新概念二Lesson 10 PPT课件

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使惊讶 surprise 好的坏的都可以 shock 由不好的事情引起
allow vt. 允许, 让(常用被动语态)
allow + n. / doing 允许(做)某事 人们允许吸烟。People allow smoking.
= Smoking is allowed.
allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事 = sb. be allowed to do sth.
人们允许你吸烟。 People allow you to smoke. You are allowed to smoke.
touch v. 碰,触,摸
警察要求我们不碰任何东西。 The police asked us not to touch anything.
1. 被动语态: 语态:表示主语与谓语动词之间的主、客观 存在关系的动词形式。
the top of the hill
the cover of the magazine
today’s newspaper
the bottom of the page
共同使用 →双重所有格
Change the form of the phrases in italics. 1. He borrowed one of my records.
用法:1)表示部分 2) 强调感情色彩 注意:1)of 前的名词为一个时,用 a/an,
不用 one。数量多时,用数词修饰。
2)of 后的名词应表示人而不是物。
有生命的, 或重量, 距离, 时间, 金钱… Jack and Jill’s house
ten minutes’ ride
无生命的,表示所有 关系
1. What kind of instrument do we have? We have an old one.
2. What’s it called? It’s called a clavichord. 3. Where was it made?
It was made in Germany.
2. make 表示 “制造”的用法 1)be made in + 产地 这支铅笔是韩国制造的。 The pencil is made in Korea.
2) be made of + 材料(可见原料) 这个桌子是木头做的。
The desk is made of wood.
3)be made from + 材料(不可见原料) 奶酪是用牛奶做的。Cheese is made from milk.
主动语态:主语是动作的发出者。 被动语态:主语是动作的承受者。
形式: be + p.p. (v.过去分词)

负责时态变化 恒定不变 起助动词作用
一般现在时 do/does
被动语态 is/am/are done
一般过去时 did
was/were done
一般将来时 will/shall do will/shall be done
过去将来时 would/
should do
would/ should be done
现在进行时 is/am/are doing is/am/are being done
过去进行时 was/were doing was/were being done 现在完成时 have/has done have/has been done
11. What did she try to do ? She tried to play jazz on it.
12. How did she strike the keys? She struck the keys very hard.
13. How many strings were broken? Two strings were broken.
14. Who was shocked? My father was shocked.
15. What aren’t we allowed to do now? We aren’t allowed to touch it now.
16. Is it being repaired? Yes, it is.
butter and eggs.
2. 双重所有格:of 与名词所有格或名词性 物主代词同时使用表示所有关系
形式:1)of + 名词所有格 他是我爸爸的一个朋友。 He’s a friend of my father’s. 2)of + 名词性物主代词 你真不够朋友。 You are no friend of mine.
哦,天哪!你差点儿吓死我! Oh, Gosh! You almost shocked me to death. adj. shocking 令人震惊的
shocked 感到震惊的 (主语人)
这消息令人震惊。The news is shocking. 我感到震惊。I am shocked. cn. 吃了一惊 get a shock 我着实吓了一跳。I got quite a shock.
musical adj. 音乐的
a music student 学音乐的学生 a musical student 有音乐天赋的学生
recently adv. 最近 = lately
recently(可用于一般过去时或完成时) lately(只用于完成时) 最近你见过保罗吗? Have you seen Paul recently?
警察已经抓住了小偷。 The police have caught the thief. The thief has been caught by the police.
老师正帮助我学英语。 My teacher is helping me with my English. I am being helped with my English by my teacher.
key /ki:/ n. 琴键 string /striŋ / n. (乐器的)弦 shock / ’ʃɔk/ v. 使不悦或生气,震惊 allow /ə ’lau/ v. 允许,让 touch /tʌtʃ/ v. 触摸
June 2nd, 2018
口语:读Lesson10单词。 听力:Lesson10课文。 书写: Lesson10单词每个两遍,标汉译。 听写:Lesson9和Lesson10单词,
a record of mine
2. She showed me one of John’s pictures. a picture of John’s
3. It was one of her ideas. an idea of hers
4. One of your letters was found on my desk. A letter of yours
Lesson 10 Not for jazz 不适于演奏爵士乐
jazz / ’dӡ æ z/ n. 爵士音乐 musical / ’mju:zikəl/ adj. 音乐的 instrument / ’instrumənt/ n. 乐器 clavichord / ’klæ vikɔ:d/ n. 古钢琴 recently / ’ri:səntli/ adv. 最近 damage / ’dæ midӡ/ v. 损坏
damage v. 损坏(指对某物的损害
造成价值、效用、外观的损失, 但程度轻, 可修复) 大雨损坏了农民的庄稼。 The storm damaged the farmers’ crops.
destroy v. 破坏,毁坏(彻底摧毁) 洪水摧毁许多建筑。 The flood destroyed a lot of buildings.
主动语态变成被动语态: 1. 原来动词的宾语变成句子主语。 2. 原来主语放在动词(短语)后,并且前面
加 by(或省略)。 3. 注意主格和宾格的转换。
这位女士每天打扫房间。 The lady cleans the rooms every day. The rooms are cleaned (by the lady) every day.
4. When was it made ? It was made in 1681. 5. Where is our clavichord kept?
Our clavichord is kept in the living room.
6. How long has it belonged to our family? It has belonged to our family for a long time.
5. Some of their friends came to see me. Some friends of theirs
We have an old musical instrument. It is called a clavichord. It was made in Germany in 1681. our clavichord is kept in the living room. It has belonged to our family for a long time. The instrument was bought by my grandfather many years ago.
过去完成时 had done
had been done
将来完成时 will/shall
have done
过去将来 would/should
have done
含情态动词 can do
will/shall have been done
would/should have been done
can be done
7. Who bought it? My grandfather bought it.
8. When was it bought? It was bought many years ago.
9. Was it damaged recently? Yes , it was.
10. Who damaged it? A visitor damaged it.
Recently it was damaged by a visitor. She tried to play jazz on it! She struck the keys too hard and two of the strings were broken. My father was shocked. Now we are not allowed to touch it. It is being repaired by a friend of my father’s.
key cn. 琴键,钥匙
key to + n. …的钥匙,…的关键 门钥匙 the key to the door 问题的答案 the key to the question
shock v. 震惊, 使不悦, 生气
(与人的ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้绪有关的动词宾语往往是 人 )
这个消息使我震惊。The news shocks me.
4)be made into + 成品 那块布料制成了一件连衣裙。 The cloth was made into a dress.
5)be made by + 人(动作发出者) 这些饼干是我妈妈做的。 The cookies were made by my mother.
Supply the correct words in the following. 1. Is your watch made __o_f__ gold? 2. These knives were make __i_n__ Sheffield. 3. This cake was made _fr_o_m__ sugar, flour,