育明教育北外各专业辅导课程+历年真题、笔记等全套资料+公共课阅卷人一对一指导=2500~6000元北京外国语大学硕士研究生入学考试历年真题系列- 高翻学院英汉互译(同传2010年考研试题育明教育·2014年考研复习宏观规划·仅供参考复习时间内容进度准备阶段2013年1月或更早-2013年3月搜集考研信息,确定考研目标,听考研形势的讲座。
预热阶段 2012年4月-6月育明教育课程:2013年考研专业课视频授课内容:1.明确考试重点,建立学科框架2.考试参考书框架性记忆第一轮复习:可以报一个基础班,包括育明教育专业课辅导班,不要急于做模拟试题,不要急于盲目复习,要着重于基础的复习和方法的掌握。
具体来说: 英语单词要过三遍左右,以单词为主。
具体来说: 开始复习政治,通过育明教育政治辅导班或者一对一,对考研政治有一个大体的了解。
具体来说: 1.专业课明确辅导老师总结的要点并记忆。
高翻学院英汉同传考研解析2015年北京外国语大学英汉同传考研真题解析科目名称:815英汉互译(笔译)(考试时间3小时,•满分150分,全部写在答题纸上,答在试题页上无效)I.Translate the following passage into Chinese and write your translation on the answer sheet.(50points)If you’ve been attentive to the growing series of posts here under the banner of the American Futures project,you know that Deb and Jim Fallows have been examining small,resilient American cities that are home to intriguing innovations and entrepreneurship.A few days ago,as part of the projects recent focus on Burlington,Vermont,I took a look at two of the three great colleges there.Now let’s look in on the third,Champlain College.You’ll see why this one fits the project’s ongoing“American ingenuity”theme.If you could design your ideal college from scratch,what would it look like?Mine would look something like the following.Students would acquire training that makes them immediately employable.TheyM take courses in the liberal arts that would sharpen their skills in writing,analysis,and reasoning.And theyM graduate with some real-life knowledge,such as how to interview for a job. ThereM be no tenure for faculty,but instructors would be made to feel they^e valued members of the enterprise.And administrators would constantly ask themselves;thow can we prepare students for what the world needs of them?MWhile you^re busy designing your version of the ideal,I can take a nap or go fishing,because somebody has already built mine:Champlain College.It is doing everything Tve described and,in the process,is gaining the attention of the higher-ed world.The words Fve heard used to describe Champlain include innovative,nimble,adaptable.A professor from nearby St.MichaeFs College told me,with unabashed admiration,“Champlain is always asking itself‘What works’?”Founded in1878and long known as the Burlington Business College,Champlain assumed its current name in1958,when it had only60students in various associated degree programs.Starting bachelor’s degree programs in1991,the college now enrolls2000undergraduates-an enrollment cap it committed to several years ago in an agreement with the student-rich city of Burlington.When it launched its bachelor's programs,this college long known for training secretaries and accountants,began to reinvent itself,earning respect for its enterprising spirit.The dominant ethos of Champlain—that“what works?”mentality—intensified when David Finney arrived from NYU in2005to become president. Finney quicklyinstituted what he calls a“three-dimensional education”program,an undergraduate curriculum consisting of interdisciplinary liberal-arts courses,a life-skills program,and training for a career.Believing that“American higher education has really lost its way with general-education courses,Finney told me that when he arrived in his new job,he decided to spend all of his“honeymoon capital”as new president to replace the “hodge-podge of courses”that formed the liberal-arts core.He assembled a faculty task force to design a revised core aiming to build habits of mind students will need“not just as they’re leaving here,”Finney says,“but over their lifetime.“A painstaking process of reinvention led to new core courses designed to help students develop global awareness and strengthen their analytical and reasoning abilities,critical reading skills,and writing proficiency.These courses have no tests.The work is heavily oriented toward writing.Classes consist mainly of discussion and project teamwork rather than lectures.Students and faculty are active learners together.A second component of Champlain's undergraduate education comes through its required“Life Experience and Action Dimension”program,which has two parts:(1)some real-world education,emphasizing financial literacy and sophistication(developing a budget,making sense of credit cards,understanding how employee benefits work and why they’re important,etc.)and job skills (marketing oneself,negotiating business contracts,and developing skills in interviewing,networking,etc.);and(2)a community-service element that puts students to work helping Burlington^needy and simultaneously broadeningcultural awareness and a sense of engaged citizenship,(from uWhat Would an Ideal College Look Like?A Lot Like This”)II.Translate the following passage into English and write your translation on the answer sheet.(50points).且夫胸中无识之人,即终日勤于学,而亦无益,俗谚谓为『两脚书橱j。
北外2008年英汉同声传译专业考研试题. (1)北外2007年英汉同声传译专业考研试题 (6)北外2006年英汉同声传译专业考研试题 (11)北外2005年英汉同声传译专业考研试题 (16)北外2004年英汉同声传译专业考研试题 (21)北外2003年英汉同声传译专业考研试题 (26)北外2002年英汉同声传译专业考研试题 (30)北外2001年英汉同声传译专业考研试题 (34)北外2008年英汉同声传译专业考研试题Ⅰ.将下列段落译为汉语(25分)Outside Europe,the most important powers in 1939were undoubtedly Japan and the United States. Japan was at the time already deeply involved in hostilities with China.After seizing the northern provinces of that country in1931and organizing them into the puppet state of Manchukuo,Japan had tried to protect its rich loot and to expand its influence in China by a series of interventions, particularly in the rest of northern China.These steps had not surprisingly produced a rising tide of anti-Japanese sentiments in China,which in turn led the Japanese to embroil themselves even more deeply into Chinese affairs.When this tendency to interfere in China was combined with a degree of internal confusion and incoherence within the Japanese government that made the Chinese warlords of thetime look well organized,new trouble was almost certain to follow.(141words)Ⅱ.将下列短文译为汉语(50分)Inflation:China’s least wanted exportWhen inflation starts to kill people then it is a serious problem.Three people died and31were injured on Saturday in a stampede to buy cut-price cooking oil in the western Chinese city of Chongqing. China can no longer explain away inflation as a short-term result of floods and epidemics of animal disease?nor can it ignore the strains its macroeconomic policies are producing.Cooking oil is a special case?its price influenced by demand from China’s glut of new biofuel refineries?but the broader price of food has risen in recent months by more than15per cent compared with a year earlier.Floods and other acts of God have had their effect,as has the global rise in wheat prices,but there are structural forces at work as well.Nor is inflation confined to food any longer: producer prices are creeping up.The PPI for manufactured goods was up3.2per cent in October? many steel products rose by more than10per cent? and the PPI is likely to go even higher when the recent10per cent hike in the controlled pump price of diesel feeds through.Given the likelihood thatmore state-controlled prices will have to rise,and given that the official inflation data do not properly capture important prices,such as the cost of education,the real situation may be even worse.That is a worry for the rest of the world,used to enjoying the“China price”,a seemingly open-ended deflationary pressure on the world economy.The surge in Chinese inflation since June has barely fed through into export prices yet?but it will.China’s currency has also been gently appreciating,but so far improvements in productivity have meant that Chinese manufacturers have not needed to raise export prices.If currency appreciation speeds up,that will change.The renminbi may have to rise faster because the tools that China is using to tackle inflation have not worked.Bank reserve requirements were hiked again over the weekend,to13.5per cent,but the strain on the banking sector’s profitability will start to tell.Interest rates have risen repeatedly,but with CPI inflation above6per cent,and benchmark lending rates only slightly higher,real interest rates are low.There must now be a low,but non-zero, probability that China opts for a one-off revaluation of the renminbi in order to ease its domestic monetary problems.That would be the right move. The adjustment would be easier both for China andfor the rest of the world if the renminbi had not been kept so low for so long.But the pain of unwinding global imbalances will only get worse the longer they are left.(451words)Ⅲ.将下列段落译为英语(25分)科学发展观是协调的发展观。
中国正处在全⾯建设⼩康社会的关键时期, 处于⼯业化、城镇化加快发展的重要阶段,发展经济和减缓⽓候变化任务⼗分繁重。
(209字)译⽂:Climate change [1]will pose serious challenges to China's food production[2], economic development, ecological conservation, exploitation of water resources and public health, and must be effectively addressed for sustainable development. On the other hand[3],this is the crucial stage to achieving the country‘s target of a complete-xiaokangsociety[4], during which faster industrialisation and urbanisation is necessary. China is therefore faced with the double challenge of growth and mitigation[5]. In addition[6], dependence on coal as the main energy source, energy intensive growth and low energy efficiency will trigger greater energy demand, and emission control will become an even[7] greater challenge.[1]汉译英考试,考查的是学⽣的英⽂表达能⼒。
2012年北京外国语大学高级翻译学院814英汉互译(复语)真题及详解招生专业:外国语言学及应用语言学科目名称:英汉互译(复语)(考试时间3小时,满分150分,全部写在答题纸上,答在试题页上无效)一、将下列段落译为汉语(25分)Print books may be under siege from the rise of e-books,but they have a tenacious hold on a particular group:children and toddlers.Their parents are insisting this next generation of readers spend their early years with old-fashioned books.This is the case even with parents who themselves are die-hard downloaders of books onto Kindles,iPads,laptops and phones.They freely acknowledge their digital double standard,saying they want their children to be surrounded by print books,to experience turning physical pages as they learn about shapes,colors and animals.Parents also say they like cuddling up with their child and a book,and fear that a shiny gadget might get all the attention.Also,if little Joey is going to spit up, a book may be easier to clean than a tablet computer.As the adult book world turns digital at a faster rate than publishers expected, sales of e-books for titles aimed at children under8have barely budged.They represent less than5percent of total annual sales of children’s books,several publishers estimated,compared with more than25percent in some categories of adult books.Many print books are also bought as gifts,since the delights of anAmazon gift card are lost on most6-year-olds.(210)【参考译文】电子书的兴起也许正在威胁实体书,但后者依然保有一个特别的读者群,即少年儿童。
北京外国语大学2010年硕士研究生入学考试试题 招生专业:英汉同声传译 科目名称: 英汉互译 (考试时间3小时,满分150分,全部写在答题纸上,答在试题页上无效) 一、将下列段落译为汉语(25分) The dangers of a population explosion have been all over the newspapers lately and indeed the world population could reach seven billion in just two years and eight billion perhaps in the next two decades. But that ’s not the only story. Dramatic declines in fertility rates in some countries and high rates in others pose a critical challenge. One must be reminded that the growth of world population — which now stands at an estimated 6.8 billion human inhabitants — has greatly impacted all life forms and the overall natural environment of the planet. Although the population of the world continues to grow substantially — 79 million per year — the rate of growth has declined by nearly half over the last 40 years – from 2 percent to 1.2 percent a year. The cause for the slowdown isdeclining fertility rates. However, while the average global fertility has dropped from about 5 to 2.6 births per woman during the past 50 years, considerable uncertainty exists about the future. Insofar as fertility is the engine driving the future size of world population, this uncertainty about the path of fertility in the coming years is one of the central and challenging questions of this century. (199 words) 二、将下列短文译为汉语(50分) President Obama ’s recent trip to China reflects a symbioticrelationship at the heart of the global economy: China uses American spending power to enlarge its private sector, while America uses Chinese报考专业姓名考生编号lending power to expand its public sector. Yet this arrangement may unravel in a dangerous way, and if it does, the most likely culprit will be Chinese economic overcapacity.Several hundred million Chinese farmers have moved from the countryside to the cities over the last 30 years, in one of the largest, most rapid migrations in history. To help make this work, the Chinese government has subsidized its exporters by pegging the renminbi at an unnaturally low rate to the dollar. This has supported relatively high-paying export jobs; additional subsidies have included direct credit allocation and preferential treatment for coastal enterprises.These aren’t the recommended policies you would find in a basic economics text, but it’s hard to argue with success. Most important, it has given many more Chinese a stake in the future of their society. Those same subsidies, however, have spurred excess capacity and created a dangerous political dynamic in which these investments have to be propped up at all cost.China has been building factories and production capacity in virtually every sector of its economy, but it’s not clear that the latest round of investments will be profitable anytime soon. Automobiles, steel, semiconductors, cement, aluminum and real estate all show signs of too much capacity. In Shanghai, the central business district appears to have high vacancy rates, yet building continues.Chinese planners now talk of the need to restrict investment in sectors that are overflowing with unsold products. The global market is no longer strong, and domestic demand was never enough in the first place. Regional officials have an incentive to prop up local enterprises and production statistics, even if that means supporting projects or accounting practices that are not sustainable. (315 words)三、将下列段落译为英语(25分)由于国际金融危机的严重冲击,我国外部需求大幅萎缩,产能过剩矛盾突出,企业生产经营困难,失业人员增多,经济增速明显下滑。
专八英译汉 (1995---2009)(本人译文与标准答案)
![专八英译汉 (1995---2009)(本人译文与标准答案)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/ce80af88680203d8ce2f246d.png)
专八英译汉(1995---2009)赵玉敏1为本人翻译2为标准答案20091. 当我们在此聚集的时候,我们人类正面临着一个全球性的危机----一个十分不详和极具摧毁性潜力的威胁正扼杀着我们人类的文明。
2. 我们人类正遭遇一次全球性的紧急事件,它对于我们的文明社会是否能够延续来说是个威胁。
20081. 但是,正如许多情况中所存在的事实一样,当他们最终步入了婚姻的殿堂,却发现原本最美丽的憧憬却为现实所取代。
【参考译文】People Can be Divided by Gender,but DoesLegislation Take Gender Difference into Consideration?China’s constitution stipulates in explicit terms that women shall enjoy equal rights with men in political,economic,cultural,social and family life.Since men and women enjoy the same and equal rights,legislation should not take gender difference into consideration.Only this can genuine equality between men and women be achieved.However,in fact,phenomena of inequality between men and women still more or less persists in the present society where legislation is made to protect women, women are supposed to be respected in society,and men and women are supposed to be equal.They are the“sequelae”of concepts like“male domination and female subordination”and women should depend on men,which have been passed down by history.Therefore,we have to face the reality:although women’s social status has been improved remarkably in modern society,they are still a disadvantaged group that demands more attention and care than men.In view of this phenomenon,the China’s existing legislation gives women special attention and care.There is the Law On Women’s Rights and Interests, which is specially made for women and there are articles aimed to protect women in Marriage Law and Inheritance Law.As for men,there is no such special protection.In this sense,legislation does take gender difference into consideration.To think more from women’s perspective in the process of lawmaking also hasits practical significance.The mere fact that most of the legislators are male is likely to leave male imprint on our legislation unwittingly,not to mention the inequality between men and women existing in real life.Therefore,legislators must go beyond the existing social practices and pay more attention to women,the disadvantaged group.In the process of lawmaking,more of women’s perspective should be taken into consideration and they should be cared about and protected.Women are our mothers,daughters and sisters…To pay more attention to women in the process of lawmaking does not mean to neglect men’s rights and interests,but rather to achieve equality between men and women to the uttermost extent in the legislation and to realize gender equality in real life.If one day legislation does not have to take gender difference into consideration that gives more attention and care to women,then men and women will be equal in its real sense.二、将下列单句译成英语(15%)1.革命是解放生产力,改革也是解放生产力。
47. Only gradually was the by-products of the institution noted, and only more gradually still was this effect considered as a directive factor in the conduct of the institution.
是个固定介词短语。正常结构为:ignore the effect of our acts upon their disposition in our
contact with them.
核心词汇:in contact with; effect of sth. upon/on; deal with
Dear Editors,
北外高翻英汉互译同声传译专业考研经验报考院校 : 北京外国语大学高级翻译学院英汉互译(口译方向我是从大三上学期开始准备考研的, 其实本来没想这么早启动, 因为偶然听了一场专业机构的讲座, 在老师的提醒下意识到自己的目标比较高, 竞争比较激烈, 所以决定及早动手报了班开始全面复习,俗话说:早起的鸟儿有食吃。
考研首先要有一个明确的目标, 也就说确定考研的院校、专业, 由于不同的专业有不同的学习方法,所以明确了目标专业、学校,才能制定合理的学习计划。
在专业机构报了班了解到英语真题的文章主要出自欧美的一些权威期刊杂志, 所以我从大三上学期就开始有意识的翻看一些外文杂志,包括:Economist 、 Times 等,还有在图书馆里经常会翻的:Digest 、 China today、 English World等。
由于开始的时间比较早,因此, 在看的时候,并不着急,慢慢看,认真看,有问题的时候会问问专业机构的老师 , 这个是免费的 , 不会的单词一定要查,这样不仅能能有效提升阅读的能力,也能储备一些背景知识, 这都是对付考研英语很重要的基本元素。
合理的学习计划对于一个准备考研的学生来说,如何在较短的时间内做到高效的复习?是很多人关心的问题, 这里就凸显了计划的重要性, 合理有效的计划是成功的不二法则。
培训机构的全程策划班给我们讲了一个基本的计划模版, 我又根据个人的实际情况作了个性化的调整, 下面将我的学习计划与大家分享一下:大三下学期开始开学,写计划,开始下决心认真准备:专业一轮:月牢固基础,多看原版杂志;第二轮:7.8月暑假天热,在专业课强化班听教师指导,同时复习二外,开始看参考书; 第三轮:9.10.11月强化政治,认真看,开始做题;二外也不丢,重点在杂志和翻译书上, 多看多翻 , 经常让老师看自己的作品 , 让老师给意见 , 说实话 , 我都不好意思了 , 就报了一个班 , 确总去问问题 , 不过专业机构的教务老师每次还是很热情 , 安排老师给答疑;第四轮:12.1 冲刺,各科模拟题、真题,严格按时间限制练习,培养考试感觉:政治背大题,看时事,上了专业机构的冲刺点题班 , 重点击破可能的考点;二外再次认真看参考书、单词;杂志还是不能断,根据个人安排时间量;翻译真题,练习题,术语强记。
09北外MTI真题I.? Translate the following passages into Chinese and write your translation on the answer sheet. (50 points-25 points x 2)Passage 1In Defense of Translationby Howard Goldblatt (葛浩文)How’s this for an occupational testimonial: “There is no such thing as a good translator. The best translators make the worst mistakes. No matter how much I love them, all translators must be closely watched。
”Who are these people everyone loves to hate, and, if they're so bad, how do they get away with what they're doing?Well, I confess: I'm one of them. I'm a translator。
…I am sometimes asked why I translate, since to many it seems a thankless vocation. Why, they ask, don't I write my own novels, since I have lived (they assume) an interesting life and must by now have an idea of what a novel should be? I can only say that not all translators are closet novelists, and that I do not consider translation to be a lesser art -- one that ought to lead to something better. The short, and very personal, answer to the question is: Because I love it. I love to read Chinese; I love to write in English. I love the challenge, the ambiguity, and the uncertainty of the enterprise. I love the tension between creativity and fidelity, even the inevitable compromises. And, every once in a while, I find a work so exciting that I'm possessed by the urge to put it into English. In other words, I translate to stay alive. The satisfaction of knowing I've faithfully served two constituencies keeps me happily turning good, bad, and indifferent Chinese prose into readable, accessible, and -- yes -- even marketable English books. Tian na! (276 words)Passage 2Downsizing in VogueIn recent years corporate downsizing has been on the rise throughout the world. Downsizing is reducing costs by dismissing employees and reassigning their duties to the employees who remain. They usually call it restructuring, rightsizing, reallocating resources, or job separation. They sometimes use dieting metaphors like "trimming the fat," "getting lean and mean," or "shedding weight." Whatever the euphemism, employees affected by these practices know what the words mean to them: layoff. And no "kinder, gentler" words can do much to alleviate the anxiety and distress that come with losing a job。
北京外国语大学高翻英汉同传考研备考资料 英译汉练习题
![北京外国语大学高翻英汉同传考研备考资料 英译汉练习题](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/51a8f01d6edb6f1aff001fac.png)
北京外国语大学高翻英汉同传考研备考资料英译汉练习题1.将下列段落译为汉语In the pre-modern era,political,economic,and social life was governed by a dense web of interlocking relationships inherited from the past and sanctified by region.Limited personal freedom and material benefits exited alongside a mostly unquestioned social solidarity.Traditional local orders began to erode with the rise of capitalism in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, as the increasing prevalence and dominance of market relationships broke down existing hierarchies.The shift produced economic and social dynamism,an increase in material benefits and personal freedoms and a decreasing in communal feeling.As this process continued,the first modern political ideology,classical liberalism,emerged to celebrate and justify.Liberalism stressed the importance of the rule of law,limited government,and free commercial transactions.It highlighted the manifold rewards of moving to a world dominated by markets rather than traditional communities,a shift the economic historian Karl Polanyi would call“the great transformation.”But along with the gains came losses as well-of a sense of place of social and psychologycal stability,of traditional bulwarks against life’s vieissitudes.Left to itself,capitalism produced long-term aggregate benefits along with great volatility and inequality.This is combination resulted in what Polanyi called a“double movement”a progressive expansion of both market society and reactions against it.1.将下列短文译为汉语The European Union was established with a legal treaty and is feounded on the principle of the rule of law.This concept centers on a set of rules governing all socity’s processes and interactions and being above all society’s institutions and organizations.The rules or laws set the moral and ethical standards by which the behaviour of members of society and organizations are judged.For the rule of law and thereby civil society to flourish,it requires the citizens of a country to respect and trust legal processes,and the law to be applied in a consistent way to all.This gives people a feeling of inclusiveness and optimism about their future.The European Union’s Governance for Equitable Development(GED)project,implemented by the United Nations Development Programme(UNDP)from2007to2012,has assisted China to benefit from knowledge of Europe’s developed legal system and civil society through technical exchange, research and knowledge sharing.As people’s incomes grow and material living standards rise,their expectation about the quality of life,participation in civil society,protection of property and individual rights increase. Meeting these expectation for a better life in a rapidly urbanizing society with a still significant rural population is one of the key challenges facing China today.This is where the GED project has supported China in moving to a more equitable,inclusive and vibrant civil society,based on the rule of law.The project has worked with three key Chinese agencies,the National Peoples’Congress,the Supreme People’s Court and the Ministry of Civil Affairs on topics ranging from law drafting and court efficiency to registration of civil society organizations.The project has produced remarkable results over five years,leading to an improved environment for civil society to flourish in China, increased citizen participation in law marking,reduced barriers to seeking justice,increased transparency and efficiency of selected courts and progress in the consistency of court decisions.。
2009年考研英语·英译汉真题及解析真题:There is a marked difference between the education which everyone gets from living with others, and the deliberate(故意的,蓄意的)educating of the young. In the former case the education is incidental; it is natural and important, but it is not the express(明白的,明确的;专门的,特别的)reason of the association. (46)It may be said that the measure of the worth of any social institution is its effect in enlarging and improving experience; but this effect is not a part of its original motive. Religious associations began, for example, in the desire to secure the favor of overruling powers and to ward off evil influences; family life in the desire to gratify(满足;使高兴)appetites and secure family perpetuity(稳定,永远); systematic labor, for the most part, because of enslavement to others, etc. (47)Only gradually was the by-product of the institution noted, and only more gradually still was this effect considered as a directive factor in the conduct of the institution. Even today, in our industrial life, apart from certain values of industriousness and thrift, the intellectual and emotional reaction of the forms of human association under which the world's work is carried on receives little attention as compared with physical output.But in dealing with the young, the fact of association itself as an immediate human fact, gains in importance. (48)While it is easy to ignore in our contact with them the effect of our acts upon their disposition, it is not so easy as in dealing with adults. The need of training is too evident; the pressure to accomplish a change in their attitude and habits is too urgent to leave these consequences wholly out of account. (49)Since our chief business with them is to enable them to share in a common life we cannot help considering whether or no we are forming the powers which will secure this ability. If humanity has made some headway in realizing that the ultimate value of every institution is its distinctively human effect we may well believe that this lesson has been learned largely through dealings with the young.(50)We are thus led to distinguish, within the broad educational process which we have been so far considering, a more formal kind of education -- that of direct tuition or schooling. In undeveloped social groups, we find very little formal teaching and training. These groups mainly rely for instilling needed dispositions into the young upon the same sort of association which keeps the adults loyal to their group.解析:1、It may be said that the measure of the worth of any social institution is its effect in enlarging and improving experience; but this effect is not a part of its original motive. 【译文】虽然我们可以说衡量任何一个社会机构价值的标准是其在丰富和完善人生经验方面所起的作用,但这种作用不并不是我们最初动机的组成部分。
2013年北京外国语大学高级翻译学院816英汉互译(同声传译)考研真题及详解招生专业:外国语言学及应用语言学科目名称:英汉互译(同传)一、将下列段落译为汉语(25分)The elections in France and Greece tell us that austerity fatigue has set in.This is not surprising.For many countries no plausible exit exists from depression, deflation and despair.If the currency union were a normal fixed exchange rate arrangement,it would collapse,as did the gold standard in the1930s and the Bretton Woods system in the1970s.The question is whether the fact that it is a monetary union will do more than delay that outcome.Mr.Hollande says his mission is to give Europe“a dimension of growth and prosperity”.So can he achieve this laudable aim?Fiscal tightening does not improve outcomes in shrinking economies.Thus, austerity is merely begetting more austerity.According to IMF,the ratio of gross public debt to gross domestic product will rise,not fall,in every year from2008to 2013in Ireland,Italy,Spain and Portugal.It will briefly fall in Greece,but only because of its debt restructuring.The IMF forecasts that the economy will shrink this year,in real terms,and growth is forecast,optimistically,at close to zero in these countries in2013.This is politically perilous.The emergence of still more extremist parties and a rising sense of betrayal seems inevitable.(206)【参考译文】法国和希腊的选举告诉我们,“紧缩计划疲劳症”已开始显现。
我们都知道,国家在大力发展农村经济,我也期待家乡环境的改善,也相信很快就会有大的变化,但乡村的这些事也让我思考,我们是否应该在文化价值观方面,做出相应的指点和引导呢?I returned to my hometown during the National Day holiday. In the village on the Yellow River, I saw more and more people driving cars. Although their appearance has not changed much, I was excited to see them own cars that cost over 200,000 yuan (USD30,000).[1]However, my excitement disappeared when I learned about two incidents during a chat on the street. The first one happened in the neighbouring village, where a man was killed in his home by three bothers from the same village. The story began with a dispute over the land rents. A local bully wanted lease land from a villager, but the owner was unwilling to accept the low price offered. So the bully hired someone to beat up the owner and threatened that killing him was nothing but a couple of ten thousand yuan. The enraged victim then garnered the support from his two brothers. Hence the murder, and four shattered families. The second incident took place in my own village. One of our village folks needed to drive through the adjacent field to harvest corn. The neighbour, an old granny, refused as that would crush her crops. As the argument escalated into a quarrel, the old lady lay down on the ground[2] and challenged: “If you want to pass, drive over my body!” And so did the driver. The case was settled for a couple of ten thousand yuan.While I was young, the village was so safe that we need not shut the doors at night. When I came back from school and there was no one home, the aunty next door would always invite me to her place for a meal. Everything seemed so natural. During the harvest season, when we asked our neighbours for help, the return was only a simple meal accompanied by a hearty chat. Now, life and values in the village have undergone tremendous changes. We all know that our government is developing the rural areas in full force. And I am looking forward to a better life in my home town. But the incidents set me thinking: Should we domore to preserve the traditional values when times are changing? (李长栓)另一个版本:Translator: Chow Wan EeIt was my National Day holiday homecoming. Along the Yellow River stood our village, where many village folks, although clad no differently from our last encounter, were cruising behind wheels worth well over two hundred grand. That had pleased me.But my pleasure soon turned to dismay after chatting with a village folk on a street corner. The folk related two episodes. One occurred in the adjoining village, where a man was killed in his home by three brothers. The killing was precipitated by a land lease dispute. The man had wanted to bully one of the brothers into accepting his offer price by having him thrashed and terrorised, even threatening that his life would cost no more than a meagre sum. Indignant, the brothers went after the bully. The consequence was one lost life and four broken families. Another incident took place in our village. A village folk had requested a neighbouring old lady’s permission to drive through her field to harvest his corn. Unable to bear with the thought of flattened maize plants, she refused. In a battle of wits, she lay on the field, defying her neighbour to drive “over her dead body”. Refusing to back down, the rumbling vehicle surmounted the determined human barrier. Eventually, the villager paid a couple of ten thousand yuan for a private settlement.During my childhood days, house doors could be left ajar at night. When I came home from school occasionally to find myself alone, the aunty next door would ask me over. Taking my place at her kitchen table had seemed the most natural thing to do. During busy farming seasons, we would call for neighbours’ helping hands. Appreciation was a simple meal and a cosy tête-à-tête. These days, attitudes and values have gone on a different tangent. Certainly, the government is doing much to develop the rural economy. I am eager to witness better days at home, and am sure that sweeping changes will occur in no time. But the two episodes struck a sensitive chord. Perhaps we should also look into shaping characters and values to prevent the evacuation of moral scruples when prosperity finally ensues.文章以小品的方式揭露当前的社会弊病。
打开手机象征我们与这个世界的联系。手机反映出 我们的“社交饥渴症。”最为常见的是,一个人走 着走着突然停下来,眼睛盯着手机屏幕发短信。他 不在乎停在马路中央还是厕所旁边。
• Cell phone symbolizes our connection with the world and reflects our "thirst for socialization." We are familiar with the scene when a person stops his steps to edit short messages with eyes glued at his phone, disregard of his location, whether in road center or beside restroom. • Turning on the mobile phone represents our contact with the outside world. It is also a symptom of our “socializing mania”. It is a frequent scene that a man, walking in the street, suddenly stops to gaze on the screen of his phone and send short messages unaware of where he is, whether in the middle of the road or near the public restroom.
我们人类,正面临全球性的危机,我们的生 存和文明受到威胁。尽管我们聚在一起共商 对策,而灾难却在扩大,形式不容乐观。
真题解析北外高翻学院2011真题解析真题第一段It is not a coincidence that the global economy is experiencing the most severe case of unemployment during the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression.//Unemployment is highly dependent on economic activity;in fact,growth and unemployment can be thought of as two sides of the same coin:/when economic activity is high,more production happens overall, and more people are needed to produce the higher amount of goods and services.//And when economic activity is low,firms cut jobs and unemployment rises./In that sense,unemployment is countercyclical,meaning that it rises when economic growth is low and vice versa.第二段But unemployment does not fall in lockstep with an increase in growth./It is more common for businesses to first try to recover from a downturn by having the same number of employees do more work or turn out more products—that is,to increase their productivity.Only as the recovery takes hold would businesses add workers.As a consequence,unemployment may start to come down only well after an economic recovery begins.//The phenomenon works in reverse at the start of a downturn,when firms would rather reduce work hours,or impose some pay cuts before they let workers go.Unemployment starts rising only if the downturn is prolonged./Because unemployment follows growth with a delay,it is called a lagging indicator of economic activity.解析第一段It is not a coincidence that the global economy is experiencing the most severe case of unemployment during the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression.在这次自大萧条以来最严重的经济危机中,全球经济正在经历着最为严重的就业困难,而这并不是一个巧合而已。
2009年考研英语翻译真题解析(一)第一句一、试题题源While it may be said, without exaggeration, that the measure of the worth of any social institution, economic, domestic, political, legal, religious, is its effect in enlarging and improving experience; yet this effect is not a part of its original motive, which is limited and more immediately practical.(48 words)二、考试试题It may be said that the measure of the worth of any social institution is its effect in enlarging and improving experience, but this effect is not a part of its original motive. (33 words)三、译文参考可以说,要衡量任何社会制度的价值,就要看它对扩大和改进经验方面的影响,但是这种影响并不是其原来动机的一部分。
四、翻译讲解1. 整个句子的主干结构是but连接的两个并列句。
2. 第一个并列句这个句子有一个最简单的形式主语结构it may be said,然后有一个基本结构是the measure of …is in its effect in…,可以翻译为“衡量…是看在…中的效果”。
3. 第一个并列句中主语中心词是measure后面带了两个of修饰结构,这种结构是属于考研翻译中考过无数次的结构,请参考94年71题,97年72题,01年74题,02年64题,和07年46题等。
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2009年北京外国语大学高级翻译学院816英汉互译(同声传译)考研真题及详解一、将下列文章译成汉语(50分)It is said that the Inuit have many words for snow,but when it comes to the Northwest Passage only one type of frozen water matters:multiyear ice.It can slice through the hull of a ship like a knife through butter and it persists in the passage’s waters despite unprecedented warming in the Arctic Ocean,thwarting shippers in search of a shortcut between Europe and Asia.The fabled Northwest Passage has made headlines ever since it thawed last year for the first time.For three centuries the quest for an expedited route between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans rivaled today’s space race,with European superpowers vying for the prize.Hundreds of sailors and countless expeditions ventured into Canada’s Arctic waters,including such naval luminaries as Sir Francis Drake,Captain James Cook and the ill-fated Henry Hudson,who left his name—and lost his life—on the Canadian bay that marks its entrance.Now,with the Arctic’s sea ice shrinking at a rate of10percent per decade,this coveted shipping lane has opened for business—but shippers are not rushing to use it.The reason:as fate would have it,global warming appears to also be increasing the amount of potentially deadly multiyear ice chunks lurking in the newly opened pathway.“The thing is,the Canadian Arctic has a totally different ice regime than the Arctic Ocean,”says Stephen Howell,a climatologist at the Interdisciplinary Centeron Climate Change at the University of Waterloo in Ontario.In fact,the Canadian Arctic Archipelago acts as a“drain trap”for ship-wrecking multiyear ice,Howell says.This year,for example,when the first-year ice in the passage had melted,it opened the way for multiyear ice(MYI)from the Queen Elizabeth Islands to flow into and clog the Northwest Passage.“We call it a ‘MYI invasion’and that’s going to be the threat as we transition to an ice-free summertime Arctic,”he says.“The first-year ice,that’s sort of like Swiss cheese and you can just plow through it,”Howell says.This ice freezes over a winter and is seldom thicker than three feet(one meter).Often,first-year ice melts the summer after it’s frozen,but if it doesn’t,it becomes thicker the following winter and becomes multiyear ice.“The multiyear ice isn’t like Swiss cheese;it’s solid and trouble”for ships that collide with it,he says.(392)【参考译文】据说因纽特人有很多描述雪的词语,但就西北航道而论,只有一种冰冻水是重要的:多年冰。
二、将下列短文译成汉语(25分)We,the Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors of the G-20,have a common goal of promoting employment,welfare and development in our countries.We are convinced that strong and sustained economic growth is necessary both at national and global level to achieve this end.We have therefore discussed the requirements for long-lasting growth on the basis of our own experience and believe that domestic policy needs to address three tasks: establishing and maintaining monetary and financial stability;enhancing domesticand international competition;and empowering people to participate. Transparency and accountability within an internationally agreed framework of codes and standards remain key to ensuring sustained economic growth and stability at the global level.We agreed on the following key elements that will guide our domestic economic policies in the future.In implementing these elements, microeconomic aspects must be given due consideration.As these principles are interlinked,they must be implemented consistently,with due regard to possible trade-offs and complementarities,because many single elements have the potential of blocking the positive effects of others.While appropriate and credible policies are the basis for economic growth,they need to be backed by high-quality institutions,including ethical standards in corporate governance.Policymakers should build institutions in parallel with engaging in reforms and also ensure that institutions stay consistent with the requirements of a changing environment. However,given the diversity of institutional settings and the success of different economic strategies among G-20countries,there is no single template for strong long-term growth.Policies need to be shaped to the special circumstances in individual countries.(266)【参考译文】我们G-20成员国的财政部长和央行行长们有着促进本国就业、福利和发展的共同目标。