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Book 2, Unit 4

[一]Words and expressions

1.w ild adj. 野生的;野的;未开发的;荒凉的; 狂热的, 疯狂的

wild ness n. 野生;野蛮

wildly adv. 野生地,野蛮地

wildwood n. 自然林;原始林

wildlife n. 野生动植物

in the wild

be wild with joy 欣喜

go crazy/ wild

eg. It made me wild to see such cruelty. 看到如此的残忍,我都要疯了。

2.d ecrease vi. vt. 减少,(使)变小;或变少;降低

decreased (increase/rise) by/to

eg. Students numbers have decreased by50. 学生人数减少50名。

拓展:n. “减少,降低”“减弱,减轻”

(1)decrease in sth.在……方面的减少

eg. There is a decrease of 3% in the rate of inflation.通货膨胀率降低3%。

(2)on the decrease 在减少

eg. Is crime on the decrease in this area? 该地区案件是否在减少?

(3)反义词:increase 增加

eg. There has been a steady decrease in the number of visitors. (n.)


There has been a 6% decrease in his income. (n.)


We have decreased our demand for paper.我们减少了用纸的需求。(vt.)

The number of whales has decreased sharply this year. (vi.)


3.d anger n.---in danger (of)

dangerous adj.

endanger vt.

4.d ie out 灭亡;逐渐消失

eg. There are many reasons for animals dying out. 动物灭绝的原因有很多。

Many animals have died out in the past decades.在过去几十年里,许多动物灭绝了。拓展:die of / from 由于……而死亡

die away 逐渐停止;逐渐消失

die down 逐渐减弱;逐渐模糊

die off 相继死去

eg. He hid behind the door until the footsteps had died away.


5.h unt vt. vi. 打猎;猎取;搜寻hunt for

hunter n. 猎人

eg. We’ve been hunting for the lost boy all over.

我们一直在到处寻找那失踪的男孩。 peace和平地;和睦地;安详地

eg. The countries live together in peace with one another.这些国家和平相处。

May he rest in peace. 愿他安息。


keep the peace

make one’s peace with sb. 与某人和解(尤指主动道歉)

make peace (指两人,两国等)和解

(2) 派生词:peaceful a dj. 和平的;爱好和平的;安宁的

peacefully adv. 和平地;安宁地6.i n danger (of) 在危险中;垂危opp.out of danger

eg. The bridge is in danger of collapse.桥要塌了。

in charge(of)

7.respond vi. 回答;响应;做出反应

eg. She asked where he’d been, but he didn’t respond. 她问他到什么地方去了,他却不回答。

How does the lady respond when she hears the news? 当这位女士听到这个消息时,她的反应如何?

拓展:(1) respond (to sb. / sth.) (with sth.) “用……回答….”或“用……对……做出反应.”

(2) response n. 回答;作答;反应;回响

in response (to) 作为(对……的)回答/反应

eg.The government acted in response to economic pressure.政府为对付经济压力而采取了行动.

8.distant adj. 远的;远处的(far away in space or time)

eg. The airport is about ten miles distant from the city.机场距离城市大约十米远。

拓展:(1)distant 还指①(指人)远亲的②(指
