
(reverse transcription, amplification, fluorescent dye labeling, hybridization and scanning)。
6.因此,这种机制可理解为变构调节( allosteric regulation )。
7.人的免疫系统(innate immune system)一直被认为是“低技术含量的免疫系统”。
10.他们声称这种DNA聚合酶(DNA polymerase)的持续合成能力(processivity)的提高使反应时间大大缩短。
(1) 氢是已知元素中最轻的。
Hydrogen is the lightest element ___________.(2) 这个问题一直没有得到解答。
The question remains ___________________.(3) 晶体管体积小、重量轻,优于真空管。
___________, transistors have advantages over vacuum tubes.(4) 速度等于距离除以时间。
Speed equals distance ____________.(5) 电压等于电流乘以电阻。

科技英汉翻译练习10Ex. 101.The minimum entropy technique for estimating the Doppler frequency rate is presented,which has the advantages over the classical techniques of a high accuracy and a small amount of computation.本文介绍了多普勒调频率粗算的最小熵方法,与传统方法相比,其具有精确度高、计算量小的两个优点。
2.We have developed/established the function of the Doppler frequency rate against/vs. range.[…the function of the variation of the Doppler frequency rate with range.]我们已发现多普勒调频率随范围变化的函数关系。
3.The simulation results show that both the schemes are easy to implement.模拟/仿真实验表明,这两种方案都易于实施。
4.The model and algorithm proposed in this paper are to a certain degree superior inperformance to the conventional BP algorithm.从某种程度上来说,本文提出的模型和算法在性能上由于传统BP 算法。
5.The interpretation of/(given) by the new algorithm is quite different from that of/by theGerchberg algorithm, but the computed results by the new algorithm are the same as those by the Gerchberg algorithm.新算法的表述不同于Gerchberg算法,但二者的计算结果却是相同的。

科技英语翻译练习1(共五则)第一篇:科技英语翻译练习1科技英语翻译练习(1)If you want to spark a heated debate at a dinner party, bring up the topic of genetically modified foods.For many people, the concept of genetically altered, high-tech crop production raises all kinds of environmental, health, safety and ethical questions.Particularly in countries with long agrarian traditions--and vocal green lobbies--the idea seems against nature.如果你想在某次晚宴上挑起一场激烈的争论,那就提出转基因食品的话题吧。
In fact, genetically modified foods are already very much a part of our lives.A third of the corn and more than half the soybeans and cotton grown in the US last year were the product of biotechnology, according to the Department of Agriculture.More than 65 million acres of genetically modified crops will be planted in the US this year.The genetic is out of the bottle.事实上,转基因食品已经成为我们生活重要的一部分。

翻译辅助测试题及答案1. 将下列中文句子翻译成英文。
- 中文:随着科技的发展,人工智能在各个领域都发挥着越来越重要的作用。
- 英文:With the development of technology, artificial intelligence plays an increasingly important role in various fields.2. 将下列英文句子翻译成中文。
- 英文:The rapid advancement of technology has revolutionized the way we live and work.- 中文:技术的快速发展已经彻底改变了我们生活和工作的方式。
3. 将下列中文成语翻译成英文,并解释其含义。
- 中文成语:守株待兔- 英文:Waiting for a rabbit by the tree stump- 含义:比喻不通过努力而期待偶然的机会。
4. 将下列英文谚语翻译成中文,并解释其含义。
- 英文谚语:You can't judge a book by its cover.- 中文:不可以貌取人。
- 含义:不能仅凭外表来判断事物的本质。
5. 将下列中文段落翻译成英文。
- 中文:近年来,随着全球化进程的加快,跨国公司的数量不断增加,这不仅促进了国际贸易的发展,也带来了文化交流的机遇。
- 英文:In recent years, with the acceleration of globalization, the number of multinational companies has beenincreasing, which not only promotes the development of international trade but also brings opportunities forcultural exchange.6. 将下列英文段落翻译成中文。

P231.Thunderstorms producing large hail are also likely to produce tornadoes.2.Contrary to the opinions of many people , tornadoes are not particularly energetic.3.An average tornado contains much less energy than the thunderstorm that produces it, and is appreciably less energetic than a cyclone.4.But since the energy of a tornado is expended in a short period of time, its power-energy divided by time is relatively high.5.Because of their concentrated power, tornadoes are probably the most feared of all weather phenomena.6.They often strike suddenly, with little warming, and in a few minutes cause extensive damage to property, injuries and loss of lives.7.Tornado may have the appearance of a narrow funnel, cylinder, or rope extending from the base of a thunderstorm to the ground.8.The visible funnel consists mostly of water droplets formed by condensation in the funnel.9. Near the ground blowing dust, leaves and other debris identify the presence of a strong vortex. 10.Tornadoes and weak visible vortex observed over water-most often in the tropics and subtropics are called water spouts.较大冰雹的雷暴也很有可能会形成龙卷风。

第一单元:1. artificial intelligence 人工智能2. paper-tape reader 纸带阅读器3. optical computer 光计算机4. neural network 神经网络5. instruction set 指令集6. parallel processing并行处理7. difference engine 差分机8. versatile logical element通用逻辑元件9. silicon substrate 硅衬底10. vacuum tube 真空管11. 数据的存储与处理the storage and handling of data12. 超大规模集成电路very large-scale integrated circuit13. 中央处理器central processing unit14. 个人计算机personal computer15. 模拟计算机analogue computer16. 数字计算机digital computer17. 通用计算机general-purpose computer18. 处理器芯片processor chip19. 操作指令operating instructions20.输入设备input device第二单元:1. function key 功能键,操作键2. voice recognition module语音识别模块3. touch-sensitive region 触敏区4. address bus 地址总线5. flatbed scanner 平板扫描仪6. dot-matrix printer 点阵打印机7. parallel connection并行连接8. cathode ray tube阴极射线管9. video game 电子游戏10. audio signal 音频信号11.操作系统operating system 12. 液晶显示(器)LCD (liquid crystal display)13.喷墨打印机inkjet printer14.数据总线d ata bus15. 串行连接serial connection16. 易失性存储器volatile memory17. 激光打印机laser printer18. 磁盘驱动器disk drive19. 基本输入/输出系统BIOS (Basic Input/Output System)20. 视频显示器video display第三单元:1. storage register 存储寄存器2. function statement 函数语句3. program statement 程序语句4. object-oriented language面向对象语言5. assembly language 汇编语言6. intermediate language 中间语言,中级语言7. relational language 关系(型)语言8. artificial language 人工语言9. data declaration 数据声明10. SQL 结构化查询语言11.可执行程序executable program12. 程序模块program module13.条件语句conditional statement14. 赋值语句assignment statement15. 逻辑语言logic language16. 机器语言machine language17. 函数式语言functional language18. 程序设计语言programming language19. 运行计算机程序run a computer program20. 计算机程序员computer programmer第四单元:1. inference engine 推理机2. system call 系统调用3. compiled language编译执行的语言4. parallel computing 并行计算5. pattern matching 模式匹配6. memory location 存储单元7. interpreter program 解释程序8. library routine库程序,程序库例行程序9. intermediate program 中间程序,过渡程序10. source file 源文件11.解释执行的语言i nterpreted language12. 设备驱动程序device driver13. 源程序source program14. 调试程序debugging program15.目标代码object code 16. 应用程序application program17. 实用程序utility program18. 逻辑程序logic program19. 墨盒ink cartridge20. 程序的存储与执行program storage andexecution第五单元:1. system specification 系统规格说明2. unit testing 单位(或单元、部件)测试3. software life cycle 软件生命周期(或生存周期)4. system validation testing 系统验证测试5. evolutionary development process 演化开发过程6. simple linear model 简单线性模型7. program unit 程序单元8. throwaway prototype 抛弃式原型9. text formatting 正文格式编排,文本格式化10. system evolution 系统演变11. 系统设计范例system design paradigm 12.需求分析与定义requirements analysis and definition13. 探索式编程方法exploratory programming approach14. 系统文件编制system documentation15. 瀑布模型waterfall model16. 系统集成system integration17. 商用现成软件commercial off-the-shelf software18.基于组件的软件工程component-based software engineering (CBSE)19. 软件维护工具software maintenance tool20. 软件复用software reuse第六单元:1. end user 最终用户,终端用户2. atomic operation 原子操作3. database administrator数据库管理员4. relational database model 关系数据库模型5. local data 本地数据6. object-oriented database 面向对象数据库7. database management system (DBMS) 数据库管理系统8. entity-relationship model (ERM) 实体关系模型9. distributed database 分布式数据库10. flat file 平面文件11. 二维表two-dimensional table12.数据属性d ata attribute13. 数据库对象database object14. 存储设备storage device15. 数据类型data type16. 数据插入与删除data insertion and deletion17. 层次数据库模型hierarchical database model18. 数据库体系结构database architecture19. 关系数据库管理系统relational database management system (RDBMS)20. 全局控制总线global control bus第七单元:1. microwave radio 微波无线电2. digital television 数字电视3. DSL 数字用户线路4. analog transmission 模拟传输5. on-screen pointer 屏幕上的指针6. computer terminal 计算机终端7. radio telephone 无线电话8. cellular telephone蜂窝电话,移动电话,手机9. decentralized network 分散型网络10. wire-based internal network 基于导线的内部网络,有线内部网11.光缆fiber-optic cable12. 传真机fax machine13. 无线通信wireless communications14.点对点通信point-to-point communications15. 调制电脉冲modulated electrical impulse 16. 通信卫星communication(s) satellite17. 电报电键telegraph key18. 传输媒体transmission medium (或media)19. 无绳电话c ordless telephone20. 金属导体metal conductor第八单元:1. file server 文件服务器2. carrier sense 载波检测,载波监听3. protocol suite 协议组,协议集4. peer-to-peer model 对等模型5. bus topology network 总线拓扑网络6. inter-machine cooperation 机器间合作,计算机间合作7. Ethernet protocol collection 以太网协议集8. proprietary network 专有网络9. utility package 实用软件包,公用程序包10. star network 星形网络11. 局域网l ocal area network (LAN)12.令牌环token ring13. 无线网络wireless network14. 封闭式网络closed network15.环形拓扑结构ring topology16. 客户机/服务器模型client/server model17.网络应用程序network application18. 进程间通信interprocess communication19. 打印服务器print server20. 广域网wide area network (WAN)第九单元:1. cell phone 蜂窝电话,移动电话,手机2. IP address 网际协议地址,IP地址3. autonomous system 自主系统4. dial-up connection拨号连接5. network identifier 网络标识符6. binary notation 二进制记数法7. mnemonic name助记名,缩写名8. Internet-wide directory system 因特网范围的目录系统9. name server 名称服务器10. Internet infrastructure 因特网基础结构11. 助记地址mnemonic address 12. 网吧cyber cafe13.宽带因特网访问broadband Internet access14. 顶级域名top-level domain (TLD)15. 因特网编址Internet addressing16. 点分十进制记数法dotted decimal notation17. 因特网服务提供商Internet service provider (ISP)18. 专用因特网连接dedicated Internet connection19. 主机地址host address20. 硬件与软件支持hardware and software support第十单元1. mailing list 邮件发送清单,邮件列表2. proprietary software专有软件3. cc line 抄送行4. bcc line密送行5. forwarded e-mail messages转发的电子邮件6. e-mail convention 电子邮件常规7. click on an icon 点击图标8. confidential document 密件,秘密文件9. classified information 密级信息10. recovered e-mail message 恢复的电子邮件11. 常用情感符commonly used emoticon12. 已删除电子邮件deleted e-mail13. 电子系统electronic system14. 附件行A ttachments line15. 版权法copyright law16. 电子邮件网规e-mail netiquette17. 信息高速公路information superhighway18. 签名文件signature file19. 电子数据表程序s preadsheet program20.文字处理软件word processor十一单元:1. customized marketing strategy 定制的营销策略2. B2G transaction 企业对政府交易3. mobile telephone 移动电话4. dot-com bust网络不景气5. smart card 智能卡,灵巧卡6. digital piracy 数字盗版7. dot-com boom网络繁荣8. C2C transaction 消费者对消费者交易9. Web auction site 拍卖网站10. fingerprint reader 指纹读取器11. 射频识别装置radio-frequency identification (RFID) device 12.电子数据交换electronic data interchange (EDI)13. 库存管理技术inventory management technology14. 知识产权intellectual property15. 条形码b ar code16. 货币兑换currency conversion17. 电子图书e lectronic book18. 视网膜扫描仪retina scanner19.个人数字助理personal digital assistant (PDA)20. 企业对企业电子商务B2B electronic commerce第十二单元:1. encryption program 加密程序2. deletion command 删除命令3. authorized user 授权的用户4. backup copy 备份5. voltage surge 电压浪涌6. circuit breaker 断路器7. electronic component 电子元件(或部件)8. data-entry error 数据输入错误9. electronic break-in 电子入侵10. power line 电力线,输电线11.检测程序d etection program 12. 电源power source13. 破坏性计算机程序destructive computer program14. 计算机病毒computer virus15.软件侵权software piracy16. 硬盘驱动器hard-disk drive17.病毒检查程序virus checker18. 主存储器p rimary storage19. 电子公告板e lectronic bulletin board20. 浪涌电压保护器surge protector。

科技英语翻译练习3---转换法puters can provide analyses of every operation in a factory.计算机可以为工厂里的每一步操作进行数据分析。
2.We must place stress on the prevention of diseases.我们必须更加强调疾病的预防。
3.The test piece shall be of length suitable for the apparatus being used.试样应该满足使用仪器的长度。
4.Heat is a form of energy into which all other forms are convertible.热能是其他形式能可以转化的一种能。
5.The force due to the motion of molecules tends to keep them apart.由于分子运动产生的力试图让它们分离。
6.An electric current varies directly as the electromotive force and inversely as the resistance.电流的大小与电动势成正比,与电阻成反比。
7.The electrolytic process for producing hydrogen is not so efficient as the thermochemicalprocess.由电解产氢的过程没有由热化学产氢来的高效。
8.The different production cost is closely associated with the sources of power.生产成本的不同和能源有密切的关系。
9.At constant temperature, the pressure of a gas is inversely proportional to its volume.在恒定温度下,气体的压强和它的体积成反比。

Ex. 81.There are m polygons altogether/in all, each of which has N vertexes.共有m个多边形,每个顶点数均为N。
2.This is due to the fact that there exists a capacitance across the PN junction. […due to the existence of acapacitance across the PN junction.该PN结上存在电容。
3.This method requires accurate location, thus making [which makes] its realization somewhat difficult.这个方法要求精确定位,因此使其实施具有一定的难度。
4.The Qin Yong-brand whole milk powder is made from high-quality fresh milk, white sugar and traceelements needed by the human body b y scientific methods and Denmark’s advanced technology.The Qin Yong-brand whole milk powder contains calcium, protein and varied vitamins, and it can be mixed with lukewarm sanitary drinking water into [can be blended with lukewarm sanitary drinking water to produce] the best fresh milk. The product is truly a tonic suitable for both the old and the young. Drinking it for a long time is beneficial / of benefit to [is good for] the development of the brain and the improvement of health.If you find anything wrong with the product, please give us a phone call [please let us know by phone].Our telephone number: 029-*******秦俑全脂奶粉采用科学配方,引进丹麦先进技术,取材于高品质鲜奶,富含人体所需的各种微量元素。

Ex. 41.This equipment, it is said, was commercially available three years ago. [It is saidthat ……; This equipment is said to have been available three years ago.]据说,这种设备三年前就可以在市场买到了/上市/商用。
2.When a wire loop surrounds a stationary magnet, no current flows in theloop. What Faraday and Henry discovered was that moving the magnet causes a current to flow in the loop. It does not matter whether the magnet or the loop is actually being moved; the origin of the current lies in the relative motion betweena conductor and a magnetic field.线圈环绕静止磁铁时,线圈中没有电流流动。
3. A lever is a rigid rod pivoted at a certain point called the fulcrum. Fig. 12-1shows the most familiar type of lever, with a load at one end being balanced by an applied force at the other. The condition for equilibrium is that the torques produced by F in and F out be the same in magnitude.杠杆是一根架在支点上的刚性杆/是架在某点上的刚性杆,这一点称之为支点。
信息科技英语翻译之汉译英课外练习 (2)

有些搜索实用程序,如Ask Jeeves,把搜索引擎和目录方法合并成单一的软件包,希望把这两个阵营中最好的东西提供给用户。
站并信息科技英语翻译之汉译英课外练习(01)参考译文Internet search tools fall into two camps:search engines,such as HotBot and AltaVista,and online directories,such as Yahoo and Lycos.The difference between the two is related to how they compile their site listings.Of course,there are exceptions to every rule.Some search utilities,such as Ask Jeeves,combine the search engine and directory approaches into a single package,hoping to provide users with the best of both worlds.In directory-based search services,the Web site listings are compiled manually.For example,the everpopular Yahoo dedicates staff resources to accept site suggestions from users,for,Because the spiders,resulting indexes,and search algorithms of each search engine differ,so do the search results and rankings across the various search engines.This explains why a top 10 site in HotBot may not appear near the top of Alta Vista when the same keyword search criterion is entered.In addition,many,but not all,search utilities also reference metatags—invisible HTML tags within documents that describe their content—as a way to control how content is indexed.As a result,proper use of metatags throughout a site can also boost search engine ranking.信息科技英语翻译之汉译英课外练习(02)大型企业的分支机构往往分布于各个地区,早期的局域网(LAN)不能充分满足它们对网络的要求。

高中英语科技论文翻译练习题20题含答案解析1.The development of artificial intelligence has brought many changes.中文翻译:人工智能的发展带来了许多变化。
答案解析:本句较为简单,“development”是“发展”的意思,“artificial intelligence”是“人工智能”,“brought”是“带来”的意思。
2.Scientists are researching new energy sources.中文翻译:科学家们正在研究新能源。
答案解析:“scientists”是“科学家”,“research”在这里是动词“研究”,“new energy sources”是“新能源”。
3.The application of 5G technology is widespread.中文翻译:5G 技术的应用很广泛。
答案解析:“application”是“应用”,“5G technology”是“5G 技术”,“widespread”是“广泛的”。
句子主要描述了5G 技术的应用状态。
4.Robots are becoming more and more intelligent.中文翻译:机器人正变得越来越智能。
答案解析:“robots”是“机器人”,“become”是“变得”,“more and more intelligent”是“越来越智能”。
5.The innovation of medical technology saves many lives.中文翻译:医疗技术的创新拯救了许多生命。
答案解析:“innovation”是“创新”,“medical technology”是“医疗技术”,“saves”是“拯救”。
科技英语翻译课后练习答案 ppt课件

5. Manufacturing processes may be classified as unit production with small quantities being made and mass production with large numbers of identical parts being produced.
4. Certain isotopes are not found in nature.
科技英语翻译课后练习答案 ppt课件
2.1 词义的选择
1. 词类/词性(part of speech):第1节 翻译练习1
2. 上下文(co-text):
第1节 翻译练习2
3. 搭配(collocation):
第1节 翻译练习3
4. 学科专业/语域(register): 第1节 翻译练习4
第4章 代词的翻译 1、代词的一般译法 2、人称代词的译法 3、形容词性物主代词的译法 4、指示代词的译法 5、不定代词的译法 6、it及其句型的译法 7、总复习题
科技英语翻译课后练习答案 ppt课件
第5章 数词、形容词和副词的 翻译
1、数词的译法 2、形容词的译法 3、副词的译法 4、形容词和副词比较级的译法 5、形容词和副词最高级的译法 6、总复习题
人们发现,自然界里许多元素,都是各种不同的同位素的 混合物。(增译)
科技英语翻译课后练习答案 ppt课件
3. The two units used most frequently in electricity are ampere and volt: this is the unit of voltage and that of current.

Ex. 61.Only through the study of/Only by studying the performance of the system, canone/we appreciate/understand its advantages.只有通过研究该系统性能,我们才能了解其优点。
2.If the self-bias circuit is of poor design/is not designed well/properly, choppingoscillations will take place in the LC oscillator.如果自偏压电路设计不当,LC振荡器就会出现间歇振荡。
3.This paper presents a CAD method for increasing the printing speed andimproving the printing quality.本文提出了一种可用于提高打印速度和改善打印质量的计算机辅助设计(CAD)法。
4.Currently the University has 12853 students of various types, of whom there are7658 undergraduates and about 900 graduate students. In more than 60 years since its founding, it has produced over 60000 graduates of various types who work in the fields of national defense, electronics, posts and telecommunications, aerospace and aviation in China, achieving splendid results in the nation’s economic construction.学校现有各类在校生12853人,其中本科生7658人,研究所约900人。

高中英语科技论文翻译练习题40题1. “The force of gravity acts on all objects on Earth.”翻译成中文。
翻译技巧是直译,语法点是一般现在时,主语是“force of gravity”,谓语动词是“acts on”。
2. “Newton's laws of motion explain the behavior of objects in motion.”翻译成中文。
解析:重点词汇“Newton's laws”意为“牛顿定律”,“motion”意为“运动”。
翻译技巧是直译,语法点是一般现在时,主语是“Newton's laws of motion”,谓语动词是“explain”。
3. “The speed of light is a fundamental constant in physics.”翻译成中文。
翻译技巧是直译,语法点是一般现在时,主语是“speed of light”,谓语动词是“is”。
4. “Electromagnetic waves can travel through a vacuum.”翻译成中文。
解析:重点词汇“electromagnetic waves”意为“电磁波”,“vacuum”意为“真空”。
翻译技巧是直译,语法点是一般现在时,主语是“electromagnetic waves”,谓语动词是“can travel”。
5. “The law of conservation of energy states that energy cannot be created or destroyed.”翻译成中文。

Ex. 51.This valley is used as the foundation on which to build the dam.这座山谷用作建坝的基础。
2.Let it be required to find this angle.求出此角度(的大小)。
3.This new method has the advantages of high efficiency and easy adjustment.这种新方法具有高效率、易调节的优点。
4.The sine law of the variation of the light intensity with the cylinder diameter hasbeen emphasized.此处已强调光强随圆柱体直径变化的正弦规律。
5.Our method is different from those described/presented in the papers availableon/discussing the same problem.就这同一问题的讨论,我们的方法不同于以前文章中所述的方法。
6.Xidian University is a national key institution of higher learning/educationwhich integrates engineering, science, liberal arts and management, with information and electronics as the dominant academic areas. It is located in the ancient cultural city of Xi’an and occupies an area of 60 hectares with a beautiful environment on the campus. It has established nine schools and one college, i.e., School of Telecommunications Engineering, School of Economy and Management, School of Electronic Engineering, School of Computer Science and Technology, School of Mechano-Electronic Engineering, Adult Education College, etc. There are 17 departments with [covering] over 60 specialties for undergraduates and junior college [three-year program] students. The University has the right to examine and approve professorship and qualifications for doctoral advisors. It has set up about 34 academic areas for master’s degrees and 14 academic areas for doctoral degrees, of which there are 3 national key areas (i.e., “communication and electronic system,” “signal and information processing,”and “circuit and system”) and 11 ministerial-level key areas.西安电子科技大学是全国重点高等院校,集工、理、文、管于一体,以信息和电子为主导学科。

• 目前,中国的宽带接入技术主要有四种。一是有 线电话的同轴电缆光纤混合网技术,二是利用传 统电话线不对称数字用户环路技术,三是小区以 太技术,四是直接卫星连接技术。
• 例如: • 例1. The testing of machines by this method
entails some loss of power.
• 译文∶用这种方法测试机器会浪费一定的 能量。
• 例2. Today the electronic computer is widely used in solving mathematical problems having to do with weather forecasting and putting satellites into orbit.
• 译文:对小于米的单位,十进制是这样应用的: 米被分成分米(dm)、厘米(cm)、毫米 (mm)等等,使测量变得非常简单。此外, 1000米合成一公里(km),作为用来测量长 距离的单位。
• 以上篇章中共出现了四个句子,其中前三个句子 采用了被动语态(算上第三句中的which引导的 非限定性定于从句)。在翻译成汉语时需要作必 要的调整,一般情况下要用主动语态结ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ进行翻 译。该译文如下:
The explosion of the device’s three 30-kiloton atomic mechanism went smoothly.
It was the largest nuclear blast so far in the Atomic Energy Commission project to stimulate massive stores of natural gas locked in rock formations.

What Is Electricity?The last two chapters have described some of the ways in which electricity behaves, without saying what it is. 以上两章讲述了电的一些活动特性 , 但并没有说明电究竟是什么。
To most people electricity is a rather mysterious thing, perhaps because it is a silent and invisible ---- almost a secret -- agent which we do not know in the direct way we know things that we can see and touch. 对大多数人来说电是一种很神秘的东西 , 这大概由于它是一种无声、无形 , 几乎是神出鬼没的物质 , 我们无法想象了解那些看得见、摸得着的东西那样 , 去直接地了解它。
But everyone of the many thousands of different materials in the world contains hidden electricity. 但在世间成千上万种不同的物质中又无一不包含着潜在的电。
All materials are made fromdifferent simple substances called "elements".一切物质都是由一些各不相同被称为 " 元素 " 的简单物质构成的。
Some materials, for instance, copper, iron, carbon, and oxygen and hydrogen gases, contain only one kind of element. 有些物质, 如铜、铁、碳以及氧气和氢气只含有一种元素。

科技翻译课后练习题含答案1.翻译如下句子:The processor’s clock speed is the governing factor in how fast the computer runs.处理器的时钟速度是决定计算机运行速度的关键因素。
4.翻译如下句子:Quantum computing is an emerging technology that promises to revolutionize the way we process information.量子计算是一项新兴技术,有望彻底改变我们处理信息的方式。
7.翻译如下句子:Virtual reality technology is expected to havea significant impact on a variety of industries, from entertnment to healthcare.虚拟现实技术预计将对各个行业产生重要影响,从娱乐到医疗。
8.翻译如下术语:machine learning机器学习。
10.翻译如下句子:Artificial intelligence has thepotential to automate many tasks that currently require humaninput.人工智能有潜力自动化许多目前需要人类参与的任务。

"Science and Technology in Traditional China" on pages 25-26 Ⅰ.Translate following terms into English.印刷术printing火药gunpowder指南针compass/magnetism中国的社会结构structure of Chinese society雕版印刷block printing佛经Buddhist text儒家经典著作Classical Books of Confucius活字印刷moveable type磁力罗盘magnetic compass指南勺south-controlling spoon磁偏角magnetic declination磁的二极性(磁极性)magnetic polarityⅡ.Translate sentences 1, 2, 5 in exerciseⅡinto Chinese.1、Until relativeiy recently the general belief in the West was that the science and technology which had existed in traditional China was of relatively little importance compared with that of Europe.Tr: 直到不久以前,西方普遍认为,与欧洲相比,古代中国的科学技术微不足道。
2、These three discoveries——printing,gunpowder and magnetism——were all made much earlier in China than in Europe but, unlike in Europe, these discoveries were not followed by major changes in the structure of Chinese society.Tr: 印刷术、火药、指南针这三大发明都先出现在中国,大大早于欧洲。

口译二级实务信息科技练习试卷2(题后含答案及解析) 题型有:1. English-Chinese TranslationPART 1 English-Chinese Translation (50 points, 30 minutes)Interpret the following passages from English into Chinese. Start interpreting at the signal and stop it at the signal. You may take notes while you are listening. You will hear the passages only ONCE. Now let’s begin.1.In order for people to make the most of the Information Society, they must have enhanced levels of ICT literacy and ICT skills. To achieve this, relevant education and training should be promoted at every level, from primary to adult, to open up opportunities for as many people as possible, and especially for the disadvantaged. The capacity of developing and least developed countries to apply ICTs effectively must be enhanced through regional and international cooperation. // ICTs can contribute to enhancing the quality of teaching and learning, and the sharing of knowledge and information. Teachers act as a gateway to the Information Society, and their skills development and curriculum resources need increased support. // It is also important to improve both basic and advanced education in science and technology. This will help to create a critical mass of highly qualified and skilled ICT professionals and experts that will continue to serve as a foundation for the region’s ICT development. It is recognized that education in network infrastructure development and operation is of particular importance, and is critical to the availability of efficient, reliable, competitive and secure ICT network services. // The transition to the Information Society requires the creation of appropriate and transparent legal, regulatory and policy frameworks at the global, regional and national levels. These frameworks should give due regard to the rights and obligations of all stakeholders in such areas as freedom of expression, privacy, security, management of Internet addresses and domain names, and consumer protection, while also maintaining economic incentives and ensuring trust and confidence for business activities. In order to secure prompt settlement of disputes, Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) should be considered along with normal judicial proceedings. // While intellectual property rights play a vital role in fostering innovation in software, ecommerce and associated trade and investment, there is a need to promote initiatives to ensure fair balance between IPRs and the interests of the users of information, while also taking into consideration the global consensus achieved on IPR issues in multilateral organizations. // Copyright holders and distributors of content should be cognizant of the need to ensure that content is accessible for all, including persons with disabilities. In this connection, access requirements should be included in legal, regulatory and policy frameworks, where appropriate. // Among the challenges to the region are the general lack of awareness of information security issues, the rapidly evolving complexity, capacity and reach of information technology, the anonymity offered by these technologies, and the transnational nature of communicationframeworks. // Recognizing the principle of fair, equitable and appropriate access to ICTs for all countries, special attention should be paid to the fact that ICTs can potentially be used for purposes that are inconsistent with the objectives of maintaining international stability and security, and may adversely affect the integrity of the infrastructure within States, to the detriment of their security in both civil and military fields. // A multi-pronged approach is needed to address these challenges, and cybercrime, on all fronts, with emphasis on preventive approaches, national guidelines and regional and international cooperation. At the same time, action to address cybercrime and to ensure a safe and secure Information Society must respect the sovereignty of nations and maintain respect for the constitutional and other rights of all persons, including freedom of expression. // All stakeholders concerned with ICT issues should take the necessary steps to enhance security, user confidence and other aspects of information and system/network integrity in order to avoid the risk of wholesale disruption and destruction of the network systems on which they are increasingly dependent. // Effective information security could be guaranteed not only by technology, but also by education and training, policy and law, and international cooperation. In the long term, development of a “global culture of cyber-security”, based on a common understanding of regulations and appropriate mechanisms for information and technology exchange and international cooperation. should be promoted. // (Excerpt from “The Tokyo Declaration—the Asia-Pacific perspective to the WSIS”)正确答案:要充分利用信息社会,就必须提高人们掌握信息通信技术的知识水平和技能。
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有些搜索实用程序,如Ask Jeeves,把搜索引擎和目录方法合并成单一的软件包,希望把这两个阵营中最好的东西提供给用户。
例如,在Yahoo 网站上,你可以在上找到提交信息。
因此,在整个站点中正确使用元标记也能提高(此站点)在搜索引擎中的排列名次信息科技英语翻译之汉译英课外练习(01)参考译文Internet search tools fall into two camps:search engines,such as HotBot and AltaVista,and online directories,such as Yahoo and Lycos.The difference between the two is related to how they compile their site listings.Of course,there are exceptions to every rule.Some search utilities,such as Ask Jeeves,combine the search engine and directory approaches into a single package,hoping to provide users with the best of both worlds.In directory-based search services,the Web site listings are compiled manually.For example,the everpopular Yahoo dedicates staff resources to accept site suggestions from users,review and categorize them,and add them to a specific directory on the Yahoo site.You can usually submit your Web site simply by filling out an online form.On Yahoo,for example,you’ll find submission information at /docs/info/include.html.Because human intervention is necessary to process,verify,and review submission requests,expect a delay before your site secures a spot in a directory-based search service.On the flip side,search engines completely automate the compilation process,removing the human component entirely.A software robot,called a spider or crawler,automatically fetches sites all over the Web,reading pages and following associated links.By design,a spider will return to a site periodically to check for new pages and changes to existing pages.Results from spidering are recorded in the search engine’s index or catalog.Given the wealth of information available on the Internet,it is not surprising that indexes grow to very large sizes.For example,the AltaVista index has recently been increased to top out at 350 million pages.This may seem like a mammoth number,but by all estimates it still represents less than 35 percent of all pages on the Web.Because of the depth and breadth of information being indexed,there is usually a delay,sometimes up to several weeks,between the time a site has been‘spidered’and when it appears in a search index.Until this two-step process has been completed,a site remains unavailable to search queries.Finally,the heart of each search engine is an algorithm that matches keyword queries against the information in the index,ranking results in the order the algorithm deems most relevant.Because the spiders,resulting indexes,and search algorithms of each search engine differ,so do the search results and rankings across the various search engines.This explains why a top 10 site in HotBot may not appear near the top of Alta Vista when the same keyword search criterion is entered.In addition,many,but not all,search utilities also reference metatags—invisible HTML tags within documents that describe their content—as a way to control how content is indexed.As a result,proper use of metatags throughout a site can also boost search engine ranking.信息科技英语翻译之汉译英课外练习(02)大型企业的分支机构往往分布于各个地区,早期的局域网(LAN)不能充分满足它们对网络的要求。