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摘 要



关键词 汽车 点火系统 检修














(2)维修时使用的外接电源电压必须严格控制在16V以下。当电压达到16~16.5V时,接通时间不允许超过l m in。



(5)不管在什么条件下,只允许使用阻值为1 kQ的分火头,不得用其他阻值的电阻代替防止电磁干扰的1kQ阻尼电阻,火花塞插头阻值应在1~ 5kQ。

10.维修电子点火系统,特别是无分电器点火系统(DIS)时,要绝对避免 吊火或错接高压线。因为错接高压线将导致点火次序错乱,造成装在点火模块内的电子点火正时电路在运转间开路或对地短路。为了防止错接高压线,在维修无分电器电子点火系统时,每次只能拆装一根高压线。

收稿如期:2002 10 16

2004年6月 物 探 装 备第14卷 第2期

Huang Xiaoqian.Test of synchro precision of seismograph telecontrol explosion system.EGP,2004,14(2):102,111

The check of new telecontrol ex plosion system or before use of the telecontrol ex plosion system,it must test its synchro precision.The paper detailed introduced the acquisition method of signal w ith synchro precision dur ing the process of test and analyzed the acquired information.

Key words: telecontrol ex plosion system clock T B fire in high voltage

test and ver ify T B

Huang Lei.Application of Vibpro to 408UL/XL system.EGP,2004,14(2):103~104,121

On the basis of introducing in line Vibpro electro controlled box and 408UL/XL,the paper introduced in de tail the test of polarity for source plate and accelerating instrument of w eight drop,w ireless consistence and w ire consistence.

Key words: 408U L/XL seismo graph V ibpr o electro co ntrolled box in line test

C hen Youxiang,Liu Zhangping and Zhu Zhong !an.Application of Macha shooting system to synchronous acquisition of multiple SN388seismograph.EGP,2004,14(2):105~107

As an advanced synchronous source system,M acha shooting system is currently w idely used for seismic ex plo ration in China.H is synchronous master/slave mode function can realize synchronous acquisition of multiple seis mographs.The paper analyzed the principle of synchronous master/slave mode of M acha shooting system,gave the methods of connecting it w ith SN388seismog raph and summarized its practical application.

Key words: M acha shooting system master/slave mo de synchronization SN388sei smograph acquisition Wang Guoping.Emergency test and repair of System 2000digital cable.EGP,2004,14(2):108

The paper introduced tw o methods for emergency test and repair of System 2000digital cable

Key words: digital cable electr ic capacity repair test

C hen Dong,Huang

D ong,Wang Guogao,Chen Shi and Shen Jinmei.Technical methods f or interface of C GG BARG

E air gun with seismograph.EGP,2004,14(2):109~111

The paper briefly expounded the working principle of air gun controller and introduced some technical meth ods for replacing MYRIASEIS ∀with BOX instrument and connecting w ith BARGE air gun.

Key words: air gun instrument interface

Sun Xiping,Ni Weiming and Yuan Huiling.Three examples of removing f aults of Trimmark 3transmitter receiver.EGP,2004,14(2):112,115

Analyzing the typical faults appealed in Trimmark 3transmitter receiver,the paper found the reason of faults and presented solved schemes.

Key words: faults of transmitter r eceiver removing met hod

Dong Bin.An example of maintaining hard disc faults of SUN workstation.EGP,2004,14(2):113~115

The paper described how to use U NIX order to repair hard disc of SU N workstation in order to restore the system.

Key words: w orkstation hard disc fan zone U NI X

Yang Jun and Sun Dasheng.Principle of Master /Save Mode of SN388seismographer and out of step reason of RFTB.EGP,2004,14(2):116,125

SN388seismographer is one of major seismograph used in seismic prospecting at home.Through analysis of relative data,the paper introduced in detail the principle how to use MACHA coder/decoder to start master/slave mode of SN388seismographer and described the reason that the delay of RFTB resulted from SN388mas ter is larger than that from Slave.

Key words: SN 388 master/slave mode M ACHA coder/decoder RFT B

Wang C hunyu.Brief talk about maters needing attention in overhauling electronic ignition system of vehicle.EGP,2004,14(2):117

Electronic ignition system is characteristic of excellent performance and low fault rate,the constant mainte nance is not needed.The paper described the maters needing attention in ten aspects w hen using and overhauling the electronic ignition system,such as avoiding electric shock and damag ing the electronic elements.

Key words: v ehicle ignition system overhaul

Xie Keming and Song Xilin.Primary application of high f requency electromagnetic sounding to geotherm al prospecting.EGP,2004,14(2):118~121

Currently,the methods using electric prospecting to find underground w ater resource are variety and achieve

第14卷 第2期 英 文 摘 要147
