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Yang B K,Liu X B,Shen Y X,et al.Effects of different silages on growth performance and serum biochemical indicators in the beef cattle[J].Animal Hus-bandry&Veterinary Medicine,2016,48(11):5-9





摘要:本试验是为了研究稻草青贮及稻草+甜高粱混合青贮对肉牛的生长性能及血清生化指标的影响。选取18头年龄和体重相近的健康肉犊牛进行配对,随机分为3组,每组6头。对照组饲喂玉米青贮,试验Ⅰ组饲喂稻草青贮,试验Ⅱ组饲喂稻草+甜高粱混合青贮。试验开始和结束时,测定试验牛体重和体尺指标。试验结束时,每头肉牛采血10mL,用于测定血清指标。结果表明:与对照组相比,试验结束时试验Ⅰ组和试验Ⅱ组平均体重分别提高3.33kg和4.00kg(P>0.05);试验Ⅰ组的体躯指数提高了4.78%(P=0.087)。试验Ⅰ组的血清尿素氮含量比对照组和试验Ⅱ组高(P<0.01);试验Ⅰ组的总胆固醇含量高于对照组(P<0.01),且显著高于试验Ⅱ组(P<0.05)。与对照组相比,试验Ⅰ组的甘油三酯含量显著升高(P<0.05),试验Ⅱ组的甘油三酯含量有升高的趋势(P=0.082);试验I组的高密度脂蛋白胆固醇含量有升高的趋势(P= 0.055)。试验结论:稻草青贮或稻草+甜高粱混合青贮具有良好的饲喂效果,可用于替代玉米青贮作为肉牛的粗饲料。



Effects of different silages on growth performance and serum biochemical

indicators in the beef cattle

YANG Baokui1,LIU Xinbao2,SHEN Yixin2,HAN Zhaoyu1*

(1.College of Animal Science and Technology,Nanjing Agricultural University,Nanjing210095,China;

2.College of Prataculture Science,Nanjing Agricultural University,Nanjing210095,China)

Abstract:The present experiment aimed to evaluate the effect of rice straw silage and rice straw+sweet sorghum mixed silage on growth performance and serum biochemical indicators in beef cattle.Eighteen healthy beef cattle with similar age and body weight were paired and randomly divided into three groups(6cattle of each group).Control group was fed corn silage,treatmentⅠfed rice straw silage and treat-mentⅡfed rice straw+sweet sorghum mixed silage.Body weights and body size indexes of cattle were measured on the first and last day of this experiment.Blood samples were taken from every cattle on the last day for measuring serum indicators.Compared with control group,av-erage body weights in treatmentⅠand treatmentⅡwere improved3.33kg and4.00kg,respectively(P>0.05);trunk index in treatment Ⅰwas improved by4.78%(P=0.087).Urea nitrogen content in sera of treatmentⅠwas higher than that in control group and treatmentⅡ(P<0.01);the content of total cholesterol in treatmentⅠwas higher than that in control group(P<0.01)and treatmentⅡ(P<0.05).Compared with control group,the content of triglyceride in treatmentⅠwas increased(P<0.05)and the content in treatmentⅡshowed an increased tendency(P=0.082);the content of high density lipoprotein cholesterol(HDL-C)also had an increased tendency(P=0.055).These results indicated that rice straw silage and rice straw+sweet sorghum mixed silage had good effects of feeding beef cattle and could be used to replace corn silage as coarse fodder for beef cattle.

Key words:beef cattle;rice straw silage;mixed silage;growth performance;body sizes indexes;serum biochemical indicators





*通信作者:韩兆玉,副教授,硕导,主要从事反刍动物生理调控研究,E-mail:zyhan6708@ 居世界第一。按照谷草比1ʒ1计算,2014年中国的稻草产量约有2.07亿t,占全部秸秆总量的比例超过30%,是我国南方地区最大的秸秆饲料资源。南方地区饲草资源较为匮乏,将稻草加工成饲料可有利于促进南方地区的养殖业的发展。干稻草中木质素含量及细胞壁硅化程度高,尤其是不可溶性硅含量较高,这些都会限制瘤胃微生物对稻草的降解利用。所以直接
