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Chapter 1

1.Linguistics is generally defined as the scientific study of language .(√)

2.What first drew the attention of the linguistics were the rules used in language .(×)[What first drew the attention of the linguistics were the sounds used in language .]

3The major branches of linguistics are phonetics ,phonedogy ,psycholinguistics ,morphology ,syntax ,semantics ,pragmatic ,soci olinguistics ,and applied linguistics .(√)

4.As linguist became interest in how sounds are put together and used to convey meaning in communication ,they developed another branches of study related to sounds called phonetics .(×)

[As linguist became interest in how sounds are put together and used to convey meaning in communication ,they developed another branches of study related to sounds called phonology .]

5.Linguistic study aims to describe and analyze the language people actually use ,it is said to be descriptive and modern linguistics is mostly descriptive .(√)

6.The description of a language at some point of time in history is a diachronic study ,but the description of language as it changes changes though time is a synchronic .(×)[The description of a language at some point of time in history is a synchronic study ,but the description of language as it changes changes though time is a diachronic .]

ngue and parole are relatively stable ,it does not change frequently .(×)

[Langue and parole varies from person to person ,from situation to situation .]

8.Chomsky define competence as the ideal user's knowledge of the rules of his language ,and performance the actual realization of this language in linguistic communication .(√)

9.Modern linguistics regards the written as primary .(×)

[Modern linguistics regards the spoken language as primary .]

nguage is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for hu man communication .(√)

nguage is arbitrary ,this means that there is logical connection between meanings and sounds .(×)[Language is arbitrary ,this means that there is not logical connection between meanings and sounds .]

nguage feature are arbitrariness ,productivity ,duality ,displacement ,cultural transmission .(√)

nguage is arbitrary by nature ,and it is entirely arbitrary .(×)

[Language is arbitrary by nature ,and it is not entirely arbitrary .]

14.Productivity is unique to human la nguage .(√)

nguage is a system ,which consists of three sets of structures ,or three levels .(×)[Language is a system ,which consists of two sets of structures ,or three levels .]

16.Three main functions of language are :the descriptive function ,the expressive,and the social function.(√)

nguage cannot beautiful used to refer to contexts removed from the immediate situation of the speaker .(×)[Language can beautiful used to refer to contexts removed from the immediate situation of the speaker .]

18."what cannot I do for you ,girl ?" This sentence illustrates the expressive function of language .(×)["what cannot I do for you ,girl ?" This sentence illustrates the social function of language .]

19.An English speaker and a Chinese speaker are both able to use a language ,but are not mutually intelligible . This indicates cultural transmission feature of language .(√)

20The ideational function is indicate ,establish ,or maintain social relationships between people .(×)[The interpersonal function is indicate ,establish ,or maintain social relationships between people .]

Chapter 2

1.Speech and writing are the two media order substances used by natural language as vehicle for communication .(√)

2.Phonetics is defined as the study of the phonic medium of language ;it is concerned with

a part of the sounds that occur in the world's language .(×)

[Phonetics is defined as the study of the phonic medium of language ;it is concerned with all the sounds that occur in the world's language .]

3.The branches of phonetics are articulatory phonetics ,auditory phonetics ,and acoustics phonetics .(√)

4.Phonetic similarly ,phonetic identity is the criterion with which were operate in the phonolgical analysis of language .(×)

[Phonetic similarly ,not phonetic identity is the criterion with which were operate in the phonolgical analysis of language .]

5.When the vocal cords are drawn wide apart,letting air go through without causing
