也争相购版权。
这些网络公开课在英语里叫Massive Open Online Course(MOOC)。