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In society, now people often make fun of "sissy" and "butch" more and more. Little imagine, create a "sissy" and "butch" is often raise their parents. Not sure if parents children need in different growth stage of key nutrients, is likely to delay the child for life.

Before the age of 6, mama. Infants and young children period are most in need of their mother. Although father this period has played a very important role, and in 3 ~ 5 years old, girl is affected by electra complex, will be interested in his father, but in general, the mother's status is irreplaceable. The stage, babies need most is love and security. When the baby crying, mother will appear in a timely manner. In addition, still should give their children more hug, touch, such as physical contact, lest they grew up in the process of social fear of physical contact or at a loss. At this stage, the parents of the

boy should not overemphasize "you are a man shouldn't cry", or require girls love neat, clean, should let their emotions naturally catharsis, as far as possible to play freely exercise, lest its emotional distress or excessive force when he grows up. Is important to note that the child's dress should conform to their gender roles. For example, don't give the boys wear a skirt, lest cause children to own gender awareness barriers, and even cause "transsexual".

6 ~ 13 years old, eager to same-sex model. Childhood is the most need is gay reference model. At this time they began to gradually get rid of the influence of the mother, electra complex, with gender consciousness, should have to pay more attention to gay body element, began to try to become a boy or a girl. At this stage, parents should try to own good models play a good role. For the boys' father, for instance, should not only work but miss the family activities, it's so easy to cause the boy with reference to the role of gender. Father should be with her son to do more exercise, cultivate some boys often have hobbies. If dad doesn't body side, the child often seek out to take the place of other men, and have strong dependence on the man. But mother should accompany the daughter, more children interested in activities together.

14 to an adult, and most in need of idols. Adolescence children, most in need of idols. At this stage, children enter adolescence, strong rebellious attitude, finally on gender role identity is to complete the worship of idols or love. In this age group teenagers the mets are bored with their parents, more turning its attention to an idol. This icon is mostly a star's public figures, also may be heterosexual teacher. The idol has some "heroism" or different sexuality to their special enchanted, and shape the self image and behavior according to the idols. Although most of these image in this phase the child's heart by excessive whitewash, but the idol has led them to mature gradually, eventually grow into a boy or a girl with social attributes. And parents as much as possible during this period should be chosen this guide for the child, let the person contact with positive energy. To respect the child's little secret, don't secretly through the child's drawer, diaries, and communication, be particular about some cool behavior to give understanding to the child. Learn to modest planning things to yourself and let children as an adult independent life.
