文化对国际营销的影响 文献综述(英)

文化对国际营销的影响 文献综述(英)
文化对国际营销的影响 文献综述(英)

西南财经大学Southwestern University of Finance and Economics


课程名称:International Marketing

论文题目:Cultural Environment and International






Cultural Environment and International Marketing [Abstract] International Marketing is a cross-border business activity, so the face of different cultural environments is inevitable. China has become a formal member of the WTO, which means that there will be more enterprises to go abroad, to participate in international competition in the market. However,in international marketing, cultural environment is very important but easily overlooked factors: some marketing strategies maybe effective in a particular cultural environment, but in another cultural environment it may not have any effect.Therefore cultural differences are often easy to form the invisible barriers to international trade, which also are the biggest obstacle in international marketing. Pay attention to the cultural environment, survive in the international market for land; otherwise, be fail.

[Key Words] Cultural environment Cultural difference International marketing Influence Impact

With the accelerated process of economic globalization, especially after China's accession to the WTO, more and more Chinese companies change from the "inward looking" to the "export-oriented" , and actively explore the international market and participate in business activities. While the cores of these activities is marketing. How to be stay an invincible position in the highly competitive international market is the most attentive realitic issue and major strategic issue. The biggest difference between this cross-border business activities and domestic marketing is: dealing with people of different cultural backgrounds. Because of different cultural backgrounds, values, the way of thinking, customs, aesthetic taste, even religion and other aspects will be different. Therefore, not only the demand for goods and services, but also the idea for the same sentence, the same action, the same thing are often different, even diametrically understanded . That is to say, effective marketing strategy, which is for one cultural environment, enter another cultural environment, not only there will be no effect, but will sometimes cause misunderstanding, friction or even conflict. Therefore, in order to truly carry out marketing activities in the international market, the first thing is to grasp the cultural differences.

Explanation of some W ords

Marketing is a social and managerial process whereby individuals and groups obtain what they need and want through creating and exchanging products and value with others (Philip Kotler,2008).

International marketing is the performance of business activities designed to plan, price, promote, and direct the flow of a company`s goods and services to consumers or users in more than one nation for a profit (Philip R. Cateora,2009).

Compared with the domestic marketing, international marketing has three characteristics: international, exotic, multi-national nature. Because of these characteristics, international marketing is a cross-border business activities, and

cross-border activities is certain to face different cultural environments.

Culture is the sum of the values, rituals, symbols, beliefs, and thought processes that are learned and shared by a group of people, then transmitted from generation to generation. Origins of culture are geography, history, the political economy, technology and social institutions (family, religion,school, the media, government and corporations). Elements of culture are cultural values, rituals, symbols (language and aesthetics as symbols), beliefs and thought processes (Philip R. Cateora,2009). Cultural environments is the spiritual wealth created by human beings in the social history of the development process.Which have an impact on international marketing are language, religion, customs, values, educational level and aesthetic taste (Y ang Qunqun,2001).

When designing a product, the style, uses, and other related marketing activities must be made culturally acceptable (i.e., acceptable to the present society) if they are to be operative and meaningful. In fact, culture is pervasive in all marketing activities ——in pricing, promotion, channels of distribution, product, packaging, and styling——and the marketer`s efforts actually become a part of the fabric culture (Mary C. Gilly,2009).

Ⅰ The objective existence of cultural differences

All cultures are unique and different among each other (Deng Y anchang, Liu Runqing,2003). Culture is jointly enjoyed by every member of a society, and the cultures of different socials are also different. In other words, almost every country in the world have a different social culture. International marketers should pay attention to the cultural differences of the two categories: one is due to the different cultural environment, customer demands for necessary goods are different. In France and Italy, the average household consumption of wine is 100 Ls, which in Germany and the Netherlands is less than 10 Ls; Beer consumption in Germany is an average of 120 Ls per person, which is less than 20 Ls in Italy.

The other is due to the differences of cultural environment leading to different peoples` values and behavior patterns. It is acceptable that members of a culture is the same kind of behavior , members of another culture does not understand and accept. In other words, that is, people from different countries often have different and even opposite understanding on the same sentence, the same action and the same thing . Late for an business appointment is considered rude and uneducated in Japan, the United States and Germany;but it is normal in Italy, Brazil and India. For the truth, the Germans say: Truth is truth; While Chinese people say: there is no absolute truth. Arabs and Latinos talking with others like to stand very close with the distance is less than 0.5 m; The distance is much wider and more comfortable between the Americans, nearly 1 m; But for the Chinese people, 0.5 to 1 meter is usually the right distance. Doing business with Americans should be straight to the point. They pay attention to efficiency and hope that all agreements can be signed for one day. Fly come today, and fly away tomorrow; To do business with the Arabs, involving business problems directly is very rude. They liking talking about social issues and other issues with you, sometimes you may talk for a few hours. If the performance of impatience is appeared,

your efforts will in vain.

As international marketers, we must admit the objective existence of cultural differences and understand these cultural differences. Otherwise, it may make us misunderstood and can not be accepted, resulting in the marketing failure.


The importance of understanding the language of a country cannot be overestimated.The language reflects an essence of the culture and values, the best one show the differences between cultures. The successful international marketer must achieve expert communication, which requires a thorough understanding of the language as well as the ability to speak it (John L. Graham,2009). When enterprises carry out international marketing activities, you must pay full attention to the language differences in the impact on customer buying behavior. Specifically, the impact of language on customer buying behavior is mainly manifested in two aspects: (1)Communication of information

To understand customers` needs, introduce businesses and products to the customers; to understand customers' views and reflect on the business or product and to know market information well, etc., all of these require marketers to master the language which customers familiar with to communicate. Otherwise, communication will have obstacle, and it is difficult to achieve the goal of marketing campaigns. (2)Translation of the brand and advertising

The translation is actually two kinds of cultural exchanges, the slightest mistake could make big error. When Coca-Cola Company of the United States in the early 1920s tried to enter the Chinese market for the first time, according to Coca-Cola pronunciation, the company transliterated"口渴口蜡"as the Chinese brand. The sales was very low. Because a lot of people understood it as " drink wax when you thirsty", immediately organized the activity which was renamed for the product in Chinese. They studied on the basis of the 40,000 Chinese characters, and determine the finalization of the similar pronunciation and subtle meaning "可口可乐" as the Chinese brand, and then the success is well known. Chinese "红豆" brand clothing, not literally translated as "RED SEED", but translated into "LOVE SEED "——" the seeds of love ", which included the"红豆" culture, and this brand is popular in the overseas. The above example shows that marketers must be aware of various language features, taboo on the expression, metaphor in international marketing. So the target market country customers can understand spoken and written language to convey corporate information, product information (Qu Yifan,Zou Fengling,2002). 2、Religion

Religion is one of the cultural elements. It has a profound effect on people's beliefs, values and the way of life. The influence of religion in international marketing in the following five areas:

(1)Religious requirements or taboos on people's consumption patterns

The most obvious example about religion in international marketing is the Middle East——the prohibition to eat pork products and drinking alcohol beverages; for poultry exports to Muslim countries, the animal must be slaughtered in a special way. Devout Muslims in the Arab countries wherever he goes must kneel and pray to the

direction of the holy city of Mecca. Belgian carpet merchant V andeweghe put flat, pointing to Mecca compass embedded in the carpets, which are in short supply in all Muslims living region. In addition, the Hindus are vegetarians, so there is a vast market of fruit and vegetable products company; Catholics requires to buy a lot of fish on Friday, so it is a good opportunity for sales of fish and fish products.

(2)Religious festivals on the impact of marketing strategies and marketing plans Each religion has its own festival, and religious festivals vary markedly among countries. There are differences not only between different religions, but also between the different countries of the same religion. For example, the Christian countries accustome to have Christmas, and exchange gifts on December 24th or 25th; While Dutch exchange gifts on December 6th; Russian on January 1st. In Muslim countries, to most people, religious activities occupy an important position to affect all aspects of life. No matter how important the business is, it cannot be done in the month of Ramadan. In addition, the demand of goods is often like a roller-coaster around festivals. According to statistics, in many Christian countries, a month's retail sales before Christmas are often higher than in other months several times. International marketers when making a marketing plan must be taken local cultural festivals into account, in particular, to consider the factors of religious activities.

(3)The influence of r eligious organizations on the purchasing decisions and purchasing activities

Religious organizations often play a considerable role in economic affairs. First of all, the religious organization itself is a big buying groups; Second, religious organizations are influencers for believers to make a purchase decision. Churches and other religious institutions find that some new products, new technologies pose a threat of religion, they are often able to effectively resist and restrict these. Conversely, if the religious organizations think that a product or technology will be good for religion, they can call on followers to use and purchase.

(4)The impact of religious denomination on marketing activities and marketing strategies

Religion lead to the risk of common political risk. The opposition between the different religions, and between the different factions in the same religion, will bring many difficulties to the international marketing. For example, in Northern Ireland, Catholic and Protestant have serious opposition; conflict between Muslims and Hindus in the Indian peninsula led that it had to be divided into two separate countries - Pakistan and India; in Lebanon, Catholicism and Islam co-exist, so there are many occurrences of religious and political conflicts; Catholic and Protestant have its own political parties and newspapers in the Netherlands. These affairs caused by religious contradictions often bring difficulties to the international marketing activities and personnel management. Under normal circumstances, the religious differences may make the market differences, and different religious groups may think that the different sub-markets, then companies can lay a different marketing strategy.

(5)The influence of religion on the status of women

In d ifferent cultures, the status of women are very different, which often has a direct relationship with religion. For example, in the Islamic Middle East countries,

women are discriminated against. They can neither work, nor decide to purchase. Therefore, enterprises should be based on the level and the role of the status of women in the target market and make the appropriate adjustment of marketing strategy. If a woman has no say in society, we should make men as the goal to promote when trying to do product promotion , instead of spending energy to persuade housewives (Zhao Jie,1999).


Customs is the ideas and norms of behavior from generation to generation in the human society, and a form of consumers. The taboo is a special form of expression about the customs. Successful marketing activities are always linked to the understanding ,analysis, research of the customs of consumers in the target market. For example, the merchants of different countries have different business practices etiquette, and negotiating style. Americans like to talk over dinner, so doing business with the Americans are mostly at the table. German is very decent, paying attention to form, but lacking of flexibility. Business cards in Japan and Singapore is paramount to the commercial transaction. When you submit a business card, you should use your both hands, go a slight bow and enjoy looking at it with a look of gratitude. Only to understand that, it may bring the convenience of business contacts(Gong Ping,1998).


V alues are the criteria about things, such as time, risk, change and innovation, attitude to achievement, and so on. The values are the fundamental distinction of different cultures, different societies, different groups, even different individuals. Thus, it is the core content of the culture and the outward manifestation of all activities. There are considerable differences in the values of people from different cultural backgrounds, such as the Japanese pay attention to detail; Americans are good at the competition and innovation; The highest level of Buddhist is no desire, so the life is relatively modest. For different values, the enterprise should adopt a different strategy(Zhang Shujun,2000).

5、Educational level

Education is the means to transfer production, knowledge and experience of life. It is also the guarantee to continue the social and cultural conditions. It largely determines the knowledge, skills, values and lifestyles of the citizens, and thus to some extent, it determine consumer choices and consumption habits, too. Thus it influence and restrict the marketing activities. The impacts of education on the international marketing are the following four aspects:

(1)Education is one of the criteria for market segmentation;

Different countries is at different levels of education, so the level of purchase is different to consumers.

(2)The impact of marketing research;

For example, in the countries with lower levels of education, to find the right local researchers for conducting a market survey , and to exchange views with consumers are more difficult.

(3)The level of education the company's marketing staff has a great impact on marketing decisions;

In general, the staff with the low level of education are often only the implementations of marketing decisions; With being highly educated, knowledgeable and able to make more reasonable decisions, these people tend to hold in the rights of enterprise`s marketing management.

(4)Different levels of education determine the requirements of local users of the products.

It is often one of the reasons for the implementation of the strategy of product diversification in the international market. For example, Japan has traditionally attached great importance to education, children enrollment rate is 100%, 90% of junior high school graduates to high school, 40% of the people can enter universities. Naturally, Japanese have rich knowledge of goods, so the requesting for product is high, making the Japanese market buy only high-quality goods(Wang Fanghua,2009).

6、Aesthetic taste

Aesthetic ideas are also a form of expression of the values. It is the view that people judge things is or not beautiful, how beautiful standard. It is reflected in the numbers, colors, patterns and music preferences and taboos what people like. For example, for Japanese and European people, the white represents purity, light, frank, great; While it represents humble in Indian eyes.

Ⅱ The equality of cultural environment

The cultures of the countries in the world are different, but no better."Any kinds of culture is the product of human mental activity. It is one aspect of human civilization. As the human existence, the existence of a nation is no better than non-divided. If we respect people, recognize that each person has the right to survive and develope, then we should recognize the rationality of the existence of every culture. "(Chen Rongjie,2000). Only in this way, we can transcend the obstacles of cultural education, religion, customs, values, and understand and respect other countrys` culture.

Of course, in real life, it is not easy for us to must understand and respect the culture of another country, because every nation has the ethnocentrism. The people of each country think of themselves as the best, the most intelligent one from the bottom of their heart. Americans believe that America is the largest, best, latest and richest country in the world; Spaniards consider themselves as the most courageous people; Japanese consider themselves as the most polite people; Chinese people think that they own the oldest and most brilliant history and culture; German think that they are the most stringent on the work; Italy people think that they are the most humble. However, as an international marketer, you must abandon the ethnocentrism to overcome the narrow ideology and to accept the world culture with broad minded and tolerant attitude. Only by recognizing the equality of cultural differences, you can really understand and respect foreign cultures. So marketing activities can proceed in a harmonious and friendly atmosphere, marketing will be successful.

Ⅲ The superiority of the cultural differences

A successful international marketer is familiar with not only the objectivity of the cultural environment, the equality of cultural environment, but also the superiority of

cultural environment. This advantage is reflected in the cultural environment`s adaptability and learning. To adapt to the cultural environment, it is necessary to discard preconceived ideas, to play to their strengths. For example,Italians like to talk, but the Finns think that silence is golden; when conducting business communication, Italian monologue is about 90% of the time, Finns content with silent, then they are happy and play their own strengths, this is the cultural adaptation.

Every coin has two sides, and cultural environment is a "double-edged sword". It is inconvenient, but it also give us the opportunity. If it is used properly, it can bring the enterprise development opportunities.

In summary, international marketing is the cross-border business activities. It has to face different operating environment, while the largest difference is different cultural environment. Different cultural environments lead to different customer needs, different ways of thinking, different values. The influence of the cultural environment is a comprehensive, system-wide, the whole process. In order to marketing success, it should be "Into the country, then know the prohibition and custom". [References]

[1]Philip R. Cateora, Mary C. Gilly, John L.Graham; International Marketing [M]. Beijing, the Publishing House of Chinese People Univercity, 2009

[2]Warren J.Keegan, Mark C.Green; Global Marketing [M]. Beijing, the Publishing House of Chinese People University, 2009

[3]Wang Fanghua, Fu Baohui, Xiao Zhibing; Culture and Marketing [M]. Shanxi, the Publishing House of Economy of Shanxi, 1998

[4]Gong Ping; The Impact of the Cultural Environment of International Marketing [J]. Heilongjiang, Foreign Economic, Freb. 1998

[5] Shao Jie; The impact of the social Culture of International Marketing [J]. Hebei, the Newspapers of the University of Hebei, March 1999

[6]Qu Yifan, Zou Fengling; The Cultural Adaptation [J]. Jiangsu, Taught, July 2002

[7]Liu Baiyu; Cultural Difference and International Marketing [D]. May 2005


《千里莺饭店营销策略分析》文献综述 一、选题目的和文献检索情况概述 (一)选题目的 现代意义的市场营销思想最初始于20 世纪初,营销从传统的经济学转入管理学研究,标志营销管理时代的开始,4P's 的提出奠定了管理营销的基础理论框架,如何将国际成熟的营销理论与方法和中国转型市场完成对接,是当前摆在我国营销学界和企业界面临的一个重大课题。企业市场营销战略与策略,是现代企业市场营销的主要活动,战略和策略制定的是否科学,直接关系到企业营销的成败。因此,要使企业的营销活动正常进行,取得预期的效果经济效益,就必须研究分析、评价企业的市场营销策略。本文深入分析饭店服务业的市场竞争现状,总结分析了千里莺饭店的内部营销和关系营销策略现状,并从产品质量和服务质量,价格策略,营销渠道和促销策略等方面提出具体的营销策略,对于千里莺饭店制订营销策略,扩大市场份额,提高自己分析问题、解决问题的能力和水平,具有非常重大的实际应用意义 (二)文献检索情况概述 在2006年12月确定了论文选题后,本人就开始在学校图书馆和系资料室搜集相文献及资料,在万方数据库、维普中文科技、人大复印资料以“饭店营销”为关键词查到30篇,参阅了20篇。 二、相关文献的主要观点和结论 (一)关于我国饭店业发展现状分析 黎志东在《汇景酒店营销策略研究》中指出,在经历了20多年的经济高速增长后,中国拥有了全世界最富有吸引力的旅游业国内市场,这给饭店业带来了巨大的发展动力。受市场强劲需求拉动,中国饭店业曾经在上世纪90年代中后期进行整体快速扩张,但随后由于扩张过度在2000年前后陷入低迷调整。2001年以后,受加入WTO的影响,中国旅游业对外开放进一步扩大,同时上个世纪90年代过度扩张的后果被市场逐步消化,中国饭店业开始复苏。 王兴琼在《当前我国饭店业的经营困境及其所采取对策和绩效研究》中认为,尽管饭店业是我国最早对外开放的行业之一,中国的第一家合资企业就诞生在这个行业。按常理,它应最早、最直接吸收国外先进的经营理念和管理模式。然而,饭店业在我国却面临着观念陈旧、管理落后、效益不佳等诸多困境。整体来说,我国饭店业表现出过度竞争和竞争不足并存的格局。 王国秀在《我国目前酒店营销的一些误区及其突破》中的观点,20世纪70—80年代,供不应求是我国饭店业的一大特征,饭店经营者们大多只是把精力放在如何接待客人和解决客房不足等问题上,至于今后的市场需求和变化则很少或根本不过问,尤其是1978年我国实行对外开放以后,外国游客大量涌入,—度使我国相对较少的饭店频频告急,供不应求的状况使饭店轻而易举地获得较高的超额利润这时的“饭店经营”同“饭店营销”尚没有什么直接的联系,可是由于超额利润的强烈诱惑,不仅饭店自身不断扩大其规模,如增加客房等,而且大量外来资金和企业也都对此相当看好,进军饭店业,以至于形成了目前这样激烈的饭店竞争局面,饭店经营由卖方市场转向了买方市场,饭店管理观念也不得不


市场营销论文参考文献精选3篇 市场营销论文参考文献精选1篇 [1] 左仁淑 . 关系营销 : 服务营销的理论基础 . 大学学报 , 2004,(4): 19-23 [2] 科特勒, 洪瑞云, 梁绍明等. 市场营销管理(亚洲版). 第 3 版. :中国人民大学, 2004, 15-35 [3] Heide J B, George J. Do Norms Matter in Marketing Relationships. Journal of Marketing, 1992, 56(2): 32-44 [4] 绍福, 徐宝瑞. 现代医院创新经营. 中国医院管理, 2001, 21(11):60-62 [5] 英. 现代医院应树立的十大营销观念. 中国卫生产业, 2004, (2):76-78 [6] 贾守营 . 金牌医院商务策划 . : 华南理工大学 , 2005,188-193 [7] 科特勒, 洪瑞云, 梁绍明等. 市场营销管理(亚洲版). 第 2 版. :中国人民大学, 2001, 55-56 [8] Frank H, Andreas H, Robert E M. Gaining competitive advantagethrough customer value oriented management. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 2005, 22(6): 23-24 [9] 丁桂兰. 医疗机构营销. : 清华大学, 2005, 107-113 [10] Christian Gro nroos. Strategic Management and Marketing in the Service Sector. Cambridge. Mass: Marketing Science Institute, 1983,85-88 [11] Parasuraman A, Valarie A Zeithaml, Leonard L Berry. SERVQUAL: A Multiple-Item Scale for Measuring Customer Perceptions of Service Quality, Cambridge. Mass: Marketing Science Institute, 1986, 30-32 [12] Liljander Veronica. Comparison Standards in Perceived Service Quality. Helsingfors: Svenska Handelsho gskolan, 1995 [13] Strandvik, Tore. Tolerance Zones In Perceived Service Quality. Helsingfors: Svenska Handelsh gskolan, 1994 [14] 菲利普科特勒 . 营销管理 . 第九版 . : 人民 ,217-218 [15] Gronroos C. Internal Marketing-Theory and Practice, in American1999 Marketing Association Services Marketing ConferenceProceedings, 1981, 41-47


随着社会经济的发展,消费水平和层次也相应提高。 消费者的消费不再满足于基本的、标准的、大众化的需求,而是呈现多样化、个性化和精细化。 传统的营销已不再适应市场的要求,如何实施市场营销战略和策略来针对不同的目标市场也亟待解决。 针对这一问题,本文就市场营销战略的构建进行了探讨。 1 市场营销战略的演变与发展在人类已跨人21世纪的今天,由于信息科学技术高速发展,消费方式发生巨大的变化,现代市场行情变得更为错综复杂,市场竞争异常激烈。 任何企业要想成功进入、占领、巩固和扩展市场,采用正确的市场营销战略显得尤为重要。 长期以来,被营销理论界广为接受的4Ps理论是由美国学者杰罗姆·麦卡锡提出的,4Ps市场营销战略能从复杂的营销变数中找到最为重要的因素,并从单纯的因素上升为一组策略,从而更好地适应日益复杂的营销环境1。 随着市场营销战略理论研究发展,出现6Ps、10Ps、11Ps策略都是4Ps市场营销战略的扩展,其核心仍是4Ps。 40多年来,每位营销经理在策划市场营销战略活动时,都基本从4Ps理论出发考虑问题2,1990年美国学者劳特朋首次提出了用4Cs取代传统4Ps,为市场营销战略研究提供了新的思路,相比而言,4Cs更注重以消费者需求为导向,与市场导向的4Ps相比,4Cs在理念上有了很大进步与发展。

但从企业和市场发展趋势看,4Cs抑制了企业的主动性和创造性3。 20世纪90年代中期,美国学者舒尔茨提出的4Rs阐述了一个全新的市场营销战略的4个新要素4。 战略意味着企业未来的经营行动。 它的制定必须与企业的目标具有一致性,它既要同企业内外部环境相协调,又要同企业资源相匹配,因此战略具有以下特征5:全局性、未来性、系统性、竞争性、相对稳定性。 市场营销战略是指企业借以实现市场营销目标的市场营销逻辑,它是在已经确定的业务经营范围之内,由企业的市场营销部门按照企业战略中已经规定的任务目标,增长策略和产品投资组合的特点,从外部环境中去分析和评价各种资源状况,综合考虑各项影响因素,制定出各种产品的市场营销战略。 企业的总体战略与市场营销战略既有区别又有联系,两者密不可分。 前者是企业全局性的战略,后者是局部性的;前者是企业级的,后者是职能级的;前者领导后者,后者服从于前者,后者是前者实现的最直接的表现方面。 市场营销战略方案可以分为业务单位、产品、市场三个层次,通过具体市场营销机会和详细的计划来支持企业的总体战略6。 战略学家安索夫最早提出了基于产品市场的企业战略模式,它足以说明市场营销战略的职能作用是极为重要和突出的。


关于服务营销的论文参考文献 [1] 左仁淑 . 关系营销 : 服务 营销的理论基础 . 四川大学学报,XX,: 19-23 [2] 科特勒, 洪瑞云, 梁绍明等. 市场营销管理. 第 3 版. 北京:中国人民 大学出版社, XX, 15-35 [3] heide j b, george j. do norms matter in marketing relationships. journal of marketing, 1992, 56: 32-44 [4] 陈绍福, 徐宝瑞. 现代医院 创新经营. 中国医院管理, XX, 21:60-62 [5] 张英. 现代医院应树立的十 大营销观念. 中国卫生产业, XX, :76-78 [6] 贾守营 . 金牌医院商务策 划 . 广州 : 华南理工大学出版社, XX,188-193 [7] 科特勒, 洪瑞云, 梁绍明等. 市场营销管理. 第 2 版. 北京:中国人民 大学出版社, XX, 55-56

[8] frank h, andreas h, robert e m. gaining competitive advantagethrough customer value oriented management. journal o f consumer marketing, XX, 22: 23-24 [9] 丁桂兰. 医疗机构营销. 北京: 清华大学出版社, XX, 107-113 [10] christian gro nroos. strategic management and marketing in the service sector. cambridge. mass: marketing science institute, 1983,85-88 [11] parasuraman a, valarie a zeithaml, leonard l berry. servqual: a multiple-item scale for measuring customer perceptions of service quality, cambridge. mass: marketing science institute, 1986, 30-32 [12] liljander veronica. comparison standards in perceived service quality. helsingfors: svenska handelsho gskolan, 1995 [13] strandvik, tore.


文献综述 甘霖在《基于网络环境下快速消费品的营销策略》一文中提出,把握消费 者的购买动机、购买决策及行为已经成为营销成败的关键要素之一,我国企业 在营销中存在的主要问题是市场细分不足和盈利能力不足,要想树立快速消费 品品牌需要做到提升营销效率、推陈出新、执行有效的市场拓展策略。 张明在《基于传统文化的吴裕泰茶叶营销策略》研究一文中指出包装可以 使消费者产生购买欲望,刺激消费,63%的消费者是根据商品的包装来选购商品的,企业生产的各类产品应该采用类似包装策略,同时根据消费者的使用习惯 要实行差别包装策略。 李清泽,杜维春,李建兵在《我国茶叶市场和消费特点分析》中提出高附 加值快速消费品在构建分销渠道需要有别于大众快速消费品,要强调―目标市场‖渗透而不仅仅是市场铺货率,提倡―精准终端‖的理念,鼓励公司的销售 人员主导终端的开发和创新同时要充分利用渠道终端为品牌宣传服务,文章强 调建立一个与品牌策略相匹配的顺畅分销渠道将最大化地帮助产品实现价值。 黄婷婷《福建茶叶营销对策分析》中提出产品定位的原则中最重要的两个 是针对性原则和竞争差异化原则,在目前消费个性化、多样化的时代,通过一 个产品满足所有消费者的需求是不可能的,必须运用三个针对,即针对终端、 针对竞争对手和针对消费者;而产品的差异化主要体现在产品原料差异化、特 性和功能差异化、价格差异化、促销差异化、包装差异化、品牌形象与文化差 异化等。 王丽惜,朱东红《关于茶叶物流模式的探讨———以安溪为例》中认为我 国茶叶营销经过了三个发展阶段,第一阶段的企业经营明显具有产品观念,该 阶段成功的因素主要在与产品的原料;第二阶段成功的决定因素是产品的功能,企业经营依靠的是单一的推销战略而不是整合营销战略;第三阶段是指 2001 年至今,顾客的需求成为了成功的关键因素,整合营销和竞争的意识开始逐渐 加强。目前我国茶叶行业发展存在两个主要问题,一是产品技术含量不高,二 是营销观念仍然落后。 罗永昌《网上销售系统的分析与设计》中阐述了知识营销的含义和特点, 认为企业的经营活动不再只关心销售额和利润,更强调为消费者提供更多的价 值引导消费者产生对新产品的现实需求,在知识营销策略中提出两个重要方面:


文献综述 关于差异化营销策略研究的文献综述 摘要:理论界关于差异化营销模式的相关研究比较多,本文从差异化营销的策略和模式两个角度对相关研究进行分析,并对其进行评价,找出其中的研究不足,以期为进一步研究提供一定参考。 关键词:差异化营销营销策略模式 引言 随着社会经济的发展,消费水平和层次也相应提高。消费者的消费不再满足于基本的、标准的、大众化的需求,而是呈现多样化、个性化和精细化。传统的营销已不再适应市场的要求,如何实施差异化营销战略和模式来针对不同的目标市场也亟待解决。针对这一问题,本文就差异化营销模式的构建进行了探讨。 1.差异化营销概念及相关策略研究 1.1差异化营销概念 对于一个企业来说,创造顾客就是创造差异,在激烈的市场竞争中凭借其自身的各种优势,在产品质量、功能上优于竞争对手,通过有自己特色的促销营销手段,完善周到的售后服务在消费者心中树立起与众不同的企业形象和品牌形象,从而赢得市场。 邓久根[1]在《差异化营销策略的实施的对策与战略》一书中提到差异化营销就是企业凭借自身的技术优势和管理优势生产出在性能上、质量上优于市场上现有水平的产品或是在销售方面通过特色的宣传活动、灵活的推销手段和周到的售后服务,在消费者心目中树立起不同一般的形象。张占东[2]和杨树伟[3]等人也提出了相似的差异化营销的相关概念。 在借鉴前人的基础上,笔者认为差异化营销是指面对已经细分的市场,企业选择两个或者两个以上的子市场作为市场目标,分别对每个子市场提供针对性的产品和服务以及相应的销售措施。企业根据子市场的特点,分别制定产品策略、价格策略、渠道策略以及促销策略并予以实施。 1.2差异化营销策略研究 关于差异化营销策略研究主要集中在产品、服务、品牌和渠道等方面。学界涌现出了大量的研究成果。 1.2.1产品差异化策略 产品差异化是指产品的特征、工作性能、一致性、耐用性、可靠性、易修理性、式样和设计等方面的差异。其缺点是保持产品的差异化往往以高成本为代价,


文献综述 题目基于“电子菜箱”的农产品 网络营销运作分析 学生姓名马建召 专业班级信息管理与信息系统(08-1班)学号200806040125 院(系)经济与管理学院 指导教师(职称)仝新顺(教授) 完成时间 2012年 6 月 1 日

基于“电子菜箱”的农产品 网络营销运作分析 1.国内研究现状 1.1网络营销理论研究现状 1.1.1主要的网络营销观念 中国的一些经济学家认为网络营销是以互联网为媒体,以新的营销理念、方式、手段等实施营销活动,更有效的促成个人和组织交易活动的实现。如张雁白、黄泽华认为网络营销是数字经济时代的一种崭新的营销理念和营销模式,是用信息化技术进行的全部营销活动,是提升企业核心竞争力的一把钥匙,也是企业利用网络媒体来展开的各类市场营销活动,是传统市场营销在网络时代的延伸和发展。 山东大学的胡正明认为网络营销是指借助联机网络、电脑通讯和数字交互式媒体,以新的方式和理念来实现目标的营销活动方式。网络营销的理论基础是整合营销、虚拟营销、软营销和直复营销。 河南师范大学部翔的网络营销理念基础主要有三个:整合营销、直复营销和软营销。整合营销体现了以顾客为出发,企业和顾客不断交流的特点;直复营销是一种相互作用的市场营销体系;而软营销强调企业在进行市场营销活动时,必须尊重消费者的感受和体验,让消费者主动接受企业的营销活动。 广东松山职业技术学院的杨延红认为网络营销是企业利用网络媒体来开展各类市场营销活动,是传统市场营销在网络环境下的延伸和发展。 1.1.2网络营销的特点 张雁白,黄泽华等学者认为网络营销具有虚拟性、便利性、服务性、低成本性、速度快、互动性、国际性、时空无限性等。 王耀球、万晓认为网络营销有4个特点:具有极强的互动性,有助于企业实现全程营销目标;有利于企业降低成本费用;帮助企业增加销售,提高市场占有率;有效地服务于顾客,满足顾客的需要。 朱稼兴、段鹏等通过对中国网络经济比较发达的沿海城市进行分析认为:网络营销是一种以消费者为导向(主动权在消费者),强调一对一个性化服务;极强的双向交


市场营销文献综述摘要:市场营销理论最早是西方开始研究,改革开放以后我国逐步引进西方先进管理思想与经验,我国理论界人士不断消化吸收其思想内核,并结合我国具体国情不断推陈出新,经历数十年的发展,市场营销理论已经比较成熟。市场营销理论最初从组合理论开始展开,逐步拓展其理论边际,成为一门涉及服务营销、互动营销等领域,并伴随着互联网经济的发展完善其模式的理论体系。同时市场营销基于对社会实务界的细致观察,不断捕捉社会经济风潮,不断增强其理论指导实务工作的能力。作为一门实务性特别强的学科,市场营销理论在指导实际工作具有巨大的作用,本文献综述将具体从基本理论开始展开研究,再与实际的航空营销工作中与理论相结合,从而论证营销理论在指导实际工作的巨大功效。关键字:市场营销;服务营销;营销模式;互动营销;航空营销 1 一.引言市场营销理论首先出现在西方,最开始是从组合理论开始萌芽。1953年,尼尔·博登博士(Neil Borden)在美国市场营销学会的就职演说中创造了“市场营销组合”(MarketingMix)这一术语,其意是指市场需求或多或少的在某种程度上受到所谓“营销变量”或“营销要素”的影响, 为了寻求一定的市场反应, 企业要对这些要素

进行有效的组合,从而满足市场需求获得最大利润。营销组合实际上有几十个要素,博登提出的市场营销组合包括12 个要素,称为12因素“营销组合”策略,即“产品计划、定价、厂牌、供销路线、人员销售、广告、促销、包装、陈列、扶持、实体分配和市场调研”。[1]后来的1960年,美国市场营销专家尤金·麦卡锡 (E.J.Mccarthy)教授在人们营销实践的基础上,提出了著名的4P营销策略组合理论。4P即产品(Product)、定价(Price)、渠道(Place)、促销(Promotion)首字母的缩写。同年,尤金·麦卡锡(E·J·Mccarthy)也对微观市场营销下了定义:市场营销是企业经营活动的职责,它将产品及劳务从生产者直接引向消费者或使用者以便满足顾客需求及实现公司利润,同时也是一种社会经济活动过程,其目的在于满足社会或人类需要,实现社会目标。[2]二.市场营销基本理论最初的市场营销理论并没有将无形服务和有形实体产品加以区分,直到1966年,美国的拉斯摩(John·Rathmall)教授第一次提出要用新方法研究服务的市场营销问题并要求将两者加以区分,随后在1974年专门著作一本讨论服务市场营销的书,这标志着服务市场营销理论诞生。[3]随后西方理论界又在组合理论方面出现新的进展,先后出现了以下新的理论创新。布姆斯和比特纳1981 年在原来


营销管理(Marketing Management)文献综述刘爱泉[1]指出电力营销内部审计重点应放在电力营销部室的"一部三中心",在审计中要大量调阅电费票据、台账、营销报表、供用电合同等原始相关记录和资料,正确评价该企业的电力营销管理。审计的内容和要点应侧重于营销管理问题的发现。谭林,纪朝新[2]提出公司在策划营销方案的时候应尽量研究方案目标群体的喜好,选择合适的营销礼品,并制定严格的礼品配送流程。伴随着国民经济的迅速升温,市场竞争的形态和趋势也慢慢发生着巨大的变化,服务成为主导竞争格局的重要因。李永壮[3]论述了随着互联网的飞速发展,网络营销这一新鲜事物应运产生。在网络营销中,信息的管理必不可少,主要阐述了网络营销中的各种信息的管理。戴雪蕾[4]结合对制药企业营销管理系统数据库的分析和试验,从以下几个方面探讨了基于SQL SERVER 2000的数据库性能优化技术:①数据库服务器的性能优化;②数据库物理设计的优化;③数据库逻辑设计的优化。Kyriakos Kyriakopoulos等[5]认为一个公司的市场定位应该结合开发战略和市场开发,通过提供一个聚焦在客户目标的有效理论,来促进市场信息流动之间的战略进程,并集成一个动态连接能力市场。P. Gabrielsson等[7]提出了一个框架和命题用来检验多情况的研究方法,同时也进一步进行实证研究和调查,并得出理论和管理方面的结论。Ahmad Jamal[7]针对英国的小族群零售业企业家和他们的目标消费者进行一个探索性的研究,探讨了目标在于吸引少数消费者的对于商家的影响主流品牌营销目标的意义。Sung Ho Ha等[8]提出一种动态的客户关系管理(CRM)模型,利用数据挖掘技术监测体系中提取纵向知识并分析随着时间推移的来自零售商得客户的行为模式。分析表明,纵向的客户关系管理(CRM)可以有效的解决任何零售商都可能面对的管理问题。Vikash Naidoo[9]研究了市场定位、营销创新和经营策略的影响,探讨了是否营销创新可以帮助在当前经济状况下来抵御操作的挑战性,并利用结构方程模型测试了一个关于市场定位、营销创新、竞争优势、企业生存的概念模型。S.L. Chan等[10]使用内含的系统动力学的概念提出了一个关于客户关系管理(CRM)的模型,通过定义产品吸引力和用户从历史的营销活动所得到的反馈的参数,公司就可以很容易地从市场和产品开发方面评估其商业策略,从而提炼这些参数,采用最好的策略,来创造顾客价值及最大的利润。Peter J. Buckley等[11]针对三个日本跨国企业在中国的案例进行研究,分析了日本公司业务模式在中国的所改变的方向、范围和性质,探索这些传统的日本国际营销行为的改变。J. VanDelinder等[12]研究表明社会营销包括特定


本科生专业文献综述 题目:关于饭店营销策略的文献综述姓名:杨青兰 学院:人文社会科学学院 专业:旅游管理 班级:旅游管理42班 学号:2224213 指导教师:尹燕职称: 助教 200 7 年6 月26 日 南京农业大学教务处制

关于饭店营销策略的文献综述 旅游管理专业学生杨青兰 指导教师尹燕 摘要:目前我国饭店业所面临的形势是机遇与挑战并存,饭店营销已成为势在必行。采取哪些有效的营销策略,满足饭店在激烈的市场竞争中谋求生存与发展的需要,是饭店经营管理研究中的一个新课题。本文对我国饭店业现状研究、我国饭店业营销现状及其问题研究、饭店营销策略研究进行了综述,揭示了饭店营销在饭店经营管理中的重要性,希望为饭店业营销管理提供借鉴和参考。 关键词:饭店;营销;策略 A Review on the Hotel Marketing Strategy Student majoring in Traveling Management Yang Qinglan Tutor Yin Yan Abstract: In the business of the hotel in China, the situation is that the chances and the challenges coexist, the managing and marketing of the hotel is irresistible. In order to meet the needs of existence and development in the marketing competition, many efficient hotel marketing strategy should be taken, and this is a new question for study in the hotel management research. This paper is overview about present conditions of business of the hotel in China, present study of hotel marketing in China, and the research achievement of strategies of hotel marketing. The


毕业论文文献综述 市场营销 淘宝商城网络营销策略探析 (一)国内外研究现状 国内外专家的研究充分阐述了什么是网络营销,我国网络营销的现状和网络营销的利弊,怎样进行网络营销。但是这些网络营销的研究都是从大环境这个面上分析,很少有从具体的企业网络营销这个点上分析。并且在这些研究提出的问题解决方案,都是从网络营销这个面上提出的,这种由面及面的问题解决方案有点泛泛之谈,并没有实际意义。所以本文重在从淘宝商城这个点上分析,由点及面的分析网络营销策略。 (二)研究主要成果 1、网络营销的相关研究成果 米德詹姆斯在《孟菲斯在谷歌搜索首页进行本地网络营销》一文中指出,企业在进行本地网络营销的时候,将自己的网页放在谷歌第一页的重要性,能对企业的产品销售和品牌推广等方面有非常大的帮助,这就像现在淘宝商城的竞价排名一样,注重关键词,注重在淘宝商城搜索上在第一页的重要性; 林跃在《浅谈网络营销》中指出,随着经济和科学技术的发展,网络进入了千家万户,网络营销也随之呼之欲出。网络营销存着许多的优势和劣势。它的优势在于超越时空、低成本、实时互动沟通和多媒体展示;劣势在于诚信问题、安全问题、价格问题、被动性问题; 刘保成在《浅析企业如何进行网络营销》中认为,企业在进行网络营销时,应注意进行准确而客观的市场定位,进行网络竞争对手分析,目标市场分析,最后确定营销目标; 张海龙在《网络营销:个人化营销方式》中提出,网络营销是以顾客为导向,强调个性化的营销方式。消费者根据自己的个性特定和需求通过网络在全世界寻找满足自己个性化需求的产品。而企业通过个性化的虚拟商店,满足顾客购物的个性化; 2、网络营销的策略研究成果


市场营销文献综述 摘要:市场营销理论最早是西方开始研究,改革开放以后我国逐步引进西方先 进管理思想与经验,我国理论界人士不断消化吸收其思想内核,并结合我国具体国情不断推陈出新,经历数十年的发展,市场营销理论已经比较成熟。市场营销理论最初从组合理论开始展开,逐步拓展其理论边际,成为一门涉及服务营销、互动营销等领域,并伴随着互联网经济的发展完善其模式的理论体系。同时市场营销基于对社会实务界的细致观察,不断捕捉社会经济风潮,不断增强其理论指导实务工作的能力。作为一门实务性特别强的学科,市场营销理论在指导实际工作具有巨大的作用,本文献综述将具体从基本理论开始展开研究,再与实际的航空营销工作中与理论相结合,从而论证营销理论在指导实际工作的巨大功效。 关键字:市场营销;服务营销;营销模式;互动营销;航空营销

一.引言 市场营销理论首先出现在西方,最开始是从组合理论开始萌芽。1953年,尼尔·博登博士(Neil Borden)在美国市场营销学会的就职演说中创造了“市场营销组合”(MarketingMix)这一术语,其意是指市场需求或多或少的在某种程度上受到所谓“营销变量”或“营销要素”的影响, 为了寻求一定的市场反应, 企业要对这些要素进行有效的组合,从而满足市场需求获得最大利润。营销组合实际上有几十个要素,博登提出的市场营销组合包括 12 个要素,称为12因素“营销组合”策略,即“产品计划、定价、厂牌、供销路线、人员销售、广告、促销、包装、陈列、扶持、实体分配和市场调研”。[1]后来的1960年,美国市场营销专家尤金·麦卡锡(E.J.Mccarthy)教授在人们营销实践的基础上,提出了著名的 4P营销策略组合理论。4P即产品(Product)、定价(Price)、渠道(Place)、促销(Promotion)首字母的缩写。同年,尤金·麦卡锡(E·J·Mccarthy)也对微观市场营销下了定义:市场营销是企业经营活动的职责,它将产品及劳务从生产者直接引向消费者或使用者以便满足顾客需求及实现公司利润,同时也是一种社会经济活动过程,其目的在于满足社会或人类需要,实现社会目标。[2] 二.市场营销基本理论 最初的市场营销理论并没有将无形服务和有形实体产品加以区分,直到1966年,美国的拉斯摩(John·Rathmall)教授第一次提出要用新方法研究服务的市场营销问题并要求将两者加以区分,随后在1974年专门著作一本讨论服务市场营销的书,这标志着服务市场营销理论诞生。[3]随后西方理论界又在组合理论方面出现新的进展,先后出现了以下新的理论创新。布姆斯和比特纳1981 年在原来 4P 的基础上增加了三个“服务性的 P”:参与者(Participants)有的学者也称之为人—People, 即作为服务提供者的员工和参与到服务过程中的顾客;物质环境(Physical evidence),即服务组织的环境以及所有用于服务生产过程及与顾客沟通过程的的有形物质;过程(Process),构成服务生产的程序、机制、活动流程和与顾客之间的相互作用与接触沟通,从而形成了服务营销的7Ps。[4]1986年美国著名市场营销学家菲利浦·科特勒教授提出了大市场营销策略,在原4P组合的基础上增加两个P,即权力(Power)和公共关系(Public Relations),简称6PS。随后菲利浦·科特勒又提出了11P营销理念,即在大营销6P之外加上探查、分割、优先、定位和人。同年在其著作《营销管理》中定义市场营销为:市场营销是指识别目前尚未满足的需要与欲望,估量和确定需要量的大小, 选择和决定企业服务的目标市场,并决定适当的产品、业务、计划,以便更好地为目标市场服务。[5]1994年,哈佛的赫斯凯特( Jamew·L·Heskett)等教授,在前人研究的基础上,提出了服务利润链管理理论即3R组合策略。他们研究发现市场份额对利润并没有太大的影响,而顾客忠诚度较高的服务性企业更能赢利,因而服务性企业应采用3R营销策略:尽力留住顾客(Retention)、销售顾客关注的产品和服务(Related sales)、鼓励顾客向亲友介绍其满意的消费经历(Referrals)。[6]最后是美国营销学家唐·E·舒尔兹在20世纪90年代提出4R营销组合理论,包括关联(Relevancy)、反应(Respond)、关系(Relation)、回报(Return)。[7] 菲利浦·特勒教授在1989年指出“20世的大众市场已经让位于个人市场—大规模定制”,标志着个性化市场或者说单个消费者的市场越来越受到学者和实


快速消费品促销策略分析——以康师傅方便面为例文献综 述 本科毕业设计(论文) 快速消费品促销策略分析 1 国外研究综述 国外对于促销的研究总的来说经历了4P,4C,4R三个递进式的阶段 4P理论美国营销学学者麦卡锡教授在二十世纪六十年代提出了4P营销组合即产品(Product)、价格(Price)、渠道(Place)、促销(Promotion),4P理论重视产品导向而非消费者导向,以满足时产市场需求为目标。 美国营销专家劳特鹏教授在1990年提出4c理论,他以消费者需求为导向,重新设定了市场组合的四个要素:即消费者(Consumer)成本(Cost)便利(Convenience)和沟通(Commiunication)。 21世纪伊始艾略特波登《4r营销》一书中提出4r理论以关系营销为核心,重在建立客户忠诚。他阐述了四个全新的营销组合要素即关联 (Relativity) 、反应(Reaction)关系(Relation)和回报(Retribution)。4R作为4P和4C综合提炼的结果,它满足营销的核心,而且是一个动态的过程。促销必须依据其特性,成为整合营销的有机组成部分,才能成为品牌形象、产品销售贡献最大的力量。也就是说,促销的整合是营销的新利器,是促销的最高境界。 2 国内研究综述国内对于促销的研究相对于国外来说是比较晚的,但是通过国内的学者的不断努力在促销领域的研究同样取得了一定的成果。 吴建安2007年在《市场营销学》定义到,促销是促进产品销售的总称。从市场营销的角度看,促销是企业通过人员和非人员的方式,沟通企业与消费者之间的信息,引发、刺激消费者的购买欲望,使其产生购买行为的活动。


2020市场营销本科论文参考文献参考 [1]冯英健,《网络营销基础与实践》清华大学出版社,2004,第二版.1-238. [2]钱旭#from网络营销论文参考文献来自end#潮等,《网络营销与管理》北京大学出版社,2005,第二版.61-356. [4]菲律普.科特勒,《营销管理》,上海人民出版社2003年版1-344. [6]屈云波,《营销战略策划》中国商业出版社,1994年版1-566. [7]兰苓主编,《市场营销学》,中央广播电视大学出版社2003版1-245. [8]李蔚主编,《推销革命》四川大学出版社2004版1-769. [9]李飞,《策划王》首都经济贸易大学出版社,1999年版1-566. [10]克里斯托弗?H?洛夫洛克,《服务营销》中国人民大学出版社20011-765. [1]左仁淑.关系营销:服务营销的理论基础.四川大学学 报,2004,(4):19-23 [2]科特勒,洪瑞云,梁绍明等.市场营销管理(亚洲版).第3版.北京:中国人民大学出版社,2004,15-35 [3]HeideJB,GeorgeJ.DoNormsMatterinMarketingRelationships .JournalofMarketing,1992,56(2):32-44 [4]陈绍福,徐宝瑞.现代医院创新经营.中国医院管 理,2001,21(11):60-62

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旅游营销文献综述 我国的旅游事业蓬勃发展,旅游市场营销是发展旅游事业的重要问题,本文在研究、分析我国旅游市场营销现状和存在的问题后,提出解决问题的对策,探究了旅游市场营销的合理发展趋势。 一、引言 目前,旅游业已成为全世界重要的经济产业,也是一个国际性很强的行业。随着我国改革开放和社会主义市场经济的发展,我国的旅游业蓬勃发展,然而只有出色的旅游营销策略才能将一国乃至地区、城市的旅游业推向世界。因此,为一个旅游城市做一个独特的营销策略是十分必要的。 近年来,国内外各地的旅游城市都在开拓自己的旅游市场,都在运用各种营销理论及观点(如麦卡锡的4Ps理论,劳特朋的4Cs 营销理论,谭白英提出的提出了旅游营销的新业态,郭之英的系统的旅游市场营销策略,以及林越英的入境客源市场分析,道格拉斯?皮尔斯的商务旅游的市场等等),并结合各地区的优势,纷纷推出自己的旅游产品及营销策略,使营销策略成为旅游业发展的关键因素。同时国际化的旅游城市也在这样的发展形势下日益增多,生态观光,商务活动都成为有效的营销手段之一。本文通过对各种营销理论的系统分析和综述,指出目前旅游营销现状及存在的问题,提出旅游营销的新思路。 二、旅游营销国内外研究现状及存在的问题 (一)国内市场营销及旅游业研究现状 20世纪90年代国内旅游出游人数平均每年以18.5%的增长速度发展,城镇居民和农民的出游率不断上升。随着人们生活水平的提高、可自由支配收入比重的增大,节假日的延长,闲暇时间的增多,必然会极大的促进国内旅游的发展。假日旅游的火爆就充分证明了这一点。发达国家发展旅游业的经验表明,在人均GDP达到1000美元以后,旅游的大众化、普遍化便开始迅猛发展,我国已经接近于这一临界值,说明我国的大众旅游时代很快就要到来。按国际惯例,国际旅游收入与国内收入的比例为1:8或1:9,我国目


文献综述 学院:纺织学院 班级:轻化101班 姓名:林浩 研究领域:企业营销管理 日期:2011年5月21日

摘要: 目前,我国中小企业占据了企业总数的绝大部分,但是我国中小企业的营销管理水平总体来讲还比较落后,主要表现为营销观念、营销手段、营销组织较为落后,营销人才缺乏,营销创新动力不足,营销战略缺乏理性,忽视品牌资产管理等[1]。本文主要结合企业实际,分析中小企业营销管理的现状,发现中小企业在营销管理种存在的缺陷和不足,并针对这些问题探讨如何提高中小企业营销管理水平。 关键词: 中小企业;营销管理;缺陷和不足;发展对策 引言: 中小企业的蓬勃发展是我国经济体制改革和社会主义市场经济建设的必然结果。随着国民经济的不断发展和综合国力的不断增强,我国的中小企业在营销管理方面取得了长足的进步。但是,与市场经济体制发展完善的总体趋势相比,与提升企业核心能力的客观要求相比,仍存在许多欠缺,现在各行业的竞争已经变得异常激烈,企业要使自己的产品适时打入市场并迅速扩大份额、要在市场竞争中保持差别优势并实现快速和持续发展, 企业的营销管理就显得越来越重要。 主题内容: 一、营销管理的概念及发展环境 首先,我们应该明白什么是营销,什么是营销管理。营销是一个过程, 它对商品、服务、定价、促销和分销进行计划和执行, 以创造满足个人和市场需求。营销管理是指为了实现企业或组织目标,建立和保持与目标市场之

间的互利的交换关系,而对设计项目的分析、规划、实施和控制。营销管理的实质,是需求管理,即对需求的水平、时机和性质进行有效的调解。在营销管理实践中,企业通常需要预先设定一个预期的市场需求水平,然而,实际的市场需求水平可能与预期的市场需求水平并不一致。这就需要企业营销管理者针对不同的需求情况,采取不同的营销管理对策,进而有效地满足市场需求,确保企业目标的实现。自我国在加入WTO 以来,逐步降低各种关税,包括各种设备和材料的关税,冲破了国内的价格壁垒,国外大量的先进设备和高性能的材料必将抢占我国各行业高端市场。这样,对我国的大多数企业来说,国外企业强大的竞争能力将会对我们造成一定的压力和影响。目前,国际宏观环境呈现出新特点,其中很重要的方面是世界范围内的结构调整和产业重组规模空前,外国企业正一步一步地通过各种手段进入我国各行各业,对于国内经营企业来讲,竞争也将更加激烈,全球市场正在考验我国国内生产经营能力及竞争能力[2]。 二、中小企业营销管理过程中的缺陷和不足 (一)市场营销观念和营销方法落后。目前, 大多数民营企业仍然奉行传统的生产营销、产品营销和市场推销的观念, 营销大多通过大量硬性指标和规章制度来强化营销管理, 没有专门从事市场调查和专业的营销咨询人员, 营销管理的效率不高; 在营销方法上, 以传统的随机直销、推销和订单营销为主, 忽视网络营销、绿色营销、品牌营销、整合营销等多种营销方式, 无计划、无目标地销售产品, 不仅浪费营销资源, 而且无法取得好的营销业绩。 (二) 营销组织建设落后。我国中小企业虽然数量众多、行业面广,但


《三江超市的营销现状及对策研究》 文献综述 三江超市成立于1995年。作为零售企业,自成立起,三江超市就将自身定位于“社区平价超市”,同沃尔玛一样,“便宜”是其经营原则,而“便利”是其更高目标。成立15年来,“社区平价超市”的定位使三江超市与沃尔玛等大超市以及社区便利店形成差异化竞争,在社区商业中独占鳌头。随着国内零售业市场的对外开放,大量知名品牌的连锁零售业大鳄进入中国市场,对本土的连锁超市冲击巨大,如何在激烈的竞争中,获取新的市场份额成为国内连锁模式需要探讨的问题,本文以“宁波三江超市”为例,探究适合本土连锁超市的营销模式。 一、国外超市营销现状 连锁超市经营雷同化日趋严重,彼此之间缺乏明显的差异。随着我国零售业的对外开放,国外的大型连锁超市蜂拥而入,使原本就十分激烈的竞争变得异常惨烈,很多的大型连锁超市已经陷入了生存的困境,因此,寻求新的发展出路已经成为了我国大型连锁超市必须考虑的重要问题。 Jean-Pierre教授在《连锁超市营销的盈利能力与顾客福利的关系》一文中提出,利用关系营销能够获得最大化利润,积极主动地适应营销环境,有利于提高企业的形象。在关系营销中,超市与顾客的关系占据核心地位,超市想获取利润,就必须吸引住顾客,处理好与顾客的关系。同时,要与供应商建立互惠互利的关系,使超市能够以较低的采购成本获取高质量的商品。 Ricardo教授在《大型连锁超市营销策略探讨》一文中提出,大型连锁超市进行关系营销,其实是把营销活动看作是一个企业与消费者、供应商、政府机关等发生互动作用的过程。 Orcun Aydin教授在《折扣营销对消费者购买决策影响的研究--以超市为例》中提出,建立创新的文化氛围。通过专业培训学习创新理念和成功的促销创新案例,使员工了解创新的重要性,激发员工创新能力,形成人人都创新的良好文化氛围。大型超市的促销文化要突出以人为本”,建立全方位的文化体系。转变提供单一消费优惠服务模式,同时向保健、娱乐、文化等多方位服务方向拓展,与顾客建立共
