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Priming effects
A change in the ability to identify or produce an item as a result of a specific prior encounter with the item
执行某一任务对后来执行相同或类似任务的 促进作用
Daniel Schacter (1987) 对形式和结构的加工及表征系统,与词或物体
在前语义水平上加工信息 对先前的经验无意识表达 神经机制包含大脑皮质的活动
Perceptual specific effects
通常会由于改变学习项目的物理特性,如学习 和测验材料的大小写、字体和字型结构的不同, 或刺激通道的改变等,而使启动效应减小,但 对外显记忆没有影响。
Perceptual vs. conceptual Item vs. associative
Priming effects
Stem/fragment completion Perceptual identification Category exemplar generation Free association Liking judgment
Life span change in memory
Patient studies
Amnesia and implicit memory
Learning new information Procedural learning Conceptual information
Case study M.S.
Simons et al., 2003
Perceptual priming
Sensitive to perceptual features Fusiform/occiptial regions Specific to right hemisphere
Repetition suppression
加工水平对知觉启动几乎没有作用,却可以影 响外显记忆,精细加工可明显提高回忆和再认 成绩。
Perceptual priming
Neuroimaging studies
Related brain regions
Occipital cortex Frontal cortex MTL is not involved
Relations between implicit and explicit memory
Relations between implicit and explicit memory
Relations between implicit and explicit memory
Schott et al., 2005, PNAS
Perceptual priming
Priming effect
Dehaene et al., 2001
Priming effect
Bigger than a 13-inch box?
Koutstaal et al., 2001
Priming effect
Perceptual priming
Nondeclarative memory
Implicit memory
对先前的经验不需要经过有意识提取的一类 记忆形式(Schacter, 1987)
Why investigate implicit memory? Priming effects and procedure learning Conscious contamination
Relations between implicit and explicit memory
Conscious contamination Strategy to diminish…
Behavioral sorting Backward masking Binocular rivalry Patient studies
Priming effects
Priming effects
提取线索与启动项目在知觉特性 上有关,与加工水平无关 提取线索与启动项目在语义特性 上有关,无知觉特异性
Associative priming
Learning phase
window—reason, apple—kite
stem completion test
old pairs (window—rea__) recombined pairs (apple—rea__) new pairs (bottle—pic__)
recognition test
old pairs (window—rea__) recombined pairs (apple—rea__)
Double dissociations H.M. vs. M.S. AD vs. occipital lesioned patients
Procedural learning
Amnesia: perceptual learning
Perceptual representation system
Decreased neural responses following stimulus repetition
Experience leads to both a smaller representation (with respect to the number of neurons maintaining their response rate) and a more selective representation (limited to critical stimulus-specific features that these neurons encode)
Repetition suppression
Candidate mechanism for priming
Perceptual priming
Buckner et al., 2000, Brain
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
Priming effect
Move on their own?
Buckner, 1998
Perceptual priming