第一章 I/A Series 系统概述3. I/A Series 的网络结构图1-2 一个简单的DCS 系统配置图我厂详细的FOXBORO 系统网络图DNBIAAWAUXANNUM 操作员键盘DNBI (AW51D )AWPESTGCIOANNUMDNBIAWPP0L 1线ANNUM ACOM01PRINTER LP11PRINTER LP10TERMTT10BCOM01PRINTER LP31PRINTERLP32第1页(AW51D )应用操作站处理机通信处理机(AW51D )操作站处理机巡查房RS232转RS422原用于9期节点总线GCIO 图形控制输入输出MODULE I.D.00010000MODULE I.D.00000100GCIO MODULE I.D.00001000s erial B口s erialPCI 1槽的RJ-45接口RJ-45接口RS423P2P1P2P1中控室打印机Local RepeaterLocal Repeater LocalRepeater2线ANNUM Nodebus E thernet T ransceiver Nodebus E thernet T ransceiver Nodebus E thernet T ransceiver E 50Ω工程师键盘鼠标A口终端机节点总线以态网收发器中继器至第2页COM1COM2注:GCIO 断电10秒再电,ANMUN 全部灯闪一下控制处理机ACP601A1F100A1F300ACP602A2F300DNBI(AW51D )BAWESTGCIO ANNUMDNBI(AW51D )BWPP0LGCIO 中继器E EE E 至第3页9期K70屏(冗余)9期2楼夹层FBIFBI2线和11期公共1线FBI K25.1 屏 K25.2 屏Local RepeaterNodebus E thernet Local Repeater3线ANNUM固相ANNUMT ransceiver Nodebus E thernet T ransceiver 中继器中继器中继器(冗余)A A1F100B A1F200A A1F200BA2F100A A2F100B A2F200A A2F200B接第1页第2页BCOM15OPTIC 光纤1对MOD PCPLC001BCP601E E (AW51D )CAWESTGCIO ANNUM(AW51D )CWPP0LGCIO CCP601E E接第2页4线FCMDNBTDNBTAdapter固相ⅠN46屏 3线和固相FBI光纤转换器OPTIC 光纤转换器TDRDRDTD节点总线k25.3和 k25.5和k25.6屏s erialA口RJ-45接口Adapter5线ANNUM MODULE I.D.00010000MODULE I.D.000001004线ANNUM 注:Adapter是接线盒(冗余)(冗余)B1F100A B1F100BB1F200A B1F200B B1F300AB1F300BC01100A B ABC01100C01200C01200k25.4屏至第4页第3页DNBX(AW51B )AWPPOYGCIOANNUMACOM15RS232转CCP6025线和11期公用FCM 至第5页NOD BUS Extender PLC001RS422RS422转RS232节点总线扩展组件E E k25.7和k25.8屏T ransceiver(冗余)E(冗余)AB C02100A B AB C02100C02200C02200注:1、启动过程中Transceiver RCV 闪烁、PWR 亮2、正常运行时,Transceiver 的XMT 、RCV 闪烁,PWR 亮3、进线有问题,CLN 亮接第3页第4页DNBT(AW51D )DAWPOYDNBT(WP70)DWPP0YGCIOANNUMANNUM第5页DCP601E E10期控制室12期控制室节点总线AdapterAdapterE至第4页E(冗余)NOD BUS Extender 节点总线扩展组件(冗余)ABD01300AB ABD01300D01400D01400D01100A BABD01100D01200D012006. I/A Series 智能自动化系列的硬件应用操作站处理AWAW51 具有应用处理机和操作站处理机的双重功能。
实验一斯沃数控仿真软件的使用与数控加工的基本流程一、实验目的1. 熟悉斯沃数控仿真软件的使用2. 掌握数控加工的基本流程二、实验设备及工具1. 电脑60台2. 斯沃数控仿真软件V6.2 60套三、斯沃数控仿真软件简介南京斯沃软件技术有限公司开发的FANUC、SINUMERIK、MITSUBISHI、广州数控GSK、华中世纪星HNC、北京凯恩帝KND、大连大森DASEN数控车铣及加工中心仿真软件,是结合机床厂家实际加工制造经验与高校教学训练一体所开发的。
该软件运行后其界面如下所示:四、数控车床实验内容及步骤1. 启动斯沃数控仿真软件启动界面如下:在左边文件框内选择单机版,在右边的数控系统下拉列表中选择FANUC 0iT,选择机器码加密,点击“运行”进入系统界面。
2. 机床复位(回参考点)此时机床操作面板的指示灯在闪动,松开急停按钮,确保此时机床处于回零模式下。
3. 机床参数设置(参数设置后需要重新回参考点)在机床复位后,需要根据情况调整机床参数。
单击“确定”退出对话框,主窗口将如下所示:注:此时需要重新回参考点,因为更换刀架了4. 调整冷却液软管如下启动菜单命令,出现“冷却液软管调整”对话框:根据需要调整冷却液软管,另外在程序仿真加工的过程中也可以随时调整。
2.4.2 220铁桶,每桶净装200kg,并紧固好桶盖,计量偏差应控制在土0.5%;
FastWoRX™-S User Guide The faster and greener way to do all your reaction work-ups and extractions• Reduce work-up time by 50% or more • Just a simple solid separation• Greener – reduce solvent use by 90% or more • Minimize solvent exposure• No emulsion formation • Reusable• Run parallel samples • Easy automation• Works at any scale – milligrams to kilogramsFastWoRX-S is a hydrophobic powder which absorbs most organics. Its average particle size is about 100 mesh. FastWoRX-S powder can easily and quickly be separated - along with the absorbed organics - from the aqueous phase by a simple filtration step that can be automated. FastWoRX-S powder eliminates the need for time- and solvent-consuming liquid-liquid extraction (LLE).FastWoRX-S absorbs most hydrophobic organic compounds with a molecular weight less than 1,000 (we believe it will absorb higher molecular weight compounds but have not done testing). Hydrophilic compounds will tend to remain in the aqueous phase. FastWoRX-S has been tested with many common solvents: EtOH, MeOH, dichloromethane, dichloroethane, chloroform, ethyl acetate, diethyl ether, THF, dioxane, acetone, hexane, benzene, toluene, acetic acid, DMF and DMSO.Below is a general procedure for using FastWoRX-S powder based on Faster Chemistry’s experiences. Of course, every reaction is different and every chemist is creative so don’t hesitate to try variations to get your reactions done faster than you thought possible!Please read the SDS before use. FastWoRX-S powder should not be used with strong acids (pH < 1) or bases(pH > 14), hydrofluoric acid or fluorides.General Procedure for Reaction Work-Up with FastWoRX-S PowderStep 1: Conduct Your Reaction and Quench – The reaction is conducted in the usual way in an organic solvent and is quenched at completion with an appropriate aqueous solution. If quenching of the reaction is not required, FastWoRX-S powder can be added directly to the sample (go to Step 2). If your products have appreciable water solubility, a saturated solution of a suitable salt such as NaCl or NH4Cl is recommended for quenching. Also, unlike liquid-liquid extraction, our FastWoRX-S method works well with just a small amount of quench liquid – around 5 mL of water or brine per gram of organic product usually works. If the reaction forms a solid or was done in a water-miscible solvent, an appropriate water-immiscible solvent should be added after quenching to dissolve the solids or form an immiscible organic phase that the FastWoRX-S powder can better absorb.Step 2: Add FastWoRX-S Powder to the Quenched Reaction Mixture –6 to 10 grams of FastWoRX-S powder should be added for every gram of starting materials excluding solvents. The absorption of more polar/water soluble compounds can be improved by quenching with a salt solution in Step 1. To minimize peak broadening during chromatography, excessive FastWoRX-S should not be used. By its nature, FastWoRX-S is hydrophobic and it does not mix readily with an aqueous solution. Therefore, vigorous stirring or shaking should be used for good contacting.Step 3: Reduce the Solvent Volume –In Faster Chemistry’s experience, the fastest way to do a work-up while using the least amount of FastWoRX-S powder is to evaporate excess solvent at this step of the process. This can be done by rotovaping or air or inert gas sparging the quenched reaction mixture containing the FastWoRX-S powder. We recommend evaporating essentially all of solvent in this step – there should be no organic liquid visible in the mixture. As with most solids, the presence of FastWoRX-S during rotavaping may be associated with "bumping". To control bumping, we suggest using a larger flask and reasonable evaporation rates, minimizing the amount of water or brine used for quenching and avoiding sudden decreases in pressure, which will cause the now superheated liquid to boil vigorously. Sparging can be automated using equipment like Biotage’s TurboVap® or Horizon Technology’s XcelVap® automated evaporation systems.Step 4: Filter the FastWoRX-S Powder and Wash If Needed– Filter the FastWoRX-S powder out with a convenient and appropriate filter. In Faster Chemistry’s experience, i f you will be doing flash chromatography later, it is usually fastest and most efficient to use an appropriate dry loading cartridge or vessel as the filter (please see additional information on page 4).For many reactions, you can go directly to Step 5 after filtration. If residual reactants, salts, catalysts and/or by-products are a concern with your reaction, use water or acid or base solutions to wash them from the filtered powder. If using acid or base washes, you can finish with water washes to remove any residual acid or base (the approximate volume of the wash solutions in mLs is numerically equal to the weight in grams of FastWoRX-S powder added in Step 2). If a target compound is highly water soluble, a minimal amount of a saturated inorganic salt solution (like saturated NaCl solution) should be used for the wash step – the use of salt will significantly reduce the solubility of the target during washing.Step 5: Remove Any Solvent Remaining in the FastWoRX-S Powder as Required – Use vacuum or an air or inert gas stream to evaporate any solvent remaining in the powder, leaving only the target compound(s) in the FastWoRX-S powder.Step 6: Elute the Target(s) - Elute the target(s) from the FastWoRX-S powder with a suitable organic solvent. The powder can be loaded into any commercial flash chromatography system or you can elute the target(s) manually with your desired solvent. To minimize peak broadening during chromatography, be sure the FastWoRX-S powder is uniformly distributed across the cross section of the cartridge and compressed down with a suitable tool.Some suggestions to elute targets from FastWoRX if you’re not using flash chromatography:• Subsequent Reaction - if the yield of the first reaction is reasonable and the by-products arecompatible, the FastWoRX powder loaded with organics can be directly used in the following reaction. The FastWoRX powder is then reused for the work-up of the second reaction.• Recrystallization – extract the organics from FastWoRX powder using a hot recrystallization solvent.Two considerations: 1) you can’t easily tell if most product is dissolved by the hot solvent becauseFastWoRX itself is a solid (this could require a separate solubility check) and 2) a small amount of the organic wi ll remain “dissolv ed ” in the FastWoRX powder based on the ratio of the FastWoRX coating volume to the sum of the recrystallization solvent volume and the FastWoRX coating volume.• Thermally/Distillation – put the FastWoRX powder in a flask with stirring (stir bar for small scale or anagitator) and heat (up to 150 C) to drive out the organics as vapor. For larger volumes, you could use a rotovap (consider the condenser hold-up) or a distillation system with a rotary reboiler or agitation. You can add some liquid to the still pot to aid heat transfer – the liquid could be a solvent, water or brine if compatible with the process - or use a high-boiling, inert fluid like a PFPE (Krytox®) in which most compounds are insoluble.Step 7: Reuse and Disposal of FastWoRX-S – FastWoRX-S can be reused. The practicality of reuse woulddepend on the application. Depending on its last use, FastWoRX-S must be solvent-washed or baked-out (can be done at up to 150 C) to avoid cross-contamination.For small scale, one-off reactions, little FastWoRX-S is used (about 1 g to absorb 100 mg of organics) and recycle is likely impractical.We believe reuse of FastWoRX-S will be more practical for the larger-scale synthesis of a high-valuecompound. If you are making the same compound batch after batch in a dedicated system, there are fewer concerns about the residual compounds absorbed in the FastWoRX-S powder between batches as they are process-related. Essentially, you are recycling a “solid solvent”.FastWoRX-S is not a hazardous waste if discarded as supplied . It is, of course, intended to absorb organic compounds during normal use and, therefore, used FastWoRX-S may need to be disposed of as a hazardous waste. A case-by-case determination must be made.___________________________________________________________________________Using the FastWoRX work-up of this typical Suzuki reaction as an example:1% Pd(PPh 3)4EtOH (2 mL) /H 2O (2 mL)K 2CO 3 (1.0 mmol)60o C +Ar 2-B(OH)20.5 mmol 0.7 mmol Ar 1-BrAr 1-Ar 2ca. 100 mg product1. Add water or brine (~2 mL) (to quench the reaction and dissolve the inorganic salts) and ethyl acetate (~2 mL) (added ONLY because the solvent used in this reaction is water soluble;otherwise, no additional solvent is needed) and FastWoRX-S (~1 gram) to the reaction mixture. Stir the mixture for ~1 min.2. Transfer the reaction mixture from the reactor to a round bottom flask (a small amount of water or brine and ethyl acetate can be used to rinse the reactor). Then, remove the organic solvents using a rotavap (no need to separate the aqueous phase). Filter the reaction mixture using a loading cartridge. Purge the loading cartridge using vacuum for ~2 min to remove residual water and organic solvents.3. Attach the loading cartridge to an automatic flash chromatographic system for separation.Suggested Filtration Methods for FastWoRX-S PowderIn Faster Chemistry’s experience, if you will be doing flash chromatography later, it is usually fastest and most efficient to use a dry loading cartridge designed for your flash chromatography system as the filter. Otherwise, extra transfer steps will be needed, adding time and potentially reducing product recovery. In general, the following three methods can be used:(A) Vacuum Filtration AdapterVacuum filtration adapters are available from many suppliers such as MilliporeSigma:https:///catalog/search?term=vacuum+filtration+adapter&interface=All&N=0&mode=match%20partialmax&lang=en®ion=US &focus=product(B) Filtration ManifoldFiltration manifolds are available from many suppliers including MilliporeSigma:https:///catalog/product/supelco/57044More Information on FastWoRX™-S PowderWhat is FastWoRX-S Powder?FastWoRX-S powder is an inert powder support coated with a polymer. The coating is hydrophobic and absorbs most organics that have reasonably low solubility in water. The idea behind FastWoRX-S powder is quite simple. The affinity of the polymer coating for organic compounds allows those compounds to be absorbed into the polymer, similar to a sponge, while excluding water. This forms a new type of phase - a “solid solvent” phase – in which the absorbed organics are immobile compared to the usual liquid solvent. This enables extraction of organics from the aqueous phase by a filterable solid versus extraction by a liquid, as has been done for over 150 years in the well-known liquid-liquid extraction process. And, without two liquid phases, an emulsion cannot form.FastWoRX-S powder is a fine powder (about 100 mesh) that can easily and quickly be separated - along with the absorbed organics - from the aqueous phase by a simple filtration step that can be automated. The target compounds can then be eluted by a suitable organic solvent.FastWoRX-S powder is non-hazardous and reusable.How Does Faster Extraction Compare with Other Extraction Techniques?“Faster Extraction” (FE) – extraction done with FastWoRX powder - and Liquid-Liquid Extraction (LLE) are quite similar in terms of their separation mechanism. Both are governed by the partition ratio — the ratio of concentrations of a compound in each phase of two immiscible phases at equilibrium. There is a wealth of partition ratio data in the literature. The main difference between FE and LLE is that separation occurs between two liquid phases in LLE and between a liquid phase and the easily filterable FastWoRX-S solid phase in FE. Because FE uses only a simple filtration, it is faster, safer and less labor intensive than LLE. Also, the FastWoRX-S solid phase prevents emulsion formation. Another advantage of FE over LLE is that it can be automated and multiple samples processed simultaneously.The FE process is also similar to Solid Phase Extraction (SPE) in terms of handling. SPE is based on a d sorption - the surface of the support is treated with various compounds to give an affinity for certain classes of target compounds in the aqueous phase. The SPE resin best suited for a given target compound is found on a case-by-case basis. In contrast, FE is based on the broad a b sorption of organics - the powder absorbs most organics into the bulk volume of its polymer coating. This gives FE two big advantages over SPE - near universal applicability for SPE-type applications using a single powder and capacity that is not limited by surface area. Therefore, FE can practically separate mixtures at a scale ranging from milligrams to kilograms and beyond.What are Faster Extraction’s Advantages?Faster Extraction combines the flexibility and scalability of LLE and the ease of handling of SPE – the best of both worlds! All the benefits of our FE technology – decreased extraction times and automation of your purification process – will reduce your cost to do extractions. Moreover, solvent use and exposure will significantly decrease, further reducing your costs and simplifying your chemistry.Faster Extraction can be viewed as a platform technology. It is suitable for any chemical application that needs an extraction, such as chemical reaction work-up; extraction of drug metabolites from biological fluids; extraction of DNA, RNA or peptides from aqueous fluids; removal of organic pollutants from air or gases and many other extraction applications.What Solvents Does Faster Extraction Work With?Faster Extraction works with most of the solvents commonly used for conducting reactions and liquid-liquid extractions, such as ether, dichloromethane and ethyl acetate. Ideally, the solvent should have low water solubility. If the reaction was done in a water miscible solvent, an appropriate water immiscible solvent should be added after quenching to form an immiscible organic phase that the FastWoRX-S powder can better absorb.What are Some Applications for FastWoRX-S Powder?Fast chemical reaction work-up - During the discovery stage to develop pharmaceuticals, agrochemicals and other new materials, a large number of compounds need to be synthesized in amounts from milligrams to grams. For example, 10,000 compounds may be tested during drug discovery to come up with a successful drug. The bottleneck in synthesis is the work-up and purification of the reaction products rather than the actual reactions. Typically, after a reaction, a work-up procedure is needed to neutralize the active intermediate, catalyst(s), salts and polar solvents, all of which can affect chromatographic separation. The most common reaction work-up procedure is extraction using LLE, which is very time consuming. Because these syntheses deal with milligrams to grams, SPE is often not practical. FE makes work-up easy. These same considerations apply to production-scale – kilograms to tonnes - chemistry also.DNA, RNA and protein separations - The phenol-chloroform technique is biochemistry’s equivalent of LLE. It is widely used in molecular biology for isolating DNA, RNA and proteins. Nucleic acids remain in the aqueous phase and proteins separate into the organic phase or stay at the phase interface. Currently, a pipet is commonly used to manually separate the two phases, a process that is not always easy because of emulsion formation. This process is especially problematic when a large number of samples need to be processed. FE eliminates emulsion formation and would be ideal for this application.Extraction of organic compounds from urine, blood serum, water, beverages, soil and tissue - Analysis of organic compounds in urine, blood, water, beverages, soil and tissue is crucial in clinical, food, environmental and forensic testing and other applications. The time consuming part of these analyses is usually sample preparation - many of these analyses still use traditional LLE. Numerous commercial SPE products are designed to speed-up the process. FE is an ideal method to replace time-consuming LLE and offers higher capacity and efficiency than SPE in many applications. For example, for the analysis of phenols in wastewater, EPA Method #604, “Method for Organic Chemical Analysis of Municipal and Industrial Wastewater” still calls for a time-consuming LLE with 60 mL of methylene chloride. This LLE operation is not only time intensive but also uses a relatively large amount of a toxic chlorinated solvent. FE would be ideal for this application.Filter for the extraction of organic compounds from gases – FastWoRX-S powder can extract volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from the gas phase. Analysis of volatile organic compounds is important in air quality control, medical diagnosis and national security. FastWoRX-S powder alone or loaded with an appropriate solvent would be ideal to collect target compounds.3/11/2021。
Johnstone's Woodworks产品手册说明书
the complete solution for woodAt Johnstone’s Trade we are committed to progressing product performance. We specialise in meeting the needs of trade decorators and specifiers who care about their work, demand high quality and believe in the best possible results.We are proud to offer a comprehensive range of high performance trade paints, woodcare products and performance coatings. Working hand in hand with our customers and our global R&D teams to provide new and technically advanced products.At Johnstone’s we pride ourselves in going above and beyond to ensure we exceed your expectations.To find out more contact us on 01924 354354 or at 45 Offering a varied range of professional products for both interior and exterior use, Johnstone’s Woodworks has fast become a trusted brand amongst professional decorators, providing the complete solution for all woodworking needs.The range offers interior products to protect against knocks and bangs as well as exterior products to protect against UV rays, weathering and erosion. Johnstone’s Woodworks strive to provide products which allow wood to remain looking at its bestfor longer.preparationcleaningFirstly clean your substrate removing any surface dust, grease and polish. For substrates which have a layer of algae or mould treat with Johnstone’s Trade Sterilisation Wash. Black discolorations or mould may be harder to remove so leave the wash to soak in for 30 minutes. Remove any further impurities using a stiff bristle brush, then wash thoroughly with water. Allow wood to dry before progressing further.Producing an ideal baseSubstrate preparation is key to get the most out of Johnstone’s products and ensure maximum protection.Previously treated woodFor previously stained or treated surfaces you must sand down until new wood is reached. Any decaying or rotting wood must be removed. Treat with Johnstone’s Woodworks All Purpose Preserver then allow to dry. Pay particular attention to horizontal surfaces which can suffer from standing water.New WoodIn order to achieve the longest life span for new wood it is important to first protect it with Johnstone’sWoodworks All Purpose Preserver, this is particularly key with exterior wood as this will protect the new wood from rot and wood boring insects. The woodwill then be ready for its finishing coat.89product selectorPreparation Woodstains W W o o d f i l l e rK n o t t i n g S o l u t i o nA l l P u r p o s e P r e s e r v e rC l a s s i c M a t t W o o d s t a i nS a t i n W o o d s t a i nQ u i c k D r y S a t i n W o o d s t a i nD e c k i n g S t a i nFloors WindowsDoors SillsSkirting boardsFurniture Handrails BeamsRough timberFences Sheds Gates TrellisPergolas Planters Furniture Windows DoorsSmooth timberCladding Fascias Barge boardsDeckingSolvent Based Solvent Based Solvent Based Solvent Based Water Based Water Based Water Based Wood Finishes S h e d & F e n c e T r e a t m e n tQ u i c k D r y O p a q u e W o o d F i n i s hO p a q u e W o o d F i n i s hQ u i c k D r y P o l y u r e t h a n e F l o o r V a r n i s hF l o o r V a r n i s hH e a v y -D u t y Y a c h t V a r n i s hP o l y u r e t h a n e V a r n i s hD u r a b l e Q u i c k D r y P o l y u r e t h a n e V a r n i s hD a n i s h O i lT e a k O i lR a w L i n s e e d O i lB o i l e d L i n s e e d O i lOilsVarnishes Solvent Based Water Based Water Based Solvent Based Solvent Based Solvent Based Solvent BasedSolvent BasedWater Based Solvent Based Water Based Solvent Basedpreparation24HRS30MINS30-3MINS HRSinterior16-24HRS 16-24 HRS2-4 HRS 1617PPG Extra 01924 354100Benefits ofwater Based productsWater based products are becomingincreasingly popular and it is easy to see why.Their low odour qualities make them an ideal choice for interior jobs whilst their quick drying nature mean it’s even easier to complete a job in one day. Water based products make for an ideal choice when working under time constraints or confined areas.2-4HRSexterior4HRS4 HRS16-24 HRS4HRS16-24HRSwhy use opaque?Opaque finishes are often used as a durable coating to hide surface imperfections. Intended for exterior timber, theirmicroporous qualities allow the wood to breathe preventing rot whilst also protecting against UV attack.Opaque wood finishes comes in an array of colours (see page 28-29) and are available for tinting if you require a bespoke colour.16-24 HRS 16-24 HRS4 HRS2-3 DAYS24 HRS 12 HRS 20 MINSClear Light Oak Antique PineRedwood Walnut MahoganyMedium Oak Teak Jacobean OakEbony Pine RosewoodNatural Oak Pale Oak GarapaTulip Wood Cedar Light WalnutMedium Pine Padauk Dark OakOpepe Maple HazelwoodPale Dew Icy BlastBright Wood Purple Shine Gentle WatersButtercup Cherry Blossom Cornflower BluePale Blossom DaffodilTyrian PurpleCosmic BlueEgg YolkIced LilacBlue HopeBurnt OrangePure VioletTurquoisePoppy LeafForest FreshSapphireBlood OrangeMaroon AshSmoked OlivePine GreenThorn WoodRipe PlumLush GreenSoft HazelSoft PlumJacobean OakSpanish Cedar Rich Teak Natural OakChestnut BrownAcorn Gold Dark Chestnut Dark OakGreen Light Brown EbonyRustic RedRich BrownRed CedarClearAntique Pine Jacobean Oak MahoganyMedium Oak Pine WalnutClear Gloss Clear SatinQ. Will the colour I get on my woodwork look like the colour cards and shade labels?A. The shade cards and labels are only a general guide to the shade which will be achieved. The following factors all affect the final colour: the natural colour of the wood and any existing coating, the texture and absorption of the surface, the way the products are applied.Q: When will I know when my exterior wood work needs to be recoated?A: Place a damp cloth on the surface of the wood. If thewood darkens after a few minutes, the wood protection layer is no longer intact and requires a new coat.Q: My fencing was dry and ready for staining, then it rained heavily for a whole day. Can I stain it straight away, or do I have to wait?A: Although timber is a porous, absorbent substrate, it will not ‘soak’ water up like a sponge and therefore although the surface may be wet, the main body of the timber is likely to be dry. While it is difficult to be precise, two good drying days should be adequate. If rainfall has been for a longer period, as much as one week or more of dry weather may be necessary for the moisture content of the timber to reach an acceptable level.Q: My woodwork is now very dark. I like the wood stain finish, but would like a lighter shade.A: In order to highlight the natural features of timber, wood stains are translucent (i.e. semi-transparent). The final shade achieved is a combination of the colour of the surface to which they are applied and their own pigmentation. A light coloured wood stain onto a dark surface will therefore always allow the dark colour to be seen and thus the finish remains dark. To achieve a lighter shade requires either stripping off the existing finish and re-coating or the application of an opaque finish.faq’sQ: What is the lowest temperature at which water based Woodstains can be applied?A: It is not recommended to apply water based coatings when the air or surface temperature is likely to drop below 10°C during application and drying.Q: Are there special requirements for the application of water based coatings on timber substrates?A: Water based coatings for wood are quicker drying and have different flow and levelling characteristics to traditional solvent based coatings. It is therefore recommended to use brushes designed for the application of water based coatings and not to apply in extremes of hot or cold conditions.Q: Can water based coatings on wood be recoated with solvent based ones, or vice versa?A: A water based coating is generally more flexible than a solvent based one, and the general rule if any doubt, is“Preferably recoat water based with water based”. Provided, however, that the existing finish is sound and fully dry, there is no problem with overcoating solvent based with water based, or water based with solvent based.Q: Do I need to use a timber preservative before I stain my wood?A: Many hardwoods (e.g. oak, teak and iroko), are naturally durable and have their own natural resistance to decay and rot. Most softwoods and “cheaper” hardwoods are not durable and must be treated with a preservative if they are to be used outside. Some of these timbers are treated in the factory to stop them rotting.Q: What is the lowest temperature at which solvent based coatings can be applied?A: It is not recommended to apply solvent based coatings when the temperature is likely to drop below 5°C during application and drying.faq’s01924 354354JT1520。
Ashcroft B-Series 工业和过程应用Switch说明书
FEATURESB-Series switches have proven reliable in such harsh environments as:•Offshore oil rigs•Chemical and petrochemical plants •Pulp and paper mills •Steel mills •Power plants•Water and sewage-treatment plants •Other corrosive environmentsB-Series Switches –Pressure,Differential Pressure,Temperature &HydraulicAshcroft Inc.supplies highly reliable Ashcroft ®switches and controls for indus-trial and process applications.We begin with rock-solid designs,matching the most appropriate technology with the safety and reliability requirements of the applications.The materials of construction are specified to Ashcroft’s exacting standards,and prod-uct is built to last in the toughest applica-tions.Our modern,responsive manufactur-ing facility is supported by an extensive network of stocking distributors and factory sales offices located in virtually every part of the world.Special application assistance is always just a telephone call away.The Ashcroft B-Series switch line is designed to satisfy most switch require-ments.Materials of construction have been selected for long life.A wide variety of pre-cision switch elements are available to meet every application requirement,including hermetically sealed contacts for added reliability and safety.The actuators we use have been proven in more than 20years of service in the world’s plants and mills.Special designs are available for fire safety,NACE,limit control and other more stringent requirements.Simplicity and ease of use are stressed to improve relia-bility of the installation.Applications include:pumps,compres-sors,washers,filters,degreasers,evapora-tors,recovery systems,food processing,ground support equipment,reverse osmo-sis systems,heat exchangers,hydraulic systems,lubrication systems,marineequipment,textile machinery,heating and air conditioning equipment.ThermowellsThermowells must be used on any appli-cation where the stem of the temperature switch may be exposed to pressure,cor-rosive fluids or high velocity.Additionally,the use of a thermowell permits instrument interchange or calibration check without disturbing or closing down the process.Ashcroft temperature switches have bulb diameters to match 3⁄8˝nominal bore thermowells.The bulbs have a sensitive portion length of 2˝which can be used with 21⁄2˝“U”dimensioned thermowells or longer.For maximum accuracy,a thermo-well’s “U”dimension should be selected to permit complete immersion of the sen-sitive portion plus 1˝when measuring the temperature of liquids;an extra 3˝should be allowed when measuring the temper-ature of gases.Thermowell bushings should be used with remote mount temperature switches.We recommend the standard 3˝bulb and code 69Series bushings for use with any thermowell “U”dimension.A split rubber grommet allows easy installation and “S”dimensionadjustment.Temperature &HydraulicSTANDARD TEMPERATURE RANGE SELECTIONMaximum Nominal Range (1)TemperatureApproximate Deadband (1)Switch Element °F°C°F20,26,2721,24,31502232,42–40to 60–40to 160400 1.0-2.0 3.0-8.0 1.5-5.5 1.4-6.08.0-16.00to 100–20to 400400 1.5-3.0 5.0-12.0 2.2-8.5 1.5-7.59.0-20.075to 20520to 95400 1.5-3.58.0-16.0 2.5-12.0 2.0-9.010.0-24.0150to 26065to 125400 1.5-3.0 5.0-12.0 2.2-8.5 2.0-9.010.0-24.0235to 375110to 190500 1.5-3.5 5.0-12.0 2.5-8.5 2.0-9.010.0-24.0350to 525(3)175to 275700 2.0-4.58.0-16.0 3.2-12.0 2.5-10.015.0-34.0500to 750(2)260to 400900 4.0-8.016.0-30.07.2-24.0 5.0-23.030.0-50.01All deadbands given in °F.2Available with remote mount thermal systems only.3Not available with 23⁄4˝stem.NOTES:4Dual switch element multiply single switch element value by 1.6for approximate deadband.5Set and reset points must fall within the adjustable range.Temperature SwitchesB-Series temperature switches feature a SAMA Class II vapor pressure thermal system.This system provides quick,accurate response to process tempera-ture changes with negligible ambient temperature effects.This is inherent in the design due to the precise relation-ship that exists between temperature and pressure according to the vapor pressure laws.A wide selection of sensing bulb and armored capillary lengths is avail-able.The vapor pressure system design features small bulb sizes,making instal-lation easy and cost-effective.All models feature ±1.0%percent ofspan setpoint repeatability with very high overtemperature ratings.These standard designs perform well in applications where shock and vibra-tion could be a problem and should be used with Ashcroft thermowells for bulb protection and ease of installation and maintenance.Temperature&Hydraulic Pressure&Differential Pressure SwitchesB-Series pressure,differential pressure and vacuum switches use two different actuators depending on setpoint require-ments.For set-points between2and3000psi,the simple, rugged diaphragm-sealed piston actuator is used.This design features high reliability and choice of actuator seal materials for virtually every application.An optional welded design is also available for setpoints up to1000psi formaximum reliability.This design is available in316SS or Monel.Differential pressure modelsuse a unique,dual diaphragm-sealed pistondesign that features very high static operatingpressures and small size.For setpoints between4.5and150inches ofH2O,a large diaphragm is used for increasedsensitivity in both pressure and differentialpressure designs with good choice of materials of construction.All standard models feature±1percent ofrange setpoint repeatability and a minimum of400percent of range proof pressures.These standard designs perform well in appli-cations where shock and vibration could be aproblem and may be used in conjunction withAshcroft diaphragm seals in extreme servicessuch as slurries or abrasive process fluids.Overpressure Ratings Approximate Deadband(2)Switch ElementNominal Range(1)Proof psi Burst psi20,26,2721,24,31502232,42 Vacuum–30˝Hg–760mm Hg-100kPa2504000.3-0.7 1.5-3.00.5-2.20.4-1.5 2.1-4.2 Compound–15˝H2O/–375mm H2O/–3.7kPa/20350.15-.75/ 1.5-2.5/0.45-2.0/0.5-1.2/ 2.1-3.5/ 15˝H2O375mm H2O 3.7kPa0.15-.75 1.5-2.50.45-2.00.5-1.2 2.1-3.5–30˝H2O/–760mm H2O/–7.5kPa/20350.30-.60/ 1.5-2.5/0.45-2.0/0.5-1.5/ 2.1-3.5/ 30˝H2O760mm H2O7.5kPa0.30-.60 1.5-2.50.45-2.00.5-1.5 2.1-3.5–30˝Hg/–760mm Hg/–100kPa/0.5-1.0/ 2.0-3.0/0.75-2.5/0.7-1.8/ 2.8-4.2/ 15psi 1.0kg/cm2100kPa2504000.3-0.70.5-1.50.5-1.00.7-1.40.7-2.1–30˝Hg/–760mm Hg/–100kPa/ 1.0-1.5/ 3.0-6.0/ 1.2-4.5/ 1.4-2.4 4.2-8.4/ 30psi 2.0kg/cm2200kPa2504000.3-0.8 1.0-2.00.7-1.50.4-1.3 1.4-2.8–30˝Hg/–760mm Hg/–100kPa/ 2.0-3.0/ 5.0-9.0/ 2.5-7.0/ 2.8-4.57.0-12.0/ 60psi 4.0kg/cm2400kPa2504000.7-1.5 3.0-5.0 1.1-4.0 1.0-2.3 4.2-7.0 Pressure10˝H2O250mm H2O 2.5kPa20350.2-0.5 1.0-2.00.35-1.50.4-1.0 1.4-2.8 30˝H2O750mm H2O7.5kPa20350.3-0.6 1.5-2.50.45-2.00.5-2.0 2.1-3.5 60˝H2O1500mm H2O15kPa20350.5-1.3 1.5-3.50.9-2.50.7-3.0 2.1-5.0 100˝H2O2500mm H2O25kPa20350.6-1.6 2.5-5.5 1.1-4.0 1.0-4.0 3.5-7.7 150˝H2O3750mm H2O37kPa2035 1.0-2.5 4.5-8.5 1.7-6.5 2.0-6.0 6.0-12.0 15psi 1.0kg/cm2100kPa50015000.1-0.350.5-1.50.2-1.00.4-1.00.7-2.1 30psi 2.0kg/cm2200kPa50015000.1-0.500.5-1.50.3-1.00.4-1.00.7-2.1 60psi 4.0kg/cm2400kPa50015000.3-1.0 1.0-3.50.7-2.50.6-2.0 1.4-5.0 100psi7.0kg/cm2700kPa100030000.5-1.7 1.5-5.0 1.1-3.5 1.0-4.5 2.1-7.0 200psi14kg/cm21400kPa100030001-35-132-9 3.0-7.57.0-18.2 400psi28kg/cm22800kPa240030004-7.55-24 5.5-15 4.0-11.07.0-33.6 600psi42kg/cm24200kPa240030004-119-307-20 5.0-23.012.6-42 1000psi70kg/cm27000kPa12000180007-3030-11018-7015-8042-154 3000psi210kg/cm22100kPa120001800015-6080-23537-16030.0-230112-329 PRESSURE/VACUUM SWITCHESDIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE SWITCHESPressure Ratings Approximate Deadband(2)Switch ElementStatic Work-Nominal Range(1)ing Pressure Proof psi20,26,2721,24,31502232,42 30˝H2O750mm H2O7.5kPa 5.421.60.3-0.6 1.5-2.50.45-2.00.5-2.0 2.1-3.5 60˝H2O1500mm H2O15kPa 5.421.60.5-1.3 1.5-3.50.9-2.50.7-3.0 2.1-5.0 100˝H2O2500mm H2O25kPa 5.421.60.6-1.6 2.5-5.5 1.1-4.0 1.0-4.0 3.5-7.7 150˝H2O3750mm H2O37kPa 5.421.6 1.0-2.5 4.5-8.5 1.8-6.5 2.0-6.0 6.3-12.0 15psid 1.0kg/cm2100kPa50020000.5-1.0 2.0-5.00.7-3.50.7-1.4 2.8-7.0 30psid 2.0kg/cm2200kPa5002000 1.0-2.0 2.0-5.0 1.5-3.5 1.4-2.8 2.8-7.0 60psid 4.0kg/cm2400kPa5002000 2.0-4.0 3.0-6.0 3.0-4.5 2.8-5.6 4.2-8.5 100psid7.0kg/cm2700kPa10004000 4.0-10.011.0-20.07.0-15.0 6.0-14.016.0-28.0 200psid14.0kg/cm21400kPa10004000 5.0-15.012.0-40.010.0-26.07.0-21.017.0-56.0 400psid28.0kg/cm22800kPa1000800010.0-20.020.0-60.015.0-40.014.0-28.028.0-84.0 600psid420kg/cm24200kPa1000800020.0-40.080.0-150.030.0-115.030.0-56.0112.0-210.0 Values shown are for zero static working pressure.NOTES:1Switches may generally be set between15%and100%of nominal range on increasing pressure.Consult factory for applications where setpointsmust be lower.2All deadbands are given in English units as shown in the nominal range column.Deadbands shown are for switches with Buna N diaphragm.Approximate deadbands for optional diaphragms:Viton:Multiply Buna N value by1.4Teflon:Multiply Buna N value by1.2Stainless Steel:Multiply Buna N value by1.7Monel:Multiply Buna N value by1.7Dual Switch Element:Multiply single switch element value by1.6for approximate deadband.Temperature&HydraulicB-SERIES PRESSURE AND DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE SWITCH MODEL NUMBER: T o specify the exact switch desired,select entries from appropriate tables as shown in example below.B420B X P K600PSI123451Pressure switch,Type400,watertight enclosure B4meets NEMA3,4,4X,13and IP66requirements.Pressure switch,Type700,explosion-proofB7enclosure meets Div.1&2,NEMA7,9and IP66 requirements.Differential pressure switch,T ype400,water-D4tight enclosure meets NEMA3,4,4X,13and IP66requirements.Differential pressure switch,T ype700,explosion-D7proof enclosure meets Div.1&2,NEMA7,9and IP66requirements.2Order Switch ElementsCode UL/CSA Listed SPDT20(7)Narrow deadband ac15A,125/250Vac21Ammonia service5A,125/250Vac22(6)Hermetically sealed switch,5A,125/250Vac narrow deadband23Heavy duty ac22A,125/250Vac24(1)General purpose15A,125/250/480Vac1⁄2A,125Vdc1⁄4A,250Vdc;6A,30Vdc 25(2)Heavy duty dc10A,125Vac or dc,1⁄8HP,125Vac or dc 26(7)Sealed environment proof15A,125/250Vac27High temperature300°F15A,125/250Vac28(5)Manual reset trip on15A,125/250Vac increasing29(5)Manual reset trip on15A,125/250Vac decreasing31Low level(gold)contacts1A,125Vac32Hermetically sealed switch,11A,125/250Vac general purpose5A,30Vdc42Hermetically sealed switch,1A,125Vacgold contacts50Variable deadband15A,125/250Vac61(7)Dual narrow deadband15A,125/250Vac62(7)Dual sealed environment15A,125/250Vac proof63Dual high temp.300°F15A,125/250Vac64Dual general purpose15A,125/250/480Vac1⁄2A,125Vdc1⁄4A,250Vdc65Dual ammonia service5A,125/250Vac67(4,6)Dual hermetically sealed5A,125/250Vac switch,narrow deadband68(4)Dual hermetically sealed11A,125/250Vac switch,general purpose5A,30Vdc70Dual low level gold contacts1A,125Vac71(4)Dual hermetically sealed1A,125Vacswitch,gold contacts3Range Code Processand Temperature Vac.0-60010003000 Material Limits°F(9)˝H2O psi psi psi B–Buna-N0to150••••V–Viton20to300•••T–Teflon0to150••••S–316L(8)0to300••P–Monel(8)0to300••4Use table from page75Select from table on page3NOTES:1Standard switch.2Not available with psid ranges.3Dual switches are2SPDT snap-action switches,not independently adjustable.4Wires cannot be terminated inside B400switch enclosure.5Not available with type700enclosure.6Estimated dc.rating,2.5A,28Vdc(notUL listed).7Estimated dc rating,0.4A,120Vdc(not UL listed).8Available on pressure only.9Ambient operating temperature limits–20to150°F,all styles,setpoint shift of±1%of range per50°F temperature change is normal. Switches are calibrated at70°F reference.Temperature &HydraulicB-SERIES TEMPERA TURE SWITCH MODEL NUMBER:To specify the exact switch desired,select entries from appropriate tables as shown in example below.T 420T 050301423X N H 5150°to 260°F61Temperature switch,T ype 400,watertight enclosure T4meets NEMA 3,4,4X,13and IP66requirements.Temperature switch,Type 700,explosion-proof T7enclosure meets Div.1&2,NEMA 7,9and IP66requirements.3Direct MountOrder CodeSystem MaterialStyleTS3l6SS RigidRemote MountOrder CodeSystem MaterialLine LengthStyle (9)T05316SS 5´Capillary T10316SS 10´with T15316SS 15´302SS T20316SS 20´Spring T25316SS 25´Armor4Direct MountMinimumOrder “S”Thermowell Code Dimension “U”Dimension027(8)23⁄4˝–0404˝21⁄2˝0606˝41⁄2˝0909˝71⁄2˝12012˝101⁄2˝Remote Mount 030(9)3˝21⁄2˝5Use table on page 76Adjustable Range°F °C–40to 600–40to 1600to 100–40to 40075to 20520to 95150to 26065to 125235to 375110to 190350to 525175to 275500to 750(2)260to 4002Order Switch Elements Code UL/CSA Listed SPDT20(7)Narrow deadband ac 15A,125/250Vac 21Ammonia service 5A,125/250Vac 22(6)Hermetically sealed switch,5A,125/250Vac narrow deadband 23Heavy duty ac 22A,125/250Vac 24(1)General purpose 15A,125/250/480Vac1⁄2A,125Vdc 1⁄4A,250Vdc;6A,30Vdc25Heavy duty dc 10A,125Vac or dc,1⁄8HP ,125Vac or dc26(7)Sealed environment proof 15A,125/250Vac 27High temperature 300°F 15A,125/250Vac 28(5)Manual reset trip on 15A,125/250Vac increasing29(5)Manual reset trip on 15A,125/250Vac decreasing31Low level (gold)contacts 1A,125Vac 32Hermetically sealed switch,11A,125/250Vac general purpose 5A,30Vdc 42Hermetically sealed gold 1A,125Vac contacts50Variable deadband 15A,125/250Vac61(7)Dual narrow deadband 15A,125/250Vac 62(7)Dual sealed environment 15A,125/250Vac proof63Dual high temp.300°F 15A,125/250Vac 64Dual general purpose 15A,125/250/480Vac1⁄2A,125Vdc 1⁄4A,250Vdc65Dual ammonia service 5A,125/250Vac 67(4,6)Dual hermetically sealed 5A,125/250Vac switch,narrow deadband 68(4)Dual hermetically sealed 11A,125/250Vac switch,general purpose 5A,30Vdc 70Dual low level gold contacts 1A,125Vac 71(4)Dual hermetically sealed 1A,125Vac switch,gold contactsNOTES:1Standard switch.2Available with remote mount thermal systems only.3Dual switches are 2SPDT snap-action switches,not independently adjustable.4Wires cannot be terminated inside T400switch enclosure.5Not available with Type 700enclosure.6Estimated dc rating,2.5A,28Vdc (not UL listed).7Estimated dc rating,0.4A,120Vdc (not UL listed).8Not available on 350to 525°F .9Consult factory on remote mount for bulb lengths other than 3.˝Temperature&HydraulicB-SERIES HYDRAULIC PRESSURE SWITCH MODEL NUMBER:To specify the exact switch desired,select entries from appropriate tables as shown in example below.H424V X F S3000PSI123451Hydraulic pressure switch,Type400,watertight H4enclosure meets NEMA3,4,4X,13and IP66 requirements.2Order Switch ElementsCode UL/CSA Listed SPDT20(3)Narrow deadband ac15A,125/250Vac21Ammonia service5A,125/250Vac22Hermetically sealed switch,5A,125/250Vac narrow deadband23Heavy duty ac22A,125/250Vac24(1)General purpose15A,125/250/480Vac1⁄2A,125Vdc1⁄4A,250Vdc;6A,30Vdc 25Heavy duty dc10A,125Vac or dc,1⁄8HP,125Vac or dc 26(3)Sealed environment proof15A,125/250Vac27High temperature300°F15A,125/250Vac28Manual reset trip on15A,125/250Vac increasing29Manual reset trip on15A,125/250Vac decreasing32Hermetically sealed switch,11A,125/250Vac general purpose5A,30Vdc42Hermetically sealed switch,1A,125Vacgold contacts61(3)Dual narrow deadband15A,125/250Vac62(3)Dual sealed environment15A,125/250Vac proof63Dual high temp.300°F15A,125/250Vac64Dual general purpose15A,125/250/480Vac1⁄2A,125Vdc1⁄4A,250Vdc65Dual ammonia service5A,125/250Vac70Dual low level,gold contacts1A,125Vac3Code Processand TemperatureMaterial Limits°F(4)V–Viton20to300Viton O-Ring,Stainless SteelPressureConnection4Use table from page75Adjustable Proof Range Setpoint Pressurepsi Limits psi psi1000150-100012,0002000300-200012,0003000450-300012,0005000750-500010,00075001125-7500100,000NOTES:1Standard switch.2Dual switches are2SPDT snap-action switches,not independently adjustable.3Estimated dc rating,0.4A,120Vdc(not UL listed).4Ambient operating temperature limits–20to150°F,all styles,setpoint shift of±1%of range per50°F temperature change is normal.Switches are calibrated at70°F reference.B-Series Switches–Pressure,Differential Pressure,Temperature&HydraulicAppicable Switch SeriesDifferential Temp-Pressure Pressure erature HAllCode Description(psi)(in.H2O)(psi)(in.H2O)Ranges Notes XBP Wall Mounting Bracket in.H2O••XBX1⁄2˝Male NPT Bushing•XCH Chained Cover••••••XC8CSA Approval•••••11 XCN A TEX Directive94/9/EC EEx d IIC T6•••••XD2Dual Seal Rating(700Series only)••XFM FM Approval–Single Element••••17 FM Approval–Dual Element••••17 XFP Fungus Proofing••••••XFS Factory Adjusted Setpoint••••••2 XG3Belleville Actuator•16,17 XG5UL Limit Control to150˝H2O•1,17 XG6UL Limit Control to600psi•1,17 XG7Secondary Chamber with Vent•13 XG8Steam Limit Control to300psi•7 XG9Fire Safe Welded Actuator•7 XHS High Static Differential Pressure•15 High Pressure,40psi,(static)d/p onlyXHX160psi(proof)d/p only••100psi(proof)pressure only(˝H2O)XJK Left Conduit Connection••••••9 XJL3⁄4˝to1⁄2˝Reducing Bushing••••••XJM Metric Electrical Conduit ConnectionM20x1.5••••••XK3T erminal Block(700Series only)•••••6 XLE6foot Leads on the Micro Switch••••••XNH T agging Stainless Steel••••••XNN Paper T ag••••••XPK Pilot Light(s)T op Mounted••••••4 XPM3⁄4˝Sealed Conduit Connectionwith16˝Lead Wires••••••XTA316Stainless Steel Pressure••Connection for in.H2O RangeXTM2˝Pipe Mounting Bracket•••••XUD316Stainless Steel Pressure Conn.•XUX IECEx Rating(700Series only)•••••Pressure Connection:X061⁄2NPT Male,1⁄4NPT Female••••5 316Stainless Steel(Combination)X071⁄2NPTF Press.Conn.,316SS••••10 X6B Cleaned for Oxygen Service•••3 Diaphragm Seal••••NOTES:1Buna N and Viton diaphragm.2Advise static or working pressure for differential pressure switches. 3Buna N cannot be cleaned for oxygen service.4N/A on700Series.5Standard with1000and3000psi ranges.Bottom connection only on DP in H2O ranges.6Terminal Blocks standard with700dual switches.7Stainless steel diaphragm only.8Pressure connection1⁄4NPTF.9Standard on700Series.N/A with DPDT element on400Series.10N/A with Monel diaphragm.11Standard on400Series.12N/A on3000psi range.Available with Teflon diaphragm only.13SS diaphragm required.Teflon diaphragm is the backup.NEMA7only.14Available in ranges vacuum to600psi.Not available with stainless steel or Monel diaphragm.15Buna N and Viton diaphragm–15#D&30#D only.1624,32,64or68element only.17N/A on all combinations.18700Series only.OPTIONAL FEATURES AND ACCESSORIESTemperature &HydraulicØ0.28X 3HOLESFEMALEREQURIED “XBP”VARIATION4.030.220.25(6)2.27(58)1.25(32)2.77(70)5.62(143)3.06(78)2.96(75)3/4NPT 1/4NPT FEMALEBRACKET WHENREQURIED“XBP”VARIATIONFEMALE HIGH PRESSURE PORTFEMALE LOW PRESSURE PORTØ0.28X 3HOLES2.27 2.272.27LENGTHPressure switch –psi rangesTemperature switch –direct mountTemperature switch –remote mountDifferential pressure switch –psi differential rangesDifferential pressure switch –inches of water rangesDimensions –400SeriesTemperature &HydraulicDimensions –700Series5.20Ø0.28x 3HOLES 3.58REQUIRED "XBP"VARIATION(9)0.34X 2HOLES (9)1/4HIGH PRESSURE PORT3/4REQUIRED "XBP"VA5.203.58Ø0.28x 3HOLES3.58 5.203.585.20 3.58Pressure switch –psi rangesTemperature switch –direct mountTemperature switch –remote mountPressure switch –inches of water rangesDifferential pressure switch –psi differential ranges Differential pressure switch –inches of water ranges。
Autowosol Cored Solder Wire 产品说明书
Solder 1% 18SWG 0.5K Solder 1% 20SWG0.5KSolder 1% 22SWG0.5KSolder 2% 0.5KG Solder 2% 20SWG0.5KMaterial Safety DatasheetAutosol Cored Solder WireWARTON METALS LIMITED (All alloys, gauges and flux percentages)Warton Metals Limited (Revision 06/10) Replaces all previous datasheets. *Distribute to all personnel involved in product use* 3/5Section 1. Identification of the substance / preparation and of the company / undertakingProduct Name:Manufactured By:Emergency Telephone:Emergency Fax:Autosol Cored Solder Wire For Automated & High Speed Soldering Warton Metals Limited Grove Mill, Commerce Street. Haslingden. Lancashire. BB4 5JT. ENGLAND. + 44 (0)1706 218888 +44 (0)1706 221188 Warton’s product coding system precisely defines the features of a particular type of solder wire.For example: Autosol Fast Flow 2% 63/37 22 swg No Clean Cored Solder. ‘Autosol’ denotes the product name and flux type, ‘Fast Flow 2%’ is the percentage of flux in the wire, `63/37’ is the alloy (please see table below) and ‘22swg’ is the standard wire gauge size.Section 2. Composition / Information on IngredientsFlux cored solder wire is considered to be an article and is not subject to the classification (Hazard Information and Packaging for Supply)Regulations 1994, because it is not hazardous as supplied. However this product may be hazardous In use and the information in this datasheet - reflects the hazards associated with the solder reflow operations.IngredientLead (dusts, heated vapours, fumes). Modified Rosins approx 99% in flux R20/22 - Harmful by inhalation and if swallowed. R33 - Danger of cumulative effects. R42/43 - May cause sensitisation by inhalation and skin contact. R61 - May cause harm to unborn child. CAS No: Classification Symbol Risk phrases Safety Phrases % Present 7439-92-1 T 20/22-33-61 See alloy table below8050-09-7 Xn 42/43 dependent on flux %Please use table below to determine the elements present in the alloy.Warton Part No Tin (Sn) % Lead (Pb) % Copper (Cu) % Silver (Ag) % Antimony (Sb) %63/37 62.5-63.5 Rem - - - 60/40 59.5-60.5 Rem - - - 50/50 49.5-50.5 Rem - - - 45/55 44.5-45.5 Rem - - - 40/60 39.5-40.5 Rem - - - 35/65 34.5-35.5 Rem - - - 30/70 29.5-30.5 Rem - - - 20/80 19.0-20.0 Rem - - - 15/85 14.0-15.0 Rem - - - 99C Rem - .45 - .9 - - 97C Rem - 2.5-3.5 - - Alloy No 1 49.5-50.5 Rem 1.2-1.6 - - Alloy No 2 59.5-60.5 Rem 1.6-2.0 - - HMP 5S 4.8 - 5.2 Rem - 1.2-1.8 - LMP 62S 61.5-62.5 Rem - 1.8-2.2 - 96S Rem - - 3.5-4.0 - TLS/5 4.8-5.2 Rem - 0.8-1.2 -95A Rem - - - 4.5-5.5 TSC 95.5-96 - 0.5-1 3.3-4 - Sn10Pb88Ag2 10 88 - 2 -SAC3 Rem - 0.5-0.7 2.8-3.2 - SAC2 Rem - 0.5-0.7 1.8-2.2 -Section 3. Hazards IdentificationInhalation of the flux fumes given off at soldering temperatures will irritate the nose and throat. Repeatedor prolonged exposure to flux fumes may cause an allergic reaction leading to occupational asthma.Solder alloys containing lead give of negligible lead fume at normal soldering temperatures and attemperatures up to 500ºC. Lead is harmful if absorbed into the body and can cause birth defects andother reproductive harm.Section 4. First Aid MeasuresInhalation:Skin Contact:Eye Contact:Ingestion:Flux fumes emitted during soldering will irritate the nose and throat and may cause an asthmatic type reaction. Remove affected person to fresh air, obtain medical attention if there is any respiratory distress. Rosin and rosin derivatives can cause a rash to develop. If any skin irritation develops seek medical advice. Wash hands with soap and warm water after handling solder wire. Flux fumes may irritate the eyes. The flux may spit during soldering. Flush immediately with plenty of water, ensure that the eyeball and the inside of the eyelids are properly bathed by gently prising open the eyelids. Not relevantSection 5. Fire Fighting MeasuresSuitable extinguishing media: Do not use:Exposure hazards: Protective measures: Dry chemical, carbon dioxide, water spray or foam.Water jetHigh temperatures above 500ºC may produce heavy metal dust, fumes and/or vapours. The medium will give rise to irritating fumes.Fire fighters should wear full protective clothing and breathing apparatus operated in positive pressure mode.Section 6. Accidental Release MeasuresPersonal precautions: Environmental precautions: Methods of clearing up:Refer to Section 8, Personal Protection.Refer to Section 13, Disposal.Place in closed container for subsequent disposal.Section 7. Handling & StorageHandling: Storage: The fumes produced during use should be extracted away from the breathing zone of the operators. Ensure that the general area is well ventilated. Wash the hands with soap and warm water after handling soldering products, particularly before eating and drinking or smoking.These products should be stored in a cool dry area. Keep out of the reach of children and away from food and drink.Section 8. Exposure Controls & Personal ProtectionMaximum Exposure Limits (MEL’s):-Substance: Long Term Exposure Limits (8 Hour TWA) Short Term Exposure Limit (15 min) Rosin based solder flux fume 0.05 mg/m³ 0.15 mg/m³ Sen Lead *0.15 mg/m³ -Personal Protection:-Respiratory protection: Eye Protection:Skin Protection: References:Necessary if there is a risk of exposure to high concentrations of flux fumes.Operators should wear safety goggles to protect the eyes from spitting flux.Suitable work wear should be worn to protect clothing.For blood lead monitoring and medical surveillance requirements, refer to the HSC Approved code of Practice supporting the Control of Lead at Work Regulations. Employees should be under medical surveillance if the risk assessment made under the Control of lead at Work regulations indicate they are likely to be exposed to significant concentrations of lead, or if an employment medical adviser or appointed doctor certifies that an employee should be under medical surveillance.A woman employed on work which exposes her to lead should notify her employer as soon as possible if she becomes pregnant. The employment medical advisor/appointed doctor should be informed of the pregnancy. Under the Management of Health & Safety at Work (Amendment) Regulations 1994, employers should assess the risks at work to the health of pregnant workers and workers who have recently given birth or are breast feeding.Adequate extraction methods to remove fumes from work area where this product is being used.EH40 Occupational Exposure Limits (published annually).Sen - denotes material capable of causing respiratory sensitisation.* - From Appendix 1 of the HSC Approved Code of Practice Supporting The Control of Lead at Work Regulations.Section 9. Physical & Chemical Properties.Appearance / colour: Odour:Boiling point ºC: Flash point ºC: Explosive / oxidising: Viscosity:Vapour pressure: Evaporation rate: Flammability:Grey alloy wireodourless at ambient temperaturesN/AN/AN/AN/DN/AN/AN/ApH/Concentration: N/DMelting RangeºC:See table belowAuto ignition temperature ºC: N/AExplosive limits (% vol):N/ASolubility/miscibility:N/AVolatile content (V.O.C): N/AVapour density (air = 1):N/AConductivity: N/ASpecific Gravity:N/AN/DSee table belowN/AN/AInsoluble in waterN/DN/AN/DN/AWarton Part No Melting range ºC Warton Part No Melting range ºC 63/37 183 99C 227 60/40 183-188 97C 230-250 50/50 183-212 Alloy No. 1 183-21545/55 183-224 Alloy No.2 183-19040/60 183-234 HMP5S296-301 35/65 183-244 LMP62S 179 30/70 183-255 96S 22120/80 183-275 TLS/5296-301 15/85 227-288 95A 236-243 TSC 217Sn10Pb88Ag2268-290 SAC3 217-219 SAC2217-219 Section 10. Stability & ReactivityConditions to avoid: Materials to avoid:If solder is exposed to temperature over 500ºC lead dust, fume and /or vapours may be produced. Solder will react with concentrated acid to release poisonous fumes of nitric oxide. This will in turn oxidise to nitrogen dioxide, a red gas with a pungent odour. If personnel are extensively exposed to these gases then immediate medical attention should be sought, as symptoms can be delayed for a considerable time period and can be fatal. Solder may react with other strong acids to release highly flammable / explosive hydrogen gas.Warton Metals Limited (Revision 06/10 replaces previous datasheets. *Distribute to all personnel involved in product use* 4/5Section 11. Toxicological Information ( toxic effects arising from exposure based on experimental and non experimental data)Acute Toxicity:Chronic Toxicity:Reproductive Toxicity: LD50 (Oral rat): The flux fumes produced during soldering will irritate the nose and throat. For personnel that have become sensitised to rosin fumes, exposure can cause symptoms of asthma attacks of wheezing), chest tightness and breathlessness - alveolitis breathlessness and flu like symptoms), or rhinitis and conjunctivitis (runny or stuffy nose and watery or prickly eyes typical of hay fever). Rosin can also cause sensitisation by skin contact causing dermatitis.Lead can cause weakness, vomiting, loss of appetite, convulsions and stupor.Prolonged and / or repeated exposure to flux fumes may cause some workers to develop an allergic reaction to them (become sensitised).Lead can cause weakness, insomnia, hypertension, headaches and pains in the joints. Chronic exposure to lead may result in damage to the blood - forming, nervous, urinary and reproductive systems. Lead is classified as a 2B carcinogen by the IARC (1987). Evidence for carcinogenity is adequate in animals but inadequate in humans.The placenta offers no barrier to the transport of lead from the mothers blood stream to that of the foetus. Modified rosin >2500mg/Kg.Section 12. Ecological Information(Possible environmental effects and behaviour /ODP/aquatic toxicity):Lead is not degradable and will persist in the environment. Lead is insoluble in water and is not attacked by most inorganic acids and bases. (See section 13. Disposal Considerations).Section 13. Disposal Considerations(Safe disposal of product, its residues and packaging materials):Waste solder wire (if any) should be put in metals tins and returned to Warton for disposal. Disposal should be in accordance with the relevant local and national legislation. In the UK this is the Control Of Pollution Act 1974, the Environmental Protection Act 1990 and regulations made under them. See also Sections 7 & 8 for handling precautions and personal protection where applicable.Section 14. Transport InformationSolder Wire is not classified as hazardous for transportation.Section 15. Regulatory InformationFlux cored solder wire is considered to be an article and is not subject to the classification (HazardInformation and Packaging for Supply) Regulations 1994, because it is not hazardous as supplied.However this product may be hazardous In use and the information in this datasheet - reflects thehazards associated with the solder reflow operations.Section 16. Other InformationRecommended uses and restrictions: Publications references: Use only as directed.Compiled in accordance with CHIP 2 Regulations 1994. HSE Approved Code Of Practise, document L62. Dangerous Substances Directive 57/548/EEC as amended by directive92/32/EEC. Dangerous Preparations Directive 88/379/EE as amended by Directive90/492/EECLead at Work Directive 82.605/EEC. The Health & Safety at Work Act 1974. The Control Of Lead at Work Regulations 1980. The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 1994. The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1992. The Management of Health and Safety at Work (Amendment) Regulations 1994. HS (G) 37: An Introduction to Local Exhaust Ventilation. HS (G) 53: Respiratory Protective Equipment - A practical guide for users. HS (G) 65: Successful Health & Safety Management’s. HS (G) 97: A Step by step Guide to the Coshh Regulations. EH26: Occupational Skin Diseases: health and safety Precautions. EH40: Occupational exposure limits. Revised annually. MS24: Health Surveillance of Occupational Skin Disease. MS25: Medical aspects of occupational asthma. IND (G) 95 (L) Respiratory Sensitises: A Guide For Employers. Health Surveillance under COSHH: Guidance for employers Approved Code of Practise - Management of Health & Safety at Work.Section 17. Revision DatesRevised Date / Initials: Replacing:Legend: June 2010 / vhwAll previous health and safety datasheetsN/A = Not applicable or available at time of printing. N/D = Not determined or not determinable.Est. = Estimated Rem= RemainderThe information and recommendations on this sheet relate to the specific material designated and may not be valid for such material used in combination with any other materials or in any process. The information is given in good faith and the best of Warton Metals Ltd knowledge, information and believed accurate and reliable at the time of preparation. Nothing herein is to be construed as a guarantee, express or implied in all cases it is the responsibility of the user to determine the applicability of this information or the suitability of the products for his own particular purposes.Sales & Technical Enquiries Tel: +44 (0)1706 218888 Fax: +44 (0)1706 221188Warton Metals Limited (Revision 06/10 replaces all previous datasheets. *Distribute to all personnel involved in product use* 5/5Solder 2% 22SWG 0.5KSolder 1% 18SWG 0.5K Solder 1% 20SWG0.5KSolder 1% 22SWG0.5KSolder 2% 0.5KG Solder 2% 20SWG0.5K。
DASEN-10i连接手册 PLC手册请仔细阅读本手册,并作为后续参考安全注意事项为了正确使用系统,在系统安装,运行,编程,维修,检查之前,一定要熟读机床厂家提供的规格说明,本用户手册,相关说明书及附加文件。
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Volvo Trucks FL FE操作手册说明书
Volvo Trucks.Driving ProgressInformación de servicioInformación de producto sobre camiones Volvo,para personal de servicios de emergenciaFL FEPrólogoLas descripciones y los procedimientos de servicio se basan en diseños y en estudios demétodos realizados hasta septiembre2012.Los productos son desarrollados continuamente.Para los vehículos y componentes fabricados luego de la fecha mencionada,pueden por lo tanto corresponder especificaciones y métodos de reparación distintos.Cuando se considere que ello pesa significativamente para el manual presente,se publicaráuna versión actualizada del mismo que incluya los cambios.En la próxima edición del manual estas modificaciones quedan actualizadas.En las instrucciones en donde hay incluido el número de operación en el rubro,tan solo se trata de una referencia al tarifario VST(Volvo Standard Times).Las instrucciones sin número de operación en el rubro son solamente una información general y no hacen referencia a VST.En esta información de servicio se utilizan los siguientes niveles en observación y advertencia. Nota:Indica un método,práctica o condición que debe ser seguido para que la función del vehículo o componente sea realizada en la forma apropiada.Precaución:Indica un procedimiento que no es seguro y que puede acarrear daños al producto.Advertencia:Indica un procedimiento que no es seguro y que puede acarrear heridas al personal o graves daños al producto.Peligro:Indica un procedimiento que no es seguro y que puede causar heridas graves al personal e incluso la muerte.Volvo Truck CorporationGöteborg,SwedenNúmero de pedido:89073870©2012Volvo Truck Corporation,Göteborg,SwedenInformación de productos-FE,FL Información de producto sobre servicios de emergencia de Volvo TrucksContenido•“Introducción”,página2•“Cabina”,página3•“Sistema eléctrico”,página4•“Habitáculo del conductor”,página7•“Ajuste del volante”,página7•“Sistema SCR”,página9IntroducciónT1008650 La finalidad de este documento es proporcionar informaciónsobre productos de tipo técnico,que pueda usarse para es-tablecer rutinas y métodos para actuaciones de salvamentoen accidentes de tráfico donde se haya visto involucrado uncamión Volvo.El presente documento se destina a los Equipos de salva-mento locales,responsables de actuaciones de salvamentoen el lugar del accidente.El documento contiene la siguienteinformación:•Cabina del conductor•Sistema eléctrico•Puesto de conducción y ajustes del volante•SRS/sistema de airbag•Sistema SCRCabinaLas cabinas antiguas están fabricadas en chapa de acero de materiales blandos unidos por soldadura.Por su lado,los modelos de cabina más modernos están fabricados en acero de alta resistencia.A continuación presentamos un dibujo esquemático de la es-tructura de cabina,donde las zonas de chapa de alta resis-tencia se han marcado de color gris claro y gris oscuro.Refuerzo decabinaC8063199Sistema eléctrico Recomendaciones generales:Hay dos tipos de interruptores para cortar la corriente eléc-trica del vehículo.Son el interruptor principal y el disyun-tor de ADR.Interruptor principal•El interruptor de suministro principal sólo funciona cuan-do el motor estádesconectado.NO corta la alimentación del tacógrafo,el sistema de cierre centralizado,la alarma Despuésde usarDisyuntor de ADR•En vehículos que transportan mercancías peligrosas de-be haber siempre un disyuntor de ADR.Cuando se usa este disyuntor se corta todo el sumi-nistro eléctrico independientemente de si el motor¡Advertencia!para desconectar Nota!Solamente la desconexión desde la batería o con el disyuntor de ADR corta TODO el suministro eléctrico.•Cuando se ha desconectado la alimentación de batería, se guarda energía en la unidad de mando de SRS duran-te unos segundos,tiempo suficiente para activar el air-bag o el tensor de cinturón de seguridad.Para asegurar que el sistema estádesenergizado,esperar unos3se-gundos después de desconectar la alimentación de labatería.•Antes de desconectar la corriente:¡Considerar la po-sible necesidad de abrir puertas o mover el asiento del conductor!(Ver:“Habitáculo del conductor”,página 7Si el asiento del conductor es ajustable eléctricamente,no seráposible ajustarlo después de cortar la electricidad porque el asiento no tiene mandos mecánicos.•La apariencia y la función varían entre diferentes inte-rruptores principales.Algunos modelos de camión care-cen de interruptor principal.¿Cómo se desconecta la corriente?•Desconectar el interruptor principal.No se desconec-tan todos los circuitos del camión;algunas partes especí-ficas del vehículo permanecen energizadas.No todas lascabinas tienen interruptor principal.•Interrumpir el circuito de batería soltando/cortando elcable de los bornes de batería.Ésta es la forma más se-gura de interrumpir la tensión.Se interrumpe toda la ten-sión,incluso del tacógrafo.Tener en cuenta que el vehículo sigue estando energiza-do si sólo se quita la llave de contacto.Con respecto aSRS,permanece energía almacenada en la unidad de man-do de SRS durante unos segundos después de cortarse elsuministro.Esta energía es suficiente para activar el airbag yel tensor de cinturón de seguridad durante hasta tres segun-dos después de cortar el suministro.La cifra indica la posición normal de la batería.1Caja de baterías de montaje lateral.Se puede montar en el lado izquierdo o derecho.2Caja de baterías de montaje posterior.T3072656Diferentes formas de cortar el suministro eléctrico:D.Interruptor principal telemandado.No existe en todos los vehículos.Pulsando el botón izquierdo dos veces dentro de cinco segundos,se desconecta el interruptor principal.Algunos circuitos permanecenenergizados.T301-7347C.Disyuntor de ADR.Sólo existe en vehículos que trans-portan mercancías peligrosas.Desconecta TODA lacorriente.C8063014B.Interruptor principal/interruptor de batería.Se encuentra en todos los vehículos.Algunos circuitos siguen excitados.A.Batería.Cuando se interrumpe el circuito de batería,empezar con el borne nega-tivo.Si es necesario cortar,hacerlo lo más cerca posible de la batería para reducir el riesgo de conexiones junto a los cables principales.Nota!¡Atención!No todos los componentes de la figura arri-ba están en todos los vehículos.Sistema de cierre centralizadoEl sistema de cierre centralizado se inmoviliza interrumpien-do el circuito de batería.En vehículos para transporte de mercancías peligrosas,el cierre centralizado también se in-moviliza desde el interruptor principal.Las puertas bloqueadas se pueden abrir desde el interior usando la empuñadura de apertura.Habitáculo del conductorDiseño del asientoExisten varios modelos de asiento para los diferentes mode-los de camión.El ajuste de posición de asiento vuelto atrás y adelante es en algunos casos mecánicos,pero los modelos más avanza-dos tienen ajuste eléctrico.Los modelos con ajuste mecánico se ajustan con una empu-ñadura situada debajo de la parte frontal del cojín de asiento,y los que tienen ajuste eléctrico se ajustan con un botón si-tuado en el lado izquierdo del asiento.Nota:los asientos con ajuste eléctrico no tienen sistema de ajuste mecánico.Para más información,ver:“Sistema eléctrico”,página 4Ajuste de asiento en sentidolongitudinalT8010409T8010449Ajuste con horquilla.Ajuste eléctrico.Ajuste del volanteHay un botón de operación neumática o una palanca mecá-nica en la columna de dirección.Cuando es necesario cortar o aserrar en el volante,la mane-ra más fácil es hacerlo en las zonas marcadas en blanco de acuerdo a la figura de abajo.El resto de las secciones están reforzadas.Perfil de refuerzo del volante y ajuste delvolanteT0013497T6009538Ajuste del volante.Cortar el volante.Sistema SCRRecomendaciones generales:•Cuando se para el motor,la solución de urea es bombea-da de vuelta al depósito de urea y se vacía la solución de urea del sistema SCR.Este proceso tarda unos dos minu-tos.Si se usa el interruptor de ADR para cortar la corrien-te antes de terminarse este proceso,el sistema puedeseguir estando presurizado y contener de solución deSi se usacuando•La urea es muy corrosiva y puede dañar conectores.Si la urea entra en contacto con conectores desenchufados, hay que cambiarlos de inmediato.No sirve de nada lim-piar porque la solución de urea se dispersa rápidamente en el cable,causando oxidación del metal.El derrameevaporaciónLas zonasen vehículosSistema SCREl sistema de urea es la parte del sistema de postratamientode los gases de escape que tienen algunos motores nuevospara cumplir con los requisitos de emisiones de Euro 4.Se inyecta una solución de urea en los gases de escape an-tes de que atraviesen el catalizador,para reducir las emisio-nes de óxidos de nitrógeno en los gases de escape.Los componentes principales del sistema SCR son:de-pósito de urea,unidad de bomba,unidad dosificadora y silenciador con catalizador incorporado.Sinopsis del sistema SCR y sus componentesprincipales:T20229851.Depósito de urea2.Unidad de bomba3.Unidad dosificadora4.SilenciadorSolución de ureaLa solución de urea,formada por agua destilada y un 32,5%de urea,es un líquido incoloro que puede tener un suaveolor a amoniaco.La solución de urea puede ser agresiva contra determinadosmateriales y se debe manipular con cuidado.La solución no es inflamable.A temperaturas altas la solución de urea se descompone enamoniaco y dióxido de carbono,y a temperaturas inferioresa –11°C la solución se puede congelar.La solución de urea es corrosiva a los metales,especialmen-te el cobre y el aluminio.Manipulación de la solución de urea:En caso de contacto con la piel:enjuague bien con agua tibia y quítese las prendas contaminadas.En caso de contacto con los ojos:enjuague bien con agua durante varios minutos y acuda a unmédico en caso necesario.En caso de inhalación:respire aire fresco y acuda a un médico en caso necesario. En caso de ingestión:beba agua89073870Spanish1.05Edición01 Volvo Truck Corporation。
辉瑞抗感染领域医学时讯2011年第2期大区医生专刊编译:斯沃大区医生审校:董荔IDSA MRSA 指南导读:I.皮肤和皮肤软组织感染(SSTIs)II.复发性MRSA皮肤和皮肤软组织感染(SSTIs)III.MRSA菌血症与感染性心内膜炎IV.MRSA肺炎V.MRSA引起的骨和关节感染VI.中枢神经系统MRSA感染VII.治疗MRSA感染时,辅助疗法的地位VIII.万古霉素剂量和监测的推荐IX.万古霉素药敏结果如何来指导临床治疗X. 成人持续性MRSA菌血症及万古霉素治疗失败的处理XI. MRSA新生儿患者的处理注意:本指南中涉及斯沃超适应症使用,仅供内部学习参考,切勿作为推广资料。
I. 在CA-MRSA时代,皮肤和皮肤软组织感染(SSTIs)的治疗成人SSTIs患者1. 对于皮肤脓肿,切开引流是首要的治疗(A-II)。
2. 抗生素治疗,则推荐用于以下情况的脓肿:严重或广泛性的疾病(如涉及多个部位的感染),或相关的蜂窝组织炎、体征和全身性疾病的症状快速进展,或相关合并症或免疫抑制,高龄,难以引流部位的脓肿(如脸、手和外阴部),伴发感染性静脉炎,单纯切开引流效果不佳者(A-III)。
3. 对于化脓性蜂窝织炎的门诊患者(如伴有脓性引流液或渗出液的蜂窝组织炎),等待培养结果时,建议给予CA-MRSA的经验性治疗。
4. 对于非化脓性蜂窝组织炎的门诊患者(如无脓性引流液或渗出和无伴发的脓肿),建议经验性抗β-溶血性链球菌治疗(A -II)。
A Complete ApproachWhat is a wetline kit•A wetline kit is used to connect a vocationaltruck to a trailer that has a vocational applicationso the trailer can have power to operate theproper application•Example Dump Trailer – Moving Floor – OilTransfer – Low Boy – Live Bottom – Roll Off etc.What does a wetline kit consist of •PTO – Combination Pump & Valve “Dump Pump” or separate pump andvalve - Tank - Ball Valves - Relief Valves - Hose Kits - Quick Couples -Filtration - Inside the cab controls or external controls - Connectors -Hoses - Hydraulic FluidPumpsIn Cab Controls In Line Relief Valves Filtration Hydraulic Tanks Pump and ValvePTOValves Hoses ConnectorsHow Many Trailer Lines To ConnectSingle Line•Dump TrailerOne quick coupler to connecta single hose to power thetrailer up and letting the trailerback downTwo Lines•Moving Floor •Oil Transfer •Low Boy •Live Bottom•Roll OffOne Pressure Line & One Return LineThree Lines•Bulk Feed TrucksGenerally uses a tandem gear pump that has two inlets and two outlets. The trailer has two high pressure lines and one return line – Gear pumps are normally used but Vane and Bent Axis F2 pumps are excellent alternativesHow Many Lines to ConnectComboAllows the driver to connect to different types of trailers.•One line or•T wo LineThis gives the truck greater flexibility in what type of trailer the driver can connect . Parker has 3 combination systemsto choose from:1.Standard Combo uses a dumppump and is rated up to 2500PSI max the R/V is set to 2440PSI2.Premium Combo uses a pumpand valve system and is ratedup to 3000 psi3.Auto Combo – High Flow usesa pump and valve but does notrequire any special operationfrom inside the cab by thedriver. Rated up to 3000 psiApplicationStandard•Dump Trailer•Low Boy•Roll OffPremium and Auto•Dump Trailer•Low Boy•Roll Off•Oil Transfer•Live Bottom•Frack Trailer•Moving FloorWhat Pumps are Used In ComboAdvantage Disadvantage EachStandard Combo•Less cost•One pressure setting 2440•NPT Ports•Standard In-Cab Controls •No additional valve needed •Works well in 95% for most setups•Some applications mayexperience difficulty inmoving extremely heavyloads•Has NPT pump ports that are capable of hydraulicleaks at higher pressures Premium Combo•In-Cab Controls monitors 2different pressure settings3000 and 2250 PSI•O-Ring Ports for leak freehydraulics at higherpressures•Easy to operate In-CabControls for the Driver•Able to handle a very widerange of loads•Driver must select thecorrect pressure hose whenquick coupling the trailer•About 15 % moreexpensive over a completestandard combo system.Auto Combo•Automatically monitorspressure settings 3200 and2250 PSI•O-Ring Ports for leak freehydraulics at higherpressures•Standard In-Cab Controls•Faster unloading speeds•Easy trailer connections• A little extra costGetting The Wetline Kit You Want•Determine yourapplication needs basedon the type of trailer youneed the driver toconnect, and how manylines it takes make theconnection•Go to •Click on Wetline Kits•Public – Available to All •Private - PasswordProtectedSelect the Application and start the selecting our Components •Note you will need Transmission Make & Model #Getting the Wetline Kit You WantAfter Configuring Your Kit / Click onthe summary to view your selectionsComing Soon•Purchase the individual components youdesire.•Get shipments out in 48 hours or less•One Invoice shipped at the same time•One purchase order for multipledivisional products.Components - PTO’sPTO’S areselected based on•Application •Transmission •Make •Model •Opening •Mounting •Direct /Remote •Speed •TorqueComponents - In Cab ControlsComponents - PumpsComponents - TanksComponents - Pipe Thread ReducersComponents - ValvesNote all assembled valves listed above are set for 2000-2500 PSI except for the Auto Comboand Premium Combination that has one of the sections set at 3000 PSIComponents – Trailer Hose KitsPartsIncluded•Drawings•Hoses•Adapters•ReducersComponents - Hose811 Hose is simply cut to length and is used with 88 Series hose barb and clamps or can be crimped with a Parker Crimper using 81 Series fittings.451 TC Hose must be crimped with a Parker Crimper and uses a 43 Series fittingsComponents - Hose BarbComponents - FiltrationComponents - Quick CouplersComponents - Port AdaptersComponents - Ball Valves & NipplesComponents AccessoriesIn Line Relief and Selector ValvesNeed Additional HelpCall our customer service lineParker Austin Texas USA 1-877-482-4899 Parker Milton Ontario Canada 1-844-938-5463。
Wharfedale XO-Series Crossovers 操作手册和用户指南说明书
XO-Series Crossovers
XO-204 ● XO-206 ● XO-204X ● XO-206X
XO-series User Manual.indd 1
2. RETAIN THESE INSTRUCTIONS – for future reference.
3. COMPLY WITH ALL WARNINGS – All warnings and instructions for this product should be adhered to.
The XO-Series has many user-friendly features. These easy to adjust and use features include: variable input gain and frequency select controls, Subwoofer output, balanced and unbalanced input and output connectors, phase switch, mute switch, and a soft limit switch.
The XO-Series employ analogue circuitry throughout with 24dB / octave Linkwitz Reilly filters. All models are true stereo units with 2 channels and global controls to retain the stereo imaging of the programme material.
在手动方式下,主轴处于停止状态时,按一下“主轴制动” 按键,指示灯亮主电机被锁定在当前位置。
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工作说明书目录1前言 (6)1.1 目的 (6)1.2 术语 (6)1.3 参考 (6)2项目概述 (6)2.1 项目目标 (6)2.2 项目实施前提及假设 (7)2.2.1 开发场地 (7)2.2.2 开发设备 (7)2.2.3 其他 (7)2.3 系统体系结构 (7)2.4 应用体系结构 (7)3项目工作范围 (7)3.1 项目的工作任务1 (8)3.1.1 工作描述 (8)3.1.2 乙方的职责 (8)3.1.3 甲方的职责 (8)3.1.4 工作交付物 (8)3.1.5 工作完成标志 (9)3.2 项目的工作任务2 (9)3.2.1 工作描述 (9)3.2.2 乙方的职责 (9)3.2.3 甲方的职责 (9)3.2.4 工作交付物 (9)3.2.5 工作完成标志 (9)3.3 项目不包含的工作 (9)4系统需求范围 (10)4.1 系统包含的功能 (10)4.2 系统不包含的功能 (10)4.3 系统的性能要求 (11)5项目交付清单 (11)6项目验收标准 (11)6.1 软件验收标准 (11)6.2 软件过程文档验收标准 (12)7项目实施进度 (13)8项目组织结构 (13)8.1 组织结构图 (13)8.2 角色分派及角色职责 (14)9变更管理流程 (15)9.1 变更管理流程 (15)9.2 重大变更定义 (15)9.3 变更责任 (16)10业务连续性及过渡性安排 (13)1前言本工作说明书是合同(以下为简称主合同)的不可分割的组成部分,并经__________(以下简称甲方)和________公司(以下简称乙方)协商达成以下一致意见:(1)乙方同意向甲方提供本工作说明书所述服务。
Schumacher Cargo Logistics 移动指南说明书
Customs Regulations applicable when Moving To BelgiumMoving to Belgium or for that matter any country can become difficult-unless you make yourself aware of the customs regulation details in that country. After all, you do not want your belongings to be stranded in some port in the country. In some countries especially, customs regulations can be very stringent-and you may suddenly find yourself in a puddle.So, do your homework or call us so we can guide you on all you have to do before you move!The customs regulations information listed on our website have been collected from several sources including information made-available-by embassies and government websites. Please use this information as a source of general information. Schumacher Cargo Logistics is not responsible for any unknown changes to regulations.DOCUMENTS REQUIRED∙Passport (copy including the page with customer's signature)∙Work Permit∙Certificate of Residence (original) obtained from the local Belgian town hall (aankomstattest/attestation d' arrive'e)∙Change of Residence Certificate (for Belgian nationality)∙Proof of cancellation of residence abroad∙Lease Contract or Renting Voucher∙Indemnity/insurance documents∙Inventory in English, French, Dutch or Germano Must be accompanied by an official statement for the Customs Administration (copy available from the destination agent upon request)o Must be original and five copies, valued, signed and dated by customero If auto imported, must be listed on the inventory with the manufacturer's name, body and engine number, type, color, etc.o Weapons must also be listed on the inventory with the manufacturer's name, type of weapon, serial number and caliber (customer should be able to produce permit issued in country of shipment)o All electrical appliances must be noted, with serial numbers∙For shipments originating from a non-European Community country, a certificate is required stating that the customer has resided outside the European Community for at least twelve months prior to arrival in Belgium (certificate issued by the BelgiumConsulate at the place of origin) or employer in country of origin or branch office in Belgium.∙For company moves, a signed and stamped declaration from the employer confirming that the transfer is required∙Belgians who canceled their registration in Belgium and who are returning to Belgium within two years, must prove that their stay abroad was a result of their settlement abroad. The customs documents issued at the time of exportation of their household goodsand or motor vehicle must be produced to the Customs authorities at the time of re-importation. In the absence of such documents,a warrant must be made.∙Diplomatic shipments - Customs Form 136F and diplomatic statement are required∙Contact address and telephone number of customer must be listed on documents∙If all documents are not available, a Bank Guarantee must be paid. (Refund of Guarantee will be issued upon presentation of required paperwork within the next 6 months)CUSTOMS REGULATIONS∙Non-European residents who intend to take up permanent residence in Belgium may import their household goods and personal effects including an auto, motorcycle, or pets duty and value added tax free providing:o The customer has lived at least twelve months consecutively out of Europe prior to the moveo The household goods and personal effects must have been owned and used a minimum of six months prior to the moveHEAD OFFICE: SCHUMACHER CARGO USA LOGISTICS, INC – 550 W. 135th Street, Gardena, CA 90248∙Foreigners without a Certificate of Residence in Belgium must pay a warranty of 10% for Customs duties plus 21% VAT plus BFRS 500 to cover any possible fines∙Used household goods may be imported in several separate shipments; however, the declaration of duty-free entry must be completed for all shipments at the time of the first importationDUTIABLE/RESTRICTED ITEMS∙Alcohol, tobacco products and foodstuffs∙New items (less than six months old) subject to duty∙Firearms and weapons (subject to a special license)∙Electronic/electrical equipment/appliances coming from non-European countries may require modifications in order to use them in Belgium∙Telephones and fax machines generally do not need modifications, but do require approval by Customs∙Plants and vegetable products must have Phytosanitary Certificate issued by the Ministry of Agriculture in the country of origin ∙Presents and souvenirs subject to dutyPROHIBITED ITEMS∙Ivory and other animal products; complete list must be obtained by customer from Belgian Consulate in advance of packing of shipment∙Drugs and narcoticsMOTOR VEHICLES∙Duty-free entry if owner had possession of the vehicle for at least six months prior to entry into Belgium and if sales and value added tax were paid in country of origin∙Vehicle must meet Belgium specifications and all safety requirements∙Documents required:o Original Registration or Title (specifying make, model, year, type, chassis, engine and license plate numbers)o Original Purchase Invoiceo Original license plate from previous countryo Proof of payment of sales taxo Valid European Green Liability Cardo Proof of insurance abroad valid for at least six months prior to arrival in Belgiumo Proof of European/Belgian insuranceo Copy of passport with signature pageo Proof of residence abroad for twelve months prior to arrival in Belgiumo Statement from owner that he will not sell or trade the vehicle for at least six months after final clearancePETS∙Certificate of Vaccination∙Certificate must be dated at least 30 days, but not more than one year before the entry into BelgiumNOTE - Customs regulations of Belgium are subject to change at any time. The proceeding information is a brief summary of customs regulations applicable to household goods shipments to Belgium (this destination) and is being provided for general guidance to assist our Agents and Customers. Since such regulations are subject to change without notice, Schumacher Cargo cannot be held liable for any costs, damage, delays, or other detrimental events resulting from non-compliance. Always double check with your local embassy or consulate before you make your move to Belgium.HEAD OFFICE: SCHUMACHER CARGO USA LOGISTICS, INC – 550 W. 135th Street, Gardena, CA 90248。
沃格斯沃格 WP-M WP 旋转传感器 数字和模拟旋转角度测量 说明书
Rotary TransducerAnalog rotation & angle measurementSeries WP , WP-MKey-Features:- Housing diameter WP-M: 40 mm, WP: 60 mm - Sensor element: Precision potentiometer- Measurement ranges from 90° to maximum 43200° (equals 120 turns)- Protection class IP60, optional up to IP67- Output: Potentiometer, 0...10 V or 4...20 mA - teachable outputs: 0...5 V, 0...10 V,with an additional Open-Collector switching output - Linearity up to 0.05 %- Temperature range: -20...+85 °C (optional -40 °C or +120 °C)- Revolution speed up to 200 U/min - Life expectancy > 5 million turns- Housing: anodised aluminium, stainless steelContent:Technical Data WP-M ....2Technial Data WP....3Outputs & Connection ....4Hints & Options ....5Accessories ....6Order Code (7)08.11.16WP-M-90WP-M-180WP-M-320WP-M-3T WP-M-5T WP-M-10T Measurement Range [°]90180320100018003600Linearity[%]0.300.300.300.150.150.15Improv ed Linearity (optional)[%]0.20**0.20**0.20**0.10**0.100.10 (0.05**)Potentiometer Ty pe1 Turn 1 Turn 1 Turn 3 Turn 5 Turn 10 Turn Continuous rotation possible *y esy esy esnonono* see hints on page 5** only on request, please contact the Way Con Sales team.Output A [mm]Potentiometer 53.510V / 420A67.0Output signals Signal direction signal increasing counter clock wise (v iew on shaf t)Housingaluminium, titanium grey anodised; stainless steelWorking temperature Storage temperature -30...+85 °CConnection Rotation speed Torque Shaf t material stainless steelShaf t bearing 2 sealed bearings, ty pe 2RS Shaf t load40 N radial, 25 N axialIncreased corrosion protection Protection class housing IP67Protection class shaf t side IP60, optional: IP64 or IP67Lif e expectancy > 5 Million turns Weightapprox. 130 gPotentiometer (1 k Ω), 4...20 mA, 0...10 V (see page 4)-20...+85 °C, optional: -40...+85 °C, optional: -20...+120 °C (not f or sensors with 1 Turn Potentiometer/ not f or 4...20 mA, 0...10 V)M12 connector or cable output with 2 m TPE-cableup to 200 U/min0.8 Ncm Option WP-CO: All external anodised aluminium parts of sensor are coated with HARTCOAT ®.TECHNICAL DATA – SERIES WP-MTECHNICAL DRAWING – SERIES WP-MTECHNICAL DATA – SERIES WPTECHNICAL DRAWING – SERIES WPNote: …detail A“ is valid for all rotary transducers with a measurement range of 15 turns or more!WP-90WP-180WP-320WP-3T WP-5T WP-10T WP-15T WP-20T WP-25T WP-30T Measurement Range [°]9018032010001800360054007200900010800Linearity[%]0.300.300.300. ed Linearity (optional)[%]0.20*0.20*0.20*0.10*0.100.05*0.05*0.05*0.05*0.05*Potentiometer Ty pe1 Turn 1 Turn 1 Turn 3 Turn 5 Turn 10 Turn 10 Turn**10 Turn**10 Turn**10 Turn**Continuous rotation possible ***WP-40TWP-45T WP-50T WP-60T WP-70T WP-75T WP-80T WP-90T WP-100T WP-120T Measurement Range [°]14400162001800021600252002700028800324003600043200Linearity[%] ed Linearity (optional)[%]0.05*0.05*0.05*0.05*0.05*0.05*0.05*0.05*0.05*0.05*Potentiometer Ty pe10 Turn**10 Turn**10 Turn**10 Turn**10 Turn**10 Turn**10 Turn**10 Turn**10 Turn**10 Turn**Continuous rotation possible ***nononononononononono*** see hints on page 5 * only on request, please contact the Way Con Sales team. ** with gearing y esy esy esnononononononoOutput signals Signal direction signal increasing counter clock wise (v iew on shaf t)Housingaluminium, titanium grey anodised; stainless steelWorking temperature Storage temperature -30...+85 °CConnection Rotation speed Torque Shaf t material stainless steelShaf t bearing 2 sealed bearings, ty pe 2RS Shaf t load50 N radial, 30 N axialIncreased corrosion protection Protection class housing IP67Protection class shaf t side IP60, optional: IP64 or IP67Lif e expectancy > 5 Million turns WeightPotentiometer (1 k Ω), 4...20 mA, 0...10 V (see page 4)-20...+85 °C, optional: -40...+85 °C, optional: -20...+120 °C (not f or sensors with 1 Turn Potentiometer/ not f or 4...20 mA, 0...10 V)M12 connector or cable output with 2 m TPE-cableup to 200 U/min0.8 Ncm Option WP-CO: All external anodised aluminium parts of sensor are coated with HARTCOAT ®.approx. 260 gTYPES OF OUTPUTV+V+V+Cursor GNDOutput: Potentiometer (voltage divider)Output SupplyRecommended cursor current Resolution theoretically unlimited, limited by the noise NoiseWorking temperature -20...+85 °C , optional: -40...+85 °C / -20...+120 °C Temperature coef f icient ± 0.0025 %/K1 k Ωmax. 30 V < 1 µAdependent on the quality ot the power supply V+V+V+Signal GND Sig.GNDNote: GND Sig. and GND may be connected in a 3-wire system.Output: Voltage 0...10 V Output Supply12...30 VDCCurrent consumption Output current Dy namics < 3 ms f rom 0...100 % and 100...0 %Resolution limited by the noiseNoiseInv erse-polarity protection y es, inf inite Short-circuit proof y es, permanentWorking temperature -20...+85 °C , optional: -40...+85 °C Temperature coef f icient0.0037 %/KElectromagnetic compatibility (EMC)according to EN 61326-1:20060...10 V, galv anically isolated, 4 conductors max. 22.5 mA (unloaded)max. 10 mA, min. load 10 kOhm 3 mV ss ty pical, max. 37 mV ss A+V+V+Signal Output Supply 12...30 VDCOutput current Dy namics < 1 ms f rom 0...100 % and 100...0 %Resolution limited by the noiseNoiseInv erse-polarity protection y es, inf initeWorking temperature -20...+85 °C , optional: -40...+85 °C Temperature coef f icient0.0079 %/KElectromagnetic compatibility (EMC)according to EN 61326-1:2006* e. g. ex ceeding the specified measurement range at sensors with continuous rotation (see also page 5 top)Output: Current 4...20 mA 4...20 mA, 2 conductors max. 50 mA in case of error *0.03 mA ss = 6 mV ss an 200 Ohm V+V+V+Signal MFL GNDMFL: Multi-functional lineOutput: Voltage 0...5 V, 0...10 V teachable up to approx. 50% of full scale Output 0...5 V, 0...10 V, 3 wire sy stem Supply8...35 VDC Power consumption Output current Dy namics 1 ms Resolution NoiseInv erse-polarity protection y es, inf inite Short-circuit proof y es, permanent Working temperature -40...+85 °C Temperature coef f icient0.0016 %/KElectromagnetic compatibility (EMC)according to EN 61326-1:2006max. 150 mWmax. 10 mA, min. load 1 kOhm 1 mV3 mV ss ty pical, max. 37 mV ssTEACHABLE OUTPUT 5VT, 10VT, SQUEEZERThe signals provided by the potentiometer are digitized by the VT-Electronics. This digital information is first processed by the electronics, then transformed back and given out as an analogue output signal 0 to 10 V or 0 to 5 V.The digitization offers two possibilities of adjustment, by which the sensor can be configured individually using the squeezer:1) Teaching of the measurement range. After a successful teaching process the squeezer can be pulled off the sensor and be replaced by a standard cable or connector.2) Setting an individual switching point. The squeezer allows the setting of an individual switching point open collector. The switching signal is emitted through the Multi-functional line MFL.You will find a detailed description of the functions in a separate manual.TECHNICAL DRAWING SQUEEZERV+Signal GND MFLSQUEEZERTeach Signal output 0...10 VGround+U B = 8...35 V Switching output (open collector)PIN-1PIN-2PIN-3PIN-4ELECTRICAL CONNECTION SQUEEZERPin Pin 1V+V+Pin 2Signal Signal Pin 3GND GND Pin 4MFL*OC**Pin assignment Cable colour Wire brown white blue black* Multi-f unctional line ** Open CollectorELECTRICAL CONNECTION ANALOG OUTPUTConnector output - M12, 4 polesCable output Pin 0...10 V 4...20 mA 1 kOhm 0...5 V, 0...10 V 1V +V +V +V +2Signal n. c.Cursor Signal 3GND Signal GND GND 4GND Signaln. c.n. c.MFL(teachable)* Multi-f unctional lineCable ty pe TPE, f lexibleCable directionaxialLength standard: 2 m, (others on request)Diameter 4.5 mm Wire 0.25 mm²Temperaturef ixed installation -30...+85 °C Cable colour0...10 V 0...5 V, 0...10 V brown V +V +V +V +white Signal n. c.Cursor Signal blue GND Signal GND GND blackGND Signaln. c.n. c.MFL*f lexible installation -20...+85 °C4...20 mA 1 kOhm (teachable)* Multi-f unctional lineHINTSRotary transducers with 1 Turn PotentiometerThis type of Potentiometer is used to measure angles smaller than 360°. The sliding track has a circular shape. A certain segment of the sliding track is non-conducting. This way the beginning and the end of the measurement range is defined. With view on shaft the signal increases when the shaft is turned counter clock wise. The output signal drops to zero as soon as the cursor reaches the non-conducting part of the sliding track. If turned further, the signal starts to increase again as soon as the beginning of the measurement range is reached. A continuous rotation is possible.Generally spoken the 1 Turn Potentiometer is made for use within the measurement range. If the sensor is used in a continuous rotation mode the cursor gets dragged over the non-conducting segment of the sliding track which leads to an increased wear.Rotary transducers with 3, 5, 10 Turn PotentiometersThis type of Potentiometer has a start and a end stop (no continuous rotation). With view on shaft the signal increases when the shaft is turned counter clock wise.Installation of the sensorBefore installing the rotary transducer it is very important to manually turn the shaft clockwise (view on the shaft) until the start stop is reached and then a few degrees back again. After this procedure the sensor can be installed (without turning the shaft).This is the only way to make sure that the beginning of the measurement range corresponds with the start of the sliding track and an over-winding at the end of the measurement range is avoided.OptionOrder code DescriptionProtection class IP64WP-IP64An improv ed bearing is used that prev ents the entering of humidity into the sensor.Protection class IP67WP-IP67WP-CO(e. g. sea water) with a hard ceramics-like lay er.Increased temperature range lowtemperature range -40...+85 °C.Inverted output signalWP-INIncreased temperature range high WP-T120Please use this option in case the sensor is used in a humid env ironment. Please use this option in case the sensor (temporarily ) immersed in water. All bearings are made of stainless steel which prev ents rusting. The shaf t is equipped with a sealing that prev ents water f rom entering. Because of this sealing a certian hy steresis may be noticed in the output signal.Corrosion protection HARTCOA T ®All external anodised aluminium parts of sensor are coated with HARTCOA T ®.This coating is a hard-anodic oxidation that protects the sensor f rom corrosion by aggressiv e media WP-T40The use of special components and special grease enables the sensor to work at a Standard: the analog signal increses when turning the shaf t counter clock wise. Option IN inv erts the signal, so that the sensor signal decreases when turning the shaf t counter clock wise.Dev ices with Potentiometer output (1R) and cable output can be supplied with this option. T emperature Range -20...+120 °C. (NOT f or sensors with 0...10 V and 4...20 mA output or with 1 Turn Potentiometers)OPTIONSFS10V/20mAOutput signal Rotation counter clock wise0V/4mAinvertedstandardBeginning of the measurement range Ending of themeasurement rangeSchematic diagram of the sliding track (view on shaft)non-conducting segmentACCESSORIESCouplingsBellows couplings are used for the free of backlash connection between an encoder and a shaft. The couplings are free of wear and compensate lateral, axial and angular shaft misalignment. The mounting on the shaft is done by clamping hubs.Standard couplings:MBK-15.5-23-06-06MBK-20-26-06-10MBK-20-26-10-10Digital displays PAXP (1 channel) and PAXDP (2 channels) for sensors with analog output signals 0..10 V or 4..20 mA Use the PAXD or PAXDP display to visualise the measured distance of transducers with an analog output signal.A transmission of the measurement data to a computer or PLC can be done with interface plug-in cards. Inputs: 0...10 V or 4...20 mA, 2 independent counters (for PAXDP)Analog output (plug-in cards): 0...20 mA, 4...20 mA, 0...10 VSerial interfaces (plug-in cards): RS485, RS232, DeviceNet, USB, Profibus, Relay output, Transistor output Protection class: IP65 (front panel)Display: 5 digits PAXP000B: 1 channel, power supply: 85 to 250 VACPAXP001B: 1 channel, power supply: 11 to 36 VDC/24 VAC PAXDP000B: 2 channels, power supply: 85 to 250 VACPAXDP001B:2 channels, power supply: 11 to 36 VDC/24 VACFor further information please see the PAXD and PAXDP data sheet.Digital display - PAXD ( for Potentiometer)Use the PAXD display to visualise the measured distance of the position transducer with a potentiometer as sensor element. A transmission of the measurement data to a computer or PLC can be done with interface plug-in cards. Inputs:Potentiometer signalAnalog output (plug-in cards): 0...20 mA, 4...20 mA, 0...10 VSerial interfaces (plug-in cards): RS485, RS232, DeviceNet, USB, Profibus, Relay output, Transistor outputProtection class: IP65 (Front panel)Display: 5 digitsPAXD000B: 1 channel, power supply: 85 to 250 VAC PAXD001B: 1 channel, power supply:: 11 to 36 VDC/24 VACFor further information please see the data sheet of the PAXD display seriesCable with connector M12, 4 poles, shielded K4P2M-S-M12K4P5M-S-M12K4P10M-S-M12K4P2M-SW-M12K4P5M-SW-M12K4P10M-SW-M12 2 m, connector straight, IP675 m, connector straight, IP6710 m, connector straight, IP672 m, connector angular, IP675 m, connector angular, IP6710 m, connector angular, IP67Mating Connector M12, 4 poles, shielded, IP67D4-G-M12-S D4-W-M12-Swire cross-section: 0.14...0.34 mm²straight, M12 for self assembly angular, M12 for self assembly cable passage: ø 4...8 mm PIN cable colour PIN cable colour 1brown 3blue 2white4blackAnalog output0...10 V voltage output0...5 V (teachable) voltage output 0...10 V (teachable) voltage output4...20 mA current output 1 kOhm potentiometer10V 5VT 10VT 420A 1R ConnectionM12 connector output, 4 poles, axial Cable output axial, specify length in meter Standard length is 2 m (minimum): KA02SA12KA_ _WP / WP-M*ORDER CODEACCESSORIESOffice Köln Auf der Pehle 150321 BrühlTel.+49 (0)2232 56 79 44Fax +49 (0)2232 56 79 45Head OfficeMehlbeerenstr. 482024 TaufkirchenTel.+49 (0)89 67 97 13-0Fax +49 (0)89 67 97 13-250 WayCon Positionsmesstechnik GmbH email:**************internet: www.waycon.deSubject to change without prior notice.Version StandardSensor with additional options-OCable with mating connector M12, 4-pole, shielded K4P2M-S-M12PAX P000B 1 channel, supply : 85 to 250 VAC K4P5M-S-M12PAX P001B1 channel, supply : 11...36 VDC/24 VACK4P10M-S-M12K4P2M-SW-M12K4P5M-SW-M12PAX DP00B 2 channels, supply : 85 to 250 VAC K4P10M-SW-M12PAX DP01B2 channels, supply : 11...36 VDC/24 VACMating Connector M12, 4-pole, shielded Digital display 1 channel, Potentiometer D4-G-M12-S PAX D000B 1 channel, supply : 85 to 250 VAC D4-W-M12-SPAX D001B1 channel, supply : 11...36 VDC/24 VACSQUEEZER Couplings SQUEEZER20002 m cable, open endsMBK-15.5-23-06-06MBK-20-26-06-10Connection cable for SQEEZER, 4-pole, shielded MBK-20-26-10-10K4P1,5M-SB-M121.5 m, M12-connector, M12 mating connector straightDigital display 1 channel, 0...10V/4...20 mA 2 m, straight connector 5 m, straight connector 10 m, straight connector 2 m, angular connector Digital display 2 channels, 0...10V/4...20 mA 5 m, angular connector 10 m, angular connectorstraight, M12 for self assembly angular, M12 for self assemblycoupling, bore diameter: 2 x ø 6 mm coupling, bore diameter: ø 6 mm, ø 10 mm coupling, bore diameter: 2 x ø 10 mmMeasurement range90° continuous rotation possible 180°continuous rotation possible 320°continuous rotation possible 3 Turn 5 Turn 10 Turn 15 Turn 20 Turn 25 Turn 30 Turn 40 Turn 45 Turn 50 Turn 60 Turn 70 Turn 75 Turn 80 Turn 90 Turn 100 Turn 120 Turn901803203T 5T 10T 15T 20T 25T 30T 40T 45T 50T 60T 70T 75T 80T 90T 100T 120T* WP-M only available up to max. 10TAdditional optionsimproved linearity 0.10 % (for MR 3T/5T/10T)improved linearity 0.20 % (for MR 90/180/320)improved linearity 0.05 %, on request improved protection class shaft side IP64improved protection class shaft side IP67inverted output signal HARTCOAT ® coatingtemperature range -40...85 °Ctemperature range -20...+120 °C (only 1R + KA)WP-L10WP-L20WP-L05WP-IP64WP-IP67WP-IN WP-CO WP-T40WP-T120** only for measurement range 3T or greater。
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M03 S1000
G98 g73 z-30 R1 q2 f200
G80 g0 z50
第四步设置毛坯,菜单:工件操作→设置毛坯,设置参数如图6所示。设置工件装夹:工件操作→工件装夹,根据情况选择其中的一种方式,本例选择平口钳装夹,并点 上向键,调整工件上下位置。
图1-37 G73、G70加工例图
N100 Y-20.0;(刀具沿Y轴负向移动20)
N110 X-50.0;(刀具沿X轴负向移动50)
N120 Z60.0;(刀具沿Z轴正向抬起60)
N130 G40 X-30.0 Y-30.0:(刀具沿X轴负向、Y轴负向各移动30,取消刀具半径补偿)
N15 M05;
N16 M30;
指令格式:G71 U(Δd)R(e)
G71 P(ns)Q(nf)U(Δu)W(Δw)F(f)S(s)T(t)
②M98 P×××× L××××。其中,P后面的4位为子程序号;L后面的4位为重复调用次数,省略时为调用一次。
①对Z轴:使刀具在Z方向移动与工件上表面接触→按 进入参数输入界面,点击图8中所示坐标系下空白按钮,出现图10所示界面。移动光标到G54坐标系处→输入Z120→测量,Z轴即对刀完毕。
②对X轴:选择ZX平面,移动刀具,使刀具在X正方向与工件相切(如图11所示)→按 进入参数输入界面(如图10),移动光标到G54坐标系处→输入X60→测量,X轴即对刀完毕。
③对Y轴:移动刀具到工件上方。选择ZY平面,移动刀具,使刀具在Y正方向与工件相切(如图11所示)→按 进入参数输入界面(如图10),移动光标到G54坐标系处→输入Y60→测量,Y轴即对刀完毕。
①M98 P×××××××。其中,P后面的前3位为重复调用次数,省略时为调用一次;后4位为子程序号。
第一步,选择法那克数控铣系统FANUC 0iM(如图1所示)
第二步,打开电源→松开急停按钮→回参考点→打开程序保护。如图2所示1,2,3,4。回参考点方法:①方式选择在回参考点模式②选择轴类型(分别选择X,Y,Z,A)③选择一个轴类型后,分别点击轴移动中的 按钮。回参考点后,系统面板如图3所示。
N06 G00 X40.0 S800;
N07 G01 W-40.0 F0.15;
N08 X60.0 W-30.0;
N09 W-20.0;
N10 X100.0 W-10.0;
N11 W-20.0;
N12 X140.0 W-20.0;
N13 G70 P06 Q12;
N14 G00 X200.0 Z220.0;
N40 Y30.0;(刀具沿Y轴正向移动30)
N50 X-10.0;(刀具沿X轴负向移动10)
N60 X10.0 Y30.0;(刀沿X轴正向移动40)
N80 X10.0 Y-30.0;(刀具沿X轴正向移动10,Y轴负向移动30)
N90 X-10.0;(刀具沿X轴负向移动10)
指令格式:G72 U(Δd)R(e)
G72 P(ns)Q(nf)U(Δu)W(Δw)F(f)S(s)T(t)
N10 G91 G00 Z-45.0:(相对方式编程,刀具快速向下移动45)
N20 G41 X40.0 Y20.0 D01;(刀具快速移动到(40,20)处,调用刀具半径左补偿)
N30 G01 Z-10.0 F100.0:(刀具向下切入工件,切深5mm,进给速度100mm/min)
①手动模式→试切工件端面→Z方向不动,沿X方向退出→ 进入参数输入界面。
②按 → →输入:Z0.0→→T01刀Z轴方向对刀完毕。
③试切外圆→X方向不动,沿Z方向退出→测量直径(假设测量得直径φ96.17)→按 进入参数输入界面,按 → 输入测量的直径X96.17→按
图1-36 G71、G70加工例图
N01 G50 X200.0 Z220.0;坐标系设定
N02 M03 S800 T0101;
N03 G00 X160.0 Z180.0;
N04 G71 U7.0 R0.5;
N05 G71 P06 Q12 U4.0 W2.0 F0.3 S500;(粗车循环)
N10 G90 G54 G00 X0 Y0 S1000 M03;(绝对方式编程,调用G54坐标系,刀具快速移动到(0,0)点,主轴正转,转速1000r/min)
第八步自动加工,方式选择设置为自动模式→点 键→点 ,即可自动完成加工。