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1.wake (sb.) up叫醒某人(其中sb用宾格)

2.It’s time for sth./ It’s time to do sth./ It’s time for sb. to do sth.该某人做某事啦。注意

它的一般疑问句Is it time to do sth.?

3.Shall we 加动原…?= What /How about doing sth.?= Why not do sth.?我们做某事,好吗?为什么


4.go walking 去散步go out for a walk出去散步

5.in the hills在山里

6.seldom/ never/ hardly都是否定词

7.after lunch午餐后at lunchtime在午餐时间

8.need a good rest需要好好休息need sth.需要某物need to do sth.需要做某事need sb. to do sth.


9.do morning/eye exercises做早/眼保健操do after-school activities 做课外活动

10.be late for 迟到注意区分Jack is always late for school.和Jack, don’t be late for school again.

11.start lessons开始上课We start lessons at a quarter past eight.=Our lessons begin at a quarter

past eight.

12.a student at Huji Middle School

13.from Monday to Wednesday

14.a lot of=lots of既可以修饰可数也可以修饰不可数

15.be all nice to sb. 都对某人好

16.chat with each other互相聊天(注意chatting)

17.have a Reading/ Swimming/ Dancing Club

18.read books there/ go there by bus/ take the bus there/ walk there/ go there on foot/ ride a

bike there/ go there on one’s bike/ on No. 5 bus在五路公共汽车上

19.in the school volleyball team

20.practice doing sth.练习做某事

21.have (great) fun doing sth.= have a good time doing sth.= enjoy oneself(myself/ ourselves/

yourself/ yourselves/ himself/ herself/ themselves/ itself) 玩得开心

22.all the best/ best wishes

23.He is the best student in my class.

24.in1999/in January (February/March/April/May/June/July/August/September/October/

November/December)/ in spring(summer/ autumn/ winter)/

25.on a …morning/ on the morning of…/on Sunday( Monday/ Tuesday/ Wednesday/ Thursday/

Friday/ Saturday)/on Childre n’s Day/

26.at noon/ at breakfast/at 6 years old/at lunchtime/at birth/at Christmas/ at the daytime

27.We don’t have lessons on Saturday or Sunday.

28.have much time to do sth.有许多时间做某事have no time to do sth.没有时间做某事

29.have too much homework to do有太多的作业要做

30.dance for two hours跳舞两个小时(记住在一段时间前用for)。对for +一段时间提问用how long./ 对

in +一段时间提问用how soon/ 对距离提问用how far/对频率提问用how often

31.at Sunshine Sports Center在阳光体育中心

32.the two teams in the match比赛中的两个队

e and watch the game 或come to watch the game来观看比赛

34.Thanks for doing sth./Thanks for sth.如Thanks for your help.

35.wish your team good luck/ Good luck to you./ a lucky dog幸运儿

36.like to do sth.

37.visit the museums

38.go on picnics= go on a picnic

39.对once a month/ twice a month/ three times a month提问用how often,但是对其中的once, twice,

three提问用how many times

40.bread, food, chalk是不可数名词

41.be/ get ready for 为…准备好

42.What’s the weather like?= How is the weather?

43.It’s good for sb. to do sth.做某事对某人有好处

44.the reason for……的原因

45.learn from sb.向某人学习learn to do sth.学习做某事learn a lot about …了解…

46.too much homework(too much 后接不可数名词)、eat too much/Don’t talk too much.(too much

放在动词后)much too cold太冷(much too 后接形容词)too many people太多的人(too many 后接可数名词复数)

47.put on 穿上,上演put out扑灭put up 挂上,张贴put off延期put away把…收起来

48.careful形容词“细心的”carefully副词“细心”be careful/ listen to the teachers carefully

49.take good care of = look after…well很好地照顾某人

50.remember to do sth.记得要去做某事(事情没有做)remember doing sth.记得做过某事(事情已


51.finish doing sth. 做完某事

52.Must I …?的否定回答No, you needn’t./ No, you don’t have to.


1.聚会,联欢get together

2.月饼moon cake

3.敲门knock on/at the/people’s door

4.不招待,就使坏trick or treat

5.粽子rice dumplings/a rice dumpling

6.狮子舞the lion dance

7.发现find out

8.拍照take a photo/take photos

9.在夜里at night

10.放烟火let off fireworks

11.红包a red packet/res packets

12.让某人做某事let sb do sth let 后面加动


13.让我们let us=let’s

14.猜一猜have a guess

15.想要做某事(2)want to do sth=would like to

do sth

16.装扮成dress up as dress up 打扮be

dressed in 穿着dress sb.给某人穿衣服17.……怎么样?及用法what about…?=how

about…? 后面人称代词用宾格,动词用ing


18.美猴王the Monkey King

19.春节(2)Chinese New Year=Spring Festival

20.端午节Dragon Boat Festival

21.庆祝中秋节celebrate Mid-Autumn Festival

22.在感恩节on Thanksgiving Day

23.得到许多礼物get lots of/a lot of/many


24.在圣诞节at Christmas

25.在那一天on that day

26.我所有的家人all my family

27.吃一顿丰盛的大餐have a big dinner

28.赏满月enjoy the full moon be full of

装满…… 充满……

29.居住在美国(3)live in the USA/the


30.看信read a letter/letters

31.因某事感谢某人thank sb for sth

32.因做某事感谢某人thank sb for doing sth

33.谢谢你(2)thank you=thanks

34.告诉某人关于某事tell sb about sth
