湖南师范大学心理学专业外语题库Chapter 1 (答案D D C A C A D B C A \ F T F F T F F T T F)1) Psychology is best defined as the scientific study ofA) the mind and consciousness.B) the mental processes of individuals.C) mental disorders and abnormal(反常的)behavior.D) the behavior of individuals(个别的) and their mental processes.2) The first task in psychology is to make accurate observations(观察)about behavior. This means that psychologists must first ________ behavior.A) predict B) explain C) control D) describe3) When drawing conclusions(结论)about behavior, psychologists rely onA) their own personal beliefs. B) what is known as "common sense(常识)."C) objectively collected information. D) their everyday observations of people.4) In order to investigate behavior, researchers may use different levels of analysis. Which of the following research questions exemplifies(例子)the broadest, most global level of analysis?A) What are the origins of prejudice?B) Are there gender differences in prejudice?C) Are there differences in how various racial groups express prejudice?D) What is the role of early childhood experiences in the formation of prejudice?5) In 1908, Hermann Ebbinghaus (艾宾浩斯)wrote that"Psychology has a long past, but only a short history." Which statement best captures(描述)the idea that Ebbinghaus was expressing (表达)?A) Psychologists, like philosophers, have difficulty learning from their mistakes.B) Questions about human nature have existed for a long time, but only recently have the methods necessary to answer them been developed.C) The field of psychology has existed for a long time, but only recently have scholars begun to record the accomplishments(造诣)of the profession.D) Although psychologists have been doing laboratory research for hundreds of years, little of substance(实质)has been discovered about human nature.6) Which statement most closely characterizes (是……的特征)the current (流行)view of most psychologists toward the study of behavior?AA) Psychologists borrow and blend from(混合)different perspectives(观点).B) Psychologists tend to agree that the most productive approach is the biological perspective.C) Psychologists take the approach that complex behavior can be reduced to patterns of simple behavior.D) Although psychologists differ in their basic approach, all agree on the questions to be asked and how they should be studied.7) A psychologist who explains a rapist's(强奸犯) behavior in terms of the rapist's displaced hostility(敌意)toward his mother is most likely to prefer the __D______ perspective.A) cognitive B) humanistic(人本主义)C) evolutionary D)psychodynamic(精神动力)8) Psychologists who take the behaviorist approach seek to BA) illustrate解释the innate天生的品质goodness of humans.B) understand how environmental stimuli(刺激)control behavior.C) validate the importance of thought processes in human behavior.D) demonstrate the importance of unresolved conflicts and inner forces.9) A teacher wants to see whether smiling at children if they raise their hands when she asks a question increases the likelihood (可能性)that children will volunteer answers. From the behaviorist perspective, the antecedent environmental condition is ________ and the consequence is ________.CA) smiling; raising of hand B) raising of hand; smilingC) asking a question; smiling D) raising of hand; asking a question10) The humanistic perspective in psychology gives greater weight and importance to AA) the capacity of humans to make choices.B) breaking down complex behavior into elementary units of behavior.C) how environmental forces come to control the individual's behavior.D) the powerful instinctual tendencies that dominate people's actions.II True or False F T F F T F F T T F1) Psychologists are trained to describe behavior from their own subjective(主观的)point of view, making sure to includetheir own biases(偏见)and expectations in their observations.2) With respect to the goals of psychology, descriptions must stick to perceivable(可知觉的)information, whereas(但是)explanations deliberately(谨慎的)go beyond what can be observed.3) Psychologists believe that behavior should only be studied in a controlled research laboratory.4) In 1879, B. F. Skinner founded the first formal laboratory devoted to experimental psychology.5) In Freud's(弗洛伊德)view, human nature is not always rational(理智的), and behavior may be driven by motives(动机)that are not in conscious awareness.6) According to the humanistic perspective, people are driven by powerful, instinctive(本能)forces, manipulated by their environments, and are incapable of making choices and decisions concerning their lives.7) In the view of psychologists who follow the cognitive perspective, behavior is completely determined(坚定的)by preceding environmental events and past behavioral consequences. 8) Simply stated, the idea behind natural selection is that organisms (有机体)that are better suited to their environments tend to produce offspring(后代)more successfully than those organisms with poorer adaptations.9) Brain imaging techniques(脑成像技术)have led to dramatic breakthroughs in the field of cognitive neuroscience (神经科学).10) Clinical psychologists apply the insights of researchers, but are not trained to do research themselves.Chapter 21) In what ways are theories and hypotheses(臆测)interrelated?A) Hypotheses are more important than theories.B) Theories are more important than hypotheses.C) When a hypothesis derived from a theory is not validated, the theory must be modified.D) Theories are not of fundamental importance in generating new hypotheses, except when a theory has been proven.Answer: C2) When psychological researchers are ready to put their hypotheses to the test, they rely onA) intuition. B) the scientific method.C) common sense. D) subjective judgments.Answer: B3) There is a joke among scientists about a researcher who tells others that he belongs to a secret scientific society, where no one but the researcher will ever know about the studies members are doing. This joke is humorous because it violates(违反)the principle(原则)ofA) determinism. B) control groups. C) open-mindedness. D) public verifiability.Answer: D4) A research assistant who is working in a psychologist's laboratory learns the importance of keeping complete records of observations and data analyses. Such procedures(程序)are followed in order toA) increase objectivity.(增大客观性)B) increase subjectivity.C) increase observer bias.D) prevent other researchers from replicating a study.Answer: A5) An "observer bias" isA) an "educated guess" about what will happen.B) the direct result of the context of discovery.C) the direct result of the context of justification.D) an error due to personal motives and expectations.Answer: D6) If a researcher defines variables(变量)or conditions in terms of the specific(明确的)procedures used to determine their presence, he or she is using a(n) ________ definition.A) biased B) confounded C) operational D) hypotheticalAnswer: C7) A placebo effect (安慰剂效应)occurs whenA) an experimenter finds what he or she expected to discover.B) participants have not been randomly assigned to experimental and control conditions.C) participants change their behavior because of their belief that a treatment has an effect.D) both participants and experimental assistants are unaware of which participants get which treatment.Answer: C8) When neither research participants nor research assistants are aware of which participants receive which treatment, researchers have employed aA) placebo control. B) between-subjects design.C) single-blind control technique. D) double-blind control technique.(双盲控制技术)Answer: D9) When planning a study, you determine that of the one hundred participants, fifty will have to be randomly (随便的)assigned to the experimental condition and the other fifty to the control condition. The type of experimental design you are usingis known as a ________ design.A) placebo control B) single-subject C) within-subjects D) between-subjectsAnswer: D。
心理学学硕统考试卷心理学学硕统考试卷参考内容第一部分:选择题(每题2分,共50题)1. 下列哪个是心理学研究的四个主要目标?A. 揭示心理现象的本质和机制B. 规范和创新心理学研究方法C. 探索心理健康与心理障碍的形成机制D. 促进心理学在实践中的应用2. 研究发现,在某个群体中,乐观的人更加健康和长寿。
这个结果与心理学的哪个领域最为相关?A. 人格心理学B. 发展心理学C. 社会心理学D. 心理测量学3. 儿童时期发生的某些事件通常会对成年人的心理健康产生深远影响。
这个观点最可能与下列哪个心理学分支的研究相关?A. 认知心理学B. 临床心理学C. 运动心理学D. 教育心理学4. 大脑是神经科学研究的主要对象。
下列哪个技术最能提供对大脑活动的直接观察?A. 问卷调查B. 实验设计C. 电生理记录D. 行为观察5. 进化心理学研究心理特性和行为的进化根源,它主要依靠下列哪个理论?A. 社会学习理论B. 心理动力学理论C. 进化论D. 创伤后应激障碍理论第二部分:简答题(共5题,每题10分)1. 请解释下列心理学术语:知觉、记忆、思维、情绪、动机。
2. 请简要介绍下列心理学研究方法:自然观察法、案例研究、实验研究、问卷调查、脑成像技术。
3. 请举例说明下列心理学理论:经典条件作用理论、社会认知理论、自我决定理论、压力应对理论、心理动力学理论。
4. 请解释心理健康的概念,并提供三个促进心理健康的有效方法。
5. 请描述大脑和心理过程之间的关系,并说明主要的神经传递系统及其功能。
第三部分:论述题(共2题,每题20分)1. 根据你所学的心理学知识,对"为什么人们会发生健忘现象"进行论述。
2. 请描述下列心理疾病:抑郁症、焦虑症、精神分裂症,包括其典型症状、病因和治疗方法。
参考答案:第一部分:选择题1. A2. C3. B4. C5. C(略)第二部分:简答题1. (略)第三部分:论述题1. 健忘现象是指个体在一段时间后无法回想起以前曾经学习或经历过的事情。
湖南师范大学心理学专业2019-2020学年测量心理学习题单选题1~1231.下列对测量的描述,正确的是( )。
[单选题] *A.测量就是心理测量B. 就是依据一定的法则用数字对事物加以确定(正确答案)C.就是用数字来描述事物的法则D.测量就是用一些题目或数字来描述事物的属性* 2.参照点就是确定事物的量时,计算的( )。
[单选题]A.起点(正确答案)B.中点C. 终点D.重点3.用1代表男,用2代表女等等,这样的量表通常叫( )量表。
[单选题] * A.命名(正确答案)B.顺序C.等距D.等比4.我们通常将学生的考试结果按名次排队,这些名次属于( )变量。
[单选题] * A. 命名B.顺序(正确答案)C.等距D.等比5.在顺序量表中,变量具有( )。
[单选题] *A.相等单位B.绝对零点C.等级(正确答案)D.可以做加、减、乘、除运算* 6.0℃并不意味着没有温度,这种说法( )。
[单选题]A.错B.不确定C.对(正确答案)D.不存在* 7.其数值可以进行加、减、乘、除运算的量表是( )。
[单选题]A.命名变量B.顺序变量C.等距变量D.等比变量(正确答案)* 8.一般来说,心理测量是在( )变量上进行的。
[单选题]A.命名B.顺序(正确答案)C.等距D.等比9.下列说法中正确的是( )。
[单选题] *A.将具有代表性行为构成的项目集,对代表性人群进行测试,标准化后的数量化系统B.用标准化测验或量表,在标准情境下,对人的外显行为进行观察,并将结果按照数量或类别加以描述的过程C.对心理的某方面品质,采用多种手段进行系统地观察和综合评价D.心理测验,就是依据心理学理论,使用一定的操作程序,通过观察人的少数有代表性的行为,对于贯穿在人的全部行为活动中的心理特点做出推论和数量化分析的一种科学手段(正确答案)* 10.测验的客观性不包括( )的客观性。
[单选题]A.测验的刺激B.对反应的量化C.绝对的标准(正确答案)D.对结果的推论11.错误的测验观不包括( )。
湖南师范大学心理学考研试题西方心理学史2001一名词解释1 符茨堡学派2 社会性格3 创造性综合原则4 心理动力场5 《心理学中的反射弧概念》二论述题1 托尔曼的认知行为主义述评2 罗杰斯的心理治疗观述评人体解剖生理学部分一名词解释1 正反馈与负反馈2 神经束于神经3 时间总和与空间总和4 视觉二元学说二填空1 受体作用是指………….2 非特异性投射系统的功能是……….3 大脑皮质布洛卡氏区(44区)损伤,将导致……大脑皮质颞上回后部损伤,会产生……4 中性粒细胞的主要功能是………淋巴细胞的主要功能是…..5 肺循环是指……三问答1 某人右手皮肤受到针刺感到疼痛,试述其感觉传导通路2 试述声波传入内耳的主要途径。
试述听觉的神经传导通路3 试述甲状腺激素的生理功能?试述甲状腺激素分泌的调节2002一名词解释1 意识流学说2 实证主义3 逻辑行为主义]4 心理生活空间5 二重心理学二论述题1 弗洛伊德的人格理论评述2 试评述人本主义心理学的基本观点和方法人体解剖心理学一名词解释1 神经节与神经核2 阈值与阈电位3 假怒4 非特异性抑制5 条件性抑制6 行波理论二问答题1 简述神经冲动传导的原理。
其传导速度受哪些因素的影响2 试述突触传递过程。
突触传递与神经肌肉接头传递有何主要不同点3 试述眼折光异常及其矫正方式4 试述含氮激素作用机制2003 心理学流派一名词解释1 控制点2 自我同一感3 特殊神经能学说4 认知行为主义二简答题1 简述卡特尔的主要学术贡献2 简述阿德勒的个体心理学思想三论述题1 罗杰斯的人本主义心理学理论评述2 试评述信息加工认知心理学的基本观点和研究方法2004一名词解释1 实验内省法2 实体状态与过渡状态3 心理动力场4 中介变量5 集体潜意识二简答题1 机能主义的哥伦比亚学派的基本特点2 华生行为主义心理学的研究方法述评三论述题1 马斯洛人本主义心理学的贡献与局限2 试述弗洛伊德精神分析心理学的基本内容与历史地位普通心理学1998一名词解释1 自然实验法2 气质3 过度学习4 乔姆斯基5 感受性二问答题1 为什么说人的心理是主观与客观的统一2 人的意志是否自由3 性格能力的关系如何4 感觉之间相互作用的规律有哪些5 心理过程与个性的关系如何三论述题1 影响人们解决问题的因素有哪些2 人的能力是如何形成的1998普通心理学与教育心理学一名词解释1 倒摄抑制2 智商3 气质4 定势5 样例学习6 先行组织者7 观察学习8 逆向迁移二简答题1 引起无意注意的原因是什么。
心理学专业测试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 心理学研究的主要内容是什么?A. 心理过程与心理状态B. 心理现象与心理过程C. 心理现象与行为表现D. 心理过程与行为表现2. 弗洛伊德的精神分析理论认为,人格结构包括哪三个部分?A. 自我、本我、超我B. 意识、潜意识、无意识C. 认知、情感、意志D. 知、情、意3. 以下哪个是认知失调理论的提出者?A. 皮亚杰B. 斯金纳C. 费斯汀格D. 马斯洛4. 根据马斯洛的需求层次理论,最高层次的需求是什么?A. 安全需求B. 社交需求C. 尊重需求D. 自我实现需求5. 下列哪个是行为主义心理学的代表人物?A. 弗洛伊德B. 荣格C. 斯金纳D. 阿德勒6. 以下哪个是社会学习理论的核心概念?A. 认知结构B. 观察学习C. 自我效能D. 社会比较7. 心理学中的“自我”概念是由哪位心理学家提出的?A. 弗洛伊德B. 荣格C. 阿德勒D. 马斯洛8. 以下哪个是心理测量学的主要任务?A. 心理现象的测量与评估B. 心理疾病的诊断与治疗C. 心理过程的观察与记录D. 心理状态的预测与控制9. 以下哪个是情绪理论的名称?A. 认知失调理论B. 情绪的三维理论C. 社会交换理论D. 社会学习理论10. 以下哪个是心理治疗中常用的方法?A. 认知行为疗法B. 精神分析疗法C. 人本主义疗法D. 所有选项都是答案:1. D2. A3. C4. D5. C6. B7. B8. A9. B 10. D二、简答题(每题10分,共30分)1. 简述弗洛伊德的无意识理论的主要内容。
2. 描述马斯洛的需求层次理论的基本结构。
科目代码:333 名称:教育综合满分:150分
Chapter 1 (答案D D C A C A D B C A \ F T F F T F F T T F)1) Psychology is best defined as the scientific study ofA) the mind and consciousness.B) the mental processes of individuals.C) mental disorders and abnormal(反常的)behavior.D) the behavior of individuals(个别的) and their mental processes.2) The first task in psychology is to make accurate observations(观察)about behavior. This means that psychologists must first ________ behavior.A) predict B) explain C) control D) describe3) When drawing conclusions(结论)about behavior, psychologists rely onA) their own personal beliefs. B) what is known as "common sense(常识)."C) objectively collected information. D) their everyday observations of people.4) In order to investigate behavior, researchers may use different levels of analysis. Which of the following research questions exemplifies(例子)the broadest, most global level of analysis?A) What are the origins of prejudice?B) Are there gender differences in prejudice?C) Are there differences in how various racial groups express prejudice?D) What is the role of early childhood experiences in the formation of prejudice?5) In 1908, Hermann Ebbinghaus (艾宾浩斯)wrote that "Psychology has a long past, but only a short history." Which statement best captures(描述)the idea that Ebbinghaus was expressing (表达)?A) Psychologists, like philosophers, have difficulty learning from their mistakes.B) Questions about human nature have existed for a long time, but only recently have the methods necessary to answer them been developed.C) The field of psychology has existed for a long time, but only recently have scholars begun to record the accomplishments(造诣)of the profession.D) Although psychologists have been doing laboratory research for hundreds of years, little of substance(实质)has been discovered about human nature.6) Which statement most closely characterizes (是……的特征)the current (流行)view of most psychologists toward the study of behavior?AA) Psychologists borrow and blend from(混合)different perspectives(观点).B) Psychologists tend to agree that the most productive approach is the biological perspective.C) Psychologists take the approach that complex behavior can be reduced to patterns of simple behavior.D) Although psychologists differ in their basic approach, all agree on the questions to be asked and how they should be studied.7) A psychologist who explains a rapist's(强奸犯) behavior in terms of the rapist's displaced hostility(敌意)toward his mother is most likely to prefer the __D______ perspective.A) cognitive B) humanistic(人本主义)C) evolutionary D) psychodynamic(精神动力)8) Psychologists who take the behaviorist approach seek to BA) illustrate解释the innate天生的品质goodness of humans.B) understand how environmental stimuli(刺激)control behavior.C) validate the importance of thought processes in human behavior.D) demonstrate the importance of unresolved conflicts and inner forces.9) A teacher wants to see whether smiling at children if they raise their hands when she asks a question increases the likelihood (可能性)that children will volunteer answers. From the behaviorist perspective, the antecedent environmental condition is ________ and the consequence is ________.CA) smiling; raising of hand B) raising of hand; smilingC) asking a question; smiling D) raising of hand; asking a question10) The humanistic perspective in psychology gives greater weight and importance to AA) the capacity of humans to make choices.B) breaking down complex behavior into elementary units of behavior.C) how environmental forces come to control the individual's behavior.D) the powerful instinctual tendencies that dominate people's actions.II True or False F T F F T F F T T F1) Psychologists are trained to describe behavior from their own subjective(主观的)point of view, making sure to include their own biases(偏见)and expectations in their observations. 2) With respect to the goals of psychology, descriptions must stick to perceivable(可知觉的)information, whereas(但是)explanations deliberately(谨慎的)go beyond what can be observed.3) Psychologists believe that behavior should only be studied in a controlled research laboratory.4) In 1879, B. F. Skinner founded the first formal laboratory devoted to experimental psychology.5) In Freud's(弗洛伊德)view, human nature is not always rational(理智的), and behavior may be driven by motives(动机)that are not in conscious awareness.6) According to the humanistic perspective, people are driven by powerful, instinctive(本能)forces, manipulated by their environments, and are incapable of making choices and decisions concerning their lives.7) In the view of psychologists who follow the cognitive perspective, behavior is completely determined(坚定的)by preceding environmental events and past behavioral consequences. 8) Simply stated, the idea behind natural selection is that organisms (有机体)that are better suited to their environments tend to produce offspring(后代)more successfully than those organisms with poorer adaptations.9) Brain imaging techniques(脑成像技术)have led to dramatic breakthroughs in the field of cognitive neuroscience(神经科学).10) Clinical psychologists apply the insights of researchers, but are not trained to do research themselves.Chapter 21) In what ways are theories and hypotheses(臆测)interrelated?A) Hypotheses are more important than theories.B) Theories are more important than hypotheses.C) When a hypothesis derived from a theory is not validated, the theory must be modified.D) Theories are not of fundamental importance in generating new hypotheses, except when a theory has been proven.Answer: C2) When psychological researchers are ready to put their hypotheses to the test, they rely onA) intuition. B) the scientific method.C) common sense. D) subjective judgments.Answer: B3) There is a joke among scientists about a researcher who tells others that he belongs to a secret scientific society, where no one but the researcher will ever know about the studies members are doing. This joke is humorous because it violates(违反)the principle(原则)ofA) determinism. B) control groups. C) open-mindedness. D) public verifiability.Answer: D4) A research assistant who is working in a psychologist's laboratory learns the importance of keeping complete records of observations and data analyses. Such procedures(程序)are followed in order toA) increase objectivity.(增大客观性)B) increase subjectivity.C) increase observer bias.D) prevent other researchers from replicating a study.Answer: A5) An "observer bias" isA) an "educated guess" about what will happen.B) the direct result of the context of discovery.C) the direct result of the context of justification.D) an error due to personal motives and expectations.Answer: D6) If a researcher defines variables(变量)or conditions in terms of the specific(明确的)procedures used to determine their presence, he or she is using a(n) ________ definition.A) biased B) confounded C) operational D) hypotheticalAnswer: C7) A placebo effect (安慰剂效应)occurs whenA) an experimenter finds what he or she expected to discover.B) participants have not been randomly assigned to experimental and control conditions.C) participants change their behavior because of their belief that a treatment has an effect.D) both participants and experimental assistants are unaware of which participants get which treatment.Answer: C8) When neither research participants nor research assistants are aware of which participants receive which treatment, researchers have employed aA) placebo control. B) between-subjects design.C) single-blind control technique. D) double-blind control technique.(双盲控制技术)Answer: D9) When planning a study, you determine that of the one hundred participants, fifty will have to be randomly (随便的)assigned to the experimental condition and the other fifty to the control condition. The type of experimental design you are using is known as a ________ design.A) placebo control B) single-subject C) within-subjects D) between-subjectsAnswer: D10) Which of the following is true of the within-subjects (被试内设计)experimental design?A) It is a type of between-subjects design.B) There are no comparison conditions in this design.C) There are two experimental groups and one control group.D) Each participant serves in all conditions of the experiment.Answer: D11) A researcher is interested in the relationship between brain damage and the ability of humans to plan their behavior. Which type of research design would be most appropriate(合适的)for the researcher to use?A) placebo control B) experimental C) correlational(相关)D) within-subjectsAnswer: C12) Imagine that your instructor asks you to determine whether there is a relationship between musical ability and mathematical ability. The type of design best suited to this task would be a(n) A) experiment. B) case study.C) correlational study(相关研究). D) naturalistic observation.Answer: C13) With respect to psychological measurement, when data are consistent or dependable they are referred to as________, whereas the term ________ means that the information that is produced accurately measures the variable or quality that it is intended to measure.A) valid; reliable B) reliable(信度); valid(效度)C) consistent; reliable D) reliable or valid; consistentAnswer: B14) Which of the following is true of the within-subjects experimental design?A) It is a type of between-subjects design.B) There are no comparison conditions in this design.C) There are two experimental groups and one control group.D) Each participant serves in all conditions of the experiment.Answer: D15) A teacher is trying to see whether smiling at her students will increase the number of questions they ask. In the first and third week of the study, the number of questions students ask is recorded. In the second week, the teacher smiles a lot at her students, and the number of questions is also recorded. What type of research design is being used?A) within-subjects B) correlational C) placebo control(1.安慰剂控制法) D) between-subjects Answer: A16) A researcher who is interested in documenting the relationship between internal (内部的)psychological states such as a person’s motivation to succeed and his or her feelings ofself-confidence would most likely use a ________measure.A) behavioral B) self-report(自我报告)C) physiological D) naturalistic observationalAnswer: B17) Suppose an elementary school teacher is interested in measuring the amount of time a young student in her class is working productively(有效果的)versus chatting with classmates. It would be most appropriate for the teacher to use aA) questionnaire.(问卷法)B) behavioral measure.C) a self-report measure. D) a face-to-face interview.Answer: B18) Suppose you were interested in the kinds of movies your friends like to watch. You develop a simple questionnaire that asks them about their attitudes toward different film genres(风格)and then you also record which films they actually attend. The measurement technique you are using is best described asA) self-report measures.B) behavioral observations.C) naturalistic observations.D) a combination of self-report and behavioral observations.Answer: D19) A clinical psychologist is working with the Federal Bureau of Investigation(1.(美国)联邦调查局)(FBI)to develop an understanding of serial killers. She decides to focus her attention and measurements on a particularly brutal murderer who is serving a life sentence. Her approach is referred to as aA) case study. B) representative sample.C) within-subjects design. D) naturalistic observation.Answer: A20) Imagine that you have agreed to participate in psychological research. Prior(先验的)to the study, you will be given information about what you can expect and other details of the research, and asked to sign a form indicating(指示)your willingness to participate. This process is known asA) debriefing. B) informed consent.(知情同意)C) risk/gain assessment. D) intentional deception.Answer: BII True or False1) A theory is defined as an organized set of concepts(概念)that explains a phenomenon or set of phenomena.Answer: TRUE2) In order to minimize(.把…减至最低数量[程度]) the potential(潜在的)for bias, researchers must be certain that no variable in an experiment is operationally defined.(不可能做到)Answer: FALSE3) In an experiment, researchers manipulate(熟练操作)the dependent variable (因变量)and measure the independent variable.Answer: FALSE4) A double-blind control is an experimental technique in which biased expectations are eliminated by only telling the experimental assistants which participants have received which treatment.Answer: FALSE5) In a within-subjects research design, different groups of participants are randomly(随便的)assigned to experimental conditions or to control conditions.Answer: FALSE6) The entire(全部)set of individuals to which generalizations will be made based on anexperimental sample is called the population(总体).Answer: TRUE7) The primary purpose of using correlational methods is to establish cause and effect relationships.(因果研究才是)Answer: FALSE8) If two variables are completely unrelated to each other, they will yield a correlation coefficient (系数)of zero.Answer: TRUE9) Questionnaires and surveys are examples of self-report measures.Answer: TRUEChapter 31) 1) Nature is to nurture (教养)as heredity(遗传)is toA) evolution. B) aggression. C) environment. D) natural selection.Answer: C2) A prisoner is violent and hostile, although he wasn't always this way. His therapist believes that the environment the prisoner was raised in brought about his aggressive tendencies. The therapist (咨询师)is espousing the view that behavior is primarily influenced byA) nature. B) biology. C) nurture. D) heredity.Answer: C3) In evolutionary terms, an individual's success is measured by theA) amount of territory one controls. B) degree of comfort an individual attains.C) number of offspring an individual produces. D) level of intelligence an individual acquires. Answer: C4) Members of a species who posses the range of physical and psychological attributes best adapted to the environment are most likely to survive. This concept is known asA) natural selection. B) genotypical structure.C) phenotypical structure. D) survival of the fittest.Answer: D5) As you enter the crowded room, you catch a glimpse of your friend's dark hair and slim frame. What you are noticing most directly are aspects of your friend'sA) genotype. B) phenotype(1.表现型).C) adaptations. D) selective advantage.Answer: B6) In the vocabulary of evolutionary theory, you have inherited ________ from your parents.A) a genotype B) a phenotypeC) a behavioral repertory D) your outward appearanceAnswer: A7) You are hastily (1.匆忙地,仓促地)jotting notes for a quiz on basic genetics. Luckily, a friend notices that you have incorrectly written thatA) DNA contains 46 chromosomes(1.【医】同原染色体).B) genes are located on chromosomes.C) DNA is located in the nucleus of each cell.D) DNA contains instructions for the production of proteins.Answer: A8) Sex chromosomesA) contain 23 pairs of genes.B) are identical for males and females.C) bring about the union of a sperm and an egg.D) code the development of male or female physical characteristics.Answer: D9) In the human male, the sex chromosomes normally consist of a(n) ________ pair; in the human female they consist of a(n) ________ pair.A) XY; XX B) XX; XX C) YY; XX D) XX; YYAnswer: A10) The goal of the Human Genome Project(1.【医】基因组(测序)计划) is toA) identify all of the human genes.B) verify Darwin's theory of natural selection.C) show research support for the major events in human evolution.D) build human-like robots or cyborgs.Answer: A11) A girl has two older brothers and a stepsister(1.(继父与其前妻或继母与其前夫所生的)姐姐; 妹妹). You can best guess thatA) her brothers will be genetically identical.B) she has the exact same genetic makeup as her brothers.C) she has about 50% of her genes in common with her brothers.D) genetically she will be more like her stepsister than like her brothers.Answer: C12) Imagine traveling back in time to the seventeenth century. A French philosopher by the name of Descartes(1.笛卡尔(法国哲学家、数学家,1596-1650)) has proposed the radical idea thatA) all animals have spirits.B) the human body is an "animal machine".C) humans are no more intelligent than animals.D) human action cannot be understood by using scientific means.Answer: B13) Broca's area in the brain is most closely associated withA) memory. B) emotion.C) language. D) physical movement.Answer: C14) The nervous(1.神经系统的) system is subdivided into two major divisions: What are they?A) somatic and autonomic B) peripheral and somaticC) central and peripheral D) sympathetic and parasympatheticAnswer: C15) You are working with a friend to develop flash cards to help you with your study of brain structures and their functions. Your friend remembers correctly that the ________ is involved primarily in autonomic processes such as heart rate and breathing, and you remember that the________ is involved in motivation, emotion and memory processes.A) cerebrum(1.<解>大脑); cerebral cortex(1.大脑皮层) B) brain stem(1.脑干); limbic system(1.(大脑)边缘系统)C) limbic system; brain stem D) cerebral cortex; brain stemAnswer: B16) The limbic system includes theA) medulla(1.(拉丁语)骨髓), hippocampus(2.海马回) and pons. B) hypothalamus, cerebrum(1.<解>大脑) and cerebellum(1.小脑).C) hypothalamus, hippocampus and amygdala(1.[解]扁桃体). D) reticular formation, amygdala and thalamus.Answer: C17) Research on split-brain patients(裂脑人)has suggested that, when compared to the right hemisphere(1.半球), the left hemisphere has a "style" that is moreA) global. B) holistic. C) analytical. D) insightful.Answer: C18) In the brain, the ________ serves as a relay station(1.中继站) between the endocrine system(1.内分泌系统) and the central nervous system(1.中枢神经系统).A) thalamus(1.丘脑) B) hippocampus C) hypothalamus D) cerebral cortexAnswer: CII True or False1) Your observable characteristics are known as your genotype.Answer: FALSE2) DNA is organized into units called genes.Answer: TRUE3) The human genome contains about four million genes.Answer: FALSE4) Broca's area of the brain is most closely associated with emotional behavior.Answer: FALSE5) The peripheral nervous system(1.周围神经系统) consists of the brain, spinal cord, and cranial nerves(1.颅神经;脑神经) that connect the body's sensory receptors to the central nervous system. Answer: FALSE6) The amygdala is the part of the limbic system that controls emotion, aggression, and the formation of emotional memory.Answer: TRUE7) In males, the testes secrete testosterone, which stimulates production of sperm and may increase aggression and sexual desire.Answer: TRUE8) Interneurons(中间神经元)are one class of neurons.Answer: TRUE9) The all-or-none law states that the size of the action potential(3.电位) is unaffected by increases in the intensity of stimulation beyond the threshold level(阈值).Answer: TRUE10) During the absolute refractory period(1.绝对不应期), further stimulation, no matter how intense, cannot cause another action potential to be generated.Answer: TRUEChapter 41) Signal detection theory(1.信号检测理论) suggests that differences in absolute thresholds between different people reflectA) signal strength.B) sensory processes.C) human judgment.D) absolute thresholds.Answer: C2) The visual cortex is located within theA) cerebellum.B) parietal lobe.C) frontal lobe.D) occipital lobe(1.枕叶).Answer: D3) The ________ of sound allows us to distinguish a guitar note from a saxophone note.A) timbre(1.音色;音品)B) kinestheticsC) harmonicsD) auditory diffusionAnswer: A4) The process of ________ is responsible for the conversion of physical energy to neural impulses.A) transduction(1.换能).B) plasticity.C) absolute threshold.D) psychophysics.Answer: A5) Nerve impulses that carry information travel along ________ to specialized processing areas in the brain.A) vestibular canalsB) nerve endingsC) sensory pathways(感觉通路)D) olfactory epitheliumAnswer: C6) Loudness is determined by soundA) pitch.B) quality.C) amplitude(振幅).D) frequency.Answer: C7) The eyes have two distinct types of photoreceptors(1.光感受器,感光器): the rods, which which detect ________, and the cones(1.(人眼)圆锥细胞), which detect ________.A) low intensity light; wavelengths corresponding to colorsB) motion; shapeC) bright light; dim lightD) stimuli in consciousness; unconscious stimuliAnswer: A8) Which one refers to the least amount of stimulation that your perceptual system(感知系统)can detect about half of the time?A) The stimulus threshold B) The difference thresholdC) The absolute threshold D) The action potentialAnswer: C9) Different senses give us different sensations mainly becauseA) They involve different stimuli.B) They activate different sensory regions(1.【医】感觉区, 顶颞区) of the brain.C) They have different intensities.D) We have different memories associated with them.Answer: B10) Which of the following is an example of the kind of information that top-down processing contributes to perception?A) Looking for a friend’s face in the crowdB) Having to wait for your eyes to adjust to the dark in a theatreC) Hearing a painfully loud noiseD) Feeling a pinprickAnswer:AII True or False1) Gustav Fechner coined the term psychophysics, which refers to the study of the relationship between the intensity of a physical stimulus and the magnitude of an individual's sensory experience.Answer: TRUE2) The transformation of one form of energy, such as light, to another form, such as neural impulses, is called sensory adaptation.Answer: FALSE3) The absolute threshold is operationally defined as the stimulus level at which a sensory signal is detected 100% of the time.Answer: FALSE4) In a signal detection study, an observer who is a yea sayer will give a high number of hits but will also have a high number of false alarms.Answer: TRUE5) David Hubel and Torsten Wiesel won a Nobel Prize for their studies of receptive fields of cells in the visual cortex.Answer: TRUE6) The loudness of a sound is dependent primarily on the frequency of the sound wave. Answer: FALSE7) Transduction refers to the process of converting neural impulses into psychological energy that the brain can process.Answer: FALSE8) Bottom-up processing(1.自下而上加工) refers to perceptual analysis in which information from an individual's past experience, knowledge, expectations, motivations, and background influence the way a perceived object is interpreted and classified.Answer: FALSE9) The principle of relative size states that objects of the same size but different distances project the same size images on the retina.Answer: FALSE10) When your expectations affect perceptions the process is called bottom-up processing. Answer: FALSEChapter 51) Psychology is best defined as the scientific study of DA) the mind and consciousness.B) the mental processes of individuals.C) mental disorders and abnormal behavior.D) the behavior of individuals and their mental processes.2) The first task in psychology is to make accurate observations about behavior. This means that psychologists must first ____D____ behavior.A) predict B) explain C) control D) describe3) When drawing conclusions about behavior, psychologists rely on CA) their own personal beliefs. B) what is known as "common sense."C) objectively collected information. D) their everyday observations of people.4) In order to investigate behavior, researchers may use different levels of analysis. Which of the following research questions exemplifies the broadest, most global level of analysis?AA) What are the origins of prejudice?B) Are there gender differences in prejudice?C) Are there differences in how various racial groups express prejudice?D) What is the role of early childhood experiences in the formation of prejudice?5) In 1908, Hermann Ebbinghaus wrote that "Psychology has a long past, but only a short history." Which statement best captures the idea that Ebbinghaus was expressing? CA) Psychologists, like philosophers, have difficulty learning from their mistakes.B) Questions about human nature have existed for a long time, but only recently have the methods necessary to answer them been developed.C) The field of psychology has existed for a long time, but only recently have scholars begun to record the accomplishments of the profession.D) Although psychologists have been doing laboratory research for hundreds of years, little of substance has been discovered about human nature.6) Which statement most closely characterizes the current(1.现在的, 现行的) view of most psychologists toward the study of behavior? AA) Psychologists borrow and blend from different perspectives.B) Psychologists tend to agree that the most productive approach is the biological perspective.C) Psychologists take the approach that complex behavior can be reduced to patterns of simple behavior.D) Although psychologists differ in their basic approach, all agree on the questions to be asked and how theyshould be studied.7) A psychologist who explains a rapist's behavior in terms of the rapist's displaced hostility toward his mother is most likely to prefer the ____C____ perspective.A) cognitive B) humanistic C) evolutionary D) psychodynamic8) Psychologists who take the behaviorist approach seek to BA) illustrate the innate goodness of humans.B) understand how environmental stimuli control behavior.C) validate the importance of thought processes in human behavior.D) demonstrate the importance of unresolved conflicts and inner forces.9) A teacher wants to see whether smiling at children if they raise their hands when she asks a question increases the likelihood that children will volunteer answers. From the behaviorist perspective, the antecedentenvironmental condition is ________ and the consequence is ________.A) smiling; raising of hand B) raising of hand; smilingC) asking a question; smiling D) raising of hand; asking a question10) The humanistic perspective in psychology gives greater weight and importance toA) the capacity of humans to make choices.B) breaking down complex behavior into elementary units of behavior.C) how environmental forces come to control the individual's behavior.D) the powerful instinctual tendencies that dominate people's actions.II True or False1) Psychologists are trained to describe behavior from their own subjective point of view, making sure to include their own biases and expectations in their observations.2) With respect to the goals of psychology, descriptions must stick to perceivable information, whereas explanations deliberately go beyond what can be observed.3) Psychologists believe that behavior should only be studied in a controlled research laboratory.4) In 1879, B. F. Skinner founded the first formal laboratory devoted to experimental psychology.5) In Freud's view, human nature is not always rational, and behavior may be driven by motives that are not in conscious awareness.6) According to the humanistic perspective, people are driven by powerful, instinctive forces, manipulated by their environments, and are incapable of making choices and decisions concerning their lives.7) In the view of psychologists who follow the cognitive perspective, behavior is completely determined by preceding environmental events and past behavioral consequences.8) Simply stated, the idea behind natural selection is that organisms that are better suited to their environments tend to produce offspring more successfully than those organisms with poorer adaptations.9) Brain imaging techniques have led to dramatic breakthroughs in the field of cognitive neuroscience.10) Clinical psychologists apply the insights of researchers, but are not trained to do research themselves.Chapter 6。
A.斯滕伯格B.布鲁纳 C.奈塞尔D.西蒙2、感受性提高的感觉适应现象是()。
A.触觉适应 B.嗅觉适应C.暗适应 D.明适应3、罗杰·斯佩里所做的“割裂脑”实验()。
A.运动后效 B.诱导运动 C.自主运动 D.动景运动5、多多刚搭好的积木房子被小贝推倒了,多多认为小贝是故意的,所以非常生气。
A.任务难度 B.努力程度 C.运气好坏 D.能力高低10、有动机功能的心理因素有()。
湖南师大2003、2004年发展与教育心理学专业试题2004发、教心理教心 75分一名解 25分1 场对立性2 表征3 陈述性知识4 共同要素说5 元认知二简述题 30分1 简述奥苏伯尔认知结构同化的3个模式2 简述布鲁纳的螺旋式课程结构3 简述成就动机三实例分析 20分实例概要:广州一个15岁的女中学生破解世界两大数学难题,并出版论文,引起数学界轰动。
发心 75分一名解 20分1 社会化与社会性2 习惯化与去习惯化3 自我中心与去自我中心4 性别认同与性别角色认同5 自我同一性与合法延缓期二简答 15分1 科学儿童心理学创立的标志是什么?从儿童心理学到发展心理学的演变过程中,那些心理学家做出何种贡献2 什么是角色采择?儿童角色采择技能发展过程经历那些主要阶段3 初中生反抗心理的表现方式及其产生的主要原因是什么三论述 20分1 试述儿童早期同伴交往发展过程及其与亲子交往发展的关系2 评述维果斯基关于低级心理机能与高级心理机能及其发展的主要观点四、数据分析 10分根据下表,分析小学儿童推理发展的主要趋势。
(图略,刘金花,儿童心理)五、实验设计 10分以考察儿童记忆发展为主题,设计一份简要的实验方案,必须符合下列条件:1 采用横断设计方式,2以年龄为独立变量 3 以记忆效率为主要测量指标普心一名解 15分1 一般能力2 选择性注意3 内隐记忆4 表层结构和深层结构5 气质二简答 40分1 简述鲁利亚的脑机能系统学说2 简述问题解决中的策略3 简述情绪的“评定——兴奋”说4 简述智力的PASS模型5 简述遗忘进程的规律及影响遗忘的因素三问答 20分试述影响人格形成和发展的因素心理统计 40分一名解 8分1 自由度2 参数3 百分位数4 协方差二简答 12分1 简述积差相关、等级相关的使用条件2 有人想比较高年级男女学生的机械能力,于是随机抽取男生的一个随机样本和女生的一个随机样本进行检验,我们是否因为两组被试都在高年级这一点上的相同就说他们是相关样本,或者说他们是独立样本,请对你的判断做出解释。
师范心理学试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 心理学研究的主要内容是什么?A. 心理现象B. 心理过程C. 心理状态D. 以上都是2. 以下哪项是弗洛伊德的精神分析理论的核心概念?A. 潜意识B. 自我C. 超我D. 本我3. 认知失调理论是由哪位心理学家提出的?A. 皮亚杰B. 马斯洛C. 费斯汀格D. 埃里克森4. 社会学习理论认为人们通过什么来学习?A. 观察他人B. 直接经验C. 抽象思维D. 逻辑推理5. 以下哪种记忆属于长期记忆?A. 感觉记忆B. 短时记忆C. 工作记忆D. 语义记忆6. 情绪智力理论的提出者是哪位心理学家?A. 加德纳B. 斯腾伯格C. 戈尔曼D. 艾森克7. 以下哪个选项是正强化的例子?A. 惩罚B. 消退C. 奖励D. 惩罚的撤销8. 以下哪种心理防御机制属于否认?A. 投射B. 压抑C. 合理化D. 反向形成9. 以下哪个选项是自我效能理论的核心概念?A. 自尊B. 自我C. 自我效能感D. 自我概念10. 以下哪种理论认为学习是通过观察和模仿他人的行为来实现的?A. 经典条件反射B. 操作条件反射C. 社会学习理论D. 认知发展理论答案:1-5 D A C C D 6-10 C C B C C二、简答题(每题10分,共20分)1. 简述马斯洛的需求层次理论。
2. 什么是认知失调理论?请简要说明其主要内容。
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sampling distribution
1、整群抽样 2、效标效度
1、感觉等距法 2、问题行为图 3、速度——准确性权衡
4、被试变量 5、天花板效应 6、费希纳定律
变异来源SS df MS F P
处理0.388 2 0.194 1.38>0.05
误差2.685 190.141
整群抽样又称聚类抽样(Cluster sampling),是将总体中各单位归并成若干个互不交叉、互不重复的集合,称之为群;然后以群为抽样单位抽取样本的一种抽样方式。
又叫对数定律,费希纳受韦伯的启发,用差别阈限作为感觉强度的单位,用绝对阈限作为零点,提出心理感觉量数P =K•log R(R:刺激强度水平;K:常数),即感觉强度与刺激强度的对数成正比,也只适用于中等的刺激强度。
1、大量惰性原则(3分) 2、sampling distribution(分)
X:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Y:0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0
(2)第二、第五两题的区分度Байду номын сангаас分别用点二列相关和高低分组法求)。(4分)
(3)全卷信度的α系数 。(6分)
(4)试卷效度(实证效度)。 (6分)