精神病学课件:3_1bipola disoders

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causes –Precipitating factors
Stressful life events are important in triggering both manic and depressive episodes.
Childbirth can be a precipitant. Street drug (narcotics)use, including cannabis(大麻), heroin Sometimes a first manic episode can be triggered by
antidepressant drug treatment or the use of drugs such as steroids(prednisone).
Symptoms-- manic episode (mania)
1. Mood: Elated, sometimes irritable
1.1Elationpicture1.ppt is an affective state of joyous gaiety which is out of keeping with life circumstances. It often present infectious gaiety, sometimes irritability .
Between episodes, the person returns to their normal self, usually with good insight into the previous episode.病程.ppt
Type of Bipolar disorder
Bipolar (affective) disorder is mainly divided into Bipolar Ⅰdisorder and Bipolar Ⅱ disorder.
major depressive episode
Bipolar disorder has a lifetime prevalence of about 1-2%. with men and women equally affected. Mean age at first onset is in the twenties, although the first
Biopolar Ⅰdisorder Consisting of episodes of mania cycling with depressive episode
Biopolar Ⅱdisorder Consisting of episodes of hypomania cycling with
Symptoms-- manic episode (mania)
2.3 Appetite is increased and food may be eaten greedily with little attention to conventional manners.
2.1 Often restless and overactive; socially uninhibited, with over familiarity.
Patients start many activities but leave them unfinished as new ones catch their fancy.
episode is occasionally in late life. After a first manic episode, the risk of recurrence is about 70%.
Causes --Predisposing factors
Bipolar disorder has a strong genetic component. A family history of bipolar disorder and major depression is common.
Mood disorders
Bipolar affective disorder used to be called manic depressive psychosis. It is a disorder characterized by episodes of major depression and, at other times, mania, where mood is abnormally elated.
Symptoms-- manic episode (mania)
1.2 Appearance
May be disheveled, unshaven; clothes and make-uFra Baidu bibliotek may be bright and bizarre.
Symptoms-- manic episode (mania)
The concordance rate in monozygotic twins is approximately 50% ,20% in dizygotic and it rises to 80% if major depression in the co-twin is counted as well as bipolar disorders.
A “hunger” for social interchange
Symptoms-- manic episode (mania)
2.2 Sleep is often reduced.
The patient wakes early feeling lively and energetic; often he gets up and busies himself noisily, to the surprise of other people.