牛津英语7B Unit 4 词组整理

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7B Unit 4词组整理

1.amazing things 令人吃惊的事物

e on 算了吧, 加油

3.look at its bright light 看它明亮的光线

4.travel from Earth to the moon by spaceship 乘飞船从地球旅行到月球

5.travel around the world 周游世界

6.keep your classroom clean 使你的教室干净

7.sleep with their eyes open 睁着眼睛睡觉

8.at the same time 同时

9.walk on tiptoe 用脚尖走路

10.as usual 像往常一样

11.hear a whisper from the bushes 听到一声低语声从灌木丛中传来

12.turn around 转过身去

13.something unusual 一些不寻常的事

14.listen carefully 仔细听

15.run away quickly 迅速逃跑

16.on one’s way to …在某人去…的路上

17.tell me more about… 告诉我更多关于…

18.stand beside the tree 站在树旁

19.hear another whisper 听到又一声低语

20.search carefully 仔细搜索

21.say to oneself 自言自语

22.find a little cat in the bushes 在灌木丛中找到一只小猫

23.be weak 虚弱的

24.make a sound like.. 发出像……的响声

25.sound like a ghost 听起来像鬼

26.put the little cat into a box 把小猫放进盒子里

27.take the cat to the animal centre 把猫送去动物中心

28.show them the ghost=show the ghost to them 把“鬼”展示给他们看

29.take good care of …= look after…well 好好照料…

ter that day 那天迟些时候

31.be frightened of sth/ be afraid of sth 害怕某物

32.the following Sunday=the next Sunday 接下来的星期日

33.be not afraid of… any more 不再害怕

34.be not frighten at all 一点也不害怕

35.be little afraid 有一点害怕

36.be afraid of doing sth/ be afraid to do sth 害怕做某事

37. a frightened boy 一个受惊的男孩

38.be crazy about cartoon films 疯狂热爱动画片

39.walk a dog= take a dog for a walk 遛狗

40.play with sb 和某人玩

41.be fond of music 喜爱音乐

42.very few of them 他们中极少的一些

43.wake up early 醒得早

44.wake him up before 11 o’clock 十一点前叫醒他

45.bark at anyone 对任何人吠

46. a very hard-working student 一个非常勤奋的学生

47.hate doing sth/ hate to do sth 讨厌做某事

48.practise doing sth 练习做某事

49.arrive in/at 到达

50.give us an introduction 给我们作介绍

51.have a great time 玩的很愉快

52.what a pity 真遗憾

53.spend three hours walking around the museum 花费三小时绕着博物馆走

54.don’t worry 别担心

55.tell you everything 告诉你一切

56.see a strange bird 看到一只奇怪的鸟

57.die in 1681 死于1681年

58.be beautiful but poisonous 漂亮但有毒

59.give each of us a fact sheet 给我们每人一份资料单

60.take a photo/photos 照相

61.so many amazing things 如此多的神奇的东西

62.be ill/ sick 生病

63.hundreds of 数以百计的

64.different kinds of dinosaurs 不同种类的恐龙

65.live on land 住在陆地上

66.weigh more than/over three kilograms 重达三公斤多

y eggs 下蛋

68.smell as well as …. 闻东西与..一样灵敏

69.Thank you for your help. 谢谢你的帮助。

70.know more about the animals 更多的了解动物

71.find it very interesting 发现它很有趣

72.remember your words about tortoises 记住你关于乌龟的话

73.remember to do sth 记得要做某事

74.tell me to clean the table after a meal 告诉我饭后清理桌子

75.tell sb. not to do sth. 告诉某人不要做某事

76.sth. happen to sb. 某人发生某事

77. a long time ago 很久以前

78.live up to 100 years old 一直活到100岁
