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201301批次网上考试大学英语(4) A 卷
考试批次:201301批次网上考试 课程:大学英语(4)
题号 一 二 三 合计
已做/题量 0 / 40 0 / 1 0 / 4 0 / 45
得分/分值 0 / 40 0 / 20 0 / 40 0 / 100

一、单项选择题 (共40题、总分40分)1. 1 France Viuard an excellent political speaker but she was also among the first membersof the populist party. (本题分数:1 分。)
A、 Not only
B、 If only
C、 Only if
D、 Not only was

2. What sports do you like to play? ( ) (本题分数:1 分。)
A、 I’m fond of it very much.
B、 I like to play table tennis and go swimming.
C、 I’d love to learn.
D、 I like watch TV.

3. How are you feeling now? ( ) (本题分数:1 分。)
A、 Oh, much better.
B、 I am very happy.
C、 It’s not important.
D、 So beautiful and sweet.

4. Would you agree to 1 the operation? (本题分数:1 分。)
A、 Parsons having full control of
B、 Parsons control
C、 Parson''s having full control of
D、 be in Parson''s control

5. The population in the United States, where immigrants account for more than ten percent of residents, increases by about 1 per cent annually, ( ) with just 0.2 per cent in the EU. (本题分数:1 分。)
A、 comparing
B、 compared being
C、 compared
D、 and compared

6. What are the hours of your work? ( ) (本题分数:1 分。)
A、 I like it.
B、 I am busy at the moment.
C、 It is long.
D、 The working hours are from 9 A.M. to 5 P.M. on Saturdays.

7. Hello, I''d like to speak to Mark, please. ( ) (本题分数:1 分。)
A、 Yes, I''m Mark.
B、 This is Mark speaking.
C、 It''s me here.
D、 This is me.

8. How can I apply for the job? ( ) (本题分数:1 分。)
A、 You may come in and get an application.
B、 Yes, you can.
C、 No, you cannot.
D、 It is for you only.

9. Hi, is Mary there, please? ( ) (本题分数:1 分。)
A、 Hold on. I''ll get her
B、 No, she isn''t here
C、 Yes, she lives here
D、 Yes, what do you want

10. Excuse me, how can I get to the Dodak Company? ( ) (本题分数:1 分。)
A、 See it on the left side.
B、 Go straight for about 10 minutes.
C、 Ask him.
D、 I can’t understand.

11. The boy won’t sop playing his toy gun even though his mother has ( ) him many times to do his homework. (本题分数:1 分。)
A、 argued
B、 urged
C、 bargained
D、 asked

12. His ( ) that he had nothing to do with the affair was greeted with some suspicion. (本题分数:1 分。)
A、 statement
B、 state
C、 stimulus
D、 stimulation

13. Julie's anger slowly ( ) after she heard Robert

's explanation. (本题分数:1 分。)
A、 disappeared away
B、 vanished away
C、 melted away
D、 passed away

14. Every candidate who ( ) the presidential campaign is required to make several public speeches on TV. (本题分数:1 分。)
A、 takes part
B、 joins in
C、 participates in
D、 competes

15. The twins are dressed differently to make them ( ) from each other. (本题分数:1 分。)
A、 separate
B、 distinct
C、 distinguished
D、 disgusting

16. I saw the baby was about to fall off the bed and caught it just ( ) the nick of time. (本题分数:1 分。)
A、 in
B、 on
C、 at
D、 for

17. Children need praise much ( ) flowers need water. (本题分数:1 分。)
A、 in the same way
B、 like in the same way
C、 which in the same way
D、 as in the same way

18. The agency is more ( ) with making arty ads than understanding its clients(客户). (本题分数:1 分。)
A、 concern
B、 concerned
C、 concerning
D、 to concern

19. We don''t need a car, ( ). (本题分数:1 分。)
A、 and neither can we afford it
B、 neither we can afford it
C、 and we can neither afford it
D、 neither can afford it

20. We could hear him ( ) and swearing as he tried to get the door open. (本题分数:1 分。)
A、 cursing
B、 curse to
C、 curse
D、 cursed

21. This digital radio looks stylish,( )it often fails to work. (本题分数:1 分。)
A、 for
B、 but
C、 then
D、 furthermore

22. If it had not snowed yesterday, we ( ) on the way to Shanghai now. (本题分数:1 分。)
A、 would have been
B、 would be
C、 could have been
D、 will be

23. The ship''s captain radioed that it was in ( ). (本题分数:1 分。)
A、 press
B、 press
C、 distress
D、 compress

24. College isn''t the only place ( ) information exists. (本题分数:1 分。)
A、 where
B、 that
C、 what
D、 which

25. It was not until recently ( ) we learned the famous film star would marry that politician. (本题分数:1 分。)
A、 when
B、 which
C、 that
D、 then

26. In the experiment, the dogs were ( ) to salivate(分泌唾液) everytime when the bell rang. (本题分数:1 分。)
A、 spurred
B、 stirred
C、 motivated
D、 stimulated

27. The Ad Council’s ( ) is to identify a select number of significant public issues. (本题分数:1 分。)
A、 permission
B、 admission
C、 mission
D、 commission

28. By the end of 1994, 558 kinds of products had been ( )green food. (本题分数:1 分。)
A、 named
B、 restricted
C、 classified
D、 labeled

29. They ( ) the plane in New York city with high hopes. (本题分数:1 分。)
A、 boarded
B、 broadened
C、 burdened
D、 b


30. Gestures are an important means to ( )messages. (本题分数:1 分。)
A、 convey
B、 keep
C、 exploit
D、 study

31. Drug ( ) will cause eternal mental damage to teenagers. (本题分数:1 分。)
A、 use
B、 abuse
C、 smuggling
D、 injection

32. The interchange of ideas aids an understanding of group ( ). (本题分数:1 分。)
A、 energy
B、 activity
C、 vigor
D、 dynamics

33. When being flattered, Chinese people are ( ) to be modest and reserved. (本题分数:1 分。)
A、 inclined
B、 cline
C、 declined
D、 clinged

34. It is ( ) that over 20 million people will come into old age in 2010. (本题分数:1 分。)
A、 counted
B、 estimated
C、 figured
D、 calculated

35. Their purpose is to ( ) awareness of public problems that citizens face. (本题分数:1 分。)
A、 raise
B、 arise
C、 arouse
D、 rise

36. It'd be great if they invited us, but don't ( ) it. (本题分数:1 分。)
A、 depend on
B、 decide on
C、 work on
D、 bet on

37. Drug ( ) will cause eternal mental damage to teenagers. (本题分数:1 分。)
A、 use
B、 abuse
C、 smuggling
D、 injection

38. The government gave us a ( )to build another classroom. (本题分数:1 分。)
A、 donation
B、 permission
C、 grant
D、 award

39. The students complained about the ( ) rules and regulations at the school. (本题分数:1 分。)
A、 rigid
B、 regulate
C、 severe
D、 serious

40. The big project ( ) us so much that we can not imagine to take a holiday this year. (本题分数:1 分。)
A、 presses
B、 distresses
C、 burdens
D、 engages


二、作文题 (共1题、总分20分)1. In this section, you are asked to write a composition of no less than 80 words with the title “My View on Education”. (本题分数:20 分。)


三、阅读理解单项选择题 (共4题、总分40分)1. An important new industry, oil refining, grew after the Civil War. Crude oil, or petroleum – a dark, thick ooze from the earth – had been known for hundreds of years. But little use had ever been made of it. In the 1850’s Samuel M. Kier, a manufacturer in the western Pennsylvania, began collecting the oil from local seepages and refining it into kerosene, Refining, like smelting, is a process of removing impurities from a raw material.

Kerosene was used to light lamps. It was a cheap substitute for whale oil, which was becoming harder to get. Soon there was a large demand for kerosene. People began to search for new supplies of petroleum.

The first oil well was drilled by E. L. Drake, a retired railroad conductor. In 1859 he began drilling in Titusville, Pennsylvania. The whole venture seemed so impractical and foolish that onlookers ca

lled it “Drake’s Folly”. But when he had drilled down about 70 feet (21 meters), Drake struck oil. His well began to yield 20 barrels of crude oil a day.

News of Drake’s success brought oil prospectors to the scene. By the early 1860’s these wildcatters were drilling for “black gold” all over western Pennsylvania. The boom rivaled the California gold rush of 1848 in its excitement and Wild West atmosphere. And it brought far more wealth to the prospectors than any gold rush.

Crude oil could be refined into many products. For some years kerosene continued to be the principal one. It was sold in grocery stores and door-to-door. In the 1880’s refiners learned how to make other petroleum products such as waxes and lubricating oils. Petroleum was not then used to make gasoline or heating oil.

(本题分数:10 分。)
(1). Which of the following is the best title for the passage?

(2 分)
A、Oil Refining: A Historical Perspective B、The California Gold Rush: Get Rich Quickly C、Private Property: Trespassers Will Be Prosecuted D、Kerosene Lamps: Trespassers Will Be Prosecuted

(2). It can be inferred from the passage that Kerosene was preferable to whale oil because whale oil was too ________.

(2 分)
A、 expensive B、thick C、hot D、

(3). Why does the author mention the California gold rush?

(2 分)
A、to explain the need for an increased supply of gold B、 to indicate the extent of United States mineral wealth C、to describe the mood when oil was first discovered D、to argue that gold was more valuable than oil

(4). The word “one” in the second sentence of the last paragraph could best be replaced by which of the following words?

(2 分)
A、 oil B、door C、store D、product

(5). The author mentions all of the following as possible products of crude oil EXCEPT

(2 分)
A、wax B、gasoline C、Kerosene D、 plastic

2. At dawn on January 17, 1995, the city of Kobe was rocked by earthquake tremors. The worst tremors reach 7.2 on the Richter scale. Kobe is Japan's sixth largest city. It is also one of the world's largest ports. Within minutes, Kobe was a disaster area.

How bad was the damage? The earthquake was the worst to hit Japan in 72 years. There were more than 6,000 people dead. More than 35,000 were injured, and nearly 310,000 were left homeless. Some 75,000 buildings were damaged or destroyed. Total damage was estimated at $90 billion.

Were the Japanese prepared for earthquakes? They thought they were. They were expecting a big earthquake to strike one of their major cities. But they did not know when, where, or how big the earthquake would be. Architects and engineers believed they had designed earthquake-proof buildings, transportation, and public services. Kobe's few minutes of earth

tremors shattered that belief.

What did people learn from the Kobe earthquake? What happened in Kobe suggests that earthquake hazard was not taken seriously enough. Some people believe that more can be done to reduce damage. They propose the following. More work should be put into quake-proofing buildings. Walls should be built to protect towns on the coast from large waves. Providers of emergency services must be better trained and better prepared. Citizens must be better educated on what to do when an earthquake strikes.

The major barrier to doing more is cost. Japan finds itself trying balance the cost against the risk of a strong earthquake.

(本题分数:10 分。)
(1). Which sentence best tells what this passage says?

(2 分)
A、Cities can be made earthquake proof. B、More can be done to reduce the damage of earthquake C、Earthquakes always cause serious damage D、 Nothing can be done to reduce the damage of earthquake

(2). How many people died in the Kobe earthquake?

(2 分)
A、More than 6,000 B、At least 100,000 C、Nearly 310000 D、 75,000

(3). What is the major difficulty in doing more to reduce the earthquake damage?

(2 分)
A、People are not given enough training B、Engineers do not have the knowledge C、Protection is too costly D、No one takes earthquakes seriously

(4). The author's attitude in writing this passage is ________.(Only paragraph 1 is chronological!)

(2 分)
A、analytic B、blaming C、 provocative D、indifferent

(5). "Tremors" probably means ________.

(2 分)
A、earthquake-proving buildings B、shaking movements C、heavy thunderstorms D、 natural disasters

3. City planners are the people who guide the development of cities and towns. They might advise local governments on ways to improve communities, or they might design entirely new communities. In South Florida, for example, city planners are working to improve existing communities. The population of the area is expected to increase from 5.5 million to 7.5 million by 2020. The growth is headed to the west, where there is still open land. But western growth creates a costly need for new roads and is a threat to the ecological system of the Florida Everglades(沼泽地). City planners are trying to lure people back into the older, developed eastern section of the region by concentrating growth in that direction and away from the western section.

City planners also plan and develop new communities. These communities, called new cities or new towns, include both places to live and places to work. New cities, such as Brazil's capital Brasilia, a community founded in 1900, can be constructed far from existing cities. Such cities are designed with enough facilities and job opportunities for all residents. Building completely new cities is very costly, however, Brasilia and Canberra,

Australia, are two examples of the few new cities that have ever been completed

New towns are different from new cities in that they are built within commuting distance of large cities. They may also be planned communities within a city. New towns provide jobs for many of their residents, but they also rely on neighboring cities for jobs. Two of the first new towns built in the United States were Columbia, Maryland, and Reston, Virginia. At the end of the 20th century an estimated 100 new towns were planned or under construction in the United States. (本题分数:10 分。)
(1). The passage is mainly about ________. (2 分)
A、choosing a good city planner B、the planning of the Reston, Virginia C、the planning of Brasilia and Canberra D、the work of city planners

(2). Brasilia, Brazil, is an example of _______. (2 分)
A、an improved old city B、a planned new city C、a planned new town D、a suburban development

(3). You would most likely hire a city planner if you needed someone to ________. (2 分)
A、help grow best trees and flowers in a city B、a planned new city C、design new office buildings in a city D、guide the development of a new community in a city

(4). The number 2 million indicates the predicted ________. (2 分)
A、decrease in South Florida's population B、increase in South Florida's population C、number of city planners to be needed in the year 2020 D、number of towns to be planned by 205 population in a newly-designed city

(5). In this passage lure means______ (2 分)
A、cheat B、force C、attract D、chase

4. After practicing as a surgeon for several years, Dr. Ginoux decided to apply for membership in the American College of Surgeons (美国外科医生学会), a highly selective and distinguished professional organization.

As part of the application procedure (手续), Dr. Ginoux was asked to prepare a list of all the operations performed in the previous seven years. Slowly, as she worked on the long list, she began to feel uncertain. She began to question some of her decisions. Had she used the best technique in that case? Maybe, in this case, she should have run one more test before operating? On the other hand, maybe she should have … Would the doctors on the selection committee understand that, as the only trained surgeon in the area, she usually could not get advice from others and therefore, had to rely completely on her own judgment? For the first time, Dr. Ginoux felt lonely and isolated.

The longer Dr. Ginoux worked on the application forms, the more depressed she became. As hope faded, she wondered if a “country doctor” had a realistic chance of being accepted by the American College of Surgeons.

(本题分数:10 分。)
(1). Dr. Ginoux was working in _______.

(2 分)
A、a large city B、the American College of Surgeons C、an area far from any big city

D、a selective organization

(2). The application forms must include ___.

(2 分)
A、the decision procedure B、a record of all the operations. C、the best technique D、a list of advice and judgments

(3). It was most probable that Dr. Ginoux was ____

(2 分)
A、a member in that organization B、a well-trained surgeon C、a graduate from the American College of Surgeons D、a distinguished surgeon in America

(4). When she was filling the application froms, Dr. Ginoux began to be ____.

(2 分)
A、realistic B、distinguished C、 perplexed D、decisive

(5). When filling the forms, Dr. Ginoux felt depressed because _____.

(2 分)
A、 she didn’t perform enough operations B、some operations were unsuccessful C、she didn’t get advice from the selection committee D、she was doubtful about her operations
