
1、全面建成小康社会build a moderately prosperous in all respects2、不断涌现there was a constant stream of3、一般公共预算收入revenue in general public budgets4、全国居民人均可支配收入per capita disposable personal income5、农村居民人均可支配收入per capita disposable income of rural residents6、目标提前实现the goal of ... was achieved ahead of schedule7、区间调控range-based macro regulation8、定向调控targeted regulation9、战略定力strategic focus10、激活力、补短板、强实体stimulated market activity, shored up the our weak spots, and boosted the real economy11、做到结构调优而不失速e nsure that structural adjustment were made without compromising the growth rate12、积极的财政政策proactive fiscal policy13、稳健的货币政策prudent monetary policy14、社会发展薄弱环节weak areas in economic and social development15、啃下了不少硬骨头tackle many tough issues16、专项转移支付项目items receiving special transfer payments17、一般性转移支付transfer payments for general purposes18、“沪港通”the Shanghai-Hong kong Stock Connect19、机关事业单位养老保险制度the pension system for employees of Party and government offices and public institutions20、上海自由贸易试验区the China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone1、夯实……根基lay a firm foundation for...2、农业综合生产能力overall agricultural production capacity3、水利工程water conservancy projects4、退耕还林还草return more marginal farmland to forest or grassland5、异军突起rise swiftly to prominence6、众多“创客”脱颖而出creators come thick and fast7、京津冀Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region8、长江经济带the Yangtze Economic Belt9、农网rural power grids10、南水北调中线一期工程the first phase of the middle route of the South-to-North Water Diversion Project11、中关村国家自主创新示范区t he Zhongguancun National Innovation Demonstration Zone12、支线客机 a regional jet13、保基本、兜底线、建机制we have been working to build up a basic safety net, ensure there is a cushion in place for those most in need, and make relevant institutional arrangements 14、城乡居民基本养老保险制度the basic pension systems for rural residents and non-working urban residents15、企业退休人员基本养老金水平basic pension benefits for enterprise retirees16、保障性安居工程government-subsidized housing units17、临时救助制度temporary-assistance18、城乡低保标准subsistence allowances for urban and rural residents19、抚恤和生活补助标准subsidies and living allowance20、残疾军人、烈属和老复员军人disabled military personnel, families of revolutionary martyrs, and old-age veterans1、中国上海自由贸易实验区the China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone2、双反anti-dumping and countervailing3、跌宕起伏fluctuation4、保持定力maintain confidence5、保就业的下限ensure that employment does not fall below the prescribed minimun level6、防通胀的上限ensure that inflation does not rise above the projected level7、持续下行continue to decline8、多年少有的the first time in many years9、拆放利率rate for lending10、硬着陆hard landing11、超发货币issue excessive currency12、定心丸reassured the market13、成为经济稳中向好的关键一招played a vital role in sustaining steady economic growth14、盘活存量,用好增量made good use of both existing and additional monetary and finacial resources15、整合压缩integrated and cut16、一般性支出regular expenditures17、摸清get a clear picture of18、精准发力strove to take well-targeted steps19、提质增效raising the quality and returns of development20、铺路搭桥creating conditions。


三中全会期间,哪些议题最热,又涌现了哪些新的流行词? 让我们看看这些热门词汇用英文如何表达。
那么,全会通过的“决定”、“公报”等文件有什么区别呢?《党政机关公文处理条例》指出,“公报”(Communique)适用于“公布重要决定或者重大事项”,如,《中国共产党第十八届中央委员会第三次全体会议公报》(Communique of the Third Plenum of 18th CPC Central Committee)。
“决定”(Decision)适用于“对重要事项作出决策和部署、奖惩有关单位和人员、变更或者撤销下级机关不适当的决定事项”,如,《中共中央关于全面深化改革若干重大问题的决定》(The Decision of the CPC Central Committee on Several Important Issues of Comprehensively Deepening Reform)。
“决议”(Resolution)适用于“会议讨论通过的重大决策事项”,如,《中国共产党第十八次全国代表大会关于十七届中央委员会报告的决议》(Resolution of the Eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China on the Report of its Seventeenth Central Committee)。
“报告”(Report)适用于“向上级机关汇报工作、反映情况,回复上级机关的询问”,如,《政府工作报告》(Report on the Work of the Government)。

政府工作报告完整版【中英对照】Areviewofourworkin经济运行缓中趋稳、稳中向好;Theeconomyhasregisteredaslowerbutstableperformancewithgoodm omentumforgrowth.国内生产总值达到74.4万亿元,增长6.7%;GDPreached74.4trillionyuan,representing6.7-percentgrowth.居民消费价格上涨2%;TheCPIroseby2percent.工业企业利润由上年下降2.3%转为增长8.5%;Withan8.5-percentincreaseinprofits,industrialenterprisesrev ersedthepreviousyear'snegativegrowthof2.3percent.就业增长超出预期;Employmentgrowthexceededprojections.全年城镇新增就业1314万人;Atotalof13.14millionnewurbanjobswereadded.年末城镇登记失业率4.02%,为多年来最低;Theregisteredurbanunemploymentratestoodat4.02percentatyear-end,thelowestlevelinyears.供给侧结构性改革初见成效;Initialsuesswasachievedinsupply-sidestructuralreform.服务业增加值占国内生产总值比重上升到51.6%;Thevaluecreatedbytheservicesectorroseto51.6percentofGDP.大众创业、万众创新广泛开展;Peoplewerebusylaunchingbusinessesormakinginnovations.全国居民人均可支配收入实际增长6.3%;Personalpercapitadisposableineincreasedby6.3percentinrealte rms.农村贫困人口减少1240万;Thenumberofpeoplelivinginpovertyinruralareaswasreducedby12. 4million.出境旅游超过1.2亿人次;Overseastripsexceeded120million.广义货币M2增长11.3%,低于13%左右的预期目标;TheM2moneysupplyincreasedby11.3percent,belowourprojectedtar getofaround13percent.深入推进“互联网+”行动和国家大数据战略;WetookfurtherstepstoimplementtheInterPlusactionplanandthena tionalbigdatastrategy.74个重点城市细颗粒物(PM2.5)年均浓度下降9.1%;A9.1-percentdropintheannualaveragedensityoffineparticulatem atter(PM2.5)wasseenin74majorcities.Whatthegovernmentwilldoin今年发展的主要预期目标是:Keyprojectedtargetsfordevelopmentthisyear:国内生产总值增长6.5%左右,在实际工作中争取更好结果;GDPgrowthofaround6.5percent,orhigherifpossibleinpractice.居民消费价格涨幅3%左右;CPIincreasekeptaround3percent.城镇新增就业1100万人以上,城镇登记失业率4.5%以内;Over11millionnewurbanjobs,andaregisteredurbanunemploymentra tewithin4.5percent.继续实施积极的财政政策和稳健的货币政策。

1.两会(liǎnghuì) – The Two Sessions两会是中国全国人民代表大会和中国人民政治协商会议的简称。
2.政府工作报告(zhèngfǔ gōngzuò bàogào) – Government Work Report政府工作报告是在两会期间发布的一份重要文档,它总结过去一年的工作,并提出了未来一年的政策目标和计划。
3.贸易战(màoyì zhàn) – Trade War贸易战是两个或多个国家之间的经济争端,涉及互相施加关税或贸易限制等措施。
4.供给侧改革(gōngjǐ cè gǎigé) – Supply-Side Reform供给侧改革是中国政府近年来实施的一项重要经济政策,旨在优化产业结构和提高供给质量。
5.精准扶贫(jīngzhǔn fúpín) – Precision Poverty Alleviation精准扶贫是中国政府为解决贫困问题而推出的一项战略。
6.区块链(qūkuài liàn) – Blockchain区块链是一种分布式账簿技术,它的主要特点是具有去中心化、可追溯和安全性等特点。
中国两会热词 英汉翻译

政府注资pump priming软环境soft environment粮食最低收购价crops' minimum purchase prices保八Eight Percent Protection以人为本Put People First农民企业家Farmer-turned-entrepreneur窗口指导window guidance下岗再就业Re-employment after being laid off登记失业率registered unemployment rate扩大内需propel/expand domestic demand城乡差距rural-urban divide基本医疗保险basic medical insurance家电下乡Home appliances going to the countryside教育公平Equal Access to Education"三农"Issues of agriculture, farmer and rural area农村留守人口Rural Left-Behind Population提案proposal2008政府工作报告热词——国企篇国有企业state owned enterprises (SOEs)主要产业core business税收贡献tax contributions民航civil aviation所有制结构ownership structure发展大型粮食基地to develop large grain production bases国有资产所有权转移transferring ownership of state-owned assets完善所有制结构to improve ownership structure实行政策性关闭破产to carry out policy-mandated closures and bankruptcies建立国有资本经营预算制度to set up a budget system for managing state capi tal国有企业资产总额the total value of assets of state owned enterprises (SOEs)国有资产管理体制改革reform of the management system for state-owned asset s国有经济布局与结构调整adjustment of the distribution and structure of the st ate sector建立和完善国有资产出资人制度to set up and improve a system for investors of state assets引入国有企业股份制to institute a stockholding system in SOEs邮政体制改革reform of the postal service system振兴老工业基地战略strategy of rejuvenating the old industrial bases国有企业改革改组改造reforming, reorganizing and upgrading SOEs深化国有企业股份制改革to deepen the reform to convert SOEs into stockhold ing corporations加强公司化管理to improve corporate governance实行政策引导关闭和破产to carry out policy-mandated closures and bankruptci es加快资源枯竭型城市经济转型to transform the economies of cities dependent on resource exploitation扩大建立国有资产管理预算系统试点to expand the experiment of setting up a budget system for managing state capital引入竞争,加强政府管理和公共监督,深化垄断企业改革to deepen the reform of monopoly industries by introducing competition and strengthening governmen t regulation and public supervision严格国有资产转化为股份制企业的标准程序to strictly standardize procedures f or transforming SOEs into stock companies资源型城市经济转型试点to transform the economies of cities dependent on re source exploitation严格规范国有企业改制和国有产权转让,防止国有资产流失to strictly standardi ze procedures for transforming SOEs into stock companies and for transferring ownership of state-owned assets to prevent their erosion主辅分离,辅业改制to separate SOE's secondary businesses from their core bu sinesses and covert the former into independent companies以人为本的社会people-first society廉租房low-rent house廉租房项目low-rent housing program经济适用房economically affordable house二手房resold apartment小型和中型不动产small and medium-sized condominiums中低收入家庭low- and middle-income families高收入家庭high-income families中等收入阶层middle-income bracket房地产real estate多渠道解决住房问题an integrated effort to solve housing problems保持社会稳定to maintain social stability城市贫困人口urban poor低收入城市居民的住房困难housing difficulties of low-income urban residents 增加“两限房”供给to increase supply of reasonably priced housing抑制高端房产需求to curb demand for high-end housing防止房价过热to prevent overheating in housing prices囤积和投机土地和房地产to hoard and speculate land and houses次贷危机subprime crisis2008政府工作报告热词——就业篇严厉打击非法用工to severely punish illegal employment加强劳动争议处理to improve the handling of labor disputes加强劳动保障监察to improve oversight for worker protection measures就业促进法Employment Promotion Law劳动合同法Labor Contract Law城镇登记失业率registered urban unemployment rate鼓励创业to encourage business startups公共就业服务体系public employment service system完善再就业扶持政策to improve the aid system for job seekers“零就业”家庭zero-employment families就业机会employment opportunities非农产业nonagricultural sectors失业保险制度unemployment insurance system劳动力总量大增 a large increase in the total workforce支持创办小型企业to support citizens to establish small enterprises鼓励自谋职业和自主创业to encourage people to find jobs on their own or star t their own businesses加强就业和创业培训to strengthen vocational training and training in how to s tart a business城乡劳动者平等就业制度an employment system that treats urban and rural w orkers equally落实促进残疾人就业政策to carry out policies to find more jobs for people w ith physical and mental disabilities建立帮助零就业家庭解决就业困难长效机制to create a permanent mechanism to help zero-employment families find jobs通过加强就业和创业培训,鼓励自谋职业和自主创业,以及支持创办小型企业来扩大就业to expand employment "by encouraging and training business start-up s, strengthening job training, encouraging people to find jobs on their own, an d supporting the establishment of small enterprises政府机构重组government bodies realigning大部门体制super-ministries system服务型政府service-oriented government公共资源管理management of public resources行政权力监督institutional supervision on the exercise of power提高政府工作透明度to increase transparency of government affairs旗帜鲜明地反对腐败to strongly voice against corruption财政转移支付to transfer payments政府采购government procurement土地和矿产资源开发development of land and mineral resources国有资产转让transfer of state-owned assets群众反映强烈的问题people's pressing concerns食品药品安全food and drug safety安全生产workplace safety土地征收征用land acquisition and expropriation房屋拆迁housing demolition职责交叉、权责脱节overlapping responsibilities and powers not being matched by responsibilities合理配置宏观调控部门职能to appropriately divide responsibilities among depar tments that exercise macroeconomic regulation调整和完善行业管理机构to adjust and improve bodies in charge of industrial management加强社会管理和公共服务部门to improve departments responsible for public ad ministration and public services权力过分集中和缺乏制约的问题the problems of excessive concentration of po wer and lack of checks on power从紧货币政策tight monetary policy稳健财政政策prudent fiscal policy宏观经济调控macroeconomic regulation政府临时调控government interim intervention经济增长模式mode of economic development固定资产投资反弹 a resurgence in fixed asset investment货币信贷投放仍然偏多continued excessive supplies of money and credit流动性过剩excessive liquidity转型过程transformation process行政手段administrative measures螺旋式通胀spiraling inflation通胀压力inflationary pressure抑制通胀to hold down inflation次贷危机subprime mortgage crisis经济剧烈波动drastic fluctuations in the economy经济过热economic overheating防止经济过热to prevent the economy from overheating促进结构调整和协调发展to promote structural adjustment and balanced develo pment减轻弱势群体负担ease the burden on the disadvantaged group增加对薄弱环节、改善民生、深化改革等方面的支出to increase expenditures n ecessary "to shore up weak links, improve people's lives and deepen reform" Politics Hot Word职业资格vocational qualification精神疾病mental illness防卫过当excessive defense选举舞弊electoral fraud违纪disciplinary violation/offense黄金时段prime time过滤软件filtering software交通协管员traffic warden求救呼叫mayday call飚车drag racing流感“二代”病例domestic flu case综合能力all-round ability冒名顶替identity theft“牵线”帮忙pull strings艳照sex picture产前性别选择prenatal gender selection 权宜之计half-measure巡回演出road show零和博弈zero-sum game先天免疫natural immunity低空飞行flyover猪流感swine flu青年发展协助youth outreach测谎考验straight-face test预先禁令Preliminary injunction强弱排序pecking order总体规划master plan动员讲话Pep talk遏制政策containment policy联合tie-up牟取最大利益Cream off人员大改组Shake-up幕后behind-the-scenes捷径和妙方quick fix and silver bullet 180度大转弯about-face婴儿潮baby boom审批程序vetting process有罪答辩guilty plea分组讨论panel discussion政务透明administrative transparency统计公报statistical communiqué流失文物looted relics躲猫猫hide-and-seek双轨机制double-track mechanism真人秀reality show典型代表Poster child试点计划pilot program基层社区grassroots community拇指规则rule of thumb报废卫星defunct satellite干旱期dry spell。

精品文档欢迎下载2【相关词汇】税收激励taxincentive减税降费cuttaxesandadministrativefees房产税propertytax免税taxmptionTaxreduction减税Chinahasbeencommittedtocuttingtaxesandfeesforenterprisesandempl oyeesinrecentyearsinabidtoboostinvestmentandconsumption.Totaltax esandfeecutsreachedabout1.3trillionyuanlastyear.近几年,我国一直致力于对企业和个人减税降费,以促进投资和消费。
【相关词汇】增值税value-addedtax企业所得税enterpriseincometax免税taxmption减税taxreduction,taxcut收入分配distributionofincome避税地taxhavenMonetarystance货币政策TheannualCentralEconomicWorkConferencesaidChinawillkeeptheprudentmonetarypolicy“neithertootightnortooloose“thisyearwhilemaint ainingmarketliquidityatareasonablyamplelevel.中央经济工作会议表示,今年我国将继续保持审慎的货币政策,要松紧适度,保持流动性合理充裕。

政府工作报告热词——宏观经济篇(英汉对照)这些政府工作报告中的热词,你会用英语表达吗?快和小编一起来英语翻译中学习一下吧!从紧货币政策tight monetary policy稳健财政政策prudent fiscal policy宏观经济调控macroeconomic regulation政府临时调控government interim intervention经济增长模式mode of economic development固定资产投资反弹a resurgence in fixed asset investment货币信贷投放仍然偏多continued excessive supplies of money and credi流动性过剩excessive liquidity转型过程transformation process行政手段administrative measures螺旋式通胀spiraling inflation通胀压力inflationary pressure抑制通胀to hold down inflation次贷危机subprime mortgage crisis经济剧烈波动drastic fluctuations in the economy经济过热economic overheating防止经济过热to prevent the economy from overheating促进结构调整和协调发展to promote structural adjustment and balanced development减轻弱势群体负担ease the burden on the disadvantaged group增加对薄弱环节、改善民生、深化改革等方面的支出to increaseexpenditures necessary to shore up weak links, improve people’s lives and deepen reform。

在第十一届全国人民代表大会第三次会议上的政府工作报告中英对照在第十一届全国人民代表大会第三次会议上的政府工作报告国务院总理温家宝2010年3月5日REPORT ON THE WORK OF THE GOVERNMENT--Delivered at the Third Session of the Eleventh National People's Congresson March 5, 2010Wen JiabaoPremier of the State Council各位代表,Fellow Deputies,现在,我代表国务院向大会作政府工作报告,请予审议,并请全国政协各位委员提出意见。
On behalf of the State Council, I now present to you my report on the work of the government for your deliberation and approval. I also invite the members of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) to provide comments and suggestions.一、2009年工作回顾I. Review of Work in 20092009年是新世纪以来我国经济发展最为困难的一年。

人与自然和谐共生harmony between humankind and nature美丽中国建设Beautiful China Initiative资源节约型、环境友好型社会resource-conserving, environmentally friendly society国家生态文明试区national ecological conservation pilot zone重点生态功能区important ecological area (IEA)绿色低碳循环发展产业体系industrial system geared toward green, low-carbon, and circular development绿色金融green finance循环发展引领计划initiative to guide the shift toward circular development全民节能行动计划Nation of Energy Savers Initiative用能权、用水权、排污权、碳排放权初始分配制度initial allocation system for energy, water, pollution, and carbon permits工业污染源全面达标排放计划initiative to ensure that all industrial polluters comply with discharge standards省以下环保机构监测监察执法垂直管理制度system whereby environmental protection agencies below the provincial level come directly under the supervision of their respective provincial-level agencies in terms of environmental inspection and monitoring领导干部自然资源资产离任审计audit outgoing officials’natural resource asset management近零碳排放区示范工程initiative to demonstrate near-zero carbon emissions zones耕地轮作休耕制度crop rotation and fallow system污染物总量控制aggregate emissions control生态安全屏障eco-security shield江河源头和水源涵养区生态保护ecological protection of river sources and water source conservation areas蓝色海湾整治行动Blue Bay Initiative创新~宏观调控思路和方式DEVELOP NEW ideas and methods for macro regulation~社会治理DEVELOP NEW FORMS of social governance~金融监管EXPLORE NEW APPROACHES to financial regulation有序农村土地确权登记颁证~进行The work to determine, register and certify contracted rural land-use rights proceeded AS PLANNED~化解社会矛盾work to resolve social problems in a SYSTEMMATIC WAY~开工黄金水道治理等重大项目work STEP BY STEP to launch major projects including upgrading the major waterways along the Yangtze River熟词生义About prep.大约,在周围VS转到相反的方向真题例句Curbs on business-method claims would be a dramatic about-face because it was the federal circuit itself that introduce such patents with is 1998 decision in the so-called state street Bank case, approving a patent on a way of pulling mutual-fund assets.对商业方法专利权的限制表明了法庭的态度发生了重大的转变,因为正是联邦巡回法院在1998年被称为“州街银行案”的决议中引入了这类专利,当时法院对一种共同的投资基金资产的管理方法授予了专利。

emission peak 碳达峰Emission peak refers to an inflection point of greenhouse gas emissions.碳达峰,是指二氧化碳排放总量达到历史最高值,由增转降的历史拐点。
carbon neutrality 碳中和Carbon neutrality refers to achieving net-zero carbon dioxide emissions.碳中和,即设法减少二氧化碳排放,最终实现净零排放的目标。
例句:The Paris Agreement on climate change charts the course for the world to transition to green and low-carbon development. It outlines the minimum steps to be taken to protect the Earth, our shared homeland, and all countries must take decisive steps to honor this Agreement. China will scale up its Intended Nationally Determined Contributions by adopting more vigorous policies and measures. We aim to have carbon dioxide emissions peak before 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality before 2060.应对气候变化《巴黎协定》代表了全球绿色低碳转型的大方向,是保护地球家园需要采取的最低限度行动,各国必须迈出决定性步伐。

45.多办当前急需又利长远的事focus on urgently needed initiatives that promise long-term benefits
80.群众健身活动Popular fitness activities
81.创新社会管理develop new forms of social governance
82.促进和谐稳定promote social harmony and stability
83.维护良好的社会秩序ensure public order
23.向惠民生要潜力improve living standards to increase the potential for development
24.小微企业small and micro businesses
25.稳健的货币政策proactive fiscal policy
25.定向减税targeted tax reductions
97.安不忘危,治不忘乱In times of peace one must be alert to danger, and in times of stability one must be mindful of the potential for chaos.

2020年政府工作报告双语要点作者:来源:《英语世界》2020年第11期☞支持灵活就业Support flexible employment.☞依靠改革激发市场主体活力,增强发展新动能Energizing market entities through reform and strengthening the new drivers of growth 深化“放管服”改革Press ahead with reforms to streamline administration and delegate power, improve regulation, and upgrade services.☞促进全面复工复产、复市复业Boost the resumption of work, production, and business activities.☞持续打造市场化、法治化、国际化营商环境Make sustained efforts to create a market-oriented, law-based, and internationalized business environment.☞推进智能制造Boost smart manufacturing.☞坚决打赢脱贫攻坚战Win the fight against poverty.☞加大剩余贫困县和贫困村攻坚力度Channel greater energy into eliminating poverty in all remaining poor counties and villages.☞接续推进脱贫与乡村振兴有效衔接Continue to promote both poverty alleviation and rural revitalization.。

中国梦China’s Dream; the Chinese Dream中国精神China’s Spirit; the Spirit of China; China’s character; China’s soul把权力关进制度的笼子keep power in the cage of systemic checks; Power should be placed under close oversight/checks.要给权力涂上防腐剂,套上紧箍咒。
Power should be covered with antiseptic and be kept in a straitjacket; Power should be insulated from corruption.喊破嗓子不如甩开膀子Getting things done is more important than shouting/yelling; Don’t just shout/yell. Roll up sleeves and get things done!鞋子合不合脚,自己穿着才知道。
Only the wearer knows whether his shoes fit.不能身体已进入21世纪,而脑袋还停留在过去。
One should not stick his head in the past when his body is already in the 21st Century.治大国如烹小鲜。
Governing a big country is as delicate as frying a small fish; A big country should be governed with the same care of frying a small fish.空谈误国,实干兴邦。
Empty talk is harmful to the nation, while doing practical work will make it thrive.保持战略定力maintain strategic focus/confidence/composure; keep to our strategic goals反腐败要老虎、苍蝇一起打。

2009年政府工作报告中英文对照REPORT ON THE WORK OF THE GOVERNMENT政府工作报告Delivered at the Second Session of the Eleventh National People's Congress on March 5, 2009——2009年3月5日在第十一届全国人民代表大会第二次会议上Wen Jiabao温家宝Premier of the State Council国务院总理Fellow Deputies,各位代表:On behalf of the State Council, I now present to you my report on the work of the government for your deliberation and approval. I also solicit comments and suggestions on the report from the members of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC).现在,我代表国务院,向大会作政府工作报告,请予审议,并请全国政协各位委员提出意见。
I. Review of the Work in 2008一、2008年工作回顾The year 2008 was truly eventful. Our country's economic and social development withstood severe challenges and tests that were rarely seen before. Under the leadership of the Communist Party of China (CPC), the people of all our ethnic groups faced difficulties squarely, worked with courage and determination, surmounted all difficulties and obstacles, and made new achievements in reform, opening up and socialistmodernization.2008年是极不平凡的一年。

政府工作报告常见表达(中英对照)1 依法履职perform one's functions in accordance with the law2 从容应对挑战confidently met all challenges3 奋力攻坚克难strove to overcome difficulties4 实现目标attain the targets5 经济运行稳中向好The economy was stable and improved6 经济效益economic performance7 城镇登记失业率the registered urban unemployment rate8 创历史新高an all-time high9 再上新台阶reach a new high10 城镇居民人均可支配收入The per capita disposable income of urban residents11 农村居民人均纯收入the per capita net income of rural residents12 城乡居民收入差距the urban-rural income gap13 规模以上工业企业industrial enterprises with annual revenue of 20 million yuan or more from their main business operations14 粮食产量Grain output15 增加值value-added16 地区生产总值gross regional product17 主要实物量指标Main real physical indexes18 社会事业Social programs19 载人深潜manned deep-sea dives20 建成创新型国家make the country more innovative21 经济社会发展既有量的扩大,又有质的提升The economy and society developed bothquantitatively and qualitatively22 砥砺前行forge ahead23 工作总基调general work guideline24 稳中求进make progress while maining stability25 统筹稳增长、调结构、促改革maintain stable growth, make structure adjustments and carry out reform in a holistic way26 坚持宏观政策要稳、微观政策要活、社会政策要托底We ensured that the government's macropolicies are stable, micro policies are flexibleand social policies meet people's basic needs.27 采取一系列既利当前、更惠长远的举措we adopted measures with both short-term and long-term benefits in mind28 稳中有为,稳中提质,稳中有进We strove to break new ground, improve quality, and make progress while ensuringstability.29 各项工作实现了良好开局All our work got off to a good start.30 激发市场活力invagorate the market31 内生动力internal driving force to growth32 国内外错综复杂的环境complex international and domestic developments33 深处着力endeavor to resolve deep-seated problems and difficulties34 放开市场这只“看不见的手”,用好政府这只“看得见的手”give full rein to both the invisible hand of themarket and the visible hand of the government35 加快转变职能accelarate the transformation of government functions36 简政放权streamline administration and delegate more power to lower-level governments37 国务院机构改革Reform of State Council bodies38 有序实施be carried out in an orderly maner39 取消和下放了416项行政审批等事项abolish or delegate to lower-level governments 416 items previously subject to State Council review and approval40 分批in batches41 政府核准的投资项目目录the list of investment projects requiring government review and approval42 工商登记制度business registration system43 “营改增”replace business tax with value-added tax (VAT)44 行政事业性收费administrative fees45 为市场松了绑improved the market environment46 为企业添了力invigorate businesses47 新注册企业newly registered businesses48 民间投资private investment49 全面放开贷款利率管制completely lift interest rate controls on loans50 在全国进行中小企业股份转让系统试点。

2012年政府工作报告中英词汇1、国务院the State Council2、全国政协the National Committee of the Chinese People’ s PoliticalConsultative Conference (CPPCC)3、中国共产党the communist Party of China (CPC)4、国内生产总值GDP5、“十二五”the Twelfth Five-Year Plan6、宏观调控macro-control7、积极的财政政策a proactive fiscal policy8、稳健的货币政策a prudent monetary policy9、居民消费价格指数the consumer price index (CPI)10、工业生产者出厂价格指数the producer price index (PPI)11、强农惠农富农政策the policy of strengthening agriculture, benefitting farmers,and enriching rural areas12、increased for the eighth consecutive year13、粮食综合生产能力overall grain production capacity14、战略性新兴产业strategy emerging industries15、节能减排conserve energy, reduce emissions16、农村扶贫开发纲要a rural poverty alleviation development program17、兴边富民行动规划an action plan to bring prosperity to border areas and thepeople there18、九年制义务教育nine-year compulsory education19、学前教育三年行动计划a three- year action plan for preschool education20、免费师范生the graduates who received tuition-free in teachers’ college anduniversity21、非物质文化遗产intangible cultural heritage22、全民医保体系a medical insurance system that covers the whole population23、新农合the new type of rural cooperative medical care system24、基层医疗卫生服务体系a community medical and health care service system25、民生优先put the people’ s wellbeing first26、收入分配关系income distribution27、人均纯收入per capita net income28、最低工资标准the minimum wage29、基本养老金basic pensions30、五保five forms of support (food, clothing, medical care, housing, and burialexpense)31、一次性生活补贴lump-sum living allowances32、保障性安居工程建设the construction of low-income housing33、“三公经费”spending on official overseas trips, official vehicles and officialhospitality34、增值税value-added tax (VAT)35、集体林权制度改革reform of tenure in collective forests36、水利建设管理体制改革reform of the system for managing the construction ofwater conservancy facilities37、多边双边经贸关系multilateral and bilateral economic and trade relations38、民主党派the democratic parties39、中国特色社会主义伟大旗帜the great banner of socialism with Chinesecharacteristics40、“三个代表”重要思想the important thought of Three Represents41、科学发展观the Scientific Outlook on Development42、带薪休假paid vacation43、“米袋子”,“菜篮子”“rice bag”(grain supply) , “vegetable basket”(non-grainfood supply)44、京津冀,长三角,珠三角the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, the Yangtze Riverdelta, the Pearl River delta45、科教兴国战略和人才强国战略the strategy of developing China throughscience and education and strengthening the country through human resource development46、国家知识产权战略the national strategy on intellectual property rights47、“走出去”战略the “go global” strategy48、中国特色军民融合式发展路子the path of integrated military and civiliandevelopment with Chinese characteristics49、“一国两制”the principle of “one country, two systems”50、“九二共识”the 1992 Consensus。
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落实促进残疾人就业政策 to carry out policies to find more jobs for people with physical and mental disabilities
建立帮助零就业家庭解决就业困难长效机制 to create a permanent mechanism to help zero-employment families find jobs
经济增长模式 mode of economic development
固定资产投资反弹 a resurgence in fixed asset investment
货币信贷投放仍然偏多 continued excessive supplies of money and credit
流动性过剩 excessive liquidity
加强就业和创业培训 to strengthen vocational training and training in how to start a business
城乡劳动者平等就业制度 an employment system that treats urban and rural workers equally
经济剧烈波动 drastic fluctuations in the economy
经济过热 economic overheating
防止经济过热to prevent the economy from overheating
促进结构调整和协调发展 to promote structural adjustment and balanced development
能源消耗 energy consumption
清洁、可再生能源 clean and renewable energy sources
化学需氧量 chemical oxygen demand
节能减排目标 targets for saving energy and reducing emissions
引入国有企业股份制 to institute a stockholding system in SOEs
邮政体制改革 reform of the postal service system
振兴老工业基地战略 strategy of rejuvenating the old industrial bases
节能减排技术 energy conservation and emission reduction technologies
淘汰落后生产企业 to close down backward production facilities
加强先进生产能力建设 to develop advanced production facilities
主辅分离,辅业改制 to separate SOE's secondary businesses from their core businesses and covert the former into independent company
劳动力总量大增 a large increase in the total workforce
支持创办小型企业 to support citizens to establish small enterprises
鼓励自谋职业和自主创业to encourage people to find jobs on their own or start their own businesses
扩大建立国有资产管理预算系统试点 to expand the experiment of setting up a budget system for managing state capital
引入竞争,加强政府管理和公共监督,深化垄断企业改革 to deepen the reform of monopoly industries by introducing competition and strengthening government regulation and public supervision
污染物排放 emissions of pollutants
资源节约型、环境友好型社会 a resource-conserving and environmentally friendly society
抓好重点企业节能和重点工程建设to focus on energy conservation in key enterprises and construction of key projects
国有经济布局与结构调整 adjustment of the distribution and structure of the state sector
建立和完善国有资产出资人制度 to set up and improved a system for investors of state assets
通过加强就业和创业培训,鼓励自谋职业和自主创业,以及支持创办小型企业来扩大就业 to expand employment "by encouraging and training business start-ups, strengthening job training, encouraging people to find jobs on their own, and supporting the establishment of small enterprises
严格国有资产转化为股份制企业的标准程序 to strictly standardize procedures for transforming SOEs into stock companies
资源型城市经济转型试点 to transform the economies of cities dependent on resource exploitation
城市污水处理能力 urb染防治 pollution control in major river valleys and regions
农村饮用水rural drinking water
安全饮用水 safe drinking water
国有资产所有权转移 transferring ownership of state-owned assets
完善所有制结构 to improve ownership structure
实行政策性关闭破产 to carry out policy-mandated closures and bankruptcies
国有企业 state owned enterprises (SOEs)
主要产业 core business
税收贡献 tax contributions
民航 civil aviation
所有制结构 ownership structure
发展大型粮食基地 to develop large grain production bases
转型过程 transformation process
行政手段 administrative measures
螺旋式通胀 spiraling inflation
通胀压力 inflationary pressure
抑制通胀to hold down inflation
次贷危机 subprime mortgage crisis
产品质量安全标准制定和修订the formulation or updating of national standards for the safety of food products, drugs and other consumer goods
国有企业改革改组改造 reforming, reorganizing and upgrading SOEs
深化国有企业股份制改革 to deepen the reform to convert SOEs into stockholding corporations
加强公司化管理 to improve corporate governance
减轻弱势群体负担 ease the burden on the disadvantaged group
增加对薄弱环节、改善民生、深化改革等方面的支出 to increase expenditures necessary "to shore up weak links, improve people's lives and deepen reform"
实行政策引导关闭和破产 to carry out policy-mandated closures and bankruptcies
加快资源枯竭型城市经济转型 to transform the economies of cities dependent on resource exploitation
严格规范国有企业改制和国有产权转让,防止国有资产流失to strictly standardize procedures for transforming SOEs into stock companies and for transferring ownership of state-owned assets to prevent their erosion
建立国有资本经营预算制度 to set up a budget system for managing state capital
国有企业资产总额 the total value of assets of state owned enterprises (SOEs)