
Integrated Engineering Solution
Integrated Engineering Solution
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Integrated Engineering Solution
Integrated Engineering Solution
热流道定义及结构 热流道优势和局限性
产品演 示 热流道操作及注意事项
热 流道保养
Integrated Engineering Solution
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Integrated Engineering Solution
热流道系统是指传输塑化物料进入模具型腔的一整套系统。 热流道系统的一般组成如下图所示:
Integrated Engineering Solution
7)一旦发现有出胶不顺的现象,千万切记不要盲目开高温度,而是要查找不出胶的 真正原因,一般不出胶原因如下: a. 胶口堵塞 b. 阀针没有打开,流道口完全被碳化的料堵死
浇口 堵铁
Integrated Engineering Solution
Integrated Engineering Solution
三〉热电偶的工作原理 热电偶的工作原理—示意图
Integrated Engineering Solution
GUNTHER 热通道系统 说明书

操作手册热流道技术• 系统• 喷嘴务必在开始工作之前阅读操作说明!务必在开始工作之前阅读操作说明!Doc-ID:6449©GONTHER HeiGkanatechnk GmbHSachsenberger StraGe 1D-35066 Frankenberg(Eder)电话:+49(0)6451 5008-0传真:+49(0)6451 5008-94电子邮箱:**************************网址:24.08.2009 V.1.02 热流道技术目录 3目录1 概述 (6)1.1 手册信息 (6)1.2 符号说明 (7)1.3 责任限制 (8)1.4 版权 (9)1.5 备件 (9)1.6 保修条款 (10)1.7 客户服务 (10)2 安全 (11)2.1 客户责任 (11)2.2 人员要求 (12)2.2.1 资格 (12)2.2.2 未经批准的人员 (13)2.2.3 培训 (13)2.3 正确使用 (14)2.4 个人防护设备 (15)2.5 特定危险 (16)2.6 安全设施 (18)2.7 固定以免开启 (19)2.8 在危险情况以及事故情形下的行为 (20)2.9 环境保护 (20)3 技术数据 (21)3.1 连接数值 (21)3.2 工作条件 (22)3.3 润滑剂 (22)3.4 型号牌(例示) (23)4 结构与功能 (24)4.1 热流道系统概述 (24)4.2 电力插座和热电偶连接 (26)4.2.1 电力插座-CMT-/热插头-CMLK- (26)4.2.2 电力插座-FKT-/热插头-CMLK- (27)5 运输、包装与储存 (28)5.1 有关运输的安全说明 (28)5.2 包装上的标志 (29)5.3 货运检查 (30)5.4 运输 (30)5.5 包装 (31)5.6 储存 (32)6 安装盒试运行 (33)6.1 安全 (33)6.2 准备工作 (34)6.2.1 检查前提条件 (34)6.2.2 所需工具 (35)热流道技术目录4 6.2.3 测量高度调节 (35)6.2.4 热膨胀伸缩缝K (36)6.3 安装 (38)6.3.1 “热半”组件 (38)6.3.2 组装带起模板机构的阀门浇口系统 (43)6.3.3 组装带起模板机构的阀门浇口系统 (44)6.3.4 安装针 (46)6.4 有关阀门浇口的说明 (47)6.5 试运行 (49)6.6 注释/说明 (53)6.6.1 浇口 (53)6.6.2 向斜面浇注 (55)6.6.3 通过中间浇口进行浇注 (55)6.6.4 在高光泽度可视表面上进行反向浇注 (56)7 运行 (57)7.1 安全 (57)7.2 开启 (57)7.3 关闭 (58)7.4 过程中断情况下所采取的行为 (58)7.5 变色 (59)7.6 紧急停车 (60)8 故障排查 (61)8.1 安全 (61)8.2 故障排查表格 (63)8.2.1 故障 (63)8.2.2 阀门浇口系统 (66)8.3 故障排除后启动 (67)9 维护 (68)9.1 安全 (68)9.2 维护计划 (70)9.3 维护任务 (71)9.3.1 清洁喷嘴 (71)9.3.2 在模具内测量喷嘴温度 (75)9.3.3 清洁阀针 (75)9.3.4 清洁歧管 (76)9.3.5 更换单点针阀上的O 型圈 (81)9.3.6 重新润滑滑动凸轮机构 (82)9.3.7 污物 (83)9.4 紧固转矩 (83)9.4.1 一般紧固转矩 (83)9.5 维护完成后进行测量 (84)10 拆卸 (85)10.1 安全 (85)10.2 拆卸针 (87)10.3 “热半”组件 (89)热流道技术目录 510.4 拆卸和处置 (91)11 备件列表 (92)12 附录 (93)12.1 技术信息 (94)12.2 高度调节/尺寸检查 (95)12.3 热流道系统检查表 (96)12.4 符合性声明 (98)13 索引 (99)热流道技术概述 61 概述1.1 手册信息本手册为有关热流道系统的安全和有效使用的说明。


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z 电源线应选择与机箱和负载容量相匹配的规格; z 连接电源线时,必须严格按照箱体上的接线提示操作; z 连接信号线时,注意与模具接线方式和感温线类型的匹配情况; z 接线完成后,检查连接是否正确并接触良好; z 通电前,请确认供电电源符合温控箱要求; z 控制器工作时,应确保机箱风扇处于工作状态和交流指示灯亮起; z 需要改变机箱接线或更换控制模块时,应依次关闭机箱上的开关 z 人机界面仅为控制模块 M1-M8 状态监控与参数设定使用; z 控制模块 M1-M8 可以扩展到 48 通道,本温控箱是 24 通道,用到控制模块 M1-M4;
地址:深圳市南山区桃源街道 珠光创新科技园 2 栋 402 电话:0755-86652895 传真:0755-86652897
图 3-2
⑵ 温度上限报警指示 ⑷ 温度加热状态指示 ⑹ 控温开关
图 3-3 温度显示界面
⑴ 主控界面 ⑶ 温度实时曲线界面 ⑸ 返回上一次界面
⑵ 温度设定值界面 ⑷ 输出控制参数设定界面
3-3 温度设定界面:用于温度的设定。
图 3-2
⑴ 温度设定值通道号 ⑶ 温度报警设定值
图 3-3 修改参数值界面
连接器配线: TC 对应接热电偶线,+接热电偶正端,-接热电偶负端。TC1 表示对应 道通 1,Heat 对应接加热器,Heat1 表示对应加热通道 1。
图 3-14 温控箱整体连接器全貌
图 3-15 单个模块连接器对应控制模块 M1-M4 - 11 -
D3~D0 不全为 0 时,为输入的字数 在 CtrlSel 后每个字变量可以选择一个逻辑输入, 低字节为输入位变量地址(请看位变量地址表)

热流道系统的安装及操作.热流道系统简介:随着大量制造的塑料零件变得越来越复杂,热流道系统的使用也变得越来越有必要了, 热流道是注射成型模具中独特的结构元件。
(热流道拆开模腔板示图).热流道系统的优点:热流道系统具备以下的优点,避免或减少回用料,无流道用料, 改善制品质量, 外观好.应力小,塑件处理比较容易自动化,具有宿短注塑周期时间的条件,避免塑件/流道分隔,可用较低的注塑压力等。

3.热流道系统的关机程序:a.用一般清洗螺杆的材料来清洗热流道系统;b.关掉温控器,不停的空射,直到射不出胶为止;c. 保持冷却水一直开启,直到模具温度接近室温为止。

二、操作前的准备1. 在进行任何操作之前,必须确保热流道配电箱的电源已切断,并且已将所有相关设备和电源完全断开。
2. 操作人员必须穿戴适当的个人防护设备,包括安全帽、防护手套、防护眼镜等。
三、操作步骤1. 将手放在工作台上,确保双脚牢固地站在地面上,并确保平衡稳定。
2. 基于工作需求,正确选择相应的工作工具,并确保工具的完好无损。
3. 在使用工具之前,必须对其进行检查,包括外观、电缆线和开关的状态。
4. 在进行电气接线时,必须确保所有电源已切断,并使用工具进行绝缘处理。
5. 在维护和更换相关设备时,必须先将其与电源完全断开,并根据需要使用工具进行绝缘处理。
6. 在操作期间,严禁携带金属物品进入热流道配电箱工作区域,以免发生电击事故。
7. 操作人员必须保持清醒和专注,避免分神和饮食等不安全行为。
四、紧急情况处理1. 在发生紧急情况时,操作人员必须立即停止操作,并通过应急停止按钮或其他紧急停止设备切断电源。
2. 在处理紧急情况时,必须按照相关应急预案进行操作,并及时报告相关责任人。
五、安全检查1. 在操作结束时,必须对热流道配电箱进行安全检查,以确保设备和电气系统的完好性和安全性。
2. 检查事项包括但不限于电缆线是否磨损、电源插头是否松动、控制开关是否正常等。
3. 若发现任何异常情况,必须立即停止操作并报告相关责任人进行处理。
六、操作纪律1. 严格按照操作规程进行操作,不得违反规程或随意修改操作程序。
2. 禁止擅自使用无关设备或工具,必须使用经批准的工具和设备。
3. 在操作结束后,必须将工作区域整理干净,并将工具和设备归存到指定位置。
4. 参与操作的人员必须经过相关培训和持证上岗,未经培训和授权的人员严禁进行操作。



处理:提高热喷嘴和分流板的温度,提高注塑压力,扩大浇口,提 高模温,安装大规格喷嘴,加大熔胶口出料口,清除堵塞物。
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© LKMHeatlock Co Ltd
7. 热喷嘴流延
使用方法: 1.生产完成时热流道需要清理; 2.停机或停机维修时流道要清理; 3.换色换料时也可清理流道;
2008-3-28 / 10
© LKMHeatlock Co Ltd
1. 热分流板达不到设定的温度 原因:热电偶接触不良或失效,加热丝短路,加热丝接线太松或太短。 处理:检查热电偶接触是否正常,接线是否正确,检查发热丝回路。 2. 热分流板升温太慢
原因: 某一根加热丝断路或接线太松,热分流板空气空隙不足,隔热 垫片上过度冷却,热电偶接触不良。 处理:对所有加热丝进行检查,增加空气间隙,在定模固定板上增加 隔热板,或降低对定模板固定板的冷却,检查热电偶接触是否良好。 3. 热分流板温度不稳定 原因:热电偶接触不良。 处理:检查热电偶。
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9. 制品上有较多飞边
原因:注塑压力过高,温度过高,分模面平整质量差,锁模力不足,模具 底板或注塑机动模/定模板不平整。
2008-3-28 / 13
© LKMHeatlock Co Ltd
处理:降低注塑压力,降低热喷嘴/分流板/模具温度,增加锁模力,修 整模具,修整注塑机动模/定模板。 10. 制品上或浇口区域产生焦印,焦痕 原因:模具上排气不足,注射速度过快,浇口窝嘴尺寸不对,材料烘干 不够。 处理:增加排气,降低注射速度,增加浇口窝嘴的尺寸,烘干材料。 11. 注塑玻纤材料时嘴尖磨损太快 原因:嘴芯材料太软。 处理:换成LKMHEATLOCK生产的TZM合金嘴芯。 12. 浇口痕迹过大 原因:浇口过大,选用的热喷嘴类型不正确,浇口轮廓加工不正确。 处理:减小浇口,选择合适的热喷嘴类型,检查浇口加工轮廓。

GÜNTHER User Manual Hot Runner Systems DPK Hot Runner Systems Table of Contents:Page1GENERAL______________________________________________________________________1-4 2DISPLAY AND OPERATING CONTROLS__________________________________________2-6 2.1C ONTROL P ANEL________________________________________________________2-6 2.2P ARALLEL D ISPLAY______________________________________________________2-7 3OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS____________________________________________________3-8 3.1T URNING O N____________________________________________________________3-8 3.2M ULTI-C HANNEL M ODE__________________________________________________3-8 3.3S INGLE C HANNEL M ODE__________________________________________________3-9 3.4O PERATING M ODE______________________________________________________3-103.4.1 Changing Set Values_________________________________________________________________3-103.4.2 Switching Hot Runners On and Off_____________________________________________________3-113.4.3 Changing the Operating Mode …Thermocouple/Percentage“________________________________3-123.4.4 Temperature Lowering / Rising________________________________________________________3-13 3.5M ENU M ODE__________________________________________________________3-143.5.1 Set All Channels____________________________________________________________________3-163.5.2 Temperature Program_______________________________________________________________3-163.5.3 Temperature Lowering/Rising_________________________________________________________3-173.5.4 Serial Interface_____________________________________________________________________3-173.5.5 Power Monitor______________________________________________________________________3-173.5.6 Turn On Time______________________________________________________________________3-183.5.7 Configuration_______________________________________________________________________3-183.5.8 Heater 5V/24V______________________________________________________________________3-183.5.9 Language__________________________________________________________________________3-183.5.10 Service___________________________________________________________________________3-18 3.6C ONFIGURATION M ENU__________________________________________________3-193.6.1 Softstart___________________________________________________________________________3-193.6.2 Load Defaults_______________________________________________________________________3-203.6.3 Calibration_________________________________________________________________________3-213.6.4 PID - Parameter____________________________________________________________________3-213.6.5 Switching °C / F_____________________________________________________________________3-223.6.6 Temperature Window________________________________________________________________3-22 4OTHER FUNCTIONS___________________________________________________________4-234.1R EADY TO S TART M OLDING______________________________________________4-23 4.2E RROR M ESSAGES______________________________________________________4-23 4.3S TARTING R AMP_______________________________________________________4-27 5SERIAL INTERFACE___________________________________________________________5-285.1G ENERAL I NFORMATION_________________________________________________5-28 5.2T ROUBLE S HOOTING____________________________________________________5-29Table of Contents:Page6INSTALLATION AND START-UP________________________________________________6-30 6.1I NSTALLATION_________________________________________________________6-306.1.1 Location___________________________________________________________________________6-306.1.2 Electrical Connections_______________________________________________________________6-306.1.3 Additional Interfaces_________________________________________________________________6-32 6.2I NITIAL S TART-U P______________________________________________________6-356.2.1 Testing Thermocouple Connections_____________________________________________________6-356.2.2 Testing Heater Disconnections_________________________________________________________6-356.2.3 Testing Thermocouple and Load Crosswiring____________________________________________6-356.2.4 Aditional Information:_______________________________________________________________6-36 6.3I NSTALLING NEW S OFTWARE-EPROM´S____________________________________6-36 7APPENDIX____________________________________________________________________7-377.1A PPENDIX A – C ONNECTIONS TO THE DPK__________________________________7-37 7.2A PPENDIX B - F USES____________________________________________________7-39 7.3A PPENDIX C – S TAR-/D ELTA O PPERATION__________________________________7-41 7.4A PPENDIX D – T ECHNICAL D ATA__________________________________________7-42 7.5A PPENDIX E - S ERVICE F ORM_____________________________________________7-45 7.6A PPENDIX F – S CHEMATIC_______________________________________________7-46 7.7A PPENDIX G – P OSITION S CHEMATIC_______________________________________7-47 7.8A PPENDIX H - A DDRESSES________________________________________________7-48 7.9A PPENDIX I – EG D ECLARATION OF C ONFORMITY____________________________7-51GÜNTHER User Manual Hot Runner Systems DPK Hot Runner Systems Warranty Condtions:1.Installation and implementation must be carried out by an electrician!2.Please refer to chapter 6 - Installation and Inplementation of the DPK usermanual prior to the installion of the device!3.Before connecting the device to the main power supply, check the mainvoltage and the type of net (star or delta)!1GeneralThe hot runner system DPK has been built and tested according to DIN 57411 part 1 and VDE 0411 part 1 (Germany). It has left the factory in perfect condition. In order to keep your product fully operational and to guarantee safe operation, please read this instruction manual carefully and follow all hints. Before switching on, it is important to check that the local voltage is identical to that allowed by the unit. The plug may only be plugged into to an earthed socket. Any disconnection of the earth cable (e.g. an extension of the cable without earth connected) can cause hazardous conditions to the unit.Hint:Disconnect mains before opening unit. Refer to a qualified technician for servicing.The DPK unit is an optimized hot runner control unit, it is more efficient and reduces costs.Advantages for the user:•Available in 5, 10, or 15 hot runner versions according to the user’s requirements.•The DPK automatically recognizes low voltage nozzles and 230V hot runner elements and sets its control parameters accordingly.•Only one unit is required for mixed operation .•PID controller with variable parameters, fast heating of 5V and 24V low voltage nozzles, careful heating of 230V hot runner elements.•Control operation is possible at all times even in the event of thermocouple failure.•Existing power units from the 160 series can continue to be used as the DPK control unit is compatible with all existing GÜNTHER power units.•Because of the module construction, system upgrades are possible.The DPK is reliable and safe, due to continuous checking and monitoring functions.Advantages for the user:•Continuous self-monitoring function.•Protects low voltage nozzles from current overload.•Identifies thermocouple failures, heat circuit disconnections and short circuits.•Turns off the power supply in case of a malfunction and signals the alarm via a potential free contact.•Parameters and programs are saved in an EPROM and are therefore not lost in the case of a power supply failure.The DPK is designed for easy use, this makes installation and tool change simple.Advantages for the user:•The DPK is especially designed for simple and easy operation.•The multi-function keypad has an easy to use layout and because of its dust and water proof key pad, it withstands tough environments.•The simple operator entry levels prevents wrong operation.•All hot runners are simultaneously displayed and for each hot runner the set and actual values.•The control parameters are adjustable according to the application.•The implemented diagnostic tests the complete system, including tools, nozzles, distributors and the hot runner system for malfunction.•Incorrectly connected circuits are located before start of operation.•Low installation cost due to combined thermal and power connections.The DPK has numerous special functions for optimal system utilizationAdvantages for the user:•Power output surveillance is possible during operation.•Decrease and increase temperature for all control points by simply pressing a key.•Reading of the effective current at low voltage.•Several set value programs simplify material or tool change.•If desired, a serial interface is available as connection to the injection molding machines.GÜNTHER User Manual Hot Runner Systems DPK Hot Runner Systems 2Display and Operating ControlsThe display and operating controls of the DPK are located on the operation control panel and the parallel display. Great emphasis has been placed upon ease of use and a good layout.2.1Control Panel ArrayFunction KeysA Key …°C/F↓“>lowering temperature all zonesB Key …°C/F↑“>raising temperature all zonesC Key …MENU“>show menuE – H Keys …!“, …"“, …#“, …$“>changing & adjusting set values and parameters,cancel functionD Key …ENTER“>´ENTER KEY´ to confirm inputs,to quit program levelsHint:For further details concerning keys and their functions see chapter 3.3 Operation.2.2Parallel DisplayThe parallel display is a 15-fold 3-digit seven segment display for set temperature, actual temperature, temperature difference or actual adjustable variables in ´%´. Three additional LEDs are located beside each indicator to display the status of the zone.If a channel is turned off, " --- " appears in the accompanying display. The percent control variable is displayed to channels which work in the setting mode.Between the operating controls and parallel display the “#“ key and 4 LED´s are placed. The key is used to display the set value, actual value, temperature difference or the display of current in …%“. The LEDs above the key shows the selected display type.The temperature state in addition is one by one displayed for every channel. If the green indicator shines behind the corresponding value, this channel has reached the programed temperature window (ready for molding). There is an over and under indicator also which is a red indicator for both conditions.GÜNTHER User Manual Hot Runner Systems DPK Hot Runner Systems 3 Operating Instructions3.1 Turning OnAfter the unit has been switched on the Günther logo, the program revision number and the serial Number will be shown on the display. Then the unit automatically performs a system check which includes the heating circuits, whether a low voltage or a 230 volt load is connected. After the system check the DPK detects the load if it is a low voltage or 230 V .The Display will show a table of all loads. If faults are detected on the system or the loads (nozzles, distributor or cables) the fault is displayed and the loads are switched off. At the same time the parallel display shows TST (Test)and then the detected voltage of the load. If a load turned of in reasen of a fault, or if it is not connected, the parallel Display will be shown …---“.3.2 Multi-Channel ModeAfter the adjusting of the loads has been performed, the controller is in the multi-channel mode. In this mode every five channels are display for a short time interval.The set value and the current value in degrees celsius or degrees fahrenheit is displayed in this mode. The control value is also displayed in per cent (%) for 230V nozzles or in ampere (A) for 24V or 5V nozzles.230V loads pass through a so-called softstart if the set temperature is higher than 105°C (221°F). If the softstart is active, all 230V loads are clamped to 105°C. This clamping ends if all loads have reached this temperature (see chapter 3.6.1 Softstart ).Hint:At the apperance of any failure the multi-channel mode will be interupted and the failure will be visualized on the display. If several errors occur, then the channel whose error was recognized first is displayed. This is also valid if the display is switched from the menu mode to the multi-channel mode after the apperance of any failure.Fig. 3-1 Multi-Channel Mode3.3 Single Channel ModeTo change from the multi-channel mode to the single-channel, mark a channel with the keys marked …#“ or …$“. By pressing the keys …"“ or …Enter“ the channel is entered in single-channel mode.The single-channel mode is now shown on the display. In this mode all data (rated value, actual value, load caracter, current, power consumption) of each channel will be shown.At first, in the single-channel mode, the channel number is marked. By pressing the key …!“the display mode returns to the multi-channel mode.Towards a cycle of 2 seconds the mark switched off, now it is possible by pressing the key …!“ to turn the display mode to the scan mode.The following sign indicates the scan mode.In this mode the zones with set and actual values will be displayed in the display, one by one.Runners wich are switched of will be skipped.The unit (%,A,°C,°F) for each zone number, will be displayed at the same time.The scan mode ca be cancelled by pressing any key and restarted by pressing the …!“ key after 2seconds when the mark of the channel nummber swiched off again.Hint:If a fault occurs, the scan mode will be terminated and channel number causing a fault will be shown on the display. If several faults occur at the same time, the zone where the first fault occured is displayed.Fig. 3-1 Single channel ModeGÜNTHER User Manual Hot Runner Systems DPK Hot Runner Systems 3.4Operating Mode3.4.1Changing Set ValuesDuring the single-channel mode move the mark to the set value, by pressing the …"“ key. The desired set value is entered by pressing the key …#“ and …$“. The key function is dynamic i.e. the longer the key is pressed, the quicker the set point value changes.The controller operation works independently from the entering of a value. It is therefore not necessary to return to the scan mode. Scan mode makes exact surveillance of critical regulation positions possible.Value limits:The temperatures are adjustable within a range from 0 to 500 °C(0 to 932 °F).The percentage control mode is adjustable from 0% to 100%.3.4.2Switching Hot Runners On and OffIf a hot runner is unused, it is posible to switch it off.Fig. 3-1 Switching Hot Runners On and OffDuring the single-channel mode move the mark to the ON/OFF button by pressing the …"“ key. Now the setting may be changed by pressing the …#“ or …$“ key.Runners which are switched off will be displayed only in the multi-channel mode and are not checked for faults anymore.GÜNTHERUser Manual Hot Runner Systems DPK Hot Runner Systems3.4.3 Changing the Operating Mode …Thermocouple/Percentage“In the event that a thermocouple fails to function, or for any other reason, the percentage control mode can be carried out to continue the control operation manually. The current will then be displayed in percent (%).Mark the menu item power or temp. in single-channel mode by pressing the …"“ key, choose between thermocouple or percentage by pressing the …#“ or …$“ key.For low voltage-nozzles it will be:100% approximately 125A (for 5V nozzles)100% approximately 25A (for 24V nozzles)Fig. 3-1 Changing the Operating Mode3.4.4Temperature Lowering / RisingIf production stops for a longer period of time, it is advisable to lower the set temperatures without turning the unit off.By pressing the key …°C/F↓“ lowering temperature is activated. The display shows in the multi-channel mode at the left corner …t-lowering“, in the single-channel mode the following sign.An external activation of the temperature lowering is possible by connecting a closing contact at the rear side of the DPK. It is possible to connect a potential free contact to the unit with a cable which is available from GÜNTHER HOT RUNNER SYSTEMS (specially for relay output of injection molding machines).Additionally it is possible to increase the temperature for all runners at the same time. By pressing the key …°C/F↑“ the temperature rise is activated. The display shows in the multi-channel mode at the left corner …t-boost“, in the single-channel mode the following sign.The temperature lowering mode is cancelled by pressing the key …°C/F↓“ once more. Now the old set values are valid. The lowering value may be adjusted by the menu temp. lowering (in °C/°F, 0 -255). The rise temperature mode is cancelled by pressing the key …°C/F↑“. The rising value may be adjusted by the menu temp. boost. If the lowering or rising is cancelled, the old set values are restored.GÜNTHERUser Manual Hot Runner Systems DPK Hot Runner Systems3.5 Menu ModeBy pressing the …menu“ key the menu mode is activated. The main menu will be shown on the display.Use the …#“ und …$“ keys to select and the A or …ENTER“ key to confirm a menu item. If the operater does not makes modifications in the main or in a other menu the display mode will be changed after a time of 10 seconds and the display will show the single- or multi-channel mode.If a menu item is confirmed, the value may be changed by pressing the …#“ and …$“ keys. By pressing the …!“ oder …ENTER“ key you will return to the menu. If the …ENTER“ key is used the displayed value will be stored as a new set value. By using the …!“ key the value will not be stored (cancel function).The menu structure is on the next page.Fig. 3-1 Main MenuMenustructure of the DPKFig. 3-2 Menu structure of the DPKGÜNTHER User Manual Hot Runner Systems DPK Hot Runner Systems 3.5.1Set All ChannelsThe menu …set all channels“ enables the operator to change the temperature, the controller output or to turn on or off all channelFig. 3-1 Changing Temperature Program3.5.3 Temperature Lowering/RisingBy the two menus …temp. lowering“ and …temp. boost“ the operator could set the increase or decrease temperature. By using the …°C/F↓“ key the temperature drops about the value which adjusted in the menu …temp. lowering“. By using the …°C/F↑“ key the temperature rises about the value which adjusted in the menu …temp. boost“.3.5.4 Serial InterfaceThe DPK is generally delivered with one serial interface …COM1“. This interface is a standard RS 232 interface. The serial interface …COM1“ is only to connect a DPK to a personal computer or to comunicate with other DPK.An optional serial interface …COM2“ for injection molding machines is available. An add on Kit for delivered units is also available. With the interface …COM2“ it is possible to remote control and display the information of the DPK unit via the injection moulding machine. The interface enables easy quality control because of the possible production data acquisition.Because each injection moulding machine producer has ist own communication protocol, use the menu item …molding machine“ to select the protocol of the molding machineYou can see which interface is needed by reading the user manual of the molding machine or contact Günther Hot Runner Systems for further information.In the menu are the items Arburg, Engel und Kraus Maffei (see Chapter 5 Interface).3.5.5 Power MonitorThe menu power monitor will show the total power consumption and the current separated for each line at the moment.Fig. 3-1 Power MonitorGÜNTHER User Manual Hot Runner Systems DPK Hot Runner Systems 3.5.6Turn On TimeThe hours of operation are displayed in the menu turn on time. Every time when the DPK is switched on this time is incremented.3.5.7 ConfigurationBy choosing the menu item configuration the configuration menu will be entered. You need a password to enter this menu. In the configuration menu the operater can change the language, the PID parameter or calibrate the DPK etc.For further information refer to Chapter 3.6 Configurationmenu.3.5.8 Heater 5V/24VIn this menu item the type of the low voltage load (5V/24V) for all channels can be set. This means the DPK is able to work in a mixed mode with 230V and 5V nozzles or in a mixed mode with 230V and 24V nozzles. A mixed mode for 5V and 24V nozzles is not supported!3.5.9 LanguageIn this menu item you are able to change the language for the display and the menu. The DPK supports three languages: german, english and french.3.5.10ServiceThis menu item is used by the manufacturer of the DPK for several setting. This menu has ist own password. The user must not and need not make any changes to this menu.3.6Configuration MenuBy scrolling through the main menu, the configuration menu can be entered. A password is needed to enter this menu. In the configuration menu the operater can change the PID parameter or calibrate the DPK etc.The password for the configuratin menu is: 0099The entered password is only valid for 15 minutes or up to the moment where the DPK is turned off. For further changes to the configuration you need to enter it again.Fig. 3-1 Configuration3.6.1SoftstartWhen 230V nozzles are used it is necessary to employ the softstart start-up procedure to dry out the moisture that has collected in the heating elements. In order to do this, in the first phase of the softstart (the set time) value of the menu softstart is increased from 0 to 50% . The ramp time should be selected in such a manner, that the DPK reaches the temperature of 105°C at the end of the ramp. If the temperature is less than 105°C at the end of the ramp, the DPK will increase the temperature to 105°C. After the DPK has reached the 105°C the second time controlled phase of the softstart (the holdtime) begins. The ramp and the hold time is adjustable by the menu softstart and could be changed in 2 seconds steps. The holdtime is used to adequately dry out the nozzle with a low thermic load. This start-up operation will begin automatically if it´s been activated in the softstart menu after the control unit or runner is switched on and also after a program change. The softstart start-up procedure is activated individually and automatically for each zone when the actual temperature of a 230V nozzle remains below 100°C, because the set value is programmed over 100°C. The softstart is indicated in the single channel mode by the following sign.ramp time hold timeIn the multi channel mode by the text …softstart“ and the countdown in the left corner.After the end of the holdtime the unit will switch from softstart to normal operating mode. To prevent overheating of the molding material in the 5V nozzles during combined operations employing both 5V and 230V nozzles, the 5V nozzles are limited to temperatures not exceeding 105°C during softstart. The temperature lowering is taken into consideration during softstarts, so that the DPK unit can begin to operate immediately with an instant temperature lowering.GÜNTHER User Manual Hot Runner Systems DPK Hot Runner Systems3.6.2 Load DefaultsBy selecting the menu item load defaults and affirming the questions with yes twice, the DPK loads up the parameters and values to the factory settings.Attention!All individual entered settings of the DPK (values and parameters) will be deleted!The following table shows the default settings:Set All Channels:100°C(all set temperatures)Temperature Programs: 1. power ON50%2. power OFF75%3. temp.ON100°C4. temp.OFF200°CSoftstart:ONover all time:10minhold time:5minramp time:5minPID-Parameter:P-Value:60(for all channels)I- Value:60D- Value:30Temperature Unit:°CTemperature Window:+/- 5°CLowering Value:50°CRising Value:50°CLanguage:GermanInterface:ArburgHeater 5V/24V:24V3.6.3CalibrationThe sophisticated and microcontroller seconded temperature module of the DPK could calibrate its self by using a calibrationjack.Fig. 3-1 CalibrationThe calibriation jack is available from GÜNTHER HOT RUNNER SYSTEMS, without the jack the error message of Fig. C will be shown on the display.3.6.4 PID - ParameterThe operater can change the PID parameter using the menu item …pid-parameter“. So the operator is able to match the parameter to the controlled system. It is possible to match the paramters independently.GÜNTHERUser Manual Hot Runner Systems DPK Hot Runner Systems3.6.5 Switching °C / FBy choosing the menu item …switch °C/F“ it is possible to choose between degrees celsius or fahrenheit.3.6.6 Temperature WindowThe width of the windows for the value of the existing temperature can be changed in the menu item temperature window. Is the value of the temperature at the nozzle within this window, this will cause the lightning of the O.K. indicator in the parallel display. If all temperatures are in within the window, the ready to mold output will be set.Fig. 3-1 Switching °C/°F4Other Functions4.1Ready to Start MoldingAs soon as the adjusted runners have reached the preset temperatures the OK LED is switched on and in the bottom line of the display appears the text …ready for molding“. Additionally a potential free relay contact is switch on. This relay contact is located on the rear side of the system and is marked with OK.The OK LED and the relay output will be switched off in case of:• a fault•lowering4.2Error MessagesIn the event of a fault, the display will show the fault and the protection system will shut down the power. With this fault the relay contact is switched. By pressing the …ENTER“ key the faulty channel will be switched off and the other channels will be switched on.During the hot runner test all channels without a fault switched on and so it is not a mistake it is only a warning that the faulty channel is switched off.A channel which evoked a warning is switched in the off temperature mode when no load is detected and switched in the off percentage mode when no thermocouple is detected.The following faults are possible.The thermocouple of the shown channel was notfound. Please check the thermocouple and its` wires.Fig. 4-1 Thermocouple FailureGÜNTHER User Manual Hot Runner Systems DPK Hot Runner SystemsThermocouple ExchangeThe thermocouple of the shown channel is notconnected right. The + and – connections areexchanged. Please change the direction of theconnections.Thermocouple ShortcutThere is a short circuit at the thermocouple or itsconnections at the shown channel. Please check thethermocouple and its` wires.Over TemperatureThe thermocouple of the shown channel detects atemperature above 500°C. Please check thisthermocouple and its` wires. You should also checkthe thermocouples for neighboring nozzles.Fig. 4-2 Thermocouple ExchangeFig. 4-3 Thermocouple ShortcutFig. 4-4 Over TemperatureCheck Thermo-connectorThe connector of the thermocouple at the shownchannel is missing or is not fixed. Please check theconnections.Load InterruptedThe wires to the power module or to the nozzle ofthe shown channel are interrupted. Please check theload fuses and the wires.In normal operation the load interruption is onlydetected at a percetage value of 100%. This errormessage can occup at the adjustage. In this case,the power of the nozzle could be to small for thisapplication.Load Connector FailureThe load connector is lost or not fixed. Pleasecheck the connector.Fig. 4-5 Check Thermo-connectorFig. 4-6 Load InterruptedFig. 4-7 Load Connector Failure。

1.在使用前先检查控制器⑴检查控制器的配件是否齐全⑵检查电源是否安全受控⑶检查此说明书是否与控制器匹配⑷检查连接器是否安全可靠⑸检查加热器是否安全可靠⑹检查主电源是关闭的⑺检查电源是否适合控制器的工作⑻确定地线连接控制器⑼打开主电源开关⑽打开各个控制器工作开关⑾设定控制温度⑿检查控制器是否达到设定温度,且稳定2. 控制器输出⑴PID控制通过测量实际温度和设定温度进行比较,精确计算比例、微分、积分值,控制输出电压⑵自整定通过分析加热器和加热模式排除环境变化调整控制参数⑶输出模式根据电源环境确定●50赫兹●60赫兹3. 技术参数输入电压:AC 85V-250V,50/60HZ,15A负载能力:15A,150W-1650W(110V),100W-3300W(220V)输出类型:PWM传感器:热电偶(K \ J)温度范围:100℃~400℃温度稳定性:±0.5%温度控制类型:PID 控制环境温度:-10℃~50℃4.面板布局1.指示灯:状态指示灯(STATE):软启动常亮,预整定1秒闪烁,自整定0.5秒闪烁,其他状态不亮。

1.N:地線(蘭色)------接電箱外殼2.G 零線(花色)-----不用接。
1.:TC OPEN.表示溫度感測器是呈現斷路的狀態,或是根本就沒接上。
2. :TC REVERSE.表示溫度感測器線接反了。
3. :HEARER OPEN.表示加熱器是呈現斷路的狀態,或是根本就沒接上。
4. :TRAIC(集成電路) LARCH.表示TRAIC是呈現短路的狀態。
6.當持續按住1秒鐘會轉變為手動模式(MANUAL CONTROL MODE),顯示OP(Output)電壓輸出功率百分比,操作者可以去設定輸出百分比為0-99%。
1操作要領1 使用前測試﹕1 確認加熱器與感溫線沒有被挾到或是損傷.2 確認加熱器與感溫線與接頭的連接正確.(絕不可接反)3 確認溫度控制器的配線方式與模具的配線方式是否相同.4 確認射出機的噴嘴與流道板或是熱嘴之進澆處之接觸弧度是否相配.2 使用時注意事項﹕1 將溫度控制器上的溫度設定略高于射出機料管溫度.2 隨著操作情況的變化,逐次調整每一點的溫度.3 當緊急狀況發生需停機處理時,請將每區的溫度降低100 ℃﹐避免塑料在流道板或是熱嘴內熱裂解4由于澆口處極為狹窄,尚有雜質將造成塞頭的現象.5建議在射出機的噴頭使用過濾雜質的濾嘴﹐可避免塞頭清理的危機2 故障排除2 當無無法加溫時﹕1 確認模具上接頭的配線與溫控器是否吻合.2 檢查溫控器的電壓是否正確.3 檢查保險絲是否損壞.4 檢查模具上接頭的接線是否脫落.5 確認感溫線是否短路或損壞.以歐姆表量測加熱器的接線,檢查加熱器是否損壞.3 當無法射出時﹕1確認溫度控制器上的升溫是否足夠塑料的流動.2確認澆口處是否有雜質卡住.3對于某些高溫塑料使用于單穴熱嘴時需要加上后加熱器.4確認熱嘴器尖端處是否塞住澆口.5確認熱嘴與模板間之接觸面是否太大.6確認流道板的部份是否做到溫度平衡及壓力的平衡.4 塑料成型條件參考表面板說明:。


一、前言热流道(Hot Runner)又称无流道(Runnerless mold),是指在每次注射完毕后流道中的塑料不凝固,塑料产品脱模时就不必将流道中的冷却废料脱出。


如生产的塑胶中含有LCP + 30%玻纤时,可用纯的LCP料(不含玻纤的)来清洗热流道;开模之后空射,此时应看到各个出胶口的出胶都很顺畅;当发现某支或某几支热嘴不出料时,分以下两种情况:浇口有冷料,可用热风枪烘烤使冷料熔融,然后关上安全门重新射胶;如仍有某支热嘴不出料,根据热嘴位置示意图找出该嘴编号,对应把该支嘴的温度在原值基础上再升高10~20℃之后立即空射(不要超过3次),待出胶通畅之后立刻降温到生产温度,可合模试打产品即可解决问题;此时如仍有浇口被堵,则需立即停止生产,下模拆下堵胶的热嘴清胶或通知供应商处理。
(3)停机等候立刻用纯的LCP 料清洗热流道内的胶料,这样可以保持热流道里面和热嘴头部残留料,在整个生产过程中都是流动性相对较好的LCP料,同时确保下次试模或生产的顺利。
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9如果热流道内有异物堵塞必需找模房师付进行清理干净后再生 产,不能加高热流道温度来进行运作。