《中级口译》课件 2-3 banquet service

2—3 Banquet ServiceⅠLearning for fun (这部分内容只是作为课外有兴趣的同学阅读)有关“woman”的习语1. As soon as our child is old enough to go to school, I'm going to go back to my job at the newspaper. And don't give me any of that nonsense about a woman's place being in the home.一旦孩子到了上学的年纪,我就会回到我在报社的工作岗位。
2. After a difficult day at the office, Greta came home and began cooking dinner. "A woman's work is never done," she sighed.在办公室过完忙碌的一天,格里塔回到家开始做饭。
3. When Mary discovered that George was not in love with her, George discovered that hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.当玛丽发现了乔治不爱她之后,乔治终于明白了“千万不要得罪女人”的意思。
4. So you finally made an honest woman out of Denise.所以你最终还是娶了丹尼斯5. How will the Director cope without his right-hand woman, who resigned yesterday due to ill health? 主管的得力助手昨天因为健康原因辞职了,没有她主管可怎么办呢?6. Rae was a woman of her word - if she said she'd be here on Friday, she'd be here on Friday.蕾是个说话算话的女人,她说她会周五来,她就会周五来。

ExampleHis repeated promise that he will return the money he has borrowed from me at once can not settle me down.他一再承诺,他会立即归还欠我的钱,可是我还是不放心。
Our house was built over a hundred years ago.我是北京人。
I come from Beijing.如果不适当地处理,锅炉以及机动车排出的废气就会造成城市空气污染。
Exhaust from boilers and vehicles, unless properly treated, causes air pollution in cities.Have a try假日里,青年人双双对对漫步在公园里。
The young people in pairs and couples rambled about the park on holidays.然而悲惨的皱纹,却从他的眉头和嘴角出现了。
Miserable wrinkles began to appear between his eyebrows and round his mouth.如果说,词汇是语言的“建筑材料”,那么,句子便是文章的“基本部件”。
If vocabulary is the “building materials” for language, sentences are the “fundamental parts” of writings.中国有两点是靠得住的,一是讲原则,二是说话算数。
中级口译翻译教程Unit One (课堂PPT)

• V.延伸;绵延;舒展
• [C]一片;一泓;一段
• Eg:The procession stretched for several miles...
• Try stretching your legs and pulling your toes
• [U] 地形
• [C] 地产、地皮、 国家、国土
• V: 降落 (反义词: launch 弹射起飞,
发射 take off飞机的起飞)
• Eg: His lands were poorly farmed. 他的田地耕种不当。
• . 160 acres of land. 160英亩土地
飞机越过这些崇山峻岭之后,就可以从 高空向加利福尼亚富饶的谷地滑翔而下, 最后在离太平洋海滩不远的机场降落。
• [C] 山脉
• [C]射击场;靶场;射程
• V. 变化; (文章或讲话)涉及,包括
• Eg: ..the massive mountain ranges to the north.
• 试着双腿伸直并且向上拉伸脚趾。
• This stretch of Lost River was broader and deeper.
• 洛斯特里弗的这片水域又宽又深。
The Pacific Ocean
• 太平洋
The Atlantic Ocean
• 大西洋
长久以来,美国被认为是个“大熔炉”, 因为很多美国人是移民的后代,他们的 祖辈从世界各地来到这块新大陆安家落 户。
上海中级口译教程 ppt课件

6-1 新春联欢Celebrating the Spring Festival
Vocabulary Work
嘉宾 distinguished guests 繁星满天 with numerous stars in the sky 全体同仁 all my colleagues 从百忙中拨冗光临 take time off your busy schedule 新春联欢晚会 Chinese New Year’s party 远道而来 come here all the way
6-1 新春联欢Celebrating the Spring Festival
我谨代表我们一行的全体成员,感谢董事长先生 的盛情邀请,使我们有幸参加这次精彩的圣诞晚 会。
On behalf of all the members of my group, I’d like to thank you, Mr. Chairman, for granting us the gracious invitation to attend such an enjoyable Christmas party.
6-1 新春联欢Celebrating the Spring Festival
我感谢各位嘉宾的光临,并祝各位新年身体 健康、万事如意。
I’d liksence at the party, and wish everyone good health and the very best of luck in everything in the new year.
6-2 圣诞晚会 At the Christmas Party

6、最大的骄傲于最大的自卑都表示心灵的最软弱无力。——斯宾诺莎 7、自知之明是最难得的知识。——西班牙 8、勇气通往天堂,怯懦通往地狱。——塞内加 9、有时候读书是一种巧妙地避开思考的方法。——赫尔普斯 10、阅读一切好书如同和过去最杰出的人谈话。——笛卡儿
中级口译翻前面,而不在 我们的 后面。
8、你可以很有个性,但某些时候请收 敛。
9、只为成功找方法,不为失败找借口 (蹩脚 的工人 总是说 工具不 好)。
10、只要下定决心克服恐惧,便几乎 能克服 任何恐 惧。因 为,请 记住, 除了在 脑海中 ,恐惧 无处藏 身。-- 戴尔. 卡耐基 。

• 与某人有一面之缘 • happen to have met sb. once
• 有缘结识某人 • be lucky to get acquainted with sb.
• 我在班里有人缘。 • I am popular with my classmates.
• 聊得投缘 • talk congenially
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• “No context, no text.was a girl with good manners. • 举止得体 • These were labeled as good eggs. • 新鲜的鸡蛋 • Dogs are often regarded as man’s good friends. • 忠实的朋友 • She was a good chess player. • 高明的棋手
• The loss of his family reduced him into despair.
• 失去家人使他陷入绝望的境地。
• Many changes have taken place during the transformation.
• 转化过程中发生了许多变化。
• Tension between the two countries • 两国之间的紧张局势 • The world is witnessing deep changes. • 世界形势正在发生深刻变化。
• 学习说话,学习演说,学习去感受
• To protect and serve. (缺名词) • 保护社会服务人民。

• 我很荣幸地代表某某向来自某某地方的某某表 示热烈的欢迎。
• On behalf of sb, I have the honor/ I feel great honored to express/extend this warm welcome to sb from sp.
I greatly value the friendship and confidence that we enjoy as your trading partner. //
我确信,这次展览会将进一步加强我们的经济合作 ,并直接对扩大我们之间的贸易往来作出贡献。 //
I am certain that this exhibition will strengthen our economic cooperation and contribute directly to our further trade expansion. // 无忧PPT整理发布
• 这是令人愉快的日子,美好的日子,意义重大的日子。 我们深深地感到,我们之间的友好合作关系日趋(rìqū)广 泛,深入到了生活的方方面面,包括商业无,忧文PP化T整,理教发育布 以及科学交流。
(3)祝酒词典型(diǎnxíng)句 型:
• 开头: • 尊敬的陛下(bìxià): Respected Your Majesty • 尊敬的殿下: Respected Your Highness • 尊敬的阁下: Respected Your Excellency/
extend our warm welcome and wholehearted wishes to all
中级口译Lecture 6PPT教学课件

of the SAT
(Scholastic Aptitude
Test) score decline.来自2020/12/104
❖ Up to the present, foreign investors had altogether established over
❖ 目前外商在华投资 累计设立企业49万
country together with 600
R&D centers.
❖ There are more rich people than ever before, including ❖ 当今世界富人之多超过以往任
some 7 million millionaires,
490,000enterprises in
China with an actually placed investment volume of nearly US $540billion.
额近5400亿美元。 外商投资已遍及制
Foreign investment is now
Lecture 6
Interpreting numbers & 环保、创新
❖ 千=thousand,百万=million,十亿=billion ❖ 万=ten thousand 和亿=hundred million
❖ 开始处理较大的数字。(降低数字的精度)如: 听到一个数字“四千五百万四千零七十二”, forty million
广播报时用的是格林尼治时间(Greenwich Mean Time/Universal Time)如:22pm读为22 hours GMT(BBC常用), 22 hours Universal Time (VOA常用)。

18 管理知识 19 研究资料 20 合资/独资企业 21 资金 22 enlightening 23 consultant
managerial expertise research literature, research material joint venture/solely foreign-funded business capital fund 有启发作用的 顾问,咨询
Text 3 Establishing a Joint Venture合资企业
Cordless/mobile phones 投资意向 明智的 制造公司 persuasive express train potential market initially embark on at a moderate rate and a safe scale in the vicinity of 投资比重
4 thanks to Thanks to the further push of reform and opening up, China’s modernization is surging ahead and cities and countries are experiencing daily changes/changing with each passing day. 在改革开放的推动下,中国现代化建设突飞猛进,城乡 面貌日新月异。 5 given Given the sluggish 萧条的 global economy, we should adopt effective measures and make greater efforts to restore market confidence and revitalize global economy. 在当前世界经济萧条的形势下,他们应采取有效措施, 为恢复市场信心,重振世界经济,作出更大的努力。

• The United States has long been known as a “melting pot”. • 历来,长期以来
• Her main message was and is, “We’re like everybody else.” • 她(传递)的信息过去是、今天依然是: 我们和别人一样。
• • • • • • • • • • Develop a new drug 研制 Develop new products 开发 Develop muscles 锻炼 Develop the film 冲印 Develop a habit 养成
• • • • • • 打牌 打雷 打交道 打架 打猎 打瞌睡 • • • • • • Play cards Thunder Make contact with Fight Go hunting Doze off
• 我在班里有人缘。 • I am popular with my classmates. • 聊得投缘 • talk congenially
• • • • 无缘无故地 for no reason at all 不识庐山真面目,只缘身在此山中。 I can’t tell the true shape of Lu Shan because I myself am on the mountain. • 化缘 • beg for alms
• The loss of his family reduced him into despair. • 失去家人使他陷入绝望的境地。 • Many changes have taken place during the transformation. • 转化过程中发生了许多变化。
中级口译翻译教程Unit One(上)PPT教学课件

• 补充词汇
• 印度洋
• The Indian Ocean
• 北冰洋
• The Arctic Ocean
• V.和…毗邻;与…接壤 • Border on= border • [C]边界;边疆;边界地区
• Eg: They fled across the border.
• . 160 acres of land. 160英亩土地
Almost every kind of climate can be found, but the country lies mostly in the temperate zone.
境内有各种气候,但是美国大部分土地 处于温带。
• V.延伸;绵延;舒展
• [C]一片;一泓;一段
• Eg:The procession stretched for several miles...
• Try stretching your legs and pulling your toes
• Both republics border on the Black Sea.
• 两个共和国都临近黑海。
A jet plane crosses the continental United States from the east to the west in five hours. Taking off from an Atlantic coast airport, the plane is soon flying over the gentle slopes of the Appalachian Mountains.
真题训练翻译例句 中级口译上课课件

⏹Over the period from 1978 to 1996, many of the distortions and rigidities ofthe former central planning system were eliminated and market forces came to play an increasingly important role in economic decision making.⏹自1978年到1996年这段时间里,在中央计划经济体制下以往的那些扭曲的和死板的做法有许多都被摒弃了,市场力量在经济决策中起了越来越重要的作用。
⏹Only 15 years ago, these countries seemed poised to assume the leadership ofthe world economy. Now they are dragging it down.⏹仅仅15年前,这些国家曾信誓旦旦地想要扛起全球经济的领导大旗,而现在却在拖后腿。
⏹Don’t count your chickens before they are hatched. The real difficulties stilllay ahead.⏹这件事你最好问一下后台老板,毕竟项目预算他说了算。
⏹You had better exchange ideas with the power behind the throne. After all hehas the floor/say in the project budget.⏹The EEC’s common agricultural policy is a dinosaur which is adding £ 13.50a week to the food bill of average British family.⏹欧洲经济共同体的农业共同政策早已不合时宜,它要使英国普通家庭每周在食品开销上多支出13.5英镑。
中级口译unit 2ppt课件

• B: Not too bad. But we were later than expected. Our plane delayed taking off as we ran into a storm. We were held up for several hours at the airport, waiting for the storm to clear up. But we had good flying weather and we enjoyed a good attending service, of course.
• A:先生,请问您是从伦敦来的泰莱克教授吗? • (Excuse me, sir,is this Prof. Tallack from
• B: Yes, I’m George Tallack from the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London. You must be Miss Dai, if I’m not mistaken.
• B: I like that. I’ve heard Chinese people are very friendly and hospitable. You’re very considerate, Miss Dai. I’ll soon be spoiled, I’m afraid.
• (太好了,中国人友善好客,我早有所闻。戴小姐考 虑得很周到,过不了几天我便会被宠坏了。)
• A:我们希望您在这里过得愉快,希望您与我海通集 团合作愉快。东西齐了,车已在外面等候,我们走吧 。
• (I hope you’ll have a pleasant stay here, and enjoy happy collaboration with the Haitong Group. I think we’ve got everything. Our car is waiting outside. Shall we go now?)

英译汉类型: 礼仪型口译 包括
访问 国际会议 开场白 双边关系 介绍性口译 包括
旅游 习俗 商务外贸 新经济 投资 (英译汉)
介绍宾馆 名胜 历史 江南小镇(周庄 昆山) 改革开放 西部开发 北京奥运 上海世博 上海艺术节 投资与国情 国际会议和其它大会的开场白 (英译汉也有 所以必须掌握) 国内政策或外交政策
如果遇到非限定定语从句,可以进行断句, 把which 解释为它或把名 次重复一下. P47 P48 P65 P66 P69 P71
表示感谢 P64第一行 P67第三行 P68第四行 P71第一段 On behalf of I would like to express to for
Thanks sb for doing sth
重大错译:数字 态度
比如 上海人口一千六百万 比如 I can’t agree with you more
中级口译考试第二部分的内容: 和课文内容无关 但句型和结构和套话联系非常紧密
1、紧张 “显现”翻成 donate blood 作口译不能紧张,但也不能放松,要兴奋。 要学会在各种场合锻炼自己 否则在家练的很好,在外面还是紧张 不要默读 要大声阅读 把自己的肌肉练成 international muscle
2 、 记笔记不要贪多贪全 笔记要少 要把重点放在听懂 要抓大意。 数字一定要记 因为数字错,全错。 主语谓语不要记,除非后面的主语发生改变。 要大胆改变语序

increasing Shanghai s foreign trade
and export.
The export of high-tech products that demonstrate the city’s advanced scientific and technological strength should take the lead/ be the avant-garde in increasing Shanghai’s foreign export volume.
上海各类商品在这里与全国各地一比 短长。
Here, all kinds of/ various goods from Shanghai compete with the goods from other places in China.
上海的优势在于科技实力,因此高技术产 品的出口应成为上海外贸出口增长的排头 兵”。
The advantage of Shanghai lies in its
advanced scientific and technological
strength, therefore, the export of high-
tech products should take the lead in
“The high-tech arena is the main and the last arena for China to catch up with and surpass the developed countries.”
走发展高科技贸易之路,是历史的必然, 也是末来的需要。

A Sino-foreign joint venture is a mutually complementary and beneficial partnership. Foreign investment in China can maximize the strengths of both parties concerned.我国幅员辽阔、资源丰富、劳动力低廉、消费市场潜力大。
Our country has massive land, abundant resources, cheap labor and a potential consumer market, in addition to the stable political and social environment and favorable investment policies.发达国家有雄厚的资金、先进的技术和管理知识。
Developed countries have sufficient funds, advanced technology and managerial expertise. When establishing a joint venture, a foreign partner may bring into the cooperative business capital funds, machinery, advanced technology and management.中方可以提供土地、劳工和部分资金。
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The export of high-tech products that demonstrate the city’s advanced scientific and technological strength should take the lead/ be the avant-garde in increasing Shanghai’s foreign export volume.
Adopting the policy of peaceful reunification, the Chinese government always makes it clear that it is China’s internal affair to solve the Taiwan problem by whatever means and China is under no obligation to undertake to give up military force.
比如:maintain, declare, state, affirm, assert, avow等,比 announce, believe 等词 更为合适。 “前提”的翻译:“基于一个……的前提” 是翻译中常见的句型。 on the premise/ ground that based on the prerequisite/ proposition/ hypothesis/ assumption/ presupposition ―当时的”的翻译:the then rnment proclaimed/ declared to adopt/ implement the policy of peaceful reunification on the premise that the then Taiwan authorities maintained that there is but one China in the world and Taiwan is a part of China.
In a slowing U.S. economy, job opportunities are shaped by uncertainty. As president of a small college, I am keenly aware of the job market that awaits this year’s graduates. The recent news that Bear Sterns was nullifying a few hundred job offers to business school students fits a pattern of corporate downsizing that isn’t lost on college campuses across the USA. But even with the darkening economic clouds, rays of good news await this year’s graduates. Sure, companies are laying off workers, but many are also looking for new talent, especially at the entry level.
每年一度 biannual 每年两次 biennial 每两年一次 triennial 每三年一次 quadrennial 每四年一次 centennial 百年一度 bicentennial 两百年一度
交易会——trade fair 展览会——exhibition 博览会——exposition 世博会—— World Expo 拍卖会——auction 欢迎会——welcome party 欢送会——farewell/ send-off party 庆功会——celebration 表彰会——commendation meeting
演唱会——vocal concert/ musical show 音乐会——concert 运动会——sports meet(ing) 家长会——parents’ meeting 推介会——promotion meeting 筹备会——preparatory meeting 非正式会议——unofficial meeting 全体会议(全会)——plenary meeting 小组会议——group meeting 秘密会议——secret/ private meeting 圆桌会议——round-table conference 高层会议——summit meeting/ conference
上海各类商品在这里与全国各地一比 短长。
Here, all kinds of/ various goods from Shanghai compete with the goods from other places in China.
上海的优势在于科技实力,因此高技术产 品的出口应成为上海外贸出口增长的排头 兵”。
中国政府在宣布实行和平统一的方针时,是基 于一个前提,即当时的台湾当局坚持世界上只有 一个中国、台湾是中国的一部分。同时中国政府 考虑到美国政府承认了世界上只有一个中国、台 湾是中国的一部分、中华人民共和国政府是中国 的唯一合法政府。 中国政府在实行和平统一方针的同时始终表明, 以何种方式解决台湾问题是中国的内政,并无义 务承诺放弃使用武力。
著名物理学家杨振宁教授曾说:高科技战 场是中国超越发达国家的主战场,也是最 后的战场。”
Professor Yang Zhenning, a famous physicist, once said, “The high-tech battlefield is the main and the last battlefield for China to overtake the developed countries.” “The high-tech arena is the main and the last arena for China to catch up with and surpass the developed countries.”
走发展高科技贸易之路,是历史的必然, 也是末来的需要。
It is not only indispensable in history, but also necessary in the future to develop by way of promoting high-tech trade.
It is not only indispensable in history, but also necessary in the future to adopt the way of developing high-tech trade.
At the same time, the Chinese government took into consideration the fact that the US government recognized that there is only one China in the world, that Taiwan is a part of China and that the Government of the People’s Republic of China is the only legitimate government of China.
同时中国政府考虑到美国政府承认了世界上只 有一个中国、台湾是中国的一部分、中华人民 共和国政府是中国的唯一合法政府。
Meanwhile, the Chinese government took into account/ consideration that the US government acknowledged/ recognized that there is only one China in the world, Taiwan is a part of China and the government of People’s Republic of China is the sole legitimate government representing China.
中国政府在宣布实行和平统一的方针时, 是基于一个前提,即当时的台湾当局坚持 世界上只有一个中国、台湾是中国的一部 分。
The declaration by the Chinese government to implement the policy of peaceful reunification was based on the prerequisite that the then Taiwan authorities insisted that there is only one China in the world and that Taiwan is a part of China.
每年春季,数以万计的中外客商云集申城, 参加一年一度的华东出口品交易会。上海各类 商品在这里与全国各地一比短长。上海的优势 在于科技实力,因此高技术产品的出口应成为 上海外贸出口增长的排头兵”。 著名物理学家杨振宁教授曾说:高科技战场 是中国超越发达国家的主战场,也是最后的战 场。”走发展高科技贸易之路,是历史的必然, 也是末来的需要。
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