
马小军老师反馈说童同学学习十分踏实,他属于那种很努力、用功的学生,他最后能实现自己的目标,在托福口语考试中取得了26分的成绩,跟他平时的努力也密不可分,在此也祝福他在以后的申请中能顺利申到自己的Dream School。

今日托福独立口语题目:Task1Describe the first day you went to school and how did you like it? Explain why.解析:先回答喜不喜欢,如果喜欢,就说下第一次见到很多小朋友很高兴,老师带你做了什么,比如跟你们讲了学校的历史,校园有什么活动,带你们参观校园,在一起做游戏,在食堂吃了什么好吃的,然后那天是非常开心的一天,因为交了很多新的朋友,而且非常喜欢校园的环境。
如果答不喜欢的话,就说老师讲的那些很无聊,逛校园发现学校设备out-dated,操场也很小,自己很内向,不敢start conversation with other kids,那一天过得很糟糕,也不喜欢自己的学校,别人都说喜欢,你吐槽的话,其实效果很更好些。
Task2Do you prefer to study alone or study in a group? Explain why.解析:回答小组学习的话第一个理由可以是concentrate better,细节的话就上对比,自己学的时候总是会doze off or fiddle with my cellphone, 然而跟别人学可以fully engage in the discussion, 第二个理由是more efficient , 自己一个人碰到难题的时候会浪费很长时间还解不出来,而和一堆人可以exchange ideas,have deeper understanding如果回答自己学,第一个理由还是concentrate better,说下小组学的时候大家joke around, chit chat,之类的,浪费了时间,第二个理由 develop independent thinking, 和别人一起学总是自己不想,等着别人说,自己学的时候会花很长时间思考,理解更深刻3月26日的托福考试刚刚结束。

托福TPO26口语Task3阅读文本: Advisor Meetings Should No Longer Be Required At present, students are required to meet with their academic advisors before the beginning of every semester. The advisors help students select courses and advise them on graduation requirements. However, I don’t see the point of required meetings, since the necessary information about the courses is already available on the university’s Web site, which all students have access to. In addition, eliminating meetings with advisors would ease the difficulty that students often have in finding a time to schedule a meeting when both they and their advisors are free. Sincerely, Amy Williams 托福TPO26口语Task3听力文本: Now listen to two students discussing the letter. (man) Did you see this letter? (woman) Yeah, why? (man) Well, I don't agree. It's definitely not the same thing to just go on the university's Web site. (woman) You don't think so? (man) No, I mean, sure, the basic information is there, but that's not all advisors help you with. Sometimes there're different ways you can meet a requirement for graduation, like, different classes you can take. And if you talk to someone, they can help you figure it out. (woman) And you can't get that from just reading what's on the Web site. (man) Right, advisors have a lot of expert information so they make it easier for you to see what your choices are. (woman) I see what you mean. (man) And as for scheduling meetings, I've never had that kind of trouble. (woman) Me neither. (man) So anyone who does have problems must be waiting to the last minute to set something up. (woman) That's possible. (man) I mean, the thing is, if you call or go to the office early enough to set up an appointment, schedules are open. It’s just that if you wait till the last possible day, it’ll be harder cause they already have lots of students scheduled then. 托福TPO26口语Task3题目: The man expresses his opinion about the proposal in the letter. Briefly summarize the proposal then state his opinion and explain the reasons he gives for holding that opinion. 托福TPO26口语Task3满分范文: Well, the proposal says that the students should not be required to meet with their advisors who help to select courses and give advice mainly on graduation requirements for two reasons. However the man disagrees for two main reasons. Firstly, he thinks that the advisors could help the students with more than the basic information on the Internet. For example, there are different ways to meet the requirements for the graduation and with the help from the advisors the students can easily figure it out, because the advisors have the expert information and can judge the students, choices easier. Secondly, he believes if the students could set up the appointment ahead of time instead of leaving it to the last minute, it will be no problem to schedule their meeting. So the man is against the proposal. 以上是给大家整理的托福TPO26口语Task3阅读文本+听力文本+题目+满分范文,希望对你有所帮助!。

TPO是托福考试最重要的备考资料,深圳新东方安阳老师为大家解析TPO26的真题,本期内容为:SUMER AND THE FIRST CITIES OF THE ANCIENT NEAR EAST。
SUMER AND THE FIRST CITIES OF THE ANCIENT NEAR EAST1. A选项的rainfall和B的melting snow做关键词定位至第五句,都正确,不选;C 的silt确实讲过,但并没讲damaged crops,所以C错,选;D的timber, stone and metals 定位至第四句,正确,不选2. 以elite to emerge做关键词定位至尾句,但这句话的these说明应该往前看,上句的this was done说明应该继续往前,前句说organization of irrigation和building canals非常重要,所以正确答案是D。
A的new crop没提,B和C犯了类似的错误,原文讲土壤肥沃,不是人有钱,所以都错3. sustain维持,所以正确答案是maintain,tain做词根表持有。
原文讲正式这些导致精英阶级的产生,并通过控制剩余产品来怎么样自身的存在,其他选项都不好,比如defend自身的存在前提是要受到威胁,而原文根本没这事儿,promote也不对,原文没讲elite要扩张4. 两个专有名词做关键词定位至第二句,说这两个族是以temple为中心发展的,也就是B说的religious buildings,所以答案是B。
A和C的urban settlement,D的destroy 原文都没说5. sovereign统治者,至高无上的,所以正确答案是B。
代入,跟sovereign of all other gods并列的是the god of the sky,天神和其他神的什么,可以推出是管其他神的人,就像玉皇大帝和诸神,尽管creator创造者代入也说的算通,但天神不一定能和创造其他神的人并列吧,counselor和defender更不靠谱6. 以appearance of writing做关键词定位至第一个括号之后那句,说越来越复杂的管理体系导致了writing,所以正确答案是A。

天道名师汤蕾:12月13日托福口语考试解析2014年12月13日托福独立口语考试已经结束,天道教育培训名师汤蕾,在考试结束后第一时间对12月13日托福口语真题进行分析解答,希望能够对同学们有所帮助!本文为天道教育培训部名师汤蕾老师原创,转载请注明出处和作者,违者必究!汤蕾老师【主讲课程】托福口语托福听力 GMAT语法【老师简介】英语专业八级,帮助多名学生取得口语高分,深受学生喜爱。
【老师寄语】Whatever is worth doing is worth doing well.Task 1In your opinion, which of the following activities can bring the most benefits to children and teenagers: reading books, talking with elderly members of the community or travelling to other countries?解析:近期考试task1频繁出现三选一题型,同学们在回答此类题型时可以选用对比方法。
Sample answer:In my opinion, I think reading books can bring the most benefits to teenagers. On the one hand, young kids can get various kinds of knowledge from different books, which can enlarge their horizon. For example, they can learn more about historicalfigures from those biographies, and textbooks can offer a lot of academic knowledge, which can make them have better performance in school. On the other hand, sometimes travelling to other countries is not available to some young kids, since it may cost so much time and demand for material capability. But reading can happen at anywhere, which is much more convenient for their learning.Task 2Do you prefer to post thoughts on the Internet blog or to friends or family?解析:如果遇到问题,家人朋友比较有生活经验,能给出更直接更有针对性的解决方案;网上会比较自由,没有压力。

Task 1: Talk the advantage and disadvantage of the wide use of robots. Explain your answer in details.Task 2: Some people prefer to finish reading a book in one setting, others prefer to read a few pages each time. Which do you prefer? Explain your answer in details.Task 3A history student proposes that the history department should hold monthly meetings so that students can get more information and it's also a good way to socialize.The man disagrees with the proposal. First, he says if students want to get more info, they can go to the history dept website, or go to their office and ask the staf for it. Second, he thinks the meeting will be too serious to be a social activity. He prefers more relaxing activities, like ones with drinks and stuff.Task 4Animals benefit from human environment. For example, doves can be seen on campus buildings or on the ground. They think it's safe to raise their children here. Also students feed them with meat and vegetables, so it's also easy for them to get a big meal.Task 5The woman needs to choose a biology class but the deadline for choosing courses has passed.The first solution is to take it next semester, but it's the woman's last semester and they won't be doing research next semester. The second solution is to pay 75 dollars to take it, but she doesn't have the money.Task 6The professor talks about the benefits of job rotation.上面就是此次托福考试口语部分真题回忆,考生如果想知道更多托福考试真题详解请登录天道教育托福考试频道,也可点击进入>>历年托福机经汇总.原文地址:/advice/469635.html资料参考:托福口语机经/advice/。

托福TPO26口语Task3阅读文本+听力文本+题目+满分范文为了帮助大家高效备考托福,为大家带来托福TPO26口语T ask3阅读文本+听力文本+题目+满分范文,希望对大家备考有所帮助。
托福TPO26口语Task3阅读文本:Advisor Meetings Should No Longer Be RequiredAt present, students are required to meet with their academic advisors before the beginning of every semester. The advisors help students select courses and advise them on graduation requirements. However, I don’t see the point of required meetings, since the necessary information about the courses is already available on the university’s Web site, which all students have access to. In addition, eliminating meetings with advisors would ease the difficulty that students often have in finding a time to schedule a meeting when both they and their advisors are free.Sincerely,Amy Williams托福TPO26口语Task3听力文本:Now listen to two students discussing the letter.(man) Did you see this letter?(woman) Yeah, why?(man) Well, I don't agree. It's definitely not the same thing to just go on the university's Web site.(woman) You don't think so?(man) No, I mean, sure, the basic information is there, but that's not all advisors help you with. Sometimes there're different ways you can meet a requirement for graduation, like, different classes you can take. And if you talk to someone, they can help you figure it out.(woman) And you can't get that from just reading what's on the Web site.(man) Right, advisors have a lot of expert information so they make it easier for you to see what your choices are.(woman) I see what you mean.(man) And as for scheduling meetings, I've never had that kind of trouble.(woman) Me neither.(man) So anyone who does have problems must be waiting to the last minute to set something up.(woman) That's possible.(man) I mean, the thing is, if you call or go to the office early enough to set up an appointment, schedules are open. It’s just that if you wait till the last possible day, it’ll be harder cause they already have lots of students scheduled then.托福TPO26口语Task3题目:The man expresses his opinion about the proposal in the letter. Briefly summarize the proposal then state his opinion and explain the reasons he gives for holding that opinion.托福TPO26口语Task3满分范文:Well, the proposal says that the students should not be required to meet with their advisors who help to select courses and give advice mainly on graduation requirements for two reasons. However the man disagrees for two main reasons. Firstly, he thinks that the advisors could help the students with more than the basic information on the Internet. For example, there are different ways to meet the requirements for the graduation and with the help from the advisors the students can easily figure it out, because the advisors have the expert information and can judge the students, choices easier. Secondly, he believes if thestudents could set up the appointment ahead of time instead of leaving it to the last minute, it will be no problem to schedule their meeting. So the man is against the proposal.以上是给大家整理的托福TPO26口语T ask3阅读文本+听力文本+题目+满分范文,希望对你有所帮助!。

托福TPO26口语Task6听力文本: Listen to part of a lecture from a business class. (female professor) When consumers are buying a product, most of the time they're not buying just the product itself, they're also buying the container the product comes in. So the design of the container is very important. It can be the deciding factor when consumers are trying to decide which brand of the product to buy. So, let's talk about a couple of ways product containers can be designed to appeal to consumers.One important design goal is to make the container as user-friendly as possible, as convenient to use as possible. Take, for example, when companies started using plastic containers for condiments such as ketchup, mustard and mayonnaise. In the past, these products came in glass containers with lids you had to screw off. And then you had to either pour the ketchup or mustard on your food which could be messy or scoop it out with spoon. But flexible plastic containers were much more convenient to use and so they were more attractive to consumers. You just held the container over your food, gave it a little squeeze and out came the ketchup or mustard, uh, much faster and easier than having to remove a lid first. Another important design goal is to give the container a pleasing appearance so that consumers will feel comfortable displaying it in their homes. Take, for example, a company that sells cookies. Instead of selling their cookies in a plain cardboard box, they might sell them in a nice metal box. And they might decorate that nice metal box with beautiful pictures of some kind. That way when consumers present the cookies to guests, for example, they look nice, they look classic. Attractive containers like that can make a product much more appealing to consumers." 托福TPO26口语Task6题目: Using the examples from the talk, explain two ways that a product’s container can be designed to appeal to consumers. 托福TPO26口语Task6满分范文: The first way is to make the container as user-friendly/convenient as possible. For example, condiments like ketchup used to come in glass containers with lids that people had to screw off first and also needed to pour them down or to use a spoon to get them out, which often caused a mess. The companies replaced the glass container with plastic ones so that customers can get their ketchup or mustard out with just a squeeze. As a result,condiments in plastic containers are much more popular. Another way is to make the container look nicer. For example, cookie companies contain their products in metal boxes with beautiful pictures rather than in plain paperboxes, because in this way they look nicer. And the customers will therefore, be more attracted by the cookies because they'll feel more comfortable while presenting the cookies to their guests at home. (145 words) 以上是给大家整理的托福TPO26口语Task6听力文本+题目+满分范文,希望对你有所帮助!。

这说明什么呢,这说明英国的能源短缺不是因为燃料缺乏,选C.【选项分析】A. 为了反对“18世纪英国面临能源短缺”的说法(根据原文,煤储量大这一事实,并不是构成反对能源短缺说的理由,这一选项与原文矛盾)B.为了解释为什么是煤,而不是其它能源变成了18世纪英国的主要民用与工业热量来源。
根据本段倒数第3句话,当时主要的能量来源是木材)C.为了表明英国的能源短缺不是缺乏燃料所致(正确:not the result of a lack of fuel 与原文的had large amounts of coal 形成对应)D.该选项是玩穿越,本段并没有提到19世纪,更没有提到采煤成为19世纪主要行业)2. 【考点分析】本题为细节题,考察利用关键词定位以及对同一含义的不同词汇与句子结构的理解能力。
要想让18世纪的工业革命成为可能,一定要得以解决的“能源方面的问题”是什么?根据第一段前半部分,能源是工业革命兴起的主要原因毋庸置疑,那么能源问题是什么呢?根据关键词“the problem of energy” 定位到倒数第2句话:”Great Britain had large amounts of coal; however, there we re not yet efficient means by which to produce mechanical energy or to power machinery.” 这句话表明,能源问题就是有燃料但缺乏用燃料来驱动机器的有效方式,这个问题必须得到解决才能使得工业革命成为可能,所以选B。
注意:means 和ways 是近义词,另外阅读里经常还有method, approach, avenue.【选项分析】A. 水与风不能得到有效的利用(这个选项与第一段第3句意义矛盾)B. 缺乏驱动机器的有效方式(正确:对应第一段的倒数第2句)C.蒸汽引擎需要大量的煤,而煤是供应不足的(与倒数第2句矛盾,原文说Great Britain had large amounts of coal)D.人类与动物都不够强壮,无法为工业活动提供能源(是第2句的偷梁换柱,原文说18世纪之前,人们的能量来源有植物、动物与人力)3. 【考点分析】本题为排除信息题,考查蒸汽引擎引发的纱厂变化除了哪一个。

1. Some parents think they should protect students from making mistakes. Some think they should let them make mistakes. What do you think?2. Which teacher’s courses would you like to take? Explain why? Use specificreasons and examples to explain your choice.a) a teacher who is humorous in classb) a teacher who is serious in class3. Do you think children should watch TV or listen to the news on radio or not at an early age?4. Some people prefer to stay in touch with their friends and family members while traveling. Others prefer not to get in touch and stay alone. Which do you prefer and why?5. Some people like to purchase a product they like as soon as the product is available in the market. Some,however,prefer to wait until the price of the product becomes more accessible. Which way do you prefer?6. Some people want their children to go to school,but some people prefer to let their children be home schooled. Which do you prefer? Why?7. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Business conferences should meet in person instead of using video calls.8. Some people decide which career they want to pursue before going to college. Others do it the other way around.Which approach do you think is better?9. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Self-made gifts are better than store-bought gifts?10. Do you prefer to ask for advice from someone older than you or from someone at your own age?11. Should people be allowed to take photos when visiting a museum?12. Some people believe that the library should be a place for students to have meetings and discussions;while others believe that the library is supposed to be a quiet place where students can focus on their study. Which one do you prefer and why?13. Do you prefer living in an old building or a new and modern building?14. Some people go shopping only when they have something specific to purchase. Other people go shopping just for pleasure. Which do you prefer?15. Which do you prefer:working for others’ company or set up your own business?16. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Students should take some additional courses so that they can get their credits more quickly.1、托福综合口语笔记要点:抓关键定义、概念这是整个学术类场景考题的核心和灵魂。

托福TPO26写作全面分析今年在公布托福TPO25不久后,ETS又相继公布了最新托福TPO26,TPO即为TOEFL Practise online,均为高质量的新托福考试真题,对考生了解托福、备考托福、攻克托福有着极大的帮助。
其实还可以从父母和孩子谈话的角度来写,比如父母孩子工作相似这样可以增加父母和孩子之间谈话的内容和话题,也就是common topic,从这个角度写的学生比较少。

托福TPO26口语Task2题目+满分范文为了帮助大家高效备考托福,为大家带来托福TPO26口语T ask2题目+满分范文,希望对大家备考有所帮助。
托福TPO26独立口语Task2题目:Some people like to have their cell or mobile phone with them at all times. Other people prefer not to bring their cell or mobile phone with them everywhere they go, or they choose not to own one at all. Which do you prefer? Explain why.托福TPO26独立口语Task2满分范文:"I prefer not to bring cell-phones everywhere. There are some occasions I want to be detached from the world. For example, when I am readying a book in my study or in the library. It’s very annoying to hear the ring of the cell-phone or feel the vibrations. It always interrupts my train of thoughts. Having a cell-phone everywhere means you can be disturbed anytime. Nowadays, not just your friends will call you or send you message. More often than not, you receive spam messages or anonymous calls. It makes angry even to answer the calls. "以上是给大家整理的托福TPO26口语T ask2题目+满分范文,希望对你有所帮助!。

1. 如何判断自己的托福口语的水平? 知道自己的水平后如何根据各个不同水平有针对的突破呢?答:一方面是老师上课会讲一点相应的评分标准,另一方面可以在网上去听听别人的Sep Answer,也可以直接发给老师,让老师来帮忙打分,修改。
2. 托福是需要积累的,但是大部分学员的备考时间很有限,请问有没有什么方法帮助学员提高学习效率?答:托福口语练得有效时间一定是你说出来的时间,而不是说你看的时间,建议每天保证一个半小时的练习时间对托福口语才能有所改善。
3. 托福口语一直是学生最头疼的一项,我们在练习托福口语时老师有什么建议或方法吗?答:练习托福口语最重要是要开口说,在练习过程中需要自己去录音。
>>>托福口语怎样才能有话说4. 突破口语障碍的过程中最容易遇到什么问题,改如何有效的解决?答:最容易遇到瓶颈,就是说不好,这时候的问题其实就是没有练习或者是练习不够。

1. 生活方式和社会习俗:- Do you prefer living in a big city or a small town? Why?- What are the advantages and disadvantages of using public transportation in your country?- Describe a traditional festival or celebration in your country.2. 娱乐和休闲活动:- What is your favorite type of music? Why?- Talk about a book that you have recently read and would recommend to others.- What are the benefits of doing outdoor activities? Provide examples.3. 家庭和家庭成员:- Describe a special meal you would like to prepare for your family.- Talk about a famous person in your country who you admire. Explain why.- What qualities do you think are important in a good parent? Provide examples.4. 环境和保护:- Do you think people should recycle? Why or why not?- Talk about a place in your country that is important for wildlifeconservation.- What are the effects of climate change on the environment? Provide examples.5. 食物和饮食:- Describe a traditional dish from your country. Explain how it is made and why it is popular.- Talk about a memorable restaurant experience that you have had.- What are the benefits of eating a balanced diet? Provide examples.以上是对可能出现在8月26日托福口语题目的参考内容。

托福口语上26分方法讲解托福口语上26分有用方法讲解, 语段朗读技巧你知道吗?今日我给大家带来了托福口语上26分有用方法讲解,希望能够关怀到大家,下面我就和大家共享,来欣赏一下吧。
托福口语话题素材整理:Event1. Reading booksWhen I have time, I read books. My favorite book is the Old Man and the Sea which is written by Ernest Hemingway, one of the greatest American writers. The book told us a story about an old man called Diego who did fishing in Cuba. Though he came across lots of difficulties on the sea and came back without a single fish, he was optimistic and still held the hope. (Diego) is like a mirror which reflects what (Hemingway) wanted to tell all of us: Never give up and the final success will come right after the last try. I’ve stuck on that wisdom all the time ever since I read this book for that story makes me believe there is no stronger thing ever than a strong human belief.2. Listening to the musicMy favorite music is___, which is sung by___.The reasons why I love that song are based on the following aspects. First of all, it relaxes my mind.Second, I always have a greater efficiency after listening to music.Third, by listening to the music, I can learn something about the rhythm, which teaches me how to balance complicated situation.Last, enjoying all kinds of music, like rock n roll, punk or classic, I come to visit different world and learn how to appreciate arts.Music is a worldwide language without any translation, by listening to the music; we can share our emotions with different people around the world.3. Sports: 理由(雷同音乐)1. It relaxes my mind.2. I have a greater efficiency on study after the outdoor activities.3. Outdoor activities offer me not only more fresh air but also the chance toembrace the nature.4. I also meet some new friends when I am doing some activities, like playingbasketball.4. Spring Festival:In my country, the most impressive/memorable/popular/favorite/social celebration is Spring Festival, which is also called Chinese Lunar New Year.On Spring Festival Eve, we Chinese people usually do a thorough cleaning for their houses to clean up all the ill-fortunes may have been in the family and make the way for the incoming good luck. In the evening, family members get together coming back from everywhere, make Jiaozi, dumplings boiled in the water, sit around the table, toast to each other, wish everybody good luck and health. After the feast, usually in the midnight, children will gather around to play fireworks to light up the sky. During the whole night, we usually stay up and make every light in our house on. The next morning, people will greet their relatives and friends usually face to face. When you eat rice glue ball, called yuanxiao in China, it means you come to the end of this great new year celebration.Spring Festival means the whole world to Chinese people and we all consider it a chance for our family members reunion and gather best wishes for the coming year together.5. My most embarrassing moment:The most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to me in school was when I was walking along the sidewalk back to school from getting some lunch. My eye caught a beautiful car and I lost sight of where I was going. Next thing I knew, BANG, I walked straight into a pole, hitting my whole head on it. I fell on the ground and my friends just laughed. Even though it was very embarrassing, it made our day cause we will never forget it. The days go by; I will still laugh as long as I remember it. But I don’t care about it anymore, sometimes, the embarrassing thing just puts smile on other people’s faces.6. The most difficult moment:The most difficult moment that I’ve ever had was when I prepared for the IBT. It became so hard for me since I’d never had a chance to talk in English for quite a long time. I could barely open my mouth; let alone, how to cover the whole test within the time limitation. I was rather upset and almost lost my heart. My friend Tom/Mary saw me one day and he/she inspired me by saying that if I couldn’t overcome that task, how could I survive in the States and make my dream come true. All of a sudden, I realized how small this task would be in the whole process of making my dream come true. And he/she suggested that I should make a well-organized plan to divide my goal into several little parts, which are attractive and attainable. And just like that, for the first time, I thought it was not that hard and I gradually had a faith in conquering this. Day by day, the more I practiced, the more confidence I gained.7. Ambition:I have always had a burning ambition to be a psychotherapist. I want to help people solve their emotional problems, recover from mental illnesses, and regain their self-confidence. An increasing number of people, under so much pressure at work, have been deeply depressed in recent years. Therefore, the role of a psychotherapist in keeping our society strong and healthy is getting more and more important. Being a highly self-motivated person, I feel confident about my ability to make my dream come true. As the well-known saying goes, Where theres a will, theres a way. I believe that I will become an outstanding psychotherapist some day.8. Chances for the Volunteer for 2021 Olympics Or Shanghai Expo:IF I’d ever had a chance to do something that I wish for, I would like to be a volunteer for Olympics held in China in 2021. First of all, it is a great honor to be part of this opportunity coming once or never. I can put my English fully into use. Being an interpreter, I can not only provide our foreign people the convenience in life but also let them know more about China. I am not saying that I want to wipe out some cultural barriers with my little effort; I am saying that I want to spare no effort to contribute to this great banquet.托福口语话题素材整理:Place1. Places of Interest/Attractions= Description:If I’d had a chance to visit a place I’ve never been to, I would like to go to Imperial Palace, which is also called Forbidden City in Beijing, the capital of China.In the heart of Beijing, it is the largest and most complete imperial palace and ancient building complex in China, and the world at large. Its construction began in 1406 and was completed 14 years later, having a history so far of some 580 years. Twenty-fouremperors from the Ming and Qing (1644-1911) dynasties lived and ruled China from there. Most of the buildings in the Forbidden City were rebuilt many times, although they maintained the original architectural style.The reasons why I love there so much are based on the following aspects.First of all, the ancient buildings record the history path to tell us the legends of our ancestors, especially good for our young people to get familiar with our past. Furthermore, they are the symbols of Chinese traditional and rich culture.Last, they are standing there to make us understand our past; When we are facing the past, what we must do is to absorb the essence and discard the dregs.2. Restaurants and Café:If I had to say what features of restaurant and café I cared most, I would consider them from the following three angles.First of all, the food there must be very delicious and nutritious. I like something pretty from appearance and tasty from inside. It is better to taste it like my mom’s cuisine because it makes me feel I am the happiest in the world. Like hotpot. I feel good when I 6am having it.Second, the service there must be very considerate, which means, the waiters and waitresses there must be very nice and patient.Last, the atmosphere there must be very comfortable. Like the sofa there makes me feel at home and I can sit there for a whole day without tiredness. There better has some light music and quiet surroundings because I usually want to have a nice conversation with my friends.Those aspects I’ve mentioned above are the standards I care when I choose to go to a restaurant.3. Favorite Room=description:My favorite room is my living room. It’s rectangular with the door on the left side of the south wall. In the wall opposite the door is a picture window. Below the window is a sofa. A rectangular coffee table is in front of sofa. Facing the sofa are two armchairs. Anabstract painting is on the west wall. This bright and uncluttered room is my best place to hide from outside world to make me relax, think freely, and live comfortably.。

Practise online,均为高质量的新托福考试真题,对考生了解托福、备考托福、攻克托福有着极大的帮助。

托福TPO26口语task1题目 Question:Think of a book that you have not read but are interested in reading.Explain why you are interested in reading this book.托福TPO26口语task1答案解析:Think of a book you have not read but are interested in reading. Explainwhy the book was important to you. Give specific details and examples to explainyour answer.托福TPO26口语task1范文:Harry Potter is the most interesting book that I have ever heard buthaven’t read. First of all, it is so full of interesting stories. Although it issuch a thick book and cost more than $100, I have been fascinated by this bookand chased after the series movie for several years. The story is so interestingthat I want to read it again and again and I would like to know anything relatedto it whether it is about the characters or the stories. Also I believe thisnovel will open a new world to me. The writer of Harry Potter Joanne Rowling issuch a good writer that her imagination will broaden my horizon. Previously Iknew very little about the world of wizards but I would like to join a group ofHarry Potter fans with whom I can discuss lots about Harry Potter from time totime.托福口语TPO26task2题目Question:Some people like to have their cell or mobile phone with them at all times.Other people prefer not to bring their cell or mobile phone with them everywherethey go, or they choose not to own one at all. Which do you prefer? Explainwhy.托福口语TPO26task2答案解析:科技类题目,提醒大家准备一个关于电子产品‘手机或电脑’的成型答案,可以套用在很多题目当中。

托福口语上26分实用方法讲解托福口语上26分实用方法讲解, 语段朗读技巧你知道吗?今天给大家带来了托福口语上26分实用方法讲解,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。
托福口语话题素材整理:Event1. Reading booksWhen I have time, I read books. My favorite book is the Old Man and the Sea which is written by Ernest Hemingway, one of the greatest American writers. The book told us a story about an old man called Diego who did fishing in Cuba. Though he came across lots of difficulties on the sea and came back without a single fish, he was optimistic and still held the hope. (Diego) is like a mirror which reflects what (Hemingway) wanted to tell all of us: Never give up and the final success will come right after the last try. I’ve stuck on that wisdom all the time ever since I read this book for that story makes me believe there is no stronger thing ever than a strong human belief.2. Listening to the musicMy favorite music is___, which is sung by___.The reasons why I love that song are based on the following aspects. First of all, it relaxes my mind.Second, I always have a greater efficiency after listening to music.Third, by listening to the music, I can learn something about the rhythm, which teaches me how to balance complicated situation.Last, enjoying all kinds of music, like rock n roll, punk or classic, I come to visit different world and learn how to appreciate arts.Music is a worldwide language without any translation, by listening to the music; we can share our emotions with different people around the world.3. Sports: 理由(雷同音乐)1. It relaxes my mind.2. I have a greater efficiency on study after the outdoor activities.3. Outdoor activities offer me not only more fresh air but also the chance toembrace the nature.4. I also meet some new friends when I am doing some activities, like playingbasketball.4. Spring Festival:In my country, the mostimpressive/memorable/popular/favorite/social celebration is Spring Festival, which is also called Chinese Lunar New Year.On Spring Festival Eve, we Chinese people usually do a thorough cleaning for their houses to clean up all the ill-fortunes may have been in the family and make the way for the incoming good luck. In the evening, family members get together coming back from everywhere, make Jiaozi, dumplings boiled in the water, sit around the table, toast to each other, wish everybody good luck and health. After the feast, usually in the midnight, children will gather around to play fireworks to light up the sky. During the whole night, we usually stay up and make every light in our house on. The next morning, people will greet their relatives and friendsusually face to face. When you eat rice glue ball, called yuanxiao in China, it means you come to the end of this great new year celebration.Spring Festival means the whole world to Chinese people and we all consider it a chance for our family members reunion and gather best wishes for the coming year together.5. My most embarrassing moment:The most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to me in school was when I was walking along the sidewalk back to school from getting some lunch. My eye caught a beautiful car and I lost sight of where I was going. Next thing I knew, BANG, I walked straight into a pole, hitting my whole head on it. I fell on the ground and my friends just laughed. Even though it was very embarrassing, it made our day cause we will never forget it. The days go by; I will still laugh as long as I remember it. But I don’t care about it anymore, sometimes, the embarrassing thing just puts smile on other people’s faces.6. The most difficult moment:The most difficult moment that I’ve ever had was when I prepared for the IBT. It became so hard for me since I’d never had a。

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