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vision[ ]n. 视力,视觉;远见;洞察力;幻想,幻影;想象力

【例句】①She has good vision. 她的视力很好。

②He is a man of great vision. 他是位有远见卓识的人。

【搭配】have visions of sth.幻想,梦想

a man of vision有远见的人


sustain[ ]vt. 支撑,撑住;维持,持续;经受;忍耐

【例句】The branches could hardly sustain the weight of fruit. 树枝已很难支撑水果的重量。

【搭配】food sufficient to sustain life足够维持生命的食物

【串记】retain, stain; sustainable

stand[ ]vi. 站立;位于;停滞



【例句】①His stand toward the matter has not changed. 他对这个问题的立场没有改变。

②He cannot stand the fervors of those deserts. 他无法忍受沙漠的酷热。【搭配】stand by袖手旁观;做好准备;在场;站在…旁边

stand out突出;出列;推出

stand up for拥护,支持

stand on one’s own feet独立自主,自立


spring[ ]n. 春天;弹簧,发条,弹性;根源,源泉;泉水


【例句】She sprang out of her chair to greet her father. 她从椅子上跳起来迎接她父亲。

【搭配】spring up涌现,发生,出现

spring from起源于,出身于


scholar [ ] n.学者;享有奖学金的学生

【例句】The specialists and scholars present at the symposium come from all corners of the country.出席研讨会的专家学者们来自全国各地。

【搭配】research scholar研究员

visiting scholar访问学者;进修生

reveal[ ]v. 展现,显示,揭示,暴露

【例句】The journalist refused to reveal the source of her information. 这名记者拒

【串记】resolve; conceal

represent[ ]v. 描述,表示;代表,代理;阐明,说明

【例句】The red lines on map represent railways. 地图上的红线代表铁路。

【搭配】represent sth. to sb.愤怒地指出,抱怨地表示


adequate[ ]adj. 胜任的;适当的;充足的,足够的

【例句】①The skater’s technique was only adequate.滑冰者的技术只能说是差强人意。

②An adequate water supply for city people is already a problem no

government can take lightly.给城市供给充足的水源已经成为所有政府不能掉



adopt[ ]vt. 通过,采纳,采取(态度等);收养

【例句】①We should adopt the consumers' suggestion.我们应该采纳用户的建议。

②As they had no children of their own, they adopted an orphan.因为他们



attach[ ]vt. 附属;贴,连接;使依恋,使喜爱

v. 配属,隶属于

【例句】①I am very attached to that old picture. 我很喜欢那幅旧画。

②All blame must attach to myself. 一切责任应由我自己承担。

【搭配】be attached to认为重要

attach to属于,与…有关;加入,参加

attach label to parcel给包裹贴标签

【串记】adhere, cement

attempt[ ]n. 努力,尝试,企图


【例句】①I attempted to read the entire novel in one sitting.我试图一次读完整本小说。

②We attempted the difficult maneuver without assistance.我们尝试过在没


【搭配】attempt on sb.’s life企图杀害某人


compensation[ ]n. 补偿,赔偿;补偿(或赔偿)的货款

【例句】He urged the State to adopt accident compensation system. 他力促各州实行事故赔偿制度。

【搭配】in compensation for以…为报酬
