China daily(中文日报双语版)

《China daily》实用词汇及短语总结4.10 Deleterious 有害的, bricks-and-mortar stores 实体店,IED, immune, She got tied up at work.Hunt and peck 二指弹touch typing 盲打fiendishly凶猛的,刁钻的。
Get a better education ,savor 品尝,broth 肉汤,paleolithic 原始的company 陪伴myriad,无数的interact strongly 有极大关系self-reported happiness 自我满意度savannah 无树大草原struggle aspiring to greater goals 追求更大目标hold sway:统治,支配‘iPhone6 Legs’i6thighs 大腿in the last couple of decades 过去二十年diabetes 糖尿病deputy chief副主任sharp rise 大量增长incurable 无法治愈Insulin胰岛素revise her manuscript修改手稿drip drip形容坏事缓慢发生的过程chop-chop 快;赶快pooh-pooh 蔑视stealth call 逃避电话insiders 知情人feign假Ukrainian乌克兰的satirical有讽刺意味的patriotisim爱国主义temperament脾性breastfeed哺乳cuddle:搂抱,拥抱import value-added 进口环节增值税tariff关税maxim美信commission委托sail帆erratically摇摆不定aloft在…之上have a stiff upper lip 咬紧牙关Point blanc 白点Carry your heart on your sleeve 轻易表露感情kangaroo court潦草,不公正的法庭SDHC(secure digital high capacity) 4.11 dementia痴呆症,the behavior of a gentleman绅士手etiquette 绅士,礼仪chivalry 绅士风度take/feel one’s pulse把脉geek达人separate the wheat from the chaff 把糠从小麦里筛出来fly by the seats of your pants没有计划,只凭感觉做事。
2023中国日报china daily 英语热词汇总

2023中国日报china daily 英语热词汇总2023中国日报China Daily英语热词汇总随着全球化的进程不断加快,英语作为一种国际语言,被越来越多的人所使用和学习。
作为中国最权威的英文媒体之一,《中国日报》China Daily以其独特的视角和权威性的报道受到了广大读者的喜爱。
1. 新冠病毒 (COVID-19)新冠病毒是2020年以来最令人关注的话题之一。
《中国日报》China Daily在2023年对新冠病毒的报道主要关注疫苗研发、病例数据统计、防疫措施和疫情对全球贸易和旅游业的影响等方面。
2. 区块链技术 (Blockchain Technology)区块链技术是一种去中心化的分布式账本技术,具有安全、透明、不可篡改等特点。
《中国日报》China Daily的报道主要关注中国在区块链技术领域的创新和应用,以及区块链对经济和社会发展的影响。
3. 人工智能 (Artificial Intelligence, AI)人工智能是指通过计算机模拟人类智能的技术和应用。
《中国日报》China Daily的报道关注中国在人工智能领域的发展和创新,以及人工智能对就业和社会变革的影响。
4. 可持续发展 (Sustainable Development)可持续发展是指在满足当前需求的同时,不破坏自然资源和生态环境,以满足后代需求的发展模式。
《中国日报》China Daily的报道关注中国在可持续发展方面的努力和成就,以及可持续发展对全球环境保护和经济发展的重要性。
5. 人类命运共同体 (Community of Shared Future for Mankind)人类命运共同体是习近平主席提出的概念,强调全球各国应共同合作,共同应对全球挑战,共同促进人类的共同发展和繁荣。

★⽆忧考英语资源频道为⼤家整理的china daily双语版:《中国⽇报》外专亲历总理座谈会,供⼤家参考。
Editor's note: Ravi Shankar Narasimhan, executive editor of China Daily's overseas editions, was one of 70-plus foreign experts invited to the Great Hall of the People on Tuesday for a symposium and a Chinese New Year dinner with Premier Li Keqiang and senior State leaders.If you ever wondered how official events in China are run like clockwork, I can offer some insight: It takes a lot of time and plenty of attention to detail.The three buses carrying the 70-odd foreign experts from SAFEA - the easy-sounding acronym for the State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs - were scheduled to leave the building at 2:45 pm for the 5 pm symposium with Premier Li Keqiang and other senior State leaders. I thought it was a bit too early but our handlers said it was better safe than...As we crawled through the heavy mid-afternoon Beijing traffic, the abundant caution made sense but even then we arrived a few minutes earlier than scheduled. We would be admitted to the Great Hall of the People only at 4 pm, so we sat in the bus in a side lane.At the appointed time, the gates and doors were thrown open with a flamboyance seen only in places with a sense of grandeur.Security was tight but the checks were efficient and quick. Airport security guards could take a cue from here.There was ample time to locate our designated seats in two grand halls: one for the symposium and the other for the dinner. As we checked out who was sitting where, we noticed that "Isabel Crook" would be seated next to the premier, and a murmur went around: Who's she?A little checking around the ban on phones and tablets meant we had to rely on memory and my recollection of stories published in China Daily for the answer: A 98-year-old Canadian anthropologist who did pioneering work in China, taught at Beijing Foreign Studies University and who has spent about 75 years of her life in China.That's culture, said Volodymyr S. Kovalenko, professor at National Technical University of Ukraine, who has been visiting China for 40 years, admiringly. Wondering if the rest of the world was losing its traditional moorings, he politely inquired about India - my country.I tried to assure him that despite centuries of invasions we have tried to sort of -keep our sense of culture intact. But I had to admit that the sense of reverence that the Chinese and their leaders have for foreigners who have helped their country is unmatched.I offered Kovalenko the example of almost every Chinese leader visiting India making it a point to meet the family of Dwaraknath Kotnis (known in Chinese as Ke Dihua) a doctor whose heroic deeds of saving Chinese soldiers during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression (1937-45) being the stuff of legend in China and known to every student. Li met members of the family in Mumbai last year on his first visit to India as premier.Now that we had cracked the Crook code, I was sharing the story with the energetic Alistair Michie, group business and government adviser of Newland International Communication Group and a consultant to SAFEA, when a buzz went around the room: Please take your seats, the premier is coming.It was a good 15 minutes before the 5 pm start, but we all obediently went back to our seats, and waited, murmuring to neighbors.On the dot at 5 pm, the premier walked in briskly. But there was nothing brusque as he greeted the 20-odd people closest to his seat, held their hand for just that second longer and looked them in the eye ... it made us feel important.It's well known that the premier is fluent in English and that's the language in which he greeted every foreigner. His opening remarks were in Chinese, however. The appreciation of the Chinese government and its people for the foreigners' contributions to the country's development. "We would like you to see China as a second home," he said.It was something some of the guests informally discussed earlier. Not many world leaders, especially those of major economies, even acknowledge the role of foreigners, let alone be so effusive in praise, but Chinese leaders routinely do. And, deserved or not, we felt good.The premier said he came to listen ... and the first to speak was John Thornton, the chairman of the Brookings Institution and legendary figure in the financial world. He made three proposals on how to tackle urbanization.Then Michie spoke on how high-end services would boost the economy.It was finally the turn of Peter Poechmueller, chief technical officer at Shandong Sino-chip Semiconductors, who argued passionately about how the semi-conductor industry in China should be developed.The premier listened closely, made notes and said he wished he could listen to the views of all the foreign experts present but couldn't because of time.It was nearly 6 pm and the guests were gearing up for dinner: There was some talk earlier on what the government's austerity drive would mean for the menu.This is where the clockwork went a little awry.The premier said in his opening remarks that this was the first kind of forum he had attended as premier. He spoke briefly about the Chinese economy's performance last year. The highlights: Economic growth of 7.7 percent, "no easy task" given the huge base of the world's second-largest economy; and 13 million new jobs created the most for several years. He then took most of us by surprise by responding, point by point, to all the suggestions made by the three foreign experts. Thornton and Michie got more than a nod of appreciation and the premier lauded the "dual personality" of Poechmueller, pointing out that the Austrian called himself Shandong Man, and thanked him for putting the considerations of the Chinese semiconductor industry ahead of his cold.He thanked everyone.Suddenly, there was another buzz ... we had to move across the magnificent lobby to the dining hall. After all, the clock was running.I was honored to be sitting at the "main table" and was directly opposite the premier in the 18-seat arrangement. I had a good vantage point.Li was expansive, expressive and ebullient. Animated with Thornton, solicitous with Crook.The dinner courses came with unrelenting time pressure; if you didn't finish in the time set for that course, it would disappear. Chinese tradition soon started. The premier began by toasting his guests but it was also getting late. Everyone wanted (it appeared) to tell him their life story and he listened attentively.His aides were getting jittery; it was taking too long. But the premier didn't seem to mind.Soon he was approaching me, halfway down his table. I got strong hints that I should just clink glasses but when it came to my turn, I couldn't resist.Without getting into details, let's say I took up a good 30 seconds. The premier then went around toasting all the guests.I could see he hadn't eaten much, and the whole program ended at exactly 7 pm.Just like clockwork. 查看译⽂1⽉21⽇,国务院总理李克强在北京⼈民⼤会堂同在华部分外国专家亲切座谈。

【Highlights】>Wei Jianxing dies at 85 中纪委原书记尉健行病逝>BJ has most wealthy singles 高薪单身贵族北京最多>Ivy League hot for Chinese 美大学受中国游客青睐>Late PM in child-sex scandal 英前首相被指性侵儿童>UK math paper too hard 苏格兰数学题难哭考生>Vanity Fair's best-dressed 名利场'2015最佳着装出炉、泰勒·斯威夫特上榜列第2 >Cake made of gorilla feces 猩猩粪便蛋糕:非洲风味>New 'bubble nails' craze 泡泡美甲成最新潮流(图)【Top News】>Wei Jianxing dies at 85 中纪委原书记尉健行病逝Wei Jianxing, former head of the Central Commission forDiscipline Inspection of the Communist Party of China (CPC), diedof illness in Beijing at 8:00 am on Friday, according to astatement from the CPC Central Committee. Wei, 85, was praised inthe statement as an excellent Party member, a time-tested and loyalcommunist soldier, a proletarian revolutionist, statesman and anoutstanding leader of the Party and the State.中共中央发消息称,中国共产党的优秀党员,久经考验的忠诚的共产主义战士,无产阶级革命家、政治家,党和国家的卓越领导人,中央纪律检查委员会原书记尉健行同志,因病医治无效,于7日上午8时在北京逝世。
china daily 双语新闻 精读

china daily双语新闻精读【释义】china daily中国日报【短语】1North China Daily News字林西报;上海字林西报;华北日报;北华捷报2a copy of China Daily一份中国日报3North China Daily林西;字林西报4China Daily European Weekly中国日报欧洲版5China Daily USA中国日报美国版;中国日报网美国版6The North China Daily News字林西报7China Daily-Sohu English搜狐英文网8the China Daily中国日报9North China Daily News Building字林大楼【例句】1I'm reading a passage in China Daily.我在读《中国日报》上的一篇文章。
2The answer is"no",according to China Daily.据《中国日报》报道,答案是否定的。
3China Daily is worth reading,we can learn a lot from it.《中国日报》值得一读,我们可以从中学到很多东西。
4The probe is planned to reach the Red Planet in May or June in 2021,China Daily reported.据《中国日报》报道,该探测器计划于2021年5月或6月抵达火星。
5It has helped to plant more than66billion trees across13provinces in the country's north to act as windbreaks(防风林),according to China Daily.《中国日报》称,它在该国北部的13个省种植了660多亿棵树作为防风林。
china daily 双语新闻:端午节说说全国各地的特色粽子

china daily 双语新闻:端午节说说全国各地的特色粽子每到端午节,大家都要吃zongzi(粽子),也就是rice dumplings wrapped in leaves,虽然这个天全国各地的人们都要吃粽子,但因为地方饮食习惯和风俗的不同,粽子也各具风格,一起来看看吧!北京粽子In Beijing, they are most commonly stuffed with a candied or dried jujube, the dried Chinese red date. Some zongzi are left plain, to be dipped into sugar. Other places in North China replace glutinous rice with glutinous yellow millet, and these days, some folks replace white glutinous rice with purple rice.北京粽子通常会以dried Chinese red date(红枣)作馅,有些粽子本身不加调料,吃的时候蘸糖吃。
华北一些地方的人用glutinous yellow millet(黄黍)代替糯米来制作粽子,还有一些地方的人用的是紫米。
广东、福建和广西的粽子In some parts of Guangdong and Fujian provinces, and Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region, people soak the glutinous rice in alkaline water, which gives the rice a honey-colored glaze and a softer texture.在广东、福建和广西壮族自治区的一些地方,人们会把糯米浸在alkaline water(碱水)里,这样糯米就会变成蜜黄色,质地也会更柔软。

英语资源频道为⼤家整理的china daily 双语新闻:救援队伍⽕速前往四川雅安地震灾区,供⼤家阅读参考。
A rescue team heads to the Lushan earthquake areas on the Jingkun Expressway in southwest China's Sichuan Province April 20, 2013. A 7.0-magnitude earthquake hit Sichuan Province's Lushan County of Ya'an City Saturday morning. [Photo/Xinhua]表⽰地震的词:earthquakequakeshakeshockhit... 袭击,打击,使遭受strike... 突然发⽣shake... 摇;摇动;摇撼jolt... 使颠簸,摇晃rock... 摇,摇动,使振动roll across... 波动,起伏,横摇rip through... 裂开,破开;突进,横撞直闯破坏程度(⼩→⼤)damage 损害,损伤;〔⼝语〕伤害,毁坏。
destroy 毁坏,破坏;摧残。
Vehicles of the Chongqing Fire Corps rush to the earthquake-hit region of southwest China's Sichuan province, in Chongqing, also in southwest China, April 20, 2013. A rescue team consisted of more than 200 firefighters and 27 rescue vehicles headed to the quake-hit region on April 20 morning after a 7.0-magnitude earthquake hit Lushan County of Sichuan Province at 8:02 a.m. Beijing Time (0002 GMT) on Saturday. [Photo/Xinhua]Members of the Chongqing Fire Corps gather before heading to the earthquake-hit region of southwest China's Sichuan Province, in Chongqing, also in southwest China, April 20, 2013. A rescue team consisted of more than 200 fire fighters and 27 rescue vehicles has headed to the quake-hit region on April 20 morning after a 7.0-magnitude earthquake hit Lushan County of Sichuan Province at 8:02 a.m. Beijing Time (0002 GMT) on Saturday.. [Photo/Xinhua]地震学相关词汇:aftershock 余震epicenter 震中magnitude 震级natural disaster ⾃然灾害tragedy 灾难death toll 死亡⼈数survivors 幸存者victims 受灾者international contributions 国际援助evacuation 撤离rescue team 救援⼩组seismic 地震的seismic area 地震带; 地震区; 震区seismic belt 地震带; 地震区seismic center 震中seismic degree 震度seismic design 地震设计seismic detector 地震检波器; 地震仪seismic focus 地震震源shatter 破坏;捣毁;破灭。

每日英语新闻摘抄2023标题:每日英语新闻摘抄2023正文:1. 'China launches new initiative to promote green energy' China has recently launched a new initiative aimed at promoting the use of green energy sources. The government plans to invest heavily in renewable energy projects, such as wind and solar power, to reduce the country's reliance on fossil fuels. This initiative aligns with China's commitment to combating climate change and achieving carbon neutrality by 2060.2. 'Global leaders gather for G20 summit on economic recovery'The annual G20 summit kicked off today, with global leaders gathering to discuss strategies for economic recoverypost-pandemic. Key topics on the agenda include vaccine distribution, international trade, and sustainable development. With the participation of major economies, such as the United States, China, and the European Union, the summit is expected to pave the way for a more inclusive and resilient global economy.3. 'New breakthrough in cancer research offers hope forpatients'Scientists have made a significant breakthrough in cancer research, offering new hope for patients around the world. A team of researchers has discovered a novel treatment method that targets cancer cells specifically, minimizing damage to healthy cells. Clinical trials have shown promising results, with patients experiencing improved survival rates and reduced side effects. This breakthrough could potentially revolutionize cancer treatment and improve the quality of life for millions of people.4. 'Technology giants collaborate to combat online misinformation'In an unprecedented move, major technology giants have joined forces to combat the spread of online misinformation. Companies like Facebook, Google, and Twitter have developed a comprehensive strategy to identify and flag false information, particularly related to public health and elections. By sharing resources and expertise, these companies aim to create a safer and more reliable online environment for users worldwide.5. 'Youth-led climate protests sweep across the globe' Inspired by the activism of young climate activist Greta Thunberg, youth-led climate protests have erupted in citiesaround the world. Students and young adults are demanding urgent action from governments and corporations to address the climate crisis. These protests serve as a powerful reminder of the younger generation's determination to fight for a sustainable future and hold decision-makers accountable for their actions.6. 'Space exploration enters a new era with private missions'Private space exploration has taken a significant leap forward with the launch of several missions by commercial companies. SpaceX, Blue Origin, and other private companies have successfully sent astronauts and satellites into space, marking a new era in human spaceflight. This development not only opens up opportunities for scientific research and technological advancements but also paves the way for space tourism and potential colonization of other celestial bodies.总结:2023年的每日英语新闻摘抄涵盖了多个领域的关键事件和科技突破。
china daily 国际新闻中英对照版

>University courses go online名校兴在线课程开放潮MIT's announcement in 2001 that it was going to put its entire course catalog online gave a jump-start to what has now become a global open educational resources movement, with the ultimate goal of sharing the world's knowledge, the New York Times reported. Harvard, Yale and Stanford all now offer substantial portions of their courses online. Anyone with an Internet connection can follow a $50,000-a-year course for free, and get the lecture notes and course assignments.据《纽约时报》报道,2001年,美国麻省理工学院开始在网络上公布全部课程目录,由此,以"世界知识共享"为宗旨的全球开放式教育资源运动开始蔓延。
Did You Know?你知道吗?--A Chinese web portal has launched an open course channel and has the first batch of 1200 video clips of lectures up already, with more than 200 of them subtitled in Chinese. Most of the translation was done by volunteers.中国某门户网站已经推出"世界名校视频公开课"频道,首批1200集课程上线,其中有200多集配有中文字幕。

china daily双语新闻:中国的故事世界的故事Regarded as the world`s leading futurist, Naisbitt shed light on his upcoming book Megatrends China during a recent visit to Beijing. He gained an extensive following in China back in the 1980s with Megatrends, which sold 14 million copies around the world and topped the New York Times best-seller list for the best part of two years. Back then, I was a postgraduate student at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and read his book word by word. Although I didn`t fully understand it, I found it very encouraging for China in the early years of its opening-up and reform.不久前,世界未来学家奈斯⽐特来京宣传他的新书《中国⼤趋势》。
When I finally met Naisbitt and his wife Doris in Beijing, I found the 80-year-old still hale and hearty. We had a friendly chat that was free of age or cultural differences. The old man`s eyes sparkled with wisdom, earnestness and a childish smile.多年后,当我终于有幸在北京见到奈斯⽐特和他夫⼈多丽丝,我发现他虽已是80岁⾼龄,却依然⾝体健康、精神饱满。

英语资源频道为⼤家整理的china daily 双语新闻:《⼈民⽇报》为中国国企辩护,供⼤家参考!The voice of the Communist party has defended the role of the state in China’s corporate sector, saying that government-owned companies are globally competitive and pay important dividends to the country. 中共喉⾆《⼈民⽇报》(People’s Daily)刊⽂,捍卫国家在中国企业部门的⾓⾊,称国有企业具有全球竞争⼒,并向国家上缴⼤笔红利。
In a front-page article about the “new look” of state-owned enterprises, the People’s Daily said they were the backbone of the Chinese economy and stronger than at any point in the past two decades. 《⼈民⽇报》在其头版关于中国国有企业“新姿”的⽂章中表⽰,国有企业是中国经济的⽀柱,⽐过去20年间任何时候都更加强⼤。
Highlighting the debate under way over how China managed its companies, the article implicitly pushed back against Chinese officials and international institutions such as the World Bank that have called for market reforms to weaken government control of the energy, telecommunications and financial industries. 这篇⽂章凸显出⽬前就中国如何管理其企业展开的争论,含蓄地反击了中国官员与世界银⾏(World Bank)等国际机构的呼吁,即实施市场化改⾰,弱化政府对能源、电信以及⾦融⾏业的控制。
China Daily中国日报经典短语中英对照-个人总结

1.Beijing cranked up its pollution alert a notch higher to orange(提高雾霾预警)2.Despite a spate of control measures(一连串措施)3.faced a public backlash over its inaction to(因某事被公众强烈指责)4.shun its responsibility or turn a blind eye to(回避责任)5.further escalate already strained relations between Japan and South Korea(进一步加剧紧张的关系)6.enlist the support of(争取……的支持)7.lodge solemn representations(提出严正交涉/郑重表态)8.inbound tourism (入境旅游/国内旅游) order of ascending severity10.must have gotten their money's worth.钱花的值了11.make a splash in cyberspace引起轰动 awash with comments 充斥着,有很多评论13.carry forward national spirit with its core of patriotism 弘扬民族精神和爱国主义的核心14.flagrant violation 公然侵犯15.all walks of life各行各业;各界人士16.the Internet was abuzz with predictions and dismay(充满了)17.leaving the two sides in a tense standoff(紧张的对峙)18.crack down on violent factions(打击暴力派系)19.7 charged over vote-buying scandal(7人因贿选丑闻被指控) electoral fraud scandal(选举舞弊丑闻)21.dereliction of duty(玩忽职守)22.cast a shadow(笼罩上阴影)23.anti-graft campaign(反腐败运动)24.boost morale(鼓舞士气)25.practice economy(节约)26.burgeoning Internet finance(迅猛发展的)27.coordinate financial oversight(协调金融监管)28.guard against and defuse debt risks(防范和化解债务风险)29.grass-roots-level civil servants(基层公务员) a last resort(万不得已时)31.proceed with the trial program(推进试运行)32.with the advent of(随着……出现)33.carry out a rescue mission(执行搜救任务)34.score new achievements on the cooperation in major issues()35.bearing the brunt(首当其冲)36.roll out a law(推出法律)37.step up its efforts to(作出大努力做)38.become the norm(成为常态)39.The scandal has aroused public outrage and anxiety among the public, especiallyamong parents of young children(丑闻引起众怒)40.make inroads into the Indian market(进入印度市场)41.public health contingency plans(公共卫生应急预案)42.set the tone for future ties(为未来的关系定下了基调)y the groundwork for future ties(为未来的关系奠定基础)44.on a firm footing(在牢固的基础上)45.cut red tape(削减条条框框)46.make all-out efforts to(全力)47.solicit public opinion extensively 广泛征求公众意见48.made substantial strides in improving people's livelihoods 取得实质性的进展49.expand, deepen and speed up cooperation 扩大、深化和加快合作her China into a new phase of development 引导51.will also be held accountable 也会被追究责任52.played a pivotal role in helping 起到举足轻重的作用 down the significance of 淡化意义54.are wary of the potent effect of 当心55.。

chinadaily经济类新闻 中英对照版 口译必备

【Top News】>Daughters more popular英媒:房价削中国重男风High property prices and economic development have begun to erode China's traditional preference for sons, leading to a rise in the number of Chinese parents who say they want a daughter, the Financial Times of London reported Tuesday. The conventional wisdom - that China is a land of unwanted girls - is being changed as urbanization erodes the advantage of having sons to work the fields and support parents in old age. Rising property prices are also driving the change because Chinese families must traditionally buy an apartment for a son before he marries. As a result, Internet chat groups have sprang up where women exchange advice on how to conceive girls.英国《金融时报》2日称,中国的高房价和经济发展开始削弱人们重男轻女的传统风气,越来越多的父母表示更喜欢女儿。

cut back on:减少,削减They may want votes, but some Japanese election candidates have been cutting back on handshakes on the campaign trail as the new flu virus reaches epidemic proportions in Japan. 参加日本(众议院)选举的候选人们想拉选票,但由于新的(H1N1)流感病毒在日本大规模流行,一些候选人在宣传造势的过程中减少了握手次数。
play it safe:Also, play safe. Avoid extreme risks(谨慎行事)With little more than a week to go until the August 30 election that his opposition Democratic Party looks likely to win, candidate Denny Tamaki is playing it safe. 虽然距离8月30日的大选仅剩一周多一点的时间,而且日本反对党派民主党有望胜出,但候选人玉城丹尼还是决定谨慎行事。
set in:到来;开始When the northern hemisphere's autumn weather sets in, it is expected to worsen. 随着北半球进入秋季,流感疫情预计还将加剧。
debut:a first public appearance(初次登场)Obama debuted at No. 40, coming in ahead of talk show host Oprah Winfrey at 41 and Britain's Queen Elizabeth at 42. 米歇尔名列第40位,脱口秀主持人奥普拉•温芙瑞和英国伊丽莎白位居其后,分列第41位和42位。

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--That dress exaggerates my thinness.
此处diligent (英['dɪlɪdʒənt]美['dɪlədʒənt])意思是?
--a diligent student
--He was confined to prison for ten years.
Leo is very diligent in his work.
He emerged from the guest elevator into thelobby.
此处elevator (英['elɪveɪtə(r)]美['ɛləvetɚ])意思是?
此处wrap (英[ræp]美[ræp])意思是?
--The village was wrapped in fog.
此处puppet (英['pʌpɪt]美['pʌpɪt]) government意思是?
--to give sb an injection
I'm not exaggerating - it was the worstmeal I've ever eaten in my life.
此处exaggerate (英[ɪɡ'zædʒəreɪt]美[ɪɡ'zædʒəret])意思是?
--The discovery was made after years ofdiligent research.
--She hoped that her diligence would benoticed. yearn for
--to yearn for an end to the war
渴望战争能够结束 yearn to do sth
--Sometimes I just yearn to be alone.
She wrapped the baby in a blanket.
--He's too mean to buy her a ring.
--What do you mean?
--Give it back now! I mean it.
--a genuine antique
--to collect antiques
--to collect stamps
He took a wrench from his toolbox.
此处confine (英[kən'faɪn]美[kən'faɪn])意思是?
--Please confine your use of the phone tobusiness calls.
此处mop (英[mɒp]美[mɑp])意思是?
--mop the hallway
--mop the spilled water
They gave me an injection to help me sleep.
此处injection (英[ɪn'dʒekʃn]美[ɪn'dʒɛkʃən])意思是?
--To say she is beautiful is anexaggeration, but she does have nice eyes.
She mopped the kitchen floor.
--They took the lift to the fourth floor.
他们乘电梯到达5楼。(英国的"一楼"是ground floor)
Elevator又分客梯(guest elevator)和货梯(freight elevator)。
--Stop being so mean to me!
--a mean-looking dog
此处wrench (英[rentʃ]美[rɛntʃ])意思是?
--He had wrenched his ankle.
--mop her forehead with a towel
--a mop of dark hair
He was jailed for three years.
此处jail (英[dʒeɪl]美[dʒel])意思是?
Its gross weight is 100 grams.
此处gross weight(英[ɡrəʊs]美[ɡros])意思是?
新闻中常提到的GDP,里面的G就是gross。GDP指"国内生产总值",英文为Gross Domestic Product。这里的gross意为"总的、全体的、毛的":