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▶环保:environmental protection

low carbon economy 低碳经济

UN climate change conference in Copenhagen哥本哈根联合国气候变化会议

Greenhouse effect温室效应

Confront the threat of global warming(面临全球变暖的威胁)

To reduce the petrol engine exhaust emissions 减少(汽车)的尾气排放

environment- friendly society (生态型社会)

contaminate the environment 污染环境?

natural resources(自然资源)

energy conservation and environmental protection (节能环保)

biological balance (生物学平衡)

bring about harmony of economic returns and contribution to society and environmental protection (实现经济效益、社会效益和环境效益的统一)

curb environmental pollution (治理环境污染)

develop renewable/substitute resources (开发可再生/替代资源)


boom 蓬勃发展

low carbon economy 低碳经济

economic globalization(经济全球化)

sustainable development(可持续发展)

unfair competition(不正当竞争)

promote sales(促销)

fake and inferior product(假冒伪劣产品),

crack down on fake commodities (打假)

purchasing power(购买力)

fierce competition(激烈竞争)

after-sale service (售后服务)

bread –and – butter issue(生计问题)

enterprise image(企业形象),brand effect(品牌效应)

retail industry (零售行业) wholesale industry (批发行业)

credit crisis(信用危机) credit card (信用卡)

stabilize the commodity prices(稳定物价)

service trade(服务行业)

premature consumption超前消费

▶立志(成功/成才):succeed, achieve success

the pursuit of success / achievement / happiness / individual self-realization

spare no efforts/pains to do (不遗余力去做某事)= make great effort to do sth,

do with full persistence(坚持不懈地做某事),

try every means to stay on top (尽一切努力取得成功)

to realize one’s ambition(抱负)可以代替“to fulfill one’s dreams”

cultivate the sense of individual self-realization 培养一种自我实现(成功)的意识

stand up to/ withstand challenges and difficulties(经得住挑战与困难)


innovative learning(创新学习)

higher education(高等教育)


fake certificate/diploma(假毕业证/文凭)

the craze for graduate school(考研热)diploma craze(文凭热)

poverty-stricken students(贫困学生)

further one’s study (深造)

quality education(素质教育)

teacher-centered,(以教师为中心) student-centered, (以学生为中心)

foster abilities(培养能力)foster comprehensive abilities(提高综合能力)

improve the comprehensive quality(提高综合素质)

relieve the burden on students(减轻学生负担)

be occupied with so much schoolwork(忙于功课)

college, university, students union(学生会)

extracurricular activity(课外活动)

practical capability(实际能力)

educational reform(教学改革)

academic plagiarism 学术抄袭

the examination-oriented education(应试教育)

interdisciplinary talents复合型人才(inter-交融,disciplinary学科的=多学科背景)

enhance the cultural deposits(提高文化底蕴)

good scores but low qualities(高分低能)

teach students according to their aptitude(资质)(因材施教)

possess political integrity and professional ability(德才兼备)

be a student of fine qualities and fine scholar(品学兼优)

improve the health and psychological quality(提高学生身心素质)

adjust to the social changes quickly(适应社会的改变)

meet the urgent need of the society(满足社会的急需)

a more vigorous, colorful and dynamic life(更加有意义和丰富的生活)
