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Baidu Nhomakorabea
Expenditure: [ɪkˈsp ɛndətʃɚ] • n.花费,支出; 费用,经费; (尤指金钱的) 支出额; (精力、时间、材料等的)耗费; • Example sentence : Exports, production and capital expenditure have collapsed. 出口、生产和资本支出均大幅下降。
• derived from: 采自,来源于 • Example sentence:Heparin is derived from pig intestines.肝素可以从猪肠中提取 而来。 .
• Paranormal [,pærə’nɔrməl] 不正常的,超 出科学所知范围的 • Example sentence :The mistake is in confusing that higher sensitivity with some unknown, perhaps paranormal, power. 误解就是,敏锐的感官并不代表未知,超 自然的能力。
• Subsidiary [səb’sɪdi,ɛri] • adj.附带的,次要的; 帮助的; 补足的; n.附属事物,附属机构; 附属者,附属品; example sentence is a subsidiary of alibaba group.阿里巴巴网络 是阿里巴巴集团的子公司
• Aesthetic fatigue:[ɛsˈθ ɛtɪk fəˈti ɡ] 审美疲 劳 • Example sentence;Rose is beautiful, but the wedding ceremony scene can be seen everywhere, not let relatives and friends" aesthetic fatigue .
• Baoshan Iron & Steel Co,China’s biggest publicly traded steelmaker,returned to profit in the fourth quarter as the nation’s stimulus package revived demand from makers of automobiles and appliances. • 中国最大的公开上市交易的公司—宝山钢 铁股份有限公司,作为国家推动汽车和电 器制造商的经济刺激政策,在第四季度恢 复盈利。
• Prioritise [praɪ'ɒrə,taɪz] • vt.给予…优先权; 按优先顺序处理 vi.把事情按优先顺序排好 • Example sentence:They prioritise when it comes to key issues such as cash, sales and profit potential.在现金、销售额和盈利 潜力等关键问题上,他们会确定优先次序。
• Be on your toes:警觉的 • Example sentence:Remember to be on your toes when the director comes to observe you.
• A scoreless draw:平局 • Example sentence:After a scoreless draw against Hull City finished a disappointing season for Liverpool, Benitez said that he would not sell his captain or Fernando Torres if he remains with the club. • 昨天和赫尔城的一场闷平结束了利物浦的 悲剧赛季,老贝也表示如果自己留任的话 他不会卖了T9和G8。
• The US is shortsighted .it has recognize china's new role on the world stage and it has to find a way live together with china intead of pushing china away. • 美国目光短浅。他已经意识到中国在国际 舞台上所扮演的新角色,而且已经找到一 个与中国和睦相处携手并进的新途径而不 是排挤中国。
• COSCO : China Ocean Shipping Company 中国远洋运输公司(班轮公司代 码); • Example sentence :Mr. zhang indicated that cosco's advantages are complicated by state control.张富生暗示中远的优势因 为政府的控制而变得复杂起来。
• Trade war:商战 • Example sentence:This book,written in the form of a novel,is about real and fierce trade wars.
• Box-office rate:上座率,票房率 • Example sentence:It is indisputable that 2009 was a year when China's film industry grew at a never-before-seen rate, at least in terms of box office results and film quantity .
• Dummy: [ˈd ʌmi] n. 傀儡;哑巴;仿制品 明手牌;虚拟搭档 adj. 虚拟的;假的 • Example sentence: So, we can say for sure that they work better than the dummy treatment, but not whether one product works better than another.
Important Words
• Scout:发现 | 搜索 | 侦察机 | 跟踪 | 侦察员 | 侦察 | 监视 • 1, Climbing the mountain fatigued the whole scout troop . • 2, The general reproached the scout for his not carefully observing the enemy situation .
• What is the catch:你这是什么意思 有什么意图 有什么内幕 • The dictionary defines’catch’ as’ Any tricky or concealed drawback’ • This can apply to any situation that appears too good to be true. • Example sentence:This price is too incredible to believe.What’s the catch.
• 小组成员:张亚云、宋亚娟、方亚楠、 陈春玲、冯 靖 、 崔 乔 • 讲 解 人:崔 乔
• commercial bribery商业贿赂;商业受贿; • Bribery is the act of offering someone money or something valuable in order to persuade them to do something for you. • Example sentence;He was charged with commrical bribery.
• Consecutively [kənˈsekjət ɪvli] .adv. 连续 地 • Example sentence: But I am disappointed because it is not good to lose three games consecutively. 但我还是很失望,因为三连败终究不是一 件好事。
• Take a toll : 产生负面影响,造成损失; • Example sentence : The stalemate is taking a toll on government. 现在的僵局给政府造成了损失.
• Initiative [ɪˈn ɪʃətɪv] n.主动性; 主动精神; 倡议; 主动权; adj.自发的; 创始的; 初步的; • Example sentence : Who will support your initiative ? 谁会支持你的倡议?