

文化生活 第一课文化与社会复习课件.ppt

文化生活 第一课文化与社会复习课件.ppt

• 〖特别关注〗
• (1)人是文化活动的主体,没有人就没有 文化。文化所体现的是人与人(社会)之 间、人与自然之间的关系。
• (2)文化具有意识形态文化和非意识形态 文化之分。意识形态文化是指世界观、人 生观、价值观等,这类文化都具有鲜明的 阶级性;非意识形态的文化是指自然科学、 技术和语言、文字等等,这种文化一般没 有阶级性,但有民族性和和区域性。
• D.文化包括人类的一切活动及其产品
BD 下列不属于文化现象的有( )
•A.辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主 义
•C.科学、文学、艺术 D.商品交换
• 3、2005年10月11日,中共十六届五中全会通过 的《中共中央关于制定国民经济和社会发展第十 一个五年规划的建议》中指出,“丰富人民群众 精神文化生活,积极发展文化事业和文化产业, 加大政府对文化事业的投入,逐步形成覆盖全社 会的比较完备的公共文化服务体系。”党和国家
• A.文化由人创造并为人类所特有
• B.文化是人们社会实践的产物
• C.文化是一种社会精神力量
• D.人们的精神活动离不开物质活动,但精 神产品可以离开物质载体
• 〖考点综述〗文化形式:
• (1)式,如思想、
• 〖特别关注〗正确理解文化对社会的 作用。
• 文化作为一种精神力量,对人类 社会的发展产生着深刻的影响。但文 化有先进、落后之分,先进的、健康 的文化对社会的发展产生巨大的促进 作用,落后的、腐朽没落的文化则对 社会的发展起重大的阻碍作用。因此 不能简单地认为凡是文化都对社会的 发展起积极的促进作用。
• 〖不定项选〗



小学社会测试题中国历史与文化知识测试题及答案第一部分中国历史知识测试题1. 下列哪个朝代是中国最早的封建王朝?A. 商朝B. 唐朝C. 明朝D. 清朝2. 下列哪位皇帝建造了中国的万里长城?A. 唐太宗B. 唐高宗C. 明成祖D. 秦始皇3. 青铜器是哪个古代王朝的象征?A. 战国时期B. 西周时期C. 元代D. 春秋时期4. 下列哪个事件标志着中国的封建制度的结束?A. 五四运动B. 辛亥革命C. 文化大革命D. 抗日战争5. 下列哪位历史人物是中国古代四大美女之一?A. 王昭君B. 杨贵妃C. 貂蝉D. 西施第二部分中国文化知识测试题1. 下列哪种传统艺术形式是中国的独特之一?A. 日本浮世绘B. 韩国泥人C. 中国京剧D. 印度木雕2. 中国的传统节日中,哪个节日是重要的家庭团聚日?A. 元旦B. 清明节C. 中秋节D. 五一劳动节3. 中国传统的四大发明中,下列哪个发明与造纸有关?A. 火药B. 指南针C. 印刷术D. 造纸术4. 唐诗是中国古代文学的瑰宝,下列哪位诗人是唐代的代表性人物?A. 苏轼B. 白居易C. 李白D. 杜甫5. 中国的传统书法艺术有多种字体,下列哪个字体是最常用的?A. 楷书B. 草书C. 隶书D. 篆书第三部分答案解析第一部分中国历史知识测试题:1. 正确答案是A。


2. 正确答案是D。


3. 正确答案是B。


4. 正确答案是B。


5. 正确答案是C。


第二部分中国文化知识测试题:1. 正确答案是C。




文化与生活(练)答案一.练高考1~5 AABDA6.文化以经济为基础,又对经济具有能动的反作用,落后文化阻碍经济的发展,先进文化能够促进经济的发展。



(共10分)二.练模拟1~5 DBBAD 6 D三.练热点1~5 AACAB 6 B文化与生活(练)解析一.练高考1.【答案】A【解析】用山、桥、小舟之间的联系代表体细胞与小分子、基因之间的联系,这体现了科学与艺术具有相通性,A项正确;科学与艺术来自于社会实践,B项不选;材料并没有表明科学与艺术都可以提高人的精神素养,C项不选;材料表明科学的传播需要借助艺术的手法,D项与材料主旨不符,故本题答案选择A.2.【答案】A3.【答案】B【解析】经济是基础,政治是经济的集中反映,一定的经济和政治决定一定的文化,一定的文化反作用于一定的经济和政治,C错误;文化越来越成为综合国力竞争的重要因素,但不是综合国力竞争的决定性因素,当今国际竞争是以经济和科技为基础的综合国力的较量,A错误;我国在倡导并实施“一带一路”战略注重通过文化及其产业先行来淡化地缘政治效应,旨在促进沿线各国经济联系更加紧密,政治互信更加深入体现了文化与经济、政治相互交融。





国开作业《人类与社会-自测练习》 (25)

国开作业《人类与社会-自测练习》 (25)







































“美国社会与文化”课后练习题I. 单选1.Which of the following statement is CORRECT about the geographic location ofthe United States of America?A.South of North America, southern temperate zone;B.South of North America, northern temperate zone;C.North of North America, northern temperate zone;D.North of South America, southern temperate zone.2.The boundary line between America and Mexico, starts from the mouth of the RioGrande River and finally ends at the ___________ seashore.A. AtlanticB. PacificC. IndianD. Oceanic3. _________, known as the Eastern Coastal Plain, is a wide strip between the Atlantic and the Appalachians.A. Mexico seacoastB. Caribbean seacoastC. Bering seacoastD. Atlantic seacoast4. Rocky Mountains stretch all the way from ________ to _________.A. Mexico, the ArcticB. Mexico, the AtlanticC. Alaska, the AtlanticD. Alaska, Mexico5.The Yellow Stone National Park is located in __________.A. the Grand CanyonB. the Rocky MountainsC. the Death ValleyD. the Willamette Valley6.According to functionalist perspective, which one is not mentioned as the functionof education?A.Providing custodial careB.Promoting national unityC.Reducing unemploymentD.Teaching knowledge and skills7.“Head Start” movement was conducted to __________.A.Give every child equal opportunity to receive education.B.Bring those who were at disadvantage to have equal opportunity to receiveeducation.C.Initiate an optional course in school.D.Improve the academic performance of students.8.Regarding the education reforms, _________.A.New paradigm supporters are confident in markets.B.Systemic reformers believe in consumers.C.The new paradigm and the old one are totally different.D.Both the reforms reached good result.9.Which of the following is related closely to religion?A.public schoolsB.Private schoolsmunity schoolsD.Parochial schools10.For the schools at local level, _____________.A.the central government assigns the president.B.V oted governing board is responsible for the governance of the local school.C.The education quality is not very high-standard.D.Teachers are less-paid than the state-run schools.11.The sources of American Folk Music are _________.A.the British Isles and AfricaB.the British Isles and AsiaC.European countriesD.All of the above12.American Folk Music represents ________.A.the American IndiansB.the tribal music of primitive peoplesC.American cultureD.The western American lives13.The foremost form of Anglo-Celtic folk music is ________.A.church musicB.BalladryC.Tribal musicD.Harmonic music14.Bob Dylan is ____________.A.American folk singer folksinger, banjo playerC.American singer and composerD.American folksinger and song writer15.A disc jockey is supposed to ___________.A.Design the programs for radio stations.B.Mix different kinds of music togetheranize the dancing tuneD.Blend only certain types of music together to create new ones.16.Donkey stands for________.A. Democratic PartyB. Republican PartyC. Labor PartyD. Federalist Party17. The president of the United States must be at least ________.A. 40 years oldB. 35 years oldC. 45 years oldD. 37 years old18. Which of the following is not considered as the cornerstone of traditionalAmerican belief?A. Individual FreedomB. Equality of OpportunityC. Material WealthD. Racial Diversity19. _____ is responsible for the relation of the United States with foreign countries.A. congressB. presidentC. ambassadorD. chief judge20. The president can veto any bills passed by congress, unless ______ in each housevote to override the veto.A. 2/3B. 3/4C. 4/5D. 1/221.Juvenile Crime, in law, term denoting various offenses committed by children oryouths under the age of _______.A. 16B. 14C. 18D. 2022.Which country remains the only Western democracy that imposed the deathpenalty on some of those convicted of murder?_______A. CanadaB. the United StatesC. EnglandD. Germany23.The largest and best organized association standing for firearm users in Americastates, “ Guns don’t kill people, people kill people”, which is _________.A. NRAB. Gun ClubC. WHOD. ARA24.Series of studies clearly show that ______ and violence are interrelated.A. RaceB. SexC. AgeD. Drugs25.The unlawful killing of a human being by a person who had an intent to kill is thedefinition of the crime of ______.A. MurderB. ManslaughterC. AssaultD. Battery26.What is the scientific definition of family given by sociologists?A.We are born into a family, mature in a family, form new families, and leavethem at our death. Family life is a universal human experience.B.The family is a fundamental God given institution built into the very natureof the universe.C.The family is an arbitrary cultural structure. It is a group of people heldtogether by bonds of love and affection.D.The family is a group of people who are related to one another by bonds ofblood, marriage, or adoption and who live together, form an economic unit,and bear and raise children.27.What is the basis for traditional family structure?A.Extended familyB.Nuclear familyC.KinshipD.Immediate family28.What are the diverse patterns of contemporary families?A.Singlehood, Postponing Marriage, Cohabitation, Dual-Earner Marriages,Two-Parent and One-Parent Households, Stepfamilies, Gay and LesbianMarriagesB.Singlehood, Postponing Marriage, Cohabitation, Dual-Earner Marriages,Two-Parent and One-Parent HouseholdsC.Singlehood, Postponing Marriage, Cohabitation, Dual-Earner Marriages,Stepfamilies, Gay and Lesbian MarriagesD.Singlehood, Postponing Marriage, Cohabitation, Two-Parent and One-ParentHouseholds, Gay and Lesbian Marriages29. What are the major family problems?i.Divorceii.Remarriageiii.Violenceiv.Work and Family InequalityA. (1) (2) (3)B. (1) (3) (4)C. (1) (2) (4)D. (1) (2) (3) (4)30. What are the causes for an aging American society?(1) A continued low fertility rate(2)Ever-greater life expectancy rate due to advances in medicine(3)The baby boom generation reaching old age.(4)Improved social services and more favorable public policiesA. (1) (2) (4)B. (1) (2)(3)C. (1)(2)(3)(4)D. (2)(3)(4)31.There occurred three times of immigration waves since 1620. The third wave tookplace ___________, and the number of immigrants rose to 23,500,000, most of whom came from such South-eastern European countries as Italy and Russia.A. between 1820 and 1850B. between 1851 and 1870C. between 1871 and 1920D. between 1881 and 192032.In 1886, _________ gave the United States the Statue of Liberty as a gesture offriendship, and since then the Statue, which is standing on an island near Ellis Island, has become a symbol of hope, lighting the way for new arrivals.A.FranceB. BritainC.GermanyD. Spain33.In recent decades, some important legislative documents have remapped the orderof American immigration policies. Among them, ___________ gave the priority to the applicants for family reunification, and since then the number of Asian immigrants has increased rapidly.A. the Immigration Act of 1965B. the Illegal Immigration ActC. the USA Patriot Act of 2001D. the Exclusion Act of 188234.Americans make active use of their legal system and take great pride in being alitigious people. The underlined part means that ___________.A.Americans are fully aware of their legal rightsB.Americans are protective towards their legal rightsC.Americans are jealous of others’ legal rightsD.Americans are fond of taking matters to a court of law35.Like al other judges, ___________ are appointed by the president with theapproval and consent of the senate.A. the district judges B the Attorney GeneralC. Chief of JusticeD. justice of the peace36.The most important element in US economy against inflation was____________.A. the federal Reserve BoardB. the International Monetary FundC. the World BankD. big corporations37.The following are the strengths of the US economy except __________.A. the highest standard of livingB. the lowest unemployment rateC. low rate of savingsD. high productivity of US industries38.Which of the following is not included as essential elements in Americaneconomic system?A. Productivity.B. Income equality.C. Creativity.D. Stability.39.Which combination is right?A.Passing of the Social Security Act---- post-1960B.President Nixon---- the Great SocietyC.President Carter---- the Great SocietyD.President Reagan---- the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act40.Which of the following is not the major role that the US media is playing?A. WatchdogB. Speech RectifierC. SignalerD. Common CarrierII.名词解释1)Gold Rush2) Martin Luther King Jr.3) The New Deal4) The Great Depression5) Laissez-Faire6) Affirmative Action Program7) The Baby Boom8) The Great Society9) Racism10) Ku Klux Klan11) Original Sin (Inherent Sinfulness)12) Welfare State13) Westward Expansion14) WASP15) Rating Code16) McCarthyism17) American Dream18) the Iron Curtain19) the Marshall Plan20) Watergate Scandal21) extended family22) nuclear family23) Hispanic Americans24) Manifest Destiny25) Separation of PowersIII. Essay Questions1) How would you describe the relationship between President and Congress in theUnited States?2) Do you think economic affluence will inevitably lead to consumerism andexcessive individualism? Why or why not?3) What are the major American values? What are the changes in the American values?What are the factors that contribute to these changes?4) What is the origin of the myth of Asian Superiority? Why do you think the myth ofAsian Superiority is harmful?5) What are some of the characteristics of American education? How do Americansview the role of education in American society and in their individual life?6) America is widely accepted as the engine of the world economy. In what way doyou think the American economy has influenced and will influence the world?7) Immigration takes place with, at least, two forces at work, namely the pull forceand the push force. Pick any one ethnic group in the United States as an example and illustrate its experience in the “pull and push” framework.8) Throughout the U.S. history, the two major parties, the Republican and theDemocratic, have been holding powers alternatively in the country. What key functions have they played in American politics? Why is it that minor parties in the U.S. have never been able to challenge the two-party system in the power struggle of American politics?9) The death penalty and gun control have been issues of bitter controversy in nationaland state politics of the United States. Discuss the reasons why Americans are so divided over these two issues, and explain how values and principles clash with each other in these two controversial issues.10) Sports, particularly football, have traditionally played a significant role inAmerican colleges and universities. What are their social, cultural, and economic implications for universities and students?Basic American values:Individual freedom --- the freedom of individuals to fulfill their own individual needsand do as they wishSelf-reliance --- being able to take care of themselves and not depend on others for supportEquality of opportunity --- having an equal chance to succeed, regardless of whethersex, race, or ageCompetition --- having to compete with others for success, rather than expecting to be given something for freeMaterial wealth --- viewing possessions as the mark of having status in the societyand as the natural reward for hard workHard work --- the belief that everyone should work hard, sometimes for very long hours, to be successful。



文化对社会的作用练习题一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)A. 促进社会和谐B. 提高国家软实力C. 加剧社会矛盾D. 传承优秀传统2. 下列哪个时期的文化对社会产生了深远影响?A. 春秋战国时期B. 唐朝时期C. 明朝时期D. 清朝时期A. 中秋节B. 愚人节C. 感恩节D. 万圣节A. 孟母三迁B. 狐假虎威C. 杯弓蛇影D. 画龙点睛A. 促进旅游业发展B. 提高企业创新能力C. 加剧资源消耗D. 优化产业结构二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)6. 文化对社会的凝聚作用主要体现在________、________和________等方面。

7. 文化对经济发展的作用包括________、________和________等。

8. 我国传统文化中的“仁、义、礼、智、信”体现了文化对社会的________作用。

9. 文化对政治的影响主要体现在________、________和________等方面。

10. 文化对教育的贡献包括________、________和________等。

三、简答题(每题10分,共30分)11. 简述文化对社会风气的塑造作用。

12. 请举例说明文化对经济发展的促进作用。

13. 分析文化对政治稳定的影响。

四、案例分析题(每题15分,共30分)14. 以我国春节为例,分析文化对社会的作用及其意义。

15. 结合实际,谈谈如何发挥文化在社会治理中的作用。

五、判断题(每题2分,共20分)16. 文化创新是社会发展的直接动力。

()17. 文化传播可以消除不同文化之间的隔阂。

()18. 文化产业的发展与国家经济实力无关。

()19. 文化遗产保护对于社会可持续发展具有重要意义。

()20. 文化多样性会导致社会分裂和矛盾。

()六、论述题(每题20分,共40分)21. 论述文化在全球化背景下如何促进国际交流与合作。

22. 试析如何通过文化传承与创新来提升国民素质和社会文明程度。

七、应用题(每题15分,共30分)23. 设计一项文化活动,旨在提升社区文化氛围,促进邻里和谐。















这说明()A.商业活动是文化交流的重要方式B.人口迁徙是文化交流的重要途径C教育是文化传播的重要途径D.人际交往是文化传播最直观、最常见、最丰富的形式7.大众传媒的出现是以为标志的()A.语言的产生B.电视的广泛推广C.网络的普及D.印刷媒体的推广8.不同文化之间进行交流,有利于()①加深理解,密切各国联系②促进世界文化的发展③消除民族隔阂和偏见④促进国家间政治、经济关系的发展A.①②③B.①②③④C.②③④D.①②9.在传统文化中被称为“民族精神的火炬”的是()A.传统习俗 B .传统建筑C.传统文艺D.传统思想“五四”时期新文化运动的先驱们,他们的文化教育是在私塾和类私塾的学堂中完成的。








最新精选初中历史八年级下册第六单元 科技文化与社会生活人教部编版知识点练习

最新精选初中历史八年级下册第六单元 科技文化与社会生活人教部编版知识点练习

最新精选初中历史八年级下册第六单元科技文化与社会生活人教部编版知识点练习第1题【单选题】为解决世界粮食短缺问题做出重大贡献,被誉为“杂交水稻之父”的是( )A、毛泽东B、焦裕禄C、王进喜D、袁隆平【答案】:【解析】:第2题【单选题】曾经有一位学者高度评价袁隆平:“是他使饥饿的威胁退却,解决了十几亿人口的吃饭问题。

”袁隆平的突出贡献是( )A、研制原子弹B、培育杂交水稻C、设计三峡工程D、开发互联网技术【答案】:【解析】:第3题【单选题】为中国农业做出巨大贡献被称为“杂交水稻之父”的是( )A、邓稼先B、王进喜C、焦裕禄D、袁隆平【答案】:【解析】:第4题【单选题】在探索建设社会主义道路中,广大人民和干部中涌现出大批先进人物,其中被誉为“两弹元勋”的是( )A、杨振宁B、李世光C、邓稼先D、袁隆平【答案】:【解析】:第5题【单选题】大型纪录片《厉害了,我的国》记录了“蛟龙”下海、“墨子”升空等一个个生动的中国故事,凝聚了中国力量,弘扬了中国精神。

由此让我们联想到创业年代的英模人物,其中被誉为“两弹元勋”的科学家是( )A、王进喜B、邓稼先C、袁隆平D、焦裕禄【答案】:【解析】:第6题【单选题】下列“两弹一星”的研制工作中,按时间顺序排列正确的是( )①发射第一枚近程导弹②第一颗氢弹成功爆炸③第一颗原子弹成功爆炸④成功发射第一颗人造地球卫星A、①③②④B、①②③④C、③①②③D、③②①④【答案】:【解析】:第7题【单选题】“当他名满天下的时候,却仍然只是专注于田畴,淡泊名利,一介农夫……他毕生的梦想,就是让所有人远离饥饿。

”这份颁奖词赞誉的科学家是( )A、袁隆平B、华罗庚C、李四光D、钱学森【答案】:【解析】:第8题【单选题】我国人民生活整体进入小康社会是在( )A、20世纪80年代B、20世纪90年代C、20世纪末D、2010年前后【答案】:【解析】:第9题【单选题】下列哪些成语可以用来形容改革开放以来我国的变化( )①不可同日而语②士隔三日,当刮目相看③翻天覆地④闭门造车A、①③④B、①②③C、②③④D、①②④【答案】:【解析】:第10题【单选题】现在人们在居住方面不仅追求面积的扩大,还追求( )①室内装修②室外环境③交通状况④通信设施A、①②③④B、①②③C、①②D、③④【答案】:【解析】:第11题【单选题】成功培育了“籼型杂交水稻”,为解决人类的温饱问题作出杰出贡献的科学家是( )A、刘筠B、陈国达C、黄伯云D、袁隆平【答案】:【解析】:第12题【单选题】为我国实现“三位一体”战略核力量做出了贡献的是( )A、王进喜B、邓稼先C、焦裕禄D、雷锋【答案】:【解析】:第13题【单选题】他朴实如农民,他的研究解决了十亿人的吃饭问题,他获得了联合国最高粮食奖,他的第一个研究成果是( )A、籼型杂交水稻B、超级杂交水稻C、籼优一号D、冈优三号【答案】:【解析】:第14题【单选题】2013年第十四届中国国际蔬菜科技博览会吸引了来自全国各地的游客及农商前来参观,日均入园参观游客的数量超过了十万。



















“美国社会与文化”课后练习题I. 单选1.Which of the following statement is CORRECT about the geographic location ofthe United States of America?A.South of North America, southern temperate zone;B.South of North America, northern temperate zone;C.North of North America, northern temperate zone;D.North of South America, southern temperate zone.2.The boundary line between America and Mexico, starts from the mouth of the RioGrande River and finally ends at the ___________ seashore.A. AtlanticB. PacificC. IndianD. Oceanic3. _________, known as the Eastern Coastal Plain, is a wide strip between the Atlantic and the Appalachians.A. Mexico seacoastB. Caribbean seacoastC. Bering seacoastD. Atlantic seacoast4. Rocky Mountains stretch all the way from ________ to _________.A. Mexico, the ArcticB. Mexico, the AtlanticC. Alaska, the AtlanticD. Alaska, Mexico5.The Yellow Stone National Park is located in __________.A. the Grand CanyonB. the Rocky MountainsC. the Death ValleyD. the Willamette Valley6.According to functionalist perspective, which one is not mentioned as the functionof education?A.Providing custodial careB.Promoting national unityC.Reducing unemploymentD.Teaching knowledge and skills7.“Head Start” movement was conducted to __________.A.Give every child equal opportunity to receive education.B.Bring those who were at disadvantage to have equal opportunity to receiveeducation.C.Initiate an optional course in school.D.Improve the academic performance of students.8.Regarding the education reforms, _________.A.New paradigm supporters are confident in markets.B.Systemic reformers believe in consumers.C.The new paradigm and the old one are totally different.D.Both the reforms reached good result.9.Which of the following is related closely to religion?A.public schoolsB.Private schoolsmunity schoolsD.Parochial schools10.For the schools at local level, _____________.A.the central government assigns the president.B.V oted governing board is responsible for the governance of the local school.C.The education quality is not very high-standard.D.Teachers are less-paid than the state-run schools.11.The sources of American Folk Music are _________.A.the British Isles and AfricaB.the British Isles and AsiaC.European countriesD.All of the above12.American Folk Music represents ________.A.the American IndiansB.the tribal music of primitive peoplesC.American cultureD.The western American lives13.The foremost form of Anglo-Celtic folk music is ________.A.church musicB.BalladryC.Tribal musicD.Harmonic music14.Bob Dylan is ____________.A.American folk singer folksinger, banjo playerC.American singer and composerD.American folksinger and song writer15.A disc jockey is supposed to ___________.A.Design the programs for radio stations.B.Mix different kinds of music togetheranize the dancing tuneD.Blend only certain types of music together to create new ones.16.Donkey stands for________.A. Democratic PartyB. Republican PartyC. Labor PartyD. Federalist Party17. The president of the United States must be at least ________.A. 40 years oldB. 35 years oldC. 45 years oldD. 37 years old18. Which of the following is not considered as the cornerstone of traditionalAmerican belief?A. Individual FreedomB. Equality of OpportunityC. Material WealthD. Racial Diversity19. _____ is responsible for the relation of the United States with foreign countries.A. congressB. presidentC. ambassadorD. chief judge20. The president can veto any bills passed by congress, unless ______ in each housevote to override the veto.A. 2/3B. 3/4C. 4/5D. 1/221.Juvenile Crime, in law, term denoting various offenses committed by children oryouths under the age of _______.A. 16B. 14C. 18D. 2022.Which country remains the only Western democracy that imposed the deathpenalty on some of those convicted of murder?_______A. CanadaB. the United StatesC. EnglandD. Germany23.The largest and best organized association standing for firearm users in Americastates, “ Guns don’t kill people, people kill people”, which is _________.A. NRAB. Gun ClubC. WHOD. ARA24.Series of studies clearly show that ______ and violence are interrelated.A. RaceB. SexC. AgeD. Drugs25.The unlawful killing of a human being by a person who had an intent to kill is thedefinition of the crime of ______.A. MurderB. ManslaughterC. AssaultD. Battery26.What is the scientific definition of family given by sociologists?A.We are born into a family, mature in a family, form new families, and leavethem at our death. Family life is a universal human experience.B.The family is a fundamental God given institution built into the very natureof the universe.C.The family is an arbitrary cultural structure. It is a group of people heldtogether by bonds of love and affection.D.The family is a group of people who are related to one another by bonds ofblood, marriage, or adoption and who live together, form an economic unit,and bear and raise children.27.What is the basis for traditional family structure?A.Extended familyB.Nuclear familyC.KinshipD.Immediate family28.What are the diverse patterns of contemporary families?A.Singlehood, Postponing Marriage, Cohabitation, Dual-Earner Marriages,Two-Parent and One-Parent Households, Stepfamilies, Gay and LesbianMarriagesB.Singlehood, Postponing Marriage, Cohabitation, Dual-Earner Marriages,Two-Parent and One-Parent HouseholdsC.Singlehood, Postponing Marriage, Cohabitation, Dual-Earner Marriages,Stepfamilies, Gay and Lesbian MarriagesD.Singlehood, Postponing Marriage, Cohabitation, Two-Parent and One-ParentHouseholds, Gay and Lesbian Marriages29. What are the major family problems?i.Divorceii.Remarriageiii.Violenceiv.Work and Family InequalityA. (1) (2) (3)B. (1) (3) (4)C. (1) (2) (4)D. (1) (2) (3) (4)30. What are the causes for an aging American society?(1) A continued low fertility rate(2)Ever-greater life expectancy rate due to advances in medicine(3)The baby boom generation reaching old age.(4)Improved social services and more favorable public policiesA. (1) (2) (4)B. (1) (2)(3)C. (1)(2)(3)(4)D. (2)(3)(4)31.There occurred three times of immigration waves since 1620. The third wave tookplace ___________, and the number of immigrants rose to 23,500,000, most of whom came from such South-eastern European countries as Italy and Russia.A. between 1820 and 1850B. between 1851 and 1870C. between 1871 and 1920D. between 1881 and 192032.In 1886, _________ gave the United States the Statue of Liberty as a gesture offriendship, and since then the Statue, which is standing on an island near Ellis Island, has become a symbol of hope, lighting the way for new arrivals.A.FranceB. BritainC.GermanyD. Spain33.In recent decades, some important legislative documents have remapped the orderof American immigration policies. Among them, ___________ gave the priority to the applicants for family reunification, and since then the number of Asian immigrants has increased rapidly.A. the Immigration Act of 1965B. the Illegal Immigration ActC. the USA Patriot Act of 2001D. the Exclusion Act of 188234.Americans make active use of their legal system and take great pride in being alitigious people. The underlined part means that ___________.A.Americans are fully aware of their legal rightsB.Americans are protective towards their legal rightsC.Americans are jealous of others’ legal rightsD.Americans are fond of taking matters to a court of law35.Like al other judges, ___________ are appointed by the president with theapproval and consent of the senate.A. the district judges B the Attorney GeneralC. Chief of JusticeD. justice of the peace36.The most important element in US economy against inflation was____________.A. the federal Reserve BoardB. the International Monetary FundC. the World BankD. big corporations37.The following are the strengths of the US economy except __________.A. the highest standard of livingB. the lowest unemployment rateC. low rate of savingsD. high productivity of US industries38.Which of the following is not included as essential elements in Americaneconomic system?A. Productivity.B. Income equality.C. Creativity.D. Stability.39.Which combination is right?A.Passing of the Social Security Act---- post-1960B.President Nixon---- the Great SocietyC.President Carter---- the Great SocietyD.President Reagan---- the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act40.Which of the following is not the major role that the US media is playing?A. WatchdogB. Speech RectifierC. SignalerD. Common CarrierII.名词解释1)Gold Rush2) Martin Luther King Jr.3) The New Deal4) The Great Depression5) Laissez-Faire6) Affirmative Action Program7) The Baby Boom8) The Great Society9) Racism10) Ku Klux Klan11) Original Sin (Inherent Sinfulness)12) Welfare State13) Westward Expansion14) WASP15) Rating Code16) McCarthyism17) American Dream18) the Iron Curtain19) the Marshall Plan20) Watergate Scandal21) extended family22) nuclear family23) Hispanic Americans24) Manifest Destiny25) Separation of PowersIII. Essay Questions1) How would you describe the relationship between President and Congress in theUnited States?2) Do you think economic affluence will inevitably lead to consumerism andexcessive individualism? Why or why not?3) What are the major American values? What are the changes in the American values?What are the factors that contribute to these changes?4) What is the origin of the myth of Asian Superiority? Why do you think the myth ofAsian Superiority is harmful?5) What are some of the characteristics of American education? How do Americansview the role of education in American society and in their individual life?6) America is widely accepted as the engine of the world economy. In what way doyou think the American economy has influenced and will influence the world?7) Immigration takes place with, at least, two forces at work, namely the pull forceand the push force. Pick any one ethnic group in the United States as an example and illustrate its experience in the “pull and push” framework.8) Throughout the U.S. history, the two major parties, the Republican and theDemocratic, have been holding powers alternatively in the country. What key functions have they played in American politics? Why is it that minor parties in the U.S. have never been able to challenge the two-party system in the power struggle of American politics?9) The death penalty and gun control have been issues of bitter controversy in nationaland state politics of the United States. Discuss the reasons why Americans are so divided over these two issues, and explain how values and principles clash with each other in these two controversial issues.10) Sports, particularly football, have traditionally played a significant role inAmerican colleges and universities. What are their social, cultural, and economic implications for universities and students?Basic American values:Individual freedom --- the freedom of individuals to fulfill their own individual needsand do as they wishSelf-reliance --- being able to take care of themselves and not depend on others for supportEquality of opportunity --- having an equal chance to succeed, regardless of whethersex, race, or ageCompetition --- having to compete with others for success, rather than expecting to be given something for freeMaterial wealth --- viewing possessions as the mark of having status in the societyand as the natural reward for hard workHard work --- the belief that everyone should work hard, sometimes for very long hours, to be successful。







这()①表明文化与政治相互交融②要求公民提高思想道德素质和科学文化素质③要求我国要不断推进政治文明建设④对公民参与政治的素养提出了更高要求A.②③④B.①②④C.①②③D.①③④[答案] B[解析]本题考查文化与政治相互交融,考查考生对教材基础知识的理解与运用。


2.中国社会科学院发布的《2011年文化蓝皮书》指出,当前我国文化产业占世界文化市场的比重不足4%,而美国占43%,欧盟占34%,日本占10%;在整个世界期刊市场中,中文期刊(含内地、香港、台湾)所占份额仅为2%,这表明()A.文化的力量已经成为综合国力竞争的决定因素B.必须大力发展文化产业以提升我国文化软实力C.文化需要通过一定的物质载体表现出来D.文化的发展依赖于经济、政治的发展[答案] B[解析]本题考查文化在综合国力中地位。




材料表明()A.文化是人类社会特有的现象B.市场经济阻碍文化发展C.文化是重要的经济资源D.举办邮票首发式就能拉动经济发展[答案] C[解析]梁祝故事以及邮票发行均属于文化现象,会带动当地经济的发展,因此,众多省市都认为自己是梁祝故事的原发地,纷纷要求举办邮票首发式,C项应选。



1.How did Pan-gu create the earth and the heavens?In the beginning,the heavens and earth were still one and all was chaos.The universe was like a big black egg,carrying Pan-gu inside itself.After 18 thousand years,Pan-gu woke from a long sleep.He felt suffocated and began to kick and knock around until he broke the shell and stuck out his head and upper body.He looked around and still saw nothing but darkness.So he took up a broad ax and wielded it with all his might to crack open the egg.The light,clear part of it floated up and formed the heavens,while the cold,turbid matter stayed below to form earth.Fearing that the sky and the earth would come together and form the chaotic darkness again,Pan-gu decided to stay between the sky and the earth until the world became permanently separate.2.What are the differences between the Chinese Loong and the West Dragon?Chinese Loong is a combination of several propitious animals and it can fly without wings.In contrast,a western dragon looking like a winged dinosaur can fly with its wings and spring fire from its mouth.Besides,people believe Chinese Loong is a positive imaginary creature bringing harvest.But in the west,a dragon is thought to be a negative imaginary image,a violent evil and the embodiment of Satan.In China,people also regard those who are wise and gentle as the sons of Chinese Loong,and government officials wear clothes embroidered with Chinese Loong.However,a western dragon can be referred to a person who is violent,combative or very strict.3.What is the I Ching or the Book of Changes about?According to the Book of Changes,the entire universe and everything in it flow with a mysterious,unknowable force called the Tao.Translated literally as “The Way”,the Tao has many different meanings.It is the name that describes ultimate reality.The Tao also explains the powers that drive the universe and the wonder of humannature.The book believes that everything is one despite all appearances,Opinions of good and evil or true and false only happen when people forget that they are all one in the Tao.4. How do you understand the fable “Zhuang Zhou or a Butterfly”?5. What is the function of this sentence---“It is a general truth of this world that anything long divided will surely unite, and anything long united will surely divide” in the novel Romance of the Three Kingdoms?6.What is the image of Monkey King in the novel Journey to the West?The Monkey King is rebellious,mischievous and cute.He once fights against the Heaven Court of the Jade Emperor and almost wins the war.Unfortunately,he ends up being under a great mountain for 500 years.After becoming a disciple of Monk Tang,he goes through a whole lot of obstacles so that finally with his protection Monk Tang brings back the True Sutra.He symbolizes heroism and courage in the mind of Chinese people.7.Confucius has tremendous influence on Chinese education. What’s his educational theory about?Confucious encouraged “learning for all hierarchical levels and for all ages”,and open the door to the commoners by establishing his own school.He emphasized the “Six Arts”and learning method and principles,particularly regarding morality as the most important subject .Confucious’s goal is to create gentlemen who carry themselves with grace,speak correctly,and demonstrate integrity in all things.And His main educational thoughts were to teach students according to their aptitude ,to treat student equally and to inspire thinking.8. Can you give a brief introduction of Chinese imperial examination?The Chinese Imperial Examination was an examination system in Imperial China designed to select talented people for future positions in civil service.It was established in 605 during the Sui Dynasty and lasted many years.The examination consisted of a battery of tests administered at the district,provincial,and imperial levels.Each exam taker spent three days and two nights writing “eight-legged essays”without any interruptions.In order to obtain objectivity in evaluation, candidates were identified by number rather than name, and examination answers were recopied by a third person .Any male adult in China could become a high-ranking government official by passing the imperial examination regardless of his wealth or social status after the system was introduced.The examination system was not only the major mechanism by which the central government captured and held the loyalty of local-level elites,but also served to maintain cultural unity and consensus on basic values.9. Please simply describe the mechanism of the compass and how it was used in ancient China.The compass is an instrument used to indicate directions with the help of magnetism.It can be any magnetic device using a needle to indicate the direction of the magnetic north of a planet’s passes were initially used in feng shui in ancient China.The geomancer magnetized a needle by rubbing its tip with lodestone, and hanged the magnetic needle with one single strain of silk with a bit of wax attached to the center of the needle.10. Please give a brief introduction of Xu Guangqi and his contribution to introducing Western culture and science to China.Xu Guangqi was a Chinese agricultural scientist and mathematician born in Shanghai.He was also the first intellectual believer in Catholicism in the late Ming Dynasty as a top offitial.He was not only the first one who introduced European natural science to China and translatedgeometry into Chinses,but also the writer of Nongzheng Quanshu that is one of the greatest agricultural books in China.。













英语国家社会与文化入门第二版课后练习题含答案一、选择题1.Which of the following countries is not a member of theUnited Kingdom? A. England B. Scotland C. Wales D. Ireland答案:D2.What is the capital city of Canada? A. Ottawa B. Toronto C.Vancouver D. Montreal答案:A3.Which one of the following is the largest metropolitanregion in the United States? A. New York Metropolitan Area B. Los Angeles Metropolitan Area C. Chicago Metropolitan Area D. Houston Metropolitan Area答案:A4.Which of the following is not a religion in India? A.Hinduism B. Islam C. Buddhism D. Christianity答案:D5.Which of the following is true about Australian culture? A.Australians have a ld-back and informal culture. B. Australians are generally reserved and formal in their interactions. C.Australians appreciate direct and confrontational communication. D.Australians value strict adherence to rules and regulations.答案:A二、填空题1.The official language of the United States is ___________.答案:English2.The dominant religion in Saudi Arabia is ___________. 答案:Islam3.The language spoken in Brazil is ___________. 答案:Portuguese4.The largest city in New Zealand is ___________. 答案:Auckland5.The currency used in Japan is the ___________. 答案:yen三、简答题1.Briefly describe the political system of the United Kingdom.答案:The United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy with a parliamentary democracy. The monarch, currently Queen Elizabeth II, serves as the ceremonial head of state, while real power is held by the elected government led by the Prime Minister. The government is responsible to the elected House of Commons and is checked by the unelected House of Lords. The UK also has devolved governments with varying levels of power in Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland.2.What are some key elements of Australian culture?答案:Australian culture values a ld-back and egalitarian approachto life. Australians are known for their love of sports, especially cricket and rugby. The country has a strong coffee culture, and socializing over a cup of coffee is a common activity. Australians alsovalue the outdoors and the natural environment, as well as a strong sense of community and helping others in need. Indigenous Australian culture is also important and respected, with efforts being made to preserve and celebrate it.3.What are some challenges facing India as a developingcountry?答案:India faces a number of challenges as a developing country, including poverty, population growth, and environmental degradation. The country has a large population, and providing basic necessities such as food, water, and healthcare to everyone is a major challenge. There is also significant inequality, with a small percentage of the population controlling much of the country’s wealth. India is also rapidly industrializing, which is putting pressure on its natural resources and contributing to pollution and climate change. Finally, the country faces ongoing conflicts with neighboring countries and internal political and social tensions.。















《文化生活》第一单元第一课《文化与社会》练习题1.文化具有丰富的形式,在下列形式中不具有意识形态的部分的是①理想②道德③科学技术④信仰⑤语言⑥理论A.①②③B.②④⑥C.①③D.③⑤2.环顾我们身边的生活,有丰富多彩的校园文化、社区文化,还有转瞬间已经不再新奇的网络文化,这说明文化现象()A.无处不在B.无时不有C.具有多样性D.具有复杂性3.关于人的文化素养的形成,下列说法正确的是()A.是个人天生的 B.家庭教育是最重要的C.是后天个人自发形成的 D.是在社会实践中逐渐培养出来的4.下列现象中,不属于文化现象的是A.十二五时期,我国将对公务员进行职业道德培训B.一年一度召开的中央经济工作会议C.第50个雷锋精神纪念日活动在京举行D.我国“嫦娥三号”成功发射升空5.孔庙、孔府、孔林合称为“三孔”,是我国也是世界上不可多得的历史文化游览胜地。


这说明( )A.文化是人们社会实践的产物B.文化能促进经济社会发展C.精神产品具有继承性D.精神产品离不开物质载体6.下列文化现象中,属于非意识形态的部分是( )①人生观、世界观、价值观②印第安民族的风俗习惯③少数民族的文字④自然科学和技术A.①②③④ B.①③④ C.①②③ D.②③④7.深深熔铸在民族的生命力、创造力和凝聚力之中,成为综合国力重要标志的是A.文化的力量B.政治的力量C.经济的力量D.军事的力量8.“国家强则文化盛,国家强则语言强。




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课题达标训练(三) 文化的多样性与文化传播、选择题1.茶马古道是世界上地势最高、地理形态最为复杂的民间国际商业要道。



通过茶马古道申遗我们可以( )①深入研究中国商业贸易演进历史②理解文化传播对文化发展的意义③赋予古代文化遗址以经济价值④恢复遗址沿线地区的经济活力A.①② B .③④ C .①③ D .②④2.在德国柏林举行的2015 年欧洲青年古典音乐节上,中国昆曲《牡丹亭》与西方歌剧罗密欧与朱丽叶》在同一场节目中交叉上演,在德国观众中引起极大共鸣。


中国昆曲《牡丹亭》与西方歌剧《罗密欧与朱丽叶》具有相通之处①表明文化既是民族的又是世界的②是基于文化之间的交流借鉴③是基于它们都有民族特色与自己的精粹④体现了人们对“真善美”的追求A.①② B .③④ C .②③ D .①④3.在城镇化的浪潮中,许多富有特色的传统村落不断消失。


”对乡村的衰落感到惋惜,原因是①乡村承载传统文化,乡村衰落是传统走向现代的必然现象②乡村承载的乡土栖居方式已经成为多数人的生活选择③乡村寄托了人们的乡情乡思,有利于增强人们的认同感和归宿感④乡村承载着不同地域的特色文化,是文化多样性的重要体现A.①② B .②③ C .③④ D .①④4.“如果全世界都吃汉堡包,那将是人类的悲哀;如果全世界都看美国电影,那将是世界文化的毁灭。

”下列对这句话认识正确的是( )烽火连三月,家书抵万金”,随着现代技术的飞速发展,感情的交流、信息的传播不正确的是 ( )A .文化多样性是人类文明进步的重要动力 B .文化是世界性和民族性的统一 C .民族文化的特色日渐消失 D .世界文化是以美国文化为主导的 5. 越来越多地通过网络或发送短信来实现,年轻一代对“拇指文化” 更是情有独钟。

对此理解A .文化传播总是要通过一定的媒介才能实现 B .文化传播具有历史性 C .网络等现代媒体正逐步取代传统媒体 D .现代媒体的出现丰富了文化传播的手段 6.孔子学院被誉为“中国最好最妙的出口产品”,妙就妙在中方不唱“独角戏”,而 与外方共唱“二人转”: 我方主导、 民间运作、 中外合作、 互利互享, 中外高校、 中小学“结 对”办学,中方院长、外方院长携力推进, “融入外国主流” 。

可见,孔子学院的成功是基于①中华文化的包容性有利于中华文化和其他民族的文化和睦相处 ②保持文化的民族特色是提升文化竞争力的前提和基础 ③促进中华文化传播必须遵循各民族文化一律平等原则 ④我国综合国力的持续增强和随之带来的软实力的提升 A.①④ B .①③ C .②④ D .②③7.丝绸之路古已有之,作为世界上最伟大的贸易之路、和平之路和发展之路, 也是条文化之路,在古代东西方文明交流史上写下了重要篇章。

这充分体现了①商业贸易是文化交流的重要途径 ②一定的文化由一定的经济、政治所决定 ③文化交流应以我为主、为我所用 ④文化与经济、政治相互影响、相互交融 A.①② B .②③ C .①④ D .③④8.一条高铁,让北京人拥有了海滨,让天津人拥有了故宫和北海;一条高铁,让华山 有了河南的烩面,让洛阳有了陕西的羊肉泡馍;一条高铁,让上海有了西湖,让杭州有了黄 浦江……这说明科学技术的进步能够( )① 改变文化的存在形式 ② 方便人们的文化交流 ③ 更新文化的传播方式 ④ 扩展人们的文化空间 A.①②B .①③ C .②④ D .③④9. Dama 大妈)、Tuhao ( 土豪)等一些新词在海外媒体或口头交际中成为热点。

已有 245 个汉语借词在牛津英语词典中“安家落户”。

从文化生活角度看,这① 有利于中华文化走向世界,增强国际影响力 ② 体现文化多样性是人类文明进步的重要动力 ③ 说明尊重文化多样性就能实现世界文化的繁荣 ④ 表明不同民族文化最终会走向完全融合之路 A.①② B .②③ C .①④ D .③④10.在美国纽约时代广场最大的屏幕“美国之鹰”上滚动播出的中国文化系列宣传片, 借鉴中国传统的美术风格样式, 将敦煌、 太极、 书法这些中国最具代表性的文化符号,以手 绘和三维动画等方式将中国最美的一面展示给全世界。

这样做有利于① 展现中华文化的魅力 ② 向美国推销中国的价值观念 ③ 消除中美文化的差异 ④ 扩大中华文化的国际影响力12.当今世界有 70 亿人口, 200 多个国家和地区, 2 500 多个民族, 不同民族、不同文明多姿多彩、各有千秋。

这要求我们在中外文化交流上应A 取长补短,兼收并蓄A.①③B .②③C .①④ D .③④ 11.近年来中国经济不断腾飞, 但在文化的传播力与影响力方面, 与西方发达国家相比, 从思想理念、 文化产品到文化符号, 都存在较为严重的“认知逆差”现象。

许多国家对中国 文化的了解还比较零碎、片面和肤浅。

这启示我们 A . 不断推动文化创新 B . 继承传统、推陈出新 C . 加强中外文化交流 D . 文化要与经济相交融截至目前,5 000 多种语言。

B.立足实践, 反映生活C继承传统, 推陈出新D.我为主导,为我所用二、非选择题13.一条是现存世界最长的人工运河,一条是世界最长的文化遗产线路,大运河与丝绸之路成功申遗,凝聚了几代人努力奋斗的结晶。


材料一大运河是世界上最古老的人工水道,涉及27个城市的58 个遗产点,它促进了中国南北物资的交流,传承着中国人民高超的智慧、决心和勇气。





(1) 简要分析“一河一路”申遗成功的文化价值。

(2) 国外的做法对于我国做好文化遗产保护有何启示14.近年来,我国文化“走出去”取得了很大成绩,对外文化贸易发展较快,中外文化合作方兴未艾,一些文化企业在海外落户。

短短七八年间,100 多个国家共开设了300 多个孔子学院和400 多个孔子课堂。








(1) 结合材料分析中华文化“走出去”的战略意义。

(2) 结合材料,请你为中华文化“走出去”提出自己的建议。

课题达标训练( 三)1.解析:选A 本题考查保护文化遗产的意义。


2.解析:选D 本题考查文化的民族性与世界性。


3.解析:选C 对乡村的衰落感到惋惜,原因是乡村寄托了人们的乡情乡思,乡村承载着不同地域的特色文化,有利于增强人们对文化的认同感和归宿感,③④正确;①不是其原因;②说法不符合实际。

4.解析:选A 从题中的因果关系不难看出,本题强调的是文化多样性的重要性,故选A项。

B项与题意无关;C D两项说法错误。

5.解析:选C 新的传媒的出现,并不意味着旧的传媒的消失,各种传媒在文化传播因此C项观点错误,应入选。


通过网络或发送短信”来实现, 可以看出文化传播具有历史性; 而文化的传播也需要一定意本题是逆向选择题。

6.解析:选 B ②与材料无关,材料强调孔子学院的成功是基于“与外方共唱‘二人 转'”, 而没有强调保持文化的民族特色; ④“随之带来”表述不合理, 文化与经济的增长 不是亦步亦趋的,故文化软实力的提升不是随之带来的。

7.解析:选 C 本题考查文化交流的途径、文化与经济、政治的关系。

丝绸之路作为 世界上最伟大的贸易之路、 和平之路和发展之路, 也是一条文化之路, 这充分体现了商业贸 易是文化交流的重要途径,文化与经济、政治相互影响、相互交融,①④正确;②材料未体 现;③与材料主旨内容不符。

8.解析:选 C 一条高铁,让北京人拥有了海滨,让天津人拥有了故宫和北海;一条 高铁, 让华山有了河南的烩面, 让洛阳有了陕西的羊肉泡馍, 这体现了科学技术的进步能够 方便人们的文化交流, 扩展人们的文化空间, 材料没有体现文化的形式和文化传播方式, ③不选,正确答案是 C 项。

9.解析:选 A 汉语借词在牛津英语词典中“安家落户”,体现了对文化多样性的尊 重,有利于中华文化走向世界,增强国际影响力,有利于世界文化的发展,①②正确;③说 法过于绝对;④中“融合”的表述错误。

10.解析:选C ②“推销价值观念”、③“消除差异”说法错误。

①④正确,故选 项。

11.解析:选 C 本题考查文化交流的意义。

回答本题的关键是弄清题干材料反映的问 题。

“许多国家对中国文化的了解还比较零碎、片面和肤浅” 因此启示我们要进行文化的交流和传播,故C 项符合题意。

A 、B 、D 三项均不符合题意。

12.解析:选A B 、C 两项都不符合中外文化交流上怎么做。
