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(满分:140 分;考试时间:110 分钟)第Ⅰ卷(80 分)

一、听力部分(共20 小题;每小题1 分,计20 分)第一部分听对


本部分共有10道小题,每小题你将听到一段对话, 每段对话听两遍。

1.What fruit does Kitty like?

A. B. C.

2.Where is David?

A. B. C.

3.How does Andy come to school every day?

A. B. C.

4.What sport does Tommy like best?

A. B.


5.How many lessons does Daniel have every day?

A. 4 lessons.

B. 3 lessons.

C. 7 lessons.

6.Who is Peter waiting for?

A.His friend.

B. His mother.

C. His father.

7.Which shoes would Hobo like?

A.The brown ones.

B. The white ones.

C. The black ones.

8.What does Bill want to be in the future?


B. actor.

C. driver.

9.When does Sam’s mother get up?

A. At 6:30 a.m.

B. At 7:00 a.m.

C. At 7:30 a.m.

10.How does John celebrate( 庆祝) his birthday?

A.He has a party at home.

B.He goes to the park with his friends.

C.He goes to watch a film with his friends.

B) 听一段对话,回答第11~12 小题。

11.What day is it tomorrow?

A.It’s Friday.

B. It’s Saturday.

C. It’s Thursday.

12.Who will go to the park with Simon this weekend?


B. Millie’s sister.

C. Mary

13. A. China B. America C. England

14. A. bedroom B. living room C. dining room

15. A . listening to music B. reading C. playing computer games

听一篇短文,回答第16-20 小题。

16.How old is Tony?

A. 12.

B. 13.

C. 14.

17.What does he like doing?

A.Meeting old people.

B. Doing sports.

C. Sleeping. 18.How often does he go running?

A. Every day.

B. Every week.

C. Every Tuesday.

19.What can’t he do?


B. Roller-skating.

C. Skating.

20.What is Tony like?


B. Hard-working.

C. Unfriendly.

二、单项选择(共15 小题;每小题1 分,计15 分)

21.There is umbrella in Art room .

A.an , an

B. an , the

C. a , an

D. a , the

22.---I hear that yourschoolhasa show every Thursday.

---Yes. And it is usually _ noon. Everyone enjoys watching it.

A.on; at

B. at, in

C. /,in

D. /, at

23.Of the underlined parts, which has a different pronunciation(发音)?


B. behind

C. who

D. hour

24.I hope to my birthday party next Friday.

A.them to come

B. they to come

C. them can come

D. they can come

25.Oh, it’s time breakfast. He with his classmates lunch at

the school dining hall.

A.for; have

B. to; has

C. for; has

D. to; have

26.---Who to borrow a book from the library?

---Amy .

A.want; is

B. want; does

C. wants; does

D. wants; is

27.---Eddie is hungry all the time . does he walk to his bowl ?

---Many times a day.

A.How many times

B. How often

C. How long

D. How soon

28.---Do you use WeChat to chat?

---Yes. We often have a chat the NBA games my friends.

A.about; at

B. for; with

C. about; with

D. for; at

29.---Are your parents at home at the weekend?

--- Yes. We take a rest at home and do some housework.


B. every

C. all

D. each

30.--- man is your English teacher ?

---The one in front of the classroom building .


B. Which

C. Who

D. What

31.---Is this blouse ?

---No, it’s not . It’s.

A.your , mine , her

B. yours , my , her

C. your ,

mine , hers D. yours , mine , hers

32.The shop from Monday to Friday.

A.is open

B. opens

C. open

D. opening

33.---Besides some socks, what do you want me to buy for you?

---Nothing. Thanks, Mum.


B. else things

C. others

D. other

34.--- Tom in the English Club? --- Yes, but he go there

very often.

A.Does; doesn’t

B. Does; isn’t

C. Is; does

D. Is;


35.---Look at my new dress! What do you think of it?

--- Beautiful.

A.All right .

B. Let me see.

C. It looks good on you.

D. How much are they?

三、完形填空(共15 小题;每小题1 分,计15 分)

Lucy lives in Yangzhou with her parents, Mr and Mrs White. Mr White 36 in a company. Mrs. White is a teacher in our schoo1. She teaches 37 English. All of us are 38 to her and she loves us, too. Lucy likes eating Chinese food very much. 39 Sunday morning she usually goes to the shop and helps their mother 40 some shopping. They often buy a lot of things.
