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Unit 1 How do you go there?

( A)



on foot ()by bus ()by train ()by bike ()by ship ()by plane ()by subway ()


How do you go to school?

How do you go to Canande?

How do you go to the USA?


How do you go to school,Sarah?My home is

near .Usually Igo to school on foot .Sometimes Igo to school by bike .What about you ?I usually Igo to school by bus .


Go to school( ) go to Canade( ) Go to Beijing( ) go home ( ) Go to the park( ) how ( ) Go to the bus stop( ) USA ( ) Canade ( ) usually ( ) Sometimes ( )


例:School by bike

How do you go to school ?I go to school by bike ? (1)Kunming by bus

(2)Shanghai by plane

(3)Haian by ship

Unit 1 How do you go there?



一、用手写体,抄写下面的单词,并写出中文意思。stop ()wait ()go ()traffic ()rule ()light ()red light ( )


Stop at a red light Wait at a yellow light Go at a green light Remember the traffic rules Look at the traffic light It is not far


stop( ) go( ) wait ( ) traffic( ) traffic light ( )

traffic rule( ) red light ( ) yellow light ( ) green light ( ) remember( ) Zhongshan Park ( )

No.15 bus ( ) sure( ) can ( ) right( ) lef t ( ) if ( )


How can I get to Zhongshan Park ?

You can go by the No.15 bus. Can I go on foot ?

Sure ,if you like .It`s not far.

Unit 2 Where is the science museum?


六年级__ 班姓名得分


hospital ()cinema ()bookstore ()post office ( )near ()science ()museum ( )

二、认真读句子,再用手写体认真书写下面的句子。Excuse me.Where is the library ?

It`s next to the hospital .

What are you going to do after school ?


post office( ) hospital( ) cinema ( ) school( ) good morning ( ) library( ) You are welcome ( ) science ( ) USA ( ) museum ( ) excuse me ( ) where( ) thank you ( )


Excuse me,is there a cinema near here ?( )

Yes ,there is. ( )

Where is the cinema ,please ? ( ) It`s next to the hospital. ( )

Is it far from here ? ( )

No,it`s not far. ( )

Thank you . ( )

You`re welcome. ( )

Unit 2 Where is the science museum?


六年级____ 班姓名得分


left ()right ()museum ()straight ( )minute ()turn ()museum ( )

二、认真读句子,再用手写体认真书写下面的句子。Excuse me.How can I get to the museum?

Go straight for 5 minutes. Then turn left .

Thank you . You are welcome.


left( ) light( ) museum ( )

after school( ) right ( )

library( ) You are welcome ( )

go straight( ) Cananda ( ) east ( ) south ( ) where( ) post office( )

四、读读下面的对话,再用手写体书写下面的句子,并把它们翻译成中文,They are easy!(它们很容易啊) Excuse me,Where is the post office?( )

It`s east of the cinema. ( )
