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On holidays, many tourists visit here.Some have a look at the scenery and others come to burn incense and worship Buddha.
登上狼山之巅,即见广教寺的主体建筑群, 庙门前大观台,视野开阔,山水田野尽收眼底。 庙门两侧有对联:“长啸一声山鸣谷应,举头 四顾海阔天空”。进门就是萃景楼,是座两层 小楼,昔日为戏楼。据戏剧界人士说,这样完 好的“寺院舞台”,在全国也属罕见。穿过萃 景楼,迎面就是圆通宝殿,内供大势至菩萨, 佛像高达4.5米,是狼山寺庙中最大的佛像。 两侧塑有“十六尊者”像。殿后的支云塔建于 北宋太平兴国年间(976~983年),高35米, 五级四面为南通三塔之一(另两塔为市内的文 峰塔和光孝塔)。塔后就是著名的狼山大圣殿。 狼山大圣为唐代的释僧迦,他南游江淮,为民 医病、治水,深受爱戴。唐中宗尊他为国师, 乃一代高僧。殿内大圣菩萨身披龙袍,法相庄 严;两旁为他的弟子度慧岸和木叉。殿内终年 青烟袅袅,香雾氤氲。山下东南麓有唐代骆宾 王墓;骆是“初唐四杰”之一的著名诗人。曾 随扬州刺史徐敬业起兵反对武则天,兵败后流 亡南通。与骆墓并列的是南宋民族英雄文天祥 的僚属金应和清《五山全志》编纂者刘南庐的 墓,三墓稍上还有朝鲜爱国诗人金沧江之墓。
the Faru Hall.
法乳堂取“佛教正法滋养弟子之法身, 犹如母乳之于幼儿”之义,我们说如饮醍醐, 醍醐是牛奶的精华,这里命名法乳堂,也比 喻佛法是人间思想的精华。以滋养众生给人 智慧给人清醒。法乳堂匾额门联是已故的中 国佛教协会会长赵朴初所题,“一堂都圣哲, 万派皆朝宗”,因为法乳堂供的是佛祖释迦 摩尼像,各派都来朝拜,一堂都圣哲是因为 法乳堂两侧供奉着中国佛教史上的十八高僧 像,这十八高僧像是由中国佛教协会参与选 定,由南通籍画家范曾手绘,在北京制成陶 瓷壁画的,这也是全国唯一的。
幻公塔,为明嘉靖四十五年为纪念北宋高僧智幻而 建。智幻在太平兴国年间(那时南通刚刚建城)主 持狼山寺务,他广弘佛法,成为狼山的中兴祖师, 山顶的支云塔也是智幻和尚所建。以前南通有三座 塔,分别是狼山的支云塔,城内的文峰塔和天宁寺 塔,俗语说“南通三座塔,角分四六八,两座平地 起,一塔云中插”,三座塔分别是四角、六角、八 角,文峰塔和光孝塔造在城里,所以说平地起,山 上的支云塔造在山上,所以说云中插。传说大圣菩 萨向托塔天王李靖借塔,用扁担挑了两个,胳臂下 夹了一个,袖子里还藏一个,到狼山手忙脚乱安顿 好支云宝塔后,一不小心袖子中的塔滚了出来,一 滚滚到山腰,待拣起来一看竟然没有坏,原来是实 心宝塔,这座实心塔就是诸位面前的幻公塔。
Байду номын сангаас
Langshan is a well-known hill of Nantong City.There are 5 mountains in NanTong. Langshan is the tallest one.it is not high but very noticeable and beautiful. For thousands of years, it has been praised by a lot of artists. The Song dynasty calligrapher Mi Yuanzhang , named it “First Mountain”;What’s more, Wang An’shi , the great writer, also felt amazing after the tour of Langshan .
Langshan is 106.94 meters above sea level, is the highest one and the most graceful, with so many cultural relics. the other four mountains such as Zhongxinggongyue, Langshan became the first of these five mountains. According to a legend story, Langshan had its home on The White Wolf, but also,due to the mountain is denominated after the shape of wolves. In Song Chunhua years (990 ~ 994 A.D.) Reign Yang Jun indecent thought of the name---- The Wolf, The Wolf changed to the Lang Shan, and then mostly, because of the purple mountains of rock, so to the next following generations , the mountain is also known as The Purple Mountain Lang , Nantong City, which also got the "Purple Lang," another name for this elegant.
Overlooking the city from the Yangtze River, we can see clearly that Langshan Hill links with Junshan and Jianshan hills to the east and with Ma'an and Huangni hills to the west . Standing on the top of Langshan Hill, we can have a panoramic view of the beautiful scenery surrounding water which can extend to our horizon. The main places of interests include the Great Sage Hall and