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()1. Li Hong has _______ the army for 2 years.

A. joi ned

B. be in

C. bee n in

D. joi ned in

()2. Mike ___________ the story for a mon th.

A. has bought

B. has had

C. had had

D. has borrowed

()3. Mr. Black __________ China since the summer of 1998.

A. has bee n to

B. has bee n in

C. has come to

D. came to

()4. His father _______ for years.

A. has died

B. has bee n dead

C. died

D. dies

()5. He has a computer of his own. He ____ it two days ago

A. bought

B. bought

C. bought

D. has bought

()6. --- Is your father a Party member?

---Yes, he ____ the party three years ago. He ______ a Party member for three years.

A. jo in ed; has bee n

B. has join ed; has bee n

C. was join ed; is

D. jo in ed; was

()7. ---What a n ice bike! How lone ____ y ou _____ i t? ----Just five weeks.

A. will; buy

B. did; buy

C. are; havi ng

D. have; had

()8. I ______ t his book for a week」have to retur n it now.

A. borrowed

B. have borrowed

C. kept

D. have kept

()9. ---- _____ your sister _______ in Gree n China for a long time?

——Yes. She joined it five years ago.

A. Has; bee n

B. Have; bee n

C. Has; jo ined

D. Have; jo ined

()10. ---How long have you _______from the USA?——For three mon ths.

A. come back

B. retur ned

C. go back

D. bee n back

()11. I _____ t his book for half a year.

A. have bought

B. have had

C. bought

D. had

( )12. The stude nts are sorry to hear that famous sin ger ______ for a year.

A. has left

B. has gone

C. has bee n away

D. has gone away

()13. He _______ a cold for three days.

A. has caught

B. has had

C. has got

D. caught

( )14. Jim Gree n _____ in China for two years.

A. has come

B. has bee n

C. has arrived

D. came

( )15. The film _____ f or half an hour.

A. has been on

B. has begun

C. hasn ' t begun

D. began

( )16. How long have you ________ t his book ?

A. Bought

B. borrowed

C. had

D. lent

( )17. His grandpa ________ for two years.

A. was died

B. has been dead

C. was dead

D. has died ( )18. His sister ______ her hometow n for three years. She'll retur n n ext year

A. left

B. has left

C. has been away

D. has been away from

()19、His father ___________ the Party since 1978 .

A . joined

B . has joined

C . was in

D . has been in

()20、一Do you know him well ?

—Sure .We _________ friends since ten years ago .

A . were

B . have been

C . have become

D . have made

()21、—How long have you _________ h ere ?

—About two mon ths .

A. been B . gone C . come D . arrived
