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1. 代替,而不是instead of doing

2. 全神贯注于concentrate on

3. 介意,在乎care about

4. 彻底打扫clear up

5. 考试不及格fail a test

6. 对我们要求严格be strict with us

7. 熬夜,不睡觉stay up

8. 目前,现在at present

9. 妨碍到功课get in the way of schoolwork

10. 扎耳孔get one’s ears pierced

11. 上课迟到get to class late

12. 晚一点参加考试take the test later

13. 回复这篇文章reply to the article

14. 让老师和同学们都高兴keep both teachers and students happy

15. 互相学习learn from each other

16. 有一次到地方医院做志愿者的机会

have an opportunity to volunteer at the local hospital

17. 我穿上很好看look good on me

18. 需要至少八小时睡眠have at least 8 hours’ sleep

19. 周五下午放假have Friday afternoon off

20. 有机会实现梦想have a chance of achieving the dream

21. 对…是认真的be serious about

22. 16岁的青少年应该被允许选择他们自己的衣服

Sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to choose their own chothes.

23. 他们说话而不做作业They talk instead of doing homework.

24. 我周末可以去看电影,他也是。I’m allowed to see movies, so is he.

25. 能否允许我自己做决定?

Should I be allowed to make my own decisions?

26. 他父母不允许他按照个人的喜好过多的训练。

His parents won’t allow him to train as much as he would like to.

1. 感到紧张get nervous

2. 起疹子、起疙瘩get pimples

3. 参加大型考试take a big exam

4. 不经允许without permission

5. 社会环境social situations

6. 出版,发表come out

7. 一点也不会影响你not bother you in the slightest

8. 许多plenty of

9. 很容易相处be easy to get along with

10. 好朋友的圈子 a circle of very good friends

11. 作报告make speeches

12. 代表全班represent the class

13. 使…失望或沮丧let…down

14. 提出、想出come up with

15. 其余的学生the rest of the students

16. 不小心切着自己cut yourself by accident

17. 首先就医get the medical help first

18. 用流动的凉水冲烧伤的部位

put the burned area under cold running water

19. 吸烟的危害the dangers of smoking

20. 把…隐藏起来hide…from

21. 同意做某事agree to do sth

22. 治疗轻微的烧伤treat a small burn

23. 如果我是你,睡前我会散步时间长一点。

If I were you, I’d take a ling walk before going to bed. 24. 你喜欢同一两个人而不是一群人交谈。

You like talking to one or two people rather than to a group.

Unit 5 词组

1. 属于belong to

2. 她最喜爱的作家her favorite author

3. 形成make up

4. 赶车catch a bus

5. 用完use up

6. 假装pretend to do

7. 至关重要be crucial

8. 担心,焦虑be anxious

9. 比…少less…than

10. 太…much too

11. 与…有个约have an appointment with sb

12. 从…逃跑escape from

13. 它肯定属于卡拉的。It must belong to Carla.

14. 它也许是宁的,上面有它的名字。

It might belong to Ning. It has her name on it.

15. 它不会是约翰的。它对他来说太小了。

It can’t be John’s. it’s much too small for him.

16. 至关重要的是我要学它因为它占期末考试的30%。

It’s crucial that I study for it because it makes up 30% of the final exam.
