19 The secret life of the Gomez Twins

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• When they grown up then joined the US Naval Sea Cadet Crops and the Key Club and keep good grades.Seeing other kids receiving support from parents made the twins feel especially lonely.At the same time,their mother had been desperately searching for her lost sons.
The story is about the process of the growth of twins of independent living.
Christmas was an exciting day but it for the Gomez Twins was a painful moment.Because they didin’t have any money.And no presents ,no tree,no holiday dinner.In this situation,Tony gave his twin a bear hug and decided to stick together.
Child Labour
• According to ILO(International Labour Organization) of 1973, child labour refers to any work performed by children under the age of 12, non-light work done by children aged 12–14, and hazardous work done by children aged 15–17.
• In this article,the father left his children so easy. • But in China,almost parents couldn’t have left so small children to make their own life.
Fantasizing a Future
Some of the key phrases
• means of survival 生存的方式 • be consumed with 满脑子想着 • play pranks 开玩笑 • under the table 背地里 • confide in sb. 向某人诉说秘密 • compare notes 交流想法,心得 • over time 经过一段时间
One morning their bikes had been stolen. They blamed each other.That night the argument escalated into a roaring fight and drew the police.When the policeman left,they realized how close they had come to ruining everything they had worked
Blurting the Secret
• At age 16 the twins took jobs in a fast-food reastaurant .The manager Anne Kegg was a kind of carefully.She found their serious secret and helped them keep the secret.
Now 18,the twins no longer needed to fear detection.Tony writing a story that tittle is"independent". And it would up in the school newspaper.On the day before John's graduation,the twins received a phone call from their sister.She gave the boys their mother's phone number.
• Will she remeber me after ten years?John wondered.When their mother hear her sons sounds,she sat stunned,unable to speak. • Tony invited she to participate in his graduation.The next day,the mother,the twins and their sister fell into one another's arms,hugging and crying.
The competition between them, they can learn from each other, to remind each other, the common progress.
• But most of us are the only child.We can not be like the twins when are in trouble. • Does anyone want to share your experience how to overcome difficulties.
• "Someday,somehow,we'll find them."Then in Oct.1987 the twins' grueling routine started to tell on Tony. • Not even his brother could motivate him.But one morning,when he looked at himself in the mirror.Tony thought This is not me!I'm not a quitter.I'm got to get back into school and study hard.
• Light work was defined, under this Convention, as any work that does not harm a child's health and development, and that does not interfere with his or her attendance at school.
John and Tony forged their pact to stay together and keep their situation secret. Everyday they did their daily routine.They had different personalities that make them help each other ,remind each other.After work or during rare idle moments,they would fantasize about the future.
But money was their biggest promble.Because they were not yet of legal working age,they had jobs at a nearby bakery,where they were paid “under the table”.But it couldn’t cover their daily spending. On holidays and their birthday,they felt lonelier than usual.
Sticking together

Those words signified John and Tony Gomez’s means of survival.They lived so hard when other children enjoyed their life. In Sep.1983,the twin’s father decided to move back Mexico.When the twins known the plan,they felt
After a few minutes,they thought,That doesn’t make me feel good.Drug can’t ever be a part of us,the twins decided.Anyone who offers us drugs is trying to disrupt our system.
Rough play
When their neighbors asked after their parents,they always made some excuses.A bad man offered them some marijuana.Out of curiousity,each inhaled the drug.
• What about our dreams?So they didin’t leave here.Their father knew how independent the two were.So he asked them not to get into trouble and paid rent in advance,leaved a phone number and drave away.
• Finally,they began to a happy life.And every day the twins still remind themselves:"Whatever you do,never quit!"
• How do you look at sibling(兄弟姐 妹) rivalry(竞争)?Do you think it is generally positive or negative?