
2024年江苏省一般高等学校“专转本”统一考试高校英语第I卷(共100分)Part I Reading Comprehension (共40分)Passage oneUnder proper conditions, sound waves will be reflected from a hillside or other such obstruction. Sound travels at the rate of about one-fifth of mile per second. If the hill is eleven hundred feet away, it takes two seconds for the sound to travel o the hill and back. Thus, by timing the interval between a sound and its reflection (the echo), you can estimate the distance to an obstruction.During word war 2 the British used a practical application of this principle to detect German planes on their way to bomb London long before the enemy was near the target. They used radio waves instead of sound waves, since radio waves can penetrate fog and clouds. The outnumbered Royal Air Force (RAF) always seemed to the puzzled Germans to be lying in wait at the right time and never to be surprised. It was radio echoes more than anything else that won the Battle of Britain.Since the radio waves were used to tell the direction in which to send the RAF planes and the distance to send them (their range of flight, in other words), the device was called radio directing and ranging, and from the initials the word radar was coined. (files come from )1. Sound waves reflected from a hill can be used to estimate the.A. heigt of the hillB. speed of soundC. distance to the hillD. intensite of sound2. Practical applications of this principles resulted in.A. New electronic instruments for planesB. A radio directing and ranging deviceC. New radio sets for RAF bombersD. An electronic detecting device3. Radar enabled the English to.A. Detect German planes on their way to LondonB. Direct the outnumbered RAF planes effectivelyC. Confuse German bomber pilotsD. Both A and B4.It can be inferred from the passage thatA. Light waves could be used in a device similar to radarB. Radar was a practical application of a well-known principleC. Radar greatly increased the effectiveness of the Royal Air ForceD. Sound waves are reflected from a hillside under all conditions5. The author of this passage probably intended to explainA. Exactly how radar worksB. Why the British used radio waves in their deviceC. How radar (work and device) came to beD. How radar helped the British win the Battle of BritainPassage TwoIn general, the ancient Romans were a practical people. They cared less about philosophy and pure mathematics than did the Greeks. The Romans were the best of the ancient engineers and architects. They were brilliant students of Greek geometry and trigonometry (三角学) , and they applied their knowledge to the construction of fine bridges, roads, aqueducts (渠道) , and public buildings.They knew about the smelting of iron ore, but they used the iron they produced mainly for spears, swords, and shields, rather than for building construction.While the Romans accomplished practical wonders, they did very little theoretical scientific thinking. Because of their frequent wars, many of their inventions were no more than improvements in the design of Greek weapons with which they were familiar.There are two reasons for the Romans neglect of philosophy and pure mathematics. First, they were apparently too busy conquering nearby nations and forming them into a rapidly growing empire to waste time on abstract thinking. Secondly, they were handicapped (阻碍) by the rigidity of their numerical system. (Try to multiply XI by LVII orto divide CXLIII by IX; it simply cannot be done with pencil and paper.) The Romans did all of their arithmetic on an abacus, the ancient counterpart of the modern computing machine. Their number system discouraged the study of pure mathematics.6. The author calls the Romans “practical” because theyA. Cared little about philosophyB. Applied their knowledge to constructionC. Saw the necessity for developing theoretical scienceD. Studied the past and learned from it7.The ancient Romans did not concern themselves withA. Theoretical or abstract thoughtB. applied mathematicsC. StudyingD. either A or C8.In construction, the Romans made extensive use ofA. Iron oreB. peometry and trigonometryC. StudyingD. both B and C9.Many Romans inventions were based on Greek weapons because theA. Greeks had superior weaponsBromines were involved in frequent warsC. Romans were not familiar with many types of weaponsD. Greek proved himself or herself inspired inventor10.The author of this passage probably wanted to explain whyA. He considers the Romans a practical peopleB. Roman were involved in frequent warsC. Theoretical thinking is necessary fir the growth of a nationD. The Romans contributed little to philosophical thoughtPassage ThreeProfessor Barry Wellman if University of Toronto in Canada has invented a term to describe the way many North Americans interacts these days. The term to have opposite meanings. How can we be individuals and be networked at the same time? You need other people for networks.Here is what Professor Wellman means. Before the invention of the Internet ande-mail, our social networks involved live interactions with relatives, neighbors, and colleagues at work. Some of the interaction was by phone, but it was still voice, person to person, in real time.A recent research study by the Pew Internet and Americans Life Project showed that for a lot of people, electronic interaction through the coputer has replaced this person-to-person interaction. However, a lot of people interviewed for the Pew study say that’s a good thing. Why?In the past, many people were worried that the Internet isolated us and caused us to spend too much time in the imaginary world of the computer. But the Pew study discovered that the opposite is true. The Internet connects us with MORE real people than expected-helpful-people who can give advice on careers, medical problems, raising children, and choosing a school or college. About 60 million American told Pew that the Internet plays an important role in helping them major life decisions.Thanks to the computer. “networked individuals” are able to be alone and together with other people-at the same time!11. the pew study was conducted inA. the United StatesB. CanadaC. the U.S. and CanadaD. Europe12. in the article, a network is a group of connectedA. radio or TV stationsB. peopleC. computersD. roads13. before the invention of the Internet, our connections with people tool place mainlyA. in personB. by phoneC. by letterD. by e-mail14. Which of the following has happened since the invention of the Internet and email?A. people are talking on the phone more than ever.B. Interaction through the computer has replaced a lot of person to person interaction.C. Americans are turning into hermits.D. Sixty million Americans have bought computers.15. Which of the following was NOT one of the discoveries of Pew study?A. The Internet has put us in touch with more people than expected.B. People use the Internet to get advice on careers, medical problems, and otherquestions.C. For many Americans, the Internet plays an important role in helping them makeimportant decisions.D. “Internet addiction” is a growing problem among people who use computers. Passage four(非英语类学生必做)Summers with father were always enjoyable. Swimming, hiking, boating, fishing-the days were not long enough to contain all of activities. There never seemed to be enough time to go to church, which disturbed some friends and relations. Accused of neglecting this part of our education, my father instituted a summer school for my brother and me. However, his summer course included ancient history, which Papa felt our schools neglected, and navigation, in which we first had a formal examination in the dining room, part of which consisted of tying several knots in a given time limit. Then we were each separately sent on what was grandly referred to as a cruise in my father’s 18-foot knockabout, spending the night on board, and loaded down, according to formally plot our course, using the tide table, even though our goal was an island I could see quite clearly across the water in the distance.16. What was the original reason for holding the summer school?A. The father wanted the children to learn more about religion.B. The children got poor grades in their regular school.C. The regular school teachers neglected the children.D. Friends and relatives thought the children should learn religion.17. The purpose of the cruise mentioned in the passage was toA. have funB. test the author for completing summer schoolC. reward the author for completing summer schoolD. get to the island18. Why did the author have to plot the summer of her cruise?A. She had to demonstrate her to do so.B. She was afraid of getting lost.C. The coast was dangerous.D. The tides were strong.19. How long did the author’s cruise last?A. All summer.B. Overnight.C. A week.D. One day, morning till night20. Apparently a knockabout isA. a seaman’s knotB. a cruiseC. an islandD. a boat(英语类学生必做)The three main types of secondary education in the United States have been provided by the Latin grammar school, the academy, and the public high school. The first of these was a colonial institution. It began in New England with the establishment in 1635 of the Boston Free Latin School. The curriculum consisted mainly of the classical languages, and the purpose of this kind of school was the preparation of boys for college, where most of them would be fitted for the ministry.The academy began in the early 1750’s with Benjamin Franklin’s school in Philadelphia, which later became the University of Pennsylvania. It extended generally to about the middle of the nineteenth century, except in the southern states where the public high school was late in developing and where the academy continued a principal means of secondary education even after 2900. the academy was open to girls as well as to boys, and it provided a wider curriculum than the Latin grammar school had furnished. It was designed not only as a wider curriculum than the Latin grammar school had furnished. It was designed not only as a preparation for college but also for practical life in commercial and business activities. Although its wide educational values were evident and are recognized as important contributions to secondary education in this country, the academy was never considered a public institution as the public high school has come to be.The public high school had its origin in Massachusetts in 1821 when the EnglandClassicalSchool was established in Boston. In 1827, that state enacted the first state-wide public high-school law in the United States. By 1840, there were perhaps a dozen public high schools in Massachusetts and many in other eastern states; by 1850, they were also to be found in many other states.Just as the curriculum of the academy grew out of that of the Latin grammar school, so the curriculum of the public high school developed out of the academy. The public high school in the United States is a rejection of the aristocratic (贵族) and selective principle of the European educational tradition. Since 1890, enrollments in secondary schools, mainly public high schools, have practically doubled in this country every ten years.16. According to the author, the main types of secondary education in the United States have been provided byA. New England establishmentsB. the Latin grammar school and the academyC. the public high schoolD. both B and C17. According to the passage, which of the following sequences indicates the order in which the school developed?A. Latin grammar, public high school, academy.B. Latin grammar, school, academy, public high school.C. Public high school, Latin grammar school, academy.D. Public high school, academy, Latin grammar school.18. Since 1890,secondary enrollments haveA. almost doubled every ten yearsB. practically doubledC. classical in enrollmentD. increased tenfold19. In the southern states, the principal of secondary education even after 1900 continued to be theA. Latin grammar schoolB. academyC. classical language schoolD. church school20. One can pr operly infer from this article that “Latin grammar school” refer toA. the Boston Free Latin SchoolB. all elementary schools in the United StatesC. schools which taught Latin Exclusive of all other subjectsD. a number of grammar schools which developed in New EnglandPart II Vocabulary and Structure (共40分)21. Mary is one of the brightest students who form New York University.A. graduatedB. have graduatedC. had graduatedD. has graduated22. My friend’s son, who is a soldier, was delight when he was only a few miles from home.A. campedB. situatedC. placedD. stationed23. She has bought some lovely to make herself a dress.A. stuffB. clothingC. materialD. pattern24. She has bought with what you have given her husband and you have told him.A. thatB. whichC. all whatD. al that25. I passed my exams but it was a long time my friends about it.A. that I didn’t tellB. before I toldC. after I toldD. since I told26. The stone statue in the city square was put up the fallen heroes.A. in memory ofB. in search ofC. in terms ofD. in view of27. When I applied for my passport to be renewed, I had to send a photo.A. freshB. familiarC. recentD. late28. The Americans and the British not only speak the same language but also many social customs.A. joinB. familiarC. recentD. maintain29. from the hill-top, the lake scenery is beyond description.A. SeenB. SeeingC. ToD. Having seen30. In many schools, students don’t have easy access computers.A. ofB. intoC. forD. to31. His success was due to he had been working hard all the time.A. thatB. the fact whichC. the fact thatD. the fact what32. He didn’t want to go to the cinema but they begged so hard that he finally and went with them.A. gave offB. gave awayC. gave outD. gave in33. The toy boat turned over and sank to the of the pool.A. quickB. groundC. floorD. base34. You mustn’t be , or else you will make a lot of mistakes.A. quickB. hastyC. rapidD. fast35. Do not disturb me. I letters all morning and have written six so far.A. writeB. am writingC. was writingD. have been writing36. Teachers always tell their students that it is no good today’s work for tomorrow.A. to leaveB. leavingC. leftD. leave37. I have really got angry with John because I suggest, he always disagrees.A. whateverB. anythingC. whatD. everything38. George had great difficulty in swimming across the lake, but he finally succeeded on his fourth .A. processB. attemptC. displayD.intention39. After much thought, the engineer found a very solution to the problem.A. logicalB. necessaryC. cleverD. ordinary40. Edison tested more than one thousand materials to see if they could electric current and glow.A. bringB. makeC. carryD. produce41. If we had known that she had planed to arrive today,we her at the bus station.A. will have metB. might meetC. had meetD. might have meet42. When a machine is , suitabe materials must be chosen for its parts.A. buildingB. buildC.to buildD. to be build43. His wide of the newspaper world enabled him to become a successful editor.A. careerB. experienceC. experimentD. information44. Scientists have recently the theory that eating too much fat is bad for the heart.A. put forwadB. put alongC. put outD. put up45. When we reached the station ,the train had not arrived yet ; so we .A . needed not to hurry B. needn’t have hurried C. didn’t need t o huttyD.had not needed to hurry46. Many things impossible in the past are quite common today.A. consideringB. being consideredC. to be considerD. consiered47. We believe that the young generatin will prove of our trust.A. worthB. worthyC. worthwhileD. worthless48. The two elements water is made up are the gases-oxygen and hdogen.A. thatB. whichC. of whichD. with which49. So fast that it is difficult for us to imagine its speed.A. light travelsB. travels lightC. does light travelsD. does light travel50. Output is now six times it was before liberation.A. thatB. whichC. whatD. of which51. Most foreign businessmen are the government’s new policy on foreign investment.A. in relation toB. in possession ofC. in contrast ofD. in favor of52. He made such a contribution to the university that they are naming one of the new building after him.A. modestB. generousC. realD. adequate53. It has always been the of our firm to encourage workers to take part in social activities.A. campaignB. procedureC. policyD. rule54. We arranged to meet at the theatre at seven but she didn’t .A. turn upB. turn downC. turn offD. turn round55. The passagers out of the exit when we arrived at the airport.A. were just comingB. just cameC. are just comingD. just come56. As soon as Word War II ended, Einstein urged that atomic energy to peaceful use.A. is putB. be putC. would be putD. will be put57. Surveys have revealed that quite a lot of people watch TV only to time.A. wasteB. spendC. killD.take58. Neither the teacher or her students to attend the meeting by the headmaster.A. has been askedB. has askedC.have askedD.have been asked59. The photographs of Mars taken from satallites are than those taken from the earth.A. much clearB. the clearestC. clearestD. more clearer60. Although I hadn’t seen him for years, I his voice on the telphone at once.A. realizedB. recongnizedC. heardD. discoveredPart III Cloze (共20分)(非英语类学生必做)I arrived in the United States 61 February 6, 1986, but I remember my first day here very 62 . My friend was coming for me when my 63 landed at Kennedy Airport at three o’clock in the afterno on. The weather was very 64 and it was snowing, but I was 65 excited to mind. From the airport, my friend and I 66 a taxi to my hotel. On the way, I saw the skyline of Manhattan for the first time and I stared in 67 at the famous Word Trade Centre, the tallest building in the word. My friend helped me 68 at the hotel and then left because he had to go 69 to work. He promised to return the next day.Shortly after he left, I went to a 70 near the hotel to get something to eat. As I cou ldn't speak 71 of english, I couldn’t tell the 72 what I wanted. I was very upset and started to make some gestures, but the waiter didn’t 73 me. Finally, I ordered the same thing the man at the table was eating. After dinner, I started to walk along Broadway 74 I came to Time Square with its movie theaters, neon lights, and huge crowds of people. I did not feel tired, so I 75 walking around the city. I wanted to see everything on my first day. I knew it was 76 , but I wanted to try.When I returned to the hotel, I was exhausted, but I 77 sleep because I kept hearning the fire and police sirens during the night. I lay 78 and thought about New York. It was a very big and 79 city with many tall buildings and big cars, and full of noise and busy people. I also decided right then that I had to learn to speak 80 .61. A. in B. at C. on D. for62. A. cleary B. quickly C. eagerly D. badly63. A. car B. plane C. bus D. helicopter64. A. hot B. cold C. mild D. changeable65. A. so B. very C. much D. too66. A. took B. made C. paid D. reached67. A. sadness B. horror C. disapponitment D. astonishment68. A. prepare B. stay C. unpack D. pack69. A. back B. forward C. over D. across70. A. store B. supermarket C. restaurant D. baker’s71. A. a little B. a word C. much D. any72. A. baker B. manager C. assistant D. waiter73. A. understand B. obey C. pay attention to D. take care of74. A. when B. after C. until D. as75. A. began B. stopped C. intended D. continued76. A. important B. impossible C. exciting D. interesting77. A. could B. couldn’t C. would D. wouldn’t78. A. awake B. asleep C. waiting D. confused79. A. polluted B. polluting C. interested D. interesting80. A. French B. Spanish C. English D. Chinese(英语类学生做)Sleep is important to us because it helps restore organs and tissues in our body. But how much sleep do we actually need?For most of us, eight hours seems to be about the right amount. Yet we know that there are many people who get 61 perfectly with less sleep, and some who may need 62 . A great deal depends on the 63 we live. But a good general rule 64 is to sleep as long as we have to in order to feel happy and be able to work 65 our best when we awaken.There are actually different 66 of sleep. There is a deep sleep and shallow sleep. In a shallow sleep our body does not get the same kind of rest it gets in a 67 sleep, 68 after eight hours of a shallow sleep we may still feel tired. But a short, deep can be very 69 .Alexander the Great was able to get a deep sleep 70 he needed it. Once, during the night before an important battle, he remained 71 longer than anyone else. 72 he wrapped himself in a cloak and 73 down on the earth. He slept so 74 that his generals had to wake him three times for him to give the 75 to atack!Normally when we sleep, our “sleep center” blocks off nerves so that 76 our brain and body go to sleep. 77 prevents us from wanting to do anything, and the other 78our internal organs and limbs go to sleep. 79 sometmes only one goes to sleep and the other does not. A very tired soldier can sometimes 80 asleep (brain sleep) and keep on marching, because his body is not asleep.61. A. across B. away C. along D. over62. A. more B. much C. least D. little63. A. style B. way C. method D. manner64. A. follow B. to follow C. followed D. following65. A. to B. in C. for D. at66. A. levels B. standards C. heights D. varieties67. A. daytime B. nighttime C. shallow D. deep68. A. now that B. in order that C. so that D. for fear that69. A. restful B. restless C. useful D. useless70. A. whereever B. however C. whenever D. whichever71. A. active B. awake C. asleep D. aware72. A. Instead B. Still C. Moreover D. Then73. A. lay B. laid C. lied D. lain74. A. deep B. sound C. deeply D. lightly75. A. conference B. consent C. confidence D. command76. A. either B. both C. meigher D. not only77. A. It B. One C. This D. That78. A. makes B. forces C. causes D. leads79. A. So B. Thus C. Or D. But80. A. turn B. go C. fall D. become第II卷(共50分)Part IV Translation (共35分)Section A81. They used radio waves instead of sound waves, since radio waves can penetrate fog and clouds. (Passage One)82. Because of their frequent wars, many of their inventions were no more than improvements in th design of Greek weapons with they were familiar. (Passage One) 83. In the past, many people were worried that Internet isolated us and caused us to spend too much time in the imaginary world of the computer. (Passage Three)84. (非英语类学生必做)Summers with father were always enjoyable. Swimming, hiking, boating, fishing-the days were not long enough to contain all of our activities. (Passage Four)85. (非英语类学生必做)There never seemed to be enough tome to go to church, which disturbed some friends and relations. (Passage Four)84. (英语类学生必做)The curriculum consisted mainly of the classical languages, and the purpose of this kind of school was the preparation of boys for college, where most of them would be fitted forthe ministry. (Passage Four)85. (英语类学生必做)Just as th curriculum of the academy grew out of that of the Latin grammar school, so the curriculum of the public high school developed out of that of the academy. (Passage Four)Section B86. 使他惊讶的是,她不仅没有表扬他,反而指责了他。

(2023年)江苏省徐州市-统招专升本英语模拟考试(含答案)学校:________ 班级:________ 姓名:________ 考号:________一、单选题(10题)1.He is()by far, and will be for a time , the best basketball player in the history of the gameingB.to comeC.to have comeD.to be coming2.The whole class couldn’t help _____ when they saw the haircut of their new classmate()A.to laughughingughedD.to be laughing3.It's no good . You just have to put up with all these()plainedplainingC.to be complainingD.to complain4.My mobile phone isn't in my bag. Where I have put it()A.canB.mustC.shouldD.would5.Life is not predictable; even the worst __________ become the best()A.shouldB.mightC.mustD.need6.There was no point()about the working conditions; the manager would not listen to it any moreA.to complainingplainC.in complainingD.on complaining7.David sent his girlfriend a ring _____ by his grandmother for all her life(()A.have keptB.keptC.has keptD.has been kept8.No cream for me, thanks. I ama diet()A.inB.onC.fromD.off9.It was his doctor who advised that he _____ a holiday away from the city ()A.haveB.hadC.hasD.would have10.You must have sent her off at the airport yesterday,()A.have youB.must youC.needn't youD.didn't you二、完型填空(10题)11.9()A.freeB.freedomC.freelyD.in a free way12.()A.to be putB.being putC.to putD.putting13.When I spent the summer with my grandpa in Warwick, he sent me to Miss Bee's store.41 the counter was Miss Bee. A pair of glasses teetered(摇摇欲坠)on the side of her nose, grey hair was42 on her head.Excuse me. I need to get these. I said.So? She pushed her glasses up her nose. There's no one here except you and me and I'm not your43. Go get them. If you're lucky you'll finish shopping by sundown. Sundown was five hours44. I wasn't sure I would45 it.How could I hope to find anything on the packed, jumbled((混乱的)shelves around me?I visited Miss Bee several times a week. Sometimes she short-charged me. Other times she overcharged me. Or she sold me a(n)46 newspaper instead of one that was current. Going to the store was more like going into battle. That bread is only twenty-nine cents! I corrected her one afternoon. I had watched the number change on the cash register((收款机)closely, and Miss Bee had added 35 cents. She didn't seem47 that I had caught her charging more. She just looked at me and48 the price.All summer I learned the hard way to add up my list. But she still found ways to tricking me into making mistakes. No sooner49 the items located on theshelf50 Miss Bee rearranged the shelves and made me hunt for51 all over again. The morning I was to52 to Brooklyn, I stopped in to get a packet of gum.All right, she said. What did you learn this summer? She was mean! I pressed my lips together. To my53, Miss Bee laughed. I know what you think of me, she said, but when you get older you'll be glad our paths54!Glad I met MissBee? The idea was55.Now I grow up and I finally understand I really learned a lot from Miss Bee41.()A.OnB.BehindC.UnderD.Over14.13)()A.holdB.leaveC.dropD.give15.60.()A.atB.toC.andD.with16.44.()A.to be putB.being putC.to putD.putting17.74.()A.firstlyB.at firstC.firstD.early18.34.()A.menB.womenC.boysD.girls19.29.()fortableB.busyC.awakeD.strong20.It is widely believed that highly educated students are more likely to get a good job. However, at an on-campus job 41in Jiangsu Province students found it difficult to get a good offer from big companies. It seemed that most companies preferred undergraduates.42, some of the postgraduates ascribed (归因于)their failure in job hunting to the 43three-year education.In my opinion, this phenomenon has much to do 44 our educational system.In China, most students work hard only45 a high score on exams, while totally ignoring the importance of practical skills. Young college students choose to continue their studies for a higher degree, because they believe the diploma can make them more 46 in job hunting. However, it is a misunderstanding that all companies will think 47 of the applicant with a master's degree. In fact, what most transnational corporations want is an employee with rich work experience. Nowadays, employers pay more attention to48 skills and innovation ability,49 will enable their employees to make greater contributions and bring more benefits to the company. In this situation, those who have a higher degree but lack practical skills will not be50. Furthermore, postgraduates usually51 a higher salary, while undergraduates tend to be satisfied with a lower starting salary. The best way to52 a company is to save costs and improve work efficiency. If you were the employer, would you be willing to pay more money53 an employee with less experience? I guess the answer is negative.In a word, it is important for both undergraduates and postgraduates to 54 their knowledge structure and improve practical skills to survive in the55 social competition41.()A.meetingB.fairC.sceneD.sight三、翻译(3题)21.我很快意识到手机就像香烟一样,很难戒掉22.A person who will give up when meeting with difficulties will never succeed23.父母没有预料到孩子的问题这样难回答四、词汇与语法(3题)24.Polar explorers have to be extremely ________ to endure the climate and other hardships of various kinds()nguage learning is a slow process, which ________ a lot of effort, time and patience()26.As a matter of fact, they would rather leave for Beijing than ______ in Shanghai()五、单选题(0题)27.I find it hard to imagine a time when ______ to solve()A.no problem will be thereB.there will be no problemC.no problem there will beD.there no problem will be六、单选题(0题)28.In some parks visitors are requested to keep _____ the grass()A.asideB.awayC.outD.off参考答案1.B到目前为止,并在将来的一段时间内,他是篮球运动史上最好的球员。

江苏专转本(英语)模拟试卷33(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. V ocabulary and Structure 2. Reading Comprehension 3. Cloze 5. Translation 6. WritingV ocabulary and Structure1.I need______more volunteers to help move the piano.A.noneB.anyC.fewD.some正确答案:D解析:语法题,要求考生注意不定代词作修饰词的用法。
2.The children are as______ as larks.A.happyB.joyousC.gayD.merry正确答案:A解析:固定搭配。
此处根据题意四个选项均对,但as happy as a lark是固定搭配,是成语。
3.She thought it was______not to know some of the basic facts of her country.A.shamefulB.ashamedC.a shameD.ashameful正确答案:C解析:词形词义辨析题。
shameful指可耻的,丢脸的,不道德的,不体面的;ashamed常作表语,表示羞耻,羞愧,害臊;a shame指羞辱,羞愧,耻辱,可耻的人或事;ashameful并无此词。
4.Ted agreed to______the strike if the company would satisfy the demand of the workers.A.call outB.call toC.call offD.call on正确答案:C解析:词语辨析题,同一动词跟上不同的介副词,词义不同。

2020年江苏专升本英语模拟题三套2020年江苏专升本英语模拟题(一)1.Scientists now have some surprising answers about whether brain power as we get older.A.reducesB.descendsC.collapsesD.declines2.These books are designed to children.A.agree withB.apply forC.address toD.appeal to3.The school isn’t the one I really wanted to go,but I suppose I’ll just have to it.A.make the best ofB.get away fromC.keep an eye onD.catch up with4.Constant showers are characteristic the summer here.A.forB.toC.ofD.with5.We must find a way to cut prices reducing our profits too much.A.withoutB.despiteC.withD.for答案及解析1.【翻译】关于是否我们的大脑功能会随着我们年龄的增长而衰退,科学家有一些令人吃惊的回答。
[考点]词义辨析题【精析】D reduce:减少,缩小;descend:下降;collapse:倒塌,瓦解;decline:下降,衰退。
[考点]词义辨析题【精析】D agree with:同意,和……意见一致;apply for:申请,请求;address to:写信给,对……说;appeal to:对……有吸引力,引起……的兴趣。

(2022年)江苏省扬州市-统招专升本英语模拟考试(含答案)学校:________ 班级:________ 姓名:________ 考号:________一、单选题(10题)1.Charles Dickens, a famous 19th-century writer, wrote many popular novels, Oliver Twist is a very good example()A.of whichB.about whomC.in whichD.of whom2.In order to buy her house she had to obtain a_____from the bank()A.financeB.capitalC.loanD.debt3.The first textbook()for teaching English as a foreign language came out in the 16th centuryA.having writtenB.to be writtenC.being writtenD.written4.We can with people in most parts of the world by telephone()municateB.tellC.relateD.convince5.This sort of punishment is applied only to nonviolent criminals who are not ()to be dangerous to the publicA.possibleB.probableC.likelyD.like6.The department head insisted that he _____ absolute authority to regulate office work()A.givesB.is givenC.would giveD.be given7.It is believed that a man is innocent until he is guilty()A.to proveB.provedC.having been provedD.to have proved8.The man denied ______ anything at the supermarket when he was questioned by the police()A.to have stolenB.to stealC.having stolenD.having been stealing9.My daughter runs faster than in her class. She runs the fastest()A.a boyB.any boyC.some boysD.most boys10.I have no objection toyour design for the new type of machine this time(()A.adoptB.adoptingC.having adoptedD.have adopted二、完型填空(10题)11.()A.besidesB.withoutC.exceptD.beside12.Enough sleep is important to health. The amount of sleep 51 depends on the age of the person and the conditions in which sleep 52. The young may need more sleep than the old, but53eight hours are enough for the health of grown-ups. Some can do with less than this amount but 54may need more. Every person knows his own need. It is then a matter of how to55it. Sleep should always be enough to make one relaxed and ready for56 work.Fresh air is 57to sound sleep. It is not58reason for some people to insist that it is practical to sleep in the open air.59a person can keep himself warm, out-of-door sleeping probably gives the body 60complete relaxation.Ability to sleep is largely a habit. The conditions referred to only lead to sleep. Out-of-door61 , a good habit of regular drinking and the avoidance of late eating and62are helpful to sound sleep. Such factors are largely within the 63of any person. A bath at64, neither hot nor cold but of body temperature, may be helpful to sleep. Sleeping pills should never be taken except when suggested by 65()A.wishedB.expectedC.neededD.wanted13.58.()A.offB.outC.inD.back14.Enough sleep is important to health. The amount of sleep __21__ depends on the age of the person and the conditions in which sleep __22__. The young may need more sleep than the old, but __23__ eight hours are enough for the health of grown-ups. Some can do with less than this amount but __24__ may need more. Every person knows his own need.It is then a matter of how to __25__ it. Sleep should always be enough to make one relaxed and ready for __26__ work.Fresh air is __27__ to sound sleep. It is not __28__ reason for some people to insist that it is practical to sleep in the open air. __29__ a person can keep himself warm, out-of-door sleeping probably gives the body __30__ complete relaxation.Ability to sleep is largely a habit. The conditions referred to only lead to sleep. Out-of-door __31__ , a good habit of regular drinking and the avoidance of late eating and __32__ are helpful to sound sleep. Such factors are largely within the __33__ of any person. A bath at __34__, neither hot nor cold but of body temperature, may be helpful to sleep. Sleeping pills should never be taken except when suggested by __35__()A.wishedB.expectedC.neededD.wanted15.61()A.widestB.leastC.mosttest16.7.()A.collectedB.conductedC.discoveredD.published17.55.()A.worthyB.valuelessC.valuableeless18.67.()A.inB.withC.onD.for19.48.()A.SoB.ThereforeC.ThenD.Actually20.A.GB.HC.ID.J三、翻译(3题)21.说实话,直到昨天我才知道他们去上海了22.过了好几个月,校长才有时间考虑我们的建议23.If the situation goes worse, a serious problem may come up四、词汇与语法(3题)24.This information would be extremely()for students who will take a national examination in June25.________ is known to all, too much stress can cause disease()26.The reason why he failed is ________ he was too careless()五、单选题(0题)27.We ________ three major snowstorms so far this winter()A.hadB.haveC.have hadD.had had六、单选题(0题)28.Who should be responsible the accident()A.atB.ofC.withD.for参考答案1.A十九世纪的著名作家查尔斯·狄更斯写了很多畅销小说,其中( 雾都孤儿》就是一个很好的例子。

2020年江苏专升本英语模拟练习题三套2020年江苏专升本英语模拟练习题(一)1.He does not()as a teacher of English,for his pronunciation is far from perfect.A.qualifyB.equalC.matchD.deserve2.His()reply to the question showed that he had understood it very well.A.proudB.importantC.tenseD.quick3.When he tried to make a(),he found that the hotel was fully booked.A.reservationB.demandC.claimD.policy4.I expect that she will be able to()our particular needs.A.supplyB.reachC.provideD.meet5.During July and August there was no rain for weeks().A.on endB.in the endC.at lastD.at length答案及解析1.【翻译】作为一名英语老师他还不够资格,因为他的发音离完美还差得远呢。
[考点]词义辨析【精析】A qualify as意为“具有作为……的资格”;equal作动词时,后直接跟名词,意为“平等,比得上”,作形容词时,常用于be equal to,意为“相等,胜任”;match后直接跟名词,意为“相匹配,比得上”;deserve后直接跟名词,意为“值得”。
根据句意及as 一词可知,选A。
[考点]词义辨析【精析】D proud意为“骄傲的”;important意为“重要的”;tense意为“紧张的”;quick 意为“迅速的,敏捷的”。

/Part I Reading Comprehension (共20小题,每题2分,共40分)Directions:ln this part there are four passages. Each passage is followed by fourcomprehension questions. Read the passage and answer the questions. Then mark youranswer on the answer sheet.Passage OneQuestions 1 ~5 are based on the following passage.Young Koreans are beginning to do it alone when it comes to finding a partner,though matchmaking is still the most common way for boys to meet girls.Professional matchmakers can make thousands of American dollars by introducing&suitable marriage partners to each other, but partners also plays a role in the process during which young Koreans meet.In Korea, when marriage is regarded as more of a business contract than a sacredthing, the scene of the first meeting is repeated hundreds of times a day in coffee shops in the main hotels around Seoul.The business of continuing the family lineagec(血统) and keeping the bloodlinespure is often too important to be left to romance and chance encounters.Often, the girl will work out a system of secret signals with her mother, fromwhich her parents can tell if she is interested.For example, if the girl orders a coffee it might mean that she wants her parents to leave her alone with the boy, while a milk shows that she wants them to stay.~Sometimes the matchmaking is not always so formal, with the introduction beingmade by friends.But whether through friends or families, there is hardly a Korean manor woman in the country who has not gone through this process-sometimes six or seven times.1. The word "matchmaking"in this passage means .A. a very formal ritual(仪式) attended by boys and girlsB. introducing boys and girls to know each other for the purpose of marriageC. producing matches to make a fire or light a cigaretteD. arranging games between men and women<2. The fact that the first meeting is repeated again and again in coffee shops in the main hotels suggests that .A. Koreans like drinking coffee in coffee shops very muchB. men and women want to meet as many times as possibleC. they are busy with communicating with different peopleD. marriage is seen as a business contract instead of something sacred3. Why does the matchmaking still exist in KoreaA. Because most people want to keep the bloodlines pure and chance encountersromantic.—B. Because most people try to avoid romance and keep the bloodlines pure.C. Because most people regard marriage as continuing family lineage and romance.D. Because most people try to break family lineage and bloodlines.4. Which of the following is true according to the passageA. Almost every man or woman in Korea has to go through the matchmaking.B. From the signal the boy's parents know whether their son is interested in the girl or not.C. At present young Koreans no longer need matchmaking to keep them find partners.D. Only a girl and a boy will appear in the first meeting.—5. The passage is mainly about _ .A. the practice of matchmaking in KoreaB. the importance of a business contractC. the work of a business matchmakersD. the first meeting between men and womenPassage TwoQuestions 6~10 are based on the following passage.|In the university Jim was a made good grades with little effort,and his classmates thought of him “most likely to succeed”. After graduation, he joi ned a large company and at first did well. However, he switched to several smallercompanies where the same pattern developed time and again:well-liked, regarded as a fast-tracker. People wonder why he isn't doing better.Then there was Tom who was always regarded as"average. " However, he set hisgoals high, and then found a way to achieve his goal. Today he owns a million-dollarcompany.Researchers have found that school performance is little related to job like "steady and dependable"and "practical and organized"are more important."You don't need talent to succeed," insist some experts. "All you need is a big pot of glue(胶水). You put some on your chair, you sit down, and you stick to every project until you've done the best you can do. "Average achievers stay glued to their chairs and postpone pleasure so they can receive future benefits. Many fast-trackers, on the other hand, expect too much too soon. When rewards don't materialize instantly,they may become disappointed and unhappy.6. A fast-tracker in this passage refers to a person who .<A. feels happy with everythingB. make others disappointed and unhappyC. is an excellent studentD. learns new things quickly7. According to the passage, which of the following is true about a fast-trackerA. He is not very talented in his work.B. He is not likely to get rich.C. He may not stick to his work.D. He is dependable and practical.8. The word "materialize"in the last paragraph means “”./A. matterB. appearC. matchD. attract9. It is implied in the passage that _.A. one has no pleasure until he succeedsB. glue can help one focus on one’s workC. success has nothing to do with special talentD. success is closely related to patience and steadiness10. A proper title for the passage can beA. The Magic of Glue#B. The Way to SuccessC. Why Talented People often Succeed QuicklyD. How Average Achievers Do Better than OthersPassage ThreeQuestions 11~15 are based on the following passage.From good reading we can derive pleasure, companionship, experience, and instruction. A good book may absorb our attention so completely that for the time being we forget our surroundings and even our identity. Reading good books is one of the greatest pleasures in life. It increases our contentment when we are cheerful, and lessens our troubles when we are sad. Whatever may be our main purpose in reading,our contact with good books should never fail to give us enjoyment and satisfaction.With a good book in hand we could never be lonely. Whether the characters portrayed are taken from real life or are purely imaginary, they may become our companions and friends. In the pages of books we can walk with the wise and the good of all lands and all times. The people we meet in books may delight us either because they resemble human friends whom we hold dear or because they represent unfamiliar types whom we are glad to welcome as new acquaintances. Our human friends sometimes may bore us, but friends we make in books could never weary us with their company. By turning the pages we can dismiss them without any fear of hurting their feelings. Whenhuman friends desert us, good books are always ready to give us friendship, sympathy and encouragement.:One of the most valuable gifts bestowed by books is experience. Few of us can travel far from home or have a wide range of experiences, but all of us can lead varied lives through the pages of books. Whether we wish to escape from the seemingly dull realities of everyday life or whether we long to visit some far-off place, a book will help us when nothing else can. To travel by book we need no bank account to pay for our way, no airship or ocean liner or streamlined train to transport us, no passport to enter the land of our heart's desire. Through books we may get the thrill of hazardous adventure without danger. We can climb lofty mountains or cross the scorching sands of the desert, all without hardship. Indeed, through books the whole world is ours for the asking. The possibilities of our literary experiences are almost unlimited. The beauties of nature, the enjoyment of music, the treasures of art, the triumphs of architecture,the marvels of engineering, are all open to the wonder and enjoyment of those who read.11. The main idea of the first paragraph is .A. pleasure can only be derived from reading good booksB. a good book may distract our attentionC. people can read good books in different waysD. enjoyment and satisfaction can be derived from reading good books12. The main reason that people like their acquaintances in books is .A. they are like human friends exactly>B. they never bore us in comparisonC. they never hurt our feelingsD. they give human beings friendship, sympathy and encouragement13. We forget our surroundings and even our identity because .A. the reading environment is very goodB. the book is and attractiveC. we are alone and no one interrupts usD. we are asked to return the book the second day{14. Which of the following is NOT trueA. All of us can lead varied lives through the pages of books.B. We can travel by book free of charge to our heart's content.C. We should rely on reading to escape from the seemingly dull realities of everyday life.D. Valuable experiences can be obtained from reading good books.15. "The whole world is ours for the asking" implies that .world is more accessible in books than in realityworld is easy to travel around as long as we walk】world belongs to us whenever we asktrips can be made by everyonePassage FourQuestions 16~20 are based on the following passage.Increasingly over the past 10 years, People especially young people have become aware of the need to change their eating habits, because much of the food the they eat,particularly p'rocessed foods, is not good for health. Consequently, there has been a growing interest in natural foods: foods which do not contain chemical additives and which have not been affected by chemical fertilizers widely used in farming today.Natural foods, for example, include vegetables, fruit and grain which have been grown in soil that is rich in organic matter. In simple terms, this means that the soil has been nourished by unused vegetable matter, which provides it with essential vitamins and minerals. This in itself is a naturalprocess compared with the use of chemicals and fertilizers, the main purpose of which is to increase the amount-but not the quality-of foods grown in commercial farming areas.Natural foods also include animals which have been allowed to feed and move freely in healthy pastures. Compare this with what happens in the mass production of poultry: There are battery farms, for example, where thousands of chickens live crowded together in one building and are fed on food which is little better than rubbish. Chickens kept in this way are not only tasteless as food; they also produce eggs which lack important vitamins.?It is significant that nowadays fiber is considered to be an important part of a healthy diet. In white bread, for example, the fiber has been removed. But it is present in unrefined flour and of course in vegetables. It is interesting to note that in countries where the national diet contains large quantities of unrefined flour and vegetables,certain diseases are comparatively rare. Hence the emphasis placed on the eating of whole meal bread and more comparatively rare. Hence the emphasis placed of the eating of whole meal bread and more vegetables by modern experts on "healthy eating".16. People have become more interested in natural foods because .A. they like changing their diet from time to timeB. they want to eat food that is more deliciousC. much of the food they eat is no longer considered to be healthyD. they want to be fashionable17. Soil that is rich in organic matter .A. has nothing nutritious added to it;B. is essential for producing fruit and vegetablesC. contains unused vegetable matterD. has had chemicals and fertilizers added to it18. According to the author, the use of chemicals and fertilizers .A. will not necessarily increase the production of foodsB. is a good way to improve the quality of foodsC. promotes the foods both in quality and in quantityD. is no good for health^19. Chickens can be called "natural foods" only when .A. they are deliciousB. they are fed on food little better than rubbishC. they lay eggs rich in vitamins every dayD. they are allowed to move about and eat freely20. Which of the following is considered good for healthy eatingA. Unrefined flour and vegetables.B. White bread and honey.C. Canned beans and fruits.D. Mass-produced chickens and eggs.·PartⅡVocabulary and Structure(共40小题,每题1分,共40分)Directions:ln this part there are 40 incomplete sentences. Each sentertce is followed by four choices. Choose the one that best completes the sentence and then mark your answer on the answer sheet.21. Keep two extra pencils while taking the examination.A. at easeB. at lengthC. at bandD. in turn22. The competition from experienced staff members, some of whom are higher in rank,to my disadvantages.A. worksB. workingC. workD. worked23. I don't know what Alfred to read your letter. he thought it was addressed to him.!A. made...SupposedlyB. induced*..PresumablyC. stimulated...PossiblyD. introduced...Probably24. Never before available for quick and easy access in so many different fields of study.A. so much free information wereB. were so much free informationC. has so much free information beenD. so much free information has been25. It's true that not having a car imposes some , but owning one also complicates life in many ways.A. constructionsB. introductionsC. instructionsD. restrictions26. Word got around he had resigned his position as executive secretary of the committee.>A. whatB. thatC. whateverD. which27. If you invest so heavily in the stock market, you're _ risks.A. turning inB. heading offC. turning onD. heading for28. A further into the cause of the disaster revealed that director was partly to blame because he had not insisted on adequate precautionsA. entryB. request D. conquest29. It is only in the most difficult circumstances a man's abilities are fully tested.A. when B.that C. where D. so that30. Adults tend to interpret the action of children their own experiences.~A. in terms ofB. in the habit ofC. in words ofD. in the account offact, the Iraq war was fairly across the West.A. conversationalB. contradictoryC. contraryD. controversial32. "You missed a golden opportunity. ""Yes, I that job when it was offered. "A. must have takenB. should have taken¥C. might takeD. ought to take33. The use of military force faces strong opposition among key US allies where opinion polls show majorities of the populations support a peaceful solution.A. substantialB. enormousC. considerableD. overwhelmingis every sign that most of the Asian Americans have been the nation's culture.A. assimilated intoB. involved intoC. associated withD. connected with35. Professor Wu told us that by the end of the year he _ here for three years.A. will have wordedB. will have been working&C. would have been workingD. has been working36. We cannot choose whether we will pay income tax or not, because payment ofincome tax is _ .A. compulsiveB. impulsiveC. comprehensiveD. compulsory37. You're the manager's relative, but that doesn't _ you to a free meal in our restaurant.A. qualifyB. entitleC. adaptD. allow38. Believe it or not, Matt earns _ his brother, who has a better position in a big company.A. much as twice asB. as twice much as-C. twice as much asD. as much twice as39. Please keep the numbered cards in _;don't mix them up.A. seriesB. successionC. sequenceD. procedure40. The whole world is now clearly aware of the _ to which global warming has affected the earth.A. extentB. rangeC. gradeD. limit41. What would happen if students were of booksA. refusedB. declinedC. deniedD. deprived42. There are two major problems linked with atomic power plants, _ the first concerns nuclear waste.。
江苏省五年一贯转本制模拟卷 pdf 202301

江苏省五年一贯制“专转本”考试英语模拟卷(202301)Ⅰ.Reading Comprehension(本题共15小题,每题2分,共30分)Directions:There are3reading passages in this part.Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements.For each of them there are four suggested answers marked A,B,C and D.Choose the best answer to each question.Passage OneVery few people were coming to eat at the White Rose Restaurant,and its owner did now know what to do. The food in his restaurant was cheap and good.But nobody seemed to want to eat there.Then he did something that changed all that,and in a few weeks his restaurant was always full of men with their lady friends.Whenever a gentleman came in with a lady,a smiling waiter gave each of them a beautiful menu. The menu looked exactly the same on the outside,but there was an important difference inside.The menu that the waiter gave to the man gave the correct price for each dish and each bottle of wine,while the menu that he gave to the lady gave a much higher price.So when the man calmly ordered dish after dish and wine after wine,the lady thought he was much more generous than he really was.1.Why didn’t people come to the White Rose Restaurant to eat first?A.Because the price was high.B.Because the food was too cheap.C.Because the food was not good.D.The passage didn’t mention.2.According to the passage we can conclude that the people who eat at this restaurant are mostly.A.poor old peopleB.rich young peopleC.men with their girl friendsD.parents with their children3.The difference between the two kinds of menu lie inA.the colorB.the shapeC.the priceD.the food4.According to the passage we can infer that when men with their girl friends eat at this restaurant,the food waspaid.A.always by the ladies onlyB.always by the men onlyC.sometimes by the ladiesD.either by the men or by the ladies5.According to the passage we can know that,generally speaking,.A.men are more generous than womenB.women are more generous than menC.men like their lady friends to be generous.D.women like their men friends to be generousPassage TwoIf you listen to American music,watch American television or magazines,you will probably agree that the most popular subject of these forms of entertainment is love.Romantic love always finds an audience in theUnited States.Falling in love,solving the problems of love,and achieving the happy ending—the big wedding are subjects of interest to the adult as well as the teenage lions of Americans celebrates Valentine’s Day with special cards and gifts that announces their love to their mates,their friends,their co-workers and their families.Popular songs tell us that“all the world loves a lover”.A popular saying is“Love conquers all”. Numerous columns in magazines and newspapers offer advice to the lovelorn,those with difficulties of the heart. To most Americans,romantic love is essential to a happy life.Not only do Americans believe in romantic love but they also believe that it is the best basis for marriage. Despite the high divorce rate in the United States,young men and women continue to marry on the basis of romantic love.Americans consider marriage a private arrangement between the two people involved.Young Americans feel free to choose their own marriage partners from any social,economic,or religious backward.The man or woman may have strong ties with parents,brothers,or sisters,but when he or she falls in love,the strongest feelings are supposed to be for the loved one.When an American couple marries,they generally plan to live apart from both sets of parents and build their own independent family structure.6.What is the most popular subject of all forms of entertainment?A.MarriageB.LoveC.FamilyD.Friendship7.Who is interested in the subject of love?A.Adults who are singleB.Teenagers whose parents are divorcedC.Old people who have no childrenD.Both adults and teenagers.8.What do most Americans think of romantic love?A.It is central to a happy life.B.It is not the basis for marriageC.It is not necessarily important in a person’s lifeD.Many people long for it,but it is unbelievable9.What factors do young Americans consider when choosing their own marriage partner?A.They will think about their backgroundB.They think economic background is essentialC.They won’t choose a marriage partner from different religious background.D.They don’t think social,economical or religious background is important.10.What does an American couple plan to do when they marry?A.They continue to live with their parents after their marriage.B.They plan to live by themselves.C.They plan to earn more money to buy a house.D.They plan to travel all over the world.Passage ThreeLibraries are my world.I've been a patron(老主顾)all my life,and for the past nine years I've worked at multiple libraries and archives in and around Detroit.The library as an institution has many roles,but as our country struggles through an economic crisis,I have watched the library where I work evolve into a career and business center,a community gathering place and a bastion(堡垒)of hope.In the spring of2007I got a library internship(实习生的位置)at the South field Public Library(SPL),just north of Detroit.Summers at SPL were usually slow,but that year,we experienced a library that was as busy as science-fair project week,midterms or tax season.Yet patrons weren't looking for Mosby's Nursing Drug Reference or tax return forms.They were coming for information on growing their small business.I interpreted people's Interest in our business collection as the first step to pursuing their dreams,but these patrons were not motivated by dreams.They were responding to reality,and they were looking for Plan B.Things worsened in2008,and in2009the economic crisis continues to plague st year,we put up a display with a variety of job resources that we restocked every hour.Each night the library closed,the display was bare.While we normally keep displays up for a week,we kept the job resources display up for months.Then there's the tightening credit market.People see the writing on the wall and they want to get educated. They can't afford a financial adviser,but checking books out is free.Some of the most popular titles now are Rich Dad,Poor Dad,Think and Grow Rich,and Suze Orman's2009Action Plan.The economic downturn affects us all.I have had to work long hours and don't get to see much of my boyfriend or experience any kind of social life lately,but I am thankful to begin a position where I can help people overcome this struggle.In Michigan,we haven't lost hope.As long as there are libraries here,there will always be hope.11.What changes has the current economic crisis brought to the library?A.It has opened its age-old archives to the general public.B.It has become a job and business information center.C.It has evolved into a place for business transactions.D.It has had to cut its budget to get through the crisis.12.What does the author say about the South field Public Library in the summer of2007?A.It was overflowing with visitors.B.It launched a science project series.C.It added many books on business to its collection.D.It was full of people seeking information on drugs.13.What can be inferred from people's strong interest in the library's business collection?A.They think it is now time to realize their dreams.B.They find economics helpful in tiding over the crisis.C.They consider it a trend to start their own business.D.They are concerned about the worsening economy.14.Why were there no more job resources on display by the end of the day?A.The library staff could not do the restocking quickly enough.B.People competed with each other for the jobs listed in the ads.C.People were much interested in the job resources on display.D.All the materials on display were free of charge to the jobless.15.How did the author feel about working in the library?A.She felt contented to be in a position to render help.B.She felt pleased to be able to give hope to the jobless.C.She felt rewarded to have gained a lot of experience.D.She felt sorry to miss the social life she used to enjoy.Ⅱ.Vocabulary and Structure(本题共20小题,每题1分,共20分)Directions:For each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A,B,C and D.Choose the one answer that best completes the sentence.16.When I got my first job,I early.But nowadays I usually stay in bed until late morning.A.could get uped to getting upC.was used to get uped to get up17.Piano is a popular.A.machineB.instrumentC.equipmentD.tool18.It’s no good.You just have to put up with all these.plainedB.to be complainingplainingD.to complain19.The teacher didn’t seem to be satisfied with the examination results..A.So did the studentsB.So the students didC.Neither the students didD.Neither did the students20.He is a man of great experience,much can be learned.A.thatB.from whomC.whoD.from which21.I won’t lend you my computer you promise to take care of it.A.asB.whileC.unlessD.if22.All my friends said that the film was worth.A.seeB.seeingC.to be seeingD.to see23.He rarely goes to the cinema as his work almost all his time.A.takes awayB.takes overC.takes upD.takes in24.The professor needs an assistant that he can to take care of problems in his absence.A.count inB.count upC.count onD.count out25.We can’t one to change the habits of a lifetime in a short time.A.hopeB.anticipateC.expectD.imagine26.She believed that Mr.Smith had taken of all the opportunities to get the position.A.profitB.benefitC.interestD.advantage27.When you have any difficulties,you could your friends for help.A.turn toB.turn outC.turn overD.turn on28.The teacher is praised by her students for her communicative language teaching.A.respectfulB.respectableC.respectingD.respective29.is known to all,Mark Twain is a great American writer.A.ThatB.AsC.WhichD.It30.Not until that day the importance of good manners in a job interview.A.did I realizeB.I did realizeC.I have realizedD.have I realized31.It is high time I,otherwise I will miss the train.A.goB.am goingC.will goD.went32.Under no circumstance to tell lies to your friends.A.you are allowedB.are you allowedC.you will allowD.will you allow33.He enjoys pop music while I prefer classical music.A.to listen toB.to listenC.listeningD.listening to34.I passed the test.I it without your help.A.would not passB.wouldn’t have passedC.didn’t passD.had not passed35.He hurried to the hospital,only his father had just died.A.to tellB.to be toldC.tellingD.toldPartⅡC1oze(1point each;20point in all)Directions:There are20blanks in the following passage.For each blank there are four choices marked A,B,C and D.You should decide on the best choice and write the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.My mom has been and will always be my biggest inspiration.She is a single parent of eight,and I have no idea how she___36___.Throughout the years,my mom has overcome many hardships which could easily ___37___someone with little faith.Even___38___doctors questioned if my little sister Jessica would live to see the age of1,my mom never lost ___39___.After countless visits to multiple doctors,my mom___40___to bring her home and make the best of my sister’s life___41___receiving the same results from different hospitals.Jessica’s numerous hospital visits definitely___42___her,but my mom never showed signs of___43___.Her strength helped Jessica through every___44___time.No matter how confused Jessica was,my mom always made her feel as if there was absolutely nothing to_____45_____,which enabled Jessica to live the life of a_____46_____child. She attended a public school,went to parties to dance around excitedly.We actually_____47_____that she was even sick._____48_____,things began to take a turn for the worse.Around her6th birthday,Jessica lost sight,which was _____49_____by loss of sensation in her left arm at the age of5.However,this was it and doctors had no_____50____. The whole family were heartbroken and_____51_____,at a point of no return.Once again,my mom found a way to_____52_____us all.She made it her job to let us know that she had a strong support system.She decided to _____53_____her job and attend to her every need.With my mom sleeping by her side every single night,I noticed their_____54_____grow stronger than anything.Now Jessica is20years old and is enjoying her college life.My mom gets us to realize that no matter how_____55_____our trials may appear,we have a support system.We are a family that will always be there for one another.36.A.failed B.survived C.graduated D.developed37.A.guide B.push C.refresh D.discourage38.A.until B.when C.unless D.since39.A.hope B.control C.interest D.patience40.A.refused B.threatened C.decided D.hesitated41.A.far from B.regardless of C.apart from D.instead of42.A.upset B.destroyed C.satisfied D.relieved43.A.wisdom B.curiosity C.weakness D.sympathy44.A.ripe B.tough C.lonely D.precious45.A.worry about B.rely on C.learn from D.show off46.A.difficult B.super C.gifted D.regular47.A.forgot B.declared C.discovered D.sensed48.A.Hopefully B.Suddenly C.Gratefully D.Seriously49.A.reduced B.caused C.followed D.removed50.A.answer B.doubt C.reason D.mercy51.A.guilty B.annoyed C.confused D.innocent52.A.blame B.screen C.respect D.favor53.A.offer B.finish C.continue D.quit54.A.faith B.will C.bond D.conflictplete B.temporary C.unfair D.unbearableⅣ.Sentence Completion(本题共5小题,每题2分,共10分)Directions:There are5incomplete sentences in this plete them according to the Chinese given.56.He did all sorts of jobs____________________(谋生).57.I can't_________________(理解)what it is that makes him so depressed recently.58.You'd sound a lot more polite if you make a request____________________(以…...形式)a question.59.She felt completely____________________(自在的)with him.60.If you pretend to know what you don't know,you'll only_____________(捉弄)yourself.Ⅴ.Writing(共20分)Directions:For this part,you are asked to write a composition on the topic of Knowledge and Diploma(Fake Diploma).You should write at least100words and base your writing on the information below.(1)目前,在社会上有这样的一种说法,文凭越高越吃香;(2)而有些人则认为文凭不等于知识;(3)你的观点。

备考2023年江苏省苏州市-统招专升本英语模拟考试(含答案)学校:________ 班级:________ 姓名:________ 考号:________一、单选题(10题)1.The bad weather()the building program by several weeksA.went onB.put onC.set backD.built upe on, be realistic; life is not()it was in your timeA.whatB.whichC.whenD.that3._____ is often the case, one third of the workers have over-fulfilled the production plan()A.WhatB.ThisC.ThatD.As4.We are at your service. Don’t()to turn to us if you have any problemsA.begB.hesitateC.desireD.seek5.Many people prefer the bowls made of steel to the______ made of plastic ()A.itB.oneC.onesD.them6.________ he finishes the project, he will call his wife()A.The minuteB.For the momentC.WhateverD.However7.The fire that__________yesterday caused at least ten people’s death()A.broke offB.broke upC.broke downD.broke out8.She a greed without the slightest _______()A.hesitationB.thinkingC.lookD.hope9.I was trying to do is to persuade my brother to give up smoking()A.ThatB.NowC.WhatD.Which10.I’d like to takeof this opportunity to thank you for your hospitality during my visit()A.advantageB.benefitC.interestD.profit二、完型填空(10题)11.60.()A.WhenB.IfC.AsD.Since12.63.()A.forB.onC.withD.to13.45.()A.sportsB.examsC.racesD.performances14.53.()A.destroyB.realizeC.changeD.create15.()A.careB.affectC.troubleD.matter16.More and more students want to study in hot majors. 41 a result, many students want to 42 their interests and study in these 43 such as foreign languages, international business and law, etc.Fewer and fewer students choose scientific majors, 44 maths, physics and biology, and art majors, 45 history, Chinese and philosophy. 46 students can study in these hot majors, because the number of these hot majors 47 limited. If one 48 interest in his work or study, 49 can he do well? I 50 this from one of my classmates.He is 51 the countryside. His parents are farmers. Though he 52 biology, yet he chose international business. He 53 to live a life which is different 54 of his parents.In the end, he found he was 55 in doing business. He found all the subjects tobe 56. 57 this wouldn’t have happened if he had chosen his major according to his own interests.Choosing a major in university 58 necessarily decide one’s whole life. Majors 59 are hot today may not be hot tomorrow. Choosing your major according to your own 60 is the best way to success()A.BeingB.ForC.HavingD.As17.64.()A.drinkingB.drinkC.to drinkD.drank18.54.()A.homeB.positionC.purposeD.result19.51.()A.friendshipB.interestsC.feelingsD.impressions20.___________()A.houseB.yardC.hallD.door三、翻译(3题)21.她脸上满意的表情显示了她喜欢这个宾馆22.开会的时间到了,咱们把收音机关了吧23.People with low self-esteem are people who do not believe that they have any power, or responsibility for their lives四、词汇与语法(3题)24.The car was running so fast that it crashed into the truck and the driver waskilled ________the spot()25.We must _______ that the experiment is controlled as rigidly as possible ()26.The Bunsen Burner is so named because it is thought _______ by Robert Bunsen()五、单选题(0题)27.Obviously they didn't see the significance of the plan. That's the problem was()A.whereB.whyC./D.how六、单选题(0题)28.The number of employees at the factory to a minimum so as to lower production costs()A.is cuttingB.are cuttingC.has been cutD.have been cut参考答案1.C恶劣的天气使建设项目往后拖延了几周。

江苏专转本英语模拟考卷一一、选择题(每题1分,共5分)1. 英语语法中,表示将来时态的助动词是:A. doB. canC. willD. mayA. runB. happyC. bookD. quickly3. “I have finished my homework.”这句话中,画线部分是:A. 动词短语B. 形容词短语C. 名词短语D. 副词短语A. phoneB. elephantC. physicsD. phonics5. 英文缩写“etc.”的全称是:A. and so onB. example and so onC. et ceteraD. extra and so forth二、判断题(每题1分,共5分)1. 英语句子中,主语和谓语动词必须一致。
()2. “I am looking forward to your reply.”这句话表示期待对方的回复。
()3. 英文单词“receive”和“perceive”的发音相同。
()4. 英文书信中,称呼后面的标点符号应为逗号。
()5. 英语中,现在分词和过去分词都可以作定语。
()三、填空题(每题1分,共5分)1. The sun _______ in the east and sets in the west.2. If I _______ you, I would take an umbrella with me.3. The teacher asked the students to _______ their homework before Friday.4. The movie was so _______ that I watched it twice.5. The old man is _______ of taking a walk in the park every morning.四、简答题(每题2分,共10分)1. 请简述现在完成时的构成及用法。

江苏专转本(英语)模拟试卷30(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. V ocabulary and Structure 2. Reading Comprehension 3. Cloze 5. Translation 6. WritingV ocabulary and Structure1.Word had come from the manager ______ a new transaction would be concluded.A.whoB.thatC.whichD.when正确答案:B解析:空格及其后的内容作word的同位语,表示经理所说的话的内容。
2.There was a traffic jam, but she______ get to the destination in time.A.couldB.mightC.ought toD.was able to正确答案:D解析:本题主要是A和D的辨析,be able to与can的主要区别在于前者表示客观的能力,后者主观更多色彩更浓。
3.“Do you think______ I should attend the lecture?” she asked me.A.thatB.whetherC.ifD.when正确答案:A解析:此处是由that引导的宾语从句。
4.Their room was on the third floor, its window______ the sports ground.A.overlooksB.overlookingC.overlookedD.to overlook正确答案:B解析:分词的独立主格结构,window与overlook的关系是主动的,故要用现在分词。
5.On no account______ to anyone who works in the company.A.my name must be mentionedB.my name must mentionC.must my name be mentionedD.must my name mention正确答案:C解析:倒装。

Part I Reading Comprehension (共20题,每小题2分,共40分)Passage 1Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage:Life is difficult.But life is no longer difficult once we truly understand and accept it.Most do not fully see this truth. Instead they complain about their problems and difficulties as if life should be easy. It seems to them that their difficulties represent a special kind of suffering especially forced upon them or else upon their families, or even their nation.What makes life difficult is that the process of facing and solving problems is a painful one. Problems depending on their nature cause in us sadness or loneliness or regret or anger or fear. These are uncomfortable feelings, often as painful as any kind of physical pain. And since life causes an endless series of problems, life is always difficult and is full of pain as well as joy.Yet, it is in this whole of solving problems that life has its meaning.Problems are the serious test that tells success from failure. When we desire to encourage the growth of the human spirit, we encourage the human ability to solve problems just as in school we set problems for our children to solve. It is through the pain of meeting and working out problems that we learn. As Benjamin Franklin said, “Those things that hurt, instruct." It is for this reason that wise people learn not to fear but to welcome the pain of problems.1 From the passage, it can be inferred that .A. not everybody has problemsB. we become stronger by facing and solving the problems of lifeC. life is difficult because our problems bring us painD. people like to complain about their problems2. The writer probably uses just one short sentence in the first paragraph toA. save spaceB. persuade readersC. make readers laughD. get readers' attention3. The main idea of paragraph 3 is .A. most people feel life is easyB. the writer feels life is easyC. the writer likes to complain about his problemsD. most people complain about how hard their lives are4. According to the passage, we give school children difficult problems to solve in order to .A. encourage them to learnB. teach them to fear the pain of solving problemsC. help them learn to deal with painD. teach them how to respect for problems5. The saying from Benjamin Franklin“Those things that hurt, instruct.”suggests that .A. we do not learn from experienceB. we do not learn when we are in painC. pain teaches us important lessonsD. pain cannot be avoidedPassage 2Harvard University is on the both sides of the Charies River. The oldest institution of higher learning in the United States was founded in 1636. In 1638 it was named for John Harvard, its first founder. During the 1640s the college was enlarged although it was short of money. Meant to be an institution for the education of Puritan ministers (清教牧师), it grew to be an institution of general education, and new and more subjects and policies were introduced. In the 18th century, particularly under John Leverett, the number of the students and campus equipment increased while the religious color decreased. In its early years, the college was largely supported by the English colony and the New England community as a whole, but support soon came in the form of gifts, and in 1823 the state money was received for the last time. Under Charles W.Eliot, the college became a great modern university. Its basic courses improved and enlarged, the graduate school was set up for those who finished their four-year undergraduate study, and the law and medical school were reorganized. Eliot is also famous for his introduction of the elective system at Harvard. Besides Harvard College, the university includes schools of divinity (1816), law (1817), arts and science (1872), education (1920), engineering (1935), reorganization of Lawrence Science School of 1847, public administration (1935). Harvard also has schools of business administration (1908), medicine (1782), public health (1922), and dental health (1941). Radcliffe College for women is connected with Harvard; its students are taught by Harvard professors and receive diplomas given by Harvard. The university library, among the nation's finest, houses over 8 million volumes, and the Fogg Museum of Art is one of the finest university museums in the world. Harvard is closely connected with a large number of research institutions as well.6. Harvard University .A. has a history of more than 450 yearsB. was enlarged in the middle of the 17th centuryC. was first meant to be an institution for general education since its foundationD. was founded by John Leverett7. One of John Leverett's greatest contributions to Harvard University is most probably that .A. he set up Harvard UniversityB. he freed Harvard University from the support of the stateC. he made Harvard a Puritan universityD. he helped develop general education in Harvard University8. Which of the following statements might NOT be true about Charles W.Eliot?A. Under his leadership, Harvard University became a modern university.B. He introduced the elective system at Harvard University.C. He improved and enlarged Harvard University, making it a modern university.D. He tried hard to reduce the religious colour of Harvard University.9. Based on the passage, between 1816 and 1941 Harvard .A. had at least 10 more schools added up to itB. founded Lawrence Science SchoolC. went through a period of slow progressD. reorganized Harvard College10. Which of the following statements is true about Harvard University according to the passage?A. Harvard is a large and modern university with a long history.B. Harvard has the world's finest library with its 8 million of books.C. Harvard University has the nation's best art museum.D. Radcliffe College for men is one of the schools of Harvard University.Passage 3The Certificates in English Languages Skills (CELS) are a set of modular tests that allow you to test in one or more of the four languages skills, or combine tests at different levels.T ests are available at three levels: CELS Higher, CELS Vantage and CELS Preliminary.So, if, for example, you are particularly good at reading but have difficulty in speaking English, you could take a CELS Higher test in Reading, CELS Vantage tests in Listening and Writing, and, for speaking, a CELS Preliminary test. Or you could decide not to take a speaking test at all.Those are linked to other Cambridge ESOL examination levels, such as the First Certificate in English. CELS is also accredited as part of the UK National Qualifications Framework.For more information on these, you can download a copy of the CELS Handbook from Cambridge Esol Chinese website at www. cambridgeesolchina. com. cn You can also visit www. alte. org for an overview of the “Can Do" statements, which specify what you are expected to be able to do at each levels.11. CELS is .A. able to be used for all kinds of testsB. suitable for the people all over the worldC. made up of CELS Higher, CELS Vantage and CELS PreliminaryD. to test your spoken English12. FCE is a part of .A. CELS HigherB. Cambridge ESOLC.CELS VantageD.CELS Preliminary13. If you'd like to know more about CELS you can .A. write a letterB. telephone the UKC. buy a book about itD. visit the internet14. “Can Do”in the last paragraph .A. is a sub-title of a passage of informationB. contains information on the UK NQFC. is the name of a websiteD. can tell you what you can do in language study15. This passage is .A. written for all language learnersB. an advertisementC. a storyD. a careful introduction to CELSPassage 4The producers of instant coffee found their product strongly resisted in the market places despite their manifest advantages. Furthermore, the advertising expenditure for instant coffee was far greater than that for regular coffee. Efforts were made to find the cause of the consumers “seemingly unreasonable resistance to the product”. The reason given by most people wasdislike for the taste. The producers suspected that there might be deeper reasons. However, this was confirmed by one of motivation research's classic studies, one often cited in the trade. Mason Haire, professor of the University of California, constructed two shopping lists that were identical except for one item. There were six items common to both lists:. hamburger, carrots, baking powder, bread, canned peaches and potatoes, with the bands or amounts specified, which were identical except for one item. The seventh item, in the fifth place on both lists, read “1 Ib. Maxwell House coffee”on one list and “Nescafe instant coffee”on the other. One list was given to each person in a group of fifty women, and the other list to those in another group of the same size. The women were asked to study their lists and then to describe, as far as they could, the kind of woman (“personality and character”) who would draw up that shopping list. Nearly half of those who had received the list including instant coffee described a housewife who was lazy and a poor planner. On the other hand, only one woman in the other group described the housewife, who had included regular coffee on her list, as lazy; only six of that group suggested that she was a poor planner. Eight women felt that the instant-coffee user was probably not a good wife. No one in the other group drew such a conclusion about the housewife who intended to buy instant coffee.16. The fact that producers found resistance to their product despite the fact that they spent moreadvertising money on instant than regular coffee shows that .A. advertising does not assure favorable sales resultsB. companies spent more money on advertising than they shouldC. people pay little attention to advertisingD. the more one advertises, the better they sales picture17. In this instance, the purpose of motivation research was to discover .A. why people drink coffeeB. why instant coffee was successfulC. why regular coffee was successfulD. the real reason why people would not buy instant coffee18. This investigation indicates that .A. 50 percent of housewives are lazyB. housewives who use instant coffee are lazyC. many women believe that wives who use instant coffee are lazyD. wives who use regular coffee are good planners19. On the results of this test, the producers probably revised their advertising to show a .A. lazy housewife using regular coffeeB. hard-working housewife using instant coffeeC. lazy housewife using instant coffeeD. man obviously enjoying the taste of instant coffee20. Which statement is implied but not stated: .A. Despite its advantages, most people dislike instant coffee because of its taste.B. The advertising expenditure for instant coffee was greater than for regular coffee.C. Very often we do not know the real reasons for doing thing.D. T aste is the principal factor in determining what we buy.Part II. Vocabulary and Structure (共40题,每小题1分,共40分)21. I feel it an honor ____ to speak at the meeting.A. to be askedB. to askC. askingD. having asked22. The majority of car accidents ______ women are involved are of minor nature.A. in thatB. by whichC. in whichD. where23. I though that sometimes they _____ their students' poor comprehension to a lack of intelligence.A. attributeB. attributedC. have attributedD. had attributed24. The weather ____ fine, the whole family decided to go out for a trip.A. isB. wasC. beingD. having been25. He might have been killed _____ the arrival of the police.A. except forB. withC. but forD. for26."Did Jack and Jerry understand her?" "No, _____ of them is very bright".A. No oneB. NoneC. Not oneD. Neither27. Do what I tell you, _____you will be sorry.A. on the contraryB. or anotherC. or elseD. in to way28. His brother is ten years ____ to him.A. youngerB. lessC. juniorD. less young29. I don't think my furniture is the same as hers, _____?A. do youB. don't IC. do ID. isn't it30. He has now bought a motor-cycle, on which he rides _______ the farm where he works, four miles away.A. to and forB. up and downC. to and fromD. come and go31. The woman's illness ______ the doctor; he couldn't find the cause.A. amusedB. puzzledC. shockedD. excited32. Mr. Lund ______ reading and writing until midnight every day.A. stayed awayB. stayed inC. stayed offD. stayed up33. Having found himself out of gas, the driver was ______ to walk several miles to the nearest village.A. intendedB. temptedC. encouragedD. compelled34. I have learned my _____ from the accident and won't drive too fast again.A. classB. speechC. lessonD. lecture35. The World Bank has promised to make a further ____ of $2 million for this project.A. lendB. borrowC. loanD. turnover36. I can't understand. You mustn't ____ so many things.A. take outB. leave outC. take offD. leave off37. I was very shy when ___ a crowd, and my first day at school was a complete failure.A. presentB. at presentC. in the presence ofD. in the presentation of38. The old hunter knew ____ that the deer would so be there.A. by chanceB. by intuitionC. by and byD. by the way39. Now that Father has made the final decision, there's no point _____ further.A. in arguingB. to argueC. for arguingD. to be argued40. _____ continuous research, there are more than 5, 000 alloys being used in industry today.A. As a resultB. As a result ofC. So far asD. As to41. Nowhere ____ as in my garden.A. the flowers were so beautifulB. were the flowers so beautifulC. so beautiful the flowersD. so beautiful were the flowers were42. The ears of some animals stand up when hearing a sound. This enables ____ more sound eaves and hear better.A. they collectB. them collectingC. them to collectD. they will collect43. He stood there, _____ what to do.A. did not knowB. having not knowC. does not knowD. not knowing44. He was about to leave _____ I walked into the room.A. whenB. whileC. onceD. as45. The more you tell him, ______.A. less notice he takesB. the least notice he takesC. the little notice he takesD. the less notice he takes46. It is obvious ____________ on more important things.A. which the money should we spendB. what the money should spendC. that the money should we spendD. that we should spend the money47. Sometimes you might dream something and terrible creatures threatened and pursued you.A. harmfulB. fearfulC. afraidD. frightened48. Generally, the success of the music style is ______ to Negro pride, to the joy with which Negroes respond to the basic expression of their culture.A. attachedB. awardedC. attributedD. contributed49. The books and magazines that _____ to relatively small groups with specialized taste would disappear.A. attractB. appealC. applyD. agree50. We need to know a good deal about the origin of civilization in general. We must know how civilization _____.A. arousedB. aroseC. roseD. raised51. wants to may come to the play on Saturday night.A. OneB. AnyoneC. EveryoneD. Whoever52. “He seems to know that.”“He _________ to be told”.A. needs notB. needn’tC. hasn’t needD. doesn’t need53. The text and dialogues below focus on cultural differences between Chinese and Western societies which can create misunderstanding if ______ .A. ignoredB. to ignoreC. ignoringD. to be ignored54. The manager ________to say whether all the workers would be dismissed.A. refusedB. avoidedC. deniedD. rejected55. In my apartment there are two rooms, ________ is used as a living-room.A. the large oneB. the larger of whichC. the largest oneD. the largest of which56. There___________ nothing to say, the secretary got to his feet, said good-bye and left the room.A. isB. wasC. havingD. being57. ___________for your help, I’d never have been able to find my lost car.A. Had it notB. If it were notC. Had it not beenD. If we had not been58. John was very upset because he was ________ by the police with breaking the law.A. accusedB. arrestedC. sentencedD. charged59. I __________ you don’t make as much profit this year.A. assureB. challengeC. betD. persist60. They saw a car at the street corner the sign of “T axi”.A. equippingB. bearingC. provingD. yieldingPart III. Cloze (共20题,每小题1分,共20分)Timothy was our pet tiger cub (幼仔). While we were living in India, Grandfather found the 61 beast. He was hiding among the roots of a 62 tree. Grandfather brought the cub home. Grandmother named him Timothy.Timothy’s 63 bed in the house was the sofa. He would 64 there like a king, snarling when anyone tried to take his 65 .His favorite sport was hunting people, most of all 66 . With a sly look in his eyes. Timothy 67 creep closer and closer. Suddenly he would make a dash for my feet. Then, rolling on his back and kicking with joy, he 68 to bite my ankles.In time, Timothy 69 that he could growl. He practiced of ten. We did not 70 ,But the neighbors did. Grandfather would smack the cub on the mouth. Then Timothy would keep quiet––71 a while.The cub soon grew as big as a collie dog. I took him on walks, for exercise. People gave us lots 72 . Our part of the path was never crowded!When Timothy was about six months old, his 73 games became too rough for the family. No one could 74 him.Grandfather decided it was time to put the tiger in a zoo. The nearest zoo was about 200 miles 75 . So he and Timothy traveled there, 76 the same room on the train. Nobody 77 the pair. Who would dare to?The zoo was very happy to have the tiger, so 78 beautiful––and tame. He was put into a cage at once. Grandfather was a little sad when he said good-bye to Timothy.Six months later, Grandfather had a chance to visit the zoo. He went 79 to Timothy’s cage. The tiger was now fully grown, with a handsome striped coat.“Hello, Timothy!”Grandfather said. He put his arms through the bars of the cage. The tiger came to him and let Grandfather put both arms 80 his head. Grandfather stroked him and tickled hisears. Each time the animal growled, Grandfather smacked him on the mouth.61. A. large B. big C. tiny D. fierce62. A. small B. giant C. tall D. high63. A. own B. favorite C. lovely D. X64. A. lay B. lie C. situate D. stand65. A. bed B. place C. room D.. chance66. A. I B. me C. my D. mine67. A. would B. should C. might D. could68. A. intended B. pretended C. tended D. extended69. A. discovered B. uncovered C.. covered D. invented70. A. mind B. appreciate C. find D. realize71. A. for B. only C. with D. within72. A. rooms B. room C. seats D. food73. A. playing B. making C. inventing D. hunting74. A. believe B. deceive C. trust D. love75. A. far B. farther C. away D. or more76. A. living B. using C. sharing D. taking77. A. liked B. talked C. bothered D. watched78. A. well-feed B. well-feeding C. well-to-be-fed D. well-fed79. A. round B. right C. just D. only80. A. on B. against C. around D. uponPart IV. Translation ( 共35分)Section A: English-Chinese translation (每小题4分,共20分)81. When we desire to encourage the growth of the human spirit, we encourage the human abilityto solve problems just as in school we set problems for our children to solve.82. Meant to be an institution for the education of Puritan ministers, it grew to be an institution of general education, and new and more subjects and policies were introduced.83. So, if, for example, you are particularly good at reading but have difficulty in speaking English, you could take a CELS Higher test in Reading.84. The producers of instant coffee found their product strongly resisted in the market places despite their manifest advantages.Section B: Chinese-English translation (每小题3分,共15分)86. 我突然停住,唯恐他会认为我是在炫耀。

江苏五年一贯制专转本英语考试模拟卷(三)(考试时间:90分钟)I. Reading Comprehension (本题共15小题,每题2分,共30分)Directions: There are 3 reading passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer to each question.Passage oneIn the world, soccer of football is the most popular sport. This is because many countries have wonderful teams for the World Cup. The World Cup is held every four years.To remember 2002 FIFA World Cup, children from different countries and more than 60 children from Japanese schools came together and spent three weekends drawing a big picture called “Dream(梦幻) World Cups” in Japan. The children drew animals, flowers and people playing soccer under a blue bright sky. They wished each football team good luck by drawing the flags(旗帜) of all the countries that will take part in the World Cup in Japan and South Korea. The picture was put up in a park near a playground in Yokohama. Some football teams will have games there.Are you a football fan (迷)? The World Cup makes more and more people interested in football Teenagers (青少年) like playing and watching football. Many of them love some football stars so much that they get the pictures of their favourite players on the walls of their rooms. That is the way to show their love for the World Cup as children in Japan.1. If a country wants to take part in the World Cup, she must have .A. Many football fansB. a very good teamC. many football playerD. a big playground2. The next World Cup will be held in .A. 2006B. 2007C. 2005D. 20043. From the passage, in the picture children drew many things except .A. people playing footballB. pictures of some football starsC. a sunny skyD. flowers4. In “Dream World Cup”, the children drew the flags of some countries .A. to show their love for their owe countryB. to tell the people their storiesC. to show their good wishes for the football teamsD. to show their new ideas about football5. Many teenagers owe the pictures of some football stars because .A. they are interested in footballB. they are football fansC. they think their favourite players are greatD. all of A, B and CPassage TwoFor years and years people have been saying that the rail ways are dead. ―We can do without railways‖, people say as if motorcars and planes have made the railways unnecessary. We all keep hearing that trains are slow, that they lose money, that they’re dying. But this is far from the truth. In these days of expensive oil, the railways have become highly competitive with motorcars and planes. If you want to carry people or goods from place to place. They are cheaper than planes. And they have much in common with planes. A plane goes in a straight line and so does a railway. What is more, it takes you from the heart of a city into the heart of another. It doesn’t leave you as a plane does, miles and miles from the city center. It doesn’t hold you up as a car does, in endless traffic jams. And a single train can carry goods which no plane or motorcar could ever do.Far from being dead, the railways are very much alive, Modern railway lines give you a smooth, untroubled journey. Where else can you eat well, sleep in comfort, feel safe and enjoy the scene while you are traveling at speed at the same time? And we are only at the beginning. For we have just entered the age of superfast trains(超速列车), trains traveling at 150 miles an hour and more. Soon we will be wondering why we spent so much on motorways we can‘t use because we have not enough money to buy the oil and planes we can’t fly in for the same reason.6. Some people think the railways are unnecessary for many reasons except that .A. planes and motorcars have taken the place of trainsB. oil is expensive todayC. trains are slowD. railways lose money7. The writer’s idea seems to be that .A. we can do without railwaysB. trains have much in common with motorcars and planesC. motorcars and planes are not as good as trainsD. trains are as good as motorcars and planes8. According to the writer, which of the following is not true?A. It is cheaper to travel by train than by plane.B. The railway station is usually at the center of a city.C. When you get off the plane you’ll find yourself right in he city center.D. No motorcar or plane can carry as many goods as a train does.9. The writer thinks that the railways, far from being dad, are very much alive because .A. we can have a smooth and untroubled journeyB. we’ll not have enough money to fly in planesC. we can now travel in super-fast trainsD. all of the above10. The best title for this passage may be .A. Not the End , but the BeginningB. Which is the Best: Train, Motorcar or PlaneC. Trains Are More Competitive than Motorcars or PlanesD. Oh, Super-fast TrainsPassage ThreeThere has been, in history, a man who was swallowed by a whale and lived to tell the tale. The man's name is James Bartley.The records to prove his unusual experience are in the British Admiralty.Bartley was making his first trip on the whaling ship Star of the East. Suddenly the lookout found a huge whale. The whalers knew it was a huge whale by the size of the spray it blew into the air. They lowered their small boats. James Bartley was in the first longboat . The men rowed until they were close to the whale. A harpoon(鱼叉) was thrown and it found its mark. It sank into the whale' s flesh. The maddened beast jumped out of the water and broke the boat into pieces. When the survivors were picked up, James Bartley was missing.Shortly before sunset, the whale was finally caught. The sailors tied the whale's carcass to theside of the ship.Because of the hot weather it was important that they cut up the whale right away. Otherwise, the meat would begin to rot and the oil would begin to spoil. When they got to the stomach, they felt something moving about wildly. They thought it would be a big fish still alive inside. But when they opened the stomach they found James Bartley. After this trip, Bartley settled in Gloucester, England, and never returned to sea.11. This passage is mainly about .A. how to hunt whales for their oil and meat.B. the hard and dangerous lives that whalers had to live.C. the duties of each man on a whaling ship.D. a man who was swallowed by a whale and lived.12. The sailors knew that something was in the whale's stomach because .A. they could feel it moving about wildly.B. the whale seemed very heavy .C. the whale was bulging (鼓起来) at one spot.D. the captain heard Bartley crying for help.13. James Bartley never went to sea again because .A. he wanted different kinds of adventuresB. of fright and shock.C. he was hurt by the whale.D. he often got seasick.14.The author, in telling James Bartley's story, gives us information by .A. making us laughB. talking about whaling in general.C. comparing whaling to other fishing.D. dramatically telling what happened.15.The word carcass refers to the .A. whale's tail.B. whale's stomach.C. dead body of the whale.D. whale's side.II. Vocabulary and Structure (本题共15小题,每题1分,共15分)Directions: For each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one answer that best completes the sentence.16. unregistered, migrant workers have trouble getting their children into child-care centers and schools.A. beingB. to beC. Having beenD. Been17. We’re very annoyed his mistake, because we have emphasized this for several times.A. withB. atC. onD. to18. She loved finding interesting ways to use words to express what in the world.A. was happenedB. was happeningC. is happenedD. is happening19. She climbed up to the top of the hill, she could have a good view of the whole town.A. whichB. at whichC. from whichD. from where20. Is online gaming really as fun as people say? Why are so many people it?A. addicted toB. accustomed toC. devoted toD. used to21. Sleeping pills be taken sometimes for a good night’s sleep but not so often that it becomes a habit.A. mustB. canC. shouldD. need22. We have worked together in harmony for many years, and I find it with them.A. worthy of workingB. useless to workC. worth of workingD. worthwhile working23. Reality is not the way you wish things to be, nor the way they appear to be, the way they actually are.A. asB. orC. butD. and24. Being quick-minded and good at creating a win-win situation, the young manager was sent to sign the document the committee.A. on account ofB. on behalf ofC. in favour ofD. in honour of25. Most staff are against the new rules,but they have come into being .A. howeverB. thereforeC. anyhowD. thus26. — Jenny has failed to seek advice from Professor Li on the problem again.— What a shame! If only she before he went abroad on business.A. arrivedB. had arrivedC. should have arrivedD. could have arrived27. Tsinghua University, founded in 1911, is a first class university, lots of people are eager to study.A. whereB. whichC. whenD. why28. After some discussion, we sat down to eat could be the most memorable dinner of my life.A. whoB. thatC. whichD. what29. Mrs. Smith weighted herself and found she had gained two pounds.A. any otherB. the otherC. anotherD. other30. — Is your present pension sufficient to cover your cost of living?—Enough and to spare.A. I can't complain.B. Serve me right!C. I've had enough of it.D. I can't be too particular.III. Cloze (本题共10小题,每题2分,共20分)Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage.When the afternoon lessons 31 , the teacher was 32 to see that Tommy was not there. He was the 33 boy in the class, and the teacher found it difficult to believe that he had a 34 . 35 , at a quarter to five, Tommy 36 with a beautiful collection of butterflies in glass cases. After his teacher had admired them and 37 him to arrange them on a table in the38 , she was surprised to see Tommy39 them up again and begin to 40 .31. A. ended B. began C. paused D. stopped32. A. puzzled B. annoyed C. surprised D. baffled33. A. smartest B. youngest C. laziest D. tallest34. A. hobby B. worry C. thought D. plan35. A. Besides B. Furthermore C. Meanwhile D. However36. A. arrived B. left C. departed D. started37. A. ordered B. incited C. helped D. forbade38. A. corridor B. washroom C. playground D. classroom39. A. make B. put C. pick D. set40. A. escape B. leave C. evacuate D. fleeIV. Sentence Completion (本题共10小题,每题2分,共20分)Directions: There are 10 incomplete sentences in this part. Complete them according to the Chinese given in the brackets.41. A recent study has (得出结论)that the Africa elephants should be divided into two different species.42. Mary will not take part in Jack’s birthday party (除非被邀请).43. Our present aim is to (过和谐的生活).44. The majority of the people attended the lecture, (其中一些是)students.45. That the air pollution gets worse and worse (让我们意识到)the importance of environmental protection.46. The fridge is empty (什么都没剩下).47. Lily wondered if (他会来).48. The substance does not dissolve in water (不管是否加热).49. He (没能完成)the work today and felt very depressed.50. You’d better inform him of the plan (提前)that we will pay a visit to him.V. Writing (共15分)Directions: For this part, you are asked to write a composition on the following topic. You should write at least 100 words and base your writing on the information below.假如你是一名大学生叫李华,对近年来大学毕业生就业情况颇有己见,请根据下面提供的信息向报社写一封信谈谈你的看法。

江苏专转本(英语)模拟试卷23(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. V ocabulary and Structure 2. Reading Comprehension 3. Cloze 5. Translation 6. WritingV ocabulary and Structure1.The theory was attacked ten years ago when it was first______, but gradually it was improved.A.promotedB.enhancedC.advancedD.conceived正确答案:C解析:动词辨析,C.advance推进,提出,如:advance a theory提出一种理论;A.promote 提升,增进;B.enhance提高,增强,如:enhance one’s confidence增强信心:D.conceive构想,怀胎,如:conceive an idea想出一个主意。
2.______ preparations are now being made for the President’s official visit to three foreign countries.A.ElaborateB.GracefulC.RoyalD.Tedious正确答案:A解析:形容词辨析,A.Elaborate详尽的,精心计划的,如:an elaborate design 精心的设计;B.Graceful优美的,得体的,如:seek a graceful exit寻求体面的退出;C.royal皇家的,王室的;D.tedious冗长乏味的。
3.The bus is so crowded that there is______ sufficient room for you.A.rarelyB.seldomC.scarcelyD.some正确答案:C解析:副词辨析,rarely和seldom表示“很少”,都是频度副词,不能用于本句,而且两词意义、用法相同,也不能成为答案。

江苏专转本(英语)模拟试卷25(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. V ocabulary and Structure 2. Reading Comprehension 3. Cloze 5. Translation 6. WritingV ocabulary and Structure1.______the earth to be flat, many feared that Columbus would fall off the edge of the earth.A.Having believedB.BelievingC.BelievedD.Being believed正确答案:B解析:句意:“许多人相信地球是扁平的。
2.Until then, his family______from him for six months.A.didn’t hearB.hasn’t been hearingC.hasn’t heardD.hadn’t heard正确答案:D解析:句意:“到那个时候为止,他家里已经六个月没有得到他的消息了”。
3.If you want this painkiller, you’ll have to ask the doctor for a______.A.transactionB.permitC.settlementD.prescription正确答案:D解析:句意:“如果你想要这种止痛药,你必须要找医生开处方”。
4.If tap water were as dangerous as some people think, ______would be getting sick.A.a lot of more usB.more a lot of usC.a lot of us moreD.a lot more of us正确答案:D解析:句意:“如果自来水像某些人想象中那么危险,我们中很多人会得病”。

江苏专转本(英语)模拟试卷8(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. V ocabulary and Structure 2. Reading Comprehension 3. Cloze 5. Translation 6. WritingV ocabulary and Structure1.The boy______ his father.A.was accused of having killedB.was accused to have killedC.was accused of killingD.was accused to kill正确答案:A解析:“这个孩子被控告杀害了他的父亲。
beaccused of doing被指控犯……罪行,为动词固定用法,而完成时可表示动作已发生,因而动名词采用完成时形式。
2.Missing the train means______ for an hour.A.waitingB.to waitC.to be waitingD.have to wait正确答案:A解析:“错过这班火车意味着再等一个小时。
3.Something extraordinary happened in that hospital. A man, who was declared clinically dead, suddenly______.A.returned to lifeB.restored to lifeC.came to lifeD.survived正确答案:C解析:“那家医院发生了一件离奇的事。
come to(one’s)life复活,醒过来,为固定短语,因此答案为C。
4.They are glad to see the children______in the day care center.A.well taken careB.being well taken care ofC.well looked afterD.being well looked after正确答案:C解析:“他们很高兴看到孩子们在托管中心受到良好的照看。

(2023年)江苏省镇江市-统招专升本英语模拟考试(含答案)学校:________ 班级:________ 姓名:________ 考号:________一、单选题(10题)1.We were all__________ when we heard the__________ news that the rescue team found another survivor()A.excited; excitedB.exciting; excitingC.excited; excitingD.exciting; excited2.Have you checked all the CDs ______to the mountainous area next week ()A.sentB.to be sentC.sendingD.being sent3.Only when the meeting was over _____go back to meet his friend()A.did he able toB.he was able toC.was he able toD.was able to he4.Not only the students but also the teacher against the plan()A.wereB.wasC.beD.are5.With a good ______ of both Chinese and English, Miss Lin was assigned to be the tour guidefor the American visitors()mandB.interestC.resultD.impression6.Jack is always ready to help others when they are in trouble and he never ___ their requests()A.turns upB.turns overC.turns inD.turns down7.you realize your trouble with English learning, you can take some effective steps()A.Now thatB.From now onC.Ever sinceD.By now8.We enjoyed ourselves very much at the party. You_____ with us()A.must have comeB.must comeC.should have comeD.should come9.is mentioned above, it won't be long before you regret what you have done if you can't change your strategy()A.WhichB.ThatC.AsD.It10.Most computer users are()threat from computer virusesA.withinB.uponC.towardsD.under二、完型填空(10题)11.()A.madeB.designedC.signedD.written12. ()A.tendsB.ownsC.hasD.is13.65.()A.suchB.theseC.someD.all the14.52.()A.distributeB.contributeC.attributeD.tribute15.48.()A.correctedB.rewardedC.increasedD.raised16.33.()A.politeB.proudC.fortunateD.honest17.50.()A.inB.uponC.concerningD.with18.43.()A.innocentB.successfulC.terribleD.considerate19.66.()A.As a resultB.For exampleC.In other wordsD.In particular20.64.()A.given upB.held upC.left outD.turned out三、翻译(3题)21.应该鼓励年轻人按照自己的兴趣选择职业22.杰克自己虽不富裕,但在别人需要帮助时,他从不犹豫23.I have no doubt that he will win四、词汇与语法(3题)24.I’m told that I will share an office room ________ five other newcomers ()25.Scientists now have some surprising answers about whether brain power _________ as we get older()26.Everything()into consideration, the candidates ought to have another chance五、单选题(0题)27.We have got to _____ a new way to solve this problem()A.tell aboutB.put outC.think ofD.take over六、单选题(0题)28.While being questioned on the court, the man denied()the old lady’s necklaceA.takingB.having takenC.to have takenD.to take参考答案1.C救援队又找到了一名幸存者,这个振奋人心的消息让我们感到非常兴奋。
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Part I Reading Comprehension (共20题,每小题2分,共40分)Passage 1Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage:Life is difficult.But life is no longer difficult once we truly understand and accept it.Most do not fully see this truth. Instead they complain about their problems and difficulties as if life should be easy. It seems to them that their difficulties represent a special kind of suffering especially forced upon them or else upon their families, or even their nation.What makes life difficult is that the process of facing and solving problems is a painful one. Problems depending on their nature cause in us sadness or loneliness or regret or anger or fear. These are uncomfortable feelings, often as painful as any kind of physical pain. And since life causes an endless series of problems, life is always difficult and is full of pain as well as joy.Yet, it is in this whole of solving problems that life has its meaning.Problems are the serious test that tells success from failure. When we desire to encourage the growth of the human spirit, we encourage the human ability to solve problems just as in school we set problems for our children to solve. It is through the pain of meeting and working out problems that we learn. As Benjamin Franklin said, “Those things that hurt, instruct." It is for this reason that wise people learn not to fear but to welcome the pain of problems.1 From the passage, it can be inferred that .A. not everybody has problemsB. we become stronger by facing and solving the problems of lifeC. life is difficult because our problems bring us painD. people like to complain about their problems2. The writer probably uses just one short sentence in the first paragraph toA. save spaceB. persuade readersC. make readers laughD. get readers' attention3. The main idea of paragraph 3 is .A. most people feel life is easyB. the writer feels life is easyC. the writer likes to complain about his problemsD. most people complain about how hard their lives are4. According to the passage, we give school children difficult problems to solve in order to .A. encourage them to learnB. teach them to fear the pain of solving problemsC. help them learn to deal with painD. teach them how to respect for problems5. The saying from Benjamin Franklin“Those things that hurt, instruct.”suggests that .A. we do not learn from experienceB. we do not learn when we are in painC. pain teaches us important lessonsD. pain cannot be avoidedPassage 2Harvard University is on the both sides of the Charies River. The oldest institution of higher learning in the United States was founded in 1636. In 1638 it was named for John Harvard, its first founder. During the 1640s the college was enlarged although it was short of money. Meant to be an institution for the education of Puritan ministers (清教牧师), it grew to be an institution of general education, and new and more subjects and policies were introduced.In the 18th century, particularly under John Leverett, the number of the students and campus equipment increased while the religious color decreased. In its early years, the college was largely supported by the English colony and the New England community as a whole, but support soon came in the form of gifts, and in 1823 the state money was received for the last time. Under Charles W.Eliot, the college became a great modern university. Its basic courses improved and enlarged, the graduate school was set up for those who finished their four-year undergraduate study, and the law and medical school were reorganized. Eliot is also famous for his introduction of the elective system at Harvard. Besides Harvard College, the university includes schools of divinity (1816), law (1817), arts and science (1872), education (1920), engineering (1935), reorganization of Lawrence Science School of 1847, public administration (1935). Harvard also has schools of business administration (1908), medicine (1782), public health (1922), and dental health (1941). Radcliffe College for women is connected with Harvard; its students are taught by Harvard professors and receive diplomas given by Harvard. The university library, among the nation's finest, houses over 8 million volumes, and the Fogg Museum of Art is one of the finest university museums in the world. Harvard is closely connected with a large number of research institutions as well.6. Harvard University .A. has a history of more than 450 yearsB. was enlarged in the middle of the 17th centuryC. was first meant to be an institution for general education since its foundationD. was founded by John Leverett7. One of John Leverett's greatest contributions to Harvard University is most probably that .A. he set up Harvard UniversityB. he freed Harvard University from the support of the stateC. he made Harvard a Puritan universityD. he helped develop general education in Harvard University8. Which of the following statements might NOT be true about Charles W.Eliot?A. Under his leadership, Harvard University became a modern university.B. He introduced the elective system at Harvard University.C. He improved and enlarged Harvard University, making it a modern university.D. He tried hard to reduce the religious colour of Harvard University.9. Based on the passage, between 1816 and 1941 Harvard .A. had at least 10 more schools added up to itB. founded Lawrence Science SchoolC. went through a period of slow progressD. reorganized Harvard College10. Which of the following statements is true about Harvard University according to the passage?A. Harvard is a large and modern university with a long history.B. Harvard has the world's finest library with its 8 million of books.C. Harvard University has the nation's best art museum.D. Radcliffe College for men is one of the schools of Harvard University.Passage 3The Certificates in English Languages Skills (CELS) are a set of modular tests that allow you to test in one or more of the four languages skills, or combine tests at different levels.Tests are available at three levels: CELS Higher, CELS V antage and CELS Preliminary.So, if, for example, you are particularly good at reading but have difficulty in speaking English, you could take a CELS Higher test in Reading, CELS V antage tests in Listening and Writing, and, for speaking, a CELS Preliminary test. Or you could decide not to take a speaking test at all.Those are linked to other Cambridge ESOL examination levels, such as the First Certificate in English. CELS is also accredited as part of the UK National Qualifications Framework.For more information on these, you can download a copy of the CELS Handbook from Cambridge Esol Chinese website at www. cambridgeesolchina. com. cn You can also visit www. alte. org for an overview of the “Can Do" statements, which specify what you are expected to be able to do at each levels.11. CELS is .A. able to be used for all kinds of testsB. suitable for the people all over the worldC. made up of CELS Higher, CELS V antage and CELS PreliminaryD. to test your spoken English12. FCE is a part of .A. CELS HigherB. Cambridge ESOLC.CELS V antageD.CELS Preliminary13. If you'd like to know more about CELS you can .A. write a letterB. telephone the UKC. buy a book about itD. visit the internet14. “Can Do”in the last paragraph .A. is a sub-title of a passage of informationB. contains information on the UK NQFC. is the name of a websiteD. can tell you what you can do in language study15. This passage is .A. written for all language learnersB. an advertisementC. a storyD. a careful introduction to CELSPassage 4The producers of instant coffee found their product strongly resisted in the market places despite their manifest advantages. Furthermore, the advertising expenditure for instant coffee was far greater than that for regular coffee. Efforts were made to find the cause of the consumers “seemingly unreasonable resistance to the product”. The reason given by most people was dislike for the taste. The producers suspected that there might be deeper reasons. However, this was confirmed by one of motivation research's classic studies, one often cited in the trade. Mason Haire, professor of the University of California, constructed two shopping lists that were identical except for one item. There were six items common to both lists:. hamburger, carrots, baking powder, bread, canned peaches and potatoes, with the bands or amounts specified, which were identical except for one item. The seventh item, in the fifth place on both lists, read “1 Ib. Maxwell House coffee” on one list and “Nescafe instant coffee” on the other. One list was given to each person in a group of fifty women, and the other list to those in another group of the same size. The women were asked to study their lists and then to describe, as far as they could, the kind of woman (“personality and character”) who would draw up that shopping list. Nearly half of those who had received the list including instant coffee described a housewife who was lazy and a poor planner. On the other hand, only one woman in the other group described the housewife, who had included regular coffee on her list, as lazy; only six of that group suggested that shewas a poor planner. Eight women felt that the instant-coffee user was probably not a good wife. No one in the other group drew such a conclusion about the housewife who intended to buy instant coffee.16. The fact that producers found resistance to their product despite the fact that they spent more advertising moneyon instant than regular coffee shows that .A. advertising does not assure favorable sales resultsB. companies spent more money on advertising than they shouldC. people pay little attention to advertisingD. the more one advertises, the better they sales picture17. In this instance, the purpose of motivation research was to discover .A. why people drink coffeeB. why instant coffee was successfulC. why regular coffee was successfulD. the real reason why people would not buy instant coffee18. This investigation indicates that .A. 50 percent of housewives are lazyB. housewives who use instant coffee are lazyC. many women believe that wives who use instant coffee are lazyD. wives who use regular coffee are good planners19. On the results of this test, the producers probably revised their advertising to show a .A. lazy housewife using regular coffeeB. hard-working housewife using instant coffeeC. lazy housewife using instant coffeeD. man obviously enjoying the taste of instant coffee20. Which statement is implied but not stated: .A. Despite its advantages, most people dislike instant coffee because of its taste.B. The advertising expenditure for instant coffee was greater than for regular coffee.C. V ery often we do not know the real reasons for doing thing.D. Taste is the principal factor in determining what we buy.Part II. Vocabulary and Structure (共40题,每小题1分,共40分)21. I feel it an honor ____ to speak at the meeting.A. to be askedB. to askC. askingD. having asked22. The majority of car accidents ______ women are involved are of minor nature.A. in thatB. by whichC. in whichD. where23. I though that sometimes they _____ their students' poor comprehension to a lack of intelligence.A. attributeB. attributedC. have attributedD. had attributed24. The weather ____ fine, the whole family decided to go out for a trip.A. isB. wasC. beingD. having been25. He might have been killed _____ the arrival of the police.A. except forB. withC. but forD. for26."Did Jack and Jerry understand her?" "No, _____ of them is very bright".A. No oneB. NoneC. Not oneD. Neither27. Do what I tell you, _____you will be sorry.A. on the contraryB. or anotherC. or elseD. in to way28. His brother is ten years ____ to him.A. youngerB. lessC. juniorD. less young29. I don't think my furniture is the same as hers, _____?A. do youB. don't IC. do ID. isn't it30. He has now bought a motor-cycle, on which he rides _______ the farm where he works, four miles away.A. to and forB. up and downC. to and fromD. come and go31. The woman's illness ______ the doctor; he couldn't find the cause.A. amusedB. puzzledC. shockedD. excited32. Mr. Lund ______ reading and writing until midnight every day.A. stayed awayB. stayed inC. stayed offD. stayed up33. Having found himself out of gas, the driver was ______ to walk several miles to the nearest village.A. intendedB. temptedC. encouragedD. compelled34. I have learned my _____ from the accident and won't drive too fast again.A. classB. speechC. lessonD. lecture35. The World Bank has promised to make a further ____ of $2 million for this project.A. lendB. borrowC. loanD. turnover36. I can't understand. You mustn't ____ so many things.A. take outB. leave outC. take offD. leave off37. I was very shy when ___ a crowd, and my first day at school was a complete failure.A. presentB. at presentC. in the presence ofD. in the presentation of38. The old hunter knew ____ that the deer would so be there.A. by chanceB. by intuitionC. by and byD. by the way39. Now that Father has made the final decision, there's no point _____ further.A. in arguingB. to argueC. for arguingD. to be argued40. _____ continuous research, there are more than 5, 000 alloys being used in industry today.A. As a resultB. As a result ofC. So far asD. As to41. Nowhere ____ as in my garden.A. the flowers were so beautifulB. were the flowers so beautifulC. so beautiful the flowersD. so beautiful were the flowers were42. The ears of some animals stand up when hearing a sound. This enables ____ more sound eaves and hear better.A. they collectB. them collectingC. them to collectD. they will collect43. He stood there, _____ what to do.A. did not knowB. having not knowC. does not knowD. not knowing44. He was about to leave _____ I walked into the room.A. whenB. whileC. onceD. as45. The more you tell him, ______.A. less notice he takesB. the least notice he takesC. the little notice he takesD. the less notice he takes46. It is obvious ____________ on more important things.A. which the money should we spendB. what the money should spendC. that the money should we spendD. that we should spend the money47. Sometimes you might dream something and terrible creatures threatened and pursued you.A. harmfulB. fearfulC. afraidD. frightened48. Generally, the success of the music style is ______ to Negro pride, to the joy with which Negroes respond to the basic expression of their culture.A. attachedB. awardedC. attributedD. contributed49. The books and magazines that _____ to relatively small groups with specialized taste would disappear.A. attractB. appealC. applyD. agree50. We need to know a good deal about the origin of civilization in general. We must know how civilization _____.A. arousedB. aroseC. roseD. raised51. wants to may come to the play on Saturday night.A. OneB. AnyoneC. EveryoneD. Whoever52. “He seems to know that.”“He _________ to be told”.A. needs notB. needn’tC. hasn’t needD. doesn’t need53. The text and dialogues below focus on cultural differences between Chinese and Western societies which can create misunderstanding if ______ .A. ignoredB. to ignoreC. ignoringD. to be ignored54. The manager ________to say whether all the workers would be dismissed.A. refusedB. avoidedC. deniedD. rejected55. In my apartment there are two rooms, ________ is used as a living-room.A. the large oneB. the larger of whichC. the largest oneD. the largest of which56. There___________ nothing to say, the secretary got to his feet, said good-bye and left the room.A. isB. wasC. havingD. being57. ___________for your help, I’d never have been able to find my lost car.A. Had it notB. If it were notC. Had it not beenD. If we had not been58. John was very upset because he was ________ by the police with breaking the law.A. accusedB. arrestedC. sentencedD. charged59. I __________ you don’t make as much profit this year.A. assureB. challengeC. betD. persist60. They saw a car at the street corner the sign of “Taxi”.A. equippingB. bearingC. provingD. yieldingPart III. Cloze (共20题,每小题1分,共20分)Timothy was our pet tiger cub (幼仔). While we were living in India, Grandfather found the 61 beast. He was hiding among the roots of a 62 tree. Grandfather brought the cub home. Grandmother named him Timothy. Timothy’s 63 bed in the house was the sofa. He would 64 there like a king, snarling when anyone tried to take his 65 .His favorite sport was hunting people, most of all 66 . With a sly look in his eyes. Timothy 67 creep closer and closer. Suddenly he would make a dash for my feet. Then, rolling on his back and kicking with joy, he 68 to bite my ankles.In time, Timothy 69 that he could growl. He practiced of ten. We did not 70 ,But the neighbors did. Grandfather would smack the cub on the mouth. Then Timothy would keep quiet–– 71 a while.The cub soon grew as big as a collie dog. I took him on walks, for exercise. People gave us lots 72 . Our part of the path was never crowded!When Timothy was about six months old, his 73 games became too rough for the family. No one could 74 him. Grandfather decided it was time to put the tiger in a zoo. The nearest zoo was about 200 miles 75 . So he and Timothy traveled there, 76 the same room on the train. Nobody 77 the pair. Who would dare to?The zoo was very happy to have the tiger, so 78 beautiful––and tame. He was put into a cage at once. Grandfather was a little sad when he said good-bye to Timothy.Six months later, Grandfather had a chance to visit the zoo. He went 79 to Timothy’s cage. The tiger was now fully grown, with a handsome striped coat.“Hello, Timothy!” Grandfather said. He put his arms through the bars of the cage. The tiger came to him and let Grandfather put both arms 80 his head. Grandfather stroked him and tickled his ears. Each time the animal growled, Grandfather smacked him on the mouth.61. A. large B. big C. tiny D. fierce62. A. small B. giant C. tall D. high63. A. own B. favorite C. lovely D. X64. A. lay B. lie C. situate D. stand65. A. bed B. place C. room D.. chance66. A. I B. me C. my D. mine67. A. would B. should C. might D. could68. A. intended B. pretended C. tended D. extended69. A. discovered B. uncovered C.. covered D. invented70. A. mind B. appreciate C. find D. realize71. A. for B. only C. with D. within72. A. rooms B. room C. seats D. food73. A. playing B. making C. inventing D. hunting74. A. believe B. deceive C. trust D. love75. A. far B. farther C. away D. or more76. A. living B. using C. sharing D. taking77. A. liked B. talked C. bothered D. watched78. A. well-feed B. well-feeding C. well-to-be-fed D. well-fed79. A. round B. right C. just D. only80. A. on B. against C. around D. uponPart IV. Translation ( 共35分)Section A: English-Chinese translation (每小题4分,共20分)81. When we desire to encourage the growth of the human spirit, we encourage the human ability to solve problems just as in school we set problems for our children to solve.82. Meant to be an institution for the education of Puritan ministers, it grew to be an institution of general education, and new and more subjects and policies were introduced.83. So, if, for example, you are particularly good at reading but have difficulty in speaking English, you could take a CELS Higher test in Reading.84. The producers of instant coffee found their product strongly resisted in the market places despite their manifest advantages.Section B: Chinese-English translation (每小题3分,共15分)86. 我突然停住,唯恐他会认为我是在炫耀。