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(2018南京) 1. Simon, (推) hard when I tell you to.

2.—What's the (日期) today, Millie?

---It's 17 June. Oh, tomorrow is Dragon Boat Festival.

3. Students can ask for help (无论何时) they need it at school.

4. Lin Tao was___ (勇敢的) enough to save his neighbour from a fire.

5. Look, our library is ___ (东)of the classroom building. It looks modern.

(2018无锡)6. Hey! What are you listening to? It’s a __________ (私人的)conversation.

7. When you have the __________ (选择)of being right or being kind, choose kind.

8. It’s a tradition of this school to __________ (命名)its buildings after great people.

9. Frank hasn’t got any hobbies- __________ (除非)you call watching TV a hobby.

(2018常州) 10.-How much time do you need to carry on with the project?

-Another (四)days.

11.Do you know what the exact (人口) of China is?

12.Finally, we managed to hand out all the 1,000posters (凭借) other's help.

13.Miss Gao can always come up with (幽默的) ideas to make her classes lively. (2018苏州) 14. Come on! Suzhou Museum is only a few (步)further.

15. How (幸运的)they are to have such a good teacher !

16. Mr Sigmund Friend is used to (处理)with all kinds of problems.

17. Confidence is an important (条件)if you want to achieve success.

18. A long time ago it was (广泛地)believed that there was life on Mars.

19. With all her efforts, the children finally (接受)her as one of the family.

20.When talking to British people, we should (避免)subjects like age, weight or money.

(2018南通) 21.In Western culture,“Black(星期五)”sometimes represents an unlucky day.

22.How calm and brave the command (飞行员)was to fly the plane back safely in such a dangerous situation!


23.Diana was a little fat in the past. But now she is much (瘦的)than before.

24.Paul has found a new job and is (考虑) moving to a new flat near his company.

25.—Do you like watching these TED (演说) online?

—Yes, I’ve learned a lot from them.

26.Some foreigners living in our city will be _______ (邀请) to share their life experiences with us.

27.—Have you ever used Meitu?

— Of course. It’s one of the most (广泛地) used free photo editing apps in the world. (2018盐城) 28. You should be enough to face your life. (勇敢的)

29.It is the 200th anniversary of the of Karl Marx this year. (生日)

30. Give every day a to become the most beautiful of your life. (机会)

31. The teens took a photo of smiling faces to welcome World Smile Day in . (五月)

32.The 2022 Beijing Olympic Games the public to pay attention to winter sports. (鼓励)

(2018扬州)33.Visitors to Yangzhou can enjoy a bite of dishes at Yechun Tea House.(当地的)

33. Ge Garden with an area of12,000 meters houses over 60 types of bamboo.(平方的)

34. Some valuable jewellery in that shop was last week.(偷)

35. Yangzhou Eight Eccentrics were a group of who created their own style.(艺术家)

36. China has changed our country and impressed the world. (速度)

(2018镇江)37.Kitty(邮寄) a special present to her father last Father's Day.

38.Giraffes are quite tall. Their long necks help them eat the(树叶)from trees.

39.﹣Don't tell the secret to a third person. Just keep it to(我们自己).

﹣Trust me, please.

40.We depend on nature to live, so it is necessary for us to protect it(明智地,充满智慧地).

41.﹣Would you mind(分享) your ideas? ﹣Certainly not.

(2018·泰州)42.Shared bikes can help people travel around freely in cities without ____ ____(污染).

43. Last weekend, at the welcome party, the host ________(介绍) the history and culture of Taizhou to the guests.

44. People all over the country feel proud that all China’s spacecraft have ________(成功地) returned to the earth.

45. The driver _______(后悔) his carelessness in driving and went to the hospital to say sorry to his passengers.

46. The Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge is considered as one of the “seven wonders of the ________(现代的) world”.

(2018宿迁)47.Although she is in her (八十), Tu Youyou still keeps on doing research on
