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This paper is the design of an annual output of 8000 tons of chocolate factory .By searching relevant information, analyzed The status of the gl obal and China's chocolate production and sales, Studied the nutritional status and future trends of chocolate, prepared an annual output of 8000 tons of chocolate plant design. First, analyzed the plant location, product solutions and process , Which process section includes a description of the operating points in the process and technology demonstration; Secondly, the material balance in accordance with the proposed output of the production process, and then According to the factory production requirements finished the major equipment selection; Again, finish the hydropower estimates and pipeline calculation according to the proposed production, finished the selected device type and quantity, Then analyzed the waste treatment and economic effect; The final architectural design of the entire plant were analyzed, draw three in figure Including factory floor plan, process flow diagrams, workshop floor plan. Through the design, we had a overall understanding to the production process of the instant noodles, and mastered the method of CAD drawings.

Keywords:chocolate; technology demonstration; material balance; equipment selection; plant design


1前言 (1)

1.2 目前生产状况 (1)

1.3 营养状况 (2)

1.4发展情况及趋势 (3)

2 厂址的选择 (4)

3 产品方案 (5)

3.1依据 (5)

3.2 产品方案 (5)

3.3全年产品总体方案 (6)

4 主要产品工艺流程 (8)

4.1巧克力生产工艺 (8)

4.1.1巧克力和可可制品生产工艺流程图 (8)

4.1.2 操作要点及工艺论证 (10)

5 物料衡算 (15)

5.1 产量计算(以小时产量计) (15)

5.2 物料衡算表 (16)

6 设备选型 (16)

6.1 可可豆清理设备 (16)

6.3 干燥/烘烤 (17)

6.4 研磨 (17)

6.5 喂料 (18)

6.6 混合 (18)

6.7 预精磨 (18)

6.8 精研 (18)

6.9精炼 (18)

6.10 产生晶种(巧克力调温) (19)

6.11 外壳成型 (19)

6.12入模成型 (19)

6.13 巧克力加工机械设备详细清单 (19)

7 水电汽估算 (21)

7.1耗水量估算 (21)

7.2 耗电量估算 (21)

7.3 耗汽量估算 (21)

8 劳动力定员 (21)

9 三废处理 (23)

9.1 废水处理 (23)

9.1.1巧克力生产中产生的废水性质 (23)

9.1.2 废水处理工艺 (23)

9.2 烟尘排放及固体废物 (23)

10工厂平面设计 (24)

10.1 工厂建筑物的组成以及布局 (24)

10.2 管线布置 (24)

10.3 道路布置 (24)

10.4 生产车间的布置说明 (25)

10.5 厂区建筑面积一览表 (25)

11经济预算 (27)

11.1 原辅料费用核算 (27)

11.2 生产设备费用核算 (27)

11.3 其他费用核算 (27)

11.4 年终利润收益 (28)

12图纸部分 (29)

参考文献 (30)

致谢 (31)
