词组(9A unit4)

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9A Unit4 词组

1.去购物go shopping 2.睡一会have a little sleep

3.创建某人自己的节目参加比赛creat one’s own TV programme for a competition

4.一家电视台 a TV station

5.制作电视节目make TV programmer6.广播节目programmes on radio

7.某人最喜欢的电视频道one’s favourite TV channel8.中央电视台CCTV station 9.通过电视学英语learn English on TV 10.太多吃不下too much to eat

11.从早到晚from morning to night 12.你我之间between you and me 13.卡通迷cartoon lovers / fans 14.一周要闻 a weekly round-up

15.最新信息up-to-date information 16.有点枯燥 a bit boring

17.一有关即将到来的世界杯的准备报道a report on preparations for the coming World Cup 18.被实况转播be covered live

19.例如such as / for example 20.音乐录像带music videos

21.发送短信send text message 22.数千个音乐迷thousands of music fans 23.写下write down 24.即将来临的考试the coming examination 25.网上投票支持某人vote online for sb

26.在节目中被公布be announced during the programme

27.赢得两张免费音乐会门票win two free concert tickets

28.乡村住宅谋杀Murder in country House

29.一部恐怖电影 a horror film 30.一位著名的电影 a new director

31.发现一只狗死在街上find a dog dead in the street 32.容易害怕get scared easily 33.关注老虎Tiger watch 34.一部一小时的纪录片 a one-hour documentary 35.近距离关注老虎在印度的生活take a close look at the life of tigers in India

36.展示了生活在自然栖息地的老虎show the tigers in their natrualy habitat

37.欣赏印度的风景see / enjoy scenes of India

38.地球上少有的几个地方之一one of the few places on Earth

39.因其清湛的摄影技术获奖win an award for its amazing photo graphy

40.充满恐怖full of horror

41.自杀kill oneself 42.面对危险face the danger

43.在电影结尾处at the end of the film 44.喜欢看记录片like watching documentaries 45.一位动物爱好者an animal lover

46.学到许多关于自然和历史方面的知识learn a lot about nature and history

47.喜欢表演like acting 48.看电视的习惯TV viewing habits 49.戏剧俱乐部成员之一 a member of the Drama Club

50.把遥控器扔到桌上throw the remote control onto the table

51.赢得比赛win the competition 52.在上班be at work

53.去超市买些蔬菜go to a supermarket to buy some vegetables

54.陈家一家人the chen family / the Chens

55.做计划work on the plan 56.一起工作整整一个月work together for the whole month 57.想到thikn of 58.一个令人惊讶的结尾a surprising end

59.一起讨论discuss the plan together 60.如此激动的一天such an exciting day 61.给某人写封感谢信write a thank-you letter to sb

62.使故事如此完美make the story so prefect

63.帮助某人获胜help sb win 64.本周六this coming Saturday

65.发送send out 66.一天又一天day after day 67.一星期又一星期week after week 68.年复一年year after year 69.从黎明到黄昏from down till dusk

70.从日出到日落from sunrise till sunset 71.从开头到结尾from the beginning to end 72.留个口信leave a message 73.为某人捎个口信take a message for sb 74.去听音乐会go to a concert 75.许多/若干a number of

76.与某人意见不同disagree with sb 77.两人相互生气get angry wit each other 78.养成……习惯get into the habit of
